Utilizing Penrod and Hupcey’s principles, write a concept work on the
Utilizing Penrod and Hupcey's principles, write a concept work on the topic: holistic nursing
This should be about 5 pages in proper APA format. Rubric is attached
Enhancing methodological clarity: principle-based concept analysis
Janice Penrod PhD RN
Assistant Professor, College of Health and Human Development; and Assistant Professor, College of Medicine, Pennsylvania
State University, Pennsylvania, USA
Judith E. Hupcey EdD CRNP
Assistant Professor, College of Health and Human Development; and Assistant Professor, College of Medicine, Pennsylvania
State University, Pennsylvania, USA
Accepted for publication 3 September 2004
Janice Penrod,
College of Health and Human Development,
Pennsylvania State University,
203 HHDE University Park,
PA 16802,
E-mail: [email protected]
PENROD J. & HUPCEY J.E . (2005)PENROD J. & HUPCEY J.E . (2005) Journal of Advanced Nursing 50(4), 403–409
Enhancing methodological clarity: principle-based concept analysis
Aims. The aim of this paper is to operationalize the principle-based method of
concept analysis.
Background. While nursing has embraced the use of concept analysis as a valid and
significant entrée into an area of research, methodological development has created
strategies of inquiry that vary in purpose and in the nature of their findings.
Discussion. We propose that, as the primary utility of concept analysis is to
determine the existing state of the science so that further work may be strategically
and appropriately planned, the method described as principle-based concept ana-
lysis is superior in providing evidence to support subsequent inquiry into the concept
of interest.
Three problematic issues are discussed in an effort to clarify and procedurally
explicate the strategies employed in this approach: selecting disciplinary literatures
for inclusion in the analysis; conceptually-driven sampling issues; and within- and
across-discipline analytic techniques.
Conclusion. In this form of concept analysis, each principle contributes to an
understanding of the strengths and limitations of the present state of the concept in
the scientific literature. We believe that this perspective will enable nursing to begin
to harness the power of concept analysis for advancing science rather than simply
imagining what a concept could be or constructing what we believe it should be.
Keywords: concept analysis, principle-based concept analysis
Nursing has traditionally valued processes of concept analysis
for the identification of concepts suitable for subsequent
research and as a means to determine the appropriate
methodologies for investigating the concept of interest. For
example, it is commonly asserted that concepts that are not
well defined or integrated in theoretical formulations are best
suited to qualitative studies, while clearly defined and
operationalized concepts are more amenable to quantitative
study (Morse & Field 1995). Although multiple methods of
concept analysis are available, all methods are not equal in
producing analytic results that serve researchers in processing
subsequent methodological decisions for research that
extends the science of nursing.
The purpose of this paper is to operationalize the principle-
based method for concept analysis using criteria put forward
by Morse and colleagues (Morse 1995, Hupcey et al. 1996,
Morse et al. 1996a, 1996b) to produce findings that are
useful in determining subsequent methods for advancing a
concept. In addition, problematic issues discovered through
use of this principle-based method in our own work,
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supervision of doctoral students, and peer review of manu-
scripts describing the application of this method are
addressed. We conclude that the evaluation of findings
derived through a thoughtful application of a principle-based
analysis provides insights into appropriate pathways for
advancement of a concept and, therefore, towards greater
utility in nursing science and practice.
Understanding concepts
We will present a brief summary to orient readers to our
understanding of concepts as empirically-based abstractions
of reality or truth. We believe that truth transcends the
contextual experience of human existence, and that the
collective exposition of that truth reveals our best estimate of
probable truth. Thus, probable truth (as revealed in the
scientific literature) is the foundation of concept analysis.
Concepts may be described as ordinary or everyday
(meaning a cognitive formation that results through natural
human processes that occur through being in the world with
others) or scientific (meaning abstractions that are developed
into more precise meaning units that, when linked together,
propositionally form a theoretical representation of empi-
rically-experienced reality). We assert that while the every-
day meaning of concepts may contribute to scientific
understanding, ordinary concepts (with implicit meaning)
are inadequate for scientific inquiry. In turn, analytic
techniques used in scientific endeavours must focus on
scientific concepts. Should the scientific concept not capture
the everyday notion of the concept (termed an inconsistency
or gap in understanding), further development of the
concept is indicated. This is done through scientific inquiry
into the empirical derivation of the concept, not carte
blanche acceptance and integration of contextual everyday
Nursing science is concerned with complex human beha-
viour within a continually changing trajectory of health. The
concepts of interest to nursing are multifaceted, highly
integrated, and at times manifest differently at different
points along the health trajectory. Thus, a tapestry analogy
(developed with reference to Hemple 1966) aptly captures
our perspectives of the complexity of concept–theory linkages
in nursing science. In this analogy, theory is represented as a
tapestry of interwoven, knotted conceptual threads. This
analogy reinforces the importance of theoretical context in
processes of concept analysis. We assert that the power of
concept analysis is to identify the existing theoretical strands
that define a concept of interest and ultimately to tie and
re-tie the conceptual knots to form a stronger, more coherent
tapestry of theory. Theory (i.e. the tapestry) is strengthened
as the individual strands (i.e. concepts) are clarified and
Thus, as the state of a concept is first fully understood and
subsequently advanced, so is the science advanced (Penrod
1999, September). We propose that well-developed concepts
advance the discipline of nursing beyond the realm of purely
theoretical science. Clearly-developed, empirically-based con-
cepts are the basis of useful theory in nursing. Well-developed
theory has the potential to guide clinical practice to new
levels of human interaction that promote health and well-
being. We believe that such praxis theory (that is, theory that
produces thoughtful action) demands the primary attention
of nurse scholars.
Morse et al. (1996b) and colleagues have proposed the
term ‘maturity’ to label a concept’s level of development.
What can a label of the level of maturity tell us about the
state of the science surrounding a developing concept? Level
of maturity ranges on a continuum from immature to mature,
yet few descriptive labels are available to describe the
variations among these levels. In addition, assignment of an
evaluative label of maturity does little to inform scientists of
gaps or limitations in understanding. Rather than relying on a
label of maturity, we assert that careful evaluation of the state
of the science represents scholars’ best estimates of probable
truth surrounding the concept at that point in time. The
caveat to this statement is the evolutionary nature of science –
as science evolves, so does the evidence available to support
the criteria-based evaluation of a concept. Therefore, concept
analysis is not a static product.
The evolutionary path of the advancement of science may
be more accurately illustrated by Kuhn’s (1962, 1970) work.
Contrary to the received view of science as accumulation of
knowledge, Kuhn emphasizes paradigm shifts or revolutions
during which the path of normal science takes a radical turn.
The maturity of a discipline is reflected in the shared
paradigms of the scientific community. Similarly, a well-
developed concept reflects the state of the science and, as
such, can only be as advanced as the science itself. Therefore,
conceptual evolution is a process of change over time as the
science develops new methods or perspectives of puzzle-
solving. A scientific concept is not a static entity – it is
dynamic, with the state of the science representing the most
current state of scientific understanding.
Within this philosophical perspective of science, a threat to
concept development is the use of shared examples. As the
discipline derives exemplars and uses these to teach young
scientists models for puzzle-solving, we run the risk of
creating conceptual dogma; that is, attributes or aspects of
the concept are carried forward without further investigation
or consideration of the changing context of the science or
J. Penrod and J.E. Hupcey
404 � 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 50(4), 403–409
practice. As a result, we teach students how to think ‘within
the box’ of the discipline rather than to analyse critically the
conceptual roots of the discipline. Such institutionalized
thinking is difficult to re-direct, according to Kuhn’s (1962,
1970) perspective of the revolutionary nature of scientific
advancement. However, conceptual dogma can be revealed
through systematic analysis and advancement of scientific
Methods of concept analysis
Concept analysis methods might focus on quantitative
techniques, qualitative techniques, or a mix of these tech-
niques. For example, a concept could be analysed using
quantitative meta-analysis or psychometric testing of meas-
urement tools. Conversely, purely qualitative methods, such
as Morse and colleagues’ methods of advanced concept
analysis might be used (Morse 1995, Hupcey et al. 1996,
Morse et al. 1996a, 1996b). Or, per Walker and Avant
(1995), different strategies (qualitative and quantitative)
might be used at different points in the analysis within one
over-arching procedural method.
It is important to note, however, that the purposes for
using such techniques differ, and that the nature of the
findings that each method produces will contribute differently
to the advancement of a concept. For example, the types of
quantitative projects described above aim to explore derived
associations or measurement of attributes across a body of
scientific literature. These methods may be appropriately
used when a concept is adequately developed. If, however, a
concept is poorly developed, such studies face serious threats
to validity. Thus, it is desirable to have some form of
principle-based analysis that assists in determining the most
appropriate methods of concept advancement according to
the current state of the science.
We use the term principle-based concept analysis to refer to
the application of the philosophical principles as cited by
Morse and colleagues in a series of papers (Morse 1995,
Hupcey et al. 1996, Morse et al. 1996a, 1996b). Discussion
of this method of concept analysis represents an expanded
interpretation of the evolving methods derived through our
research (Hupcey 1998, Penrod 1999, 2001a, 2001b, Penrod
et al. 2000, Hupcey et al. 2001). We hope to extend the
utility of this method by detailing operational concerns that
we have experienced in our own work, our supervision of
doctoral students, and our peer review of manuscripts on
concept analysis. To achieve this goal, we first provide an
overview of the principle-based method of concept analysis.
We then focus on operational issues that we have identified in
relation to this method. We conclude that processes of
concept analysis must be dis-entangled from those of concept
advancement in order to clarify the progressive nature of this
type of inquiry.
Principle-based concept analysis
The basis of this method is the analysis of a concept
according to four broad principles – epistemological, prag-
matic, linguistic and logical – in order to determine and
evaluate the state of the science surrounding the concept (for
further discussion of the principles, see Morse et al. 1996a,
1996b). In this paper, we operationalize the method through
a discussion of issues that have arisen during implementation.
Overview of principle-based method of concept analysis
As in most forms, the first phase of principle-based concept
analysis is to determine the concept of interest and to collect
the scientific literature from disciplines that are considered
applicable to the inquiry. Then, this literature is treated as
data that are assessed according to the criteria espoused by
the epistemological, pragmatic, linguistic and logical princi-
ples, discussed below. Finally, these assessments are integra-
ted into a unified perspective on the current state of the
scientific literature. The questions in the following sections
are derived from the work of Morse et al. (1996a).
Epistemological principle: is the concept clearly defined and
well differentiated from other concepts?
Epistemology refers to the nature of knowledge. The related
analytic criterion is rooted the rationalists’ reliance on reason
as a source of knowledge. When applied to concept analysis,
the epistemological principle focuses on the discipline’s dis-
tinction of a concept within the knowledge base. A concept
that is epistemologically mature is well-defined, well-differ-
entiated from other concepts through that definition, and is
clearly positioned in the body of literature (Penrod 2001b).
Pragmatic principle: is the concept applicable and useful
within the scientific realm of inquiry? Has it been
Focusing on pragmatics, that is, on the concept’s applica-
bility in explaining or describing phenomena encountered
within the discipline, the data are analysed from the per-
spective of usefulness. For a concept to be pragmatically
mature, members of the discipline should be able to
recognize manifestations of the concept; it should ring true
with experience. Operationalization is a high level of
pragmatic development, reserved for rather mature con-
cepts (Penrod 2001b).
Nursing theory and concept development or analysis Principle-based concept analysis
� 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 50(4), 403–409 405
Linguistic principle: is the concept used consistently and
appropriately within context?
Linguistics refers to human speech and language and, when
applied to concept analysis, this principle evaluates the
appropriate use of the concept. In this assessment, consis-
tency in use and meaning are considered. There is also a more
oblique consideration of context, examining the fit of the
concept within context (Penrod 2001b). Concepts should be
appropriate to their use in context; however, in this sense,
context is a more complicated issue than merely the setting.
Concepts may be context-bound (that is, limited to a pre-
scribed setting or theoretical use) or stripped of context
(stripped of contextual ties, of broader scope, more abstract).
Logical principle: does the concept hold its boundaries
through theoretical integration with other concepts?
Derived through the philosophical perspectives of logic, that
is, focused on correct and incorrect reasoning, this principle
refers to the integration of the concept with related concepts.
Focusing on conceptual boundaries, the data are analysed to
determine if the concept becomes blurred when positioned
theoretically with other concepts. Ideally, a concept ‘holds its
boundaries’, meaning that it remains clear or tight, and per-
mits the derivation of systematic interrelationships without
getting lost in the theory (Penrod 2001b).
Issues in applying principle-based concept analysis
Earlier discussion of the analytic criteria on which this
method is based has focused on structural features of a
concept (Morse et al. 1996b). After using this method it has
become apparent to us that focusing on structural features is
a very limited use of the principles (Hupcey 1998, Penrod
1999, 2001a, 2001b, Penrod et al. 2000, Hupcey et al. 2001).
Persistent issues surrounding principle-based concept analysis
must be addressed in order to maximize the utility of the
method. Recall that our purpose for concept analysis is to
produce evidence that reveals scholars’ best estimate of
‘probable truth’ in the scientific literature. In this method of
concept analysis, findings are summarized as a theoretical
definition that integrates an evaluative summary of each of
the criteria posed by the four over-arching principles. Careful
consideration of three methodological issues contributes to
the utility of the method: selection of disciplinary literatures
for review, sampling techniques and analytic techniques.
Selection of disciplinary literatures
One of the most important preliminary decisions that
researchers must make is a determination of which literatures
may contribute to the analytic perspectives of the concept. A
multidisciplinary perspective is especially important in nur-
sing because other related disciplines can add to nursing’s
understanding of the concept of interest. For example, in a
study of trust employing this analytic technique (Hupcey
et al. 2001), discipline-specific literatures from sociology,
medicine, psychology, and, initially, business were analysed
because each of these disciplines was believed to contribute a
unique perspective to our understanding of trust. For
example, sociology could inform the research regarding
how interaction within the society might yield feelings of
trust. Herein lies an important distinction from the work of
Morse (2000), in which she describes a search strategy
focused on shared conceptual attributes. In her discussion,
disciplinary perspectives are not broached until the researcher
is engaged in processes of exploring pragmatic utility, which
we would call a technique for concept advancement not
concept analysis.
Literature selection must be processed as an analytic
decision. Which disciplines may contribute to a deeper
understanding of the concept? What theoretical perspectives
may be useful in extending the utility of the concept? In
another concept analysis employing this method, uncertainty
was studied (Penrod 2001a, 2001b). In this example,
anthropology (with a focus on culturally based patterns of
human behaviour) was examined to reveal different mani-
festations of the concept of interest. Sociology was thought to
contribute an understanding of group-level interpretations of
the concept, in contrast to an intra-individual perspective
offered in psychology literature. Medicine and nursing were
explored to provide deeper interpretation of patient states
and the professional experience of uncertainty. These analytic
decisions were not based in a consideration of shared
conceptual attributes but in varied disciplinary perspectives
of the concept of interest.
At other times, the multidisciplinary literatures may be so
broad that their scope exceeds researchers’ purpose or
resources. Morse (2000) emphasizes that full articles (not
abstracts) must be retrieved, and details methods for tracking
a ‘large’ literature base (p. 338). This presents a special
concern for novices and independent or solo researchers. The
final data sets in the studies of uncertainty and trust were
modest for the scope of those projects (uncertainty included
83 articles, while trust examined 107 articles). These data sets
were derived from a preliminary review of literature that
included hundreds of papers. Given researcher constraints, an
analytic decision to limit the breadth of the review may be
made legitimately; however, as the analysis proceeds, this
limitation must be respected to avoid threats of over-
generalization of the analytic findings. This is an especially
J. Penrod and J.E. Hupcey
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salient caution to educators and students who undertake
concept analyses as part of graduate education.
Decisions about which disciplinary literatures should be
included in the analysis are guided by an initial, broad
literature search and review that informs researchers about
the more global state of the shared science surrounding the
concept. Selection of disciplinary literatures should be based
on the potential for contribution to the understanding of the
concept, not a rote listing of inter-related disciplines, nor
conceptual attributes per se. If the potential for a disciplin-
ary literature’s contribution is questionable, it is recommen-
ded that the discipline be included in the initial review and,
later, deleted if fruitless. Thus, selection of disciplinary
literatures for inclusion in a concept analysis is a preliminary
analytic decision that critically affects the product of the
Conceptually driven sampling
The second issue in principle-based concept analysis work
concerns obtaining the sample of literature to be included in
the review. As the literature is being used as data in the
concept analysis, adequacy and appropriateness of the
derived sample are important evaluative criteria (Morse &
Field 1995, Morse 2000). Adequacy addresses the volume of
data available to support the research endeavour, while
appropriateness has to do with the degree to which the data
informs the research. In concept analysis work, adequacy is
particularly related to deriving the sample of literature to be
included in the analysis, especially when a large volume of
literature is available. Appropriateness of the derived sample
of literature is assessed both in the initial literature search
procedures and in the preliminary review of the data.
Researchers initiating a concept analysis are sometimes
faced with huge bodies of literature that would require
resources that greatly exceed those available. Random
selection of the initial sample of literature is clearly not an
acceptable technique for delimiting the sample because the
most appropriate pieces of the literature may be omitted. As
in any other research endeavour, constraints must be realis-
tically assessed and then methodologically addressed in ways
that do not threaten the validity of the conclusions. Literature
selection must be conceptually driven, not statistically driven.
Thus, the evaluative criterion that must be considered when
facing exceptionally large data sets is appropriateness of the
derived sample.
Conversely, researchers may be faced by a paucity of
literature on the concept of interest. Remember that the point
of concept analysis is to determine the state of the science
surrounding the concept; therefore, a small sample does not
invalidate the method. Adequacy of the sample is not violated
by a small data set if that data set is an accurate represen-
tation of the state of the science. However, appropriateness of
the derived sample may be an issue, or, in other words, is the
sampling technique capturing the literature that best informs
the research? This requires the researcher to further evaluate
the conceptual label being searched. Is the most suitable term
being used in the keyword search? Are there other forms of
the conceptual term that may produce more useful results? In
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