For this assignment you will write the Findings/Results/Discussion section of your thesis. Set forth below is the explanation for this section from the?End of Program Manual?(EOP):
For this assignment you will write the Findings/Results/Discussion section of your thesis. Set forth below is the explanation for this section from the End of Program Manual (EOP):
Findings/Results/Discussion: This section describes the results of the study. Keep in mind that the "results" are the direct observations of the research, while the "discussion" is the interpretation of the results and research. This should include, as appropriate:
- results, including tables, graphs, statistics;
- significance and interpretation of the results;
- discussion of results as they relate to thesis statement/research question;
- discussion of results as it relates to the theoretical framework/approach; and
- directions for future research.
Technical Requirements
- Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
- Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
- Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
- Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
- All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.
Print Rubric HLSS Assignment Rubric 500-600 Level Activity: Thesis Proposal – Week 3
Course: HLSS699 A002 Summer 2022
Name: Gussie Bellinger
Criteria Exemplary 20 points
Accomplished 17 points
Developing 15 points
Beginning 13 points
Synthesis of Knowledge
Foundation of Knowledge
Application of Knowledge
Student exhibits a defined
and clear understanding of
the assignment. Thesis is
clearly defined and well-
constructed to help guide
the reader throughout the
assignment. Student builds
upon the thesis of the
assignment with well-
documented and
exceptional supporting
facts, figures, and/or
Establishes a good
comprehension of topic and
in the building of the thesis.
Student demonstrates an
effective presentation of
thesis, with most support
statements helping to
support the key focus of
Student exhibits a basic
understanding of the
intended assignment, but
the thesis is not fully
supported throughout the
assignment. While thesis
helps to guide the
development of the
assignment, the reader may
have some difficulty in
seeing linkages between
thoughts. While student has
included a few supporting
facts and statements, this
has limited the quality of
the assignment.
Exhibits a limited
understanding of the
assignment. Reader is
unable to follow the logic
used for the thesis and
development of key
themes. Introduction of
thesis is not evident, and
reader must look deeper to
discover the focus of the
writer. Student’s writing is
weak in the inclusion of
supporting facts or
Student demonstrates
proficient command of the
subject matter in the
assignment. Assignment
shows an impressive level of
depth of student’s ability to
relate course content to
practical examples and
applications. Student
provides comprehensive
analysis of details, facts, and
concepts in a logical
Student exhibits above
average usage of subject
matter in assignment.
Student provides above
average ability in relating
course content in examples
given. Details and facts
presented provide an
adequate presentation of
student’s current level of
subject matter knowledge.
The assignment reveals that
the student has a general,
fundamental understanding
of the course material.
Whereas, there are areas of
some concerning in the
linkages provided between
facts and supporting
statements. Student
generally explains concepts,
but only meets the
minimum requirements in
this area.
Student tries to explain
some concepts, but
overlooks critical details.
Assignment appears vague
or incomplete in various
segments. Student presents
concepts in isolation, and
does not perceive to have a
logical sequencing of ideas.
Student demonstrates a
higher-level of critical
thinking necessary for
graduate level work. Learner
provides a strategic
approach in presenting
examples of problem solving
or critical thinking, while
drawing logical conclusions
that are not immediately
obvious. Student provides
well-supported ideas and
reflection with a variety of
current and/or worldviews
in the assignment. Student
presents a genuine
Student exhibits a good
command of critical thinking
skills in the presentation of
material and supporting
statements. Assignment
demonstrates the student’s
above average use of
relating concepts by using a
variety of factors. Overall,
student provides adequate
conclusions, with 2 or fewer
Student takes a common,
conventional approach in
guiding the reader through
various linkages and
connections presented in
assignment. However,
student presents a limited
perspective on key concepts
throughout assignment.
Student appears to have
problems applying
information in a problem-
solving manner.
Student demonstrates
beginning understanding of
key concepts, but overlooks
critical details. Learner is
unable to apply information
in a problem-solving
fashion. Student presents
confusing statements and
facts in assignment. No
evidence or little semblance
of critical thinking skills.
8/10/22, 4:28 PM Page 1 of 3
Organization of
Writing and Research Skill
intellectual development of
ideas throughout
Student thoroughly
understands and excels in
explaining all major points.
An original, unique, and/or
imaginative approach to
overall ideas, concepts, and
findings is presented.
Overall format of
assignment includes an
appropriate introduction (or
abstract), well- developed
paragraphs, and conclusion.
Finished assignment
demonstrates student’s
ability to plan and organize
research in a logical
Student explains the
majority of points and
concepts in the assignment.
Learner demonstrates a
good skill level in formatting
and organizing material in
assignment. Student
presents an above average
level of preparedness, with
few formatting errors.
Learner applies some points
and concepts incorrectly.
Student uses a variety of
formatting styles, with some
inconsistencies throughout
the paper. Assignment does
not have a continuous
pattern of logical
Assignment reveals
formatting errors and a lack
of organization. Student
presents an incomplete
attempt to provide linkages
or explanation of key terms.
Student demonstrates an
excellent command of
grammar, as well as
presents research in a clear
and concise writing style.
The work represents a
thorough, extensive
understanding of word
usage. Student excels in the
selection and development
of a well- planned research
assignment. Assignment is
error-free and reflects
student’s ability to prepare
graduate-level writing for
possible publication in a
peer-reviewed (refereed)
journal. Student provides
sophisticated synthesis of
complex body of
information in the
preparation of assignment.
Research provided by
student contributes
significantly to the
development of the overall
thesis. Student incorporates
more than the minimum
quality references in the
development of the overall
thesis. Student incorporates
a variety of research
resources and methodology
in the preparation of
Student provides an
effective display of good
writing and grammar.
Assignment reflects
student’s ability to select
appropriate word usage and
presents an above-average
presentation of a given
topic or issue. Assignment
appears to be well-written
with no more than three-
five errors. Student provides
a good final product that
covers the above-minimal
requirements. Student
achieves an above average
synthesis of research, but
interpretation may be
narrow in scope and
description within
assignment. Assignment
contains the minimum
resources and presents an
average overview of key
Assignment reflects basic
writing and grammar, but
with more than 5 errors.
Key terms and concepts are
somewhat vague and not
completely explained
by student. Student uses a
basic vocabulary in
assignment. Student’s
writing ability is average,
but demonstrates a basic
understanding of the
subject matter. Assignment
provides a basic, but
borderline perspective of
student’s research abilities.
Student has incorporated
fewer source than required
by the assignment and does
not attempt to cover key
elements of assignment.
Topics, concepts, and ideas
are not coherently
discussed or expressed in
assignments. Student’s
writing style is weak and
needs improvement, along
with numerous proofreading
errors. Assignment lacks
clarity, consistency, and
correctness. Student fails to
provide an adequate
synthesis of research
collected for assignment.
The lack of appropriate
references or source
materials demonstrates the
student’s need for
additional help or training in
this area. Student needs to
review and revise
8/10/22, 4:28 PM Page 2 of 3
Overall Score
Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
8/10/22, 4:28 PM Page 3 of 3
Transportation Security Proposal
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Instructor’s Name
In order to maintain social and economic equilibrium, day-to-day operations must make use of other modes of transportation, such as buses, trains, and ferries. These intricate and interconnected transit systems need to make use of the proper technology to avoid disruptions in their operations, which would be detrimental to the inhabitants, users, data, and assets they serve. At every stage of the journey, the passengers, the crew, the equipment, and the cargo all need to be safeguarded and protected. This is because of the very complicated and frequently vast landscapes. Transportation routes, such as those found in airports and seaports, need to be routinely examined to verify that they are not only free of obstructions but also that they are operating as smoothly as possible. In addition to the risks posed by other dangers and vulnerabilities, the potential for terrorist attacks is an inherent risk at these transportation facilities; as a result, they require the necessary measures to protect what is most important. In addition to issues regarding the environment and the structure, maintaining the integrity of information technology systems is a consistent focus. In each of these situations, a comprehensive and well-thought-out security solution is necessary, even though the particular needs may vary.
Transportation Security Proposal
One of the organizations that have successfully ensured the safety of the nation's transportation system is the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The transportation business is unique in that it has an impact not only on the specifics of daily living but also on the state of the economy as a whole. When it comes to providing transportation services in a fast and effective manner, the dependability and safety of the organizations providing those services are quite necessary. The transportation industry faces a wide range of issues that get more complex as the market matures. These challenges are exacerbated by the large number of people who use transit stations and the high value of the items that are transported on ships and ferries. Transportation Security in the United States employs a variety of strategies to defend the country, some of which may be covert while others may be obvious to the general public. These strategies are implemented in varying degrees depending on the severity of the threats. This division makes use of tactics such as canine-team airport searches and randomized data collecting and analysis to accomplish its goals. In addition, it works in conjunction with the United States Federal Air Marshals and checks passenger manifests to watch lists. According to Palmer (2020), the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) uses a variety of screening measures to ensure the safety of American citizens. These screening methods might range from the use of technology to direct questioning of potential terrorists. Both a photo identification and a passport are required to verify a passenger's identity. The passenger will be allowed to continue on their journey once the facial recognition process has been finished. In addition, the TSA makes use of very advanced imaging technology, which has been linked to elements that increase the risk of cancer as well as privacy violations. A thorough search of the passenger's person is performed to look for any metals or explosives. Another technique that needs the suspect to step aside to ensure their safety throughout the threat detection process is the use of pat-down searches. Travellers are required to adhere to the procedures and justifications established by the TSA for their safety. This assures that the process of checking passengers for security at the airport will go without a hitch. Because travellers' shoes will be examined during security checks, they should put on footwear that is simple to take off. When travelling with liquids, such as gels, lotions, and sprays, you are required to carry each item separately, and the total weight of all liquids in a single bag cannot exceed 3.4 ounces. At this point, passengers must put away all electronic devices, including cell phones, laptops, tablets, and so on. However, the administrative division must contend with several obstacles to guarantee the citizens of the area are kept secure regardless of the mode of transportation they choose—driving, flying, sailing, or using the train.
Protecting customers and employees, cutting down on crime and vandalism in transportation corridors, promptly settling liability claims, reacting to crises, and ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and local ordinances are the principal challenges. Operators may be able to avoid these obstacles if they invest in a scalable enterprise video management system that supports both mobile and fixed video monitoring under one roof and with the same user interface. Now, operators can keep tabs on all of their assets as well as the locations of those assets. A management system that incorporates well-known data components such as GPS data (speed, location, and direction) and vehicle data alarms and parameters (such as bus number, operator I.D., impact, hard brake, and door open/closed) provides drivers with a comprehensive view of what is occurring on board. In addition, a management system that incorporates well-known data components such as GPS data (speed, location, and direction) provides drivers with a comprehensive view of what is occurring on board. Because the future is equally as vital as the present in all investments and collaborations, it is essential to make certain that solutions incorporate A.I. that is both transformative and adaptive, cloud storage, and remote services that can be accessed on demand.
Because of the constant flow of traffic, the transportation sector is one of a kind. There are a great number of routes you can take to get from point A to point B, regardless of the mode of transportation you choose (metro, bus, train, or aeroplane). In addition, because there are several teams accountable for the safety of operations, it may be difficult to prove who was responsible for what and when it was done. Any failure might potentially have catastrophic repercussions for the safety and security of the system. A malfunction can present itself in a variety of ways, including a fault with the software, a physical defect, or a failure to maintain a safe and secure environment. The problem is not a lack of technical data; rather, the problem is a lack of correct, up-to-date physical data. On the physical side, our continuous reliance on manual, paper-based, and outmoded procedures puts us at an increased danger of a safety and security catastrophe. This puts the transportation business at an increased risk.
A further key obstacle faced by the transportation industry is the prevalence of one-of-a-kind analogue video recording equipment, systems, and software. Even if they have access to intellectual property, the flexibility, growth capacity, and integration potential of proprietary solutions are limited. Buses and light rail are classic examples of proprietary systems that need employees to swap hard drives from cars manually. These systems also require frequent maintenance. Only if there is no video proof will a camera or recorder be considered to be broken. In light of the abundance of data that is currently accessible, linking video to events that are produced by CAN bus and MIB systems is more significant than it has ever been. The best solution should provide support for increasing automation and integration, with highlighted data and events being promptly offloaded through 5G/4G and the system and device status being accessible in real-time.
Purpose Statement
In this essay, we will look at the various types of criminal activity that are related to transportation infrastructure. It examines the outcomes of the investigation and pinpoints important approaches to make the transportation system more secure. When talking about the safety of transportation in the United States, it is necessary to analyze the role that the economy plays, the problems that currently exist, and the potential solutions. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was established by the government of the United States to strengthen safety measures at airports, seaports, and train stations. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) can be thought of as a nation's first line of defence due to the responsibilities that it performs. When compared to other law enforcement officers, they stand out because they work together and exchange information to strengthen national security. The provision of security by the TSA, which in turn results in the creation of jobs and the attraction of investment, is one factor that contributes to the economic development of a nation. Despite this, the transportation security system in the United States still has several significant flaws that need to be corrected, leaving it susceptible to Attack.
Research Question
The following research questions have emerged
1. What are the possible security threats that exist in the transportation sector
2. What measures have been put by the relevant administrations to address the security concerns
Literature Review
Transport Security
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which was established after the attacks of September 11, 2001, is responsible for the development of various transportation security technologies. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was established to improve the security of the country's transportation infrastructure and to ensure that people and goods can move freely throughout the country (Homeland Security, 2021). In less than a year, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) took over responsibility for airport security on a national scale and deployed government officers to examine all passengers and luggage on commercial airlines. At this time, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) conducts screenings on all arriving, departing, and remaining visitors to the United States. This is accomplished through the utilization of Secure Flight. These programs make use of the most cutting-edge technologies available to stay one step ahead of the ever-evolving dangers. In addition, the most cutting-edge technology is used to conduct security checks on every shipment, irrespective of its dimensions, method of transport, or country of origin (Homeland Security, 2021).
In order to protect the country's transportation infrastructure, the United States adopts a risk-based and layered strategy for transportation security. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is continuously working to improve the level of transportation security by utilizing a variety of its resources, including its technologies, processes, staff, and intelligence. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is responsible for operating many checkpoints, which all contribute to the enhancement of the overall safety of the American transportation system. In addition to this, there are components of its security that are both visible and invisible to the general public. There are also canine teams that randomly search airports, federal air marshals, federal flight deck officers, and intelligence gathering and analytic teams. Passenger names are checked against watch lists (Homeland Security, 2021). As a result, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which is dedicated to system evolution, improves the transportation security system. The general populace, as well as the passengers, in particular, will be safer as a result of this.
Current Challenges in Transport Security
Physical passenger Protection
For decades, airports have been the primary topic of conversation on issues about security. There have been a large number of cases in which airport systems have been vulnerable to control by terrorists (Gillen & Morrison, 2015). In addition to this, there are indications that a great deal of aircraft was taken by force throughout the 1970s (Slack & Rodrigue, 2020). In addition, terrorists have taken advantage of the absence of protection to hijack aeroplanes to gain publicity and extract ransom (Slack & Rodrigue, 2020). In addition, theft is one of the major problems that has been hurting all kinds of freight facilities. Theft problems are especially dangerous in settings where expensive commodities are being handled (Slack & Rodrigue, 2020). In certain locations, such as the docks, the local labour unions have been given the impression of being under the authority of organized crime. With time, access to freight terminals has been more restricted, and the deployment of security officers has contributed, at least to some extent, to the prevention of theft. As a solution to this issue, multiple precautions against potential danger have been put into place. For instance, the airline industry and a global regulatory agency created methods for examining both people and their luggage. The number of instances of hijacking has dropped, which indicates that these methods are working well. On the other hand, terrorist organizations started using new strategies, such as hiding explosives in unattended baggage (Gillen & Morrison, 2015).
Concerns about national security have had a significant impact on the aviation industry in a variety of ways, including the raising of prices, delaying of flights, and other types of inconveniences. Additionally, as a direct consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, a new component of passenger transportation security known as epidemiological security has emerged (Slack & Rodrigue, 2020). This has proven to be particularly disastrous for modes of transportation that have a high passenger density, such as train travel, air travel, and cruise ships (Sivak & Flannagan, 2004). It is quite evident that many locations, like airports, ports, and terminals, among others, need to beef up their security procedures. By doing so, both the tourists and their goods will be protected from harm and kept safe from theft.
Protection During Transportation
The freight sector has long recognized the need for security as a primary priority. Illegal immigration, dodging of customs charges, drug trafficking, the use of vessels that do not meet safety standards, and piracy are some of the most important challenges (Gillen & Morrison, 2015). The process of securing freight transit is undergoing a steady transformation that emphasizes developing a plan that is more extensive and complicated per global supply networks (Friedrich & Balster, 2013). It is exceedingly difficult for a variety of different reasons to find a solution to the problem of insufficient security in the maritime industry. These include the difficulty of detection, the wide diversity of commodities transported on board, the scale of the global shipping fleet, and the sheer number of ports across the world (Slack & Rodrigue, 2020). In addition to this, the vulnerabilities of ports are susceptible to attack from both land and ocean (Arway, 2013).
Chief executive officers in the transportation sector are the most likely to face cyber threats. Hackers have extra access points since fleet telematics systems are being used increasingly frequently to monitor the location, condition, and status of physical assets. Despite the fact that breaching a private network exposes sensitive customer information, the greatest concern for companies in the transportation industry is the possibility that cybercriminals will cause actual damage to a truck or its expensive cargo. This is the case even though the breaching of a private network will reveal this information. Cybercriminals can take control of the digital dashboard of a truck that is hauling fresh food and change the temperature measurement that is displayed there so that it is accurate even when the cooling systems are turned off. The result is rotten food worth thousands of dollars, which the driver might not see until he or she stops to make a delivery. However, the driver could be unaware of the situation until this point. Automation, network technology, and electronic sensors are all heavily utilized in the train business as well. Power distribution, communications, train track signalling, and positive train control all necessitate the utilization of these technological advancements. Products and commodities Plagiarism Free Papers
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