Leaders in organizations commonly supervise a number of subordinates who may also be referred to as their followers. Using the CSU Online Library, explore topics associated
Full directions in attachments:
Leaders in organizations commonly supervise a number of subordinates who may also be referred to as their followers. Using the CSU Online Library, explore topics associated with leadership behavior, followership behavior, and how followers are affected by leadership. Then, select a company that is of interest to you, and respond to the following questions/topics.
- Briefly describe your chosen company. Identify potential problems or issues (current or future) that your company might address if followers do not respectfully adhere to the demands of their leaders.
- Explain how followers can influence the behavior of leaders.
- Analyze how different types of leadership styles can affect the motivations, behaviors, and performances of followers.
- What might this company do in the future to improve leadership training methods and performance measures for all workers? Include your rationale.
Your APA-formatted response must be a minimum of two pages in length (not including the title page and the references page) and must include an introduction, a thesis statement (concise summary of the main point of the paper), and a clear discussion of the topics above. Your response must include a minimum of two credible references. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have
Unit VIII Mentoring Transcript
Dr. Sonya Rogers: In this unit, we will discuss how leaders can set goals and
communicate effectively with workers to help them build in their
development skills as an employee. Dr. Hargadon, have you used any
mentoring techniques before or witnessed any that you thought was able to
enhance the growth of employees or help them perform better?
Dr. John Hargadon: Absolutely, I have actually been the recipient of some
really good mentoring, a master sergeant in the Marine Corps when I was in.
We actually followed each other through as I was in training, he was my
instructor, and then I went to Beaufort, South Carolina. And he came to
Beaufort, South Carolina, then I went back to Pensacola, Florida, he came to
Pensacola, so our careers sort of matched each other.
When we were in Beaufort, South Carolina, he was the section head. And he
got promoted to gunnery sergeant, and so he moved into a different job, but
he was still officially the section chief over the navigational aid section. So
what he did is allowed
me, who was the next senior person, sort of to run the shop while he was off
doing the collateral duty that he had, given his new promotion. The extra
duty that he was in charge of doing. And so what he was able to do was
allow me, in some training evolutions and some low risk situations, sort of
make some decisions, make some mistakes.
Do some what we would call the debriefs after the training evolutions to sort
of say what went right, what went wrong, and then what might we be able
to do to improve moving forward. So that would certainly be a situation
where I think that the mentoring that I was provided at that time certainly
helped further my career in the Marine Corps and has stuck with me, even
as I've gotten out of the Marines and into the civilian world.
So mentoring really, in my opinion, is going to be a situation where someone
with more experience is going to take someone with
less experience sort of under their wing. Provide them with opportunities to
make some decisions, to learn from some mistakes, and then communicate
with them on what went right, what went wrong. And as you make more and
more decisions, hopefully the number of mistakes decreases as you go,
which is going to increase your confidence as a leader, which is one of the
key attributes that a leader's going to need to have.
So mentoring is a fantastic way to develop others, particularly, we had a
saying in the Marines also that you are always training your replacement,
right? So as a leader, it's always important to be training someone, to be
able to do the job that you're doing. So that when you move up into a
different position or out into a different position, the organization has
somebody that can step in and fill that void, so certainly mentoring is a good
way to do that.
It's a good way to communicate what needs to happen within the
and how the organizational vision can be accomplished.
Sonya: And some people may think, I don't need someone to hold my hand,
but at the same time, it's really not that. It's someone to be there to
brainstorm with, and to guide as needed. And I often tell people, be good to
the people who are beneath you, you never know when they will be above
you, and sometimes, that happens.
John: That's true.
Sonya: So it is good to have a person just to talk to and collaborate with,
and share ideas and then feel like you're working as a team, whether it's a
two-man team or a larger group. So, yeah, I agree very much with what
you've stated.
John: Thank you.
BBA 3651, Leadership 1
Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VIII Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
1. Compare various leadership styles. 1.1 Determine how different styles of leadership affect the motivation of followers.
3. Differentiate between effective leadership and followership.
3.1 Examine training methods for developing leaders within a business.
Course/Unit Learning Outcomes
Learning Activity
Unit Lesson All required readings Unit VIII Videos Unit VIII Scholarly Activity
Unit Lesson All required readings Unit VIII Videos Unit VIII Scholarly Activity
Reading Assignment In order to access the following resources, click the links below. Click here to access the Unit VIII Mentoring video. Click here to access the transcript for the Unit VIII Mentoring video. Birknerová, Z., Birkner, M., & Zbihlejová, L. (2017). Analysis of Links between Communication Skills,
Motivational Orientations, and Awareness of Coaching. International Journal of Organizational Leadership, 6(4), 505–510. https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?dire ct=true&db=bsu&AN=128000975&site=eds-live&scope=site
Raza, B., Ali, M., Ahmed, S., & Ahmad, J. (2018). Impact of Managerial Coaching on Organizational
Citizenship Behavior: The Mediation and Moderation Model. International Journal of Organizational Leadership, 7(1), 27. https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?dire ct=true&db=edsinc&AN=edsinc.A545697808&site=eds-live&scope=site
Unit Lesson Leadership Development In the previous unit, we explored the role of ethics in guiding leadership behavior and motivations. In addition, we discussed how leaders can perform successfully at a high level and how they can sometimes make mistakes that are quite costly for an organization. In our final unit, we will expound on the difference between a leader and a follower, review leadership styles, and address how followers can be trained and developed into a leader at any level.
Are You Leading, Following, or in the Way?
BBA 3651, Leadership 2
Click here to access the Unit VIII Mentoring video. Click here to access the transcript for the Unit VIII Mentoring video. Leaders who aim to motivate followers to complete a task realize that there must be a direct connection to the goal in mind. There must also be a noted significance of its value to the worker and the organization. For the most part, the right choice of leadership style is necessary when making certain requests. Servant leaders are those who wish to serve and who consciously strive to make others a top priority. Surprisingly, those who lead by serving others also experience growth in the respect of becoming wiser, healthier, and autonomous. Transformational leadership is one in which leaders can inspire positive change. These leaders typically are enthusiastic, passionate, and focused on helping all members succeed. There are many different types of leadership styles to mention. What really matters is knowing when to use a certain type of style to meet the needs of the people and the organization. Depending on a given situation, a directive style or a supportive style could be needed or beneficial. A participative or an achievement-oriented approach could serve best, again, depending on the nature of the task and the individual. All circumstances can appear different in nature, and all leaders are no doubt created differently. Basically, the leader’s behavior can very well influence the expectancy of the situation and his or her guidance is fundamentally what sets the stage for further performance expectations. In any line of business, it should be the goal of the leader to ensure that followers identify and pursue an end result or outcome that will prove valuable to them, that is satisfying, and that allows rewards for superb performances. When given a new task to complete, do you believe experience is more important than intelligence? Should the relationship between the leader and follower be of utmost importance when determining which leadership style will prove most successful? Research in the past has focused on the leader in regards to leader and subordinate relations versus the dynamics of the follower. However, regardless of one’s title, it is apparent that high-quality communication exchanges tend to result in higher performances, less employee turnover, more promotions, and an increase in organizational commitment (Shriberg & Shriberg, 2011). Leadership Versus Management Whether one appears most often as a servant, transformational, or any other style of leader, today’s modern leaders must first know their roles and know their people. Leadership can actually be a mysterious process. It is very different from management. The two should be complementary to each other, as they both require dedication, organization, and strategic planning. However, management relates to practices and procedures, which demand order and consistency; whereas, leadership deals more with the people of an organization and the ability of one to effectively cope with change. Since the business world has become more competitive in nature and is inevitably changing, it places everyone in a survival mode. Consequently, the more regularly change occurs, the more a demand exists for better leadership.
Motivation (Photoking, 2017)
BBA 3651, Leadership 3
Scenario Jon Bootler started working at a local newspaper as a summer intern in 1985. After completing his master’s degree in journalism at Southern Columbus University, he officially joined the other team of workers at the Newton Press-Register. In his new role, he began working as a project manager where he focused on team planning, layout designs, and press releases. The leaders in the company swiftly noticed his exceptional performance strengths in regards to time management and communication. In all of his efforts, it was obvious that he understood the technicalities of his job and communicated with others in a way that was respected and appreciated. Jon proved that he was capable of serving as a good task manager and as one who could efficiently lead the way for others. With this said, should he be promoted above others who have worked for the company a longer period of time? Leading With a Vision Most companies manage departments by outlining their budget and planning for the future. They set goals and allocate resources to achieve them. Ideally, wise leaders understand that strategies set in place may need to be altered as change occurs in order to achieve and adhere to the company’s vision. The vision of the organization does not have to necessarily be innovative; however, it should most certainly align with the interests of the employees, the stakeholders, and any other constituents. Communicating organizational challenges can sometimes prove difficult if members only focus on short-term plans. Therefore, the leader’s ability to deliver this type of message after gaining respect and trust from others will undoubtedly produce better results as words are often followed by good deeds.
Mutual trust-based relationships between a leader and a follower are imperative for growth and development. It is evident that trust is built over time and with great measure. As leaders prove themselves and their dedication to their jobs, followers will be more readily on board and willing to serve. Typically, when trust occurs in leadership, followers experience better job satisfaction and organizational commitment (Monzani, Ripoll, & Peiró, 2015). Being that motivation and inspiration energize workers, effective leaders focus more on satisfying the basic human needs for achievement. This relates to the concept that workers need to feel as if they belong to something, that they are recognized for their hard work, and that they are appreciated for the work they perform on a daily basis. Keen leaders will intentionally involve members in making decisions that relate to the organization’s vision and strive to offer ownership to members and to build member’s self-esteem. According to Shriberg and Shriberg (2011), successful leaders will make a point to recognize and reward those who efficiently develop other leaders.
Leadership traits (Waingro, n.d.)
BBA 3651, Leadership 4
Presidential Leadership As leaders are developed and become well known for their decision-making skills and their ability to influence others, do you think they can unintentionally change in character as the feelings associated with power and the demands of their new positions somehow affect their status? Let’s take for instance Richard Nixon. He was known for being emotionally unstable while serving in the White House, yet he was still followed by many. Since presidents are placed center stage and are given lots of power to lead such large groups of people, it is often common for their character to be attacked. We know that Bill Clinton’s lack of self-discipline resulted in his impeachment (Shriberg & Shriberg, 2011). Ultimately, leaders are often judged by the decisions they make and by the actions they take. Franklin Roosevelt was known to be one of the most progressive presidents who came from a very wealthy and loving family. How did he win the hearts of so many poverty-stricken individuals? How did he help develop other U.S. presidents who proceeded him? Realistically, one of his admirable traits and accomplishments was his drive to succeed and his ability to give hope to the people he led (Shriberg & Shriberg, 2011). Influential Leadership Leadership simply entails the act of exerting influence in a positive manner. This can be seen in the form of acquiring a powerful title, providing rewards to subordinates, having the power to punish, being knowledgeable and skilled, and oddly enough being liked by others or highly favored. Connecting with others successfully depends on a leader’s ability to treat others respectfully, to share in open communication, and to establish clear and concise goals for a productive workplace. Followership, which is thought as the flip side to leadership, entails the act or willingness to follow and serve under the authority of another. Yet, in any position, there will be times when all members are expected to lead and times when they must follow. The importance is found in knowing the exact context of what you are required to do and how to do it well. Since organizations are about achieving goals, members must work together cohesively (Urick & Baehr, 2018). Moreover, group goals are accomplished when all members are tied to the vision of achieving common goals together as a team. As companies grow and competition rises, it is a professional responsibility of members to seek ways to become more effective in their leadership skills and decision-making processes (Urick & Baehr, 2018). Leaders as Mentors
Mentoring is a strategic tool that can be used for effectively shaping organizational culture and the betterment of employee engagement. It encompasses developmental activities that pair people as a means to foster learning. Today, companies are growing in the recognition of benefits associated with mentoring in leadership development. However, these programs can be quite challenging to develop and maintain (Vamos, 2014). Therefore, a direct alignment to business goals and strategy must be determined in the onset of program development. As we all know, communication is the key. All members must be informed about the program objectives and structure: goals, target population, requirements, and process (Vamos, 2014).
Fizkes. (2017). African American mentor explaining new idea to Caucasian employee (ID 118102544)
[Photograph]. Dreamstime. https://www.dreamstime.com/african-american-mentor-explaining-new- idea-to-caucasian-employe-serious-multiracial-workers-discussing-business-project-office- image118102544
Mentoring (Fizkes, 2017)
BBA 3651, Leadership 5
Monzani, L., Ripoll, P., & Peiró, J. M. (2015). Winning the hearts and minds of followers: The interactive effects of followers’ emotional competencies and goal setting types on trust in leadership. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 47(1), 1–15. https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direc t=true&db=a9h&AN=109184813&site=ehost-live&scope=site
Photoking. (2017). Motivation sign (ID 115127971) [Photograph]. Dreamstime.
https://www.dreamstime.com/motivation-wooden-sign-book-coffee-cup-mobile-phone-wooden-table- motivation-sign-image115127971
Shriberg, D., & Shriberg, A. (2011). Practicing leadership: Principles and applications (4th ed.). Wiley. Urick, M. J., & Baehr, J. (2018, May 22). Recognizing the influence of leadership and mentorship on the
multigenerational workforce. ThomasNet News, 44. https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direc t=true&db=bwh&AN=129741882&site=ehost-live&scope=site
Vamos, C. (2014, July 17). The importance of mentoring in leadership development. UNC Kenan Flagler
Business School. http://execdev.kenan-flagler.unc.edu/blog/the-importance-of-mentoring-in- leadership-development
Waingro. (n.d.). Leadership – Blackboard concept (ID 54470091) [Graphic]. Dreamstime.
https://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photo-leadership-blackboard-concept-features-handwritten- image54470091
Learning Activities (Nongraded) Nongraded Learning Activities are provided to aid students in their course of study. You do not have to submit them. If you have questions, contact your instructor for further guidance and information. As you finish up the course, consider the skills you learned and how you can apply them to your current and future career. Consider your responses to the following questions.
1. What leadership skills and/or characteristics do you feel are important for a president to portray? Do these same traits matter in regards to a leader of a small organization? Explain in detail how different characteristics can affect the success of a leader and his or her ability to lead followers to be their best. What training techniques can prove beneficial as well?
2. Have you ever filled a position that required you to be a leader? What skills did you possess in order
to be successful? If not, explain a time when you were a follower who looked up to a certain leader, and share what traits that individual possessed that made you want to become a leader. Were certain methods used for better development of leadership skills?
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