DOC714 Symposium I Week 1 Discussion
DOC714 Symposium I
Week 1 Discussion
DQ1 Biases and Situatedness
The initial stage of cognitive development, defined as dualism by Perry (1968/1999), is defined by Thoma (1993) as: “characterized by a view that objective and immutable answers exist for most questions and that authorities or experts know or can discover the eternal truths. The dualism, students hold a black or white, right or wrong, view of the world and have little tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. Knowledge is regarded as timeless and absolute. Learning is viewed as a process of the transmission of facts and truths from the teacher to the student” (p. 129).
Paul and Elder (2014) refer to habitual thinking as biased, distorted, partial, uninformed, and often downright prejudiced. Everyone is biased. A person’s view is always partial, partisan, and problematic (Eisenberg et al., 2014).
Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:
How can you retarget the mechanism you use to identify bias in others and to identify bias in yourself?
What is the experience of switching perspectives like for you?
How fully are you able to inhabit the perspective of another?
What barriers prevent you from letting go of your own worldview?
DQ2 Critically Reflective Practice
Read “Critically Reflective Practice” from the University Library.
Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:
Define and discuss Brookfield’s 4 lenses.
Describe how viewing a situation through each of Brookfield’s 4 lenses affects your perspective on a topic you are passionate about.
DOC714 Symposium I
Week 2 Discussion
DQ1 Three-Stage Model of Scholarship, Practice, and Leadership (SPL)
SPL Overview
Throughout your program you will be introduced to the many challenges leaders face in managing complex individual and group dynamics. Leaders today must shape organizational culture, communicate value systems, model ethical behavior, engage and inspire followers, and manage diversity. To achieve these tasks effectively, leaders must be able to integrate scholarship and practice. Integrating scholarship and practice involves obtaining a theoretical understanding of core leadership principles through scholarly research and study. Integrating scholarship and practice also means that leaders convert their theoretical understanding into daily, observable leadership behaviors and practices. Leaders who integrate scholarship and practice are typically effective in both personal and professional arenas. Leaders who integrate scholarship and practice are also able to lead organizations during difficult and challenging times.
There is a difference between being a scholar and a practitioner. According to Winter and Griffiths (2000), a scholar possesses reliable and impartial theoretical knowledge. Scholars obtain this knowledge by studying theory and conducting research. Practitioners, conversely, possess application-based knowledge specifically geared toward the workplace. As University of Phoenix doctoral students, you will have the opportunity to obtain, enact, and create both scholar and practitioner knowledge.
Leadership Practice
In his highly publicized book,?Good to Great, Jim Collins (2001) portrayed a level-5 leader as an individual who displays a balance between humility and will. Level 5 leaders are self-aware individuals who are able to conduct honest, rigorous, and candid self-appraisal. They articulate their strengths and weaknesses and are able to integrate feedback from others and from the research they conduct. Level 5 leaders know how to integrate theory and practice; they have scholarly knowledge of leadership theory and can translate that theory into effective leadership behavior. Level 5 leaders transform theory into practice through their ability to create organizational discipline in 3 arenas: disciplined employees, disciplined thinking, and disciplined behaviors and actions. When organizations display discipline, leaders do not have to maintain a strict chain of command. When organizational members demonstrate disciplined thinking, leaders do not have to impose bureaucracy. When organizations display disciplined behaviors and actions, leaders do not have to exercise unnecessary control.
One critically important characteristic of level 5 leaders is that they display internal consistency. In statistics, internal consistency means that test items measure the same idea or concept. For leaders, internal consistency means that leaders’ actions and behaviors are consistent with or match their communication and intentions. For example, it is inconsistent to say you are a participative leader if you micromanage people. It is inconsistent to say you are a servant leader (Greenleaf, 1977), yet display egocentric, individualistic behavior. As doctoral students, it is important to convert the scholarship gained through online study and coursework into internally consistent leadership practice. It is only with this level of consistency and emotional maturity that leaders will gain trust and commitment from followers.
Determining Your Strategic Fit
As doctoral students, your challenge is to assess yourself and determine your strategic fit. Determining your strategic fit means using critical thinking to evaluate how you will maintain a balance between your scholarly and practitioner experience. You must determine if you possess the 21st-century competencies needed to lead organizations, how you will acquire the competencies you lack, and how to add your own findings to the existing understanding of organizations and leadership. You must determine how you will balance the scholar/practitioner relationship, that is, how you will translate the theoretical knowledge you gain in each course into observable, leadership actions and behaviors. You must strive for internal consistency by having the courage to critically analyze, using available literature and data, and adjusting your behaviors and actions to ensure that they match your words. If you notice inconsistencies, do not proceed with actions that do not successfully pass your assessment and mirror your desired state.
Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:
Reflect on how your writing may be biased toward your own ideas and your own situatedness. Use these questions as a guide:
How has your writing changed since beginning the doctoral program?
How may your writing be out of alignment to the elements of the SPL model?
What are some areas still needing improvement?
Review your classmates’ posts and respond to at least 1 in a minimum of 150 words.?Explain why you agree or disagree. Then, share an example from your professional experience to support your assertions.
DQ2 AES Model
View the AES Model and Guide for Summarizing, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Synthesizing Information.
Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:
What are the components of the three-stage model?
What are the different types of thinking associated with AES?
What might the challenges be to reach synthesis?
DOC714 Symposium I
Week 3 Discussion
DQ1 Inferences and Assumptions
The differences between inferences and assumptions are:
Assumption: This is a piece of information or a belief we take for granted as true. We usually apply this to our thinking to develop an inference.
Inference: This occurs when deciding that something is true in light of some other piece(s) of knowledge (or assumptions) being true or present in the field. It is also known as a conclusion.
Both assumptions and inferences can be logical or not and justified or not.
Read and complete the Inferences and Assumptions Exercise without discussing your responses with anyone else. After you complete the exercise, your faculty member will provide the answers.
Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:
Discuss the Inferences and Assumptions Exercise. Identify and rationalize any underlying assumptions and inferences you made.
DQ2 Creative Criticality
Read “Toward a Creative Criticality: Revisiting Critical Thinking” from the University Library.
Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:
Discuss the context of the article and your perceptions on the author’s symbiotic approach.
DOC714 Symposium I
Week 4 Discussion
DQ1 Reading an Abstract
An article’s abstract “contains enough essential information about the article to be able to assess its merit and relevance…and you can discern and anticipate the logic of the author’s argument before even reading through the full article” (Shon, 2015, p. 34).
Locate 1 research study on your topic in your field of study published in a peer-reviewed journal article from the University Library and read the abstract.
Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:
In your own words, what is the essential information and logic of the author’s article/argument?
DQ2 Organizing an Introduction
A social science journal article’s introduction “is like a blueprint and a map: it lays out the itinerary of an article’s path of logical travel…and are organized and structured into predictable patterns” (Shon, 2015, p, 41).
Locate 1 research study on your topic in your field of study published in a peer-reviewed journal article from the University Library and read the introduction.
Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:
How do the authors organize the introduction? Do the subheadings and article’s discussion follow the “blueprint and map” outlined in the introduction?
As you reflect on what you have learned about writing an introduction, what might you do differently in writing introductions as you progress through the dissertation process?
DOC714 Symposium I
Week 5 Discussion
DQ1 Introspection and Outrospection
Watch “RSA ANIMATE: The Power of Outrospection” on the RSA YouTube™ video community channel. A transcript is available.
Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:
Consider the differences between affective empathy and cognitive empathy. How will understanding the differences affect your perspectives as a researcher, in your professional field, and as a leader? Share any additional insights you gained from the video.
DQ2 Dissertation Topic
The final assignment for this course is submitting your prospectus to Tk20 for the deliverable for phase I of the dissertation journey. In LDR/711A: Leadership Theory and Practice you had an opportunity to explore topics for your dissertation, and in RES/709: Research Conceptualization and Design you expounded on your idea and formulated a research plan.
Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:
What is your dissertation topic, and how is that topic in alignment with your program of study?
Which personal biases have you identified in formulating your research plan?
How have you mitigated those biases?
DOC714 Symposium I
Week 6 Discussion
DQ1 Problem Statement Peer Review
Note: Rather than a standard discussion post, this discussion is a peer-review format.
Complete the Problem Statement Worksheet to prepare for making revisions.
Based on the work that you completed in RES/709: Research Conceptualization and Design, and on your completed Problem Statement and Worksheet, review and revise your problem statement. Remember this is a fluid process and you should expect some suggestions for fine-tuning your problem statement.
For the peer review:
State your program of study.
Post your revised draft problem statement for peer review.
Your faculty member and classmates will provide feedback in preparation for the Wk 6 – Prospectus: Problem and Purpose Statements assignment submission.
Note: This is a peer-review process, and the goal is to provide substantive feedback on the process of formulating the problem statement. The focus of your feedback to your peers should be on how the problem statement was formulated and not a discussion on the topic.
DQ2 Purpose Statement Peer Review
Note: Rather than a standard discussion post, this discussion is a peer-review format.
Complete the Purpose Statement Worksheet to prepare for making revisions.
Based on the work that you completed in RES/709: Research Conceptualization and Design, and on the completion of the Purpose Statement Worksheet, review and revise your purpose statement. Remember this is a fluid process and you should expect some suggestions for fine-tuning your purpose statement.
For the peer review:
State your program of study.
Post your revised draft problem statement from Wk 6 Discussion 1 – Problem Statement Peer Review.
Post your revised draft 1-sentence purpose statement for peer review.
Include a description of the population by discussing the criteria for selecting the study participants and describe the sample size and the rationale for the sample size. If the study will include archival data, briefly explain the proposed data sources.
Your faculty member and classmates will provide feedback in preparation for the Wk 6 – Prospectus: Problem and Purpose Statements assignment submission.
DOC714 Symposium I
Week 7 Discussion
DQ1 Research Methodology (Proposed Method and Design) Peer Review
Note: Rather than a standard discussion post, this discussion is a peer-review format.
Based on the work that you completed in RES/709: Research Conceptualization and Design, review and revise your research method and design. Remember this is a fluid process and you should expect some suggestions for fine-tuning your method and design.
For the peer review:
State your program of study.
State your 1-sentence problem statement.
State your 1-sentence purpose statement.
Post your research methodology (proposed method and design).
Your faculty member and classmates will provide feedback in preparation for the Wk 7 – Prospectus: Research Methodology (Proposed Method and Design) and Research Questions assignment submission.
Note: This is a peer-review process, and the goal is to provide substantive feedback on the process of stating the research method and design. The focus of your feedback to your peers should be on how the research method and design is formulated and aligned, and not a discussion on the topic.
DQ2 Research Questions Peer Review
Note: Rather than a standard discussion post, this discussion is a peer-review format.
Based on the work that you completed in RES/709: Research Conceptualization and Design, review and revise your research question(s). Remember this is a fluid process and you should expect some suggestions for fine-tuning your research question(s).
For the peer review:
State your program of study.
State your 1-sentence problem statement.
State your 1-sentence purpose statement.
Post your revised research methodology from Wk 7 Discussion 1 – Research Methodology (Proposed Method and Design).
Post your research question(s). If you are proposing a quantitative study, also post your hypotheses.
Your faculty member and classmates will provide feedback in preparation for your Wk 7 – Prospectus: Research Methodology (Proposed Method and Design) and Research Questions assignment submission.
DOC714 Symposium I
Week 8 Discussion
DQ1 Significance of the Study
Review the significance of the study section in the College of Doctoral Studies Dissertation Guide and Alignment Handbook on CDS Central, Prospectus Guide, and Prospectus Template.
The significance of the study section explains why the study is a unique approach to the problem to be investigated, what the potential benefits from the proposed study are, and how the study results might make an original contribution to the field.
Consider the significance or importance of your study in relation to the SPL model.
Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:
How might your study be significant for the scholarly community?
How might your study be significant for practitioners in your field of study?
How might your study be significant for leaders in your field of study?
DQ2 Framework for Research Study Peer Review
Note: Rather than a standard discussion post, this discussion is a peer-review format. This discussion topic corresponds to Section 9: Topic Theories.
Every dissertation needs to have a theoretical foundation or a conceptual framework (or both if conducting a mixed methods research) discussion in the literature review section. The theoretical framework will be the lens (perspective) through which you evaluate your research problem and research questions. A theoretical framework is typically required for quantitative studies, while a conceptual framework can be used in qualitative studies. Yet, both theoretical and conceptual frameworks can be used for either quantitative or qualitative studies, depending on the theorist/literature. As a doctoral student, you need to justify your lens (perspective) to the reader.
For the peer review, write a substantiated 250- to 300-word response to the following:
State your program of study.
State your 1-sentence problem statement.
State your 1-sentence purpose statement.
Identify a minimum of 3 theories that would be applicable to your proposed research and explain in a scholarly tone how those theories would frame your research. For example:
An educational researcher focused on a study about curriculum might use a theory from John Dewey, Howard Gardner, Jean Piaget, etc.
A researcher in any professional field focused on a study about human motivation might consider Abraham Maslow, Frederick Herzberg, David McClelland, etc.
A researcher in any professional field focused on a study about communication may consider S.F. Scudder, Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver, Aristotle, etc.
Substantiate your discussion using peer-reviewed literature, and include proper citations and references.
Your faculty member and classmates will provide feedback in preparation for the Wk 8 – Summative Assessment: Prospectus assignment submission.
Note: This is a peer-review process, and the goal is to provide substantive feedback on identifying a framework for a research study. The focus of your feedback to your peers should be on how the framework is formulated and aligned and not a discussion on the topic. Plagiarism Free Papers
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