You are a new faculty member, and, along with Dr. John Becker, you have just been assigned to start a 2-year term on the Curriculum Committee.
DQ1 Assessment, Evaluation, and Grading
Welcome to the Chamberlain College of Nursing Curriculum Committee. You are a new faculty member, and, along with Dr. John Becker, you have just been assigned to start a 2-year term on the Curriculum Committee. The committee chair is Dr. Janet Stewart. Dr. Nancy Smith and Dr. Patricia Huber are in their second year of serving. Your school is facing a reaccreditation next year, and the dean has charged the committee with writing the school’s self-study. This will involve summarizing the state of your school based on an assessment of student learning, an evaluation of the school’s strengths and challenges, and a plan for continuing improvement.
The committee meets in the president’s conference room in the Nightingale building, an indication of how important the work of this committee is. Being new, John asks an interesting question: “Why can’t we just look at the grades we give students to see what they have learned? They tell us whether the student passes or fails. Why does the faculty have to waste time on all of this paperwork?” What would you tell him?
DQ2 Levels of Outcomes
Dr. Susan Peterson has been on the Curriculum Committee for a year. In preparation for the accreditation visit, she has been charged with making sure that the outcomes for the BSN courses are aligned with the Program Outcomes as well as the lesson objectives, test blueprints, and assignments. She also wants to make sure the levels of outcomes reflect the levels of your curriculum, from simple to complex. How will you approach this task?
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 2 Discussion
DQ1 Reliability and Validity of Grading
The dean visits the Curriculum Committee and has a concern because students have been complaining that the grading in the Level 2 medical-surgical course is unfair. They say a student’s grade on a paper is dependent on which faculty member does the grading. What would you recommend to the faculty to improve the reliability and validity of their grading? In what way is this problem an ethical and legal issue?
DQ2 Competency-Based Assessment
The university has identified several general education competencies for the college graduate, such as critical thinking, information literacy, communication ability, and mathematical ability. The Curriculum Committee decides to review its outcome statements for the nursing curriculum and provide comparable competency statements for nursing graduates. Dr. Stewart asks the committee members to meet and each bring a definition of competency, comparing competency statements with outcome statements. Then she asks each member to identify and defend at least two priority competencies for graduates of the BSN. What will you bring to the meeting? Include your reasoning for this decision.
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 3 Discussion
DQ1 Legal and Ethical Issues
The dean points out to the Curriculum Committee that developing curriculum is rife with legal and ethical issues, particularly when examined from the point of view of the school’s stakeholders. Who are these stakeholders, and what do you think would be important legal and ethical issues?
DQ2 Assessing Program Outcomes
As a committee, your dean has challenged you to demonstrate the extent to which your students are meeting the following Program Outcomes.
Provide holistic care based on knowledge from the arts and sciences.
Collaborate with other healthcare members to provide evidence-based nursing care.
Communicate effectively in all modalities.
Use critical thinking in clinical situations.
Consider legal and ethical aspects of nursing care.
Select one outcome, and recommend at least two ways faculty could assess whether students have met those outcomes. Discuss an advantage and a disadvantage of each of these assessment methods.
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 4 Discussion
DQ1 Multiple Choice vs. Other Forms of Testing
Faculty members at Chamberlain favor multiple choice questions in their courses. Why do you think this is true? What should the Curriculum Committee say and do to encourage the faculty to use other forms of testing?
DQ2 Test Blueprints
Based on student complaints about examinations at all levels, the Curriculum Committee decides that it is time to adopt the use of test blueprints. Convince the faculty that all this work will be advantageous for students and faculty alike. What are some advantages and disadvantages of using test blueprints? Can you think of any other uses for these assessment planning tools?
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 5 Discussion
DQ1 Test Banks
One of the Curriculum Committee members proposed using only the test banks that come with the program’s textbooks. How should the Curriculum Committee respond? How do you plan to develop your own test banks for your courses?
DQ2 Item Analysis
Students are protesting several questions on a unit examination. To address their concerns ethically, how should the faculty analyze their exams? What are important components of item analysis, and what is your philosophy on handling questionable test items?
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 6 Discussion
DQ1 Letter Grades Versus Pass-Fail in Clinical Grading
In reviewing the curriculum, the Curriculum Committee faces one of the most difficult issues for undergraduate nursing faculty: how to grade clinical performance. As a committee member, do you favor giving letter grades for clinical experiences, or are you in favor of using pass or fail grades only? How are formative and summative assessment related to this issue?
DQ2 Regulation and Accreditation
Since you and Dr. Becker are new to the Curriculum Committee, you need to become familiar with the regulation and accreditation of nursing programs. What are the differences between educational regulation and accreditation, and what are each looking for? Who is responsible for each function? Finally, what is the role of the U.S. Department of Education in overseeing higher education?
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 7 Discussion
DQ1 Preparation for the NCLEX® Exam
The Curriculum Committee is struggling with another issue in nursing education. The dean is very concerned about achieving a high NCLEX® pass rate; though, so far your school is above 90%.
Think outside the box. Recognizing that part of your plan will be to offer students standardized exams, what are additional methods you can use to prepare students for the NCLEX® exam? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using these methods in comparison to using standardized examinations? Please read this document before tackling this discussion question.National League for Nursing (2010). High stakes testing. Retrieved from
DQ2 Systematic Evaluation Plans
Your school is getting closer to the reaccreditation visit, and you are hearing a lot about the BSN systematic evaluation plan. What are the components of the systematic evaluation plan, how is it used to assure that the needs of the school’s stakeholders are met, and why should faculty be involved in its development?
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 8 Discussion
The Faculty Role in Assessment and Evaluation
Now that you have served on a Curriculum Committee, describe your future roles in learning assessment, overall program evaluation, and communicating with important stakeholders.
How will you use the concepts you have learned in this course to identify, guide and evaluate your final MSN practicum project?
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 3 Assignment
Application Exercise 1
Purpose: In this assignment, the student assumes the role of an educator in the academic or staff development practice setting. In this assignment, the student is given the opportunity to identify a content area; develop a written assignment related to the content area; and design a grading rubric consistent with the assignment.
Course Outcomes:
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO 1: Employ evidence-based assessment and evaluation strategies that are appropriate for culturally diverse learners. (POs 1, 3, 5)
CO 3: Apply measurement theory to the research process, construction and use of evidence-based educational evaluation instruments. (POs 4, 5)
Students are given the opportunity to request an extension on assignments for emergent situations. Supporting documentation must be submitted to the assigned faculty. If the student’s request is not approved, the assignment is graded and a late penalty is applied as follows:
Monday = 10% of total possible point reduction
Tuesday = 20% of total possible point reduction
Wednesday = 30% of total possible point reduction
If the student’s request is approved, the student will be informed of the revised due date. Should the student fail to meet the revised due date, the assignment is graded and a late penalty is applied as follows:
Monday = 10% of total possible point reduction
Tuesday = 20% of total possible point reduction
Wednesday = 30% of total possible point reduction
Total Points Possible: 175 Points
Description of the Assignment:
This assignment provides the student with the opportunity to acquire skills related to the creation of a written assignment for a selected content area. The written assignment guidelines include learning objectives as well as required content. After designing the written assignment, the student will design a grading rubric consistent with the developed assignment guidelines. It is important to recall that the MSN student assumes the role of a nurse educator and is developing the assignment along with the grading rubric for learners who are either in the academic or staff development practice setting. When the following NR 523 guidelines mentions “learner”, it refers to the learner who is the focus of the MSN student-identified assignment and rubric.
Criteria for Content
Identification of content area: In this section the MSN student identifies the content area to be the focus of the proposed written assignment. It includes the following required elements:
Identify the selected content area for the assignment
Identify the learner that the assignment is designed for
Explain the importance of the selected content area to the learner
Development of assignment outcomes: This section identifies the learner outcomes for the MSN student-developed assignment. It includes the following required elements:
Identify 4 assignment outcomes/objectives appropriate to the learner and content area
Identify the level of knowledge stated in each outcome by using Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
Develop two of assignment outcomes/objectives at the evaluating or creating level of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
Present an action verb that is consistent with the selected Bloom’s Taxonomy level
Include within each outcome an observable learner behavior that can be measured
Development of assignment guidelines: This section identifies specific guidelines or instructions for the learner. It includes the following required elements:
Purpose of the assignment
Points for the assignment
Specific instructions to the learner regarding the required content for the assignment
Specific instructions to the learn regarding the required formatting requirements for the assignment
Development of grading rubric: The section identifies the grading rubric to be used in order to evaluate the learner’s assignment. It includes the following required elements:
Identify an grading scale than includes percentages for A, B, C, D, and F
Development of a grading rubric that identifies learner expectations for each grade level
Preparing the Assignment
Criteria for Format and Special Instructions
Cover page is required
Section headings are required and should be consisting with this assignment requirements
The required level of knowledge using Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy is noted after each assignment outcome/objective in parenthesis.
A reference list is not needed unless a citation is provided, which is not expected.
The required grading rubric should consist of the following columns and rows.
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 5 Assignment
Application Exercise 2
This assignment is designed to provide the MSN student the opportunity to apply Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to the development of a test blueprint as well as the construction of test items. Using the provided information about a course, the MSN student will developed a test blueprint that reflects Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy at a minimum of 4 different cognitive levels including the higher level. From this test blueprint, the MSN student will then develop multiple choice and alternative formatted test items.
Course Outcomes:
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO1: Employ evidence-based assessment and evaluation strategies that are appropriate for culturally diverse learners. (POs 1, 3, 5)
CO2: Demonstrate care, professional and ethical values with application of assessment and evaluation processed to enhance scholarship, teaching, and learning outcomes. (POs 2, 4)
CO3: Apply measurement theory to the research process, construction and use of evidence-based educational evaluation instruments. (POs 4, 5)
Due Date: Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week Five
Students are given the opportunity to request an extension on assignments for emergent situations. Supporting documentation must be submitted to the assigned faculty. If the student’s request is not approved, the assignment is graded and a late penalty is applied as follows:
Monday = 10% of total possible point reduction
Tuesday = 20% of total possible point reduction
Wednesday = 30% of total possible point reduction
If the student’s request is approved, the student will be informed of the revised due date. Should the student fail to meet the revised due date, the assignment is graded and a late penalty is applied as follows:
Monday = 10% of total possible point reduction
Tuesday = 20% of total possible point reduction
Wednesday = 30% of total possible point reduction
Total Points Possible: 225 points
Description of the Assignment
For this assignment, the MSN student will used the following course titled “Comfort Care of Adults” and the identified course outcomes.
Course Description: Comfort Care of Adults
Emphasis is on delivery of comfort care to adult clients experiencing acute alterations in health. Students will assess client needs, plan appropriate interventions based on evidence, implement interventions according to accepted standards of nursing care and evaluate effectiveness of care though an evidenced based nursing framework.
Course Objectives:
Incorporates knowledge from the biological and behavioral sciences, and the liberal arts to plan for care of clients.
Applies knowledge of lifespan development, culture, and economic status to provide holistic care to clients with specific alterations in health.
Utilizes the nursing process as a framework for decision making in caring for adult clients in acute care settings.
Demonstrates competence in calculating medication dosages.
Prioritize evidence based practices for incorporation in the plan of care of clients with alterations in health.
Based on the above information, develop a test blueprint for one possible module in the above course. Modules could be on a specific disease or process (i.e. respiratory diseases, post-op patients, etc.) or on medication administration. You could also focus on an age group (i.e. commonly occurring health alterations of elderly).
Criteria for Content
Development of test blueprint: In this section, the MSN student will develop a test blueprint for one module in the “Comfort Care of Adults” course. Please use the Test Blueprint Template. The required sections are noted to be:
Identification of 5 content areas to be placed in the Test Blueprint Template
Allot points for each content area for the appropriate verb (i.e. column heading)
Total points for each row and column
Development of multiple choice items: In this section, the MSN student will develop multiple choice test items consistent with the cognitive levels of the developed test blueprint. The require sections are noted to be:
Ten multiple choice items are consistent with the test blueprint cognitive level
Identify the cognitive level of the multiple choice item using Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
Identify the Course Outcome and content area that the test item refers to
Wording of the STEM is consistent with the identified cognitive level and item writing best practices
Wording of options/distractors are consistent with item writing best practices
Development of alternative items: In this section, the MSN student will develop alternative test items consistent with the cognitive levels of the developed test blueprint. The required elements for this section are noted to be:
Five (5) alternative test items are constructed
At least two different types of alternative test items are presented
Each alternative item is identified as to its item type
Each alternative item is identified for its cognitive level using Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
Identify the Course Outcome and content area that the test item refers to
Wording of the alternative item is consistent with best practices for item writing
Preparing the Assignment
Criteria for Format and Special Instructions
When allotting points for each content area to the verb (i.e. column heading), decide which course outcome verb is most important for the content area and then assignment more points. For example if you think that Course Outcome verb #2 is more important than Course Outcome verb #1, you would allot more points to Course Outcome verb #2. Please note: you do NOT have to allot points to each cell.
The examination that the MSN student is preparing is a 75 point test. You will be writing 15 test items so each item it worth 5 points.
The assignment requires the use of the Test Blueprint Template.
Fifteen test items must be developed by the MSN student. The items must consistent with the cognitive level noted in the test blueprint.
Of the fifteen items, 10 (ten) must be multiple choice questions each with a stem and 4 (four) options/distractors. The remaining 5 (five) items must be alternative test items (i.e. true/false, fill-in-blank, etc.). Within the 5 (five) alternative test items, 2 (two) different types of alternative items must be demonstrated.
A reference list is not needed unless a citation is provided, which is not expected.
Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page (if needed) must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.
Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.
This assignment must be submitted to TurnItIn™, as required by the TurnItIn™ policy. A Similarity Index of 24% or less must be obtained; this is the benchmark for CCN graduate nursing students. Any other level of similarity index requires the student to revise the assignment before the due date and time. To allow sufficient time for revision, early submission of the assignment to TurnItIn™ is highly encouraged. The final submission will be graded by faculty. If a TurnItin™ report indicates that plagiarism has occurred, the Academic Integrity policy will be followed.
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 7 Assignment
Application Exercise 3
The purpose of this assignment is to help students apply information regarding item analysis. Students are provided an item analysis as well as test questions. Upon considering the item analysis information, each students makes a decision to either retain the item or revise it. Students revise the item while demonstrating best practices regarding test item construction.
Students are given the opportunity to request an extension on assignments for emergent situations. Supporting documentation must be submitted to the assigned faculty. If the student’s request is not approved, the assignment is graded and a late penalty is applied as follows:
Monday = 10% of total possible point reduction
Tuesday = 20% of total possible point reduction
Wednesday = 30% of total possible point reduction
If the student’s request is approved, the student will be informed of the revised due date. Should the student fail to meet the revised due date, the assignment is graded and a late penalty is applied as follows:
Monday = 10% of total possible point reduction
Tuesday = 20% of total possible point reduction
Wednesday = 30% of total possible point reduction
Total Points Possible: 175
Description of the assignment:
A printout of an item analysis for a 45-item test on HIV/AIDs, along with the corresponding test questions is found in Course Resources. This assignment has two elements. First the overall reliability of the examination is considered and then the item analysis of specific questions. Within the item analysis document, there are nine highlighted test questions (Questions 1 – 8 and 45). These highlighted test questions are the items to be individually analyze. The analysis of selected test questions consists of two major elements:
Using item analysis numerical results
Appling best practices regarding item construction
Using the Item Analysis Template (found in Course Resources), the student, first, examines the overall reliability of the test and make suggestions for improvement. Following the required review of overall test reliability, the student will examine the required test items (Questions 1 – 8 and 45); individually. The analysis includes consideration of numerical item analysis results AND if the selected test question demonstrated best practices regarding item construction. The student will then provide a decision whether he/she would retain or revise the item. If the student’s decision is that the item should be revised, the student identifies suggestion (s) to improve the item as well as re-writing the test question to be consistent with base practices of item construction. For this assignment the desired difficulty index is .70 – .80 for most questions. The desired discrimination index value is .30 or greater. There are no mastery items on this examination. A cover page and running head are required. If a reference is used, you must provide a reference list.
Criteria for content:
Review of the reliability of the entire examination: In this section the MSN student reviews the reliability results of the entire examination. It includes the following required elements:
Explain what is meant by test reliability
Identify the name of the statistical test used in the item analysis to determine overall test reliability
Identify the overall test reliability
Provide a discussion if the overall test reliability is sufficient or if improvement is necessary
Identify 2 (two) ways/methods to improve the overall test reliability
Analysis for Individual Test Questions: For each of the nine identified test questions (items 1 – 8 and 45), the student will identify and discuss:
If the question violates any principle of item writing (i.e. does it ask a question, are there any tips to the correct answer, etc.)
If the question has a poor difficulty index
If the question has a poor discrimination index
If the question should be retained as written or revised
If you selected “revision”, describe ALL of the revisions that are needed
If you selected “remain”, state why the question is good to use
Preparing the paper
Criteria for Format and Special Instructions:
The use of the Item Analysis Template is required. It is found within Course Resources.
A reference page is required if a reference is cited. APA current edition is required.
Review of the reliability of the entire examination
Required content for this section includes:
· Explain what is meant by test reliability
· Identify the name of the statistical test used in the item analysis to determine overall test reliability
· Identify the overall test reliability
· Provide a discussion if the overall test reliability is sufficient or if improvement is necessary
· Identify 2 (two) ways/methods to improve the overall test reliability
Question One
Required content for this section includes:
· Identifies if the question violates any principle of item writing (i.e. does it ask a question, are there any tips to the correct answer, etc.)
· Identifies if the question has a poor difficulty index
· Identifies if the question has a poor discrimination index
· Identifies if the question should be retained as written or revised
· If you selected “revision”, describe ALL of the revisions that are needed
· If you selected “remain”, state why the question is good to use
Question Two
Required content for this section includes:
· Identifies if the question violates any principle of item writing (i.e. does it ask a question, are there any tips to the correct answer, etc.)
· Identifies if the question has a poor difficulty index
· Identifies if the question has a poor discrimination index
· Identifies if the question should be retained as written or revised
· If you selected “revision”, describe ALL of the revisions that are needed
· If you selected “remain”, state why the question is good to use
Required content for this section includes:
· Identifies if the question violates any principle of item writing (i.e. does it ask a question, are there any tips to the correct answer, etc.)
· Identifies if the question has a poor difficulty index
· Identifies if the question has a poor discrimination index
· Identifies if the question should be retained as written or revised
· If you selected “revision”, describe ALL of the revisions that are needed
· If you selected “remain”, state why the question is good to use
Question Four
Required content for this section includes:
· Identifies if the question violates any principle of item writing (i.e. does it ask a question, are there any tips to the correct answer, etc.)
· Identifies if the question has a poor difficulty index
· Identifies if the question has a poor discrimination index
· Identifies if the question should be retained as written or revised
· If you selected “revision”, describe ALL of the revisions that are needed
· If you selected “remain”, state why the question is good to use
Question Five
Required content for this section includes:
· Identifies if the question violates any principle of item writing (i.e. does it ask a question, are there any tips to the correct answer, etc.)
· Identifies if the question has a poor difficulty index
· Identifies if the question has a poor discrimination index
· Identifies if the question should be retained as written or revised
· If you selected “revision”, describe ALL of the revisions that are needed
· If you selected “remain”, state why the question is good to use
Question Six
Required content for this section includes:
· Identifies if the question violates any principle of item writing (i.e. does it ask a question, are there any tips to the correct answer, etc.)
· Identifies if the question has a poor difficulty index
· Identifies if the question has a poor discrimination index
· Identifies if the question should be retained as written If you selected “revision”, describe ALL of the revisions that are needed
· If you selected “remain”, state why the question is good to use
Question Seven
Required content for this section includes:
· Identifies if the question violates any principle of item writing (i.e. does it ask a question, are there any tips to the correct answer, etc.)
· Identifies if the question has a poor difficulty index
· Identifies if the question has a poor discrimination index
· Identifies if the question should be retained as written or revised
· If you selected “revision”, describe ALL of the revisions that are needed
· If you selected “remain”, state why the question is good to use
Question Eight
Required content for this section includes:
· Identifies if the question violates any principle of item writing (i.e. does it ask a question, are there any tips to the correct answer, etc.)
· Identifies if the question has a poor difficulty index
· Identifies if the question has a poor discrimination index
· Identifies if the question should be retained as written or revised
· If you selected “revision”, describe ALL of the revisions that are needed
· If you selected “remain”, state why the question is good to use
Question Nine
Required content for this section includes:
· Identifies if the question violates any principle of item writing (i.e. does it ask a question, are there any tips to the correct answer, etc.)
· Identifies if the question has a poor difficulty index
· Identifies if the question has a poor discrimination index
· Identifies if the question should be retained as written or revised
· If you selected “revision”, describe ALL of the revisions that are needed
· If you selected “remain”, state why the question is good to use
APA Format current edition
Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.
One deduction for each type of APA style error
Writing Mechanics
Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual.
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 2 Quiz
Question 1 (TCO 3) You are working with your colleague, Dr. Hunt, on a 100-point examination related to neonatal nursing. In the past, students have complained that this exam does not cover what has been taught in the classroom. What is the first thing you would say when deciding to improve the exam?
“We should examine our test blueprint to make sure we are basing our questions on the course objectives.”
“Maybe we need to decrease the number of chapters we are requiring students to read to prepare for the exam.”
“We should see how the scores on this exam relate to our standardized-exam scores.”
“We need to look at the types of questions we are asking. Maybe we need more multiple choice questions.”
Question 2 (TCO 1) A student complains about the grade the student was awarded on a writing assignment. The student asks you to look at the paper again and reassign a grade. What should you do?
Tell the student that the assignment was graded with the rubric that had been provided in advance but that you have provided some feedback on the paper that should be helpful.
Tell the student that he is out of bounds by asking this question and should accept the grade he received.
Allow the student to rewrite the assignment, because he may not have understood the criteria.
Figuring you may have missed something the first time, review the writing assignment and find a few places to award more points.
Question 3 (TCO 3) Your department chair has noted that the alpha reliability of your last two 20-item exams was rather low. What is the most important thing that you should consider when you evaluate your test?
Examine the quality of your test items.
Ask yourself whether the questions should be easier.
Make the examination a little longer.
Ask whether the questions should be more difficult.
Question 4 (TCO 1) You and your colleagues teach different sections of the same course. Someone suggested, “I think we all need to agree on a common grading rubric for this paper.” What should be your response?
“I like this idea because everyone having the same expectations is more valid.”
“I don’t think we should do this because we have academic freedom.”
“But what if we each have different expectations for the paper?”
“I’m thinking of an entirely different assignment for this unit, and I don’t want to require a paper.”
Question 5 (TCO 3) The alpha reliability of your most recent exam was 0.31. What is your conclusion?
The test should be revised based on an evaluation of test items.
Nothing needs to be done about this exam because the alpha reliability was 0.31.
The test should be revised because the score is higher than it should be.
This score is adequate, and it shows that the questions on the exam are related.
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 3 Quiz
Question 1(TCO 1) Your colleague is upset with students because they didn’t complete their readings for today’s lesson. The colleague says, “I am going to surprise them with a pop quiz tomorrow.”
“I am going to report you to the Dean if you do that. You’re going to get us a bad reputation!”
“From what I understand about the purpose of a Syllabus, you cannot add a new expectation in the middle of a course.”
“I wish I could do that, but I am afraid that I will get too many complaints.”
“That’s a good idea because it will get their attention. I think they are getting a little complacent.”
Question 2(TCOs 2 and 3) Your Curriculum Committee members are anxious to incorporate critical thinking into the curriculum. What is the most foundational action you can pursue to meet this goal?
Teach students to go online to find rationales for nursing interventions before providing care.
Make sure that all simulations in the curriculum require students to complete a comprehensive care plan.
Use Socratic questioning to make sure students are understanding the assessment parameter, risk factors, and rationale for nursing interventions.
Evaluate whether your learning outcomes are increasingly complex as students progress from Week 1 to Week 4.
Question 3(TCO 1) Your Dean has asked faculty members to suggest community members who are qualified to serve on the college’s advisory committee. The following people come to mind. What type of person would you exclude from the committee?
A nurse executive from a local hospital who is an alumnus of the school
The physical therapist who owns a local home healthcare company
A retired nurse who happens to be married to a physician
The physician who is in charge of the local public health department
Question 4 TCO 3) The faculty meet to prepare for an impending nursing school reaccreditation. The Dean challenges them: “We need to be able to demonstrate whether students have met our program outcomes. What do you suggest?” Which response is the best stance for you to take?
“All they need to do is look at our grades. If they pass the course, they have met program outcomes.”
“Ideally, we should apply rubrics related to each learning outcome to samples of student work, because this is a more direct method.”
“How about having students rate how well they think we are meeting program outcomes?”
“I think we should ask the alumni to rate how well we are meeting program outcomes.”
Question 5(TCO 1) You are having a very busy semester and decide to use an exam you used 2 years ago to save time. The downside is that you didn’t get around to evaluating the items on the test, but you think they were pretty good questions. What would make you pause before carrying out this plan?
Maybe the questions were remembered and passed on by the students who first took the exam.
Old examinations should be evaluated to make sure that the test questions are reliable and valid.
No one complained about the exam the first time, so it is probably okay to use it again.
Asking another faculty member to review the test will help me ensure that the proper content is covered.
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 4 Quiz
Question 1 (TCO 3) As level coordinator for junior nursing students, one of your colleagues says, “This test blueprint is time-consuming, and I wish we didn’t have to do it.” What would be the most helpful response you could make?
“Maybe we can use the same test blueprint we used last semester.”
“It is time-consuming, but maybe we can figure out a shortcut.”
“Using a test blueprint is fairer to students.”
“The university requires this for legal reasons.”
Question 2 (TCO 2) A faculty member writes the following test question: “True or false: When assessing a hospitalized patient on admission, always do a complete head-to-toe physical assessment.” What suggestion do you have for improvement?
Turn this question into a multiple choice question related to physical assessment.
Change the item to “True or false: When assessing a hospitalized patient on admission, you may not need to do a complete head-to-toe assessment.”
Change the question to: “True or false: When assessing a hospitalized patient on admission, a complete head-to-toe physical assessment is too time-consuming.”
Change the item to: “True or false: When assessing a hospitalized patient on admission, you never do a complete head-to-toe physical assessment.”
Question 3 (TCO 1) Which level of Bloom’s taxonomy does this test question measure? “A nurse walks into Mr. Davis’s hospital room and finds him trying to get out of bed. What should be the nurse’s first response?
a. ‘Mr. Davis, get back in that bed!’
b. ‘Mr. Davis, can I help you go to the bathroom?’
c. ‘Mr. Davis, I am going to call your doctor and tell him you are not cooperating!’
d. ‘Mr. Davis, are you hungry?’”
The student is being asked to assess the situation and apply current research on the reasons why people fall in hospitals to the immediate situation but not to develop a nursing care plan.
Question 4 (TCO 3) The Curriculum Committee is designing course outcomes for the first-semester nursing fundamentals course. Which of the following outcomes would be inappropriate for that level?
The student will create a care plan based on a clinical-practice guideline.
The student will complete a head-to-toe assessment.
The student will list the items known as vital signs.
The student will explain the physiology of the liver.
Question 5 (TCO 2) What is the most important consideration when writing essay questions?
It is important to develop an answer key to facilitate grading.
Consider the opportunity to test on higher level concepts.
Essay questions are an opportunity for students to earn more points.
Try not to give students extra time to complete an essay exam.
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 5 Quiz
Question 1 (TCO 3) You receive your item-analysis printout showing the difficulty level and point biserial for each item. You are concerned about item 9 because it shows the following result.
Difficulty level: 73%; PBI: 0.50
PBI for each distractor:
A .25
B .00
C .13
D .43
Which distractor should you revise?
Distractor C
Distractor A
Distractor D
Distractor B
Question 2 (TCO 3) In the following item analysis, the following distractor point biserial and frequencies were obtained for one question.
Overall PBI = 0.09
Distractors A B C D
PBI -.08 .1 .02 .19
Difficulty 78% 7% 10% 5%
What is the most important thing this distribution is telling you?
The question was too easy.
Higher scoring students did not answer the question correctly.
Lower scoring students did not answer the question correctly.
The question was too difficult.
Question 3 (TCO 3) Some of the faculty teaching the advanced medical-surgical course at your school want to use the test bank that comes with your textbook. What is the most important thing they should consider when deciding on whether that is a good idea?
A good idea would be to evaluate the questions thoroughly before using.
Textbook test banks are based on the content we are teaching.
Using test banks saves faculty members a lot of time.
The faculty will need to make sure we have covered the content.
Question 4 (TCO 3) On your exam, a test question related to a drug calculation had a difficulty level (p) of 0.95 and a point biserial of 0.05. What would you consider when deciding whether to revise the question?
We should leave it alone because we probably have a class filled with good test takers.
We should leave it alone because the question was on crucial content that every nurse should know.
We should revise this item to lower the difficulty level.
We should revise this item to raise the point biserial.
Question 5 (TCO 2) The alpha reliability of your 10-item quiz was .33. What should you consider when deciding how to raise the reliability of your quiz?
Change each and every item, and then, check the reliability.
Make the quiz a little harder; then, evaluate test reliability.
Increase the number of items on the quiz.
Use an essay test instead to increase reliability.
NR523 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques in Education
Week 6 Quiz
Question 1 (TCO 1) You are planning the clinical experience for your students this semester, and you want to give your students excellent feedback on their performances. Which of the following activities would help you meet that goal?
Talking with fellow faculty about their favorite ways to provide feedback
Speaking to students privately about how they worked with their patients for the day
Keeping good notes to use as evidence when awarding the course grade
Conducting an excellent post conference to clarify the pathophysiology of patients that students have cared for
Question 2 (TCO 1) You require students to write in a reflective journal after each clinical day. How can you use their journals to award a clinical grade?
Ask students to write about how they met the learning outcomes by the end of the course.
Ask students to write about how their attitudes changed throughout the course.
Ask students to write about what they did each day to remind you of their progress by the end of the course.
Ask students to write about their feelings about caring for their patients throughout the course.
Question 3 (TCO 2) Your curriculum committee is planning a major curriculum change, and you need to at least inform your state regulatory body, as well as your nursing accreditor. Why would these organizations need to be considered?
Regulatory bodies would need to be informed of changes in clinical requirements, and accreditation bodies would need to be informed of any changes in outcomes and content.
There would be financial aid problems for students if the state and accreditor do not approve.
Regulatory bodies and accreditation agencies might require that the school has sufficient funds to make a major curricular change.
Both regulatory bodies and accreditation agencies need to be informed of major curricular changes that could affect the interests of students and stakeholders.
Question 4 (TCO 2) You are deciding upon the method you will use to determine whether your students have achieved the clinical competencies you set for them in their women and children course. What type of assessment would be the most appropriate?
Norm-referenced assessment
Criterion-referenced assessment
Summative assessment
Formative assessment
Question 5 (TCO 1) Which of the following represents criterion-based assessment?
A student received a score of 89% on a reading comprehension standardized test.
A student performed a dressing change in the clinical simulation lab with 90% competency.
A student receives a score of 825 on a NCLEX® preparation test.
A student had a grade point average of 3.15 after first semester. Plagiarism Free Papers
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