Write an Executive Summary on the ‘Defense Support of Civil Authorities Case Study’ through the NCO C3 lens of Operations. It has to be in passive voice references have to have
Write an Executive Summary on the "Defense Support of Civil Authorities Case Study" through the NCO C3 lens of Operations.
It has to be in passive voice
references have to have a www. website
Has to be at least 3 references
Write an Executive Summary (EXSUM) on the assigned Non-Commissioned Officer Common Core Competencies (NCOCCC) of Operations while balancing it against, " Defense Support of Civil Authorities Case Study Case Study" throughout your EXSUM. Your task is to complete your weekly required lessons and readings, then analyze the assigned case study, and NCOCCC. Your EXSUM must possess critical thinking, reasoning, a shared focus and approach to both the historical case study, and the assigned NCOCCC. Your EXSUM must possess additional (In addition to the Case Study) scholastic research and references to support your findings. You must possess at least two citations/references (besides the assigned Case Study) that are scholastic in nature. The goal of the EXSUM is to provide you a tool to utilize throughout your career when breaking down and summarizing major events. The case studies will allow you to see how the actors represented and/or embodied these NCOCCCs. Learner late submissions will result in the subtraction of five points per day. Utilize the Anaconda Example document as your template.
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ES402-22-04 3 Feb 2021
(U) WHAT INSIGHTS ARE DERIVED FROM OPERATION ANACONDA IN REGARDS TO THE NCO COMMON CORE COMPENTENCY (NCOCCC) OF OPERATIONS? (U) (MLC 402-22-04) The NCOCCC of Operations is a combination of operational skill sets that, when mastered by senior leaders can save lives and ensure effective unified action. Some of its key tenets include: Large-scale combat operations; understanding operational and mission variables; resolving complex, ill-structured problems with the use of Mission Command; and understanding how to integrate the different branches of the military into successful joint operations (Department of the Army [DA], 2020). This final principle of conducting joint operations becomes increasingly important as contemporary conflicts continue to venture further into the realm of multi-domain warfare (Marr, 2018). In order to execute such a complex task, Joint Force Commanders (JFC) must “integrate, synchronize, and direct joint operations” through the use of seven Joint Functions (Joint Chiefs of Staff [JCS], 2017, p. III-1). One of these functions, Command and Control, is how the JFC directs the forces toward accomplishment of the mission, and its essential task is to “Communicate and ensure the flow of information across the staff and joint force” (JCS, 2017, p. III-2). This task is critical to the creation of a shared understanding, which allows the separate branches to work seamlessly together toward a common goal. The absence of this unifying component hinders missions and increases casualties. In Operation ANACONDA, JFC Major General (MG) Hagenbeck failed to create such a shared understanding with his subordinate Air Force assets, which contributed to increasing the amount of casualties his forces incurred. Although the warning order was published on 6 January, MG Hagenbeck did not notify the Combined Force Air Component Commander of Operation ANACONDA until 23 February, just days before the operation began (Fleri et al., 2003). The insights gained from this case study are failure to ensure the flow of information across the joint force, caused downstream effects in planning and preparation that led to diminished air support during the initial stages of the operation. As noted by Lambeth (2005) in his comprehensive analysis, “because so little air support had been requested…coalition troops entered the fight virtually unprotected by any preparatory and suppressive fire” (pp. 204-205). Operation Anaconda provides a clear case of how proficiency in the realm of Operations can result in fewer U.S. casualties.
Kenneth P. Mullan/MLC 20-008 [email protected]
APPROVED BY: MSG Trevor Petsch
Fleri, E., Howard, E., Hulkill, J., & Searle, T. R. (2003). Operation Anaconda case study. College of Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education.
Headquarters, Department of the Army. (2020). The Noncommissioned Officer Guide (TC 7-22.7).
Joint Chiefs of Staff. (2017). Joint Operations (JP 3-0). https://www.jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/Doctrine/pubs/jp3_0ch1.pdf?ver=2018 -11-27-160457-910
Lambeth, B.S. (2005). Air power against terror: America’s conduct of Operation Enduring Freedom. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.7249/mg166centaf.13?seq=1
Marr, S. (2018). Stability in Multi-Domain Battle. U.S. Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute.
M451: Decisive Action
Case Study Defense Support of Civil Authorities
1. Scenario
Good morning, welcome to VNN — local officials are celebrating this morning as a new industrial park is being christened in our community, there’s a ribbon-cutting scheduled for 10am this morning. Officials say the new Hampton Industrial Park will bring millions of dollars of new tax revenues and thousands of new jobs to state and local communities. But a group of activists are holding a protest on the street outside the park, they are criticizing the placement of the park in such a populated corridor of the state. They say citizens will be at greater risk now, since chemicals will be transported by truck and rail to and from the park.
VNN spoke with a representative for the chemical park who argued there have been more than 2 million rail shipments of chlorine in the past four decades in the U.S., and only four resulted in fatalities. VNN also contacted the state’s emergency manager, Anna Christy, who responded that businesses are far more likely to be impacted by a flood or storm than from man-made incidents. But she added that businesses and community leaders should be prepared for any emergency. Christy invited any organization to contact the state’s emergency management agency to work together on community planning.
Breaking news tonight, a hazmat train has derailed and exploded on the Hampton rail line near Pine Road, releasing a large quantity of lethal chlorine gas, this accident occurred less than 20 minutes ago. The plume cloud from the accident is extremely dangerous, it is being carried downwind of the site, toward the East, and is reported to be nearing the Pine Road business district and the residential neighborhoods surrounding it. No word yet on the cause of the accident, but many 911 calls have been received from the scene, and dozens of fire and emergency responders are on the scene and in transit. Now minutes ago our studio here at VNN received a call from an alarmed worker at a building near the accident, reporting he could smell the chlorine and he was feeling burning skin and eyes, and having difficulty breathing. We lost that call though when the signal was dropped, the area’s phone lines and cell service providers are being overwhelmed by the volume of calls.
Ladies and Gentlemen, if you are at home or at work, officials are asking that you shelter in place, close the
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