Developing Team Effectiveness
Developing Team Effectiveness
Download and save the following Microsoft Word document on your own computer using the file name convention: yourlastnameWeek1BA374.docx This “template” document is APA formatted and includes a wealth of helpful information related to completing this first week’s assignment. /content/enforced/65194-OFFR_2018-SP-A3-BA-374-3A-77/Week1TEAMAssignmenttTemplate2.docx
The purpose of this first Assignment is for you to demonstrate understanding of the direct correlation between good business communication and effective teams.
1. Download, save as your own document and open the provided Week 1 Team Assignment Template. Use your (saved as your own document) as your starting point.
2. Assume you will write a rough first draft, then go back and improve with two or three more drafts before finishing a polished, academically sound and professionally written paper. Writing is a process. It is not in your best interest to correct as you write. Write first, then correct using drafts.
3. Follow the directions and advice provided within the template document. Be sure to remove the directions and change any red font words to be black font words.
4. Refer to the Week 1 Overview for an example of how to access articles in the UIU library. This assignment requires you to cite at least two references, one from the textbook and one from the UIU library.
5. Write the first section, which is essentially the introduction to the paper This first introductory area a is good place to set the tone for the subsequent content.
6. In the “Effective Team Example” section, describe an example of an effective team experience. Explain what made the team effective. This section will likely contain one – three paragraphs.
7. In the “Ineffective Team Example” section, describe an example of an ineffective team experience. Explain what made the team ineffective. This section will likely contain one – three paragraphs.
8. In the “Business Communication Connection” section, focus on the communication implications from both of your examples. This section of your paper should demonstrate your own critical thinking about the connections between team effectiveness and the myriad of aspects inherent in business communications.
9. Write the Conclusion.
10. Confirm reference page entries are representative of application and citation of resources used within the body of the paper.
11. Proofread your response (reading aloud is highly recommended), run spell check and grammar check, and proofread again. Post your polished response in the Week 1 Assignment area. Once you have submitted your paper, return to the Assignment Submission area to confirm your document saved and is present for grading review. Be sure to submit your document in the correct place (e.g, Week 1 Assignment).
Grading Rubrics for the Week 1 Assignment: Developing Team Effectiveness (possible 65 pts.)
Submitted a Week 1 Assignment APA formatted paper related to developing team effectiveness = possible 5 points.
The paper included introductory information setting the tone for the rest of the paper’s content = possible 5 points.
The paper included examples of effective and ineffective team experiences = possible 10 points.
The paper critically reviewed the connections between team effectiveness and various aspects of business communications = possible 25 points
The paper applied and cited, using in-text citation and listed references on a separate reference page, at least one quote from the textbook and one quote from a UIU library article = possible 10 points.
The final version of the paper represented professional and academically sound composition and formatting = possible 10 points.
BA374 Business communication
Week 2 Assignment
Paper: Culture and Communication
The purpose of this second assignment is for you to demonstrate an understanding of the direct relationship between cultural knowledge and awareness, and successful business communications.
1. You will need this case study document (“Barriers in Multicultural Business Communications) to complete the Week 2 Assignment – click on the link (Control-click, select “open link in new tab”) to open the document: /content/enforced/65194-OFFR_2018-SP-A3-BA-374-3A-77/Week2BARRIERS IN MULTICULTURAL BUSINESS COMMUNICATION.pdf
Or copy this url into a new browser window:
Here is the APA formatting for this required case study document for your Reference page:
Bari?, A., Jelovac, D., & Fain, N. (2013). Barriers in multicultural business communication: An empirical study of Slovenia and Bosnia andHerzegovina. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, 6(3), 18-38.
2. Using last week’s assignment template (you can access it in the Week 1 Overview section) as your guide to how to correctly APA format your papers, download and save as your own document using the file naming convention, lastnameWeek2BA374. Change the title page information date to be current and update the title (Culture and Communication). Change the Title Page’s page header words appearing after “Running Head” to CULTURE AND COMMUNICATIONS. Change the rest of the page headers (beginning with the page after the title page (and the rest will automatically update) to CULTURE AND COMMUNICATIONS. Change the first subject header in the paper to Culture and Communications. APA is nothing if not consistent. 🙂
3. As mentioned last week, assume you will write a rough first draft, then go back and improve with two or three more drafts before finishing a polished, academically sound and professionally written paper. You will only submit the final version of your paper for grading review. Remember, writing is a process. It is not in your best interest to correct as you write. Write first, then correct and improve using the process of writing drafts.
4. Follow the directions and advice provided within the template document as related to APA formatting. You can ignore the advice provided in the Week 1 Template about content for Week 1’s focus on “Developing Team Effectiveness”. You are using this already APA formatted template because it makes your life easier. 🙂 Be sure to remove the directions and change any red font words to be black font words.
5. You will need to use the case study document provided above, your textbook, and the UU Library for this assignment. If you need a reminder about how to access the library, refer to the Week 1 Overview for an example of how to access articles in the UIU library. This Week 2 Assignment requires you to cite at least three references, one from the textbook one from the required case study document provided above, and at least one from the UIU library. No Internet resources are accepted for the Week 2 Assignment.
6. Write the first section, which is essentially the introduction to the paper where your focus will be on Culture and Communication. This first introductory area a is a good place to set the tone for the subsequent content. As you use the draft-writing process when crafting your document, you will add and hone the information in this first section of the paper. Again, the first paragraph or two is assumed to be an introduction; APA formatting never a section header called Introduction.
7. For this Week 2 Assignment, after you have read the required case study article, Chapter 3 of our textbook, and reviewed what might be relevant in the UIU Library (you will likely return to the UIU library as your craft your paper), think about the connection between Culture and Communication. Envision (pretend) you are in the role of an Executive Vice President of a multinational company and responsible to manage marketing, human resources, and operations in three countries (in addition to the USA). You may choose the three additional countries. You have hired a new group of employees to work for you to manage activities (due to exponential growth) but none of the new employees have any familiarity with any other culture than the USA. You are responsible to prepare your new employees to manage Culture and Communications. Basically, you will write a paper about the connection between Culture and Communications, what your people need to know about Culture and Communications, and, in a real sense, prepare your employees to be successful as related to managing Culture and Communications.
8. How you decide to name your section headers is up to you. You already know the first paragraph or two after the main section header, “Culture and Communications” will be the introductory content which sets the tone for the paper (again, may writers polish this section after writing the rest of the paper). Your next section header (centered and bolded) might be “Situation” where you describe basically what I described above (and you are welcome to use my words without citation). Subsequent section headers will be bolded and centered (and you can refer to your APA manual and/or the Purdue OWL APA formatting website to see section headers in greater detail. These distinct sections will contain content you decide relevant to your objective (to prepare employees to be successful as related to Culture and Communications. My guess is your paper’s length will be at least four pages (not counting the title page and references page) but you are more than welcome to write as many pages as you need to accomplish your objective. Do not add any blank line spaces between sections (an APA rule).
9. Write the Conclusion (because every paper should have a conclusion). As noted in the template, the Conclusion is usually one paragraph, is a summary, and present no new information.
10. Confirm reference page entries are representative of application and citation of resources used within the body of the paper. List references in alphabetical order by last name.
11. Proofread your response (reading aloud is highly recommended), run spell check and grammar check, and proofread again. Post your polished response in the Week 2 Assignment area. Once you have submitted your paper, return to the Assignment Submission area to confirm your document saved and is present for the grading review. Be sure to submit your document in the correct place (e.g, Week 2 Assignment).
Grading Rubrics for the Week 2 Assignment: Culture and Communications (possible 65 pts.)
Submitted a Week 2 Assignment APA formatted paper related to culture and communication = possible 5 points.
The paper included introductory information setting the tone for the rest of the paper’s content = possible 5 points.
The paper’s content will be sufficient to prepare your employees to be successful as related to managing Culture and Communications = possible 20 points.
The paper applied and cited, using in-text citation and listed references on a separate reference page, at least one quote from the textbook, one quote from the required case study article and one quote from a UIU library article = possible 15 points.
The final version of the paper represented professional and academically sound composition and formatting = possible 20 points.
BA374 Business communication
Week 3 Assignment
Paper: Experience the Business Message Writing Process
This third assignment is designed to have you consider, prepare, and practice writing a business-related e-mail message by using The 3-x-3 Writing Process (Guffey & Loewy, 2018, p. 133)
Guffey, M., & Loewy, D. (2018). Business communication: Process and product (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
1. Use Microsoft Word. Include a title page. No other APA formatting requirements are necessary for this assignment. There is no requirement to apply and cite references but if you do use resources, you must use in-text citation to identify the use of the resource(s) and include the APA formatted reference information on a separate references page. You may use single line spacing. I appreciate you using a 12 pt. size font and 1″ margins (my personal font style preference is Arial). You will submit one and only one Microsoft Word document into the Assignment submission area.
2. For this assignment, assume you are employed in a Vice-President (of whatever department you choose) management position for a Fortune 500 company (your choice of company). A problem occurred (you choose the problem) and it is your responsibility to explain the problem, (status and/or resolution) communicating via email to your direct manager, who is a Senior Executive Vice-President.
3. In your paper, and before experiencing the 3-x-3 Writing Process, write a paragraph (at least three-four sentences each) addressing the following:
Identify the company, the problem, and the characteristics of your audience (a Senior Executive Vice-President). Assume your manager expects you to provide him or her with information which can be used for other audiences (e.g, notification to customers).
Explain why it is important for writers to understand their audience.
Explain why a writer must consider not only the audience but also the timing of the delivery of the communications message.
Consider the ethical implications of the situation and your email. For example, one ethical implication is the possibility and cause/effect of if your email is forward to other people besides your intended audience.
4. As you prepare your e-mail, complete the first phase of the 3-x-3 Writing Process, “Prewriting”. In your paper, address each part, “Analyze”, “Anticipate”, “Adapt”.
5. As you prepare your email, complete the second phase of the 3-x-3 Writing Process, “Drafting”. In your paper, address each part, “Research”, “Organize”, “Draft”.
6. As you prepare and finish your email, complete the third and final phase of the 3-x-3 Writing Process, “Revising”. In your paper, complete each part, “Edit”, “Proofread”, “Evaluate”. You should now have your final polished email explaining the problem, (status and/or resolution) communicating via email to your direct manager, who is a Senior Executive Vice-President.
7. Once you have completed all of the above, write a paragraph reflecting on what you learned and how this knowledge can be helpful to you in the future.
8. Submit your completed Week 3 Assignment paper.
BA374 Business communication
Week 4 Assignment
Paper: Managing News: Good and/or Bad
This fourth assignment is designed to have you consider, prepare, and practice writing positive and negative business-related communication.
1. Use Microsoft Word. Include a title page. No other APA formatting requirements are necessary for this assignment. There is no requirement to apply and cite references but if you do use resources, you must use in-text citation to identify the use of the resource(s) and include the APA formatted reference information on a separate references page. You may use single line spacing. I appreciate you using a 12 pt. size font and 1″ margins (my personal font style preference is Arial). You will submit one and only one Microsoft Word document into the Assignment submission area.
2. For this assignment, assume you are employed in a Vice-President (of whatever department you choose) management position for a Fortune 500 company (your choice of company). You can have the same position and company you chose in Week 3’s Assignment or you can choose a new department and/or company. You are an expert at applying strategies of business communicators in conveying negative news, applying the 3-x-3 writing process and avoiding legal liability. Sadly, you have been tasked with communicating company layoffs. As a reminder, this is the 3-x-3 Writing Process:
3. In your paper, and before experiencing (writing) the 3-x-3 Writing Process, write a paragraph (at least three-four sentences each) addressing the following:
Identify the company, the problem, and the characteristics of your audience (employees to be laid off).
Consider the ethical and legal liability implications.
Consider strategies (e.g, direct vs. indirect, if you should you convey empathy, fairness, include an opening with a buffer, etc.) from Chapter 9 to assist in your completion of the 3-x-3 Writing Process.
4. Complete the first phase of the 3-x-3 Writing Process, “Prewriting”. In your paper, address each part, “Analyze”, “Anticipate”, “Adapt”.
5. Complete the second phase of the 3-x-3 Writing Process, “Drafting”. In your paper, address each part, “Research”, “Organize”, “Draft”.
6. Complete the third and final phase of the 3-x-3 Writing Process, “Revising”. In your paper, complete each part, “Edit”, “Proofread”, “Evaluate”.
7. Once you have completed all of the above, write a paragraph reflecting on what you learned and how this knowledge can be helpful to you in the future.
8. Write a paragraph or two describing how and why your strategy and methods might be different if you had good news to announce to the employees.
9. Submit your completed Week 4 Assignment paper.
BA374 Business communication
Week 5 Assignment
Pazer: Persuasive Press Release
This fifth assignment is designed to have you learn about how to write persuasive press releases by doing research and by writing one related to a business announcement.
Press (news) releases announce important information to the media, whether traditional (television, radio, print) or digital (Internet websites, social media, etc.) and feature new products, staff, participation in community events and more (Guffey & Loewy, 2018,p. 366).
Guffey, M., & Loewy, D. (2018). Business communication: Process and product (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
1. Use Microsoft Word. Include a title page. No other APA formatting of the paper is required (i.e. you can use single line spacing). However, there is a requirement to apply and cite at least two references, one from our textbook (developing persuasive press releases are covered on pages 366 – 369) and at least one additional relevant resource. A couple of recommendations to assist you in developing your persuasive press release are as follows and/or you may discover your own helpful resources.
2. After you write your persuasive press release you will be asked to point out how you applied the advice from at least two resources thus it is in your best interest first to research how to write a persuasive press release before you write your own.
3. For this assignment, assume you are employed as The Director of Marketing Strategy for a large multinational Consumer Products Company (your choice of which company you choose). What makes your press release a “persuasive” press release is the intent to have your message be communicated by the media/news. In your paper you will want to identify the message you want to convey, to whom you want to know your message, and what methods you will use to convince the media outlets you identify to air/communicate your information to their audience (usually The Public). The lists on the websites above and in Chapter 10 will be of tremendous assistance as you transition your regular press release announcement into a compelling, persuasive press release.
4. Use the writing process which works best for you; only the final polished version of the persuasive press release should be present in your Week 5 Assignment paper.
5. Using either paragraph format or bullet point format, review your persuasive press release identifying all of the recommendations you implemented (e.g “open with an attention-getting lead” (Guffey & Loewy, 2018, p. 366).
6. Subsequent to your thorough proofreading, submit your completed Week 5 Assignment paper.
BA374 Business communication
Week 6 Assignment
Paper: Write a Proposal
This sixth assignment is designed to have you learn about how to write an informal business proposal by doing research and by writing one related to a business announcement. You may use content from the Week 6 Planning & Secondary Research” Discussion (as related to a problem) as relevant to crafting your Informal Proposal. You may also decide you do not want for your Informal Proposal to focus on a problem but instead on a service or product-related sales endeavor. It is your choice. Choose a topic directly relevant to work life. Make sure you choose a topic about which your audience would actually need persuading.
Your goal is for your proposal to persuade your audience to accept or adopt your proposal; they should be compelled to take action or to change in some concrete way. Your audience will be whatever group you identify as appropriate.
This Week 6 Assignment is a proposal, one that is informal, one that is unsolicited, includes the required components (see Chapter 13 of the textbook) and is well-written. You may use single or double line spacing, and paragraphs and/or bullet-points. You need to follow the outline as shown in Figure 13.1 (below). You will need to speculate on some of the content areas, which is perfectly acceptable as long as the content is reasonable. For example, you will likely have to speculate (guess) on topics such as scheduling, staffing, budget, and required authorization.
“Proposals can be life or death for an organization… a proposal may be defined as a written offer to solve a problem. provide a service, or sell a product… ” (Guffey & Loewy, 2018,p. 366).
Guffey, M., & Loewy, D. (2018). Business communication: Process and product (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
1. Use Microsoft Word. Include a title page. No other APA formatting of the paper is required (i.e. you can use single line spacing). There is no requirement to apply and cite references but if you do use someone else’s words, you need to add the in-text citation and add an entry on a references page. I suggest doing research on how to write an Informal Proposal – such as from Chapter 13, the UIU Library and reliable websites but the “how to write an Informal Proposal” information will not be included in your actual example of a “real” Informal Proposal.
2. Use the writing process which works best for you; only the final polished version of the Informal Proposal should be present in your Week 6 Assignment paper.
3. Subsequent to your thorough proofreading, submit your completed Week 6 Assignment paper.
Grading Rubrics for the Week 6 Assignment: Write a Proposal (possible 65 pts.
– The document included an impressive Informal Proposal which achieved the original purpose of you doing an Informal Proposal on your chosen topic = possible 55 points.
– The final version of the paper represented professional and academically sound composition and formatting = possible 10 points.
BA374 Business communication
Week 7 Assignment
Presentation: Informative Presentation
This seventh assignment is designed to have you apply what you learned in the Week 7 Creating Effective Business Presentations Discussion when creating an oral, (or video) informative presentation.
This informative presentation should be applicable to work life (business). Choose a topic interesting to you. Topics should be truly informative, so please look for substantive topics. Your presentation will be 10 to 15 slides (using PowerPoint or Keynote) and should include extensive speaker notes and audio for each slide … or.. you may create and submit a 5 to 7-minute video using YouTube, Vimeo, Jing, Screencast, etc.
The informative Presentation must include an appropriately narrowed topic, clear organization, a variety of supporting materials, use of details, an attention-grabbing introduction and a conclusion that leaves an impact.
Grading Rubrics for the Week 7 Informative Presentation Assignment (possible 100 pts.)
The oral (or video) Informative Presentation met all requirements as described in the directions = possible 60 points
The oral (or video) Informative Presentation applied best practices as identified in the Week 7 Creative Effective Business Presentations Discussion = possible 40 points. Plagiarism Free Papers
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