A dissertation to Investigate the Impact of School Leadership Practices and Policies on Abu Dhabi (UAE) Governmental School Inspection Outcomes. It is written in
A dissertation to Investigate the Impact of School Leadership Practices and Policies on Abu Dhabi (UAE) Governmental School Inspection Outcomes.
It is written in Havard format style and has more than 60 credible references which are less than five years old.
Attached are references that can be included when writing the dissertation
Ever since the Union was first established, successive wise leaders have sought to achieve excellence in building the United Arab Emirates”
His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan President of the United Arab Emirates
We realise what we have achieved is ground breaking by all standards; We also appreciate that we are still at the beginning of the journey and that the road is long”
His Highness, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai
Introduction 8
Government Excellence Model International Endorsement 10
About the Government Excellence Model (GEM 2.0) 12
GEM 2.0 Ecosystem 16
GEM 2.0 Fundamentals of Excellence 18
GEM 2.0 Catalysts 21
GEM 2.0 Pillars, Criteria and Principles 24
First Pillar: Vision Realisation (40%) 26
1.1 First Criterion: Enhancing Wellbeing (10%) 27
1.2 Second Criterion: Future Readiness (10%) 27
1.3 Third Criterion: Strategic Direction and Competitiveness (10%) 28
1.4 Fourth Criterion: Main Functions (10%) 28
Second Pillar: Distinctive Value (35%) 29
2.1 Fifth Criterion: New Generation Services (15%) 30
2.2 Sixth Criterion: Intelligent Enablement (10%) 30
2.3 Seventh Criterion: Talented Professionals (10%) 31
Third Pillar: Enablers (25%) 32
3.1 Eight Criterion: Resources and Assets (5%) 33
3.2 Ninth Criterion: Data and Knowledge Management (5%) 34
3.3 Tenth Criterion: Partnerships and Integration (10%) 34
3.4 Eleventh Criterion: Government Communication (5%) 35
Assessment Tool – Capabilities 37
Assessment Tool – Results 38
Assessment Tool – Catalysts 39
General Concept of the Principles 42
98 Government Excellence Model Manual – GEM 2.0
Since the formation of the United Arab Emirates in 1971, the country’s Founding Fathers have adopted ambitious vision, devotion and determination to build a prosperous nation and to enhance the wellbeing of citizens.
The UAE successive inspirational leaders upheld this legacy through adopting a long-term vision for the UAE to become among the best countries in the world by the year 2021 which marks the Golden Jubilee of the Union. Furthermore, the UAE vision extends to the Nation’s Centennial Plan for 2071, an exceptionally ambitious vision that aims at preparing future generations for success and prosperity to position UAE as a Leading nation over the next five decades.
In line with the UAE Vision and its long-term strategic view, the Government Excellence Model (GEM) was developed based on the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. The Model aimed at advancing future orientation, innovation, disruptive thinking and delivering excellent
and sustainable value. Over two decades of consistent efforts in defining and driving Government Excellence, the UAE Government has gone through major development leaps that delivered benefits to the nation and leading positions in global competitiveness and government efficiency.
Building on these accomplishments, the Government Excellence Model (GEM 2.0) is revived to further enhance and energise the evolution of Excellence maturity across UAE Government. GEM 2.0 is developed based on the accumulated experiences and the evolution of Government Excellence concepts and approaches at both national and international levels. Progressing to GEM 2.0 is the way that the UAE can ensure that Government Excellence remains relevant and agile in anticipating dynamic advancements in government policy and ensuring the pre-eminence of UAE globally.
1110 Government Excellence Model Manual – GEM 2.0
Government Excellence Model International Endorsement
The United Arab Emirates has achieved a new global breakthrough in developing the UAE Government Excellence Model (GEM) as a global reference for supporting ambitious governments in improving their efficiency and shaping the future of their entities. This initiative embodies the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE Ruler of Dubai, to achieve excellence and inspire the UAE’s leadership in this field.
Government Excellence Model International Endorsement
The model was recognized to be an International Standard endorsed by representatives from nine world-leading organizations, which are:
• the European Organization for Quality (EOQ), • the Asia-Pacific Quality Organization (APQO), • the Australian Quality Organization (AOQ), • Juran world leaders in quality improvement, • the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), • the International Academy for Quality (IAQ), • the American Quality Association (ASQ), • the Asian Network for Quality (ANQ), • the University of Miami.
All international organisations endorsed GEM as a pioneering assessment approach to highlight excellence in governments. This global accreditation confirms that the GEM is a pioneering model for the formation of future-oriented, excellence-based governments that prioritize transformation through innovation and development in government work – governments to provide excellent services that ensure the happiness and wellbeing of community.
The UAE government is relentlessly pushing forward the efforts for improvements and enforcement of excellence and this has led to countless breakthroughs and the establishment of the UAE government as a world leader in excellence.
1312 Government Excellence Model Manual – GEM 2.0
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Fu ture
Rea dine
Mai n Fu
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Distinctive Value 35%
Enablers 25%
Vision Realization
Government Communication
Partnership & Integration
Data & Knowledge Management
Resources & Assets
Enh anc
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Tale nte
d P rofe
ssio nal
Nex t Ge
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Inte llige
nt E nab
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& C omp
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.Pr eem
pti ve
ne ss
. Innovation . . Agility .
About the Government Excellence Model (GEM 2.0)
GEM 2.0 emphasizes the government’s ultimate vision and its core purpose to enhance the wellbeing of the nation. The model promotes a purpose driven government that develops and deploys a set of distinctive and dynamic capabilities to; drive an ambitious strategy that anticipates and ensures future readiness, create customer centric value, enable and empower human capital, exploit the full potential of digital enablement, leverage through smart partnerships and resources optimization, build capacity for knowledge exchange, and synergize through collaboration, co-creation and stakeholder orientation.
The Government Excellence Model (GEM 2.0) is designed to inspire government entities on their journey towards excellence, and to keep the momentum of Excellence. This momentum is intended to result in major leaps of performance and leading positions. The model is based on pioneering thinking and advanced approaches that pave the way for defining and steering future governments.
About the Government Excellence Model (GEM 2.0)
On the other side, GEM 2.0 redefines what results orientation means and seeks to make measurement more relevant and value oriented. The model places emphasis on measuring what really matters through; assessing operational excellence holistically in relevant areas, measuring the quality value-based (direct) outcomes, and ultimately measuring the real impact on wellbeing. In GEM 2.0, gauging performance outcomes is made possible by putting in place a measurement system that defines the toughest standards in the world as the only worthwhile ultimate objectives. The model promotes a dynamic measurement system that captures relevant data, explores data analytics to provide meaningful insights and enable better decision making to drive competitiveness and sustainable outstanding results.
1514 Government Excellence Model Manual – GEM 2.0
Measu ring what Really
Matte rs (Quality Outcomes)
Assessing Operational
Excellence Holistically
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Value Driven Impact
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Purp ose-Driven and Aligned
Agile Strategic Thinking
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Generating a Sustainable Positive Ex cell
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Distinctive Capabilities for Valu e Cre
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About the Government Excellence Model (GEM 2.0)
Furthermore, GEM 2.0 has several distinctive underlying features that ensure its uniqueness. In GEM 2.0, Excellence can be better achieved when the government entity is viewed as an open system within a dynamic ecosystem with inter-related activities supported by the intelligent use of appropriate technologies and partnerships. This ecosystem perspective encourages government entities to think beyond their boundaries, to collaborate and leverage potential capabilities in their quest to enhance value creation and establish leading positions.
In GEM 2.0, Excellence requires constant innovation, disruptive thinking and transformation across the whole ecosystem to generate positive sustainable performance outcomes. In GEM 2.0, Excellence is harnessed when preemptiveness and agility capabilities are instilled to enable the entity spot emerging megatrends, anticipate the implications and adapt with agility to embrace the future and maintain a competitive edge.
1716 Government Excellence Model Manual – GEM 2.0
GEM 2.0 Ecosystem
GEM ecosystem constitutes of five interrelated components which form a dynamic ecosystem that enlightens government entities about the requirements of excellence, enables them to understand their level of excellence maturity, and guides them in their journey to enhanced excellence maturity.
The five components of GEM 2.0 ecosystem are as follows:
First component: Fundamentals of Excellence
Second component: Catalysts
Third component: Pillars
Fourth component: Criteria
Fifth component: Principles
GEM 2.0 Ecosystem
1918 Government Excellence Model Manual – GEM 2.0
GEM 2.0 Fundamentals of Excellence
Represent the essence of government excellence and the applied philosophy that should be integrated into the organizational culture. GEM Fundamentals are designed to inspire and guide the efforts of government entities in their journey to achieve further levels of excellence maturity. They embed a mindset that drive the transformation required to deliver value and ultimately to enhance the wellbeing of citizens and the nation. They can be used by any government entity regardless of its mandate or current excellence maturity.
GEM 2.0 constitutes of the following 10 Fundamentals:
Ambitious Vision Leading government entity creates an integrated government structure of synergy and partnerships by positioning the country amongst the most advanced nations in the world through a dedicated focus on specific priorities including building a strong nation that is characterized by its ability to preserve itself, developing its human capital for the creation of a strong and resilient economy, creating a harmonious and cohesive community that enjoys a high standard of living in a safe and sustainable environment.
Enhancing Wellbeing Leading government entity generates outcomes that delight stakeholders, enhance the wellbeing of citizens and contribute to the sustainable success of the nation. It recognizes that the ultimate purpose is to enhance the wellbeing of the nation and constantly challenges itself to make an exceptional contribution and inspire others to elevate and enhance global standards, actively contributing to the world’s ecosystem as a role model of excellence.
Leadership at Helm Leading government entity creates a dynamic and positive leadership mindset to support improvement and development through exploiting future possibilities and having the required resilience and adaptability in embracing successful governmental work models to achieve the ambitious goals and strengthen the competitive capability of the entity. It focuses on leadership commitment in driving the government entity through disruptive innovation and pioneering thinking to achieve and sustain a leading position.
Anticipating and Adapting Leading government entity harnesses innovation, agility and adaptability to ensure sustainable success. It has the ability to anticipate threats and challenges within the operating environment and take appropriate actions to mitigate risks and exploit new opportunities to establish a leading position. It exploits knowledge, learning and creativity to generate ideas and transform them to solutions that generate stakeholder benefits. It creates an environment where people are encouraged to take the risks, and learn from mistakes to achieve organizational transformation.
Inspiring Confidence Leading government entity establishes robust governance structure that creates confidence for all stakeholders. It defines and lives by a clear set of values, based on ethical behaviors, trust, transparency and integrity. Leaders are accountable to all stakeholders for the actions and performance of their organization.
Embracing the Ecosystem Leading government entity generates added value for stakeholders by collaborating and partnering effectively with other entities and others (outside the government) within its ecosystem. It maps the ecosystem of external stakeholders to understand their capabilities and how they support the achievement of the entity’s strategy. It establishes collaborative win-win relationships that create mutual benefits and breaks the silos between government entities to create seamless shared services that benefit citizens.
GEM 2.0 Fundamentals of Excellence
2120 Government Excellence Model Manual – GEM 2.0
Outcome Based Measurement Leading government entity uses timely, accurate, reliable and relevant information to understand its operating environment, monitor progress of strategy and support decision making at all levels. It consolidates relevant data, information and knowledge to develop future scenarios, gains insights, generates new possibilities and mitigates risk. The ultimate aim is to guide performance towards the generation of high- level impacts on what really matters to stakeholders.
Benefits Realization Leading government entity maximizes the return on investment through optimizing the efficiency and effectiveness of all its activities to maximize stakeholder benefit considering the balance between the resources required and the financial and non-financial benefits that will be generated for the nation. It evaluates the return on investment to ensure the predicted benefits are achieved and to identify the unintended benefits and impacts within the ecosystem. The primary benefits are in terms of establishing a highly efficient, lean and able government to respond to the changing needs of community with flair agile responses and a caring attitude. The additional benefits are in the form of distinctive capabilities and the mastery of modern enabling technological developments to remain relevant and sustainable.
Leading Government Leading government entity competes against the toughest standards globally to reach the summit through the success in its core activities and by building distinctive capabilities utilizing smart enablement to create opportunities for partnerships, connectivity and leveraging. The dynamic nature of the entity ensures learning and development constantly to rejuvenate and preserve the longevity and sustainability.
Transformational and Disruptive Mindset Leading government entity establishes a leadership mindset that is intent on creating a high momentum of anticipation, adaptation, disruption and delivery through incessant experimentation, acceleration and implementation of novel ways to guide the furtherance of what can be made possible and what will help maintain a government competitive advantage. Ensuring that government thinking is based on future foresight and future orientation.
GEM 2.0 Catalysts
GEM 2.0 Catalysts
GEM catalysts constitute three significant interrelated and interdependent elements; Innovation, Preemptiveness and Agility. These elements when instilled cohesively across the whole ecosystem, will enable the entity to plan the future and prepare for knowing what it needs to do next.
Catalysts allow leadership to plan a transformation on a continuous basis with agility, ensure that innovation is managed in a seamless manner and cannot be obstructed as it impacts the entity's ability to create value. Catalysts generate readiness for change and power of adaptability and resilience, not through the traditional linear predictable target setting means but rather through constantly creating new forms of customer value.
The right blend of catalysts is induced by making innovation take place everywhere in the ecosystem, integrating agility in everything and anticipating future trends at all times to mitigate risks and exploit opportunities. In GEM 2.0, the three catalysts are embedded within all Pillars, Criteria and Principles that the government entity will be assessed upon.
2322 Government Excellence Model Manual – GEM 2.0
Innovation “Everywhere” Leading government entity instills a culture of innovation to approach the challenges unconventionally, cease the practice of outdated functions and steer away from building an innovation enabling system towards building a creative mindset that exists everywhere in the everyday tasks and functions.
Leading government entity creates an environment where people are encouraged to take risks and learn from mistakes. It is open to all sources of innovation, and allows the permeation of fresh ideas and new thinking to keep the entity on the path of sustainable learning and development. It builds on the previous experiences and incorporates new learning to ensure relevance; now and into the future.
Leading government entity disrupts the ecosystem with innovative and distinctive capabilities that transform services, generate exceptional outcomes and enhance the wellbeing of the nation, thus creates a paradigm shift that others follow.
To exist everywhere in the functions
2. Preemptiveness "All the Time"Leading government entity is able to spot the opportunities that are worthy of consideration and exploitation to offload obsolescence and ensure that inertia will not set in. It does not wait until it is forced to change by external drivers, but it rather anticipates and actively drive change within the ecosystem, establishing a leading position and setting the direction for others to follow. Leading government entity constantly challenges itself to be the first to spot emerging trends, anticipate their implications to ensure future readiness.
To happen all the time and it's very much top-down and bottom-up driven
The Three Catalysts are viewed as the plasma that keeps the healthy ecosystem growing positively, discharges obsolescence and prevents adverse effects that might harm the entity and its capability to perform in the future.
Innovation is the opportunity for the organization to ensure that it is an umbrella phenomenon that is concerned with gaining insight for driving innovation as an orientation, ensuring that innovation is the feedstock throughout the organization for ensuring that value is created in the right way and to live it in the right manner.
Both preemptiveness and agility are dynamic capabilities that can protect the health of the organization as an ecosystem. They are also significant in helping the organizational decision- making to be effective, to be carried out with confidence, to be future-oriented as much as it is for the preservation of what is robust about the organizational ecosystem.
Ultimately whilst preemptiveness is ensuring that the health of the organization is not compromised and its readiness for the future is always at an optimal level with confidence, and agility is the ability of the organization to respond, to adapt, to exploit opportunities, to transform, to reconfigure and to maintain its healthy operation. By the same token, preemptiveness and agility are the boosters of the third element which matters to the customer and that is innovation. Innovation as a sub ecosystem is one that first and foremost depends on defining it as an orientation and at the core of everything that an organization does.
Agility "In Everything" Leading government entity is highly responsive, flexible and resilient based on the constantly changing needs and expectations of stakeholders to ensure sustained superior outcomes. It builds agility into its strategies and capabilities to enable it thrive in uncertain operating environments and rapidly adjust whilst maintaining a clear focus on the desired outcomes.
To be present in everything that needs to be done
GEM 2.0 Catalysts
2524 Government Excellence Model Manual – GEM 2.0
teg ic D
irec tion
Fu ture
Rea dine
Mai n Fu
ncti ons
Distinctive Value 35%
Enablers 25%
Vision Realization
Government Communication
Partnership & Integration
Data & Knowledge Management
Resources & Assets
Enh anc
ing Wel
lbei ng
Tale nte
d P rofe
ssio nal
Nex t Ge
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Inte llige
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& C omp
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.Pr eem
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. Innovation . . Agility .
GEM 2.0 Pillars, Criteria and Principles
GEM 2.0 consists of Three Pillars that are considered the basic foundations of Government Excellence, as follows:
• Vision Realization (40%) • Distinctive Value (35%) • Enablers (25%)
Each Pillar comprises a set of Criteria that represent the basis that guides the government entity wishing to achieve leading position, sustainable growth and competitive advantage. The Criteria cover the areas that the entity needs to excel in to deploy the GEM Fundamentals of Government Excellence and become a leading entity. GEM Criteria outlines the basis upon which the government entity can be assessed to ensure the alignment with the Pillars.
Each Criterion encompasses a set of Principles that define and explain a high level meaning (general concept) of the Criteria and can be utilized as a guidance that are directly linked to GEM Fundamentals and are intended to give examples to aid interpretation of the Criteria. The Principles serve as generic guidelines, each government entity has the flexibility to define and implement the best possible ways to deploy GEM Criteria and bring the Fundamentals of Government Excellence to life.
GEM 2.0 Pillars, Criteria and Principles
2726 Government Excellence Model Manual – GEM 2.0
The First Pillar comprises Four Criteria that emphasize the ultimate purpose of the government to enhance the wellbeing of the nation. It highlights the importance of setting and delivering agile strategies and functions to realize the vision and the national agenda, ensure future readiness, and enhance the competitiveness of the nation.
5% – Government Communication
10% – Partnership & Integration
5% – Data & Knowledge Management
5% – Resources & Assets
.Pr eem
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. Innovation . . Agility .
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Distinctive Value 35%
Enablers 25%
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& C omp
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First Pillar: Vision Realization (40%)
• First Criterion: Enhancing Wellbeing (10%) • Second Criterion: Future Readiness (10%) • Third Criterion: Strategic Direction and Competitiveness (10%) • Fourth Criterion: Main Functions (10%)
GEM 2.0 Pillars, Criteria and Principles
1.1 First Criterion: Enhancing Wellbeing (10%) The leading government entity places the wellbeing of customers and citizens at the heart of everything it does. Its leadership plays a crucial role in inspiring wellbeing and aligning the entity’s vision and strategies with their wellbeing aspiration.
The leading government entity translates the wellbeing orientation into practice through developing and deploying all the essential capabilities at the core in its main functions to enhance the rendered value and deliver positive impact to citizens and community. It pursues creating seamless cohesion and synergy between all government entities across the whole ecosystem to ensure alignment and collaboration of efforts to deliver national wellbeing.
Main Relevant Principles are:
• Wellbeing Orientation • Wellbeing Practices • Integration and Partnerships for Holistic Wellbeing * Entities can add additional principles when applicable.
Results and Impact: The results and impact of this criterion should refer to relevant measurements which monitor the key outcomes that are delivered efficiently, and to demonstrate performance excellence that leads to competitive results and positive impact on the national wellbeing.
1.2 Second Criterion: Future Readiness (10%) The leading government entity builds preemptiveness, agility and resilience into its strategies, policies and capabilities to ensure future readiness. It is not only able to adapt to meet the changes within its environment, but it is also able to anticipate and understand relevant future trends, recognize their implications and potential impact, and utilize predictive analysis to generate insights that enable better decision making.
The leading government entity plans multiple alternative scenarios and integrates them within the strategies to exploit opportunities and manage possible risks, uncertainties and disruptions before others, thus maintaining a leading position. It ensures agility be renovating its business model to accommodate future advancements beyond the current capabilities.
Main Relevant Principles are:
• Future Foresight • Risk Management and Resilience • Predictive Analysis and Insight • Scenarios * Entities can add additional principles when applicable.
Results and Impact: The results and impact of this criterion should refer to relevant measurements which monitor the key outcomes that are delivered efficiently, and to demonstrate performance excellence that leads to competitive results and positive impact on the national wellbeing.
2928 Government Excellence Model Manual – GEM 2.0
1.3 Third Criterion: Strategic Direction and Competitiveness (10%) The leading government entity continues to pioneer, transform and disrupt with novel thinking. It has a clear understanding of its core purpose and contribution to the country’s long-term vision and national agenda. It crafts agile strategies that define what “success” means. Its strategies set clear outcomes and initiatives to deliver distinctive value, attain competitive performance and leading positions, and ultimately enhance the national wellbeing.
The Leading government entity aligns all the capabilities, operations and resources to ensure dependable and quality delivery of the strategy with optimal use of resources, constant innovation and effective collaboration with stakeholders.
Main Relevant Principles are:
• National Agenda (Centennial) • Leading Position and Competitiveness • Strategies • Delivery (Initiatives and Plans) * Entities can add additional principles when applicable.
Results and Impact: The results and impact of this criterion should refer to relevant measurements which monitor t
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