COSO Framework The COSO framework of internal controls is practiced within companies around the world. The objectives of the COSO framework are closely related to its five compon
Research Paper: COSO Framework
The COSO framework of internal controls is practiced within companies around the world. The objectives of the COSO framework are closely related to its five components. For this assignment, please discuss these five components of the COSO framework. Be sure to include each components’ impact on each of the COSO framework objectives. What do you feel an auditor would most be concerned with during an IT audit? Lastly, discuss suggestions for integrating COSO framework compliance into a company in which you are familiar. Your paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be approximately 3-4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
- Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
- Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
- Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.
Use the attachment and reference link for research (mandatory)
Schiff, & Warren, M. T. (2017). Implementing A Business Intelligence (BI)/Corporate Performance Management (CPM) Solution: Challenges Faced By A Major National Retailer. Journal of Business Case Studies, 13(2), 63–72.
Dong-Hui Jin, & Hyun-Jung Kim. (2018). Integrated Understanding of Big Data, Big Data Analysis, and Business Intelligence: A Case Study of Logistics. Sustainability, (10), 3778.
NSTAC Report to the President on the Internet of Things
November 19, 2014
President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
NSTAC Report to the President on the Internet of Things i
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ………………………………………………………………………………………. ES-1
1.0 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………………………………. ES-1 1.1 Scoping and Charge …………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 1.2 Approach ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2
2.0 DISCUSSION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 2.1 Internet of Things (IoT) Overview ………………………………………………………………………. 3
2.2 Considerations of the IoT Impact on National Security and Emergency Preparedness .. 6 2.2.1 Unique Aspects of IoT Technology ……………………………………………………………….. 6 2.2.2 IoT Governance Considerations ………………………………………………………………….. 12
2.2.3 IoT Institutional Support & Structure …………………………………………………………… 17
3.0 FINDINGS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21
3.1 IoT Technology/Unprecedented Effects ……………………………………………………………… 21
3.2 Governance of IoT …………………………………………………………………………………………… 22
3.3 Institutional Support & Structure ……………………………………………………………………….. 22
4.0 CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23
5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ………………………………………………………………………………………… 24
APPENDIX A: MEMBERSHIP …………………………………………………………………………………. A-1
APPENDIX B: ACRONYMS …………………………………………………………………………………….. B-1
APPENDIX C: GLOSSARY ………………………………………………………………………………………. C-1
APPENDIX D: BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………………………… D-1
APPENDIX E: AREAS OF FOCUS …………………………………………………………………………… E-1
APPENDIX F: CASE STUDIES …………………………………………………………………………………. F-1
This NSTAC report contains typographical revisions that were made following submission of the report to the
President. No content was altered.
President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
NSTAC Report to the President on the Internet of Things ES-1
The rapid adoption of smart, adaptive, and connected
devices—the “Internet of Things” (IoT)—is occurring
across virtually all critical infrastructure sectors.
Moreover, this is happening at a speed that far outpaces
earlier technological developments. The IoT will bring
significant societal benefits, many of which are already
being realized through increased efficiencies, early
detection of faults, improved reliability and resilience,
and more. But the rapid and massive connection of these devices also brings with it risks,
including new attack vectors, new vulnerabilities, and perhaps most concerning of all, a vastly
increased ability to use remote access to cause physical destruction.
Recognizing this, the Executive Office of the President, specifically the National Security
Council, tasked the President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
(NSTAC) to examine the cybersecurity implications of the IoT within the context of national
security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP). The NSTAC found that IoT adoption will
increase in both speed and scope, and that it will impact virtually all sectors of our society. The
Nation’s challenge is ensuring that the IoT’s adoption does not create undue risk. Additionally,
the NSTAC determined that there is a small—and rapidly closing—window to ensure that IoT is
adopted in a way that maximizes security and minimizes risk. If the country fails to do so, it will
be coping with the consequences for generations.
Scope of the Study
In February 2014, the NSTAC issued the Industrial Internet Scoping Report, which summarized
the work of the NSTAC’s Industrial Internet Scoping Subcommittee. The report revealed that in
addition to Industrial Internet, IoT is referred to by several terms, including machine-to-machine
communications, Internet of Everything, and cyber-physical systems. In its report, the NSTAC
described the IoT as an expansion of the global infrastructure through existing and evolving
interoperable information and communication technologies that incorporates the interconnection
of physical and virtual systems to enable new and automated capabilities. It also noted that the
potential benefits of the IoT include the development of innovative services and, in many cases,
more efficient use of infrastructure. However, it also found that the IoT has several security
factors that Government and industry should consider, including an exponential expansion in
attack surfaces, a changing threat landscape, privacy concerns, an increased potential for kinetic-
focused cyber attacks, and changes to the hardware lifecycle. The NSTAC concluded that these
benefits and risks were already being recognized in the early deployment of IoT, thus
necessitating a better understanding of the technology, the implications of existing and new
policy structures, and the impacts on critical infrastructure security and resilience. Following
this examination, the NSTAC established the IoT Research Subcommittee (IoTS) to study the
cybersecurity implications of the IoT, within the context of NS/EP. 1
1 IoT-enabled consumer products and services are out of scope for this report, except to the extent that they interact
with NS/EP systems.
There is a small—and rapidly
closing—window to ensure that IoT
is adopted in a way that maximizes
security and minimizes risk. If the
country fails to do so, it will be
coping with the consequences for
President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
NSTAC Report to the President on the Internet of Things ES-2
Summary of the Report
In 2008, the U.S. National Intelligence Council warned that the IoT would be a disruptive
technology by 2025. 2 The Council said that individuals,
businesses, and governments were unprepared for a
possible future when network interfaces reside in everyday
things. Almost six years later, this warning remains valid,
though it now seems certain that the IoT will be disruptive
far sooner than 2025—if it is not so already. The number
of Internet-connected devices first outnumbered the human
population in 2008, and that number continues to increase.
By 2013, there were as many as 13 billion Internet-connected devices, and projections indicate
that this will grow to 50 billion or more by 2020, generating global revenues of more than $8
trillion by 2020. 3 The pace of deployment led the NSTAC to conclude that there are only three
years—and certainly no more than five—to influence how IoT is adopted. By 2020, there will
be tens of billions of devices in use. Now is the time to influence how those devices are
designed and what protocols govern their use; after they are deployed, new policy will only
affect change at the margins.
The IoT’s deployment will have a direct impact on the Nation’s NS/EP. Billions of IoT devices
(e.g., sensors, processors, actuators) that can communicate
with one another are being incorporated directly into the
Nation’s critical infrastructure systems. Many of these
devices will be controlled remotely, often across the
public Internet and from personal smartphones or tablets.
Consumer devices will undoubtedly connect to networks
that may have connectivity to critical systems, which will
create new attack venues for an adversary. These venues will be particularly hard to defend
because they may not be discovered until a malicious actor tries to exploit them. Finally, as the
IoT evolves, it is possible—if not likely—that hardware and software used in the consumer
market will later be used to develop devices that are integrated into critical systems.
Concerns regarding the IoT’s deployment may be analogous to the development of the Internet
and the cybersecurity problems the Nation currently faces. When the protocols that govern the
Internet were developed, security was not a significant consideration. At the time, the pervasive
use of the Internet—for everything from commerce to global communications to life-sustaining
functions—was not conceivable; had early designers envisioned this, there would have been a
higher priority on security. Today, the Nation stands on the edge of a similar revolution in how
it interacts with devices and how the devices will serve the country; however, if we do not
include security as a core consideration, there will be significant consequences to both national
and economic security.
2 National Intelligence Council, “Disruptive Civil Technologies: Six Technologies With Potential Impacts on U.S.
Interests Out to 2025,” April 2008. 3 ZDNet. “Is the Internet of Things strategic to the enterprise?” May 31, 2014. Available at
In 2008 the National Intelligence
Council warned the IoT would be a
disruptive technology by 2025; six
years later, it is clear that this will
happen much sooner, if it has not
The IoT will impact NS/EP as
billions of devices are deployed
with the potential to be connected
remotely with many of the Nation’s
critical infrastructure systems.
President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
NSTAC Report to the President on the Internet of Things ES-3
This risk, coupled with the asymmetric nature of the cybersecurity threat, requires an immediate
and coordinated response from the public and private sector in order to ensure that the benefits of
IoT are realized and the dangers are minimized. In order to understand this risk and develop
recommendations to address it, the NSTAC engaged with key stakeholders from the Federal
Government and industry subject matter experts, including organizations helping to lead and
shape the future of the IoT. This allowed the NSTAC to garner insights and best practices
related to the rapidly evolving IoT technologies.
The NSTAC found that IoT technologies are creating unprecedented effects. It is expected to
boost the economy and improve life for citizens, particularly when combined with other related
technology concepts, such as cloud computing, autonomy, and big data. There are also factors
that could prevent IoT from reaching its maximum potential benefits, including failure to manage
the risk associated with rapid innovation and increased connectivity, the lack of an institutional
support structure for the IoT, and the inability of governance and policy processes to keep pace
with the rate of development and deployment of emerging IoT technology.
The NSTAC also found that the compromise or malfunction of IoT devices could have NS/EP
implications. Compromise of devices that run or are connected to different critical infrastructure
systems could have the potential for major economic disruption, kinetic damage impacting
public safety, or in extreme cases, catastrophic failure of national infrastructure or critical
systems. Yet, it remains an open question whether IoT is being adopted in a manner that
maximizes its utility and minimizes any associated risk.
In light of the rapid adoption of emerging technologies and the dynamic threat environment,
immediate action is needed to address the dynamic IoT environment. The NSTAC found that
existing governance, policy, and institutional support structures are not well-equipped to
facilitate the rapid changes needed; therefore, NSTAC suggests the first three recommendations
be acted upon within 90 days. Based on the authorities and responsibilities established by EO
13618, Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications
Functions, the NSTAC recommends that the President execute the following recommendations:
1. Direct the Department of Commerce, specifically NIST, to develop a definition of IoT for use by departments and agencies to be used during assessments related to the IoT.
2. Direct the Office of Management and Budget to require Federal departments and agencies to:
a. Conduct an internal assessment to document IoT capabilities that currently support and/or planned for support of NS/EP functions. These assessments must
consider interconnections and interdependencies that may be introduced and the
associated risks and benefits with respect to NS/EP.
b. Develop contingency plans to identify and manage security issues created by current and future IoT deployments within the Government. The plans should
recognize that IoT devices and their potential uses will continually evolve as well
President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
NSTAC Report to the President on the Internet of Things ES-4
as anticipate an environment that cannot be fully secured because of the dynamic
nature of the IoT and the potential threat.
3. Create an IoT interagency task force that coordinates with existing organizational bodies to foster balanced perspectives between security, economic benefits, and potential risks.
At a minimum, participants should include the Department of Commerce, Department of
Homeland Security, and Department of Defense. The task force will set milestones for
completion of the following activities that are reflective of the urgency of need to address
the risks that ongoing deployments of IoT pose to NS/EP.
a. Identify the gaps between security practices and emerging technologies to address the unique risks posed by IoT on NS/EP and develop plans for how to incentivize
development of security innovations to address the gaps.
b. Direct the update of Federal strategic documents to consider the security aspects of the explosive growth of and reliance upon IoT devices. Examples include the
National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace, the Comprehensive National
Cybersecurity Initiative, and Trustworthy Cyberspace: Strategic Plan for the
Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Program.
c. Direct the update of existing awareness and training programs. The focus of the awareness should be to inform the public, as well as leaders and decision makers
(private and public, including legislators), about both the benefits and risks of the
rapid adoption of IoT and, thereby, encourage a culture of security around IoT
device use and development. Role-specific programs should be considered for
those involved in the design, development, production, procurement, and
operation of NS/EP systems.
d. Encourage and incentivize academia to develop curricula focused on: (i) IoT and the associated security challenges; and (ii) the convergence of the IT and OT
disciplines, in order to educate future professionals engaged in the design,
administration, or security of NS/EP systems.
e. Encourage engagement in appropriate international forums for standards and policy development.
4. Convene and facilitate a Government and industry standing body to coordinate, collaborate and leverage the various industry IoT consortia to develop, update, and
maintain IoT deployment guidelines to manage cybersecurity implications and risks.
These guidelines should include the integration of IoT into systems that support NS/EP
functions and highlight the gaps between risks the market will address and national
security risks, which markets are not intended to address and are for use as part of the
acquisition, procurement, and operations procedures. The result should enable an
adaptive set of guidelines, focused on cybersecurity and resiliency of the ecosystem, that
changes with the risk in a timely manner based on a continuous collaborative process.
The executive agent of this standing body must have authority and oversight to enforce
agreed-to deployment guidelines across governmental agencies and departments.
President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
NSTAC Report to the President on the Internet of Things ES-5
5. Direct the NS/EP Communications Executive Committee to: (1) review and recommend updates through the PPD-1 process on priority schema to account for and enable priority
on all forms of next generation networks communications (e.g., voice, video, data) for
NS/EP and public safety communications; (2) appropriately account for the impact the
growth of IoT and IoT-related data associated with NS/EP communications; and (3)
develop, in conjunction with the private sector, updates to NS/EP programs including
Government Emergency Telecommunications Service, Wireless Priority Service,
Telecommunications Service Priority, and Special Routing Access Services.
6. Direct the Office of Science and Technology Policy to review current research and development (R&D) investment and recommend future R&D funding for IoT security.
Funding will help to understand the potential risks to NS/EP functions associated with
IoT in an interconnected ecosystem, including IoT architectures, network management,
privacy, and device identification and authentication in a manner that allows for
productivity, growth, and innovation. Measure improvements in adoption and
implementation of new technologies from the research execution with linkages to
national priorities and interests and ensure that existing, similar recommendations are
appropriately executed.
As recommendations are considered and implemented, it will be important to: (1) establish
metrics to measure and monitor the effectiveness of the recommendations; (2) incorporate IoT
technology in a manner that minimizes risk; (3) incorporate IoT in current education and
awareness programs; and (4) ensure IoT-related R&D projects are addressing evolving
cybersecurity challenges. The NSTAC believes these actions will help maximize security and
resiliency within the IoT ecosystem.
President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
NSTAC Report to the President on the Internet of Things 1
In 2008, the U.S. National Intelligence Council warned that the Internet of Things (IoT) would
be a disruptive technology by 2025. 4 The Council said that individuals, businesses, and
governments were unprepared for a possible future when network interfaces reside in everyday
things. Almost six years later, this warning remains valid, though it now seems certain that the
IoT will be disruptive far sooner than 2025—if it is not so already. More recently in January
2014, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) stated that “[t]he complexity and nature of
these systems means that security and safety assurance are not guaranteed and that threat actors
can easily cause security and/or safety problems in these systems.” 5 Several statistics validate
the Government’s concerns: the number of Internet-connected devices first outnumbered the
human population in 2008, and that number continues to grow faster than the human population.
By 2013, there were as many as 13 billion Internet-connected devices, and projections indicate
that this will grow to 50 billion or more by 2020, generating global revenues of greater than $8
trillion by 2020. Many of these systems are visible to any user, including malicious actors, as
search engines are already crawling the Internet indexing and identifying connected devices.
The IoT is the latest development in the decades-old revolution in communications, networking,
processing power, miniaturization, and application innovation and has radically altered
communications, networks, and sensors. The IoT is a decentralized network of objects,
applications, and services that can sense, log, interpret, communicate, process, and act on a
variety of information or control devices in the physical world. However, the IoT differs from
previous technological advances because it has surpassed the confines of computer networks and
is connecting directly to the physical world. Just as modern communications have fundamentally
altered national security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP), the IoT has had a similar
transformative impact.
Throughout the communications revolution, a plethora of existing and new technologies have led
to astonishing improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of Government and private
sector operations and capabilities; yet the IoT differs in the pace, scale, and breadth of
deployment of interconnected devices, which has resulted in immense benefits to individuals and
organizations. Despite the benefits, the IoT is accompanied by risk associated with increased
dependencies, expanded number of devices, and associated interconnections that will create a
large attack surface with numerous potential threat vectors. The increased attack surface and our
Nation’s dependence on these new systems, either directly or through the critical infrastructure
systems in which they are embedded, has made the IoT and new systems natural targets for
criminals, terrorists, and nation states that wish to exploit them. These dependencies will
continue to increase as the IoT permeates all sectors of the economy and all aspects of people’s
lives. While all users have to cope with this expanded attack surface, IoT applications in the
NS/EP domain must be hardened against the potential risks. As IoT manufacturers and vendors
4 National Intelligence Council, Disruptive Civil Technologies, Six Technologies With Potential Impacts on US
Interests Out to 2025, April 2008. 5 Clapper, James R., Statement to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Worldwide Threat Assessment of the
U.S. Intelligence Committee, January 29, 2014. Available:
President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
NSTAC Report to the President on the Internet of Things 2
work to meet their customers’ needs, including NS/EP demands, competition will ultimately
determine which products and services succeed or fail, thereby fueling further innovation.
1.1 Scoping and Charge
Recognizing the IoT’s pace of growth, breadth of usage, and depth of deployment, the Executive
Office of the President, specifically the National Security Council, requested that the President’s
National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC) conduct a study of the
cybersecurity implications of the IoT within the context of NS/EP. In October 2013, the
NSTAC’s Designated Federal Officer established the Industrial Internet Scoping Subcommittee
to examine the issue and present it to the NSTAC for consideration. Following member
approval, a research subcommittee was established in March 2014. This report examines the
implications of the explosive growth of the IoT in the NS/EP realm and will focus on potential
changes to the security posture and associated strategies for NS/EP-sensitive infrastructures.
These considerations will include the enormous expansion and morphing of the potential
network-attack surface, the implications of the data explosion triggered by IoT, and the need to
develop new disciplines focused on IoT and the intersection of information technology (IT) and
operations technology (OT).
1.2 Approach
The NSTAC’s approach was guided by the extent to which emerging IoT technologies are being
deployed across a spectrum of users, from personal to national systems. In order to capture
critical concepts, best practices, and lessons learned related to IoT technology implementations,
the NSTAC engaged Federal Government organizations, as well as subject matter experts from
industry. The engagements with industry included several industry-leading organizations that
are working to help shape the future on how industry will best leverage IoT. Additionally, in the
NSTAC Industrial Internet Scoping Report, four areas of the IoT were identified to help shape
the NSTAC’s research effort: (1) security; (2) operations; (3) design; and (4) policy. Each focus
area of the IoT was used to inform the report’s findings and recommendations and is described in
detail in Appendix E.
The NSTAC also developed a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT)
analysis, depicted in Table 1, IoT NS/EP SWOT Analysis, which highlighted the IoT’s benefits
and significant NS/EP risks. This analysis helped the NSTAC prioritize its recommendations.
Areas of Study in IoT
1) Security (Trustworthiness, resiliency, user behaviors, public/private partnership)
2) Operations (Interoperability of systems, reliability of operations, spectrum prioritization, IT/OT
process coordination)
3) Design (Best practices and standards, security-by-design, trust relationships, integration with
NS/EP programs)
4) Policy (Resiliency, privacy, public safety, international considerations)
President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
NSTAC Report to the President on the Internet of Things 3
Table 1: IoT NS/EP SWOT Analysis 6
Helpful Harmful In
h e
re n
t to
Io T
• Ubiquitous sensing • Increased productivity • Speed and accuracy of information • Ability to immediately affect targeted
change in the physical world
• Expanded attack surface (e.g., sensors, data) • Lack of clear technical public policy (i.e. identity
management for IoT devices and users.) • Potential introduction of uncertainty due to high
volumes of data • Data spread across multiple jurisdictions
Im p
li c a
ti o
n s f
o r
/E P
• Real-time NS/EP operational efficiency • Expanded situational awareness with
interoperable systems • Economic revenue growth • New functionality • Rethink end-to-end system security and
• Unanticipated attack modalities on NS/EP • Emergent, disruptive behavior • Immature knowledge base related to IoT security. • IoT traffic not currently included in NS/EP (Priority
Telecommunications Services)
2.1 IoT Overview
Systems underpin every facet of American society—from transportation to utilities to
communications—and are accessible and often controllable from around the world. More
devices are connected to networks, and those networks are connected to each other, a concept
known as the IoT; however, there is no universal definition of the IoT, just as there is no
agreement in the use of that name to describe this trend. Whether it is called IoT, the Industrial
Internet, or cyber-physical systems (CPS), the term describes a decentralized network of objects
(or devices), applications, and services that can sense, log, interpret, communicate, process, and
act on a variety of information or control devices in the physical environment. These devices
range from small sensors on consumer devices to sophisticated computers in industrial control
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