Research Paper: Server Virtualization Read the docs before doing the paperFor your written assignment this week, complete a case study of the organization you work for (u
Research Paper: Server Virtualization // Read the docs before doing the paperFor your written assignment this week, complete a case study of the organization you work for (use a hypothetical or “other” organization if more applicable) that will address the following prompts:
- Describe the organization’s environment, and evaluate its preparedness for virtualization.
- Explain Microsoft (or another product) licensing for virtualized environments.
- Recommend a configuration for shared storage; make sure to discuss the need for high availability and redundancy for virtualization for the organization.
- Explain Windows Azure capabilities for virtual machines and managing a hybrid cloud, including Windows Azure’s Internet as a Service (IaaS) and storage capabilities
- Make a recommendation for cloud computer use in the organization, including a justification for your recommendations.
Submit your research paper as a single document. Your paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be approximately 3-4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
- Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
- Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
- Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.
The virtualization software
Students name:
Discuss the benefits of virtualization software.
The term virtualization is used for the application of the software in creating abstraction layers that will exist over the physical hardware. Virtualization allows users to run various virtual computers, applications, and OS, among others, on a single physical server. Virtualization has the capability of bringing in a lot of benefits to the users. Among them is the ability to slash the expenses, and there are a lot of inefficiencies when using the non-virtualized environment since one is not fully making use of applications on the servers. It cuts down the IT cost by enabling a single physical server to run from various virtual machines with different OS and running different applications when still hosted by one server (Menken & Blokdijk, 2018). Another benefit is the ability to reduce downtime and enhance resiliency during disaster recovery. Whenever a disaster strikes, it becomes important that an individual is tasked with fixing and replacing the affected physical server. The virtualized environment makes it possible to deploy, and one can easily clone or replicate the Virtual machine affected. Time taken to recover from a disaster with the virtual machine fully is normally short compared to the time taken to replace the damaged physical server with a new one fully. This allows the users to enjoy elements of resiliency and continuity (Rot & Chrobak, 2018). Another benefit is the ability and the chance to increase productivity and efficiency. Improved productivity and efficiency are curtesy of having few servers. It helps the teams involved in IT to be able to spend a short duration when maintaining the IT infrastructure and physical hardware (Khelf & Ghoualmi-Zine, 2018). The virtual environment will assist and play a crucial role in allowing one to install, maintain and update everything across the virtual machine. One does not necessarily have to go through a tedious and rigorous procedure in updating each server. It is another benefit brought about by virtualization where it is possible to offer control to the dependence and also the DevOps. It is easy to spin up a VM without affecting the production environment. It makes it easy for eh developer to clone the virtual machine and run the tests on the current environment (Rot & Chrobak, 2018). Another vital benefit is the ability to conserve the environment by using less power due to the fewer physical servers in use. These benefits assist in cost reduction and hence a chance to reinvest the money and secondly a chance to reduce the carbon footprint for the data center.
Do you agree/disagree with these benefits?
The above benefits mentioned, which have been proven to be true by the experts and supported by the many types of research done, I agree with the benefits mentioned above.
Discuss the security concerns highlighted by server sprawl and how you would propose to solve those in your (real or hypothetical) organization.
There are concerns in matters of security when it comes to server sprawl. Security is a major concern since the information stored is always guided by the principles of information, calling for integrity, availability, and confidentiality to be observed at the highest levels. The cloud providers must at all times assure and guarantee security by being able to approve the authorized identity before granting access and also deny the Imposters. Data transmission via clouds must also be protected, and again the information of clients must be separated from others (Khelf & Ghoualmi-Zine, 2018). To get the solution to that challenge is to adopt new ways of authenticating the real and actual users of eh information before granting access. It can be a two-way or biometric authentication where an individual will be examined on the physical characteristics and matched with the information in the servers before being granted access (Menken & Blokdijk, 2018). Another solution is to bring on competent board employees knowledgeable in maters security to ensure that they work well and have the resources they need at their disposal.
Khelf, R., & Ghoualmi-Zine, N. (2018). IPsec/Firewall security policy analysis: A survey. 2018 International Conference on Signal, Image, Vision and their Applications (SIVA).
Menken, I., & Blokdijk, G. (2008). A complete guide on virtualization. Emereo Pty.
Rot, A., & Chrobak, P. (2018). Benefits, limitations and costs of IT infrastructure virtualization in the academic environment. Case study using VDI technology. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies.
Paper/Writing Issues
Issues – Writing Issues
Unnecessary capitalization, or no capitalization
Use of personal pronouns where 3rd party would better suit
Use of translators that muddle sentences and paragraphs such that they are unreadable
No quotation marks when copying text from a source (i.e. plagiarism)
Lack of attention to assignment requirements
Lack of support for opinion
Have a friend proof-read and critique. Honest, rather than nice, is required.
Run everything through Grammarly to check for inadvertent plagiarism and grammar.
Create a checklist of the assignment requirements. Do a check before you submit that each requirement has been met.
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Virtualization Technology 7
Virtualization Technology
Organization Preparedness for virtualization
Nible LLC is a privately owned company in Chicago that specializes in manufacturing semiconductors. It has over 600 employees, an in-house data center, and 150 desktop computers. It has its headquarters in Chicago. The desktop computers are connected to the local area network via Ethernet cables. Seven of its employees work in the IT department. Some of their duties involve protecting IT assets from intrusions, maintaining IT systems, performing systems upgrades, and providing technical support to other employees. The company's strategic plan, unveiled recently by the CEO, seeks to acquire new markets through mergers and acquisitions. The company's annual revenue is between $ 50 million &70 million, and it is profitable. To meet the increasing demand for their products, Nibble LLC's top management is deploying virtualization technology to improve their productivity, increase efficiency, enhance customer data privacy, increase collaboration, gain a competitive advantage, reduce IT infrastructure costs and increase their agility.
Through virtualization, Nibble LLC will increase its flexibility, scalability, performance, availability of resources, automating operations, and simultaneously create significant cost savings for IT expenses. Virtualized environments are easy to manage and operate. Leveraging the power of vitalization will lead to increased responsiveness to customer requests, business continuity, enhanced resiliency disaster recovery process, simplified data management, and greater efficiency (Lu et al., 2018). By deploying virtualization technology, the company will only maximize server capacity total, reduce downtimes, partition and run different operating systems on a single server, and help the company realize its return on investment. In addition, with virtualization, the organization will provide energy savings as it is an environmentally friendly system (Lu et al., 2018).
IBM licensing for virtualized environment
Businesses that use virtualization technology must pay their service provider for each virtual processor core that is placed on the virtual machines. Users can use "The IBM licensing metric tool to calculate the number of virtual cores deployed on their network. The number of virtual cores is comparable to the number of VPCs utilized by the software. Paying less than when the machine is running at full capacity is an advantage of deploying workloads in a virtualized environment. Although the IBM Power Systems Power VM virtualization technology provides a lot of flexibility, it also makes assessing software license needs more difficult (Salapura, 2018). Many IBM products include user- or capacity-based licensing. The capacity-based licensing approach is used for products with server components. All of the physical server's active processing cores are used for IBM's total capacity license. Users can combine their infrastructure and drastically cut their expenses by using sub-capacity licensing. Additionally, sub-capacity licensing enables users to share processors via dynamic resource reallocation and micro-partitioning.
Businesses with a growing client base are given the freedom to decide how to expand their workload environment "without compromising on hardware and software licenses" (Salapura, 2018). Users must license PVU-based apps for less than the whole processor core capacity when using sub-capacity licensing. Sub-capacity virtualization licensing bases the cost of the license on the number of PVUs, which is a measure of processing capacity. IBM licenses a smaller portion of the physical server's virtual capacity as part of the overall capacity licensing (Salapura, 2018). Both passport advantage express and passport advantage customers can use sub capacity licensing in IBM.
Configuration for shared storage
Modern computing environments are shifting towards shared virtualized environments. The benefit of shared storage in a virtual environment is that users have flexible access to vast resources, better utilization of their existing IT infrastructures, and the ability to scale based on their demands (Nett, 2018). In virtualized environments, customers are provided with tools to monitor the resources and performance metrics of the virtual machines. Logical partitions must be set up beforehand using the hardware management console before shared storage can be established. Additionally, logical partitions should have at least 4 GB of storage capacity and at least one physical CPU with entitlement. "Associated rootvg device requires VIOS version or later installation" (Nett, 2018). The shared cluster's San-based physical storage need to be accessible to VIOs' logical partitions. A physical adapter or an Ethernet network should be used to connect VIOS to the local area network. A suitable number of virtual SCSI adapter connections must be configured for each logical client partition to correspond to the virtual server SCSI adapter connections of the necessary VIOS logical partitions (Nett, 2018).
The physical volume for the physical storage and another physical volume for the shared storage pool should be supplied after the cluster has been created. Cluster communication is carried by via repository physical storage. The physical storage pool should have more than 20 GB of accessible storage space, while the repository disk storage space should be at least 2 GB of the total capacity. The shared storage pool is then linked to each VIOS in the clusters, and physical storage is mapped to that partition (Nett, 2018). Failure group disks will be made for redundancy reasons. High availability and reliability will be ensured if one or more disks in the storage pool fail through the use of disk mirroring across many disks in a tier. In case of failure, a notification will be sent from the management console, replacing the failed disk with a functional one (Nett, 2018).
Windows Azure capabilities for virtual machines, IaaS, hybrid cloud, and storage capabilities
Microsoft Azure provides a wide range of cloud services like storage, IaaS, analytics, and networking. Various types of virtual machines are provided in Microsoft Azure based on storage capacity, memory, and compute types. Before creating a virtual machine in an Azure environment, it is necessary to check application workloads and select a virtual machine based on available types (Soh, 2020). Examples of virtual machines available in Azure cloud include; GPU, high-performance compute, memory-optimized, compute-optimized, and general-purpose. The compute-optimized VM provides a high CPU-to-memory ratio and is suitable for web servers with medium traffic, batch processing, and network appliance (Soh, 2020).
On the other hand, the general-purpose VM can be utilized for testing and developing databases for medium-traffic web servers. These virtual machines include DS, D, A0-7, and Dv3. Memory-optimized VM is commonly used in in-memory analytics, relational databases, and medium to large caches. Storage optimized VM are suitable for SQL, big data, and NoSQL databases (Soh, 2020).
Virtual machines with efficient storage can provide up to 32 virtual CPUs. On the other hand, virtual machines that have been GPU (graphics processing unit) optimized have good graphic performance. Additionally, Microsoft Azure offers IaaS, which may dramatically lower maintenance expenses, save money on hardware purchases, and deliver real-time data for the enterprise (Soh, 2020). Additionally, IaaS gives consumers the necessary flexibility to scale up or down IT resources in response to demand. Additionally, they improve the dependability of your underlying infrastructure and assist you in swiftly provisioning new applications. Because the resource is made available as a distinct service and customers only pay for what they use, Azure IaaS enables consumers and businesses to avoid the challenges of maintaining physical servers. Microsoft Azure offers the company scalable storage, high-performance computation, and robust block storage for virtual machines in terms of storage capacities.
Lu, H. K., Lin, P. C., Chiang, C. H., & Cho, C. A. (2018, April). A study of factors affecting the adoption of server virtualization technology. In Ninth International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2017) (Vol. 10615, p. 106155L). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
Salapura, V., & Harper, R. (2018). Virtual Machine Resiliency Management System for the Cloud. IEEE Cloud Computing, 5(3), 55-64.
Nett, N. S., Arroyo, R. X., Nguyen, T., Mashak, B. W., Zgabay, R. M., Nguyen, H., … & Anderl, W. J. (2018). IBM POWER9 systems are designed for commercial, cognitive, and cloud. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 62(4/5), 7-1.
Soh, J., Copeland, M., Puca, A., & Harris, M. (2020). Overview of Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Services. In Microsoft Azure (pp. 21-41). Apress, Berkeley, CA.
Cloud Computing and Virtualization
Supplemental Lecture
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
Pay-per-use computing model
Customers pay for only the resources they need
May revolutionize computing
Unlike hosted services, does not require long-term contracts
Three service models of cloud computing
Cloud software as a service (SaaS)
Cloud platform as a service (PaaS)
Cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
Cloud Computing Options
Private clouds
Data—managed by the company or offsite by a third party.
Community clouds.
Cloud infrastructure is shared by several organizations
Supports the shared concerns of a specific community.
Public clouds.
Data is stored outside of the corporate data centers
In the cloud provider’s environment
Hybrid clouds
Combination of two or more other clouds.
Public Clouds – Versions
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
Infrastructure through grids or clusters of virtualized servers, networks, storage, and systems software.
Designed to augment or replace the functions of an entire data center.
The customer may have full control of the actual server configuration.
More risk management control over the data and environment.
Platform as a Service (PaaS).
Virtualized servers
Clients can run existing applications or develop new ones
Provider manages the hardware, operating system, and capacity
Limits the enterprise risk management capabilities.
Public Clouds – Versions
Software as a Service (SaaS) or Application Service Provider (ASP).
Software application functionality through a web browser.
The platform and infrastructure are fully managed by the cloud provider.
If the operating system or underlying service isn’t configured correctly, the data at the higher application layer may be at risk.
The most widely known and used form of cloud computing.
Some managers shy away from cloud computing because they are concerned about:
security—specifically about external threats from remote hackers and security breaches as the data travels to and from the cloud.
data privacy.
To manage risk, an SLA needs to spell out these requirements.
Security Challenges
Cloud computing security challenges
Cloud provider must guarantee means to approve authorized users and deny imposters
Transmissions from the cloud must be protected
Customers’ data must be isolated from one another
Virtualization Architectures
Type II Virtualization
Requires a “host” operating system
Using the Type II Hypervisor, you create a virtual hardware environment for each VM
Install a “guest” operating system on each VM, just like installing a new computer
The host operating system shares access to the computer’s processor with the hypervisor
Does not provide the same performance as separate physical computers
Good testing or lab environment
Virtualization Architectures
A hybrid VMM sharing hardware access with a host operating system
Virtualization Architectures
Type I Virtualization
Hypervisor is an abstraction layer that interacts directly with the computer’s physical hardware
No host operating system required
Individual environments, called partitions have their own operating systems installed and accesses hardware through the hypervisor
No host operating system is sharing processor
Parent partition runs the virtualization stack which creates and manages the child partitions
Virtualization Architectures
A Type 1 VMM, with the hypervisor providing all hardware access
Cloud Computing and Virtualization
Supplemental Lecture
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
Pay-per-use computing model
Customers pay for only the resources they need
May revolutionize computing
Unlike hosted services, does not require long-term contracts
Three service models of cloud computing
Cloud software as a service (SaaS)
Cloud platform as a service (PaaS)
Cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
Cloud Computing Options
Private clouds
Data—managed by the company or offsite by a third party.
Community clouds.
Cloud infrastructure is shared by several organizations
Supports the shared concerns of a specific community.
Public clouds.
Data is stored outside of the corporate data centers
In the cloud provider’s environment
Hybrid clouds
Combination of two or more other clouds.
Public Clouds – Versions
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
Infrastructure through grids or clusters of virtualized servers, networks, storage, and systems software.
Designed to augment or replace the functions of an entire data center.
The customer may have full control of the actual server configuration.
More risk management control over the data and environment.
Platform as a Service (PaaS).
Virtualized servers
Clients can run existing applications or develop new ones
Provider manages the hardware, operating system, and capacity
Limits the enterprise risk management capabilities.
Public Clouds – Versions
Software as a Service (SaaS) or Application Service Provider (ASP).
Software application functionality through a web browser.
The platform and infrastructure are fully managed by the cloud provider.
If the operating system or underlying service isn’t configured correctly, the data at the higher application layer may be at risk.
The most widely known and used form of cloud computing.
Some managers shy away from cloud computing because they are concerned about:
security—specifically about external threats from remote hackers and security breaches as the data travels to and from the cloud.
data privacy.
To manage risk, an SLA needs to spell out these requirements.
Security Challenges
Cloud computing security challenges
Cloud provider must guarantee means to approve authorized users and deny imposters
Transmissions from the cloud must be protected
Customers’ data must be isolated from one another
Virtualization Architectures
Type II Virtualization
Requires a “host” operating system
Using the Type II Hypervisor, you create a virtual hardware environment for each VM
Install a “guest” operating system on each VM, just like installing a new computer
The host operating system shares access to the computer’s processor with the hypervisor
Does not provide the same performance as separate physical computers
Good testing or lab environment
Virtualization Architectures
A hybrid VMM sharing hardware access with a host operating system
Virtualization Architectures
Type I Virtualization
Hypervisor is an abstraction layer that interacts directly with the computer’s physical hardware
No host operating system required
Individual environments, called partitions have their own operating systems installed and accesses hardware through the hypervisor
No host operating system is sharing processor
Parent partition runs the virtualization stack which creates and manages the child partitions
Virtualization Architectures
A Type 1 VMM, with the hypervisor providing all hardware access
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