Introduction ?Reflection is looking back on prior activities, analyzing insights, and using what you’ve learned to expand your knowledge. In nursing, reflection helps you to advance your
Introduction Reflection is looking back on prior activities, analyzing insights, and using what you've learned to expand your knowledge. In nursing, reflection helps you to advance your career. The evolving healthcare environment and increasing expectations of nurses need a more transformational outcome in nursing education (Cho and Kim 2019., n.d). Instructors must be well-versed in self-reflection and enhancing their teaching techniques, much as student nurses are educated to reflect on their career to fulfil the needs of their patients properly. Self-reflection is the thoughtful consideration of one's circumstances, which may help a person gain insight and improve efficiency when guided by literature. This reflection will evaluate teaching and learning skill performance, focusing on interpersonal and communication skills. It will show the hypothesis that supports the teaching and learning methods employed and why this was significant in my case. It will culminate with a critical reflection on management assignment help and personal development and advancement throughout the course, focusing on the significance to future professional careers (Lock et al. 2018., pp.38-51). Following instructions when developing a self-reflective composition allows the practitioner to get desirable and successful results. This study emphasizes the importance of employing personal reflection, also known as self-reflection, to improve nursing education and encourage this practice among nursing faculty members.
The abilities required for ineffective communication must be considered for any teaching and learning theory to be adequately implemented in practice (Hanson et al. 2018., pp.76-80). My communication ability has increased in all conversations, as seen by every placement. Nevertheless, I was informed of this necessity when I recognized that aggressiveness was among my communication flaws when interacting with a nurse working on a problematic patient upon admittance. This was a learning activity that I took part in during my hospital stay. I was able to recognize this criterion in my initial week of placement because I was capable of completing patient intakes under the observation of my supervisor (Walsh et al. 2020., n.d). My tutor's advice reaffirmed the requirement to perfect this skill. I acknowledged that it required to be developed to support me minimize mistakes in future professional practice, better my decision-making capabilities, and boost my professional satisfaction. This learning prerequisite has taken a significant amount of time for me to investigate and critically analyze (Tuohy 2019., n.d). Nonetheless, I consider that the NHS is amid long-term structural reforms to make it more effective and less burdensome. I felt it was vital to concentrate on this because it impacted both myself as a future nurse practitioner and the patient.
I worked with a 50-year-old man suffering from cellulitis in his right lower limb and residing alone with his cat. Due to the idea that the scenario was out of my usual environment, I found it challenging to show myself as a self-assured, assertive, and sympathetic nursing student in my first session with the patient. I had discovered this patient's failure to engage from the beginning of the meetup. Still, I decided not to make an explicit remark for fear of appearing as condescending or an overbearing student nurse (Simamora and Fathi 2019., n.d). On the plus side, I choose to increase my learning requirement to understand how to be prepared with the information and abilities I'll need in the future to manage complex patient care. Patients who have expressed dislikes, disputes, and even rage when provided medication by other staff nurses and student nurses have informed me that patients observe how nursing students conduct themselves and may focus their opinions on their aggressive communication skills (Masters & Kathleen 2018, n.d). This led me to think about my empathy and self-awareness skills. As I responded to the patient's emotional concerns, he confessed that he was worried that he wouldn't be capable of feeding his cat when in the hospital since he didn't have any family members. I replied confidently and calmly, expressing plainly that my purpose was to gain his permission to allow health professionals to get him into a long-term care (Hofmeyer et al. 2018., pp.307-312). I spoke well-using communication abilities I learned as a nursing student, including establishing eye contact with the patient before beginning and responding clearly and precisely, both phases in the dyadic interpersonal communication framework.
While giving customer care, I discovered Almost to be quite valuable because it would have improved my educational requirements earlier in my nursing course, enabling me to give quality outcomes (Masters & Kathleen 2018, n.d). I had to be compassionate, precise, courteous, and intentional throughout the communication process to avoid my patient feeling belittled since this can lead to the process failing. Non-verbal signals are always there when words are said, and they provide meaning for how to understand the message. Face expressions, eye contact, and posture are frequently neglected, culminating in non-verbal indicators contradictory with the information being audibly delivered and the information being misunderstood.
I maintained enough eye contact to convey confidence and credibility when speaking with my patient. However, I had to be careful not to overdo it since this may have made him feel uncomfortable. I had to pay attention to my patient's nonverbal communication clues in addition to my own (Smith et al. 2018., pp.1140-1154). I noticed any signals, such as alterations in body expression or posture, by attentively looking and listening, indicating my patient found the circumstances uncomfortable or too intense. It's easy to get insensitive to people and their health concerns if you work in healthcare and come with delicate situations frequently. As a result, when interacting with my patient, I had to be conscious of his personal feelings about the situation and how this may harm his dignity if not appropriately handled.
My first level of learning was a novice, which Simamora and Fathi (2019) characterized as "beginners who possess no expertise or capacities to exercise in the situation in which they are intended to perform." At this time in my schooling, I knew very little about patient circumstances and the setting in which healthcare is delivered. I felt nervous and anxious as a result of this. It was challenging for me to engage well with the patient and other team members because of my culture. This problem resulted from a lack of relevant experience in care delivery and a lack of comprehension of the conditions I was supposed to work in. I had a poor comprehension of the patient's illness or underlying disease (Ahn et al. 2018., pp.17-30). Consequently, I didn't know how to assess or perform pain assessments or patient admissions. Rather than doing a pain assessment to identify factors that may lead to the pain, I constantly informed my supervisor when a patient-reported discomfort.
Nonetheless, I constantly learned from my supervisor for counsel. I established methods for addressing communication issues in my subsequent placement by advice, feedback on my achievements, and monitoring my supervisors and other staff members. I was competent to soothe patients, conduct pain evaluations, monitor and track vital signs, and grasp their ramifications for patients' care during this placement (Percy et al. 2018., pp. 200-205). Although I had developed trust in clinical talents during my first placement, my optimism rose throughout my second. Though my understanding had expanded, my talents and competence in this domain remained confined. I still observed my mentor's general ideas or guidelines about how to conduct many of the duties entrusted to me.
Consequently, I was unable to leverage my abilities to prioritize or plan therapy properly or to make reliable judgements regarding the care I was delivering to patients. My communication skills increased, too, as I was able to pay attention to the patient and reassure him when completing pain checks (Smith et al. 2018., pp.1140-1154; dissertation writing service). In the future, I intend to ensure successful communication in my everyday work by concentrating on my talents until I am skilled in effective communication and capable of detecting potential issues and obstacles and methods to solve them.
The placement proved to be the most harrowing learning experience for me and contributed to a considerable impact on my education. I believe I did excellent because I did activities I had never performed previously, such as taking blood pressure readings, administering injections, and ensuring that the appropriate prescription was administered (Horntvedt et al. 2018., pp.1-11). The learning challenges placement had the most significant impact on me. This, I thought, would be the perfect opportunity to put my communication skills into practice. Learning challenges both sparked my curiosity and presented a challenge. Among the most challenging things I had to contend with was the patient's unfriendly behaviour (Henderson et al. 2018., pp.14-19). I learned the importance of compassion and discovering what causes people to become frustrated to help them relax. This could necessitate the use of medications.
Because I didn't recognize anything about administering blood-thinning injections, I didn't know which teaching methods would effectively educate the patient on how to apply them (Armah et al. 2020., n.d). However, after researching the various teaching techniques, I feel a delegator form of instruction was adopted. I provided the patient with the equipment he required, explained what to expect, and spent the remainder of the time acting as a reference for when help was required, as specified by the delegator tutor, while instructing him on how to give his blood-thinning injections. This particular learning technique is ideal for this scenario since it allows pupils to study independently. If necessary, the teacher assists while the student completes activities autonomously, helping them to become self-reliant and self-supporting (Sowko et al. 2019., pp.538-542). These qualities are critical for a patient who will be responsible for giving shots unassisted without the assistance of a healthcare practitioner once released.
However, if the instructor is not responsive or if the pupils are required to work too autonomously, they may feel unsupported. In retrospect, I believe the patient did not feel abandoned since I provided constant encouragement and appreciation. He was motivated to continue developing his technique since he felt he had accomplished something and, in the end, he had succeeded (Furnes et al. 2018., pp.1-10). Learners who are actively involved in the learning process, on the other hand, establish a sense of control over the process, which improves their self-esteem and motivation, resulting in higher-quality outputs. The patient's enthusiasm and perseverance displayed his motivation during the teaching session. Motivation is essential in the classroom because it increases students' thinking process and stimulates active learning, enabling them to find the appropriate information and evaluate current events (Rao 2019., n.d). Overall, the training session was a success since the patient showed no symptoms of perplexity and was joyful about his accomplishments throughout.
Overall Module Reflection
I increased my intellectual and critical thinking skills while studying the essentials of becoming a competent and safe registered nurse through the safe and competent module. Looking back on the entire module, I believe that doing a literature review in Part A allowed me to evaluate research critically. The use of literature in this module has enhanced my understanding of how research may be used to guide Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) while also illustrating the value of EBP in nursing (Kang et al. 2021., n.d). As an RN, I will be able to judge the quality of research to comply with EBP while making clinical judgments concerning a patient's treatment. To guarantee that any prescribed care is evidence-based, nurses must be able to read and evaluate a variety of sources. While the NMC (2019) states that EBP should be a prerequisite for all nurses, constraints like a lack of time, knowledge, skills, and organizational support are cited as to why this isn't the case (Truglio-Londrigan and Slyer 2018., p.1). Nevertheless, the NMC (2018A) Guidelines of Mastery for Registered Nurses indicate that using EBP to offer advice or information is necessary since technological and medical advancements are consistent. As nurse practitioners, we are responsible for staying relevant to current evidence-based practice.
Registered nurses also play an essential role in providing expert, evidence-based, and person-centred care. Consequently, my comprehension of EBP will considerably affect future practice, as EBP will allow me to utilize scientifically established evidence to back up clinical decision-making. This will permit me to offer safe and effective care to a patient while also providing the groundwork for my medical training.
Part B taught me about successful leadership and how it contributes to the provision of high-quality, evidence-based patient care. I now recognize the importance of leadership, which will aid me in managing a team. For example, I will guarantee that the team has a common purpose that all team members understand. Learning about leadership, management, and change theory has influenced my path to becoming a certified nurse, as management and leadership abilities are essential within the NHS (Arnold and Boggs 2019., n.d). Interestingly, as registered nurses, they are critical abilities to have, as potential employers mention in the job description that they are required. Newly trained nurses are expected to manage teams successfully from the first day of registration; thus, they must have a strong foundation in leadership as suggested at literature assignment help.
Because I learned how communication and interpersonal skills might affect the teaching and learning process in Part C, it will influence my future work as a supervisor for student nurses. Before carrying out the teaching activity, I had a rudimentary understanding of teaching. As a result of the reflection, I was able to identify the session's merits and faults, particularly environmental impediments. As a result, the reflective component has given me a structure to connect theory to nursing practice while also boosting my confidence in reflective practice, which is critical because nurses are required to reflect on feedback to improve their practice and performance, particularly when revalidating, which is a process to show the NMC that they are fit to practise (Tsimane and Downing 2020., pp.91-98). Overall, I believe that completing the three portions of this module will allow me to work as an RN safely and successfully since I will be able to keep current clinical knowledge. This will enable me to provide the best possible care based on available evidence. This is an essential aspect of nursing practice, and the NMC (2018) in the Code supports it (Truglio-Londrigan and Slyer 2018., p.1). Through role modelling in the classroom, I believe I have displayed professionalism and trust, allowing students and coworkers to trust me and have faith in my skills. The NMC (2018) Code includes a professional requirement of acting as a role model of professional behaviour.
In conclusion, I have critically evaluated and mirrored clinical learning needs essential to my career development. Critical analysis and reflection aided me as a nursing student in obtaining excellent learning achievements by permitting me to correspond and apply the theories to clinically oriented circumstances and explore and examine the evidence as shown at . Furthermore, by illustrating my communication abilities with complicated cases, my clinical teaching and learning requirement was recognized by tutor feedback. For me, recognizing this requirement is an ongoing cycle. However, I noticed that trying to communicate with patients and partnering with staff nurses would support me in being a more self-assured nurse practitioner. At this moment in my advancement, partaking in and involving myself in leadership roles would be advantageous. I could move forward as a nursing student and establish my teaching and learning competency forward into professional performance as a professional nurse practitioner by reflecting on and acknowledging these learning and teaching.
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