Evaluating the Project The purpose of this direct care project is for learners to apply the nursing process to a community health problem determined by their observations and data collected
In the attachment I put the project from the previous week, the template of this week and the video explaining what to do in this week's template as a continuation of the project for this week,
Week 6: Direct Care Project Part 4: Evaluating the Project (Graded)
Start Assignment
The purpose of this direct care project is for learners to apply the nursing process to a community health problem determined by their observations and data collected of vulnerable populations in their community. This is Part 4 of 4 in the Direct Care Project.
Direct Care Project Overview
1. There are four parts to the Direct Care Project.
2. There will be graded Project Check-ins that correlate to each part.
3. The topic selected in Part 1 will be the same one used in Parts 2 through 4.
4. Review the table below for overview and due dates with each topic.
5. Contact your instructor with questions.
Overview |
Points |
Due Date |
Projects |
Air Quality |
Substance Use |
Part 1: Assessment Completed in Week 2 |
Part 2: Planning the Presentation Completed in Week 4 |
Part 3: Implementing the Presentation Completed in Weeks 5 or 6 |
Part 4: Evaluation: Check-In |
10 |
Wednesday of Week 6 |
Required, graded check-in on progress of evaluation of the presentation and project |
Part 4: Evaluating the Project |
140 |
Sunday end of Week 6 |
Evaluate learning and reflect on the project. |
Evaluate learning and reflect on the project. |
Course Outcomes
This direct care project enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
· CO2 Assess the health of populations, aggregates, and communities (PO4)
· CO3 Apply the nursing process to vulnerable populations with professional clinical judgment and evidence-based practice (PO4 & 8)
· CO5 Utilize a collaborative approach to address factors that influence population health (PO2)
· CO6 Examine collaborative trends in community health nursing (PO2)
Part 4 enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
· CO3 Apply the nursing process to vulnerable populations with professional clinical judgment and evidence-based practice (PO4 & 8)
· CO5 Utilize a collaborative approach to address factors that influence population health (PO2)
· CO6 Examine collaborative trends in community health nursing (PO2)
Due Date for Part 4
Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 6
Points Possible for Part 4
140 Points
Late Assignment Policy
If the assignment is not submitted by due date, a late deduction will be applied. See rubric below.
Directions for Part 4
1. View the Direct Care Project Part 4 Tutorial (Links to an external site.)
2. Download the Evaluating the Project template below
3. Gather the information from the surveys and attendance form.
4. Complete the Part 4 template with the following:
a. Title of presentation
i. Include community name in the title
b. Tables of results
i. PRE-Survey and POST-Survey results in numerical form
c. Comprehensive interpretation of results
i. Comprehensive summary of pre and post survey data in tables
i. Minimum of one paragraph
ii. Include any positive or negative changes in pre and post-survey data
i. Minimum of one paragraph
d. Comprehensive reflection
i. Overall experience
i. Minimum of one paragraph
ii. Summary of outcomes from the pre and post surveys i.e. does pre/post-survey data indicate participants may be more willing to implement SBIRT or Flag Program following the presentation? Did your presentation lead to further discussion about the topic with your audience?)
i. Minimum of one paragraph
iii. Barriers to the project (i.e. participant interest, time, limited resources, willingness for change, etc.)
i. Minimum of one paragraph
iv. Implications for future practice
i. How could this project impact your personal and professional practice?
1. Minimum of one paragraph
5. Submit the Direct Care Part 4 Evaluating the Project template and the attendance form. *Please note, your assignment will not be graded until the attendance form is submitted. As part of accreditation requirements, an email address is required for any audience member.
Click on the link below to download your template.
Evaluating the Project Template (The document was added as an attachment )
Best Practices
· Please use your browser's File setting to save or print this page.
· Use the template provided. If the template is not used, a deduction will be applied. See rubric below.
· Download and save the template (with your name) to your computer.
· Type directly on the template
· Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.
· Use the rubric as a final check prior to submission to ensure all content is clearly addressed.
Direct Care Project Part 4
Evaluating the Project
Directions: Use this template to evaluate your project. For more information on the template sections, see the Directions for Part 4 and the Direct Care Project Part 4 Tutorial for more information and paragraph requirements.
Student Name: Date:
1. Title of presentation (including county/state name) _______________
2. Date presentation completed ________________________________
3. Tables of results: Tally the results of your surveys and place the numerical values in the boxes below.
# |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neither Agree nor Disagree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
# |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neither Agree nor Disagree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
4. Comprehensive interpretation of results
a. Comprehensive summary of pre and post survey data in tables:
b. Include any positive or negative changes in pre- and post-survey data:
5. Overall experience with the project:
6. Summary of outcomes from the pre and post surveys. For example, does pre/post-survey data indicate participants may be more willing to implement SBIRT or Flag Program following the presentation? What type(s) of discussions did your presentation lead to with your audience:
7. Barriers in the project (i.e., participant interest, time, limited resources, willingness for change, etc.):
8. Implications for future practice. How could this project impact your personal and professional practice?
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CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.
Oscar L Perez
July 30, 2022 Chamberlain University College Of Nursing
AIR Quality Flag Program
Kendal, a census-designated place in Miami, is home to the Kendal community.
As of 2016, the population was 75,152 in this suburban town.
Men and women make up 48.8 and 51.2 percent of the community’s population respectively.
92.7 percent have at least a high school diploma, whereas just 36.4 percent have a bachelor's degree.
There is 5.6 percent of the population living below the poverty line in this community.
CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.
(County Health Rankings, 2018)
Community Description
As a preface, let me first introduce you to the city of Kendal near Miami, which is a suburb covering an area of around 90 square miles. Around 75,000 people live in the neighborhood, and the majority of them are in their 30s and 40s. Despite the modest percentage difference between the sexes, the gender distribution shows that women make up the vast majority of the population. There are around 51 percent females and 48 percent men in the population. 92 percent of the population has a high school diploma, while just 36 percent have earned a bachelor's degree at the college level. The median family income in the United States is $55,000, while 5.6 percent of the population is deemed to be living below the poverty level. For example, respiratory health problems might be directly or indirectly linked to these features.
Thousands of youngsters in Kendal are affected by asthma, a long-term lung illness.
Kendal has a high prevalence of Asthma because to the poor air quality in the region.
Tailpipe pollution is one of the most common causes of Asthma cases in the neighborhood.
Vehicle emissions, both gasoline and diesel, are to blame. children under the age of 5 are highly affected by harmful gases emitted by vehicles such as nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons.
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(American Lung Association, 2020).
Problem Description
Many children in Kendal suffer from asthma, a debilitating respiratory illness that has no known cure. That poor air quality is to blame for so many cases of pediatric asthma in Kendal is undeniable. Tailpipe pollution from gasoline and diesel-powered automobiles is one of several local risk factors for asthma. Human health is jeopardized because of the toxic chemicals released into the air by automobile tailpipes, such as hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides.
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Problem Description Continued
There are still numerous companies in the city that don't have the required controls in place for their emissions, which pose a health concern to vulnerable groups, such as children.
Lung cancer and other respiratory problems may be contracted by those who live in close proximity to landfills, which are also prevalent in the neighborhood.
As a result of the aforementioned causes, air pollution exacerbates the symptoms of respiratory disorders including the common cold and asthma in children.
American Lung Association, 2020
As a result of the city's heavy industrialization, many businesses are still unable to properly manage their emissions. As a consequence, when released into the atmosphere, these pollutants endanger the health of those most at risk, such as children. Lung cancer and other respiratory problems are more common among those who reside within a five-kilometer radius of the nearest dump. Several landfills may be found nearby. Pollutants in the air may lead to respiratory infections like colds and flu in children, which can worsen asthma symptoms in those with the condition.
CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.
The state's outreach effort for asthmatics includes the Kendal Asthma Control Program.
The program offers free seminars on the best ways to deal with and avoid the symptoms of asthma.
Moreover, all state-owned medical institutions provide free medical screenings for patients with asthma. Patients may benefit from this training by better understanding their disease and how to communicate their needs to their doctors.
Through education on how to keep children free of Asthma, the initiative hopes to reduce the number of children with the disease.
Community Resource
County Health Rankings, 2018
The Villa Hospital's Community Outreach division oversees the Kendal Community Asthma Program. Asthma prevention and management workshops are offered at no cost as part of the program. Free asthma screening is also available at its clinic locations. A primary goal of the outreach program is to assist asthmatic patients in better communicating their requirements to healthcare professionals and gaining a better understanding of their condition. An added benefit: less time lost from work or school due to asthma-related emergencies or hospitalizations. It's much simpler to catch conditions early on with the free screening programs. It reveals that the Kendal COPD Control Program has been at the forefront of helping those who cannot afford medical treatment. Each state-owned medical facility has the software, thus anyone may use it when they go to a hospital. Everywhere you look, you'll see state-owned facilities of all kinds.
Community Resource Cont’d
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Community Resource:
Villa Comprehensive Treatment Center
4 A’s
Affordability: Medium
Acceptability: High
Accessibility: High
Availability: Medium
County Health Rankings, 2018
Villa Comprehensive Treatment Center is one of the community services now provided to the residents. They may be reached in person, via phone or through an appointment. If the client does not have insurance, there are a variety of methods available to help them pay for their medical care. But it would still qualify as medium-priced. There are various choices for you to obtain their services, they offer many services, they portray Asthma in a favorable light and last but not least they are accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Air Quality Flag Program Description
CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.
Elements of the Program
The Kendal asthma program makes use of brightly colored flags to let children know how the air they breathe is doing on any given day.
Like the Air Quality Index, these flags are based on the same system.
In order to reduce exposure to air pollution and regulate respiratory diseases, it helps children in coordinating their activities depending on air quality.
There are two main goals of this program: to educate the public on air quality concerns and to safeguard the health of young people by providing practical suggestions for healthy living.
Balbi & Vasquez, 2017
In order to inform individuals and their communities about air quality, the Kendal asthma program employs brightly colored flags based on the Miami EPA's Air Quality Index (AQI). When the local air quality is predicted to be poor, students at the school fly a flag in protest. With the help of the Miami EPA, the Kendal asthma Program aims to educate Miami's children about the dangers of poor air quality and what they can do about it. On days with bad air quality, the initiative aims to educate children about the dangers of poor air quality and advocate specific measures that families and communities may take.
Air Quality Flag Program Description Cont’d
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Due to its high initial investment costs, the Kendal asthma program is cost-effective.
From a local shop or internet dealer you may get a set of five flags in the colors of purple/red/orange/yellow/green for $100.
C. Outreach Programs available
An effective method of educating Kendal residents is to spread the word by word-of-mouth; radio announcements; street advertisements; local newspapers; posters; flyers; emails and newsletters.
Balbi & Vasquez, 2017
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D. use
Air Quality Flag Program Description Cont’d
Balbi & Vasquez, 2017
In order to raise public awareness regarding air quality, a brightly colored flag is used. Every day, the majority of facilities in the surrounding regions raise flags in accordance with the area's air quality prediction. All outside activities should be postponed or monitored inside if the air quality is in the shade of purple. As a result, those who are more susceptible to illness should avoid being outside for an extended period of time if the air quality is red. The color orange indicates poor air quality for those who are most at risk for those with respiratory disorders like asthma. High-risk individuals should avoid prolonged exposure to the elements if a yellow flag is flying. The green flag indicates that the air quality is satisfactory and that there is no danger present.
CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.
Air Quality Flag Program Description Cont’d
E. Example
Children under the age of five are particularly vulnerable to the effects of air pollution.
Students in community classrooms may utilize the Kendal asthma program as a guidance to adapt their outside activities to safeguard the safety of their fellow classmates and community members' children.
When the flag is orange, for example, persons with weaker immune systems may decide to remain home for the sake of their well-being.
F. Outcomes
The Kendal asthma program may reduce the incidence of childhood asthma by minimizing children's exposure to poor air quality by scheduling outside activities when the quality of the air is favorable.
Balbi & Vasquez, 2017
Public awareness of outdoor air quality issues is raised via the School Flag Program. You don't have to sacrifice your child's physical activity in order to safeguard their health from the dangers of bad air quality. Compared to adults, children's lungs are still growing, thus they take in more air per pound of body weight. An asthma attack may be caused by breathing in polluted air, and children are especially vulnerable. For sensitive groups, it's crucial to adapt outdoor activities, such as shortening exercise or transferring it inside, if required, in order to safeguard the health of our pupils.
The air quality flag program is an important tool for reducing and managing respiratory issues in young schoolchildren.
Data on the prevalence of childhood asthma is critical in order for the school to put in place measures to prevent future exacerbation of the disease while also providing healthy and encouraging learning environments for students with asthma.
As a result of implementing the air quality flag program, schoolchildren and adults would be less likely to be exposed to harmful outdoor air pollution.
CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.
Balbi & Vasquez, 2017
Reducing and controlling respiratory complications in young schoolchildren is made easier with the help of the air quality flag program. In order to avoid further aggravation of the disease and to provide safe and supportive learning environments for students with asthma, the school has to know the incidence of pediatric asthma. As a result of this initiative, children and adults are less likely to be exposed to outdoor air pollution, which improves their health outcomes.
Kendal Community in Miami has a total population of 71,811 inhabitants, according to 2019 census.
The poor air quality in the Kendal neighborhood is to blame for a rise in the number of children with asthma in the area.
Factors that contribute to the city's high pollution levels are difficult to regulate. When they are released into the atmosphere, they pose a health threat to children and other susceptible groups.
There are free seminars for families with asthma offered by the Kendal Asthma Control Program.
CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.
County Health Rankings, 2018
About 71,000 people live in Kendal, a suburban Miami city that is multicultural and multiethnic, with 48% of residents being men and 52% of residents being women. As a consequence, the incidence of pediatric asthma is on the increase, with thousands of cases documented each year. Using brightly colored flags, the asthma flag program raises awareness of poor air quality in a school's surrounding neighborhood on a regular basis. Since children and adults are exposed to poor air quality, the program helps schools alter their outdoor activities depending on the flag colors in order to reduce their risk of developing chronic lung disorders such as asthma. It is the goal of the program to assist asthma sufferers better understand their condition and learn how to effectively communicate their requirements to their healthcare practitioner. In accordance with the local air quality prediction, each community raises a brilliantly colored flag every day. The implementation of a school-wide asthma flag program would help decrease asthma symptoms among students and staff by reducing their exposure to outdoor air pollution.
CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.
CONFIDENTIAL ©2020 Chamberlain University LLC. All rights reserved.
American Lung Association. (2020). Estimated prevalence and incidence of lung disease. https://www.lung.org/research/trends-in-lungdisease/prevalence-incidence-lung-disease
County Health Rankings and Roadmaps. (2018). Explore rankings. http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/
U.S. Census Bureau. (2018). State and county QuickFacts. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/ Orellano, P., Quaranta, N., Reynoso, J.,
Balbi, B., & Vasquez, J. (2017). Effect of outdoor air pollution on asthma exacerbations in children and adults: systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis. PloS one, 12(3), e0174050. https://www.airnow.gov/sites/default/files/201804/coordinator%20handbook-2015.pdf
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