Leaders as Change Agents?
Assignment: Research Paper – Leaders as Change Agents
See attachment "Assignment Instructions for Research Paper" and Capstone Research Project Template for detailed instructions, guidance and directions:
25-30 pages minimum
Annotated Bibliography "See attachment"
No Plagiarism
APA citing
Research Paper Track
The Research Paper provides you with an opportunity to explore a social impact research interest in depth. You will identify one or two research questions and a problem to be solved and then explore the subject matter with academic rigor. You will then write a paper that is a minimum of 25 pages and does not exceed 30 pages on “How do organizational leaders contribute to continuous learning, research, and development to facilitate effective change implementation?”
(The length of the paper does not include such things as title page, abstract, list of references, appendices, etc.) This is a summary narrative form of paper and should not use questions as headings or lead-ins to the narration.
This paper will be well grounded in the literature and the subject must be a real-world social impact problem to be solved. It is envisioned that you will write about an organization, community, or social issue with which you are intimately involved. You will cite at least 20 sources from refereed journals. This paper is a rigorous study of some phenomena and you are expected to stay on point with the subject and to produce a final paper that is worthy of publication. In addition to the APA guidelines for formatting papers, you should use the chapter headings from the downloadable template below.
Your entire completed Research Paper is due See attachment for “Sample expectation of Research Paper” . Be sure Research have sufficient body of research available to provide the breadth and depth of information that you will require.
Ensure Research Paper includes the following:
Title Page
Table of Contents
Chapters 1–8
Cited References
20 Annotated Bibliographies – “See attachment for Instructions”
No Plagiarism
APA citing 7th Edition
25- 30 pages
You must have an APA formatted title page with every application.
Capstone Research Project
Chapter 1 –Introduction/Overview (week 3)
The Importance of Introductions/Overview:
Setting the stage for a study, the introduction establishes the issue or concern leading to the research by conveying information about a research problem . Unfortunately, too many authors of research studies do not clearly identify the research problem, leaving the reader to decide for himself or herself the importance of the issue that motivates a study.
Further the research problem is often confused with the research questions—those questions that the investigator would like answered in order to understand or explain the problem.
The introduction needs to create reader interest in the topic, establish the problem that leads to the study, place the study within a larger context of the scholarly literature, and reach out to a specific audience.
You will write an introductory overview providing the reader with sufficient facts about the subject of study. If the study is about an organizational or community issue, then you will describe the dynamics, including how long the problem has been occurring. You should provide enough specific and credible scholarly data from your search of the literature so that the reader can fully understand the circumstances and dynamics with which you are working.
Chapter 2 – Problem Statement (week 3)
The Importance of the Problem Statement:
When researchers begin their studies, they start with one or more paragraphs to convey the specific research problems or issues. They also present in the first sentence information to create reader interest in the sentences that follow the first sentence, authors identify a distinct research problem that needs to be addressed.
In applied social science research, problems arrive from issues, difficulties, and current practices. The research problem is the issue that exists in the literature, in theory, or in practice that leads to a need for the study. The research problem in a study begins to become clear when the researcher asks, “What is the need for this study?” or “What problem influenced the need to undertake the study?”
You will write a precise explanation of the specific problem to be solved. While symptoms often lead to the discovery of more deeply rooted problems and they are important to identify, it is imperative that you differentiate between the symptoms and the problem or you will be offering the wrong solutions, which may be fatal in the real world.
For example, while it is common to say that "the problem is that morale is low" this is only symptomatic of a much larger problem such as a failure of leadership. Another example is saying that "the problem is gang violence in my community and it is on the rise." This too is symptomatic of a larger problem such as a scarcity of resources or a sense of hopelessness. Therefore, be sure to not only discuss the symptom(s) which help the reader understand the larger framework of the problem, but to also clearly identify the problem that is to be solved.
Chapter 3 – Purpose/Significance (week 4)
The Purpose Statement:
Whereas introductions focus on the problem leading to the study, the Purpose Statement establishes the direction for the research. In fact, the purpose statement is the most important statement in an entire research study. It orients the reader to the central intent of the study, and from it, all other aspects of the research follow. In other words, the Purpose Statement indicates why you want to do the study and what you intend to accomplish and is the central, controlling idea in a study.
Clearly state what the purpose of the study is and explain the study's significance. The significance is addressed by discussing how the study adds to the theoretical body of knowledge in your field or expertise.
Explain how your research makes an original contribution to the body of knowledge. You will address the significance of the study and its importance to your organization or community.
It is especially critical that this chapter be well developed. Without a clearly defined purpose and strong theoretical grounding, your Capstone project is fundamentally flawed from the outset.
Chapter 4 – Research Question(s) (week 4)
Identify at least one, but no more than two, research questions. The research questions will guide and shape the rest of your paper. Specifically connect the research questions to the Problem Statement (in Chapter 2) by elaborating on how you think the two are related.
Begin the research questions with the words “what” or “how” to convey an open and emerging design. Focus on a single phenomenon or concept. Use open-ended questions without reference to the literature or theory unless otherwise indicated.
Chapter 5 – Methods (week 5)
In this section, describe the methods you used in order to solve the problem. If you used interviews, surveys, or observations, then describe those procedures in this section and include a description of how you conducted them.
Include detailed measures you used to protect any participants who might participate in surveys and/or interviews.
If you did not conduct interviews, surveys, or observations, explain what you would do in the future if they were needed to complete your study.
Also, include a thorough description of your literature search techniques (website links you are using, libraries, accessed, etc.).
Chapter 6 – Literature Review (week 6)
Use the literature to help you explain the phenomena under study. In this section, provide a summary of the literature and discuss how it works in light of the problem you are trying to resolve. This chapter, however, should not merely string together what other researchers have found. Rather, you should discuss and analyze the body of knowledge with the ultimate goal of determining what is known and is not known about the topic. The literature review thus describes and analyzes previous research on the topic
This should be an exhaustive study of the most pertinent literature on the subject. It will strengthen the paper by providing some historical context for the evolution of the theory if this applies. It will also strengthen your paper if articles can be found that run contrary to the major theories being presented. It is important for the student to remain completely objective when writing this paper to ensure that the student is not working to believe something to be true that otherwise is not. For example, some take the position that individuals can “lead” themselves, yet a fundamental definition of leadership is that it involves followers and without followers you do not have leadership.
Therefore, the proposition that people can lead themselves appears to be false. If, however, your position is that you do believe that a person can indeed lead "self," then it is incumbent upon you to find literature in the refereed journal resources that would support this contention. If you are not able to find literature that supports, your argument then you must clearly indicate this as part of your findings.
Chapter 7 – Findings and Conclusions (week 7)
Describe your findings in this section. What did you learn from your exhaustive study of the problem? What would be your anticipated results of your findings if you had used surveys, interviews, or other tools? What did the literature suggest is the most appropriate way to solve your social impact problem? What are the implications for future research? What conclusions are you able to draw from your research?
Chapter 8 – Recommendations (week 7)
Describe your recommendations as though you were making a presentation to a meeting of senior managers, a city council, a community planning board, a board of directors, or government officials. What have you learned from your study of the problem that provides the basis for making recommendations to solve the social impact problem?
Appendices (optional and if used include in week 7)
Include in this section copies of interview forms or survey instruments used as part of your study. Do not include full reports that you have cited or an abundance of reference materials. Label each item separately according to APA guidelines and rules.
Acknowledgments (optional and if included, include in week 7)
In this section, acknowledge any individual, group, or organization without whose help your paper could not have been written. While it is always nice to acknowledge the support of family members who provide tacit and emotional support for us to complete our education, this section is to acknowledge people who provided actual support and without whose help your paper could not have been written (e.g., librarians, special advisors, consultants, organizations, etc.). Therefore, do not include family members unless they provided substantial input into the creation of this paper.
List of Cited References (ongoing between weeks 3-7)
In this area, include only a list of all of the cited references you used. Be sure to list all of your refereed journals, books, monographs, reports, etc., as well as any websites you used to gather material.
Annotated Bibliography (ongoing between weeks 3-6)
Provide a list of references along with the annotations (see instructions in Doc Sharing if you need a reminder) you used during this course. You will begin including your annotated bibliographies (5 at a time) starting in week three. You will add five different annotated bibliographies each week for at least a total of 20 different sources.
Bibliography (optional and included in week 7)
Provide a list of any source material you reviewed but did not use in this section. Include the links of websites that you visited but did not use. This will become a helpful resource for you should you decide to revisit this social impact issue after graduation. It is also a very helpful tool for other researchers interested in the same social impact subject.
Source: Columbia College, Vancouver, Canada. APA Citation Guide (7th edition): Annotated Bibliography. https://columbiacollege-ca.libguides.com/c.php?g=713274&p=5082938
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations for various books, articles, and other sources on a topic. The annotated bibliography looks like a Reference page but includes an annotation after each source cited. An annotation is a short summary and/or critical evaluation of a source. Annotated bibliographies can be part of a larger research project, or can be a stand-alone report in itself.
Types of Annotations
A summary annotation describes the source by answering the following questions: who wrote the document, what the document discusses, when and where was the document written, why was the document produced, and how was it provided to the public. The focus is on description.
An evaluative annotation includes a summary as listed above but also critically assesses the work for accuracy, relevance, and quality. Evaluative annotations can help you learn about your topic, develop a thesis statement, decide if a specific source will be useful for your assignment, and determine if there is enough valid information available to complete your project. The focus is on description and evaluation.
Annotated Bibliography Evaluative Sample
Maak, T. (2007). Responsible leadership, stakeholder engagement, and the emergence of social capital. Journal of Business Ethics, 74, 329-343. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-007-9510-5
This article focuses on the role of social capital in responsible leadership. It looks at both the social networks that a leader builds within an organisation, and the links that a leader creates with external stakeholders. Maak’s main aim with this article seems to be to persuade people of the importance of continued research into the abilities that a leader requires and how they can be acquired. The focus on the world of multinational business means that for readers outside this world many of the conclusions seem rather obvious (be part of the solution not part of the problem). In spite of this, the article provides useful background information on the topic of responsible leadership and definitions of social capital which are relevant to an analysis of a public servant.
Research Paper
Walden University
Organizational Leaders contribute to continuous learning,
MMSL 6905
Dr Marilys de Long Taylor
Capstone Paper
The research question: How do organizational leaders contribute to continuous learning, research, and development to facilitate effective change implementation?
Change has become a common issue in today's firms. Various variables are transforming the corporate world's landscape, including additional technology, acquisitions to downsizing, and other changes, all of which necessitate firms to implement change processes or risk becoming obsolete (Suh, 2021). Thus, it can be said that the change process is driven by external and internal causes, which necessitate the need to adapt to new methods of doing things. Every time a new paradigm shift occurs, organizations find themselves in an epoch of paradigm shift when a set of assumptions that had previously been regarded as the standard are no longer relevant. Since the marketplace is continually evolving, firms need to devise strategies and frameworks that may keep them on top of their game.
The success of any change in the organization is achieved when the top management is change leaders, especially the CEO that is expected to create an environment favorable to facilitate the adoption and implementation of change (Patfield et al., 2021). In this research, more focus is directed towards evaluating how the top executive management creates an environment for change by considering adopting education learning and research as the framework necessary always to prepare the employees ready to comfortable to agree and support changes.
I hope to accomplish the perspective that executive leaders should be change-oriented and open-minded, ready to bring new energy to the organization on a continuous basis by funding research, education, and learning that ensures that the employees are competitive (Swain, 2019). I target researching about the leadership qualities that the CEO has to have to deliver the best guidance to the junior staff in the organization that eases the adoption of new technology changes or any other changes and achieves success. Every change brought to an organization aims to improve processes, follow market trends, and remain relevant and competitive in the industry.
In an organization, the executive management is responsible for bringing change by initiating a culture that the other stakeholders emulate. The CEO should be the change leader in the organization that facilitates training and starts the process of bringing transformation in the sector. The problem of chronic diseases associated with the population's lifestyle burdens the healthcare organization and requires change leaders to improve the intervention. A change leader can start a disease prevention program for lifestyle diseases like diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. Prevention is considered relatively cheaper as compared to treating diseases. Preventive measures include spotting illness patterns before they manifest themselves. A better understanding of illness occurrence, transmission, and the incubation period is critical to developing preventative rather than therapeutic interventions. Furthermore, an injury can be avoided if risk factors are identified in advance. Nurses must be aware of their patients' requirements and health issues for better intervention (Popham & Iannelli, 2021). The cost of healthcare can be dramatically reduced if primary prevention is implemented correctly. Preventing a health issue is less expensive than treating an existing one. The prevention strategy applies critically well when it comes to lifestyle diseases that need a proper diet and exercise to reduce the possibility of getting sick.
Problem Statement
Chronic diseases have been a problem in healthcare organizations for a long time, burdening the healthcare systems due to the high costs of offering the services to the patients. There are increasing cases of obesity and diabetes among young people showcasing a real challenge in society. The lifestyle diseases are associated with improper diet and lack of exercise within the population. There is no change in the healthcare organization regarding how the issue is addressed; instead, they are allocated more funds to managing the patients, but limited intervention is done towards bringing the prevention intervention as a change program to the community (Gillard, 2016). Healthcare organizations are responsible for developing education and awareness programs about lifestyle diseases that encourage the population to engage in exercise and proper diet. There is a limited understanding in society about the risk factors of most lifestyle diseases, increasing the risks of getting the diseases that have already claimed many lives. Understanding the problem makes it possible to conduct an awareness and education program to ensure that the people understand the risks and they can be prevented.
In addition, educating the public about disease prevention measures is considered primary prevention. A well-educated population, for example, will be able to recognize and appreciate the importance of immunizations, exercise, and seeking screening services from healthcare facilities. Achieving health education for everyone is still a considerable challenge, and it may require the cooperation of all community members to do it. In program creation, primary prevention is essential because it is easier and less expensive to avoid an illness, disease, or dysfunction by promoting healthy choices and behavior from the beginning (Yannakoulia & Panagiotakos, 2020). The effectiveness of population education and awareness is well-documented and supported by scientific evidence. Developing a primary prevention program necessitates identifying appropriate populations to target for treatment.
Introduction/Overview, Problem Statement-Research Paper
Workplace success and employee engagement go hand in hand when you have employees that like and are dedicated to their jobs. This kind of commitment goes beyond the wage for engaged employees who are enthusiastic about what they do. Managing employee engagement in a fast-changing environment is a complex issue many businesses face today. This issue exists as a result of the increasing leadership challenges posed by organizational change, as institutions strive to remain relevant in a business environment that is constantly evolving (Popli & Irfan, 2016). It is critical how leaders approach sustaining their employees' engagement to ensure success. This research describes how transformational leaders motivate employee engagement in rapidly changing environments to achieve organizational objectives.
Today, organizations need to understand how to manage employee engagement effectively to accomplish institutional and state-level goals (Zahid & Özyapar, 2017). Although employee engagement is crucial for any business, it has grown more challenging to manage due to numerous rapidly evolving factors that could negatively affect staff. The conditions that directly affect the working environment in organizations include employment eligibility, reduced state support, cost-cutting measures, complicated working conditions, and local regulations which do not align with those of other businesses. It is crucial to express thanks for laborious effort. When employees feel valued, they are more inclined to work harder and be involved in their work. Incentives and bonuses can help encourage staff, keeping them interested while they work to finish projects.
Although the existing literature uses statistical data to quantify the effect of transformational leadership on employee engagement, there is a knowledge gap regarding how transformational leaders spur employee engagement through rapid change (Aarya, 2019). Research is needed to show how engagement is inspired during the numerous quick changes that employees must implement in various organizations, to be more precise. Organizational reorganizations brought on by changes in leadership, reductions in state and local funding, and policies, procedures, and initiatives developed to comply with new state and federal laws are just a few examples of these rapid changes. This study is important because it can better educate incoming business ventures on how to increase engagement through quick change and transformational leadership.
An essential element for the success of a change management process is employee involvement. Obviously, the backbone of each business function is a reliable communication line and watchful project management. However, when employee engagement, involvement, dedication, ownership, and accountability are fostered, the situation becomes far less difficult. However, this does not mean that an organization can expect that engaged employees would always embrace a change program with open arms. As soon as they perceive that it is not bringing about a beneficial change in their working style, organizational culture, work environment, or general personality development, they will be unwilling to participate.
The organization must explain it carefully so that employees interpret it similarly to how it has been communicated. It is nearly impossible to take a certain change project to the next level and implement it until both senior management and staff are on the same side and share the same beliefs.
Organizations cannot force their terms; rather, they must embrace employee contributions and ideas and establish a balance in order to adopt them. Regardless of the size of the change, each phase of the process demands rigorous action planning and follow-up.
Research Question
In terms of employee engagement, the constant need for change poses a challenging position. While leading organizational transformation, you must be able to garner the ongoing support and comprehension of your team. Too much change from the top down can distract staff, resulting in a loss of productivity. Today, many businesses struggle with the challenging problem of managing employee engagement in a rapidly changing environment. This problem exists because organizations face more leadership challenges due to organizational change as they try to stay relevant in a constantly changing market. To succeed, leaders must be strategic in how they maintain employee engagement.
My research question is how do leaders keep employees engaged during change? This research question relates to my problem statement in that in my problem statement stated that in many businesses today, managers are faced with the challenge of ensuring employees are engaged even in times of change. Businesses encounter change many times since it is a sign of growth. This problem statement then leads to our research question on how do leaders keep employees engaged during times of change?
According to (Wong, 2019), the experience of guiding a business through a reorganization or an acquisition is naturally fraught with stress and uncertainty.
During a tumultuous transition, it is easy to lose sight of the needs of employees, which is a common occurrence. During unstable times, it isn't easy to motivate employees. You risk decreasing their engagement or losing them if you do not proactively address their concerns and demonstrate your appreciation.
According to (Jarred, 2019), a company may have many competing priorities during times of change. Still, one of the most crucial things for leaders to concentrate on is ensuring employees are engaged. A strong corporate culture that responds well to change and develops with the company and its employees is essential to a company's longevity and, ultimately, success. Any business leader knows how challenging it is to keep everyone on task and moving in the right direction, especially in the current political and economic climate. As leaders, we must interact with our team members in a more efficient, ongoing, and sincere way than ever. We must empower them by giving them a voice, the capacity to listen (wherever they are), and a sense of agency. This is particularly true during periods of change.
According to (Penny, 2021), When the pandemic started to spread, HR leaders had the chance to take the initiative and offer new programs and resources to workers to boost engagement in the face of the most significant amount of unpredictability in a generation. she continues to add that her "HR in the Moment" research found that HR leaders believe they have played a critical role in facilitating remote working, promoting wellbeing, and driving change during this time—all things that have increased employee engagement.
HR executives can now build on the accomplishments they have created with these fresh initiatives to raise employee engagement.
According to (Bangasser, 2014), most organizations experience constant change, which is crucial for development. Leaders frequently overlook the human element of change when implementing change initiatives in organizations. Leading their team toward the new vision, altering culture, encouraging development and performance, and communicating are some of these human elements. Whether your company is undergoing a merger or acquisition, changing how it operates, or promoting new services, employees must think, act, and behave differently to align with the new direction. It is important to keep in mind that employees will not always adapt to new procedures because they are only human. Keeping in mind that employees are only human, they may not be able to adapt to new procedures. When they are frustrated and resist, it is only natural for them to do so. In order to allay employees' fears of change, a good leader must give them some say in how it is implemented.
And finally (Davis, 2019) explains that there are different ways in which change impacts different employees in the company; therefore, not all strategies work for each employee. In that case, (Davis, 2019) highlights that manager should develop a communication program that will provide employees with relevant information which will involve them in change-making processes.
Data collection methods and procedures are described in the methodology section of a study. For my investigation, I opted for a qualitative strategy. Qualitative research was used to investigate the implementation of organizational transformation methods devised by leaders. My project used qualitative design to analyze the business issue, generate suggestions, and gather information from participants through interaction. I was the principal data collector in my project as a researcher. In this qualitative multiple case research, semi-structured videoconference interviews, document analysis, and audio recordings were used. To assure the study's quality, reliability, and validity, researchers use a variety of methods for collecting data. The interviews lasted 45 minutes and were semi-structured with seven open-ended questions. Participants were asked to send me documents from their companies, including training manuals, employee handbooks, minutes of weekly meetings, and user guides with step-by-step instructions on job functions, so that I could research strategies for implementing change initiatives based on what they had to send.
Chapter 6: Literature Review
Over the years, there has been a significant shift in leadership models across businesses, whether they are startups or multinational corporations. This shift is driven by the increasing awareness of how business impacts the triple bottom line, that is, people, planet, and profit. Consequently, many scholars are arguing for the importance of embracing sustainable leadership in order to promote sustainable business practices (Iqbal, Ahmad, & Halim, 2020). In this context, this research seeks to answer the question, does effective leadership equate to sustainable leadership? Leadership that prioritizes sustainability at the individual, corporate, and societal levels is essential to achieving this goal. In addition, sustainable leaders place an em
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