Policies provide standardization and structure to employees. ??The employee handbook is a venue for communicating expectations and can be a resource for employees as they have questions.
Policies provide standardization and structure to employees. The employee handbook is a venue for communicating expectations and can be a resource for employees as they have questions. In In this assignment, you will present why 4 policies (attached in annotated bibliography) should be included within the employee handbook. This assignment allows you to apply some of your HR knowledge to a fictional small company of 15-25 employees.
In a research paper, provide researched rationale for the nature and substance of your 4 selected, distinct policies (workplace benefits. workplace dating, dress code policies, and policies on harassment – can be found in the attached annotated bibliography). This paper is to be reflective of an academic research paper. The research paper must address the reasoning and/or rationale for the inclusion of the selected policy elements in a policy manual. The selected policies must correctly address employment legislation pertinent to the stated size of the company (15–25 employees). In elaborating on the rationale, you may want to consider the following questions: Why should these elements be in a policy manual? What laws or principles mandate an organization follow these guidelines? What cases have established precedent for this issue to be addressed clearly in an organization’s employee policy manual?
Support your rationale with (at minimum) 15 reputable (annotated bibliography attached), sources are in addition to the required use of the textbook (attached) and the Bible. The paper must be at least 2000 words, in addition to the cover page, the abstract, and the references page. It must be written in current APA format. Papers submitted with less than the minimum word count will not receive full credit in this area of the grading rubric (attached).
Some of these are more procedural and more for one person in a role at the company or for supervisors. The Code of Conduct is easily confused with the more common Code of Conduct in publicly traded organizations. Keep the company size in mind as you research. Stay in the US when it comes to laws and try to keep out of specific industries and areas that are not a match. For example, an article on school dress code is not a good match to researching a dress code at the workplace. An article on Transyvanian ceramic engineers who experience harassment is going to not have good carryover to a small US coffee shop and the definition of harassment will be not the same as the one in the US.
This paper is a rationale for the policies and the company is not important other than to keep the small size in mind. You can write the paper in general terms (policies for a small company, etc.) or adopt a fictional company (ex. ABC Coffee Shop). Do note this is not a research paper and you are not looking at specific companies and what they have. This is also not the policies themselves and the tone will not be addressing employees but rather a formal paper about the importance of the policies you pick. Spend your time and effort on areas that advance the paper and align with the assignment instructions and rubric.
Running Head: HRPP Annotated Bibliography 1
HRPP Annotated Bibliography
Human Resource Policy Project Annotated Bibliography
Sha-Nicca White
Liberty University
BUSI 642 – Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management (B05)
Prof. Amy Riederich
18 September 2022
Policies on Workplace Benefits
Fine, C., Sojo, V., & Lawford‐Smith, H. (2019). Why does workplace gender diversity matter? justice, organizational benefits, and policy. Social Issues and Policy Review, 14(1), 36–72. https://doi.org/10.1111/sipr.12064
According to the authors, gender diversity in the workplace has many advantages. It is clear that the sexes are not sufficiently diverse or alike to be fungible. The benefits of gender variety include the possibility of a decline in sexism, which would help fight androcentrism in services and goods. Innovation, corporate governance, and occupational well-being are some of the potential instrumental workplace benefits associated with this benefit within the organization. Policymakers should therefore use this complete understanding of this benefit as a foundation for their gender diversity initiatives.
Hasan, E. (2022). The benefits and challenges of embracing religious inclusion in the workplace. Embracing Workplace Religious Diversity and Inclusion, 29–45. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-89773-4_3
The author, Hassan, argues that accommodating religious customs may be difficult for the business but that there are many advantages to accepting religious inclusion. As a result, the company must invest in diversity management, acknowledge the growth of the religiously associated population, and support the employees' spiritual practices and views. As part of diverse inclusion, the workplace policy should include the acceptance of religion.
Hossain, M., Atif, M., Ahmed, A., & Mia, L. (2019). Do LGBT workplace diversity policies create value for firms? Journal of Business Ethics, 167(4), 775–791. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-019-04158-z
The authors argue that the United States' anti-discrimination laws, which forbid discrimination in the workplace based on sexual orientation and gender identity, tend to encourage innovation, which in turn leads to improved organizational performance. According to the research, projects with diversity policies are more likely than those that don't to be innovative and perform better. As a result, the company must ensure that it has anti-discrimination procedures. It comes with significant financial advantages.
Sherman, B. W., & Dankwa-Mullan, I. (2022). For the commercially insured, equitable health benefits begin with Equitable Health Insurance Design. American Journal of Health Promotion, 36(4), 745–751. https://doi.org/10.1177/08901171211073408b
In order to address personal health inequities, the authors contend that equitable health benefits designs are essential. To do this, employers and other sponsors should identify and address unmet well-being and health objectives among low-income and racialized group employees. When properly targeted, actions and policies aid in promoting higher levels of worker engagement and productivity, which improves business success.
According to the author, companies may promote full healthcare coverage for all employees that are inexpensive, intelligible, accessible, and promotes culturally relevant health services so that each person "… has a fair and reasonable opportunity to be as healthy as possible." Practically speaking, this objective takes into account a wide range of factors, including equitable financing of health benefits coverage, access to healthcare that is appropriate for each individual's cultural background, services, and program offerings that address the health needs of specific subpopulations, and ongoing monitoring to ensure that the desired health equity outcomes are being realized. In order to help employers and plan sponsors create and execute more equitable benefit designs, this study identifies gaps in benefit design that may be causing poor health outcomes and disparities.
Policies on Fraternization (Workplace Dating)
Fraternization, dating, and Sex in your unit: How close is too close? HPRC. (2020, November 10). Retrieved September 16, 2022, from https://www.hprc-online.org/social-fitness/teams-leadership/fraternization-dating-and-sex-your-unit-how-close-too-close
According to this author, speaking from the military's viewpoint, having intimate ties with colleagues may foster cohesiveness and improve performance. Teams communicate, remain motivated, perform effectively, and even survive thanks to close connections characterized by loyalty and shared ideals. However, if you get too close, it may turn into fraternization, which is when it interferes with military performance requirements. Too tight of a bond with someone might be problematic.
Relationships that are "too tight" may harm morale and productivity, as can those that take precedence over the objective. Any connection that jeopardizes preparedness or safety may be problematic. While "too intimate" relationships may happen anywhere, being deployed may put you in even greater danger, particularly if you have to live in a small or remote location.
Sanamyan, A., Kohn, A., & Park, J. K. (2020, January 26). Companies' anti-fraternization policies: Key considerations. The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance. Retrieved September 16, 2022, from https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2020/01/26/companies-anti-fraternization-policies-key-considerations/
The writers go through the benefits and drawbacks of a fraternization policy. According to the advantages outlined, having a fraternization policy conveys a message against sexual harassment. Thus, the policy might be a crucial addition to a company's anti-sexual harassment measures.
A policy reduces the possibility of legal action. A connection between a supervisor and a subordinate might increase the danger of factual and/or perceived bias is one scenario that the policy can assist the organization in avoiding. A policy also gives workers advance warning of the repercussions of a working relationship. Employees can better decide whether to pursue a workplace connection when they are told of such possible implications via a written policy. In circumstances where numerous labor safeguards exist, including in foreign countries or unionized workplaces, it may also lessen the danger of future legal action.
The author lists a few drawbacks, such as the possibility of seeming paternalistic. Because it may be challenging to identify intimate personal ties, the policy may require setting some unpleasant boundaries. The policy may also be challenging to put into practice.
Tweedt, C. (2021). Chastity in the Workplace. Sexual Ethics in a Secular Age, 185–203. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003057307-17
The author claims that the costs of sexual harassment at work, including missed career opportunities, decreased job satisfaction, psychological health difficulties, and minimal organizational engagement for the victim, are widely understood by many businesses. The expenses for creating and implementing rules, legal bills, reputational damage, employee turnover, and productivity losses are just a few of the costs to the organization. Due to this, the company must limit sexual harassment through its regulations, as seen by its initiatives to teach its workers morals and dating skills. Several workplace policies prohibit some situations where employees disagree, but they cannot prevent every situation. The majority of the time, even acceptable and reasonable procedures and policies fail to acknowledge personal opposition.
Violanti, M. T. (2021). Addressing workplace bullying behaviors through responsible leadership theory: Essential skills for strategic communicators. Public Relations for Social Responsibility, 71–82. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-80043-167-620211005
The author asserts that the company can employ strategic communicators who will be primarily responsible for addressing issues affecting the company's ability to remain viable and treating all employees responsibly. The ability of the employees to forge long-lasting, healthy relationships is impacted by the policies and practices that differ from the established goals. Building connections is hampered by workplace bullying behaviors, which are part of a growing sustainability concern in HR. The business must create its own rules and processes to create a work environment free of bullying and one that can support healthy relationships in the lack of legal advice and definitions.
Policies on Dress Codes
Jarusriboonchai, P., Harjuniemi, E., Müller, H., Colley, A., & Häkkilä, J. (2019). Linn Dress. Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Wearable Computers. https://doi.org/10.1145/3341163.3346934
The Linn Dress, which the authors show, is a changing dress that allows wearers to cover up and dynamically display flesh parts depending on the setting. This Linn Dress is appropriate for office employees who lead active lifestyles and may easily transition from work to social evening events in accordance with company standards.
Krivacek, S. J. (2021). Jeans, Flip Flips, and suit jackets. Encyclopedia of Organizational Knowledge, Administration, and Technology, 2662–2675. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-
According to the report, the corporate sector has been significantly impacted by this millennium generation, technology advancements, and constantly shifting societal standards. Because of the required dress code, the conventionally accepted professional business outfit is no longer universal. The majority of businesses advertise the absence of strict dress codes as a perk for employees. Therefore, in accordance with the rules, one merely needs to arrive at work in a presentable outfit.
Reddy-Best, K. L. (2017). LGBTQ women, appearance negotiations, and Workplace Dress Codes. Journal of Homosexuality, 65(5), 615–639. https://doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2017.1328225
According to the author, she was attempting to examine how LGBTQ society dealt with formal or informal clothing rules at work. The unwritten dress regulations in the workplace never permitted the expression of any sexual identity within the appearance, contrary to the guideline that states that clothing should convey sexual identity through appearance. The talks over hiding or disclosing sexual identity while maintaining a professional appearance at work affect employees' comfort and confidence levels.
Shinn, A., Swigart, A., Gritters, A., & Schmailzl, M. (2012). Writing anthology. Central College. Retrieved September 16, 2022, from https://central.edu/writing-anthology/2019/06/04/dress-codes-in-the-workplace-effects-on-organizational-culture/
This article aims to establish the impact of dress rules on company culture, employee morale, productivity, and performance. Three distinct dress code categories are formal, business casual, and casual. The disadvantages of the three clothing categories are discussed in the study, as well as the distinct organizational climates that each policy fosters and how each affects employees' impressions of their customers, colleagues, and higher management. The United States corporate dress regulations have seen significant adjustments during the last 30 years. The sectors of casual, business casual, and formal dress rules have witnessed the most significant change in the workplace. According to studies and analyses, a company's dress code policy directly impacts the productivity, performance, and conduct of its employees. One outward manifestation of an organization's culture is the dress code. In order to create the proper organizational culture for the firm, workplace dress is a crucial element.
Policies on Harassment
Beaton, E. E., LePere-Schloop, M., & Smith, R. (2021). A review of sexual harassment prevention practices: Toward a nonprofit research agenda. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 51(4), 901–915. https://doi.org/10.1177/08997640211008979
Sexual harassment is infamous for gaining new attention due to a wave of complaints against prominent men. Therefore, it is vital that the organization take action to stop sexual harassment. This is of the utmost importance. The organization must investigate comprehensively to learn more because little information is available about how the activities are carried out. To understand the facts and put the proper rules into place, an investigation into the anti-harassment procedures advised to corporate practitioners must be conducted. The offenders must receive the appropriate consequences.
Otterbach, S., Sousa‐Poza, A., & Zhang, X. (2021). Gender differences in perceived workplace harassment and gender egalitarianism: A comparative cross‐national analysis. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 30(3), 392–411. https://doi.org/10.1111/beer.12338
According to the study, women in most countries have a higher probability than men it is perceiving harassment at work. Therefore, political empowerment and better economic chances change the perception of women's harassment in workplaces. This increases the possibility of experiencing it. The company needs to understand that while enhanced gender egalitarianism values have the harassment perception increased, the concrete practices significantly have them reduced. The company needs to implement policies on gender equality at a corporate level since any discrepancy between the practices plus corporate values only accentuates the harassment perception.
Scarduzio, J. A., & Walker, C. S. (2022). Disruptions to the workplace exploring the policies and legal cases of online sexual harassment. Research Anthology on Combating Cyber-Aggression and Online Negativity, 331–351. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-5594-4.ch019
The author states that the rapid growth of social media and technology has increased online sexual harassment. Most businesses do not have policies addressing this or outlining the penalties for violator behavior. The company's policies must explicitly outline the legal ramifications and specific instances of online sexual harassment to which coworkers have fallen victim. Then, the action was conducted to serve as a warning to other people.
Zelin, A. I., & Magley, V. J. (2021). Sexual harassment training: Why it (currently) doesn’t work and what can be done. Handbook of Interpersonal Violence and Abuse Across the Lifespan, 3941–3961. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-89999-2_276
The authors talk about how it is pretty likely for someone to assume that because many businesses have anti-sexual harassment training programs in place, incident rates would tend to be much lower than they are present. The way that these training sessions are now done is ineffective. Although the training often focuses on legal compliance, people demand immediate benefits after just one training session. In essence, a climate and culture change are regarded as being extremely important in ending sexual harassment at work. It is advised that organizational hierarchies be diffused and the victims are supported while the offenders are brought to justice. This aids in the prevention of harassment.
Zugelder, M. T., Crosgrove, D. M., & Champagne, P. J. (2018). Sexual harassment prevention after #Metoo: Employers’ need to reevaluate. American Journal of Management, 18(3), 104–112. https://doi.org/10.33423/ajm.v18i3.78
Because of the high-profile instances of public exposure and the emergence of the MeToo movement, the complex problem of workplace sexual harassment is now being brought to closer attention. Employers may expect a rise in the number of reported incidents due to reassessing the effectiveness of current anti-harassment policies, reporting systems, and supporting training for sexual harassment prevention. The company should make an effort to foster a respectful work environment.
Criteria Ratings Points
Content, Key Components & Major Point Support
123 to >115.0 pts
Submission demonstrates proper analysis of all main points of the selected HR topics. Paper includes a comprehensive analysis of the selected HR topics and makes highly relevant application of the course principles. Paper includes content that is clearly relevant in support of the selected policies, as well as integration of biblical principles relevant to the content of the paper. Comprehensive context is provided with the selected biblical principles to ensure relevancy.
115 to >24.0 pts
Submission demonstrates proper analysis of some of the main points of the selected HR topics. Paper includes a notable attempt at basic analysis of the selected HR topics and makes basically relevant application of the course principles Paper includes content that shows random relevance in support of the selected policies, as well as integration of biblical principles relevant to the content of the paper. A notable attempt at basic context is provided with the selected biblical principles to ensure relevancy. Paper uses 5-6 scholarly references published within the last 5 years, in addition to the textbook and relevant biblical integration
24 to >0.0 pts
Submission does not demonstrate proper analysis of the main points of the selected HR topics. Paper includes an incomplete analysis of the selected HR topics and application of course principles is not appropriate or relevant to the content of the paper Paper does not include integration of biblical principles relevant to the content of the paper or limited to no context is provided with the selected biblical principles to ensure relevancy. Paper uses fewer than 5 scholarly references published within the last 5 years, in addition to the textbook and relevant biblical integration.
0 pts
Not Present
123 pts
Human Resource Policy Project Grading Rubric | BUSI642_B05_202240
Criteria Ratings Points
Grammar and Spelling, Current APA Formatting
52 to >48.0 pts
Minimum of 1,750 words of content, which includes all elements identified in the project outline instructions, is present. Paper uses 10 or more scholarly references published within the last 5 years, in addition the textbook and relevant biblical integration. Structure of the paper is clear and easy to follow. Layout is logical and maintains the flow of thought throughout the paper. Presentation of content is logical and flows from one point to the next. References are cited using current APA style and formatting guidelines. Evidence is properly cited with 0–2 errors to support main points. Additional aspects of current APA formatting, such as title page, abstract, headings, and references page, contain 0–3 errors. Proper spelling and grammar are used.
48 to >12.0 pts
There is 1650-1700 words of content, which includes most of the elements identified in the project outline, is present. Structure of the paper is mostly clear but is not always easy to follow. Content shows sporadic connectivity, flow, and organization. Presentation of content progresses logically in places. References are cited using current APA style and formatting guidelines. Evidence is properly cited with no more than 5-6 errors to support main points. Additional aspects of current APA formatting, such as title page, abstract, headings, and references page, contain 7-8 errors. Proper spelling and grammar are used in most instances.
12 to >0.0 pts
There is less than 1650 words of content. Organization and structure detract from the message of the paper. Content is disjointed and lacks implied transition of thoughts or content. References are not cited using current APA style and formatting guidelines. Evidence is not properly cited to support main points. Additional aspects of current APA formatting, such as title page, abstract, headings, and references page, contain 9 or more errors. Spelling and grammar are below average and need attention.
0 pts
Not Present
52 pts
Total Points: 175
Human Resource Policy Project Grading Rubric | BUSI642_B05_202240
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