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IHP 510 Module Three Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric Overview: For this task you will first compare the ACHE and AHIMA code of ethics and then review a brief case from Healthcare Marketing: A Case Study that involves ethical decision making. Then you will discuss the role of the healthcare marketer in relation to ethical behavior and conduct. Prompt: Complete the following critical elements in the Module Three Worksheet:
• Codes of Ethics: Access the webpages American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Code of Ethics and American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) Code of Ethics*. You will compare and contrast the code of ethics from these two organizations. Explain in detail what they have in common. Be sure to include some of the codes and principles. Explain in detail the ways in which they differ. Cite both organizations within the worksheet to validate where you obtained the information.
*Copyright ©2017 by the American Health Information Management Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission from the publisher.
• Ethical Decision Making: To begin, review the scenario from Exercise 1 in Chapter 4. Then, using one of the ethical decision-making models from Chapter 4, explain how you would address the issue in the scenario.
o In your position as a marketer in a hospital, do you think Dr. Gray’s Facebook page is an issue that warrants your attention? Why or why not? Please explain in detail and integrate what you learned from the course textbook.
o Four Quadrants Model: Review the four quadrants model presented in Exhibit 4.1. How might you define this scenario based on the model? Explain your reasoning and validate by citing your sources.
o How do you think the AMA policy about physicians and the use of social media (summarized at the top of page 52) relates to Dr. Gray’s Facebook page? You want to be specific.
• Role of the Healthcare Marketer: Based on what you learned from the textbooks, what do you think is the ultimate role of the healthcare marketer in relation to ethical behavior and conduct?
Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Do not alter the worksheet or submit the assignment in the form of an essay. For this and all worksheets, you are not required to include a cover page. You are expected provide in-text citations for your sources and a reference list at the end of the worksheet.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Code of Ethics Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates sophisticated understanding of healthcare ethics codes
Compares the code of ethics in two healthcare governing organizations
Compares the code of ethics in two healthcare governing organizations, but comparison is cursory or lacking in detail
Does not compare the code of ethics in two healthcare governing organizations
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Ethical Decision Making: Dr. Gray
Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates keen insight into applying ethical decision- making models to specific scenarios in healthcare
Explains whether or not Dr. Gray’s Facebook page warrants attention, applying an ethical- decision-making model
Explains whether or not Dr. Gray’s Facebook page warrants attention, applying an ethical- decision-making model, but with gaps in detail, clarity, or logic
Does not explain whether or not Dr. Gray’s Facebook page warrants attention
Ethical Decision Making: Define
Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates keen insight into applying ethical decision- making models to specific scenarios in healthcare
Defines the scenario based on the model, explaining reasoning
Defines the scenario based on the model, explaining reasoning, but with gaps in detail, clarity, or logic
Does not define the scenario based on the model, explaining reasoning
Ethical Decision Making: AMA Policy
Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates keen insight into applying ethical decision- making models to specific scenarios in healthcare
Explains how the AMA policy relates to the scenario of Dr. Gray
Explains how the AMA policy relates to the scenario of Dr. Gray, but with gaps in detail, clarity, or logic
Does not explain how the AMA policy relates to the scenario of Dr. Gray
Role of the Healthcare Marketer
Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates sophisticated understanding of ethics in healthcare marketing
Discusses the ultimate role of the healthcare marketer in relation to ethical behavior and conduct
Discusses the ultimate role of the healthcare marketer in relation to ethical behavior and conduct, but discussion is cursory or lacking in detail
Does not discuss the ultimate role of the healthcare marketer in relation to ethical behavior and conduct
Articulation of Response
Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy to read format
Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas
Total 100%
- IHP 510 Module Three Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric
- Rubric
IHP 510 Module Three Worksheet
For this task, you will first compare the ACHE and AHIMA code of ethics and then review a brief case from Healthcare Marketing: A Case Study that involves ethical decision making. Then, you will discuss the role of the healthcare marketer in relation to ethical behavior and conduct.
To begin, read Chapter 4 in Healthcare Marketing: A Case Study Approach and review the Chapter 4, Exercise 1: “Ethical decision-making.” In addition, review the other Module Three resources on ethics. Then, complete the worksheet fields below.
Note: Be sure to refer back to this worksheet (and your instructor feedback to it), as you consider the ethical criteria that will be used to guide the marketing and communication decisions that you will include in your final healthcare marketing and communication plan.
Do not alter the worksheet or submit the assignment in the form of an essay. To use this worksheet, replace bracketed text with relevant information. For this and all worksheets, you are not required to include a cover page. You are expected to provide in-text citations for your sources and a reference list at the end of the worksheet.
Part I. Code of Ethics
Access the webpages American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Code of Ethics and American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) Code of Ethics. Compare the code of ethics from these two organizations. What do they have in common? In what ways are they different? [Insert text.]
Part II. Chapter Exercise: Ethical Decision Making
Answer the following using Exercise 1 from Chapter 4.
In your position as a marketer in a hospital, do you think Dr. Gray’s Facebook page is an issue that warrants your attention? Why or why not? Please explain in detail. [Insert text.]
Review the four quadrants model presented in Exhibit 4.1. How might you define this scenario based on the model? Explain your reasoning. [Insert text.]
Using one of the ethical decision-making models in the chapter, please explain how you would address this situation. [Insert text.]
How do you think the AMA policy about physicians and the use of social media (summarized at the top of page 52) relates to Dr. Gray’s Facebook page? [Insert text.]
Part III. What do you think is the ultimate role of the healthcare marketer in relation to ethical behavior and conduct? [Insert text.]
AHIMA Code of Ethics Preamble
The ethical obligations of the health information management (HIM) professional include the safeguarding of privacy and security of health information; disclosure of health information; development, use, and maintenance of health information systems and health information; and ensuring the accessibility and integrity of health information.
Healthcare consumers are increasingly concerned about security and the potential loss of privacy and the inability to control how their personal health information is used and disclosed. Core health information issues include what information should be collected; how the information should be handled, who should have access to the information, under what conditions the information should be disclosed, how the information is retained and when it is no longer needed, and how is it disposed of in a confidential manner. All of the core health information issues are performed in compliance with state and federal regulations, and employer policies and procedures.
Ethical obligations are central to the professional's responsibility, regardless of the employment site or the method of collection, storage, and security of health information. In addition, sensitive information (e.g., genetic, adoption, drug, alcohol, sexual, health, and behavioral information) requires special attention to prevent misuse. In the world of business and interactions with consumers, expertise in the protection of the information is required.
Purpose of the American Health Information Management Association Code of Ethics
The HIM professional has an obligation to demonstrate actions that reflect values, ethical principles, and ethical guidelines. The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) Code of Ethics sets forth these values and principles to guide conduct. (See also AHIMA Vision, Mission, Values) The code is relevant to all AHIMA members and CCHIIM credentialed HIM professionals [hereafter referred to as certificants], regardless of their professional functions, the settings in which they work, or the populations they serve. These purposes strengthen the HIM professional’s efforts to improve overall quality of healthcare.
The AHIMA Code of Ethics serves seven purposes:
� Promotes high standards of HIM practice. � Identifies core values on which the HIM mission is based. � Summarizes broad ethical principles that reflect the profession's core values. � Establishes a set of ethical principles to be used to guide decision-making and actions. � Establishes a framework for professional behavior and responsibilities when professional obligations conflict
or ethical uncertainties arise. � Provides ethical principles by which the general public can hold the HIM professional accountable. � Mentors practitioners new to the field to HIM's mission, values, and ethical principles.
The code includes principles and guidelines that are both enforceable and aspirational. The extent to which each principle is enforceable is a matter of professional judgment to be exercised by those responsible for reviewing alleged violations of ethical principles.
Copyright © 2011 by The American Health Information Management Association. All Rights Reserved.
Code of Ethics Principles
The Code of Ethics and How to Interpret the Code of Ethics
Principles and Guidelines
The following ethical principles are based on the core values of the American Health Information Management Association and apply to all AHIMA members and certificants. Guidelines included for each ethical principle are a non-inclusive list of behaviors and situations that can help to clarify the principle. They are not meant to be a comprehensive list of all situations that can occur.
I. Advocate, uphold, and defend the individual's right to privacy and the doctrine of confidentiality in the use and disclosure of information.
A health information management professional shall:
1.1. Safeguard all confidential patient information to include, but not limited to, personal, health, financial, genetic, and outcome information.
1.2. Engage in social and political action that supports the protection of privacy and confidentiality, and be aware of the impact of the political arena on the health information issues for the healthcare industry.
1.3. Advocate for changes in policy and legislation to ensure protection of privacy and confidentiality, compliance, and other issues that surface as advocacy issues and facilitate informed participation by the public on these issues.
1.4. Protect the confidentiality of all information obtained in the course of professional service. Disclose only information that is directly relevant or necessary to achieve the purpose of disclosure. Release information only with valid authorization from a patient or a person legally authorized to consent on behalf of a patient or as authorized by federal or state regulations. The minimum necessary standard is essential when releasing health information for disclosure activities.
1.5. Promote the obligation to respect privacy by respecting confidential information shared among colleagues, while responding to requests from the legal profession, the media, or other non-healthcare related individuals, during presentations or teaching and in situations that could cause harm to persons.
1.6. Respond promptly and appropriately to patient requests to exercise their privacy rights (e.g., access, amendments, restriction, confidential communication, etc.). Answer truthfully all patients’ questions concerning their rights to review and annotate their personal biomedical data and seek to facilitate patients’ legitimate right to exercise those rights.
II. Put service and the health and welfare of persons before self-interest and conduct oneself in the practice of the profession so as to bring honor to oneself, peers, and to the health information management profession.
A health information management professional shall:
2.1. Act with integrity, behave in a trustworthy manner, elevate service to others above self-interest,
Copyright © 2011 by The American Health Information Management Association. All Rights Reserved.
and promote high standards of practice in every setting.
2.2. Be aware of the profession's mission, values, and ethical principles, and practice in a manner consistent with them by acting honestly and responsibly.
2.3. Anticipate, clarify, and avoid any conflict of interest, to all parties concerned, when dealing with consumers, consulting with competitors, in providing services requiring potentially conflicting roles (for example, finding out information about one facility that would help a competitor), or serving the Association in a volunteer capacity. The conflicting roles or responsibilities must be clarified and appropriate action taken to minimize any conflict of interest.
2.4. Ensure that the working environment is consistent and encourages compliance with the AHIMA Code of Ethics, taking reasonable steps to eliminate any conditions in their organizations that violate, interfere with, or discourage compliance with the code.
2.5. Take responsibility and credit, including authorship credit, only for work they actually perform or to which they contribute. Honestly acknowledge the work of and the contributions made by others verbally or written, such as in publication.
A health information management professional shall not:
2.6. Permit one’s private conduct to interfere with the ability to fulfill one’s professional responsibilities.
2.7. Take unfair advantage of any professional relationship or exploit others to further one’s own personal, religious, political, or business interests.
III. Preserve, protect, and secure personal health information in any form or medium and hold in the highest regards health information and other information of a confidential nature obtained in an official capacity, taking into account the applicable statutes and regulations.
A health information management professional shall:
3.1. Safeguard the privacy and security of written and electronic health information and other sensitive information. Take reasonable steps to ensure that health information is stored securely and that patients' data is not available to others who are not authorized to have access. Prevent inappropriate disclosure of individually identifiable information.
3.2. Take precautions to ensure and maintain the confidentiality of information transmitted, transferred, or disposed of in the event of termination, incapacitation, or death of a healthcare provider to other parties through the use of any media.
3.3. Inform recipients of the limitations and risks associated with providing services via electronic or social media (e.g., computer, telephone, fax, radio, and television).
IV. Refuse to participate in or conceal unethical practices or procedures and report such practices.
A health information management professional shall:
4.1. Act in a professional and ethical manner at all times.
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4.2. Take adequate measures to discourage, prevent, expose, and correct the unethical conduct of colleagues. If needed, utilize the Professional Ethics Committee Policies and Procedures for potential ethics complaints.
4.3. Be knowledgeable about established policies and procedures for handling concerns about colleagues' unethical behavior. These include policies and procedures created by AHIMA, licensing and regulatory bodies, employers, supervisors, agencies, and other professional organizations.
4.4. Seek resolution if there is a belief that a colleague has acted unethically or if there is a belief of incompetence or impairment by discussing one’s concerns with the colleague when feasible and when such discussion is likely to be productive.
4.5. Consult with a colleague when feasible and assist the colleague in taking remedial action when there is direct knowledge of a health information management colleague's incompetence or impairment.
4.6. Take action through appropriate formal channels, such as contacting an accreditation or regulatory body and/or the AHIMA Professional Ethics Committee if needed.
4.7. Cooperate with lawful authorities as appropriate.
A health information management professional shall not:
4.8. Participate in, condone, or be associated with dishonesty, fraud and abuse, or deception. A non- inclusive list of examples includes:
� Allowing patterns of optimizing or minimizing documentation and/or coding to impact payment � Assigning codes without physician documentation � Coding when documentation does not justify the diagnoses or procedures that have been billed � Coding an inappropriate level of service � Miscoding to avoid conflict with others � Engaging in negligent coding practices � Hiding or ignoring review outcomes, such as performance data � Failing to report licensure status for a physician through the appropriate channels � Recording inaccurate data for accreditation purposes � Allowing inappropriate access to genetic, adoption, health, or behavioral health information � Misusing sensitive information about a competitor � Violating the privacy of individuals
Refer to the AHIMA Standards of Ethical Coding for additional guidance.
4.9. Engage in any relationships with a patient where there is a risk of exploitation or potential harm to the patient.
V. Advance health information management knowledge and practice through continuing education, research, publications, and presentations.
A health information management professional shall:
Copyright © 2011 by The American Health Information Management Association. All Rights Reserved.
5.1. Develop and enhance continually professional expertise, knowledge, and skills (including appropriate education, research, training, consultation, and supervision). Contribute to the knowledge base of health information management and share one’s knowledge related to practice, research, and ethics.
5.2. Base practice decisions on recognized knowledge, including empirically based knowledge relevant to health information management and health information management ethics.
5.3. Contribute time and professional expertise to activities that promote respect for the value, integrity, and competence of the health information management profession. These activities may include teaching, research, consultation, service, legislative testimony, advocacy, presentations in the community, and participation in professional organizations.
5.4. Engage in evaluation and research that ensures the confidentiality of participants and of the data obtained from them by following guidelines developed for the participants in consultation with appropriate institutional review boards.
5.5. Report evaluation and research findings accurately and take steps to correct any errors later found in published data using standard publication methods.
5.6. Design or conduct evaluation or research that is in conformance with applicable federal or state laws.
5.7. Take reasonable steps to provide or arrange for continuing education and staff development, addressing current knowledge and emerging developments related to health information management practice and ethics.
VI. Recruit and mentor students, staff, peers, and colleagues to develop and strengthen professional workforce.
A health information management professional shall:
6.1. Provide directed practice opportunities for students.
6.2. Be a mentor for students, peers, and new health information management professionals to develop and strengthen skills.
6.3. Be responsible for setting clear, appropriate, and culturally sensitive boundaries for students, staff, peers, colleagues, and members within professional organizations.
6.4. Evaluate students' performance in a manner that is fair and respectful when functioning as educators or clinical internship supervisors.
6.5. Evaluate staff's performance in a manner that is fair and respectful when functioning in a supervisory capacity.
6.6. Serve an active role in developing HIM faculty or actively recruiting HIM professionals.
A health information management professional shall not:
Copyright © 2011 by The American Health Information Management Association. All Rights Reserved.
6.7. Engage in any relationships with a person (e.g. students, staff, peers, or colleagues) where there is a risk of exploitation or potential harm to that other person.
VII. Represent the profession to the public in a positive manner.
A health information management professional shall:
7.1. Be an advocate for the profession in all settings and participate in activities that promote and explain the mission, values, and principles of the profession to the public.
VIII. Perform honorably health information management association responsibilities, either appointed or elected, and preserve the confidentiality of any privileged information made known in any official capacity.
A health information management professional shall:
8.1. Perform responsibly all duties as assigned by the professional association operating within the bylaws and policies and procedures of the association and any pertinent laws.
8.2. Uphold the decisions made by the association.
8.3. Speak on behalf of the health information management profession and association, only while serving in the role, accurately representing the official and authorized positions of the association.
8.4. Disclose any real or perceived conflicts of interest.
8.5. Relinquish association information upon ending appointed or elected responsibilities.
8.6. Resign from an association position if unable to perform the assigned responsibilities with competence.
8.7. Avoid lending the prestige of the association to advance or appear to advance the private interests of others by endorsing any product or service in return for remuneration. Avoid endorsing products or services of a third party, for-profit entity that competes with AHIMA products and services. Care should also be exercised in endorsing any other products and services.
IX. State truthfully and accurately one’s credentials, professional education, and experiences.
A health information management professional shall:
9.1. Make clear distinctions between statements made and actions engaged in as a private individual and as a representative of the health information management profession, a professional health information association, or one’s employer.
9.2. Claim and ensure that representation to patients, agencies, and the public of professional qualifications, credentials, education, competence, affiliations, services provided, training, certification, consultation received, supervised experience, and other relevant professional experience are accurate.
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9.3. Claim only those relevant professional credentials actually possessed and correct any inaccuracies occurring regarding credentials.
9.4. Report only those continuing education units actually earned for the recertification cycle and correct any inaccuracies occurring regarding CEUs.
X. Facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration in situations supporting health Plagiarism Free Papers
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