Need to complete rubic, which is attached to the question. APA format This is my PICOT question that is needed for one of the paragraphs ‘In adolescents ages 10-16, how
Need to complete rubic, which is attached to the question.
APA format
This is my PICOT question that is needed for one of the paragraphs
"In adolescents ages 10-16, how does replacing screen time with 30 minutes of activity daily compared to children with sedimentary lifestyle behaviors improve their overall mental health in a 3 month period?"
Evidence Based Practice, Proposal, Scholarly Paper
N5555 Nursing Research: Evidence Based Practice
APA 7th edition*, maximum of 15 pages**. Range of 12 – 15 pages for the body of the paper. Double space per APA; no extra line spacing between paragraphs. In-text references for the scholarly paper content.
Title Page 2pts.
Abstract (maximum of 250 words) 5 pts.
Introduction topic statement, problem or purpose statement, study design statement, population with potential number with setting statement, EBP intervention statement, outcomes to be measured statement, and impact to society statement.
Topic and Significance of Topic 3 pts .
Significance paragraph (society, patient, economic, policy, and/ or health system impacts)
Local issue paragraph (nature and severity of the problem or system within the project setting)
Diversity considerations paragraph (diversity content associated with the population and/or local project setting).
Problem, Purpose 2 pts .
Concise one statement of the problem. Concise statement of the primary trigger for the change and why important now. Concise purpose statement associated with the EBP project.
Facilitators and Barriers 2 pts .
A brief paragraph on some of the major facilitators and the barriers to the change. Address cost of project and if a potential barrier.
Review of the Evidence
Primary PICOT statement and any secondary PICOT statement. Search 5pts
Databases searched, key search words, and ending with number of studies identified that directly provide evidence for the EBP project (state number of quantitative single study, qualitative single study, systematic research, and EBP guidelines).
Synthesis of the Evidence 10 points
A paragraph that introduces the evidence sub-topics that support the EBP intervention.
Sub-topic evidence heading. Synthesize and integrate.
Sub-topic evidence heading. Synthesize and integrate.
Sub-topic evidence heading. Synthesize and integrate.
Continue as appropriate. Sub-topics usually range from 2-6.
This is the completion of the first part of the paper. Please submit this by Thursday of the week it is due so you can receive peer feedback from other students as well. Remember the entire paper is only 15 pages so this part should probably be no longer than 6-7 pages.
Samuel Allen
Article number |
Title of article, Author, Year |
Setting |
Sample Size and Type |
Level of Evidence |
Study Findings |
Limitations |
Outcomes |
Other info |
1 |
Combinations of physical activity, sedentary time, and sleep duration and their associations with depressive symptom and other mental health problems in children and adolescents: a systematic review Year: 2020 Authors: Sampasa-Kanyinga, H., Colman, I., Goldfield, G. S., Janssen, I., Wang, J., Podinic, I., Tremblay, M. S., Saunders, T. J., Sampson, M., & Chaput, J.-P. |
School of Epidemiology and Public Health & Healthy Acute Living and Obesity Research Group in Canada |
13 cross sectional studies. Involved 115,540 children and adolescents in 12 countries. Inclusion criteria involved all three: Physical activity, sedentary time, and sleep duration |
1 |
If they met all three inclusion criteria it was associated with significantly lower odds of depression among adolescents compared with meeting one or any combination of two of them. Excessive screen time and mental health problems may be direct or indirect. Direct pathways can affect interpersonal relationships or direct cognitive effects creating low emotional stability. Indirect pathways could be observed through insufficient sleep, and unhealthy eating habits. |
The articles used for this study were only published in English or French. Many of the studies only used a single item measure of mental health problems (e.g., depressive symptoms) which could raise validity and reliability issues. The quality of evidence assessed using GRADE was “very low” quality mainly because of cross sectional nature. |
The findings are favorable between meeting all three recommendations and better mental health among children and adolescents when compared with meeting none of the recommendations. Meeting the screen time and sleep duration recommendations appeared to be associated with more mental health benefits then meeting the physical activity recommendation. |
n/a |
2 |
Screen time and Mental Health Among Adolescents Implications of the Rise in Digital Environment in South Africa Year: 2022 Authors: Ranjit, K., Ntlantsana, V., Tomita, A., & Paruk, S. |
Three public school in South Africa |
187 students of whom most were female (142) from grades 8 to 11. Cross sectional study, descriptive, quantitative, self-administered questionnaire. |
IV |
Fifty participants (27.9%) reported depressive symptoms with PHQ-9 of 5-9, 29 (16.2%) had scores from 10-14, and 21 (11.7%) had scores of 15 or more indicating severe depression. Found higher overall screen time to be significantly associated with greater likelihood of depression Mean screen time during the weekdays were 2.1 hours/day and mean screen time during the weekend was 4.7 hours/day |
Include the cross sectional design which only assessed screen use at one point but may change with circumstances, such as the pandemic lockdown period. Sample size was limited and a low response /attrition rate. Self-reporting by participates may be subjective and include underreporting or over reporting of screen time and depressive symptoms |
Found a significant role of screen time during the weekend on depression and conduct symptoms. Also found out that greater weekend cell phone use was significantly associated with lower prosocial behaviors. |
n/a |
3 |
Association of Children’s Physical Activity and Screen Time with Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic Year: 2021 Authors: Tandon, P.S., Zhou, C., Johnson, A. M., Gonzalez, E. S., & Kroshus, E. |
A market research company (YouGov) By the institutional review board of Seattle Children Hospital in Seattle Washington |
1000 school aged children from 11-17 A cross – sectional study using the test-retest reliability |
IV |
Average age of the study was 11 with 517 (52.6%) being boys and 467 (47.4%) girls. Overall 143 children (13.7%) were diagnosed or undergoing evaluation for anxiety; 110 (10.4%) for depression; 160 (15.0%) for ADHD & 116(11.4%) a behavioral problem. Only 24% of children in this study met the recommendation for 60 minutes per day of physical activity. |
Include the fact that all data were collected by the parent or child report and are subject to biases Unable to discern whether mental health diagnoses started before or during the pandemic. |
More physical activity and less screen time were associated with better mental health for children accounting for the stressors of the pandemic. Children who were exposed to more pandemic related stressors engaged in less physical activity and more screen time then peers who were less exposed. |
n/a |
4 |
Screen Time Use Among US Adolescents During the COVID- 19 Pandemic Year: 2022 Authors: Jason Nagata MD, Catherine Cortez, Chloe Cattle, Kyle Ganson PHD, Puja Iyer, Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo PHD & Fiona C. Baker PHD. |
Online; COVID-19 Response Research Release from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development obtained from the University of California, San Diego |
5412 adolescents included in the sample Including 50.7% female and 49.3% male as well as racial and ethically diverse. A cross sectional study |
IV |
Adolescents reported a mean of 7.70 (5.74) hours/day of screen use, mostly spent on watching or streaming videos, movies or television shows (2.45 hours/day), multiple player gaming (2.21 hours/day, and single player gaming (1.82 hours/day). |
Limitations involve whether this greater mental health disparities are partly driven by assess to financial resources and digital media education. Limitations also include the use of self-reported data. |
Poorer mental health and greater perceived stress were associated with higher total screen use, while more social support and coping behaviors were associated with lower total screen use. |
n/a |
5 |
Impact on adolescent mental health of replacing screen-use with exercise: A prospective cohort study Year: 2022 Authors: AaronKandola, Borja del Pozo Cruz, Joseph F. Hayes Neville Owen David W. Dunstan, & Mats Hallgren |
They used time-use diary data at age 14 to estimate daily screen use (television, social media, & video games) and exercise (team sport and individual exercise). The outcome was emotional distress at age 17, assessed using the emotional symptoms subscale of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. |
4,599 adolescents (55% female) at the age of 14 years old. A prospective cohort/ longitudinal study |
IV |
Theoretically replacing 60 minutes of total screen time with exercise at age 14 was associated with a 0.05 (95%CI -0.08, -0.02) score reduction on the emotional symptoms’ subscale at 17in fully-adjusted models. Replacing 60 minutes of television or social media use with team sports was associated with a reduction of 0.17 (95%CI, -0.31, -0.04) and 0.15 (95%CI, -0.29, -0.01) in emotional symptom scores, respectively. We found no change in emotional symptom scores when replacing video game or general computer use with team sport, or when replacing any screen time with individual exercise. |
No direct measure of depressive symptoms at follow-up. |
Replacing any screen time with exercise could reduce emotional distress, but the largest effect sizes were associated with replacing time in television watching and social media with team sports. Recommendations to limit screen-use in adolescents may require a nuanced approach for protecting mental health. |
n/a |
6 |
Associations between screen time and lower psychological well-being among children and adolescents: Evidence from a population-based study. Year: 2018 Authors: Jean Twenge & Keith Campbell |
Based on the 2016 census random families were selected and survey was administered online or in paper. |
44, 734 children between the ages of 2-17 years of age It is cross sectional randomized population based study |
IV |
Among 14- to 17-year-olds, high users of screens (7+ h/day vs. low users of 1 h/day) were more than twice as likely to ever have been diagnosed with depression (RR 2.39, 95% CI 1.54, 3.70), ever diagnosed with anxiety (RR 2.26, CI 1.59, 3.22), treated by a mental health professional (RR 2.22, CI 1.62, 3.03) or have taken medication for a psychological or behavioral issue (RR 2.99, CI 1.94, 4.62) in the last 12 months. M |
First, screen time was reported by caregivers and not the children or adolescents themselves. Also, the well-being measures may be influenced by caregivers' perceptions and may under- report issues that children do not disclose to their parents. |
After 1 h/day of use, more hours of daily screen time were associated with lower psychological well-being, including less curiosity, lower self-control, more distractibility, more difficulty making friends, less emotional stability, being more difficult to care for, and inability to finish tasks. |
n/a |
7 |
The relationship between screen time and mental health in young people: A systematic review of longitudinal studies. Year: 2021 Authors: Tang, S., Werner-Seidler, A., Torok, M., Mackinnon, A. J., & Christensen, H. |
Black Dog Institute, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. |
35 studies. They all met the eligibility criteria, which included a longitudinal design and published in a peer-reviewed journal, participants aged 10-24 years, screen-time use frequency or duration provided, provided internalizing symptoms of mental health problems, and published between 2005 and 2020. |
I |
There was small positive association between total screen time and depressive symptoms. There was strong evidence associating internet/computer and mobile phone use and depression. There was limited evidence associating total screen time and higher anxiety symptoms. There was limited evidence associating total screen time and self-esteem. There was no evidence associating total screen time and general internalizing symptoms. Social media had a positive association with internalizing problems. |
The models used omitted some paths that may have led to biased estimates of the relationship between variables in either direction. The articles defined screen time differently. Most of the studies included lacked statistical rigor. All the studies relied on self-reports and only one had objective screen data. |
The weak association between total screen time and internalizing problems indicate that total screen time may not be an appropriate measure of the effect of screen use on internalizing symptoms. The findings indicated a varied relationship between screen time and internalizing symptoms across different devices. |
8 |
The relationship between physical activity, mental wellbeing and symptoms of mental health disorder in adolescents: a cohort study. Year: 2019 Authors: Bell, S. L., Audrey, S., Gunnell, D., Cooper, A., & Campbell, R. |
Six secondary schools in the UK. |
928 students aged between 12-13-year-old. It was a prospective cohort. |
IV |
The findings indicated negative association between mental wellbeing and symptoms of mental health problems. No evidence associating physical activity with mental wellbeing. Increased physical activity was associated with lower emotional problems. |
Some confounders were not measured on baseline such as drinking and smoking behaviors and could have affected the relationship between variables. There were no baseline measures for mental wellbeing. |
The study provided limited evidence on the relationship between physical activity, symptoms of mental health problems, and mental wellbeing. The level of physical activity could influence emotional problems. |
n/a |
9 |
The longitudinal associations between mental health indicators and digital media use and physical activity during adolescence: A latent class approach. Year: 2022 Authors: Engberg, E., Hietajärvi, L., Maksniemi, E., Lahti, J., Lonka, K., Salmela-Aro, K., & Viljakainen, H. |
Folkhalsan Research Center, and the University of Helsinki, Finland. |
1285 participants aged 11 years old. A prospective cohort. |
IV |
20% of the participants reported high usage of digital media and moderate leisure time physical activity (LTPA). 31% of the participants reported high LTPA and moderate use of digital media. 26% of participants reported high LTPA and high usage of digital media. 23% of the participants reported low LTPA and high passive usage of digital media. The use of digital media and LTPA was not associated with depressive and anxiety symptoms. Increased perception of athletic competence was associated with moderate use of digital media and high LTPA. |
The reliance on self-reported data increased the risk of bias as there were no objective data measurement tools. The pilot study had a 14% response rate which may limit the applicability of the findings. The education level of parents whose children participated in the follow-up was higher than that of those whose children did not which may limit the generalization of the findings across low income adolescent populations. |
The relationship between increased perception of athletic competence and moderate usage of digital media and high leisure time physical activity suggests that higher level of physical activity could be used to reduce digital media usage in adolescents. |
n/a |
10 |
Psychological symptoms are associated with screen and exercise time: a cross-sectional study of Chinese adolescents. Year: 2020 Authors: Zhang, F., Yin, X., Bi, C., Ji, L., Wu, H., Li, Y., … & Song, G. |
North, Central South, Northwest, Northeast, East, and Southwest regions of China. |
7200n participants aged 7-18 years. A cross-sectional study. |
IV |
The symptoms of psychological problems detection rate was 21.4%. Participants that had 1-2h/day of screen time and those who had an exercise time of 30-60 minutes per day had the lowest detection rate of symptoms of psychological problems. Psychological symptoms were higher among participants that had more than 2 hours of screen time and less than 30 minutes of exercise per day. |
The design of the study prevented establishment of causal relationships. The study relied of self-reported data which can be inaccurate. The study did not identify the type of physical activities or exercises that participants engaged in, as some activities may have greater impact on mental health than others. |
Engaging in a 30-60 minute-exercise sessions per day as well as less than 2-hour screen time per day can be used to improve mental health outcomes. Increasing level of physical activity and reducing the time spent on the screen can be used to improve mental health. |
n/a |
11 |
Less screen time and more frequent vigorous physical activity is associated with lower risk of reporting negative mental health symptoms among Icelandic adolescents. Year: 2018 Authors: Hrafnkelsdottir, S. M., Brychta, R. J., Rognvaldsdottir, V., Gestsdottir, S., Chen, K. Y., Johannsson, E., … & Arngrimsson, S. A. |
Six elementary schools in metropolitan Reykjavık, Iceland. |
315 students in the 10th grade, with a mean of 15.8 years. A cross-sectional study. |
IV |
The findings indicated that less that 5.3 h/day screen time and frequent vigorous physical activity were associated with decreased symptoms of anxiety, depression, life satisfaction and low self-esteem. Less frequent vigorous physical activity and less screen time was associated with lower life dissatisfaction and viceversa. There is no evidence of the associated between physical activity and mental health wellbeing. |
The study relied on self-reported data which are subject to reporting and recall biases. The cross-sectional design does not allow determination of causal relationships between the variables. |
Screen time higher than 5.3 h/day could lead to poorer mental health outcomes. Less screen time and increased participation in vigorous physical activity could be used to lower the risk of negative mental health outcomes. |
12 |
Less screen time, more frequent fruit and vegetable intake and physical activity are associated with greater mental wellbeing in adolescents. Year: 2022 Authors: Davison, J., Bunting, B., Connolly, P., Lloyd, K., Dunne, L., & Stewart-Knox, B. |
All post-primary schools in Northern Ireland. |
Time one: 1618 participants aged 13-14 years. Time two: 1558 participants, aged 15-16 years. This was a survey. |
IV |
The predictors of mental wellbeing tested were physical activity, social media, religion, vegetable and fruit intake, family affluence, and sleep. Religion and frequent physical activity were associated with improved mental wellness among females in both times one and two. Greater use of social media was associated with poor mental health in females in time one. Frequent physical activity and increased vegetable and fruit intake was associated with improved mental health in males in both times one and two. |
The survey design made it difficult to establish causal relationships between physical activity, vegetable and fruit intake or social media usage and mental wellbeing. The self-reported data is subject to bias towards socially acceptable outcomes and inaccurate recall. |
The association between frequent physical activity and improvement of mental wellbeing in both females and males indicates that increased physical activity can be a contributing factor to improvement of mental health among adolescents. |
13 |
Effects of screentime on the health and well-being of children and adolescents: a systematic review of reviews. Year: 2018 Authors: Stiglic, N., & Viner, R. M. |
N/A |
13 articles met the eligibility criteria, which included systematic reviews that used prespecified protocols to search for articles, inclusion of adolescents aged 0-18 years, reported screentime, and examined impact on adolescents or children. |
V |
The findings indicate strong evidence associating television screentime with increased adiposity. Television screentime is moderately associated with high energy intake and intake of less healthy diets. Television screentime is moderately associated with depressive symptoms. There is limited evidence associated less than 2 hour-screentime daily with depressive symptoms. There is limited and weak evidence associating television screentime and cardiorespiratory health. Increased screentime is associated with poor cognitive development in children. |
The review had only one high-quality article. Most of the studies did not examine publication bias in the primary studies reviewed. Data was only extracted by one researcher, which affects the reliability of the data. The studies did not examine how screentime affects health outcomes. |
The evidence suggests that increased screentime could lead to poorer health outcomes and wellbeing. Adolescent health and wellbeing could be improved by reducing screentime. |
14 |
Systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of exercise on depression in adolescents. Year: 2022 Authors: Wang, X., Cai, Z. D., Jiang, W. T., Fang, Y. Y., Sun, W. X., & Wang, X. |
N/A |
15 articles met the inclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria was inclusion of adolescents aged 12-18 years with depression based on DSM-V, an exercise intervention, a control group with no exercise intervention, a recognized scale for measuring depressive symptoms, randomized controlled trial, or original peer-reviewed English or Chinese papers. |
V |
The findings indicated that aerobic exercise moderately alleviates depressive symptoms. The effect of aerobic exercise was significant at 6-8 weeks. 30 minutes and 75-120 minutes of aerobic exercise significantly reduced depressive symptoms. Exercising 3-4 times a week significantly reduced depressive symptoms. Moderate to high aerobic exercise significantly reduced depressive symptoms in adolescents. |
Only English and Chinese articles were included, and no randomized controlled trials. So, the search may not have been comprehensive. Only one article applied blinding in assessment. The articles had self-reported subjective data which lacked objectivity. The studies were highly heterogeneous. The studies lacked uniform standards of the intensity of the exercises. |
The positive effect of aerobic exercise in reducing depressive symptoms indicates that physical activity could be used to alleviate depressive symptoms in adolescents. Exercising 4 times per week for 6 weeks, maintain 30 minutes per session, or 75-120 minutes per session, 3 days per week, for 8 weeks of moderate to high intensity exercise could be effective in improving depressive symptoms. |
15 |
Effects of school-based physical activity interventions on mental health in adolescents: The School in Motion cluster randomized controlled trial. Year: 2020 Authors: Åvitsland, A., Leibinger, E., Resaland, G. K., Solberg, R. B., Kolle, E., & Dyrstad, S. M. |
29 Norwegian lower secondary schools. |
2084 participants aged 14-15 years. A randomized controlled trial. |
II |
The results indicated that there were no significant effects between the intervention (M1) and the control (M2) groups. There was a slight increase in the physical activity outcomes in the control group. The participants in both groups had normal psychological difficulty levels and experienced beneficial effects, which can be attributed to reduced emotional problems, hyperactivity, or conduct problems. |
Exercise was included in both groups which made it difficult to have a significant difference in the outcomes. Participation of the schools was voluntary and the findings may not be generalizable to schools that did not participate. The control group had high attrition rate which could have affected the results. There are potential mediating factors that may be difficult to control in the school context which may affect the findings. |
The school-based physical activity intervention had beneficial effects on both groups, which indicates that physical activity could be effective in alleviating psychological difficulties. The physical activity interventions could have clinically significant effects which could reduce the chances of developing mental health problems. |
Åvitsland, A., Leibinger, E., Resaland, G. K., Solberg, R. B., Kolle, E., & Dyrstad, S. M. (2020). Effects of school-based physical activity interventions on mental health in adolescents: The School in Motion cluster randomized controlled trial. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 19, 100348.
Bell, S. L., Audrey, S., Gunnell, D., Cooper, A., & Campbell, R. (2019). The relationship between physical activity, mental wellbeing and symptoms of mental health disorder in adolescents: a cohort study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 16(1), 1-12.
Davison, J., Bunting, B., Connolly, P., Lloyd, K., Dunne, L., & Stewart-Knox, B. (2022). Less screen time, more frequent fruit and vegetable intake and physical activity are associated with greater mental wellbeing in adolescents. Child Indicators Research, 1-23.
Engberg, E., Hietajärvi, L., Maksniemi, E., Lahti, J., Lonka, K., Salmela-Aro, K., & Viljakainen, H. (2022). The longitudinal associations between mental health indicators and digital media use and physical activity during adolescence: A latent class approach. Mental health and physical activity, 22, 100448.
Hrafnkelsdottir, S. M., Brychta, R. J., Rognvaldsdottir, V., Gestsdottir, S., Chen, K. Y., Johannsson, E., … & Arngrimsson, S. A. (2018). Less screen time and more frequent vigorous physical activity is associated with lower risk of reporting negative mental health symptoms among Icelandic adolescents. PloS one, 13(4), e0196286.
Kandola, A. Pozo Cruz, B., Hayes, J. F., Owen, N., Dunstan, D. W. & Hallgren, M. (2021). Impact on adolescent mental health of replacing screen-use with exercise: A prospective cohort study. Journal of Affective Disorders 301, 240-247.
Nagata, J. M., Cortez, C. A., Cattle, C. J., Ganson, K. T., Iyer, P., Bibbins-Domingo, K., & Baker, F. C. (2022). Screen Time Use Among US Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings From the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study. Plagiarism Free Papers
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