In this mini-case study, you have been assigned a task to evaluate the ?best access control for a hospital building. Evaluate which of these ?three types of access control systems: Discretio
In this mini-case study, you have been assigned a task to evaluate the best access control for a hospital building. Evaluate which of these three types of access control systems: Discretionary Access Control (DAC), Mandatory Access Control (MAC), and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) would be the right fit for the task at hand?
C O M P U T E R 0 0 1 8 – 9 1 6 2 / 1 5 / $ 3 1 . 0 0 © 2 0 1 5 I E E E P U B L I S H E D B Y T H E I E E E C O M P U T E R S O C I E T Y F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 85
EDITOR JEFFREY VOAS National Institute of Standards and Technology, [email protected]
Traditionally, access control (AC) has been based on the identity of a user requesting execution of a capability to perform an operation (for exam- ple, read) on an object (for example, a file), either
directly or through predefined attribute types such as roles or groups assigned to that user. Practitioners have noted that this AC approach is often cumbersome to man- age given the need to associate capabilities directly to users or their roles or groups. In addition, the requester qualifiers of identity, groups, and roles are often insuf- ficient in expressing real-world AC policies. An alterna- tive is to grant or deny user requests based on arbitrary attributes of the user and selected attributes of the object, and environment conditions that could be globally rec- ognized and more relevant to the policies at hand. This approach is often referred to as attribute-based access control (ABAC).
ABAC: A FLEXIBLE ACCESS CONTROL MODEL ABAC is a logical AC model that controls access to objects by eval- uating rules against the attributes of entities (subject and object), op- erations, and the environment rel- evant to a request. ABAC enables more precise AC by allowing for a higher number of discrete inputs
into an AC decision and thereby providing a larger set of possible combinations of those variables to reflect a larger and more definitive set of possible rules to express policies, which are limited only by the computational language and the richness of the available attributes.
This flexibility enables creation of access rules with- out specifying individual relationships between each subject and each object. For example, a subject is as- signed a set of subject attributes upon employment, such as Nancy Smith is a Nurse Practitioner in the Cardiology Department. An object is assigned its object attributes upon creation, such as a folder with Medical Records of Heart Patients. Objects may receive their attributes ei- ther directly from the creator or as a result of automated scanning tools. The administrator or owner of an object creates an AC rule using attributes of subjects and objects to govern the set of allowable capabilities—for example,
Attribute-Based Access Control Vincent C. Hu, D. Richard Kuhn, and David F. Ferraiolo, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Attribute-based access control (ABAC) is a
flexible approach that can implement AC
policies limited only by the computational
language and the richness of the available
attributes, making it ideal for many distributed
or rapidly changing environments.
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86 C O M P U T E R W W W . C O M P U T E R . O R G / C O M P U T E R
all Nurse Practitioners in the Cardiol- ogy Department can View the Medical Records of Heart Patients.
Under ABAC, access decisions can change between requests simply by altering attribute values, without re- quiring changes to the subject/object relationships defining the underly- ing rule sets. This provides a more dynamic AC management capability and limits long-term maintenance re- quirements of object protections.
Further, ABAC enables object own- ers or administrators to apply AC policy without prior knowledge of the specific subject and for an unlimited number of subjects that might require access. As new subjects join the organization, rules and objects need not be modified, and as long as the subject is assigned the attributes necessary for access to the required objects—for example, all
Nurse Practitioners in the Cardiology Department are assigned those attri- butes—no modifications to existing rules or object attributes are required. This accommodation of the external (unanticipated) user is one of the pri- mary benefits of employing ABAC.1,2
As a result of this flexibility, ABAC has attracted interest across indus- try and government, and is the fast- est-growing AC model today.3 It has been integrated with other approaches, such as the International Committee for Information Technology Stan- dards (INCITS) standard for role-based access control,4 and has become the basis for an increasing range of prod- ucts. But beyond the basic scheme of associating attributes with subjects, objects, and environments, there has been little consistency among ABAC implementations.
IMPLEMENTING ABAC IN THE ENTERPRISE ENVIRONMENT Due to a lack of consensus on ABAC features, users can’t accurately assess the benefits and challenges associ- ated with the model. To help address this problem, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released Special Publication (SP) 800- 162, Guide to Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) Definition and Consid- erations.1 This document serves a two- fold purpose. First, it provides federal agencies with a definition of ABAC and a description of its functional components. Second, it describes planning, design, implementation, and operational considerations for employing ABAC within an enter- prise to improve information sharing while maintaining control of that in- formation. The guide focuses on the
Credential issuance
Enterprise policy manager
Enterprise identity/ credential manager
Subject attribute issuance
Enterprise subject attribute
administration point
Enterprise object attribute manager
Local object attribute administration point
Optional enterprise object attribute binding and validation service
Enterprise access control policy
Enterprise access
control policy administration point
Etc. Clearance
Name Owner
Etc. Classi�cation TypeEnterprise subject
attribute sharing
Local subject attribute administration point
Hierarchical policy pushed to
subordinate organizations
Local subject attribute repository
Local subject attribute repository
Object attribute repository
Local access control policy repository
Etc. Classi�cation Type
Etc. Clearance
Decision Enforce
ABAC access control
Environmental conditions Local access control policy
administration point
Set of available attributes for policy
Optional enterprise policy decision service
Figure 1. Attribute-based access control (ABAC) example. Adapted from V.C. Hu et al., Guide to Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) Definition and Considerations, NIST Special Publication 800-162, Nat’l Institute of Standards and Technology, Jan. 2014.
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F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 87
challenges of implementing ABAC rather than on balancing the cost and effectiveness of other capabilities ver- sus ABAC.
When deployed across an enter- prise to increase information shar- ing among diverse organizations, ABAC implementations can become complex, requiring an attribute man- agement infrastructure, machine- enforceable policies, and an array of functions that support access deci- sions and policy enforcement. As Fig- ure 1 shows, in addition to the basic policy, attribute, and AC mechanism requirements, the enterprise must support management functions for enterprise policy development and distribution, enterprise identity and subject attributes, subject attribute sharing, enterprise object attributes, authentication, and AC mechanism deployment and distribution.
Enabling these capabilities re- quires careful consideration of nu- merous factors that will influence the design, security, and interoperability of an enterprise ABAC solution. These
factors can be summarized around a set of activities:
› establish the business case for ABAC implementation;
› understand the operational requirements and overall ABAC enterprise architecture;
› establish or refine business pro- cesses to support ABAC;
› develop and acquire an interop- erable set of ABAC capabilities; and
› operate with efficient ABAC processing.
NIST SP 800-162 helps ABAC sys- tem planners, architects, managers, and implementers carry out these ac- tivities in four phases. The initiation phase includes building the business case for deploying ABAC capabilities; scalability, feasibility, and perfor- mance requirements; and developing operational requirements and archi- tecture. The acquisition/development phase includes business process gen- eration and deployment preparation,
system development and solution acquisition considerations, and other enterprise ABAC capabilities. The implementation/assessment phase in- cludes attribute caching, attribute source minimization, and ABAC in- terface specifications. Finally, the op- erations/maintenance phase includes availability of quality ABAC data.
ATTRIBUTE ASSURANCE The metadata of ABAC attributes communicate aspects that are im- portant for attribute standardiza- tion. By coupling a common set of mandatory and optional metadata with attribute assertions, ABAC sys- tems can query attribute information to make their own risk-based deci- sions, especially when delivered via a broker connected to many systems.
In general, attribute metadata fall into three categories:
› Accuracy establishes the policy and technical underpinnings for semantically and syntactically correct use of these attributes
TABLE 1. Level of attribute assurance (LOAA) mappings example.
LOAA Accuracy Integrity Availability
1 Attributes are properly verified for veracity through provision and management.
Secure attribute repository.
Secure communication between attribute providers (APs) and relying parties (RPs).
Attribute refresh frequency meets the system performance requirement.
2 Includes level 1.
Documented rule or standards for attribute value assignment and definition (syntax and semantic rule).
Includes level 1.
Dedicated attribute repositories.
Includes level 1.
Attribute caching during runtime meets the system performance requirement.
3 Includes level 2.
Attributes cover all of the organization’s protection policy requirements (semantically complete).
Includes level 2.
Encrypted attribute values and communications between APs and RPs.
Includes level 2.
Failover or backup attributes support.
4 Includes Level 3.
Attributes under federated or unified governance.
Includes level 3.
Formal rules or policy (or standards) for create, update, modify, and delete attributes.
Includes level 3.
Log for attribute changes and access.
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88 C O M P U T E R W W W . C O M P U T E R . O R G / C O M P U T E R
and environmental conditions, and ensures that the reported attributes are trustworthy, based on the trust established in the measurement and reporting processes.
› Integrity considers different standards and protocols used for secure sharing of attributes be- tween systems in order to avoid compromising the integrity and confidentiality of the attributes or exposing vulnerabilities in at- tribute provider (AP) or relying party (RP) systems or entities.
› Availability ensures that the up- date and retrieval of attributes support the RP. In addition, attribute repositories’ failover and backup capability must be considered. Note that some attri- butes might change regularly or over time.
An AP is any person or system that provides subject, object (or resource), or environmental condition attributes regardless of transmission method. The AP could be the original authori- tative source or receiving information from an authoritative source for re- packing and storing-and-forwarding to the ABAC system. Attribute values can be human generated (for example, an employee database) or derived from formulas (for example, a credit score). Regardless of the attribute source, the system should ensure that the attri- bute value received from an AP is ac- curately associated with the subject,
object, or environmental condition to which it applies.2 Table 1 illustrates example levels of attribute assurance (LOAA) based on the accuracy, integ- rity, and availability properties.
A ttribute-based access control is a flexible approach that can implement AC policies limited
only by the computational language and the richness of the available at- tributes. This flexibility enables the greatest breadth of subjects to ac- cess the greatest breadth of objects without specifying individual rela- tionships between each subject and each object, making ABAC ideal for many distributed or rapidly changing environments.
ABAC has the potential to dramat- ically improve AC in modern appli- cations such as e-commerce and the Internet of Things. In the meantime, a consensus definition of ABAC is needed, and work remains to be done in assuring attribute accuracy and re- liability. For more information on on- going efforts, see /projects/abac/index.html.
REFERENCES 1. V.C. Hu et al., Guide to Attribute Based
Access Control (ABAC) Definition and Considerations, NIST Special Pub- lication 800-162, Nat’l Institute of Standards and Technology, Jan. 2014; /specialpublications/NIST.sp.800 -162.pdf.
2. V.C. Hu, D.F. Ferraiolo, and D.R. Kuhn, Assessment of Access Control Systems, NIST Interagency Report 7316, Nat’l Institute of Standards and Technol- ogy, Mar. 2006; /publications/nistir/7316/NISTIR -7316.pdf.
3. Avatier Corp., “Leveraging Today’s Megatrends to Drive the Future of Identity Management,” video presen- tation, Gartner Identity and Access Management (IAM) Summit, 2012; /identity-management/resources /gartner-iam-2020-predictions.
4. D.R. Kuhn, E.J. Coyne, and T.R. Weil, “Adding Attributes to Role Based Access Control,” Computer, vol. 43, no. 6, 2010, pp. 79–81.
VINCENT C. HU is a computer scien- tist in the Computer Security Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Contact him at [email protected]
D. RICHARD KUHN is a project leader and computer scientist in the Computer Security Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Contact him at [email protected]
DAVID F. FERRAIOLO is a computer scientist and manages the Secure Systems and Applications Group in the Computer Security Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Contact him at [email protected]
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Readings/Best Practices, Procedures and Methods for Access Control Management.pdf
Best Practices, Procedures and Methods for Access Control Management
Michael Haythorn
July 13, 2013
Table of Contents
Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2
What is Access? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Access Control …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
Identification …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Authentication ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Authorization ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4-5
Accountability …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Put it All Together …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5-6
Industry Standards and Best Practices …………………………………………………………………………………… 7
ISO/IEC 27002 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
Requirements for Access Control ………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
NIST 800-53(A) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Access Control Models ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Least Privilege …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Separation of Duties ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Job Rotation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Mandatory Access Control ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Discretionary Access Control ………………………………………………………………………………………… 9-10
Role Based Access Control ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10
Rule Based Access Control ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11
Integrated Approach ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11
Case Studies …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
Case Study 1: Government/Military …………………………………………………………………………………. 12
Case Study 2: Large Financial Company ………………………………………………………………………… 12-13
Case Study 3: Small Internet Sales Company ……………………………………………………………………… 13
Closing …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14
References ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15
Abstract Controlling access to information and information systems is a fundamental responsibility of information security professionals. The basic need to consume data creates a requirement to provide control over the access necessary to use that data. It is this subject-object interaction that introduces risk that must be mitigated through methodological policy creation and enforcement. Access controls are managed through the provision of rules to grant/deny subjects who intend to access certain objects. These rules can be defined and enforced through a number of means to create a manageable layered control process. The overarching goal of access control is to facilitate the mitigation of risk to the object. In order to access data, multiple layers must be passed through including identification, authentication, and authorization. Actions of subjects must be monitored, creating accountability. Depending on the requirement for policy enforcement and level of sensitivity of the data to be protected, there are multiple methods that can be implemented to control access. The principle of least privilege, separation of duties, job rotation, mandatory access control, discretionary access control, role based access control and rule based access controls are most commonly used. In addition, industry standards have been established both by government and private entities to identify best practices. ISO/IEC 27002 standard outlines the management of access control policy and enforcement. The government created standard NIST 800-53 and 800-53(A) identifies methods to control access by utilizing various models depending on the circumstances of the need.
1 What is Access? The necessity of control is created by the need for access. Access is essentially the ability of the subject and the object to interact. In the terms for this paper, all access is logical, meaning that it exists on a system and is typically a file, folder, program, system or process. The request for access is initiated by the subject and is necessary in all information systems circumstances. 1.1 Access Control Access control is essential where there is sensitive data to protect or privileged actions to be performed. In order to control the use of these functions, there must be a way to limit access. Without this control there would be no ability to prevent unauthorized access to privileged data inside a system. Imagine if any employee working for a soft drink company were able to see the secret formula or if all employees working for large private financial company were able to see the salary of their coworkers. These situations would cause company collapse or employee mutiny because not all data is intended for everyone. Thankfully there is access control in place to prevent the situations above. By using the proper means to control who accesses data, along with when and where it is accessible this data can be protected in order to maintain a competitive advantage, or establish a level of division required for an entity to survive. 1.2 Identification Identification describes a method of ensuring that the subject is in fact who they claim to be. An identity can be assigned to a user a user, program, or process and is used by the system to associate the subject with the identity stored on the system. An example of identification is a user name for a user who is accessing a desktop through a log in screen. In this case the user name is unique to that user and is required for access to be granted. For the purpose of accessing a system or process, the identifier does not need to be unique to a user, but can be generic. The only requirement is that this identity be linked to the process or program on the system so that it can be identified. Diagram 1.1 shows a typical identification request where the system is asking the subject to provide a user name that it will use to associate with a profile stored on the system:
1.3 Authentication Identification is half of the typical login process. The next step is authentication where a user, program or process must provide some type of password, passphrase, token, biometric, or key that is matched to the user name and matched to the credential stored on the system or on the network that is being accessed. Once authentication is passed, access is granted or denied to the system based on the information provided. For example, a UNIX user provides a user name and password to log into a UNIX system. The user is only authenticated at this stage yet still does not have access to perform and functions on the system. Diagram 1.2 shows a typical authentication request on a UNIX System where once the user name “root” is provided the system requests the password that is associated with the identifier:
1.4 Authorization The next piece is the authorization of access that is granted to that user, program or process. This control either allows or denies action based on rules that are defined inside the system pertaining to that subject. Rules are defined in many ways and can be based on request, time, location, group, etc. An example of authorization is a subject requesting access to a network shared drive. In this example the subject has successfully identified themselves and authenticated to the system. Their attempt to connect to the shared drive must also be authorized by some control that will grant them this additional access. If the user is granted the access they will be able to connect to the shared drive. If the user does not have the necessary authorization to connect they will be denied access. Authorization is where access control is established and can be implemented at both the macro and micro level depending on the sensitivity of the data and the policy being enforced.
Diagram 1.2 displays the process of identification, authentication and authorization through the use of a flow chart that can grant or deny access based on the information given and the rules it has been supplied:
1.5 Accountability Finally in order to enforce the misuse of policy once access has been granted, or prevent repeated malicious access attempts there must be some form of accountability. Accountability can use various methods to record or capture events for additional review. This event log can include every access request, both positive and negative, subject login times and locations, subject actions upon login, etc. This information is stored and can be used for investigative purposes or for reporting of usage statistics for audit. Account Plagiarism Free Papers
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