Managerial Report The Rationale for Investing in a New BrewPub
I need two pages of Swot analysis and Pestel analysis. I attached the example, please see the Swot analysis and Pestel analysis in the file. We are opening a brewing restaurant in Allston area in Boston city, so need to do the Swot analysis and pestal analysis related to that.
Assignment 3-PART 2 (Team Project)
Managerial Report
The Rationale for Investing in a New BrewPub
Ruilin Meng, Jie Li, Hangyu Zhao, Siyao Zhang, Youwei Cai
Boston University Metropolitan College
AD 715: Qualitative and Quantitative Decision Making
Professor Krystie Dickson
June 27, 2022
Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3
Purpose of the Report……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
Structure of the Report……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Operations Management and Decision Making…………………………………………………………………………………..5
The Strategy of Operations Management Area……………………………………………………………………………..5
Cut-off Point……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
What-if Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6
Break-even Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Risk Analysis (Monte-Carlo Simulation)……………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Impact on Decision Making…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
Innovation & Technology Management and Decision-Making……………………………………………………….12
The Strategy of Innovation & Technology Management Area………………………………………………….12
Brewing Process Upgrading…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
SWOT Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..14
VRIO Framework………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
Impact on Decision-Making…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..17
Organization & HR Management and Decision-Making………………………………………………………………….18
The Strategy of Organization & HR Management Area…………………………………………………………….18
PESTEL Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18
Decision Tree Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21
Impact on Decision-Making…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..25
The Best Output Parameters (The Best Cycle)…………………………………………………………………………………. 26
Summary of Results and Decision Strategy ………………………………………………………………………………………27
References ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 30
Executive summary
This report aims to analyze the rationale for investing in a new brewpub, also
called microbrewery. All analysis we made are based on Business Cycle Simulation
altogether with Decision tree, Financial Statement, and Implementation Plan.
In Operations Management and Decision-Making section, to reach the break-even
point faster, we need to strictly control the cost and minimize the cost expenditure;
Adjust the unit price and cut-off points according to the relationship between supply and
demand; at the same time, try our best to reduce the unit cost to increase our income. In
Innovation & Technology Management and Decision-Making section, we made
upgrading by using the new box-fermentation brewing method, which allows us to build
and enhance comparative advantages as well as market competitiveness. In Organization
& HR Management and Decision-Making section, the decision tree analysis perfectly
reflects the correctness of our decisions in terms of human resources strategy and the
huge impact of specialized technical staff (such as brewers) on the profitability of our
In summary, we identified the Cycle 16 as our best cycle and our Average (Profit)
of the best cycle is $392,194.81 and our Average (IRR) is 0.71. Our Sharpe Ratio
(Applying Risk-Free Interest Rate) is 7.90 and our Sharpe Ratio (Applying Expected
Return on Investment) is 8.17. Thus, we firmly believe that stakeholders should invest
$150,000 in the microbrewery project. Also, we need to closely monitor the operation of
the whole project and the completion of the relevant indicators according to the
implementation plan. Once an anomaly is detected, we must take action at the first
opportunity to prevent the spread of the problem.
Purpose of the Report
The purpose of the report is to identify the rationale for investing in a new
BrewPub. As mentioned in part 1, we define the nature of the restaurant as a combination
of a grill and a microbrewery. And its outstanding feature is to provide consumers with
sports broadcast services. Increase alcohol consumption by enabling customers to watch
sporting events while dining. According to market research and analysis, we verified
again that the relationship between grill restaurants, beer, and sports events is often close
and integrated (Noel, 2018). Therefore, in part 2, we will explore the feasibility of this
project in more depth from three aspects: Operations Management, Innovation &
Technology Management, and Organization & HR Management.
Structure of the Report
The main structure of the article is organized around three parts:
Operations Management and Decision Making
Innovation & Technology Management and Decision-Making
Organization & HR Management and Decision-Making
At the beginning of each section, we will clarify the strategy we used for such an
area; at the end of each section, we will summarize the impact of such results on
decision-making. Based on the above three sections of analyses and conclusions, we will
conclude with the best cycle and output parameters and explain their reasons. In the end,
we will conclude with a summary of all the results and provide a description of the
overall project process according to the implementation plan.
Operations Management and Decision Making
The Strategy of Operations Management Area
Within the Operations Management functional area, our strategy is to mainly
analyze the microbrewery project through aspects based on the Business Cycle
Simulation: Break-even Analysis, What-if Analysis and Risk Analysis (Monte-Carlo
Simulation). First, we determined a cut-off point for each brand of beer by calculating
the ratio excess demand/total demand. Then we adjust our parameters and decisions
according to the contribution rate of different products (every beer brand). In What-if
Analysis, we will use the method of controlling variables to analyze the impact of three
variables/factors (total fixed cost, selling price per unit, and variable cost per unit) on our
microbrewery project's revenue, profit, sales volume, as well as the period it takes to
reach the break-even point. In the break-even point analysis, we will pay attention to the
break-even point (BEP), and analyze the main factors that influence the time when our
microbrewery project reaches the break-even point through the logic behind it. In Risk
Analysis, we will use Monte-Carlo simulations and using its result to compare which
cycle is the most profitable. Then, we will discuss the influence of the conclusions drawn
from the above analysis on our decision-making.
Cut-off Point
Cut-off point is the point at which an investor decides whether to abandon a
production. In the analysis of microbrewery, we include the cut-off point to limit losses.
However, how to determine the cut-off point made our analysis more difficult, and we
had to calculate the reasonableness of each point and choose the most appropriate cut-off
point. After continuous testing, we determined the most reasonable cut-off point. The cut-
off point of Pilsner is 0.52, and we used the formula that excess demand/total demand can
be calculated as 4.3% in fiscal year 1, which the ratio should be less than +10% or -10%,
which means that this cut-off point is reasonable. Similarly, we can calculate that in fiscal
year 2 and fiscal year 3, it is 4% and 3.4%, which are within the interval. The cut-off
point of Bavarian Lager is 0.6, which can be calculated as 3.4% in fiscal year 1, and 3.3%
and 3.5% in fiscal year 2 and fiscal year 3 by using the formula excess demand/total
demand. Also, the cut-off point of Light Wheat is 0.38, and we used the formula that
excess demand/total demand and got the result of -5.8% in fiscal year 1. Through a series
of calculations, we are able to justify our cut-off point.
What-if Analysis
What-if analysis is an evaluation tool, assuming what would happen if different
strategies were adopted and analyzing the results to make the best decision (Singh, 2013).
And this is very much like the single-variable analytical model in mathematics.
In our business cycle simulation, the first analysis is changing the total fixed costs,
and we need to answer the question that What is the BEP if the total fixed costs are
increased and/or decreased while the selling price and the variable costs per product
remain the same. (See Figure 8.1) In the original scenario, the fixed cost of our project is
$211,027, which results in 4.86 months and $318,729 sales for a break-even point.
However, if we increase our total fixed costs from $211,027 to $250,000, and other
variables remain the same, we can have the break-even point of 5.70 in months and
$373,864 in revenue. On the other hand, if we decrease our total fixed costs from
$211,027 to $200,000, and other variables remain the same, we can have the break-even
point of 4.56 in months and $299,092 in revenue. We found that the smaller the total
fixed costs, the less time it would take for our project to reach the break-even point, and
also the lower the corresponding break-even sales.
Then we analyzing what is the BEP if the selling price per product are increased
and/or decreased while the total fixed costs and the variable costs per products remain the
same. (See Figure 8.2) If we increase the unit price of each beer brand by $0.5, and other
variables remain the same, we can have the break-even point of 3.92 in months and
$296,268 in revenue. On the other hand, if we decrease the unit price of each beer brand
by $0.5, and other variables remain the same, we can have the break-even point of 6.22 in
months and $346,212 in revenue. This means that the higher the unit price per beer, the
less time it takes for us to reach the break-even point, and also the lower the
corresponding break-even sales.
The last analyzing is that what is the BEP if the variable cost/unit are increased
and/or decreased while the total fixed costs and the price per products remain the same.
(See Figure 8.3) If we increase the variable cost/unit by $0.2, and other variables remain
the same, we can have the break-even point of 5.29 in months and $347,034 in revenue.
On the other hand, if we decrease the variable cost/unit by $0.2, and other variables
remain the same, we can have the break-even point of 4.41 in months and $289,356 in
revenue. We found that the higher the variable cost/unit, the longer it will take us to reach
the break-even point, and also the higher the corresponding sales.
Break-even Analysis
The break-even point (BEP) gives us ideas mathematically about the relationship
between revenue and cost. Changes in various uncertain factors (such as investment, cost,
sales volume, product price, project life cycle, etc.) will affect the economic effect of the
investment plan (Tsorakidis, 2011)
Our break-even analysis is derived from the business cycle simulation. In simple, the
brake-even point is calculated as follows: Break-even point (or volume sold) = fixed cost
÷ contribution of the unit. For our project, the total brand-01's revenue is $786,740.56.
The total expenses of Brand-01 is $265,849.04, and the total fixed cost is $221,027,
which is a very important parameter. And the contribution of the total brand-01 is
$520,891.53, and the contribution margin is 66.21%. According to the Break-even
Break-even Months: 4.86 [=Total Fixed Costs/Contribution*12 months]
Break-even Sales: $318,729 [=Total Fixed Costs/Contribution Margin]
This means that the microbrewery project we are launching will break even within
four to five months of production (see Figure 7). During this time, our total cost range
was between $221,027 and $318,729. In addition, according to the break-even analysis,
we noticed that the beer BR01-10 has the highest contribution margin, reaching 79.99%,
while the beer BR01-11 has the lowest contribution margin, only 12.62%. We think this
result is reasonable: compared to other products, the beer BR01-10 sells for $4.49 per
unit with similar variable costs, making it the most expensive of all the beers we have
launched. Correspondingly, as our special beer BR01- 11 is only $1.25 per unit, which is
the cheapest of all the beers we have introduced.
Risk Analysis (Monte-Carlo Simulation)
Based on the generated business cycles, we can apply risk analysis which is also
called the Monte-Carlo Simulation. The main tool for our risk analysis is the Monte-
Carlo Simulation. It is an algorithm that randomly generates our assumptions and then
outputs values based on these generated assumptions. In the business world, Monte-
Carlos Simulation are often used to visualize project risks and uncertainties. In our
program, the values that vary are those that would in a real business, such as variable cost
and demand volumes, etc. Rather than being chosen completely randomly, these values
are generated according to probability distribution centered on the assumptions from the
cycle. In plain, they're likely to be close to the values we chose for each cycle. A Monte
Carlo simulation will iterate many times to create a complete understanding of whatever
it is we are trying to model.
In our case, the overall goal of Monte-Carlo simulation is to model the possible
profit from each cycle. After the simulation is done running, it will provide a histogram
of potential profits (see Figure 9). This simulation is outputting profit after taxes based
on the various inputs of the cycle. It generates a histogram for each year and overall,
which shows the number of cycles as the y-axis and the profit interval as the x-axis. In
our microbrewery project, (see the histograms in deep blue) after running business cycle
simulations until 16 times with 100 iterations, we have 15 iterations that result in a profit
interval between 135-143 (in thousands); Also, we have 13 iterations that result in a
profit interval around 151-160 (in thousands). So, the histograms there have bars with 15
and 13 units high. The in FY-2, we have 13 iterations that result in a profit interval
between 145-155 (in thousands); Also, we have 12 iterations that result in a profit
interval around 126-136 (in thousands). So, the histograms there have bars with 13 and
12 units high.
Moreover, we can run multiple Monte-Carlo simulations on different cycles by
clicking the Run Series button. We selected the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth as our
target cycles (see Figure 10). Each run of the simulation gets added to the histogram as a
different colored chart. For example, in our microbrewery project, (see the histograms in
red) after running business cycle simulations the first time with 100 iterations, we have
20 iterations that result in a profit interval between 108-119 (in thousands). And we also
have 17 iterations that result in a profit interval around 119-130 (in thousands). So, the
histograms there have bars with 20 and 17 units high. After running business cycle
simulations four times with 100 iterations (see the histograms in green), we have 15
iterations that result in a profit interval between 119-130 (in thousands). And we also
have 14 iterations that result in a profit interval around 87-98 (in thousands). So, the
histograms there have bars with 15 and 14 units high. After running business cycle
simulations ten times with 100 iterations (see the histograms in light blue), we have 18
iterations that result in a profit interval between 151-162 (in thousands). And we also
have 17 iterations that result in a profit interval around 130-141 (in thousands). So, the
histograms there have bars with 18 and 17 units high.
By using the Monte-Carlo simulations, we can already make some basic
conclusion about our project. Cycle 16, represented in deep blue, is obviously the most
profitable of all the cycles.
Then, in the Sim-Report (see Figure 11), we can make more advanced inferences
according to those important metrics taken from recent Monte-Carlo simulations. The
standard deviation of profit shows variance between iterations of each simulation.
Similarly, the standard deviation of the internal rate of return represents variance in the
IRR. The Sharpe ratio is a metric used to compare investment risk and return, The higher
the ratio the better an investment has performed relative to the risk it has taken on.
Note that these numbers match the lowest histogram from the D-Analysis table. In
our project’s best cycle, the Standard Deviation (Profit) is 56,293. The Failure rate
(Return on Investment) is 0.0% which is very well. Our Standard Deviation (IRR) is 0.15.
Our Sharpe Ratio (Applying Risk-Free Interest Rate) is 7.90 and our Sharpe Ratio
(Applying Expected Return on Investment) is 8.17. These two Sharpe Ratios are
significant because they are the highest ratios compared to each of their rows. This tells
us that after multiple cycles, our Sharpe ratio is gradually moving in a better
direction. Then, our Average (Profit) of the best cycle is 392194.81 and our Average
(IRR) is 0.71.
Impact on Decision Making
This section focuses on how these tools used above affect the changes made in
our business simulation files.
From the cut-off point, we realize that different cut-off points will affect the
whole profit and loss situation, and we must choose the most suitable cut-off point to
prevent losses.
From What-if analysis, we are aware of the impact of changes in total fixed cost,
selling price of each product and variable cost/unit on our income and the time required
to reach the break-even point.
From the Break-even analysis, we realize the importance of paying attention to
the contribution and contribution rate of each beer brand to the overall brand/project, and
its influence on the time when we reach the break-even point. In addition to the special
price, increase the supply of beer brands with high contribution rate to the whole project,
increase the marketing budget, and increase the promotion of such beer brands.
From the perspective of economic law and the relationship between supply and
demand, we can even fine-tune the prices of these beer brands that contribute more to the
overall project. At the peak of demand, we can consider increasing the unit price of these
beer brands to some extent to further increase our income. Of course, this practice is risky,
and we need to always be alert to the impact of price fluctuations on sales.
In general, in order to reach the break-even point faster in our decision-making
process, we need to strictly control the cost and minimize the cost expenditure; Adjust the
unit price according to the relationship between supply and demand; at the same time, try
our best to reduce the unit cost to increase our income.
Innovation Technology Management and Decision-Making
The Strategy of Innovation & Technology Management Area
Within the strategy of innovation & technology management area, our strategy is
to Brewing Process Upgrading, mainly analyze the microbrewery project based on the
SWOT Analysis, and using VRIO Framework to analysis. First, we determined the
difference between craft beer and common industrial beer. We found that the craft beer
attracted more young customer class with higher demands for a sense of experience,
personalization, and diversity in consumption. Based on market research, our team
decided to use the box-fermentation brewing method. Then we used SWOT Analysis to
determined strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. After that we used VRIO
Framework to determine the value, rarity, inimitability and organization. In the end, we
will discuss the influence of the conclusions drawn from the above analysis on our
Brewing Process Upgrading
The biggest feature that distinguishes craft beer from common industrial beer is
its extremely rich variety, which is sought after by consumers for its unique recipe of
ingredients and independent brewing process (Gatrell et al., 2018). According to market
research, craft beer has a much higher added value compared to industrial beer. Generally
speaking, a 500ml craft brew sells for $4 to $7, while ordinary beer is sold at restaurants
for $1 to $3 a bottle. Although it seems that there is still a significant price gap between
the two, but craft beer has tended to civilian consumption momentum, the market
potential is still very large (Hoalst-Pullen et al., 2014). Craft beer (an upgrade of the
brewing process) is in fact an innovative movement in the beer industry, behind which is
the rise of a young consumer class with higher demands for a sense of experience,
personalization, and diversity in consumption.
The quality of craft beer also depends on the freshness of the product, and the shelf
life of fresh beer varies from 15 to 30 days. In order to maximize the freshness of the beer,
our microbrewery project must be based on the local market and open craft brew bars for
promotion. On the other hand, craft brew brands are going beyond in-store sales. Setting
up smaller craft breweries and expanding channels through the internet and social media
are also options for us.
Based on market research, our team decided to use the box-fermentation
brewing method. This is a relatively simple brewing method. Wort is a small volume,
concentrated, syrupy liquid obtained by removing most of the water and is pre-made by
the maltster. The homebrewer rehydrates the wort and then ferments it to make a full keg
of beer quickly. This method takes only 20-30 minutes. And it requires very little
expertise. In recent years, professional brewers have developed brew kits that closely
resemble commercial beers, and the quality of brew kits has improved dramatically as a
SWOT Analysis
Brewing can be prepared quickly
Easy to get started, no need for too much expertise
Box-fermentation brewing method
Only basic equipment required
Can brew many types of beer
Specific grains can be used to get the desired flavor
A strong sense of participation and a boost of confidence to quickly acquire skills
There are few known beer recipes, so we must try them ourselves
Inevitably, some of the hop aromas are lost during the brewing
Some raw materials (wort) are not suitable for this method
The yield rate is not very high, which may lead to waste and rework
Create a new brand image
Breaking the industry and technical barriers to craft beer through technological
No long-term and extensive market (consumer) testing
This technology is still in a rapid iteration phase
VRIO Framework
The value of the microbrewery and craft beer technology upgrade lies in its own
characteristics as well as the novel restaurant style design and free form. The expression
of diverse product styles fits the consumer experience of young consumer groups seeking
new and different things. Visually, craft beer has a more delicate and long-lasting foam
than ordinary beer, and its color is brighter and more lustrous. In terms of smell, craft
beer usually has more types and quantities of malt, yeast and hops added, which allows
for hundreds of different flavors to be brewed. In terms of taste, craft beer has a
particularly mellow and layered taste. In terms of brewing process, it is more refined and
unique than industrialized ordinary beer, thus ensuring the quality of craft beer, and
making it synonymous with high quality beer.
From the perspective of culture and function, craft beer also contains alcohol culture
and social functions that can meet the needs of young consumers. Craft beer packaging
design has moved toward content-based expressions, and marketing planners have
incorporated more emotional and ideological elements into the design of craft beer bottles,
trademarks, and craft beer halls to reinforce the value of the product. Craft beer has taken
on a colorful pattern in terms of bottle shape and brand logo design. It also better conveys
the brand's distinctive concept to consumers. This advantage is not available in other
alcoholic products.
From the point of view of technological innovation and upgrading, the brewing
method of box fermentation used in this project allows for quick preparation. It is easy
for the staff (brewers) to get started, without having much expertise or long training, and
after becoming familiar with the basic process only basic equipment is needed to brew
many types of beer.
More importantly, there are not many off-the-shelf recipes for the beer we brew,
which means that we need to innovate and experiment to develop our own "secret recipe"
or "exclusive recipe". Once this "exclusive recipe" has been tested in the market and
recognized by consumers, we can form a strong comparative advantage and market
competitiveness. At the same time, this is also an important aspect that is difficult for
other competitors to imitate.
In terms of organizational factors, as mentioned above (It is easy for the brewers to
get started, without having much expertise or long training, and after becoming familiar
with the basic process only basic equipment is needed to brew many types of beer). The
box-fermentation brewing method we used in the microbrewery project naturally dictated
that we did not need to expend excessive cost and effort in terms of human resources.
Thus, this can save us some labor costs while ensuring a good return on products.
Impact on Decision Making
This section focuses on how these tools used above affect the decision we would
make for craft beer.
From the Brewing Process Upgrading, we realize that the quality of craft beer also
depends on the freshness of the product, in order to maximize the freshness of the beer,
our microbrewery project must be based on the local market and open craft brew bars for
promotion by using the box-fermentation brewing method.
From SWOT Analysis, we can see that we have lots of strengths like brewing can
be prepared quickly, easy to get started, no need for too much expertise, and only basic
equipment required, etc. However, there still have some weaknesses like some raw
materials (wort) are not suitable for this method and the yield rate is not very high, which
may lead to waste and rework. But these weaknesses can be remedied in different ways.
We can use this chance to breaking the industry and technical barriers to craft beer
through technological innovation.
From the VRIO Framework, we found that the value of craft beer and craft beer
technology upgrading lies in its own characteristics, novel restaurant style design and free
form. And hundreds of different flavors can be brewed, so that the taste of the craft beer
is particularly mellow and full of layers. Moreover, once this "exclusive recipe" has been
tested in the market and recognized by consumers, we can form a strong comparative
advantage and market competi Plagiarism Free Papers
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