Prepare an evaluation (5-7 pages) of an existing QI initiative to
- Prepare an evaluation (5-7 pages) of an existing QI initiative to determine if the initiative is effective.
- Introduction
Too often, discussions about quality health care, care costs, and outcome measures take place in isolation—various groups talking among themselves about results and enhancements. Nurses are critical to the delivery of high-quality, efficient health care. As a result, they must develop their skills in reviewing and evaluating performance reports. They also need to be able to communicate outcome measures related to quality initiatives effectively. Patient safety and positive institutional health care outcomes mandate collaboration among nursing staff members to ensure the integration of their perspectives in all quality care initiatives.
OverviewToo often, discussions about quality health care, care costs, and outcome measures take place in isolation—each group talking among themselves about results and enhancements. Because nurses are critical to the delivery of high-quality, efficient health care, it is essential that they develop the proficiency to review, evaluate performance reports, and be able to effectively communicate outcome measures related to quality initiatives. The nursing staff's perspective and the need to collaborate on quality care initiatives are fundamental to patient safety and positive institutional health care outcomes.
- Instructions
Imagine you have been asked to prepare and deliver an analysis of an existing QI initiative at your workplace. The QI initiative you choose to analyze should be related to a specific disease, condition, or public health issue of personal or professional interest to you, or you may use the hospice information provided in the Vila Health: Data Analysis activity in this assessment. The purpose of the report is to assess whether the specific quality indicators point to improved patient safety, quality of care, cost and efficiency goals, and other desired metrics. Your target audience is nurses and other health professionals with specializations or interest in your chosen condition, disease, or public health issue.
In your report, you will:
- Analyze a current QI initiative in a health care setting.
- Identify what prompted implementation of the QI initiative.
- Evaluate problems that arose during the initiative or problems that were not addressed.
- Evaluate the success of a current QI initiative through recognized benchmarks and outcome measures as required to meet national, state, or accreditation requirements.
- Identify the core performance measurements related to successful treatment or management of the condition.
- Evaluate the impact of the quality indicators on the health care facility.
- Incorporate interprofessional perspectives related to the success of actions used in the QI initiative as they relate to functionality and outcomes.
- Recommend additional indicators and protocols to improve and expand outcomes of a current quality initiative.
- Ensure your analysis conveys purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.
- Be sure to address all of the bullet points. You may also want to read the Quality Improvement Initiative Evaluation Scoring Guide to better understand the performance levels that relate to each grading criterion. Additionally, be sure to review the Guiding Questions: Quality Improvement Initiative Evaluation [DOCX]document for additional clarification about things to consider when creating your assessment.
Additional Requirements
Your assessment should also meet the following requirements: - Length of submission: A minimum of five but no more than seven double-spaced, typed pages, not including the title page and References section.
- Number of references: Cite a minimum of four sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your evaluation, recommendations, and plans. Current source material is defined as no older than five years unless it is a seminal work. Review the Nursing Master's Program (MSN) Library Guidefor guidance.
- APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style. Review the Evidence and APA section of the Writing Center for guidance.
- Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria: - Competency 2: Plan quality improvement initiatives in response to routine data surveillance.
- Recommend additional indicators and protocols to improve and expand outcomes of a quality initiative.
- Competency 3: Evaluate quality improvement initiatives using sensitive and sound outcome measures.
- Analyze a current quality improvement initiative in a health care setting.
- Evaluate the success of a current quality improvement initiative through recognized benchmarks and outcome measures as required to meet national, state, or accreditation requirements.
- Competency 4: Integrate interprofessional perspectives to lead quality improvements in patient safety, cost effectiveness, and work life quality.
- Incorporate interprofessional perspectives related to the success of actions utilized in a quality improvement initiative as they relate to functionality and outcomes.
- Competency 5: Apply effective communication strategies to promote quality improvement of interprofessional care.
- Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.
- Analyze a current QI initiative in a health care setting.
Quality Improvement Initiative Evaluation
Susie Mayo
Capella University
MSN FP-6016
Dr. Carolyn Morrisey
September 2020
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Quality Improvement Initiative Evaluation
Patient safety is a priority in any healthcare setting. Hospitals utilize quality improvement
(QI) initiatives to improve the quality of patient care, deliver the highest level of quality care to
our patients safely, focus on patient health outcomes while attaining cost efficiencies. The
purpose of the Quality Improvement Initiative is to first focus on patient safety and to foster a
deliberate and thoughtful approach to the provision of services by providing a common
framework for measurement, assessment, improvement, and maintenance of performance in
accordance with the corporation's mission, vision, and values (Ohio Health, 2020). Healthcare
acquired infections (HAIs) are infections patients get in the hospital while receiving care for
another condition. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (2020) states,
"the HHS has identified the reduction of HAIs as an Agency Priority Goal and is committed to
reducing the national rate of HAIs" (para.4-5).
Analyze Current Quality Improvement Initiative
Infection control and prevention interventions are at the core of the safe care concept, and
understanding a process before attempting to improve it is critical in any quality improvement
initiative. Common HAIs that patients get in hospitals include central-line associated
bloodstream infections (CLABSI), clostridium difficile (c-diff) infections, pneumonia (PNA),
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections, surgical site infections, with
catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) the most common of HAIs(The Center for
Diease Control, 2019).
The Ohio Health organization has infection prevention policies that are OhioHealth
hospital-specific policies. Ohio Health implemented a CAUTI prevention bundle, within policy
and procedures, that consists of hand hygiene, wearing personal protective equipment, use of
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disposable gloves, cleansing of urethral meatus before catheter insertion using sterile saline,
assessment of catheter need, aseptic urine sampling technique, and correct draining bag
positioning(Ohio Health, 2017). The Committee on Hospital Infection Prevention (CHIP)
oversees the planning, organization, development, and evaluation of the hospital-wide infection
control program for all Ohio Health hospitals based on the guidelines of The Joint
Commission(Ohio Health, 2017). The goal is to minimize the hazards of healthcare-associated
infections and infection potentials by instituting and maintaining measures for the prevention,
investigation, reporting, and control of infections. The neurocritical care (NCC) and intensive
care unit (ICU) population is at exceptionally high risk for catheter-associated urinary tract
infections (CAUTIs) due to length of stay, chronic disability, immobility, agitation, and
confusion(Busl, 2019). These units tend to have higher CAUTI rates in the United States (U.S.)
than other patient care units(Busl, 2019). Ohio Health NCC and ICUs have QI guidelines in
place for CAUTI prevention, but omit some of the causes that can lead to CAUTI(Ohio Health,
2017). The Center for Disease Control (CDC) (2019) reports, "many of these infections are
preventable, and common reasons that lead to HAIs are an improper use of catheters, such as
convenience, a break in sterile technique inserting a foley, improper hygiene and handwashing
by hospital staff spreading germs and bacteria from other hospitalized patients and understaffing,
which can lead to patients not receiving the attention they need for foley care leading to infection
and worsening health(pp.34-41 ).
Recognized Benchmarks and Outcome Measures
The National Healthcare Safety Network(NHSN) is the nation's most widely used
healthcare-associated infection(HAI) tracking system. Since 2009, infection data has been
reported to the NHSN to track the national progress of reducing HAIs(The U.S. Department of
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Health and Human Services,2020). Ohio Health follows guidelines set forth by The Joint
Commission and the CDC for the prevention of HAIs (G.Howard, personal communication,
September 17, 2020). Ohio Health completes monthly reporting plans, and collected outcome
data is entered using their Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Certification
Number (CCN), which is then sent directly to the NHSN HAIs tracking system(G. Reid,
personal communication, September 17, 2020). The Ohio Health NCC is compared to other
neurocritical care units(NCC) with > 15 beds in hospitals with > 500 beds, and the data is
calculated taking the number of foleys per 1000 patient days, so this accounts for our actual size
of 32 beds(G.Howard, personal communication, September 17, 2020). The expected number of
CAUTIs from July 2017 – February 2018 was 17, and Ohio Health's NCC had 32; this is about
two extra infections per month. The expected number of foley days from July 2017 – February
2018 was 3980, and the NCC had 4858, which is about 98 extra foley days a month(G. Howard,
personal communication, September 17, 2020). These numbers revealed CAUTI was higher
than the national benchmarks( (G. Howard, personal communication, September 17, 2020).
Education was heightened on the NCC unit to monitor proper hand hygiene, use of foaming
stations outside of rooms, and adequate patient foley catheter care( G.Howard, personal
communication, September 17, 2020). The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality(AHRQ)
(2015) recommends, "units identify the number of symptomatic CAUTIs attributable each
month, the CAUTI rate, and days since last CAUTI as metrics for outcome measures, so the
patient care team and administrators will be able to use NHSN data for benchmarking purposes"
(para.6-8). The AHRQ(2015), further states, "comparing your unit's CAUTI rate with other units
of the same patient type and acuity gives the team "apples to apples" information about how their
patient outcomes compare to other units" (para.8).
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Interprofessional Perspectives related to Initiative Functionality and Outcomes
Interprofessional collaboration is critical in promoting quality and safe patient care and is
fundamental for successfully delivering patient-centered care. A team approach ensures that
healthcare personnel and others who take care of catheters are given periodic in-service training
regarding techniques and procedures for urinary catheter insertion, maintenance, and
removal(Ohio Health, 2017). Provide education about CAUTI, other complications of urinary
catheterization, and alternatives to indwelling catheters. The CDC (2017) reports," this builds
consensus on current process strengths and shortcomings, and also creates team recognition of
areas of improvement targeted to a process and not at people(para.11). Ohio Health has
incorporated the CAUTI Workgroup, OhioHealth Nursing Policy, and Procedure Committee that
includes NCC, ICU nurse managers, clinical educators, chief nursing officer(CNO), and the Ohio
Health medical director(G. Howard, personal communication, September 17, 2020). The Ohio
Health CAUTI workgroup follows recommendations set forth by Refer to Perry and Potter's
Clinical Nursing Skills reference text for specific care instructions, The Joint Commission, and
the CDC(G. Howard, personal communication, September 17, 2020). This writer conducted
personal telephone communication with Gina Howard, MSN, director of Ohio Health Riverside
Methodist Hospital NCC. Gina Howard provided this writer with information about their unit
studies on CAUTI due to the patient population and the higher incidence of CAUTIs in the NCC.
This writer located policy and procedure from the Ohio Health employee websites.
Additional Indicators and Protocols to Improve/Expand Quality Outcomes
The AHRQ has initiated a Toolkit To Reduce CAUTI and Other HAIs in Long-Term Care
Facilities. This toolkit helps long-term care (LTC) facilities reduce catheter-associated urinary
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tract infection (CAUTI) and improve practices to prevent healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)
(Agency for Healthcare and Quality, 2015). The toolkit was developed during a 3-year project
that involved a national quality improvement collaborative designed to reduce CAUTIs and
enhance patient safety culture and practices in LTC facilities and provides resources to enhance
leadership and staff engagement, teamwork, and safety culture, to facilitate consistent use of
evidence-based practices(Agency for Healthcare and Quality, 2015). Ohio Health utilizes a
CAUTI prevention bundle and still found gaps in care such as breaks in sterile technique
inserting a foley, improper hygiene, and handwashing by hospital staff, and lack of proper care
due to understaffed units. The Toolkit To Reduce CAUTI and Other HAIs in Long-Term Care
Facilities may offer new protocols to improve and expand quality outcomes of the Ohio Healths
CAUTI quality initiative. Other specific process or protocol changes that may be beneficial
would be a two registered nurse(RN) insertion checklist. The purpose of the second RN is to
watch the primary RN's sterile technique. This specific process would hold staff accountable for
following a specific protocol. Both nurses would document their names in a CAUTI detailed
The creation of care bundles was one of the innovations to ensure a set of standard
interventions was performed in 100% of the patients. Even with the implementation of bundles,
team leaders and staff members must be diligent with the protocols and processes to reduce the
number of patients at risk for HAIs. Health care professionals need to be engaged in their patient
care and make care safer by following clinical best practices and creating a culture of safety.
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Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2015). Toolkit for reducing catheter-associated
urinary tract infections in hospital units: implementation guide.
Busl, K. (2019). Healthcare associated infections in the neurocritical care unit. Current
Neurology and Neuroscience Reports. Springer Link.
CDC. Healthcare infection control practices advisory committee. (2019). Guideline for
prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections 2009 [PDF]. Center for Disease
Ohio Health. (2017). Committee on Hospital Infection Prevention. Policy and Procedure.
Ohio Health. (2020). Process Improvement and Patient Safety Plan. Policy and/or Procedure.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2020). Healthcare Associated Infections.
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Quality Improvement Initiative Evaluation
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In healthcare settings, plans for process-specific quality improvement are frequently
reactive and focused on actions to improve a single process. Harmful incidents or near-misses
will serve as a wake-up call for many healthcare organizations when patient well-being is a
priority, inspiring activities to enhance care. Quality improvement projects that concentrate
on particular issues must be carefully planned to elevate the level of care and expand patient
safety. The primary focus of this paper is the quality program implemented in the author's
healthcare association to diminish pharmaceutical errors and improve healthcare safety. To
prevent pharmaceutical errors, interprofessional teams work together to pinpoint the root
causes of mistakes and implement preventative measures.
An examination of a contemporary QI project
Medication errors were common in the healthcare organization before initiating the
quality improvement (QI) program. Two mistakes that seriously hurt patients and were
exposed to the media caused the organization to face a lot of criticism. A QI program that
focuses on the issue of pharmaceutical errors was developed in response to these complaints
and the requirement to improve healthcare outcomes. Due to the high rates, a program was
established. Its primary goal was to address the causes of errors that were already occurring
to increase patient safety by reducing error rates.
The hospital board established a QI committee to begin a QI project in response to
medicinal errors. Clinical personnel, office employees, and QI coordinators made up the
interdisciplinary QI committee. Identifying the underlying causes of quality issues was the
first stage in testing, putting solutions into practice, and assessing the results. Although the
committee was established to provide a backing for overall quality, pharmaceutical errors
were its main area of interest. The Pharmaceutical Error Prioritization System (MEPS), a
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system for recording and categorizing drug errors within the healthcare system, was created
by the committee in response to medication errors. These two strategies summarize the
committee's efforts to decrease pharmaceutical errors and improve patient safety.
Even though the effort generally reduced errors, doctors found it difficult to
implement. Many doctors chose to write traditional paper-based prescriptions instead of using
the convoluted and poorly developed e-prescription system. However, changes were made
that made the system easier to use. The QI program did not look into patient experiences and
how they affect the likelihood of drug errors. Patients did not immediately benefit from the
MEPS program because it is only available to staff, even though it improved reporting and
tracking. Due to fewer drug errors, the QI effort may not have improved patient safety as
successfully as it could have. The healthcare organization must make changes to increase user
access to the QI and gather patient experiences.
Analyze a current QI initiative's performance.
The QI initiative was successful in part because fewer errors were made. Frequency
measurement is the primary yardstick for assessing quality improvement in pharmaceutical
mistakes. A 20% decrease in the reported number of medication errors was seen when
comparing medication error rates six months before and after the QI project was
implemented. Despite a trend in the right direction, it's unclear whether reporting stayed the
same. Control for reporting rates is one of the main obstacles to evaluating the efficacy of
medication error reduction, according to Donaldson et al. (2017). Perhaps fewer practitioners
than in the past have reported medication errors. The QI initiative successfully lowered the
frequency of drug errors in the company, assuming that reporting remained consistent before
and after the effort.
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Second, the method lowered the percentage of pharmaceutical errors that led to both
temporary and severe injuries. The hospital divides errors that cause no harm, inconsequential
harm, severe harm, or death into three categories. Before the experiment, 30% of all reported
errors only resulted in temporary damage in 3% of cases and severe harm in only 1% of
cases. 90% of all issues had been resolved without putting patients in danger after the project
had been in place for six months. The effort improved patient safety overall by lowering the
percentage of errors that hurt patients. It is predicted that reporting rates will remain constant
before and after the program, just like the previous benchmark.
New metrics could be added to the existing metrics to assess the project's success and
how effectively the technique was performed to increase patient safety. First, we must
ascertain the reporting rates. Practitioners must operate in a setting where reporting and
correcting errors is encouraged if the objective is to increase patient safety by minimizing
prescription errors (Morrison, Cope, & Murray, 2018). It must be a setting that encourages
higher reporting rates and is victim-free. It is necessary to have a system in place for
evaluating how well reporting is done within the company. Second, customer reviews would
benefit the business, particularly regarding how happy customers are with the healthcare
system. Patient happiness and experience with the healthcare system are closely related to
patient safety. To accurately assess the effectiveness of the QI effort, the organization must
incorporate metrics that measure patients' views of safety and quality.
Perspectives from Various Professions
A multidisciplinary team worked on the QI project and contributed to this analysis.
Clinical staff, support workers, and QI coordinators were part of the interprofessional
strategy, which focused on particular and overall health improvement goals. Members of the
clinical staff, including doctors, nurses, and pharmacists, were the first category of
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professionals to be evaluated. The feedback was primarily concerned with users' opinions of
usability and any issues they had with the QI effort. The rigidity and lengthy procedure of the
computerized prescription system, according to a nurse practitioner (NP), made it difficult to
utilize at first. However, she noted that with improvements and persistence from the
prescribing physician, the system minimized errors compared to paper-based prescription
methods. She stated that although MEPS accurately monitored errors, fewer medication
errors were not necessarily the result of its use. She also thanked the group for considering
clinical staff members' perspectives and experiences when implementing the quality
The e-prescription system has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from
support staff and QI coordinators for making identifying and eliminating drug mistakes
easier. The performance of information technology (IT) must live up to expectations, and
support employees are accountable for this. According to their perspective, effective
communication was essential for the initiative's speedy implementation. The IT team utilized
the user interface improvements as an illustration to highlight the value of clinical staff
feedback in enhancing certain system functions. The QI coordinator also spoke about the
importance of fast feedback and communication while keeping track of pharmaceutical
errors. The QI coordinator says that encouraging reporting and fostering honesty is the most
challenging problem.
The interprofessional team's observations revealed that the key issues were staff
reaction, motivation, and communication. The communication perspectives demonstrated that
the system was successful in boosting group efforts to lower pharmaceutical mistakes.
However, identifying problems with the reporting and e-prescription systems requires open
and timely communication. The healthcare organization recognized the pain in the
requirement for a strategy to promote more reporting and gauge reporting rates.
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Additional Protocols and Indicators
More indications, protocols, and technological advancements could help the QI effort.
The first suggested reform is implementing an anonymous reporting process that covers staff
and patients. It is a fundamental tenet of the healthcare system that all reports of drug < Plagiarism Free Papers
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