Develop a 5-10 year strategic plan for achieving specific health
- Develop a 5-10 year strategic plan for achieving specific health care quality and safety improvements, based on the analysis you completed in Assessment 1. Use either an AI approach or your SWOT analysis and a chosen strategic planning model.
- Introduction
Evaluation of strategic choices is important. The methods for selecting strategic alternatives help leaders organize significant issues to support decision making. However, it is important that the techniques do not make the decision. Rather, leaders should use the techniques to reveal the inherent situation and to organize their thought processes. This assessment provides you with an opportunity to evaluate and apply some of the techniques for successful strategy development and implementation.
Note: You will use your care setting environmental analysis as the basis for developing your strategic plan in this assessment.
The feedback you received on your care setting environmental analysis has been positive. Consequently, you have been asked to select one of the potential improvement projects you noted in your analysis and create a full, 5–10-year strategic plan to achieve the desired quality and safety improvement outcomes. You will develop your strategic plan, using either an AI approach (addressing the design stage), or by building on your SWOT analysis and applying a strategic planning model of your choice.
How you structure your plan should be based on whether you are taking an appreciative inquiry approach or using a specific strategic planning model. Regardless of the approach you choose, the requester of the plan has asked that you address the key points outlined below in the strategic plan requirements. In addition, your plan should be 5–8 pages in length. - As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.
Strategic planning models aid in setting goals, establishing time frames, and forging a path toward achieving those goals. Consider the strategic planning models you are familiar with:
- Which model would you choose to create goals and outcomes that could address the area of concern you identified in your Assessment 1 SWOT analysis?
- Why is this model the best choice among alternatives?
- How does goal setting through appreciative inquiry provocative propositions differ from goal setting in the strategic planning model you selected?
- Additional Requirements
Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide, so at a minimum, be sure to address each point. In addition, you are encouraged to review the performance level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.
Writing, Supporting Evidence, and APA Style
- Strategic Plan
- Develop strategic goal statements and outcomes that reflect specific quality and safety improvements for your care setting. You should have at least one short-term goal (just-in-time to one year) and one long-term goal (five years or longer).
- Determine realistic timelines for achieving your goals.
- Explain how your short-term goals support your long-term goals.
- Note: For plans based on an AI approach, the goal statements and outcomes are provocative propositions that may be refinements of the positive, yet attainable, goals that you proposed during the dream phase of your inquiry. For plans based on a SWOT analysis, the goal statements and outcomes are specific, measurable, and applicable to the area of concern in your analysis for which you proposed pursuing improvements.
- Justify the relevance of your proposed strategic goals and outcomes in relation to the mission, vision, and values of your care setting.
- Analyze the extent to which your strategic goals and outcomes, and your approach to achieving them, address:
- The ethical environment.
- The cultural environment.
- The use of technology.
- Applicable health care policies, laws, and regulations.
- Explain, in general, how you will use relevant leadership and health care theories to help achieve your proposed strategic goals and outcomes.
- Consider whether different theories are more applicable to the short-term or long-term goals of your strategic plan.
- Evaluate the leadership qualities and skills that are most important to successfully implementing your proposed plan and sustaining strategic direction.
- Identify those leadership qualities and skills that are essential to achieving your goals and outcomes and sustaining strategic direction.
- Identify those leadership qualities and skills that will have the greatest effect on the success of your plan.
- Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria: - Competency 1: Evaluate qualities and skills that promote effective leadership within health care organizations.
- Evaluate the leadership qualities and skills that will be most important to successfully implementing a strategic plan and sustaining strategic direction.
- Competency 2: Apply strategies to lead high-performing health care teams to meet organizational quality and safety goals.
- Develop strategic goal statements and outcomes that support the achievement of specific quality and safety improvements for a care setting.
- Justify the relevance of proposed strategic goals and outcomes in relation to the mission, vision, and values of a care setting.
- Competency 3: Apply cultural, ethical, and regulatory considerations to leadership decision making.
- Analyze the extent to which strategic goals and outcomes address the use of technology and the ethical, cultural, and regulatory environments.
- Competency 4: Integrate leadership and health care theories into the role of the nurse leader.
- Explain how relevant leadership and health care theories will be used to help achieve proposed strategic goals and objectives.
- Competency 5: Communicate with stakeholders and constituencies to build collaborative partnerships and create inclusive work environments.
- Communicate analyses clearly and in a way that demonstrates professionalism and respect for stakeholders and colleagues.
- Integrate relevant and credible sources of evidence to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style.
Strategic Planning: Nurse Retention
Alexandra Sanders
Capella University
NURS-FPX6210 Leadership and Management for Nurse Executives
Dr. Mary Ellen Cockerham
October 16, 2021
Strategic Planning: Nurse Retention
Strategic planning in healthcare consists of short-term and long-term goals. The goals of
an organization are set according to economic trends, government policies, and technological
advancements. Planning is essential for a health care organization to succeed (Strata, 2018).
Strategic planning allows for several entities to occur, including but not limited to increased
employee motivation and engagement, developing and sharing a vision with staff, and increased
collaboration and cooperation from staff ( Strata, 2018). Strategic planning is a systematic and
orderly process that healthcare organizations use to develop external opportunities to capture
internal goals to achieve the organization's mission and purpose while enhancing values for
involved stakeholders (Rodríguez Perera & Peiró, 2012). There are five reasons healthcare
organizations should employ strategic planning: 1) increasingly informed, educated healthcare
consumers; 2) increasingly skilled competing healthcare providers are available; 3) limited
resources available; 4)focus is shifted from healthcare provided to the satisfaction of the
consumer for financial reimbursement; 5) increase in size, needs, and complexity of the
healthcare consumers (Rodríguez Perera & Peiró, 2012). The need for nurses and retention will
continue to grow over the next five to ten years. Stakeholder needs and consumer needs will
drive the necessity of skilled nurses who are familiar with the facility. No matter what a facility
employs strategically, stakes are high in the healthcare industry—achieving goals can be the
difference between life and death (Jackson, 2020).
Strategic Plan
A pledge not to harm is sworn in health care, so it is essential not to use a strategy with
uncertainty, miscommunication, and an unstructured vision (Fobare, 2019). The Regional
Medical Center (RMC) is a small, rural hospital having issues with nurse retention. Due to high
nurse-to-patient ratios and non-competitive salaries and benefits, many nurses have left RMC to
work at other facilities. The Wound Center (WC), a department with the RMC system, has 100%
nurse retention. RMC is hoping to use the WC as a model to obtain improved nurse retention
numbers. The WC was open in 1998 and has had the original nurses and added more since its
inception. The nurses who have added to the staff express that teamwork and camaraderie are
two main reasons they stay. They receive a raise when they achieve certification, and their salary
is comparable to the other centers in the area. RMC wants to have nurse retention at a minimum
of 80% across the facility and will ask the nurses in the WC to assist them in their goal. The plan
to obtain 80% nurse retention does have barriers. Many nurses have worked at RMC and left for
a higher salary and gone where their opinions on patient care are heard. Word of mouth regarding
compensation and the nurse-to-patient ratio has hurt recruiting at RMC. Other facilities giving
sign-on, retention, and referral bonuses and having smaller nurse-to-patient ratios have also hurt
RMC's retention. The nurse retention plan will address these barriers and lend ideas on how they
can be overcome.
Using the Strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis tool, the
leadership and management teams completed an analysis at RMC. A decision was made for
patient safety and to maintain and hire quality nurses, a plan for nurse retention was devised. The
mission and values of RMC are to provide quality and compassionate care to their patients. They
serve the patient first and treat patients, families, and staff with respect. They strive to see, hear,
and believe in each other and always respond with their best (tRMC Health, n.d.).
There are two short-term goals and one long-term goal we hope to establish with this
plan. The short-term goals involve working with the board and accounting to set up sign-on
bonuses and referral bonuses for nurses and increase positions to decrease the nurse-to-patient
ratios. The long-term goal is to attain 80-90% nurse retention. The short-term goals will be
completed in six months, and the long-term goal will be accomplished in 5 to 8 years. For the
short-term goals to be reached, the following will need to be addressed:
1. Work with the board and accounting to establish a bonus plan.
2. Discuss with the leaders in the WC what they do to promote teamwork and
3. Uphold the values of RMC by hearing and believing in each other and pulling
together to increase nurse retention by improving patient safety by decreasing the
nurse-to-patient ratio.
The long-term goals will make RMC an employer of choice and have 80-90% nursing
retention. The plan will be accomplished over the next 5 to 8 years. RMC has had a poor
reputation in the community for many years related to the lack of nurses and the high patient care
ratios. Improving nurse retention will improve patient ratio numbers and, in turn, improve
morale that could be reflected in the community's opinion of the facility. Interventions for the
long-term goal will be:
1. Establish a nurse residency program. This will provide the facility with new nurses
and increase nursing satisfaction
2. Establish a school of nursing or contract with an existing school that will allow for
nurse education and give new graduates a job at the facility at graduation
3. Become a facility that offers state benefits and retirement plans to entice nurses to
The short-term goals will help the long-term goals succeed by helping make the facility a
more desirable workplace. This plan will help reduce the staffing ratios by having new nurses
available from the school and residency programs. The establishment of bonus monies will
incentivize new hires to apply and current staff to recruit nurses. A barrier to this plan will be if
RMC cannot be competitive with the other facilities in the area. The project will not succeed if
RMC cannot meet or exceed the bonuses other facilities offer or meet the staffing ratios.
Strategic Goals and Outcomes
Using the Strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis tool, the
leadership and management teams completed an analysis at RMC. A decision was made for
patient safety and to maintain and hire quality nurses, a plan for nurse retention was devised. The
mission and values of RMC are to provide quality and compassionate care to their patients. They
serve the patient first and treat patients, families, and staff with respect. They strive to see, hear,
and believe in each other and always respond with their best (tRMC Health, n.d.). The short- and
long-term goals established fall in line with the mission and values of RMC. The proposed plan
is to improve ethical issues by utilizing evidence-based practice. The project can increase nurse
retention by giving bonuses, making safer patient ratios, and establishing programs to educate
and place new nurses. By creating the school and residency program, the students can be directly
taught the mission and values of RMC. The long-term goals will require 5 to 8 years to complete,
given RMC has not had a residency program before, so there are gaps in how to start this, and
establishing a school will potentially require new buildings and instructors to teach.
Strategic goals and outcomes address the use of technology and affect cultural, ethical,
and regulatory environments. The ethical environment can be addressed by identifying if any
ethical problems are seen frequently at the facility, educate and encourage the staff to seek out
the ethics/risk management teams as they need, support a positive ethical environment by having
policies and guidelines, and promote open discussions and an atmosphere that is caring and non-
threatening to staff. Ethics in nursing requires receiving and providing support to increase the
capacity to practice and discuss ethics day-to-day (Makaroff et al., 2014).
Cultural environment refers to the backgrounds of the nurses, in this aspect, that will be
employed. This includes race, gender, religion, culture, and sexual orientation. RMC is in a
predominantly African American community. Cultural awareness programs and staff training,
promoting cultural competence, and identifying specific areas to target staff development efforts
and leadership training can make RMC more culturally sensitive (McElroy et al., 2016). Having
a culture of equality and showing that all staff that meets criteria are considered for advancement
in the facility offers a culture of opportunity for all. When nurses feel as if they are not
competing with one another and that there is a culture of equality, they feel at home in the
Investing in improved nursing work environments, such as technology, is crucial to
retaining nurses (Van den Heede et al., 2013). Having the most technologically advanced
equipment can be an incentive for nurses to stay. Having a computer system and electronic
medical record system, and charting system that is user-friendly and easy to navigate increases
nurse satisfaction. RMC has a state-of-the-art documentation system that is easy to navigate and
well known throughout the nursing realm. They have a well-rounded technology department and
have nurses on staff who help, create and improve the documentation system. Having all this
extra assistance for nursing staff can help create an environment of progress and lead to less
frustration, therefore helping with retention.
Policies and procedures for hiring and retention go in line with the mission and values of
the facility. With values like see, hear and believe in each other (tRMC Health n.d.), nurse
retention policies reflect those values. The delivery of high-quality care, policies, and regulation
needs to reflect what is required to keep nurses. Policies related to self-scheduling can be
enticing to nurses to stay at the facility. Policies regarding paid time off, medical leave, and
retirement that are accessible to nurses allow them to see some of the benefits of staying at the
facility. When staff feels they have access to support, resources, and information to succeed in
their role, they are more likely to think that organizational policies are intended to benefit them.
Therefore they will be more committed to accomplishing corporate goals and stay in their jobs
(Wilson, 2005).
Leadership and Healthcare Theories
For RMC to attain the 80-90% nurse retention goal, leaders must have the skills to
motivate, empower, communicate, inspire, and create a positive work environment. Leaders need
to create a mission and vision, mandate, develop and transform the organization and its staff,
create a positive environment, and adapt to future changes and needs (Kumar et al., 2014).
Leadership will need to meet with the planning committee to identify any changes or
modifications that need to be made to the plan based on their nursing staff's response to questions
regarding what makes them stay or want to leave the facility.
For the nurse retention plan to be successful, the leadership style employed is
Transformational leadership. Transformational leaders are team-centric. It is necessary to have
nursing retention and base it on what the WC could do, showing teamwork, inspiring staff,
collaborating, and being inclusive (DiFranza, 2019). Transformational leaders are understanding;
they bring everyone together and help define goals (DiFranza, 2019). Transformational leaders
gain the trust of their staff; they look to improve the staff's skills and self-esteem. This type of
leader can lead their team through change more successfully (Giltinane, 2013).
For this nurse retention plan, a transformation leader will help the group reach their goal
of 80-90% nurse retention because they will work with the group and with each individual in the
group. Transformation leaders recognize strengths and weaknesses within the group and the
individuals in the group. Having a leader who motivates and inspires the group leads to 80-90%
The healthcare theory that could best benefit this project is utilization management. It is
a proactive approach to managing health care. This plan needs to be proactive in that nurse
retention is critical to patient care, safety, and quality of care. Utilization management looks at
the organization's priorities, conducts research, and determines who will benefit from decisions.
All this information allows management to set appropriate goals and evaluate and develop
policies and guidelines (Lewis, n.d).
Surveys will be given to staff members asking about their thoughts on the organization,
why they stay, and what factors cause them to leave. This would be strictly anonymous, and later
the planning group would meet to discuss the findings. Leadership would then also go to local
nursing schools and job fairs in the community to recruit staff and have the new framework for
nurse retention to show the changes being made to entice nurses to stay at RMC.
The nurse retention plan modeled from the WC and expanded to include all RMC shows
the staff that they are essential to RMC and essential for living up to the mission and values
RMC has shared with the community. Creating a plan to increase nurse retention increases nurse
satisfaction. The community can better trust the facility, and nursing staff will stay because they
receive the same benefits that other facilities give to the team. Working together with nursing
and management, listening to staff, and providing them with comparable salaries, bonuses, and
benefits will increase nurse retention and, therefore, increase nurse recruitment. RMC will follow
its mission and values of delivering high-quality care to the community and seeing, hearing, and
believing in the staff that cares for the community.
DiFranza, A. (2019, March 27). Transformational leadership: How to inspire innovation in the
Fobare, L. (2019, April 3). 5 strategic planning best practices in hospital management.
Giltinane, C. L. (2013). Leadership styles and theories. Nursing Standard, 27(41), 35–39.
Jackson, T. (2020, January 21). The balanced scorecard in healthcare. ClearPoint Strategy.
Kumar, S., Deoki, N., & Adhish, V. (2014). Introduction to strategic management and leadership
for health professionals. Indian Journal of Community Medicine, 39(1), 13.
Lewis, J. (n.d.). Types of health care management theories.
Makaroff, K., Storch, J., Pauly, B., & Newton, L. (2014). Searching for ethical leadership in
nursing. Nursing Ethics, 21(6), 642–658.
McElroy, J., Smith-Miller, C., Madigan, C., & Li, Y. (2016, March). Cultural awareness among
nursing staff at an academic medical center.
Rodríguez Perera, F., & Peiró, M. (2012). Strategic planning in healthcare organizations. Revista
Española de Cardiología (English Edition), 65(8), 749–754.
Strata. (2018, December 1). Why strategic planning is important in healthcare.
tRMC Health. (n.d.). Mission Statement.
Van den Heede, K., Florquin, M., Bruyneel, L., Aiken, L., Diya, L., Lesaffre, E., & Sermeus, W.
(2013). Effective strategies for nurse retention in acute hospitals: A mixed method study.
International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50(2), 185–194.
Wilson, A. (2005). Impact of management development on nurse retention. Nursing
Administration Quarterly, 29(2), 137–145.
- Introduction
- Strategic Plan
- Strategic Goals and Outcomes
- Environments
- Leadership and Healthcare Theories
- Conclusion
- References
Strategic Planning Scoring Guide
Develop strategic goal statements and outcomes that support the achievement of specific quality and safety improvements for a care setting.
Does not develop goal statements and outcomes.
Develops goal statements and outcomes, but they are not strategic, are not realistic, or they do not support the achievement of specific quality and safety improvements for a care setting.
Develops strategic goal statements and outcomes that support the achievement of specific quality and safety improvements for a care setting.
Develops strategic goal statements and outcomes that support the achievement of specific quality and safety improvements for a care setting, and impartially considers potential barriers.
Justify the relevance of proposed strategic goals and outcomes in relation to the mission, vision, and values of a care setting.
Does not justify proposed strategic goals and outcomes in relation to the mission, vision, and values of a care setting.
Attempted justification of the proposed strategic goals and outcomes lacks relevance to the mission, vision, or values of a care setting.
Justifies the relevance of proposed strategic goals and outcomes in relation to the mission, vision, and values of a care setting.
Justifies the relevance of proposed strategic goals and outcomes in relation to the mission, vision, and values of a care setting, and identifies areas of uncertainty or knowledge gaps.
Analyze the extent to which strategic goals and outcomes address the use of technology and the ethical, cultural, and regulatory environments.
Does not analyze the extent to which strategic goals and outcomes address the use of technology and the ethical, cultural, and regulatory environments.
Attempts to analyze the extent to which strategic goals and outcomes address the use of technology and the ethical, cultural, and regulatory environments, but misses one or more of the aspects listed.
Analyzes the extent to which strategic goals and outcomes address the use of technology and the ethical, cultural, and regulatory environments.
Analyzes the extent to which strategic goals and outcomes address the use of technology and the ethical, cultural, and regulatory environments. Impartially considers the limitations of the goals and outcomes.
Explain how relevant leadership and health care theories will be used to help achieve proposed strategic goals and objectives.
Does not explain how relevant leadership and health care theories will be used to help achieve proposed strategic goals and objectives.
Explains how leadership and health care theories will be used to help achieve proposed strat Plagiarism Free Papers
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