The construction industry has always been considered as one of the most hazardous industries globally. The condition is worse in developing countries due to poor implementation of
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Literature Review
Othman, I., Kamil, M., Sunindijo, R. Y., Alnsour, M., & Kineber, A. F. (2020, April). Critical success factors influencing construction safety program implementation
in developing countries. (Iraq)
The construction industry has always been considered as one of the most hazardous industries globally. The condition is worse in developing countries due to poor implementation of safety management. To overcome this problem, there is a need to focus on improving the implementation of safety programs. This paper aims to identify the factors that have the potential to influence the implementation of safety programs in construction projects in developing countries. An extensive review of literature found 21 critical success factors. Sixteen semi-structured interviews with experts in the Iraqi construction industry was conducted to gain in-depth insight and understanding of these factors. The interviewees confirmed the relevance of the success factors and emphasized on the importance of several factors, including management commitment, safety training, the enforcement of safety rules and regulations, and stakeholder collaboration. Technology is a new factor identified by the interviewees. The findings can used in the Iraqi construction industries and in developing countries to support the implementation of safety programs.
Mosly, I., & Makki, A. A. (2020). Safety climate perceptions in the construction industry of Saudi Arabia: the current situation. (Saudi Arabia)
Workers’ wellbeing and safety is important in the construction industry due to the high risk of accidents. Safety climate development is a positive initial step toward raising the safety levels of construction practitioners. This study aims at revealing the factors influencing safety climate perceptions in the construction industry of Saudi Arabia. A set of extracted factors from the literature was validated and used to design a comprehensive questionnaire survey. Data was collected from 401 personnel working on 3 large construction project sites in Saudi Arabia. Descriptive statistics and the crosstabulation algorithm, Kendall’s tau-b correlation test, were used to analyze the data. The study revealed a set of 13 factors influencing safety climate perceptions, which are: Supervision, guidance and inspection, appraisal of risks and hazards, social security and health insurance, workmate influences, management safety justice, management commitment to safety, education and training, communication, workers’ safety commitment, workers’ attitude toward health and safety, workers’ involvement, supportive environment, and competence. The results also indicate the significant and anticipated role of top management in safety climate at sites. Implications of this study include assisting construction industry stakeholders to better understand and enhance safety climate, which in turn will lead to improved safety behavior, culture, motivation, and performance.
Jaafar, M. H., Arifin, K., Aiyub, K., Razman, M. R., Ishak, M. I. S., & Samsurijan, M. S. (2018). Occupational safety and health management in the construction
industry: a review.
The construction industry plays a significant role in contributing to the economy and development globally. During the process of construction, various hazards coupled with the unique nature of the industry contribute to high fatality rates. This review refers to previous published studies and related Malaysian legislation documents. Four main elements consisting of human, worksite, management and external elements which cause occupational accidents and illnesses were identified. External and management elements are the underlying causes contributing to occupational safety and health (OSH), while human and worksite elements are more apparent causes of occupational accidents and illnesses. An effective OSH management approach is required to contain all hazards at construction sites. An approach to OSH management constructed by elements of policy, process, personnel and incentive developed in previous work is explored. Changes to the sub-elements according to previous studies and the related Malaysian legislation are also covered in this review.
Khalid, U., Sagoo, A., & Benachir, M. (2021). Safety Management System (SMS) framework development–Mitigating the critical safety factors affecting Health and
Safety performance in construction projects.
The construction industry is known both for its significance in economic growth and its hazardous nature. The accidents on construction sites not only cause fatalities but also affect project performance severely in term of delayed completion, cost overruns, reduced quality and eventually low productivity. Statistically, poor safety performance is the main cause of the accident on sites due to the number of influencing factors. To improve safety performance, it is inevitable to investigate potential factors involved in safety management. This is a working paper and examines the relative importance of key factors influencing Health and Safety (H&S) performance and the rationale for developing a robust safety management system (SMS) that migrates all factors into one framework. This paper adopts an empirical research methodology based on literature review and secondary data gathered systematically from peer-reviewed journals. There are around sixty H&S factors and these have been assigned to cluster leadings forming six groups namely: ‘organisational’, ‘managerial’, ‘legislative’, ‘social’, ‘environmental’ and ‘personnel’ factors. In developing the rationale for the safety management system (SMS) framework it has become apparent that the effective safety performance can only be achieved through effective (1) implementation of safety regulations, (2) leadership, (3) safety planning, (4) safety compliance, (5) performance measurement, (6) risk assessment, (7) safety inspection, and (8) Safety Culture. These factors are interrelated with each other and they cannot be isolated, however, in order to significantly improve the safety performance target on construction projects, there is a need to re-alignment and re-balance the priorities assigned to factors influencing safety performance.
Serdar Durdyev, Sherif Mohamed, Meng Leang Lay, Syuhaida Ismail.2017. Key Factors Affecting Construction Safety Performance in Developing Countries: Evidence
from Cambodia.
Although proper safety management in construction is of utmost importance; anecdotal evidence suggests that safety is not adequately considered in many developing countries. This paper considers the key variables affecting construction safety performance in Cambodia. Using an empirical questionnaire survey targeting local construction professionals, respondents were invited to rate the level of importance of 30 variables identified from the seminal literature. The data set was subjected to factor analysis. Correlations between the variables show that five key factors underlie the challenges facing the local industry; management and organisation, resources, site management, cosmetic and workforce. It is found that the forefront construction professionals (top management and government authorities) should take more responsibilities for further improvements in safety performance on project sites. Findings and recommendations of this study may be useful to construction professional who are seeking ways to improve safety records in developing countries.
Kines, P., L.P. Andersen, S. Spangenberg, K.L. Mikkelsen, J. Dyreborg, and D. Zohar.2010. Improving construction site safety through leader based verbal safety communication.
Communication is vital for construction safety, but how it influences unsafe behavior in the work-place remains unclear. This study aims to explore the relationships between communication, cognitive failure, and unsafe behaviors in order to clarify those mechanics. We defined communication as management input, worker cognitive failure as process, and actual behaviors as management output. We collected data from three Chinese steel construction crews and utilized experience/behavior sampling and questionnaire surveys to collect project information. Bivariate statistical analyses were conducted to explain how communication affected unsafe behavior. The results showed that, rather than communication frequency, management communication style was significantly related to worker cognitive failure; specifically, communication style was related to perception of convenience and self-capacity, which could be upstream factors explaining unsafe behavior at the construction jobsite. This research provided statistical evidence supporting the hypothesized association among safety communication, cognitive failure, and behavior, bridging the missing gaps of previous research. Nonetheless, readers should interpret the results cautiously because of the limitations listed as follows. First, sample size is relatively small. In addition, crew turnover may mediate the relationship between communication and safe behaviors therefore, the impact of communication on cognitive failure can be blurred and a longitudinal study on specific crews working on the same job site could be used to evaluate it. Third, future research should focus on communication style, as it directly relates to the human cognitions that affect unsafe behavior at construction sites.
Mahmoudi, S., F. Ghasemi, I. Mohammadfam, and E. Soleimani.2014. Framework for continuous assessment and improvement of occupational health and safety issues in construction companies.
Construction industry is among the most hazardous industries, and needs a comprehensive and simple-to-administer tool to continuously assess and promote its health and safety performance. Methods: Through the study of various standard systems (mainly Health, Safety, and Environment Management System; Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 180001; and British Standard, occupational health and safety management systems-Guide 8800), seven main elements were determined for the desired framework, and then, by reviewing literature, factors affecting these main elements were determined. The relative importance of each element and its related factors was calculated at organizational and project levels. The provided framework was then implemented in three construction companies, and results were compared together. Results: The results of the study show that the relative importance of the main elements and their related factors differ between organizational and project levels: leadership and commitment are the most important elements at the organization level, whereas risk assessment and management are most important at the project level. Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that the framework is easy to administer, and by inter-preting the results, the main factors leading to the present condition of companies can be determined.
Wang, W.-C., J.-J. Liu, and S.-C. Chou.2006. Simulation-based safety evaluation model integrated with network schedule. Automation in construction.
Construction accidents often lead to project delays. However, in practice, construction safety and schedule control are managed separately. This work develops an innovative simulation-based model, SimSAFE, that assesses the hazard (or expected accident costs) for each activity in a network schedule. Thus, at any time point, safety managers can pay considerable attention to activities (or paths or working zones) with high expected accident costs. Additionally, by breaking down the uncertainty of an accident cause occurring, SimSAFE provides factorsensitivity information to support safety risk management. Enhancing knowledge of the safety factors (such as safety training and site environment) to which an activity (or path or zone) is sensitive, and also of the activities (or paths or zones) that are most sensitive to a particular factor can provide management with a better sense of what factors and activities (or paths or zones) need to be controlled for reducing construction accidents, especially for a large project or multiple projects. D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Al Haadir, S., & Panuwatwanich, K. (2011). Critical success factors for safety program implementation among construction companies in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia is considered one of the fastest growing countries in the Middle East. Despite this fact, the overall level of construction safety in Saudi Arabia has been relatively low. Many construction companies in Saudi Arabia have tried to control the rising costs of accidents and reduce projects delays due to the accidents; however, they do not know why the safety programs do not work efficiently, or where to start. This study has a main aim which is identifying the critical factors affecting the successful implementation of safety programs among construction companies in Saudi Arabia. Considering the current lack of understanding on these factors within this particular context, this study is the first and essential step to promoting comprehensive safety programs implementation within the Saudi Arabia construction industry. To achieve this aim, this study examined and synthesised numerous factors identified in past research studies on construction safety, whereby a set of factors was developed. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was then conducted to prioritise these factors, based on the input from a group of experts representing 18 construction companies in Saudi Arabia. Finally, Pareto principle was employed to develop seven most critical success factors, which represent the areas where companies should focus their attention and effort to achieve better safety levels through effective implementation programs.
KARAKAVUZ, H., & GEREDE, E. (2018). A Study to Identify the Success Factors of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Implemented by
Ground Handling Companies at Airports in Turkey.
Successful implementation of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMSs) ensures the safety of employees and protects their health and thus has an important role in increasing their productivity and efficiency. This role is an important tool for companies in realization their objectives and in reducing social cost. Therefore, there is a great benefit in increasing the success of OHSMSs. In this study, it has been aimed to identify factors affecting and to appreciate which factors have the greatest impact on the success of OHSMSs implemented by ground handling companies operating at airports in Turkey. The data were collected from senior OHSMSs’ managers and experts by using nominal group technique. The results of the study indicated that professional independence of OHS practitioners, place of the senior management’s OHSMS commitment in the implementations, senior management’s awareness of OHSMS implementations, resource allocated by senior management to OHSMS implementations and the continuity of the OHSMS audits play an important role for the successful implementation of the OHSMSs. Professional independence of OHS practitioners being an extremely important success factor draws the attention since it does not stand out in the findings of the other researches.
Abas, N. H., Yusuf, N., Suhaini, N. A., Kariya, N., Mohammad, H., & Hasmori, M. F. (2020). Factors affecting safety performance of construction projects: A literature review.
The construction industry is known as the most hazardous industry and has always been plagued with accident for a long time. Incidents or accidents that happened at construction sites has caused several drawbacks of project performance, such as delay in project completion, increase project cost, reduce productivity and create negative impressions to the organization. Therefore, it is crucial for employer to ensure safety and health at the workplace is taken care of to avoid accident. This paper presents the review of the factors affecting safety performance of construction project, focusing on project level. Among the most frequently cited factors that affect safety performance of construction project in project level are safety training, implementation of safe working environment and implementation of safe plant and equipment. The outcomes of the paper may serve as a starting point for further research in investigating the main.
Sarhan, J., Xia, B., Fawzia, S., Karim, A., & Olanipekun, A. (2018). Barriers to implementing lean construction practices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)
construction industry.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify the barriers to implementing lean construction in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) construction industry and to prioritize the principal factors that constitute these barriers. The findings revealed 22 barriers to lean construction implementation in the KSA construction industry. Principal factors that constitute these barriers were found to be traditional practices, client related, technological, performance and knowledge and cost-related barriers in descending order of pervasiveness. The study also proposes solutions to overcome these principal barriers.
Choudhry, R. M., Fang, D., & Ahmed, S. M. (2008). Safety management in construction: Best practices in Hong Kong.
Safety issues have gained vital importance throughout the construction industry. Many construction companies around the world are implementing safety, health, and environmental management systems to reduce injuries, eliminate illness, and to provide a safe work environment in their construction sites. This paper describes an exploratory study of site safety management in construction sites’ environments. It explains a successful, modern safety, health and environmental management system for a leading construction company based in Hong Kong. A typical site-specific safety plan was utilized to provide safety guidance throughout the construction project. A safety management survey was conducted to determine the status of safety in the construction sites. All employees of the company and its subcontractors participated in the survey from 20 construction projects. In total, 1,022 valid records were obtained from the construction sites. The analysis provided useful information on eight aspects of construction safety, including safety policy and standards, safety organization, safety training, inspecting hazardous conditions, personal protection program, plant and equipment, safety promotion, and management behavior. The findings of the survey provide practical knowledge to construction project managers and construction safety practitioners in order to make their sites safer. Insights and discussions are given in this paper.
Priyadarshani, K., Karunasena, G., & Jayasuriya, S. (2013). Construction safety assessment framework for developing countries: a case study of Sri Lanka.
Construction safety on project sites is of utmost importance due to the nature of the construction industry. However, it is usually a secondary concern in a market-driven society where the main concern is completing projects at the required quality with minimum time and cost. Thus, safety issues are considered only after an accident occurs at a construction site with follow up measures to improve working conditions, especially in developing countries. In Sri Lanka, according to the International Labour Organisation, one out of six accidents and 25 out of 40 deaths occur at construction sites due to negligence or carelessness. These statistics show that safety is not adequately considered in the Sri Lankan construction industry. Therefore, proper safety management in construction is of utmost importance; hence, this study aims to introduce a benchmark to measure construction safety through a proposed safety management assessment framework. Factors affecting construction safety performance were explored through a questionnaire survey conducted in Sri Lanka. The results suggest that a benchmark of construction safety should be considered across six dominant groups of factors: management commitment, management measures, implementation, project nature, individual involvement and economic investment. Management commitment is the most dominant factor that affects construction safety and consists of implementing organisational safety policies, assigning safety responsibilities at all levels, etc. The proposed management framework will facilitate a benchmarking process and initiatives for improving construction safety performance in developing countries. Plagiarism Free Papers
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