The research problem being investigated in this study is having a job in the sex industry can have a significant impact on the mental health of a womans employer
****DUE JUNE 18th****
Article Review Template #1
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Karunanayake, D., Jayasundara, N., & Vimukthi, N. D. U. (2020). The Impact of Sex Work on Psychological Wellbeing. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 180–190.
2. What is the research problem being investigated?
The research problem being investigated in this study is having a job in the sex industry can have a significant impact on the mental health of a woman's employer in the sex industry. The effects are detrimental, and this was especially the case for Ryff's autonomy, environmental proficiency, personal development, and a sense of self are some of the dimensions, acceptance.
3. Describe the findings that you might cite in the future.
The majority of sex workers are negative about their profession, according to the findings. Many of them are guilty, afraid, sinful, and repentant. They have immoral feelings about their profession. There were a number of numerous reasons why the participants are sex workers. Numerous participants in the sample were presented with the occupation due to destitution. While they negative attitudes regarding their profession, have needed to interact with it. Many of them succeed their children's and other family members' requirements through this occupation They earn a good living wage adequate to meet their needs as well as the needs their immediate family members Therefore, they made no attempt engage in a different profession. They are aware that the sex worker profession is illegal and that it is an unethical and unorthodox source in terms of income They have a relationship with their religion and are aware that the occupation is considered sinful. Further, They are concerned about sexually transmitted diseases. All Participants' reports indicate that they are Clinic for Sexually Transmitted Diseases attendance at Kandy National Hospital to evaluate their safety from illnesses, although initially they had negative attitudes towards their profession had evolved. Normalized through time But that does not necessarily imply that no longer have negative feelings about the profession.
Even though it became routine over time, they continued to do it, continually experience regretful emotions. Many people believe sex workers have cheerful outlooks towards themselves that they continue to maintain their occupation voluntarily. Nonetheless, the study was discovered that the majority of the society is not acceptable.
Article Review Template #2
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Bellhouse, C., Crebbin, S., Fairley, C. K., & Bilardi, J. E. (2015). The Impact of Sex Work on Women’s Personal Romantic Relationships and the Mental Separation of Their Work and Personal Lives: A Mixed-Methods Study. PLoS ONE, 10(10).
2. What is the research problem being investigated?
The purpose of this research was to investigate the influence that women's sex work has on their personal romantic relationships and how they use mental separation as a coping mechanism to maintain a healthy equilibrium between the two aspects of their lives.
3. Describe the findings that you might cite in the future.
Our data imply that sex employment harms women's romantic relationships significantly. Just under half of women in relationships stated their boyfriends did not know they worked in the sex business. For most women, lying led to feelings of guilt and fear of their partners finding out, which caused trust issues for both partners. Some women's partners became suspicious of their sex lives and faithfulness. This study supports and extends prior findings that women in the sex business experience negative effects on their relationships due to lying, trust, and guilt. In a research by Warr and Pyett of condom use among Australian sex workers, women in partnerships experienced similar negative effects related to their profession. Past study shows that other couples may also face suspicion, jealousy, and faithfulness concerns. These challenges arise when trust and loyalty are violated, which are key to relationship fulfilment. Given the nature of their employment and the stigma associated with the sex business, it is possible that these issues will be exacerbated in sex workers' personal relationships.
It was found that women in the sex industry struggle to combine work and personal relationships. This study allowed women to express some of the emotional effects of their jobs, which may help health care and support providers help sex workers manage the tensions between employment and personal romantic relationships. They have provided a useful insight into this under-researched field and suggest the necessity for a larger study to ascertain whether the findings of this study are reflected in larger, more representative sample of Australian sexual workers. Indoor and outdoor sex workers encounter diverse job and personal challenges that may affect their love relationships differently. Women from varied socio-economic, cultural, sexual, and geographic origins are likely to face varying repercussions of sex work, and future treatments must recognize this and customize support programmers accordingly. The negative stigma surrounding the sex industry must also be addressed through increased public awareness and education campaigns, given its prominent role in most women's relationships. If women were safe disclosing their genuine occupation to partners, family, and friends without fear of judgement or stigmatization, they may have fewer concerns with dishonesty and lying. The challenges women encounter in their relationships due to sex work are multifaceted, and there is no simple solution.
Article Review Template #3
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Davis, A. C., Vaillancourt, T., & Arnocky, S. (2020). The Dark Tetrad and Male Clients of Female Sex Work. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
2. What is the research problem being investigated?
In this research problem being investigated that the socially repugnant traits that are embodied by the Dark Tetrad (narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism) may characterize certain male clients of female sex workers, particularly those consumers expressing the motives of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. The desire to have sexual encounters that are thrilling and unusual with women who are treated with contempt, the perception prostitution in a businesslike manner with a minimal amount of emotional investment and looking to profit from it exercise dominance and control over sexual service workers by portraying them as helpless and servile. It's possible that males who buy sex from other men are more likely to exhibit characteristics of the tetrad sex workers who are female and who operate outside (for example, in street prostitution) as opposed to those who work in indoor settings.
3. Describe the findings that you might cite in the future.
Several lines of evidence addressed in previous sections support the hypothesis that Dark Tetrad personality traits may be relevant in comprehending some men pay for sex. Male clients of prostitution, Dark Tetrad characteristics choose short-term, impersonal solutions. Sexual risk-taking stimulus and novelty impulsivity. Greater rape myth acceptance reduced emotional empathy interpersonal hostility, Crime, violence Edwards et al., 2019). Also, Dark Tetrad may be common Men's motives include excitement and sex workers, commodified business-like sex, and authority over and to control sex workers. The tetrad's qualities may not males seeking sex workers actions couples' unmet desires Prevalent Diminished Dark Tetrad dimensions. Companionship-seeking males buy sex, love, and intimacy. Male clients of outdoor sex work (e.g., prostitution on the street) Tetrad dimensions vs. indoor help (e.g., escort services). Outdoor sex works risk, danger, illegal drug use women are often exploited clientele. Many males seek sex workers online. Indoor prostitution service providers report avoiding reasons outdoor sex workers. Indoor sex clients are older and buy more connection, affection, and closeness through men paying for outdoor prostitution. Falsifying evidence is crucial, earlier predictions a person honesty-humility is linked to (Lee et al., 2013). If honesty-humility is positively commodified exciting and scornful sex proof against sex, power, and domination forecasts. Likewise, if males buy sex in the form outside prostitutes show more honesty-humility. Indoor sex buyers would also benefit contradiction. Future study should focus on major Dark Tetrad characteristics are personality dimensions clients and prostitution type accessing. In addition, many researchers do not analyze if men arrested for paying for sex. Prostitution solicitation prevents. It is vital for researchers to investigate random responses variables whose values are not centered around narcissism and psychopathy. Non-random response. These variables can lead to inflated and inaccurate estimates distorted effect size estimations, which can lead to statistical inferences.
Article Review Template #4
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Zhang, C., Hong, Y., Li, X., Qiao, S., Zhou, Y., & Su, S. (2013). Psychological Stressors in the Context of Commercial Sex among Female Sex Workers in China. Health Care for Women International, 36(7), 753–767.
2. What is the research problem being investigated?
In this research problem being investigated that female sex workers in China are illegal and stigmatized, data on their psychological stressors are rare. We studied stresses in 16 gatekeepers and 38 FSWs using qualitative data. China's commercial sex. FSW encountered a range of pressures, poverty, limited jobs, and lack of social protection, violence clients, limited peer and partner support. We demand empowerment and structured strategy to improving FSW's mental health.
3. Describe the findings that you might cite in the future.
A few caveats should be noted before evaluating the data. First, as with other FSW studies, we must be wary of self-report biases caused by China's illegal sex industry. Second, our sampling approach may have caused voluntary bias and unrepresentative samples because women who participated were receptive to discussing pertinent topics in a study context. Third, researchers' backgrounds and roles influenced data interpretation. Fourth, the sample came from a tourism city. The study's conclusions may not apply to FSW in other situations or China. Despite these limitations, our study found psychological pressures among FSW in commercial sex. Although our study revealed both venue-based and nonvalue-based FSW, most FSW endure ongoing discomfort and dangers due to variables such as poverty, lack of social protection, client aggression, and lack of social support from peers and stable partners.
FSW's restricted work options and social isolation lead to maladaptive coping. Young women feel distressed, dejected, and powerless. Illegality stigmatized sex work; therefore, sex workers' psychological needs were ignored. Constructive policies and initiatives to increase FSW psychological well-being must therefore officially recognize this occupation's existence and needs. In recent years, scientists and campaigners have suggested that FSW health care should not solely focus on HIV and STI prevention and treatment (Wong, Holroyd, Gray, & Ling, 2006). Our data show that therapies should also target FSW workplace stressors. Given FSW's disempowerment, a multi-sector, multi-level approach is essential to improve their health and safety. Tucker and Tummies (2011) proposed a "behavioral-structural approach" to FSW that (a) integrates policy makers, legislators, and law enforcement; (b) includes local management and organization of sex venues, sex workers' collectives, and non-government organizations (NGOs); (c) mobilizes the public and the media; (d) facilitates better understanding of sex work; and (e) establishes a collective identity of FSW. Designing a stigma-reduction campaign that allows FSW access to social, legal, and health services in China and abroad should be realistic. They must employ empowerment-based and structural methods to address the requirements of FSW in China, where 2.3% of young urban women are FSW (D. Zhang et al., 2007). So many women choosing sex work voluntarily or involuntarily highlights the need for initiatives to alleviate gender inequalities and "empower" women. Based on WHO recommendations (2005), we demand equitable access to education, skill development, and employment for women.
Article Review Template #5
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Sanders, T. (2004). Controllable Laughter. Sociology, 38(2), 273–291.
2. What is the research problem being investigated?
It has been investigated that these social and psychological processes are an illustration of how women who work in severe professions engage in "emotion work." When it comes to people who work in the sex industry, humor is an important component of a variety of defense mechanisms that are required to preserve one's physical and mental health.
3. Describe the findings that you might cite in the future.
In this study, a contribution to the field of sociology of work by examining the nature and prevalence of humor as a coping technique in the adult entertainment industry. This article establishes humor as a form of "feeling work," in addition to presenting six distinct varieties of humor that are observed in the female sex business (Hoch child, 2018). The results of an empirical research on female prostitution in a major city in the United Kingdom document how sex workers intentionally use humor as a social and psychological distancing tool. To begin, humor is utilized as a method of conducting business in an environment in which impression control and "body work" (Tyler and Abbott, 1998) make it possible for individuals to adhere to the aesthetic ideal of the "prostitute." Second, joking relations help mold the feelings that are triggered by selling sex, regulate interactions with customers, and build support networks with other coworkers. In addition to this, they serve as a medium for identifying group membership, disagreement, and divisions.
Article Review Template #6
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Koverola, M., Drosinou, M., Palomäki, J., Halonen, J., Kunnari, A., Repo, M., Lehtonen, N., & Laakasuo, M. (2020). Moral psychology of sex robots: An experimental study − how pathogen disgust is associated with antihuman sex but not interandroid sex. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 11(1), 233–249.
2. What is the research problem being investigated?
In this research problem being investigated the psychological elements, such as disgust sensitivity and interest in science fiction, that influence opinions about sex robots. Thier findings suggest that engaging in sexual activity with a robot is, in fact, legitimately seen as sexual activity, and that a sex robot is, in fact, legitimately seen as a robot. As a result, we demonstrate that conventional research methods on sexuality and robotics can also be applied to research on sex robotics.
3. Describe the findings that you might cite in the future.
Future research should seek to replicate our findings across cultures and communities; using methods other than vignettes, (psychophysical or neuropsychological assessments of disgust responses would be particularly informative). As soon as sex robots become commercially available, purchasers and/or users might be surveyed online or elsewhere, and a variety of real-world reaction tests could be conducted. In addition, concrete data on sales can reveal information about typical buyers, which can be instructive, as can data on customer satisfaction and complaints.
As there is no practical reason to construct sex robots as exact replicas of either the human female or male form, it will be intriguing to see what kind of robots actually make it to market, and whether attitudes toward less humanoid sex robots will change – it is possible that sex with a "oddity," such as a six-legged machine with three tentacles, six orifices, an electro stimulator, and two dildos, Our findings demonstrate that people judge a married individual less harshly if they pay for a robot sex worker as opposed to a human sex worker. This is likely because many individuals do not regard having sex with a robot to be adultery or consider it to be "cheating, but less so than with a human". These findings therefore serve as a stepping-stone to new, intriguing research pathways that may appeal to both evolutionary and moral psychologists. Sociologists and market researchers will certainly be interested in advancing our understanding of the intricate relationships between humans and new ontological categories (robots, artificial intelligences (AIs), etc.).
Future study will open up new avenues for understanding human sexual and moral cognition by concentrating on how humans relate to sexual interactions with androids outside the realm of science fiction fantasies such as West world and Blade Runner. As sex robots approach widespread production in the near future, public opinion will stabilize about moral attitudes toward robot sex.
Article Review Template #7
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Hricová, Alena. (2017). Psychological problems of Women working in the Sex business.
2. What is the research problem being investigated?
Posttraumatic stress disorder may be accompanied by dissociative disorder when a person experiences painful emotion, memories or thoughts that form the basis for various mental and physical symptoms. Psychological issues, however, are not simply related with women working in the sex industry but also with women who have already left this business; as it. Resulting from the research, the so-called “ex-prostitutes” have dramatically increased issues with alcohol and smoking and more frequent PTSD symptoms than other women. The study is a product of the GAJU project No. 029/2016/S – Lifestyle of women in the private sex business and their (self) reflection.
3. Describe the findings that you might cite in the future.
Studies explore sex workers' mental health. Sexual workers' emotional stress and wellness vary (Weitzer 2009). Seib et al. (2009) researched Australian sex workers in regulated and illicit nightclubs. Author attributes illegally employed women's poor mental health to socioeconomic factors. Psychological concerns plague sex industry women. Emotional exhaustion. Demotivation, lack of support, and unfavorable social reactions were all mentioned by Vanwesenbeeck (2005) as reasons for emotional exhaustion. 201 sex workers use opioids to cope with deprivation and stress, according to Young et al. (2000) Second, grief and helplessness. Flower (1998) discusses female worthlessness, powerlessness, low self-esteem and unhappiness Alone, unwanted, and unloved, they are sad and empty. According to Chudakov et al. (n = 55), 19% of sex workers have clinical depression. Goetz (2005) describes depression as a deterioration in mental and physiological functions (fatigue resistance, nutrition, sleep, etc.). More than half of sex workers attempted suicide, according to Flower (2001) PTSD is widespread among sex workers (PTSD).
Sexual assault, childhood sexual abuse, and physical and mental violence are linked to PTSD (Epstein et al. 1997, Roman et al. 2001, Hrabtová 2009). Choi et al. (2009) found that women in the sex business are more prone to PTSD. Eighty-seven percent of respondents (women in the sex business) were sexually abused as children, 72% were physically assaulted, 90% were attacked while working in the sex business, and 78% were raped.
According to Chudakov et al. MacKinnon (2007) reports that sex workers had greater ptsd than Vietnam soldiers.
Normally, PTSD is accompanied by dissociative disorder (Ross et al. 2004). Dissociative disorder causes mental and physical symptoms when unbearable emotions, memories, or thoughts are disconnected from the conscious part of the psyche (Herman et al. 2008). Dissociative disorder is a result of childhood sexual trauma or a defensive reaction to sex work, according to Napoli et al. (2001). (2007) Yargic et al., Cooper et al., and Gajic-Veljanoski and Stewart examined dissociative disorders in sex workers. Tome et al. (2016) state women working under coercion have limited independence, can be damaged, and their mental health is at risk. After the sex industry, these women should be carefully addressed because their social or environmental relationships are usually severely disturbed (Hedin and Mansson 2004).
Article Review Template #8
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McCarthy, B., Jansson, M., & Benoit, C. (2021). Job Attributes and Mental Health: A Comparative Study of Sex Work and Hairstyling. Social Sciences, 10(2), 35.
2. What is the research problem being investigated?
In this study, contribution to the subject is an analysis of the relationships between occupational characteristics and mental health. Our study is comparative and draws its data from a panel survey of people who operate in the fields of hairstyling and sex work. They looked at aspects of the jobs that may be unique to each of these professions, such as the stigma associated with them and the antagonism of their clients, as well as aspects that may be more universal, such as the lack of work stability, the salary, and the opportunity for self-employment. In our study, they made use of mixed-effects regression, and the variables that we considered were both time-dependent and time-independent.
3. Describe the findings that you might cite in the future.
Jobs are important to a lot of people, so it makes sense that they affect mental health. Studies of several occupations show that positive job qualities improve mental health and well-being, while negative ones hurt them (e.g., Lee et al. 2018; Patel et al. 2018). This study does not look at sex work. Literature shows how important it is to look at sex work as an economic activity that involves work for money (Benoit et al. 2017, 2020b; Rosen and Venkatesh 2008; Sanders 2005).
Several studies (Krumrei-Mancuso 2017, Puri et al. 2017, Treloar et al. 2021, and Vanwesenbeeck 2005) have found links between sex work and mental health. However, these studies focused on stigma and abuse by others and did not look at work factors that are not unique to sex work (Benoit et al. 2016).
Previous research (Benoit et al., 2020b) compared sex work to other jobs that were similar (Benoit et al. 2015a, 2015b). This study added to the research by looking at hairstyling and sex work, two frontline service jobs. The results of our analysis were many. In sex work and hairstyling, not knowing what the job will be like is linked to bad mental health. This conclusion is in line with a lot of research that has been done on the link between job insecurity and mental health, especially in low-income frontline jobs, which are becoming more common in neoliberal capitalist economies (Kalleberg and Vallas 2018; Olsthoorn 2014). Poor mental health is strongly linked to not having a job, which makes job insecurity a public health and social problem.
We also found that skill discretion was important for knowing about the workplace and mental health (e.g., Paterniti et al. 2002; Ten Have et al. 2015). This is clear when doing sex work, but not when doing hair. The links between mental health, job insecurity, and limited decision making in sex work show how important it is to combine labor studies and sociology of work and vocations to understand sex work (Benoit et al. 2019).
Our results also showed that the bad link between stigma and mental health found in studies of sex workers (Benoit et al., 2018) is not unique to that job. Instead, stylists with high levels of stigma have worse mental health (Benoit et al. 2019). This shows that sex work stigmatized than hairstyling, but the negative effects of being stigmatized are the same for both jobs and may be the same for a wide range of dirty work jobs. Last, self-employment. Not much is known about self-employment and mental health. Some studies found that self-employed people have better mental health than wage or contract workers (Nikolova, 2019), but when backgrounds and selection were taken into account, there was not much difference between the two groups (e.g., Rietveld et al. 2015). In the past, researchers have used data from a wide range of jobs. Our research shows that self-employment is good for some people's mental health, like when they do hairstyling, but not when they do sex work.
Article Review Template #9
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McBride, B., Shannon, K., Murphy, A., Wu, S., Erickson, M., Goldenberg, S. M., & Krüsi, A. (2020). Harms of third-party criminalisation under end-demand legislation: undermining sex workers’ safety and rights. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 1–17.
2. What is the research problem being investigated?
In this research problem, being investigated end-demand third party criminalization affects indoor sex workers' health and safety. Most third parties were women and current/former sex workers, contradicting stereotypes of male "pimps." End-demand legislation prohibited condom supply and access to police safeguards in case of assault, compromising sex workers' health and safety. Our findings show that third-party criminalization under end-demand legislation reproduces harmful working circumstances under earlier regulations ruled unlawful by Canada's top court. Legislative reforms are needed to decriminalize the sex industry, especially sex workers' right to work with third parties.
3. Describe the findings that you might cite in the future.
End-demand models portray sex workers as victims needing protection and criminalize third parties who are perceived as coercing sex workers and commodifying sexual activity. In 2013, Canada's Supreme Court ruled that bawdy house laws were unconstitutional (i.e., indoor sex work venue) barred sex workers from protecting themselves and hit unconstitutional law. Canada still enacted end-demand legislation that criminalizes third parties running indoor locations claiming to decrease sex worker exploitation (Department of Justice 2014). Third parties provided workers with screening, security, and sexual health supplies, yet criminalization continued less third-party support, increased venue assault risk restricted condom access and police protection in case of assault fraud, undermining sex workers' constitutional rights to privacy. Their study fills a research gap on how end-demand third-party criminalization affects sex workers' working circumstances. Third-party research: an empirical study The findings interrogate binaries misrepresentations of sex workers and other parties as mutually exclusive and polarized – two assumptions. Canada and dozens of other countries criminalize third parties. Our results imply that end-demand third-party criminalization remains restrict sex workers' access to health and safety-enhancing services likely to promote worker violence. Illustrations sex workers as exploited victims a basic premise of End-demand mindset reproduces rather than increases sex worker safety other prohibitive sex work regulations' hazardous working circumstances. In this study, most third parties were women. Former sex workers challenge gendered power assumptions sex workers vs. third parties. Switzerland/India studies. Canada and China depict consensual and supportive third party-sex worker partnerships. Similar participants' descriptions. They used 'empowered' and 'autonomous' to describe working in managed in-call venues and showed confidence in their boss's assistance. Disconnect between sex workers' lived experiences and stereotypical 'pimp' stereotypes. End-demand models based on polarizing exploitation of third parties and sex workers (Parliament of Canada 2014) deny sex worker and third-party responsibilities cross widely (Yi et al. 2012). The workers' active participation in searching out complementary work (Including third-party services). The criminalization of third-party material advantages in sex work in Canada is a discriminatory limitation on service exchanges.
Article Review Template #10
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Howard, S. (2020). Covid-19: Health needs of sex workers are being sidelined, warn agencies. BMJ, m1867.
2. What is the research problem being investigated?
This article includes research on the objective conditions of precocity in sex workers’ slaves and their subjective experiences of work quality in sex work, compared to other available jobs.
3. Describe the findings that you might cite in the future.
The findings above address a study vacuum on sex workers' subjective experiences of work quality compared to alternative career possibilities. Canadian sex workers pick from a variety of competing employment options. Servants their participants chose sex work because it gave them personal happiness, control over working conditions, and higher earnings. Occupational stigma is sex work's biggest problem. Prostitution as sex labor has several benefits; sociologists can employ fundamental themes to explain the changing world of work and disadvantaged workers. Globalization, technology, and neoliberalism have spawned low-paying, part-time personal service occupations. Many of them have insecure job some endure precocity in housing, social welfare, and social support (Campbell and Price, 2016). They are uncertain, unstable lifeworld’s'. These data reveal Canadian sex workers are vulnerable. Participants a high frequency of structural sociodemographic factors reflecting gender, r Plagiarism Free Papers
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