Assessment Description Learners must maintain a reflective journal integrating self-reflection and inquiry demonstrated in the current Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) cour
Assessment Description
Learners must maintain a reflective journal integrating self-reflection and inquiry demonstrated in the current Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) course.
General Requirements:
In 2 full pages excluding the reference and demographic page
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
- Use the "Reflective Journal Template ATTACHED for submission. Directions provided in the template should be followed because they align to the assignment rubric.
- A minimum of three peer-reviewed references published within the last 5 years is required.
- Doctoral learners are required to use the current APA style for writing this assignment. T
- You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite to verify similarity & plagiarism.
Using a scholarly approach, maintain a reflective journal integrating self-reflection and inquiry demonstrated in the current DNP course. You may also use the attached previous assignments to complete this.
DNP Reflective Journal Template
Student Name
Grand Canyon University
Date Comment by Formatting Notes: Comment by Formatting Notes: Course Assessment: Your reflective journal will contribute to your final grade for this subject and guide your comprehensive assessment in the DNP course. The criterion for assessment is the satisfactory completion of the task, i.e. making regular entry as required. The outcome of this exercise is personal reflection and evaluation
The following reflection essay is an attestation of the nurse scholar’s acquisition of the course objectives of Grand Canyon University’s (GCU) Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program for DNP-XXX (Enter the Course #) and the competencies set forth by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN) Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice (American Associations of Colleges of Nursing, 2019). From scientific underpinnings to project completion, the AACN Essentials provide the core competencies for all nurses seeking a Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree. Comment by Formatting Notes: PLEASE READ: General Instructions for the Reflective Entries Provide an introduction and prepare the reader for what this reflection paper is about. Make sure to use a scholarly approach and not use first person e.g. do not use me, I, you. The first section has no header or title. Please do not copy this word for word. This is an example of how you can begin your reflection introduction and prepare the reader for the content.
For this reflective journal, analyze your own professional practice/skills/responses to provide a reflective summary that describes how the experiences in this course have personally enabled the DNP student to approach, attempt, or attain these competencies in his or her current course. Provide an introduction paragraph for this reflective essay to organize the essay for the reader. Use a scholarly approach (i.e., third person) in writing the reflective journal. This assignment is designed to help you think deeply about your learning and how you have achieved the competencies established by the AACN Essentials. Share your approach to learning, the resources used, and the strategies explored to achieve your personal learning goals. For more information, see the example Reflective Essay in the Appendix. Comment by Formatting Notes: See the example in the Appendix
Submit your Reflective Journal in the course drop box, and upload to the Typhon Tracking System under the corresponding course section. Learners must submit this deliverable in Typhon and LoudCloud. Failure to submit in both locations can result in an Incomplete for the course.
Reflection Comment by Formatting Notes: Provide an Introduction After the introduction, provide your position in a scholarly manner on how your work in this course has approached or achieved the competencies aligned to the AACN Essentials of Doctoral Education of Advanced Nursing Practice. After the introduction, begin the reflection with a Level 1 heading, centered, bold.
Grand Canyon University’s DNP-XXX course prepared this DNP learner to do what? What have you discovered about your professional practice, personal strengths, and weaknesses that surfaced while taking the course, additional resources, and abilities that could have influenced more optimal learning outcomes?
Is there a structure to this Reflective Journal? This journal is an exploration of personal learning experiences as a doctoral learner pursuing life-long learning. Each week describe a situation or experience which can be reflected upon as important or worth writing about. Describe your approach, feelings, or thoughts about the situation or experience. Explain what you have observed in terms of the DNP Essentials and DNP course objectives. What did you expect, learn, or decide about the experience?
Go to the DC Network and look at the DNP Essentials located in the Reflection Journal Template Folder. Reflect on these essentials and discuss at least three domains that align your experience with what you learned in the course and support your claim on how you accomplished them. Comment by Formatting Notes: Of the eight competencys of DNP nursing education, which ones do you feel you accomplished in this course? Address at least three in your reflection. For each competency/domain, use the domain as the Levell 2 heading as in the example. Essential I: Scientific Underpinnings for Practice Essential II: Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Improvement and Systems Thinking Essential III: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice Essential IV. Information Systems/Technology and Patient Care Technology for the Improvement and Transformation of Health Care Essential V. Health Care Policy for Advocacy in Health Care Essential VI. Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes Essential VII. Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving the Nation’s Health Essential VIII. Advanced Nursing Practice
Conclusion Comment by Formatting Notes: DO NOT COPY this is an example only, re-write your own conclusion 🙂
The purpose of this DNP-XXX Reflection was to provide exemplars of the methods used to fulfill GCU’s course objectives and achieve the competencies outlined in the AACN’s Essentials by this DNP student. The DNP learner used the weekly required readings and learning activities, supplemental readings, scholarly discussions, and project updates to solidify these competencies and outcomes. Ethical considerations, project implementation, leading collaborative teams using IT, researching the internet for a variety of resources, and creating a project PowerPoint presentation was integral to the achievement of learner competencies.
American Association of College of Nursing. (2012, January 3). The essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice. Retrieved from American Association of College of Nursing: Appendix
© 2022. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Marian Alli
Grand Canyon University
DNP-815A Scientific Underpinnings
Professor Suzanne Kronsberg
May 19, 2022.
Reflective Analysis Case Report Component
For a person, it is imperative to develop a personal goal that shall serve interactions with different clients and promote better professional development. Integration of Adam's theory in nursing is the best method to improve my personal belief since I shall be able to engage with different persons and then promote effective patient treatment sessions. The concept integrates careful study, knowledge assessment, and improvement in areas concerning certain patient issues. Collaboration with other professionals will allow me to promote patients' health and well-being for healthcare settings that are known to deal with patients’ expected treatment and ensuring all operations are tailored to deal with their health conditions. My central belief is valid to engage with proper healthcare improvement procedures since finding an approach to dealing with a patient is a constructive process in the entire healthcare environment.
Central Belief
Quality improvement offers a dependable method for dealing with care needs. I believe in can be one of the best nurses after developing constant care processes for patients and dealing with diverse care needs. Patient care is mandatory for all mental and physical needs thus developing a structure adopted to care provisions is the best method for patient expectations of the healthcare setting. Often during my healthcare research procedures, I integrate research that helps me in seeking answers to questions all patients provide. A critical healthcare procedure can be based on enhancing productive protocols for data collection, improvement sessions, and working with experts in many healthcare fields. Working with patients who engage in conversation is better as it offers a chance to integrate doable ideas.
I believe the performance of research and analysis of different care methods is the best tactic for gaining nursing expertise for the ultimate healthcare improvement. Healthcare environments need persons who can adjust to the prevailing conditions and thus serve patients in required ways. I am a person who is always aware of critical behavioral management since these influences me to engage better with my surrounding. Patient assessment is thus valid to integrate knowledge about patient needs and increase the careful study of patient factors connecting them to their health needs as required. I believe that my DNP project shall be valid by involving proper patient experience during assessments to allow them to open up and thus provide their comments for better healthcare. Patient health improvement conforms to their needs in the entire health care for suitable care management processes.
Influence of Personal Worldview on Patients
Communication with patients is highly imperative since it allows progress in the suitable direction by operating based on treatment enhancement methods in line with patient conditions. The DNP project will result in structured healing techniques in all efforts to use healthcare knowledge to gain productive care options. There can be valid quality improvement processes for a healthcare environment in finding out how patients get exposed to diverse operations and thus lead to a perspective about the quality of healthcare in certain areas. Substandard healthcare management shall not be an issue after collaborating with healthcare stakeholders whose expertise generates effective care handling (Specchia et al., 2021). Patient and physician interactions are valid methods of handling care after receiving sessions of integrating care procedures. Diverse types of techniques include therapy sessions, physician rounds, and conversations with nurses for suitable methods of establishing care in the entire healthcare environment.
Whenever patients complain about their healthcare procedures, suitable contingency measures can get developed. The entire environment and stakeholders interacting with a patient can get access to their ideas suitable to manage patient treatment. It cannot be easy to establish proper care outcomes in such scenarios. Negative effects on patients' problems can get handled after operating using physician care improvement processes and thus ensuring better care options get discovered. Healthcare providers can receive a limitation for their productivity when they do not adequately manage patients' needs in line with the knowledge involved in the healthcare environment. Due to such factors, it is valid to deal with diverse care options once a prognosis gets developed to match patient care requirements. Communication with healthcare providers is possible to share ideas and thus deal with suitable patient treatment options.
Personal View of Health
I believe patients have a strong role to play in their treatment since they hold a strong connection to their mental statuses before and after treatment. Acceptance is the initial process of managing healthcare since it allows proper healthcare improvement and thus determines effective care outcomes for the types of conditions that patients suffer. In illness and health, lack of illness does not necessarily mean a person is healthy (Rovesti et al., 2018). I believe health is focused on a more integrated approach to dealing with the care that is mental, physical, and spiritual. Once all these aspects get managed, there can be full health for the person involved. Integrating Adam's theory and working with persons conversant with healthcare is thus an equally rewarding method for all healthcare stakeholders.
Nursing Leadership
Change implementation is mandatory for the healthcare environment since it results in productive care outcomes. Mental health improvement is important for patients to result in suitable care options after their physical aspects get handled as well as mental management of external factors. Working with a multidisciplinary approach is valid for dealing with mental health factors in the development of treatment options suitable to patients' needs. Setting up sessions where different patients can have therapy and share their issues is effective in creating a welcoming atmosphere. All the efforts will be valid to promote suitable treatment options and influence patients to interact with others who value their health in the entire healthcare environment (Rooddehghan et al., 2019). Change delivery is right when healthcare providers get interviewed after their training for the ultimate suitable care improvement process.
Improvement of all nursing techniques as possible while dealing with patient care factors since it offers a reliable data collection method. Development of suitable healthcare solutions can be possible in this after learning to adapt to patient patterns and then forming appropriate treatment methods. Dealing with structured healthcare options shall be the most suitable option for managing care and driving different persons to their healing. Patients do need constant engagement with healthcare providers depending on their conditions. After finding out the need to serve healthcare stakeholders, all integral persons can offer ideas for facilitating care improvements using structured approaches tailored to patient needs.
Rooddehghan, Z., ParsaYekta, Z., & Nasrabadi, A. N. (2019). Equity in nursing care: A grounded theory study. Nursing Ethics, 26(2), 598-610. 10.1177/0969733017712079
Rovesti, M., Fioranelli, M., Petrelli, P., Satolli, F., Roccia, M. G., Gianfaldoni, S., Tchernev, G., Wollina, U., Lotti, J., Feliciani, C., & Lotti, T. (2018). Health and illness in history, science, and society. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 6(1), 163-165. 10.3889/oamjms.2018.056
Specchia, M. L., Cozzolino, M. R., Carini, E., Di Pilla, A., Galletti, C., Ricciardi, W., & Damiani, G. (2021). Leadership styles and nurses' job satisfaction. results of a systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), 1552. 10.3390/ijerph18041552
Marian Alli
Grand Canyon University
DNP-815A Scientific Underpinnings
Professor Suzanne Kronsberg
May 29, 2022.
Ten Strategic Points: Direct Practice Improvement Project
The 10 Strategic Points |
Title of Project |
1) Title of Project Measuring the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic Among Health Care Workers: An Evidence-Based Intervention |
Background Theoretical Foundation Literature Synthesis Practice Change Recommendation |
2) Background to Chosen Evidence-Based Intervention: i) Background of the practice problem/gap at the project site Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating. Health problems, such as an increase in the number of illnesses and deaths, as well as financial difficulties and anxiety over the impact's long-term consequences are all unfavorable results. These health care workers (HCWs), who are in charge of addressing COVID-19 patients, have various challenges, including preventing the infection from spreading and developing short-term and long-term strategies. Additionally, HCWs must continue to treat non-COVID patients while simultaneously taking care of their own families and other personal duties (Shavaki et al., 2020). The high rates of burnout, psychological stress, and suicide among HCWs have long been suspected, and new data confirms these suspicions. Health care workers (HCWs) are susceptible to emotional exhaustion, which can lead to errors in patient care, decreased productivity, and higher turnover rates. For the benefit of their patients, their families, and themselves, healthcare workers must be able to handle stress successfully. Mental resilience, or one's capacity for coping effectively in the face of hardship, varies from provider to provider. COVID-19 proved that healthcare stresses, encompassing electronic medical record duties, insurance and billing issues, any patient dissatisfaction, and juggling busy work-life schedules are multidimensional. ii) Significance of the practice problem/gap at the project site During the Covid-19 period is a point that has changed the lives of the healthcare workers towards a negative side. They experienced tough conditions handling the needs of covid-19 patients and also balancing with the demand from the non-Covid-19 patients. The pandemic cases was rising steadily and becoming tough to prevent and also treat the affected patients. The healthcare facilities became overwhelmed due to the rising number of patients exceeding the maximum number that contribute to depletion of the resources that are available (Schechter et al., 2020). The healthcare workers are experiencing the challenges for the first time, and they were never trained to handle the nature of the pandemic, and this became overwhelming pushing some to depression. Since the number of patients become more than the capacity resulted to shortage of healthcare workers that forced them to work overtime, and this is the period where the issue of mental health is experienced among them. It was significant in understanding the gap on the issue of Covid-19 that affected the healthcare workers especially on the fact that medical errors are expected to increase when the patients are pushed beyond their capacity. Understanding about the gap is critical in looking for the best intervention in addressing the issue of mental health among the healthcare providers especially when experiencing such touch conditions. There is also the benefit that understanding the gap promote the approach of hiring more healthcare providers to curb the shortage in order to minimize burnout that is known to increase the issue of medical errors that is detrimental to patient health. iii) Theoretical Foundations (choose one nursing theory and one evidence-based change model to be the foundation for the project): There has been an increase in stress among health care personnel due to the Covid-19 epidemic. It is possible for them to alleviate their tension by using the transactional approach. A number of studies have shown that the problem has a significant impact on the psychological well-being of medical staff (Schechter et al., 2020). Emotion-based coping is scientifically proven to be beneficial in situations where a person has little control over the situation. In-depth analysis and emotion-based coping, according to the transactional theory, may improve health care workers, according to the findings. A catastrophic outbreak of the new coronavirus was faced by the entire planet in 2020. Covid-19 has had a significant impact on people's day-to-day activities and places of employment all over the world (Schechter et al., 2020). Naturally, the healthcare industry was one of the most severely impacted by the pandemic. As the foundation of healthcare delivery, nurses play an important role in this system. Nurses are particularly exposed to the negative effects of Covid-19-related conditions since they are on the front lines of the pandemic. As a result, their stress levels rise, affecting their overall health. An important contribution to our understanding of stress and coping is provided by the transactional model. Using the transactional theory, this study aims to find out how the Covid-19 epidemic affects nurses' overall well-being. Evidence based practice (EBP) model is important in analyzing the case concerning healthcare workers being affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. We can plainly see the positive effects of EBP on patient care and the health of nurses. In order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of interventions while reducing costs and safety hazards, many groups have established competency-based, nurse-led EBP programs that re-design healthcare delivery (Schechter et al., 2020). Ensuring the long-term success of EBP implementation requires a culture of EBP preparedness that includes continual leadership support, the availability of appropriate resources, and the adoption of an EBP implementation strategy. iv) Create an annotated bibliography using the "Preparing Annotated Bibliographies (APA 7th)" located in the Student Success Center. utilizing the five (5) original research articles that support the evidence-based intervention. This will be the foundation of the Literature Synthesis you will have to do in DNP-820A. Hall, H. (2020). The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers’ mental health. JAAPA (Montvale, N.J.), 33(7), 45-48. According to Hall (2020), Covid-19 that was experienced first in Wuhan, China became a detrimental pandemic that affected population globally. Healthcare workers were not excepted because the rapid spread of the disease created huge challenges to the healthcare system and forced the providers to struggle with both the clinical and nonclinical stressors that came with it. The stressors that were experienced include the shortage of personal protective equipment. There is also the aspect of increasing mortality rate and also the healthcare workers taking the disease home and experience the realty of losing their colleagues and family members putting them in depression. Spoorthy, M. S., Pratapa, S. K., & Mahant, S. (2020). Mental health problems faced by healthcare workers due to the COVID-19 pandemic–A review. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 51, 102119. The article written by Spoorthy et al. (2020), indicates that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the socio-demographic variables that include the gender, age, nature of work and also the profession of an individual were associated with mental health conditions that includes stress and depression. The healthcare workers experienced mental health issues because during the pandemic, there was many issues going on including the increased mortality rate and due to the nature of the pandemic where social distancing is encouraged contributed to poor social support. Batra, K., Singh, T. P., Sharma, M., Batra, R., & Schvaneveldt, N. (2020). Investigating the psychological impact of COVID-19 among healthcare workers: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(23), 9096. The article is critical in expressing how Covid-19 pandemic affected the psychological health of the healthcare providers. The providers experienced tough challenges during the pandemic that include losing family members and colleagues and were not capable of receiving social support resulting to too much suicide and depression cases. Lasalvia, A., Bonetto, C., Porru, S., Carta, A., Tardivo, S., Bovo, C., Ruggeri, M., & Amaddeo, F. (2020). Psychological impact of COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers in a highly burdened area of north-east Italy. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 30, e1. Healthcare workers in north-eastern Italy, where the COVID-19 pandemic has had a particularly heavy psychological toll, are feeling the effects of the pandemic more acutely and more severely than those recorded in China. The study provides excellent foundations for the development and implementation of psychological and occupational health interventions. Blake, H., Bermingham, F., Johnson, G., & Tabner, A. (2020). Mitigating the psychological impact of COVID-19 on healthcare workers: A digital learning package. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9), 2997. This epidemic, known as COVID-19, will definitely have long-term psychological effects on healthcare personnel, especially those on the front lines. In order to minimize the effects of COVID-19 on mental health, healthcare personnel well-being must be protected and promoted during and after the outbreak. v) Practice Change Recommendation: Validation of the Chosen Evidence-Based Intervention The change recommendation that is significant in addressing the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on healthcare workers include improving on social support and also considering offering protection through counseling during and after an outbreak. vi) Summary of the findings written in this section. The findings has gathered information about how the Covid-19 pandemic affected the population including the healthcare providers. There was much evidence that supports the fact that mental health, depression, and stress was the leading effect that healthcare providers experienced. The findings has shown that since mental health is the main effect that healthcare workers experienced demand that counseling and therapy should be mandatory and offered during and after a pandemic. |
Problem Statement |
3) Problem Statement: It is not known if the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic impact healthcare workers mental health. |
PICOT to Evidence-Based Question |
4) PICOT Question Converts to Evidence-Based Question: Evidence-Based Question: |
Sample Setting Location Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria |
5) Sample, Setting, Location Identify sample, needed sample size, and location (project phenomena with small numbers and variables/groups with large numbers). i) Sample and Sample Size: The sample of the population involved are healthcare workers 20 in number. The sample are collected through strategic sampling since the professionals are always busy at work. The healthcare workers would be drawn from different healthcare setting to eliminate bias. ii) Setting: A clinical setting would be targeted. iii) Location: Rural locations in California State where they are equally distributed. iv) Inclusion Criteria · Who can participate? Medical staff that include nurses, doctors, therapists, and staff. v) Exclusion Criteria · Who cannot participate: Non-medical staff. |
Define Variables |
6) Define Variables: i) Independent Variable (Intervention): Therapy/counseling ii) Dependent Variable (Measurable patient outcome): mental health |
Project Design |
7) Project Design: Improvements in patient care are the primary goal of quality improvement initiatives, although research findings need not be immediately implemented into clinical practice. Research is needed to be conducted to ascertain an issue of concern and quality improvement is getting evidence that ensure that the topic of interest is improved. |
Purpose Statement |
8) Purpose Statement: The purpose of this quality improvement project is to determine if the implementation of therapy/counseling intervention would impact the mental health well-being among the healthcare workers. The project was piloted over an eight-week period in a rural setting within California state. |
Data Collection Approach |
9) Data Collection Approach: i) You will need data on your participants demographic information (example: age, gender, educational background, ethnicity……etc.). What instrument would you use to measure this? (Will you use a pre-made Likert Scale? An Excel Spreadsheet?) I would use the Excel spreadsheet in collecting the demographic information and measuring them. ii) You also need data on the measurable patient outcome. What instrument will you use (survey, electronic health records, instrument) to obtain this data and how is it determined to be valid and reliable. I would use the survey instrument in measuring the patient outcome and the data is determined to be valid or reliable by involving healthcare experts and also using the 20 participants that is enough in getting credible data. iii) For the instruments used to measure data provide the reliability and validity (psychometric studies) for each. The survey instrument is reliable in a manner that the data that is collected can be reproduced, and this is done by using structured format. Spreadsheet is kn Plagiarism Free Papers Are you looking for custom essay writing service or even dissertation writing services? Just request for our write my paper service, and we'll match you with the best essay writer in your subject! With an exceptional team of professional academic experts in a wide range of subjects, we can guarantee you an unrivaled quality of custom-written papers. Get ZERO PLAGIARISM, HUMAN WRITTEN ESSAYS Why Hire writers to do your paper? Quality- We are experienced and have access to ample research materials. We write plagiarism Free Content Confidential- We never share or sell your personal information to third parties. Support-Chat with us today! We are always waiting to answer all your questions. ![]() All Rights Reserved Terms and Conditions |