Motives of A Serial Killer Discuss the var
Discussion board #1 Motives of A Serial Killer
Discuss the various strategies for determining the appropriate qualitative research method for a particular study. If you were to do a qualitative study for your dissertation, what approach/design would you choose, and why? Provide specific examples from the required reading and other credible sources.
DUE BY 10am SUNDAY August 28, 2022 NO LATE Work.
Please review instructions attached below
CJUS 750
Discussion Assignment Instructions
Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, you are required to provide a thread in response to the provided prompt for each Discussion. Responding to a classmate’s post requires both the addition of new ideas and analysis. A particular point made by the classmate must be addressed and built upon by your analysis in order to move the conversation forward. Thus, the response post is a rigorous assignment that requires you to build upon initial posts to develop deeper and more thorough discussion of the ideas introduced in the initial posts. As such, reply posts that merely affirm, restate, or unprofessionally quarrel with the previous post(s) and fail to make a valuable, substantive contribution to the discussion will receive appropriate point deductions.
Assignment 1: Due by 10am Sunday August 28, 2022 (NO LATE WORK!)
Discuss the various strategies for determining the appropriate qualitative research method for a particular study. If you were to do a qualitative study for your dissertation, what approach/design would you choose, and why? Provide specific examples from the required reading and other credible sources
Each original thread must have a title-header, a subtitle for each discussion question, a minimum length of 500 words, at least two citations (scholarly articles, and incorporate ideas and citations from all of the required read and watch items for the assigned Learn material), and a Biblical integration. Further, each paragraph should have a minimum of four complete sentences with supporting citation(s).
In addition to the original thread, the student must reply to at least 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be 250 words and include citations from at least 1 scholarly source. Each thread and reply must follow the current APA (current edition) format.
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European Journal of Academic Essays 2(7): 45-55, 2015 ISSN (online): 2183-1904 ISSN (print): 2183-3818
Nine Types of Childhood Environment That
Actually Produced Mass Murderers Based on the
Information in Lay Literature and on the Internet <Kenji Abe>
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Toin University of Yokohama.
1614 Kurogane, Aoba, Yokohama 225-8503, JAPAN
Abstract: Mass murderers have received relatively little academic interest compared with serial murderers. Although a solid
basis set for understanding mass murderers already exists, there seem to be certain inconsistencies in the understanding of the
environmental backgrounds of mass murderers, especially from the viewpoint of the presence or absence of abuse, bullying,
and isolation. This study examines the environmental backgrounds of 28 mass murderers to see if there are some patterns that
appear repeatedly. In particular, this study focuses on clarifying whether these patterns are neglect-oriented, abuse-oriented,
or both and whether various factors are of equal importance in creating mass murderers. This preliminary research
intentionally used lay literatures on true crimes and Internet-based information that are normally overlooked in academic
Keywords: etiology of mass murder, childhood backgrounds, family environment, environmental factors, neglect, pattern
1. Introduction Mass murderers have received relatively little scholarly
interest compared with serial murderers [1]. Fox and Levin
suggest that this could be because mass murderers are either
found dead at the crime scene or ready to surrender after
their mission, their crimes lack sexual/sadistic
characteristics, and they do not cause the same degree of
anxiety or media sensation as serial killers due to their short
acting period [2]. Nonetheless, they are of great interest to
behavioral scientists and mental health professionals [3],
and there is already a solid basis set for understanding mass
Mass murder is defined as the slaughter of four or more
victims by one or a few assailants within a single event,
lasting for a few minutes to several hours [4]. Mass
murderers have a clear-cut motive most of the time, which
is often revenge for what the victims have done or represent
[5], [6]. According to Bowers et al. [3], some of their traits
are antisocial personality, narcissism, oversensitivity,
rigidity, obsession, self-righteousness, grandiosity, and
impulsivity. For mass murderers, every day is a constant
battle with surrounding influences and their own negative
thoughts. Mullen coined the term autogenic massacre to
describe the actions of those who “indiscriminately kill
people in pursuit of a highly personal agenda arising from
European Journal of Academic Essays 2(7): 45-55, 2015
their own specific social situation and psychopathology” [7,
p. 311]. In 1986, Dietz grouped mass murderers into three
categories [8]. The head of the family who murders his
entire family out of jealousy, revenge, or loyalty is a family
annihilator. A pseudocommando is the type who takes
anger out on society to draw attention to himself or to teach
society a lesson. A set-and-run killer bombs buildings or
vehicles, sets fires, or tampers with foods or products,
escaping before the murder actually takes place [8]. In place
of the set-and-run killer categorized by Dietz, Holmes and
Holmes added the disgruntled employee, someone who
takes revenge on his former work-place to right a perceived
injustice [9].
2. Research questions However, despite these basic understandings, there seem to
be certain inconsistencies in the understanding of the
environmental backgrounds of mass murderers, which seem
to need clarification. Levin and Madfis argue that many
school shooters had experienced chronic strain for years at
home and were quite hostile toward their parents and other
members of their family [10]. They claim that almost half
of the school shooter sample in their study came from
homes wrought with conflict. Harper and Voigt and Fox and
Levin also seem to agree that parental abuse is a part of the
family backgrounds of homicide-suicide subjects [11], [5].
On the contrary, Kimmel and Mahler claim that almost all
the adolescent shooters came from intact and relatively
stable families, with no history of child abuse [12]. Others
point out that social isolation and bullying experiences are
key factors in the development of the mass murder
personality. Knoll asserts that pseudocommandos were
bullied or isolated as children, turning into loners who felt
despair over being socially excluded [13], [14]. Ferguson,
Coulson, and Barnett also describe the popular image of a
school shooter as a socially inept loner experiencing
constant bullying [15]. Mullen seems to support this
position, characterizing offenders as: “(i) male, (ii) under 40
years of age, (iii) a social isolate, (iv)unemployed or
marginal work, (v) bullied and/or isolated as a child, (vi)
fascinated with weapons, and (vii) a collector of guns” [7, p.
319]. Based on their view that mass murderers are from
abusive family backgrounds, Levin and Madfis further
hypothesized five stages by which school shooters develop
[10]. First, the subject experiences long-term negative
experiences at home, school, work, or in his neighborhood
early in life or in adolescence (chronic strain). This leads to
the subject’s lack of bonds with family and society, and he
is less restricted by conventional standards of behavior
(uncontrolled strain). A particularly devastating short-term
event then occurs, which triggers the desire to carry out a
murderous act (acute strain). After this, the subject actually
starts planning his actions. Finally, he acts out his school
massacre. Levin and Madfis called this whole
developmental process cumulative strain, in which each
stage builds on the previous stages. Although their model
was originally designed to describe school massacres, Levin
and Madfis indicate the possibility of extending this process
to mass murders in general, comparing each stage with the
corresponding stage in the development of adult mass
murders. They characterize school massacres “as one
particular subset of the mass murder phenomenon” [10, p.
Thus, regarding what happens at the chronic strain stage,
there are stances which assert abuse, no abuse, and bullying
and isolation. However, these inconsistencies are
significant; neglect, physical abuse, and psychological
abuse each have a different psychological effect on a child’s
development. Although physical abuse produces aggression
toward others, psychological attacks and criticism by
parents appear to be specifically associated with low
self-evaluation [16, pp. 360–361]. Neglect, on the other
hand, is associated with more severe cognitive and
academic deficits, social withdrawal and limited peer
acceptance, and internalization of problems than physical
abuse [17, p. 690]. Thus, it seems necessary to look into the
details of mass murderers’ environmental backgrounds to
clarify what exactly caused their chronic strain, including
whether the chronic, acute, and uncontrolled strains are
indeed of equal importance in generating mass murders,
which Levin and Madfis seem to imply.
European Journal of Academic Essays 2(7): 45-55, 2015
3. Data source
Unlike serial murders, there are official data sources
available for mass murders. However, they are mainly used
to assess prevalence and patterns, such as offender age, race,
sex, weapon use, and the nature of the victim/offender
relationship [2]. These do not necessarily cover offenders’
upbringings. Thus, it is highly difficult to obtain official
records of the detailed personal backgrounds of a wide
range of mass murderers. Family problems are also not
directly perceptible by traditional measures [10].
In general, lay literatures and the internet have been
considered unreliable and thus inappropriate sources of
information for academic research, and as such, these
sources have never been turned to. The authors of these
sources often tend to emphasize shocking details to attract a
larger number of readers. In addition, their sources are often
suspicious, and their factuality is not fully confirmed.
However, despite the lower credibility of these source, the
information they offer is also obtained through some level
of research conducted by the authors and could include
some accurate information. Thus, if a wide range of such
information is gathered and compared to discover
commonalities, there is a possibility that untruthful
information could be discovered and eliminated, leaving
only limited true information. Considering the current
official tendency to largely ignore mass murderers’
backgrounds, such research could serve as pilot research,
which could inspire further research on this subject.
Furthermore, in this age of information, information from
lay literatures and the web cannot simply be ignored. Thus,
in this research, we made the very first attempt to utilize lay
literatures and on-line information as the sources to look
into mass murderers’ backgrounds. At the least, this
research could reveal the patterns of what authors who have
a strong interest in this field consider important to the cause
of mass murders, which influence the formation of public
views on this subject. Because mass murder develops
unintentionally, often due to environmental factors beyond
control, and because a strong body of research on which
this research could build is absent, it was also considered
more desirable to—as much as possible—avoid any special
conditions in the selecting process of subjects.
4. Methodology
In this study, the environmental backgrounds of 28 mass
murderers were examined to see if there are some patterns
that appear repeatedly. We particularly focused on
clarifying the types of chronic strains, specifically whether
they are neglect-oriented or abuse-oriented or both, and
whether the chronic, acute, and uncontrolled strains are of
equal importance in generating mass murders. The
information used in this preliminary research was mainly
derived from lay literatures on true crimes and internet sites
such as Murderpedia, Crime Library on truTV, Wikipedia,, YouTube, and so forth, which contain a great
deal of information from sources directly connected to the
subjects. The subject was included as long as ample
information was available from either of the two types of
sources to help clarify the above questions. As a result,
most of the cases included turned out to be those that were
once most extensively reported on by the media. Because
this research was qualitative, we avoided examining too
many cases, for this might hinder a careful examination of
each case. At the same time, too few cases would not
produce the credible common patterns we discussed.
Considering the limited availability of information on mass
murderers compared to that available for serial killers [1],
we initially set the number of the cases that we would
examine at around 30. (All the lay literatures referred to are
listed after the references.)
Qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the
collected data. Because this research was preliminary in
nature, specific assumptions were not set in advance, as in
deductive qualitative analysis [18]-[20]. We first extracted
from the sources all the information pertaining to mass
murderer subjects’ childhood backgrounds. First, the
outstanding features that characterize the backgrounds of
half of the cases were underlined. They were condensed by
European Journal of Academic Essays 2(7): 45-55, 2015
deleting all unnecessary words and paraphrased into a short
form. These short forms were transcribed on a coded sheet,
and common categories were generated. These categories
were then checked with the remaining half of the cases and
revised, when necessary, to assure inter-coder consistency.
Finally, the one category that best represents the
environmental background of each case was decided by
comparing it with similar cases. Although each case
actually involves multiple factors, the subject was placed
under this one category.
5. Results
The results are shown in the tables below:
Table 1 Nine Types of Environmental Backgrounds That Produced Mass Murderers
Type Subjects under Category
Type 1a
Left alone unattended due to parental unconcern/financial
Thomas Hamilton, Ronald Simmons,
Joseph Wesbecker, James Huberty
Type 2a
Intentionally left out of the family/scapegoated
One Goh, James Ruppert, Eric Borel,
Andrew Kohoe
Type 3b
Postnatal neglect/no skin contact due to peculiar
personality/mental disorder of mother
Martin Bryant, Anders Breivik,
Howard Unruh, Adam Lanza, Dylan
Type 4
No normal communications between parents due to their cold
James Holmes, Seung-Hui Cho
Type 5c
Highly rigid parent(s)
Baruch Goldstein, Nidal Hasan
Type 6d
Overprotective mother
Michael Ryan
Type 7e
Cannot express true feelings due to insecure/demanding family
Timothy McVeigh, Charles Whitman,
Julian Knight, Jacob Roberts, Mark
Lepine, George Hennard, Eric Harris
Type 8f
Highly intoxicated secondary psychopath
Richard Speck, George Banks
Type 9
Drug-induced schizophrenia
Jared Loughner
European Journal of Academic Essays 2(7): 45-55, 2015
Note. aThe difference between type 1 and type 2 is whether there is malicious intention by parent(s)/parental figure(s). bIn
type 3, the subjects were deprived of basic care after birth. This type was separated from other types of neglect that occur
after the neonatal stage due to its even greater damage [21], [22]. cType 5 killers often take on religious/philosophical
outlooks. However, it is the parent’s inflexible personality that contributes to the violent urges, and not the religious or
philosophical viewpoint itself. dThe overprotective mother is highly intrusive and does not allow the child to behave
independently. As a result, the child becomes depressed. In the worst case scenario, the child could even develop
schizophrenia [23]. eIn the family that “cannot express true feelings,” the subject acts as an ideal child, being afraid of his
parents’ divorce or losing his own niche at home. f“Secondary psychopath” refers to those who cannot stop their habitual
offenses despite the guilty feelings they experience each time [24].
Table 2 Experience of Isolation and Bullying at School
The subjects suspected of having been isolated at
school (9)
Marc Lepine, Martin Bryant, Adam Lanza,
Howard Unruh, Seung-Hui Cho, James Ruppert,
Michael Ryan, George Banks, George Hennard
The subjects suspected of having been bullied at
school (8)a
Timothy McVeigh, Martin Bryant, Adam Lanza,
James Ruppert, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold,
Michael Ryan, George Banks
Table 3 Major Incident(s) in Mass Murderers’ Childhoods and their Age at that Time
Subject Incident Age
Timothy McVeigh Parents divorced 10 years
Julian Knight Adopted
Parents divorced
10 days
12 years
James Huberty Contracted polio
Mother abandoned family
3 years
8 years
Ronald Simmons Father died
Mother remarried
3 years
4 years
Marc Lupine Parents separated (lived with
other families, seeing mother
only on weekends)
7 years
Eric Borel Sent to mother’s parents after
Until 5 years
Joseph Wesbecker Father died (passed from place
to place, including orphanage for
almost a year)
13 months
Andrew Kehoe Mother died (a family of 13
children/fought with
5 years
Jacob Roberts Mother died (later lived with
2 years
European Journal of Academic Essays 2(7): 45-55, 2015
Adam Lanza Parents divorced (diagnosed
with Asperger’s syndrome/judge
ordered a parenting education
16 years
Seung-Hui Cho Immigrated to U.S. 8 years
Anders Breivik Parents divorced
Two reports filed concerning his
mental health to instruct removal
from his parents
1 year
4 years
Richard Speck Father died 6 years
6. Discussion
There were nine types found from the environmental
backgrounds of 28 mass murderers. Almost one third of
these 28 subjects were isolated or bullied at school,
including those who felt they were bullied. In regard to the
type of maltreatment, neglect is clearly prevalent, at least
from type 1 to type 4.
Some of the confusing cases are discussed below. Some
researchers point out that Adam Lanza’s mother doted on
him. This could be true. However, from the fact that she
was shot four times in the head before his rampage at
school, it seems that Lanza harbored some anger toward his
mother. An unidentified witness reported that Lanza, who
had Asperger’s syndrome, thought that his mother loved her
students at Sandy Hook elementary (where she volunteered)
more than him. The witness also stated that Lanza hated his
mother because he was jealous of her students (Mail
Online). Considering this, it is more likely that, at least in
Lanza’s own mind, his mother neglected him. It is also
pointed out that Nancy Lanza was rigid, indicating her strict
and emotionally distant disposition (Yahoo News) and that
Lanza did not allow anyone to enter his room; he and his
mother communicated only via e-mail. Nancy allegedly
stayed at a New Hampshire hotel for two days before the
shooting as part of an experiment in letting her son stay
home alone to be independent (Mail Online). Considering
Nancy’s trial to leave Adam alone before the incident, it is
quite likely that this type of rigid attitude toward him
started very early. Abe and Kato suggest that environmental
factors might facilitate symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome,
such as dissociation, anxiety, depression, persecutory
delusions, and antisocial behavior [25]. Thus, Lanza was
placed under postnatal neglect/no skin ship.
The true backgrounds of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
of the Columbine High School Massacre seem unclear.
Some researchers point out that they were the bullies rather
than the bullied. Indeed, there are cases suggesting that
those once bullied later turn into bullies [26]. However,
when considering the etiology of their criminal acts, their
initial “bullied” aspect better shows their original
personalities. Eric, who was considered the principal
offender of the two, called himself a “God of Sadness,” and
once said, "I hate you people for leaving me out of so many
fun things.” Dylan likewise wrote down in his journal, "I
have always been hated by everyone and everything"[27].
Princeton sociologist Katherine Newman points out that
they were not loners; they were just not accepted by the
kids who counted. The parents of his then close friend
Brook Brown stated, “[Dylan’s parents] weren’t touchy,
feely parents… It was more clinical, but they cared about
their kid” (YouTube). It is also pointed out that, although
Dylan enjoyed getting dirty, Sue Klebold was an intellectual
and a stickler for cleanliness, and the Klebold house was
always orderly [28]. Because of his mother’s academic
orientation, Dylan was placed in a special elite course
during his elementary school years. Dylan later developed a
quick temper.
European Journal of Academic Essays 2(7): 45-55, 2015
Eric’s father was in the army, and he moved around
frequently. Eric was a solitary boy who could not put down
his roots anywhere. A minister later testified that although
the Harris family was a great family—friendly, outgoing,
and caring—Eric’s father did not tolerate misbehavior in his
home, and punishment was swift and harsh, which
happened all in his family undiscernible from outside [28].
A little league team mate commented that Eric was the
shyest of the group. His coach added that he was not afraid
of the ball, but he just did not want to fail. Principal Frank
DeAngelis described Harris as a deceptively polite teen,
saying "Eric was the type of kid who, when he was in front
of adults, would tell you what you wanted to hear" [27].
Around age 12, Eric walked around burning things [28].
There was also an episode in which Eric’s father turned a
deaf ear when the mother of Eric’s friend Brook informed
him that Eric intentionally broke the front shield of her
son’s car. Eric’s father allegedly disregarded her claim,
saying that it was just a trifling thing between kids. Eric
himself later confessed that he was forced to be railed to be
an angel [29], hinting that he was forced to pretend to be an
obedient child under the unspoken family pressure.
Considering all these pieces of information, Eric was placed
under “cannot express true feelings,” and Dylan under
“postnatal neglect/no skin ship” under the suspicion that his
mother’s cold attitude started right after Dylan’s birth.
There are some researchers who claim that Seung-Hui Cho
spoke with his family weekly, and that they were an integral
part of his life. However, according to a child psychiatrist
who counseled Cho’s family, he did not talk much about his
life, even with his sister, who was supposedly one of the
very few people that Cho felt comfortable with (YouTube).
His dormitory roommate testified—based on interactions he
observed, such as when Cho’s mother dropped Cho off at
campus—that there was unusual coldness between Cho and
his parents, and there were no normal family interactions.
Cho’s psychiatrist also disclosed that his father described
himself as being an introvert. Both of Cho’s parents worked
long hours—sometimes seven days a week—and were
rarely at home. Cho was diagnosed with selective-mutism;
thus, he was placed under “no normal communication.”
After losing his father—with whom he was very close—to a
heart attack at the age of six, Richard Speck was
psychologically abused by his stepfather. George Banks was
constantly bullied because of his mixed-racial status as the
son of a white woman and a black man. Both of them seem
to have developed normal affects: Speck also had caring
sisters, while Banks had a close relationship with his
mother and some friends. However, because of their
adverse environments, they developed secondary
psychopathy; they got into fights and repeated petty crimes.
At the time of each crime, Speck was high on both alcohol
and drugs, and Banks on a mixture of prescription drugs
and straight gin, which he took the night before. In both
cases, the ingestion of the substances was believed to play a
major role in triggering the mass murder. Thus, Speck and
Banks were labeled specifically as highly intoxicated
secondary psychopath, although they share characteristics
with other categories.
Jared Loughner’s family was described by his neighbor as
being very private. Loughner also kept to himself, not even
responding to others. His girlfriend when he was 15 also
points out that he had a difficult relationship with his
parents; his father “picked on him” [30]. Loughner’s
girlfriend also stated that his parents never let her come into
his house, and she claimed that he had definite dysfunction
in his family; his parents rarely acted as parental figures.
Eventually, she left him because of his anger management
problem. His close friend at high school testifies that there
was a change in his personality after he broke up with his
girlfriend. Loughner began to abuse alcohol and other drugs,
specifically LSD and Salvia divinorum (a natural
hallucinogen illegal in some states), and his life began to
unravel. Thus, although he shares traits of “intentionally left
out of family,” taking into account that his drastic
personality change happened after his drug abuse, Loughner
was labeled specifically as drug-induced schizophrenia.
European Journal of Academic Essays 2(7): 45-55, 2015
After carefully examining the types—except for the last two,
which include abuse of alcohol and drugs—one can
conclude that “highly rigid parent(s),” “overprotective
mother,” and “cannot express true feelings” also seem to
belong to neglectful environment type as with type 1
through type 4. Rigid parents do not respond to—and thus
neglect—their child’s needs. Both maternal overprotection
and psychological control are kno Plagiarism Free Papers
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