MBA 645 Module One Video Check-In Guidelines and Rubric The assignment is a video that I have to conduct. I just need to answer the questions from the ‘Assig
The assignment is a video that I have to conduct. I just need to answer the questions from the "Assignment" doc. The other two docs are supporting docs. It can be a page or a page and a half. Just enough to where I can conduct a 3-5 minute video.
6/6/22, 10:19 AM MBA 645 Module One Video Check-In Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-645-Q5979 Optimizing Brands 22TW5 1/3
MBA 645 Module One Video Check-In Guidelines and Rubric
In this course, you will use the learner-faculty connect video assignment for reflec�on as well as to discuss your preparedness for
upcoming weeks. This is a private conversa�on between you and your instructor. You are encouraged to explore deeply the
concepts presented.
In this mentor-focused video check-in, you will look at the project scenario for MBA 645 and have an asynchronous discussion with
your instructor regarding any ini�al concerns about the project scenario and the Milestone One submission due in Module Three.
Review the course infographic and course structure and check when the two milestones and the project are due.
You are highly encouraged to con�nue reaching out to your instructor, so any concerns and ques�ons are addressed before
Milestone One is due. Discuss your progress and these concerns with your instructor through this video submission.
Review the guidelines and rubric document for Milestone One, including the support documents. Then record a short video sharing
your expecta�ons from and understanding of the scenario and corresponding requirements. As you record the video in the Bongo
Q&A tool, consider the following criteria:
1. Share your expecta�ons and understanding of the scenario. Iden�fy any ini�al ques�ons or concerns you have regarding:
The project scenario
The deliverables expected in Milestone One
2. Iden�fy a marke�ng topic from the course you are personally or professionally interested in, with a relevant ra�onale.
3. In prepara�on for the upcoming milestone, address the following:
Iden�fy topics in Milestone One you are familiar with. Address the following about the iden�fied topic: Where and
how did you learn/apply this topic?
If you have any addi�onal ques�ons or require addi�onal support from your instructor, let your instructor know
either in this video or through an alterna�ve format.
Guidelines for Submission
Using Bongo, record a video that is 3–5 minutes long.
If you are not able to record a video, you should reach out to your instructor and discuss submi�ng the assignment in an alternate
Criteria Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value
Milestone One
Expecta�ons and
N/A Shares clear
expecta�ons and
understanding of the
project scenario
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
Does not a�empt
criterion (0%)
Module One Video Check-In Rubric
MBA-645-Q5979 Optimizing Brands 22TW5 TM
6/6/22, 10:19 AM MBA 645 Module One Video Check-In Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-645-Q5979 Optimizing Brands 22TW5 2/3
(100%) improvement may
include sharing clear
expecta�ons and
understanding of the
project scenario
Marke�ng Topic of
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Iden�fies clearly the
marke�ng topic from
the course which is
of personal or
professional interest
and provides clear
ra�onale for the
same (90%)
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include iden�fying
the marke�ng topic
with a relevant
ra�onale (70%)
Does not a�empt
criterion (0%)
Familiar Topics
from Milestone
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Iden�fies the familiar
or known topics in
Milestone One and
provides clear and
relevant insights
about the topic
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include providing
relevant insights
about a familiar or
known topic from
Milestone One (70%)
Does not a�empt
criterion (0%)
Total: 100%
6/6/22, 10:19 AM MBA 645 Module One Video Check-In Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-645-Q5979 Optimizing Brands 22TW5 3/3
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Activity Details
MBA 645 Memo From Legal Team
To: Chief Marketing Officer—Global Theme Parks From: Corporate Legal Department
CC: U.S. Directors of Marketing, U.S. Parks Re: Legal and Ethical Considerations in Marketing the Parks’ Reopenings
Below you will find a list of considerations to take into account in the development of the marketing plans to support the reopening of our U.S. parks. We are asking you to review all plans and messaging with the legal teams at your specific parks, given that local and state statutes will vary. Broadly, these are considerations to keep top of mind as you develop your plans. Ethical considerations:
• There are growing corporate social responsibility (CSR) trends addressing people, planet, and profit. Commonly called the triple bottom line or TBL, these trends are becoming the expected norms for businesses.
• Ensure your efforts align with our company’s TBL efforts and CSR initiatives. • Ensure you engage critical stakeholder groups as required in both the marketing
initiatives and communications. • We understand a significant portion of our target audience is comprised of families with
young children, young adults, and teenagers. This audience is particularly sensitive to the CSR of businesses they consider supporting.
Here are six unethical and illegal practices to avoid:
1. False advertising 2. Selective marketing 3. Unethical data collection 4. Stereotyping 5. Negative advertising 6. Pricing strategies (predatory pricing or “bait and switch” pricing)
With consumers able to access transparent details of businesses' operational policies and philosophies, any questionable marketing approaches are sure to come to light and must be avoided.
6/6/22, 10:13 AM MBA 645 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-645-Q5979 Optimizing Brands 22TW5 1/5
MBA 645 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric
You are the regional marke�ng director of a theme park in the southeastern United States that is part of a global brand. The chief
marke�ng officer (CMO) of global opera�ons has called upon you to help coordinate the marke�ng tasks related to rolling out an
emergency response due to a recent safety and injury incident at one of the parks resul�ng in serious injuries to employees and
customers. The parks were closed immediately following the incident to ensure safety measures for customers and employees and
to deploy the needed safety measures.
Now, as the theme park is all set to reopen, the CMO has called you to take a lead in planning the marke�ng strategy for the same.
Your responsibility is to design a phased strategy for marke�ng the reopening of all parks. Your strategy should address the cri�cal
objec�ves such as maximum safety, crisis communica�on, customer sa�sfac�on, and profit poten�al. You must coordinate
marke�ng strategy with corporate strategy, as failure or success of the marke�ng strategy can have a direct impact on the brand.
As a first step, you will perform an analysis to understand the implica�ons of reopening on brand equity. In this analysis you will
iden�fy the groups of stakeholders that are affected by the reopening and also plan the communica�on strategy for before and a�er
the parks’ reopening. Also, you will iden�fy the roles and responsibili�es of key func�onal departments that are going to play an
important role in the reopening process. This analysis will help you develop a strategic marke�ng plan to address the reopening of
the park and also to develop an effec�ve crisis communica�on plan.
In this milestone, you will create a PowerPoint presenta�on that will include brand analysis and the implica�ons of reopening on the
brand equity and func�onal departments, including their roles and responsibili�es in the reopening process.
Brand Analysis and Implica�ons—In this part of the project, you will present the brand implica�ons of reopening the park in the
course scenario. Your presenta�on should include the following cri�cal factors:
1. Determine the essen�al factors that can impact the brand equity when reopening the park. (slides 1–3)
a. Describe the importance of brand equity to the organiza�on. (slide 1)
b. Provide posi�ve implica�ons (slide 2):
Safety concerns addressed and communicated
Community and local government support for reopening
Employee support for reopening
c. Provide nega�ve implica�ons (slide 3):
Social media nega�ve reac�ons
Employee nega�ve concerns
Opera�onal concerns for safety
2. Describe the strategic communica�on plan that should occur before and a�er the park reopens. Your responses should
address the following (slides 4–8):
a. Iden�fy three key stakeholder groups from this list:
Government agencies
MBA-645-Q5979 Optimizing Brands 22TW5 TM
6/6/22, 10:13 AM MBA 645 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-645-Q5979 Optimizing Brands 22TW5 2/5
b. Describe each stakeholder’s interests in the organiza�on.
c. Describe their communica�on needs.
d. Iden�fy the best mode for communica�ng with them based on their needs.
e. Describe what impact reopening the park could have on each iden�fied stakeholder (low, medium, or high). Why?
Func�onal Departmental Roles and Responsibili�es—In this part of the project, you will iden�fy three func�onal departments and
describe their roles and responsibili�es in making the reopening of the park a success. Your presenta�on should include the
following cri�cal factors (slides 9–12):
1. Iden�fy three func�onal departments, including marke�ng, that play a significant role in the reopening process.
Consider which departments will be most engaged in the reopening process. (slide 9)
2. Describe the roles and responsibili�es of these func�onal departments in the safe and successful process of
reopening the park. (slide 10)
3. Develop an internal communica�on plan that addresses the following (slides 11–12):
a. How will you take feedback from the stakeholders?
b. What could be the legal and ethical issues in reopening of the park? To understand the specific guidelines,
refer to the Memo From Legal Team.
c. What will be the frequency of mee�ngs with stakeholders to share relevant informa�on?
Guidelines for Submission
Submit a recorded PowerPoint presenta�on with 12–13 slides. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more informa�on.
Video: Record a Presenta�on
Use this resource to learn how to record your PowerPoint presenta�on with narra�on and video.
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement
(55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Brand Equity Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Describes the
importance of brand
equity and provides
posi�ve and nega�ve
implica�ons to the
organiza�on's brand
when the park
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include the
descrip�on of brand
equity or the
posi�ve and nega�ve
implica�ons to the
organiza�on’s brand
when the park
Does not a�empt
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Iden�fies three key
stakeholder groups;
describes their
interests in the
organiza�on and the
impact reopening
might have on them;
and iden�fies the
best mode of
communica�ng with
them based on their
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include sufficient
details concerning
descrip�on of
stakeholder interests
in the organiza�on
or the impact
reopening might
h th
Does not a�empt
Milestone One Rubric
6/6/22, 10:13 AM MBA 645 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-645-Q5979 Optimizing Brands 22TW5 3/5
have on them or
iden�fica�on of the
best mode of
communica�ng with
them based off their
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Iden�fies the three
including marke�ng,
that play a significant
role in the reopening
of the park
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include iden�fying
the func�onal
departments that
have a significant
role in reopening the
Does not a�empt
Roles and
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Describes the roles
and responsibili�es
of the func�onal
departments in the
safe and successful
process of reopening
the park
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include describing
the roles or
responsibili�es of
each of the
departments in the
safe and successful
reopening of the
Does not a�empt
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Develops an internal
communica�on plan
in alignment with the
brand support which
feedback, legal and
ethical issues, and
daily informa�on
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include iden�fying
the internal
needed, considering
feedback, legal and
ethical issues, and
Does not a�empt
Total: 100%
6/6/22, 10:13 AM MBA 645 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-645-Q5979 Optimizing Brands 22TW5 4/5
6/6/22, 10:13 AM MBA 645 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-645-Q5979 Optimizing Brands 22TW5 5/5
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