Using the sources provided only in APA Style 550 words answer the following question: What approaches to the study of poverty does economic sociology offer? Mor
Using the sources provided only in APA Style 550 words answer the following question:
What approaches to the study of poverty does economic sociology offer? More specifically, what might sociologists studying poverty focus on besides poor households, neighborhoods, and individuals?
Fabio Rojas, Indiana University
Economic Sociology (Fall 2021)
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Economic Sociology
F A B I O R O J A S , I N D I A N A U N I V E R S I T Y
Human capital and income gaps
Discrimination and income gaps
Social closure
Native Americans and Latinx people in the American economy
Corporations as institutions
THE 1%, THE 50%, AND THE 99%
Economic Sociology (Fall 2021)
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How do sociologists look at economies?
What is workplace discrimination? What does it mean for a job to be segregated by
gender or race?
How is the economy “inside” society?
In 2009, Heidi Wilson, a bank services manager for Citigroup, sued her employer for
gender discrimination. When she was promoted to be the manager of her service center, she
was paid about $75,000. The man who held the position before her was paid $129,000. She
later asked her company for a raise and didn’t get it. She then asked the company to
conduct a study of pay levels inside the company. Soon after, she was fired. Wilson turned to
the courts. After suing Citicorp, she received a settlement of $340,000.1
Wilson’s case raises an important question about work: Why do some people get paid
more than others? A casual glance at income statistics shows consistent differences in pay
between social groups. According to numerous studies, spanning decades, women make less
money than men – depending on the study, about 15% less. This is the gender wage (or pay)
Many factors explain why women make less money than men. Sometimes, employers
simply like certain workers more than others and reward them more highly. This is discrimination
in pay, and it happened in Wilson’s case. Men and women are also over- or under-
represented in different occupations. For example, women are overrepresented in nursing but
underrepresented among doctors. These are important differences because some jobs earn
more income and are seen as more prestigious or valuable than others. If women are less likely
to be in high-income jobs, like medicine, they will, on average, make less money than men.
Thus, the gendered segregation of work—the concentration of men and women in different
jobs—is a factor that partially explains the pay gap.3
The question of why men and women are paid differently is a great way to start thinking
about the economy sociologically. People are not interchangeable cogs in an economic
system. We bring our backgrounds and personal identities to work. When a boss is about to
hire someone, they are not only looking for skills; they’re also thinking about this person as a
potential friend, colleague, or ally at work. Some employers may not care about the gender
or race of job applicants, while others may care a great deal. An employer may ask, “Does
this person have the skills needed for the job?” But they also have emotions and gut reactions
related to social categories. The owners of a Silicon Valley company may feel that women
shouldn’t lead high-tech companies. Or maybe men avoid a job because it isn’t “manly
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enough.” Even though nursing is a field open to everyone, many men feel that they wouldn’t
fit into a job held mainly by women. When a job is perceived to be appropriate for either men
or women, but not both, the job is
gender typed.4 This is an example
of how gender “frames”
interactions. When people work
together, they often use gender to
guide their actions—thinking that
only women, for example, are
supposed to do certain jobs, like
nursing or teaching kindergarten.
Sociologists such as Cecilia
Ridgeway argue that this type of
framing happens in almost all
human interactions and
contributes to inequality at work
and in other settings.5
Understanding how “social things” are wrapped up in what we buy, who we hire,
and how we run businesses is the core goal of economic sociology.6 In the rest of this chapter,
we’ll think about issues that motivate economic sociology. First, we’ll discuss workplace
inequality and why some people get paid more or are promoted more often than others. Do
some people get paid less because they are less productive or because employers and
clients dislike them? Second, we’ll discuss economic institutions,7 the rules and systems we use
to organize our economic lives. I’ll talk about two economic institutions: money and the
Third, we’ll discuss two big-picture approaches to the economy. What does it all mean?
Is our system of private profit a good one? Sociologists call this kind of analysis political
economy.8 We’ll start with the more positive view of the classical economists, who saw the
economy as a vast and sprawling social order that coordinates buyers and sellers. I will also
talk about the critical approach, which stems from writers such as Karl Marx; from this view,
markets are inherently unfair and exploitative, generating inequality, corruption, and social
instability. This leads to the final section, about high and low points in the American economy.
What do sociologists and other researchers know about poverty and what do we know about
the very wealthy and those who are poor?
How do people factor gender into the decision to hire someone for a
job? (Source)
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How are barter economies and cash economies different?
Why do we have a division of labor?
What does human capital theory try to explain?
What is the difference between statistical discrimination and taste-based
What are some occupational groups that maintain high pay because they have been
able to exclude others from their type of work?
Take a moment and think about how you get your food. It’s almost certain that you
don’t live on a farm and grow all of it. You probably don’t till the soil, plant wheat, and then
harvest it. You likely don’t grind it and take a few hours to bake bread. Instead, like most
people, you go to the grocery store and use money to buy bread. And the people at the
grocery store then use the money to buy things they need.
This chain of cash and work defines the modern economy. Very few people make
everything they need. Instead, we work at jobs and try to get people to pay us for what we
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do. We use our income to buy a wide assortment of goods and services: food, smartphones,
Netflix subscriptions, and trips to the dentist. Adam Smith, an 18th-century economist, called
this the division of labor.9 As societies develop and grow, people can no longer do every type
of labor. They divide the labor up, specialize, and become more efficient. The division of labor
is the basis of the economy that we experience every day.
Sociologists have long had a special interest in the division of labor. When economists
first thought about the division of labor, they were mainly interested in efficiency: Was it better
for people to specialize in a specific job? Did specialization lead to wealth? Sociologists had
different questions: Who gets the best jobs in the division of labor? Do people get equally
rewarded if they do the same job? These differences in income and jobs are called economic
Inequality is a central concern of sociology. Societies tend to be unequal; there is no
society where everyone makes exactly the same amount of money or has exactly the same
amount of status. Even in non-industrialized societies, like tribes living in remote parts of the
Amazon or central Africa, some people are more popular than others and occupy the best
land. Inequality certainly characterizes the United States. Some people live below the poverty
line (the U.S. Census measure of the income needed to buy a minimally-sufficient amount of
food and shelter) while others have incredible amounts of wealth.11
Human capital and income gaps
How do we explain how much money people make? Human capital theory suggests
that skills lead to income. If you have a skill that is highly desired, you will make more money
than people with less-desired skills.12 This might explain why doctors make more money than
poets: While poetry has its own value, few people desire poetry so badly that they will pay lots
of money for poems. But most of us are willing to pay large sums for medical services that
relieve our pain or extend our lives.
Human capital (your skills and knowledge that allow you to be productive at work and
produce economic value) is an important tool for thinking about income inequality. For
example, ethnic groups vary in their average yearly incomes. African Americans and Latinos
make less money than the average White person in the U.S. According to the 2017 Current
Population Survey, the median income for an African American family was $41,000; for Latinos,
it was $50,000. In contrast, the median White household earned about $68,000.13 This is a very
large difference and it matters a great deal. How do we explain this gap in income between
ethnic groups?
Human capital theory points to education. People with college educations generally
make much more money than those without college degrees. College graduates make
almost double what people with only high school degrees earn. The extra money that college
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graduates make is called the college premium. This has indicated to sociologists that
education might be one explanation for differences in income.14
The data on
education, race, and
ethnicity is consistent with
this view. About 36% of
Whites have a college
degree, while only 23% of
Blacks do.15 This is an
important gap because
many of the best jobs
require advanced
educations; some, such as
medicine and the law,
require multiple college and
graduate degrees. Other
jobs that require a college
degree may not pay as
much, but they offer high levels of job security. Teaching is one example; public school
teachers don’t make as much as doctors but they often have tenure, which means their
contract is automatically renewed as long as they do a satisfactory job. Not surprisingly, most
states require that teachers have college degrees.
Not only are there differences in how much people are willing to pay for skills (e.g.,
people want doctors more than poets), but some groups have systematically different access
to skills, which impacts their long-term earnings. Let’s think about the case of doctors. To
become a medical doctor, you need to accomplish the following: First, you need to complete
high school and enroll in college. Second, you have to complete a four-year college degree
with a high GPA. Then you must get a high score on a standardized test (the MCAT) and earn
admission to a medical school. Finally, you have to find the money to pay for medical school.
At current rates, you need about $200,000 for a private school or $100,000 for a public one.
Most medical students take out huge loans. As you can see, becoming a doctor is a difficult
and expensive process. If some racial or ethnic groups start with low incomes or have little
access to good high schools, it will be harder for them to begin the process of becoming a
doctor. We would expect those groups to have lower levels of educational achievement,
which would later lead to lower incomes.
According to human capital theory, manual work, like house painting, doesn’t
pay as much as some other jobs because the skill is very common. (Source)
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Doctors earn a lot of money because their skills are rare, as suggested by human capital theory.
But there are also laws that restrict the total number of medical school graduates. (Source)
Discrimination and income gaps
Human capital theory isn’t the only explanation for why some groups make less money
than others. A second theory is that employers and customers discriminate. Remember the
case of Heidi Wilson, who sued Citicorp. She argued that women were not paid the same
money for the same work. This is an example of the discrimination theory of income
differences. Women and men are capable of performing the same management tasks at
Citicorp, but perhaps the bank’s leaders simply like men more than women and so they pay
men more. When an employer or customer pays more to some groups than others for
providing the same service or good, they’re engaging in taste-based discrimination. In other
words, if a boss pays a White worker more than a Black worker when they’re equally
productive, it reflects the boss’s subjective “taste,” or preference, for White employees.
In an interesting experiment, Devah Pager and her colleagues had matched pairs of
men give (fake) resumes to employers to see how much employers cared if applicants have a
criminal record. This was another audit study, which you’ve read about in previous chapters.
Some of the men participating in the study were White and some were Black. The resumes
they presented to potential employers were matched in terms of work experience and skills for
the jobs; however, some mentioned a minor criminal record (a conviction for a non-violent
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drug offense) while others didn’t. And not surprisingly, they found differences: employers were
less likely to call those with a criminal record and invite them for a job interview. But there was
an even larger gap based on race; in fact, a higher percentage of Whites with a criminal
record (17%) got a call for a follow-up interview than Black applicants without a criminal
record (14%)!16 This experiment shows that taste-based discrimination is real and that it
emerges even at the point of screening job applicants. If such biases in hiring and pay occur
at many stages of hiring and evaluating employees, it’s not difficult to imagine how race- and
gender-based differences in income would emerge.
However, a difference in income doesn’t always mean that employers or customers
dislike a group of people. It may indicate a genuine difference in skills or job-related abilities
that exists, on average, between groups. Statistical discrimination occurs when an employer
pays people from a certain group less because members of that group in general do not
perform as well as others; this is a form of discrimination because bosses are distinguishing
between workers based on group membership rather than their individual skills.17 Consider an
example from When Work Disappears, by William Julius Wilson.18 Wilson asked a common
question: Why is it hard for people from poor neighborhoods to find jobs? He answered this
question with an in-depth study of a poor Chicago neighborhood. He and his team of
researchers visited homes, interviewed people, and talked to employers around the city.
The story is complicated. Wilson found some evidence for human capital theory. High
schools in poor neighborhoods don’t prepare their students well for jobs. The schools are often
in such a poor state that students leave without a solid grasp of written English, which is
crucially important in an economy that depends on computers and handling information. In a
discussion with employers, Wilson asked why they didn’t bother to call people about a job
even if they had a high school degree, which indicates they might be prepared for an office
job. A number of employers suggested that people from these low-income areas probably
didn’t have the right personal skills—such as talking to customers or following directions at
work. Poor people from these areas of Chicago weren’t getting jobs because employers
thought it took too much effort to figure out who could work well in an office. They assumed
that the average person from poor neighborhoods wouldn’t fit. This is an example of statistical
discrimination; employers made decisions based on broad judgments about the abilities of
groups, rather than by evaluating individual job candidates.
Social closure
A third explanation of income differences is social closure. Often, one group will
actively try to exclude another in an attempt to defend its occupational “turf.” Consider
doctors. It’s certainly the case that doctors do well because their services are needed. But
part of their income derives from the fact that there are very few medical schools, and states
require doctors to obtain a degree from one. In fact, it’s illegal for non-doctors to perform
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many medical procedures, even those that require little medical knowledge.19 This makes
doctors relatively scarce.
To appreciate this point, take an example from my own life. Recently, my daughter and
I were at a mall and, like many young children, she started chewing on a small object she
found. She quickly wedged a small metal cap into her teeth. I couldn’t pull it out with my
fingers, nor could my wife. I eventually gave up; I needed someone who had a little skill in
taking care of teeth. I brought my daughter to an ER and told the nurse that my daughter had
a metal cap wedged in her mouth. A pediatrician took out a small tool and popped out the
cap in less than a second! The doctor was kind. She was used to children cramming all kinds of
odd things in their mouths, and she made me feel better.
What didn’t make me feel better was the doctor’s bill. For a procedure that took a few
seconds, I was charged over $600! What could account for such a high invoice? Human
capital theory suggests that the pediatrician had a valuable, and rare, skill that I really
needed. But the human capital answer is incomplete. Yes, the doctor had a valuable skill, but
couldn’t other people offer the skill of pulling metal caps out of children’s mouths at a lower
price? Many dentists could do it, many nurses could as well; many other health care
professionals, such as paramedics, could also complete such a simple procedure. But while
they probably could do it, they’re prohibited by law from doing so. In general, the only people
who can offer medical services, however minor, are doctors. Anyone who advertises medical
services without a medical degree will end up in jail. Thus, we shouldn’t be surprised when
even very basic medical services are expensive.
Doctors are only one example of social closure. For example, in the 1800s, many
southern states passed Black Codes, laws that banned newly freed slaves from entering
desirable trades.20 The goal was clear: state governments wanted the most desirable trades to
be reserved for White men. Today, we see a similar dynamic regarding migration: many
people want to exclude low-education workers from other countries in order to boost the
incomes of native-born workers.
Native Americans and Latinx people in the American economy
This chapter has focused on a number of processes that affect income and jobs such
as job skills, employer discrimination, and participation in labor markets. Here, we turn to a
discussion of how two different groups, Native Americans and Latinx people, fit into the
American economy. In some ways, they share much in common. The average income and
college graduation rate within each group are significantly below the national average. At
the same time, each has a unique history, and different institutions and characteristics
emerged that shape the way Native Americans and Latinx people earn income.
The story of Native Americans is essentially a story of conquest, forced removal, and
expropriation since the founding of the United States. Even though numerous treaties were
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signed to protect Native sovereignty and property rights, the treaties were routinely violated. In
many cases, Native Americans were forced to live on lands set aside for them called
reservations. By the 1900s, the situation had stabilized and the modern reservation system had
emerged. The 1934 Indian Reorganization Act passed by Congress established the basic legal
framework for reservations and allowed tribal leaders to exercise a significant level of control
over the economy of Native American communities.
Native American control over the economic institutions of reservations had far-reaching
implications that are still felt in the 21st Century. Specifically, Native American leaders had the
power to approve businesses that were limited, or even prohibited, outside of reservations. The
most notable example is gambling. Currently, about 200 Native American tribal groups
operate casinos, some in states where this type of gambling is otherwise illegal. In other cases,
reservations establish regulations that allow selected businesses to thrive, such as tourism and
specialized manufacturing. Thus, a key issue in understanding economic outcomes among
Native Americans is whether they find jobs in one of the industries that have emerged on
reservations or whether they seek employment in the rest of the American economy.
Like Native Americans, Latinx people are remarkably diverse and there is no single
“Latinx” experience that would explain all economic or employment outcomes. Still, a few key
factors often affect their outcomes. First, many people who identify as Latinx are immigrants or
have immigrant parents, and the context of their arrival in the U.S. is important. For example, a
large portion of migrants from Mexico find work in agriculture, which is generally low-paid. In
contrast, Cubans who migrated to Florida after the Cuban Communist Revolution of 1959
were often professionals such as teachers, doctors, and accountants. Not surprisingly, the
economic outcomes and options of Mexican agricultural laborers and Cuban professionals will
be vastly different.
Second, language strongly influences the ability of immigrants to earn income. The
ability to speak English greatly improves how much people earn. This draws attention to a very
important feature of work: getting a job is not merely about performing a specific task, it’s
about communicating with customers and employers and knowing how to fit in. Third,
migration status is also highly associated with income. American employment law makes it
difficult for people without proper documentation to find legal work, which means that their
wages are lower than might be expected otherwise. This is one reason why critics of the U.S.
immigration system often ask that the law be reformed to make it easier for people to legally
migrate here so their wages won’t be suppressed.
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What are the defining features of corporations? What types of laws govern corporations
in the U.S.?
What is an economic institution? Are corporations formal or informal institutions?
How do people use money to convey meaning? How might money change the way
people think about relationships?
Pacific Railway. Sears. General Motors. These titans of industry left their mark on
American history. At their peak, each of these corporations employed thousands of people
and built massive structures. The railroad companies laid thousands and thousands of miles of
railroad track, many of which are still used 150 years later. Drive through America and you still
see hundreds of Sears department stores. Even in decline, Sears managed to sell nearly $17
billion worth of goods and services in 2017.21 While people are shifting their purchases to online
retailers, the department store giant still brings in vast amounts of income. And General Motors
is doing quite well. It has weathered world wars and many economic recessions since its
founding in 1908. In 2017, General Motors employed 180,000 people and sold nearly 10 million
cars around the world.22
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Corporations—groups of people organized together by the owners to generate profit—
are a method of organizing the labor of millions of people. Corporations are so big that their
actions cause ripples across the economy. If General Motors went bankrupt, thousands of
auto-workers would be out of jobs. GM’s bankruptcy would also cause hardships for the
suppliers, dealers, and mechanics whose jobs depend on the sale and maintenance of
millions of cars. Not surprisingly, when the American auto industry has faced economic
problems, the U.S. government has often stepped in to help. In a very real way, the
corporation is a way of life in America.
Corporations as institutions
Corporations are an example of an economic institution, a set of formal and informal
practices meant to organize an activity. Corporations are formal institutions in the sense that
laws and other written policies govern what corporations may or may not do. For example, a
corporation must have a board of directors that appoints and monitors the company’s
leadership. If a corporation wants to raise money by selling stock, it must publicly report its
finances and tell stock owners what it has done each quarter.
Corporations are also
informal institutions governed
by social norms, unwritten rules
about what people expect.
Many people expect
corporations to “give back”
and help communities through
charitable work. This is one
reason you see corporate
sponsors behind a wide range
of activities. Corporations give
to the Girl Scouts, colleges and
universities, and hospitals. They
give money for Little League
baseball teams and cancer research. Why? Some business leaders truly support those causes.
Business leaders, like everyone else, would like to see medical researchers find a cure for
cancer. Sometimes the reasons are self-interested; how many of us wouldn’t feel pride and
high self-esteem if a university built a fancy library and named it after us? There are also social
expectations. A corporation that fails to give to charities might be viewed as heartless or
uncaring; just like other people, executives want to be seen as “normal” people who care
about their communities.
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