Your boss wants you to draft a two- to three-page vulnerability process and assessment memorandum addressing the main points of a VM process for Me
Your boss wants you to draft a two- to three-page vulnerability process and assessment memorandum addressing the main points of a VM process for Mercury USA. You will cover the main elements of a vulnerability management process, tailored to Mercury USA's business in the transportation sector, evaluate the OpenVAS scanning tool, and provide recommendations for mitigating the vulnerabilities found within the OpenVAS report.
The third-party pen tester used the free tool Open Vulnerability Assessment Scanner (OpenVAS) to scan Mercury USA’s network. Review the report from the OpenVAS Scan.
As you review the scan, consider some important points from Lesson 5:
- Priority
- Difficulty of implementation
- Communication/change control
- Inhibitors to remediation
- MOUs
- SLAs
- Business process interruption
- Degrading functionality
Scan Report
April 7, 2020
This document reports on the results of an automatic security scan. All dates are dis-
played using the timezone �Coordinated Universal Time�, which is abbreviated �UTC�. The
task was �Immediate scan of IP�. The scan started at Tue Apr 7 01:38:24 2020
UTC and ended at Tue Apr 7 01:41:26 2020 UTC. The report ˝rst summarises the results
found. Then, for each host, the report describes every issue found. Please consider the
advice given in each description, in order to rectify the issue.
1 Result Overview 2
2 Results per Host 2
2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1.1 High 445/tcp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1.2 High general/tcp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.3 Medium 135/tcp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.4 Low general/tcp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1 Result Overview
Host High Medium Low Log False Positive 2 1 1 0 0
Total: 1 2 1 1 0 0
Vendor security updates are not trusted. Overrides are on. When a result has an override, this report uses the threat of the override. Information on overrides is included in the report. Notes are included in the report. This report might not show details of all issues that were found. It only lists hosts that produced issues. Issues with the threat level �Log� are not shown. Issues with the threat level �Debug� are not shown. Issues with the threat level �False Positive� are not shown. Only results with a minimum QoD of 70 are shown.
This report contains all 4 results selected by the ˝ltering described above. Before ˝ltering there were 15 results.
2 Results per Host
Host scan start Tue Apr 7 01:38:44 2020 UTC Host scan end Tue Apr 7 01:41:26 2020 UTC
Service (Port) Threat Level
445/tcp High general/tcp High 135/tcp Medium general/tcp Low
2.1.1 High 445/tcp
High (CVSS: 9.3) NVT: Microsoft Windows SMB Server Multiple Vulnerabilities-Remote (4013389)
Summary This host is missing a critical security update according to Microsoft Bulletin MS17-010.
Vulnerability Detection Result Vulnerability was detected according to the Vulnerability Detection Method.
. . . continues on next page . . .
. . . continued from previous page . . .
Impact Successful exploitation will allow remote attackers to gain the ability to execute code on the target server, also could lead to information disclosure from the server.
Solution Solution type: VendorFix The vendor has released updates. Please see the references for more information.
A˙ected Software/OS Microsoft Windows 10 x32/x64 Edition Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Edition Microsoft Win- dows Server 2016 Microsoft Windows 8.1 x32/x64 Edition Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Edition Microsoft Windows 7 x32/x64 Edition Service Pack 1 Microsoft Windows Vista x32/x64 Edition Service Pack 2 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition Service Pack 1 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 x32/x64 Edition Service Pack 2
Vulnerability Insight Multiple ˛aws exist due to the way that the Microsoft Server Message Block 1.0 (SMBv1) server handles certain requests.
Vulnerability Detection Method Send the crafted SMB transaction request with ˝d = 0 and check the response to con˝rm the vulnerability. Details: Microsoft Windows SMB Server Multiple Vulnerabilities-Remote (4013389) OID: Version used: 2019-05-03T10:54:50+0000
References CVE: CVE-2017-0143, CVE-2017-0144, CVE-2017-0145, CVE-2017-0146, CVE-2017-0147, ,→CVE-2017-0148 BID:96703, 96704, 96705, 96707, 96709, 96706 Other:
[ return to ]
2.1.2 High general/tcp
High (CVSS: 10.0) NVT: OS End Of Life Detection
Product detection result cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_10:1507:cb:enterprise Detected by OS Detection Consolidation and Reporting (OID: . . . continues on next page . . .
. . . continued from previous page . . . ,→.105937)
Summary OS End Of Life Detection The Operating System on the remote host has reached the end of life and should not be used anymore.
Vulnerability Detection Result The "Windows 10" Operating System on the remote host has reached the end of life ,→. CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_10:1507:cb:enterprise Installed version, build or SP: 1507cb EOL date: 2017-05-09 EOL info: ,→cle-fact-sheet
Solution Solution type: Mitigation
Vulnerability Detection Method Details: OS End Of Life Detection OID: Version used: $Revision: 8927 $
Product Detection Result Product: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_10:1507:cb:enterprise Method: OS Detection Consolidation and Reporting OID:
[ return to ]
2.1.3 Medium 135/tcp
Medium (CVSS: 5.0) NVT: DCE/RPC and MSRPC Services Enumeration Reporting
Summary Distributed Computing Environment / Remote Procedure Calls (DCE/RPC) or MSRPC ser- vices running on the remote host can be enumerated by connecting on port 135 and doing the appropriate queries.
Vulnerability Detection Result Here is the list of DCE/RPC or MSRPC services running on this host via the TCP p ,→rotocol: . . . continues on next page . . .
. . . continued from previous page . . . Port: 49408/tcp
UUID: d95afe70-a6d5-4259-822e-2c84da1ddb0d, version Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49408]
Port: 49409/tcp UUID: 06bba54a-be05-49f9-b0a0-30f790261023, version Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49409] Annotation: Security Center UUID: 3c4728c5-f0ab-448b-bda1-6ce01eb0a6d5, version Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49409] Annotation: DHCP Client LRPC Endpoint UUID: 3c4728c5-f0ab-448b-bda1-6ce01eb0a6d6, version Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49409] Annotation: DHCPv6 Client LRPC Endpoint UUID: abfb6ca3-0c5e-4734-9285-0aee72fe8d1c, version Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49409] UUID: b3781086-6a54-489b-91c8-51d067172ab7, version Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49409] UUID: b37f900a-eae4-4304-a2ab-12bb668c0188, version Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49409] UUID: e7f76134-9ef5-4949-a2d6-3368cc0988f3, version Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49409] UUID: f6beaff7-1e19-4fbb-9f8f-b89e2018337c, version Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49409] Annotation: Event log TCPIP
Port: 49410/tcp UUID: 0d3c7f20-1c8d-4654-a1b3-51563b298bda, version Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49410] Annotation: UserMgrCli UUID: 1a0d010f-1c33-432c-b0f5-8cf4e8053099, version Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49410] Annotation: IdSegSrv service UUID: 2e6035b2-e8f1-41a7-a044-656b439c4c34, version Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49410] Annotation: Proxy Manager provider server endpoint UUID: 3a9ef155-691d-4449-8d05-09ad57031823, version Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49410] UUID: 552d076a-cb29-4e44-8b6a-d15e59e2c0af, version Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49410] Annotation: IP Transition Configuration endpoint UUID: 86d35949-83c9-4044-b424-db363231fd0c, version Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49410] UUID: 98716d03-89ac-44c7-bb8c-285824e51c4a, version Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49410] Annotation: XactSrv service UUID: b18fbab6-56f8-4702-84e0-41053293a869, version Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49410] Annotation: UserMgrCli
. . . continues on next page . . .
. . . continued from previous page . . . UUID: c36be077-e14b-4fe9-8abc-e856ef4f048b, version 1 Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49410] Annotation: Proxy Manager client server endpoint UUID: c49a5a70-8a7f-4e70-ba16-1e8f1f193ef1, version 1 Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49410] Annotation: Adh APIs UUID: c9ac6db5-82b7-4e55-ae8a-e464ed7b4277, version 1 Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49410] Annotation: Impl friendly name
Port: 49411/tcp UUID: 0b6edbfa-4a24-4fc6-8a23-942b1eca65d1, version 1 Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49411] UUID: 12345678-1234-abcd-ef00-0123456789ab, version 1 Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49411] Named pipe : spoolss Win32 service or process : spoolsv.exe Description : Spooler service UUID: 4a452661-8290-4b36-8fbe-7f4093a94978, version 1 Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49411] UUID: 76f03f96-cdfd-44fc-a22c-64950a001209, version 1 Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49411] UUID: ae33069b-a2a8-46ee-a235-ddfd339be281, version 1 Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49411]
Port: 49412/tcp UUID: 367abb81-9844-35f1-ad32-98f038001003, version 2 Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49412]
Port: 49413/tcp UUID: 12345778-1234-abcd-ef00-0123456789ac, version 1 Endpoint: ncacn_ip_tcp:[49413] Named pipe : lsass Win32 service or process : lsass.exe Description : SAM access
Note: DCE/RPC or MSRPC services running on this host locally were ,→porting this list is not enabled by default due to the possible ,→this list. See the script preferences to enable this reporting.
identified. Re large size of
Impact An attacker may use this fact to gain more knowledge about the remote host.
Solution Solution type: Mitigation Filter incoming tra°c to this ports.
Vulnerability Detection Method Details: DCE/RPC and MSRPC Services Enumeration Reporting OID: Version used: $Revision: 6319 $
[ return to ]
2.1.4 Low general/tcp
Low (CVSS: 2.6) NVT: TCP timestamps
Summary The remote host implements TCP timestamps and therefore allows to compute the uptime.
Vulnerability Detection Result It was detected that the host implements RFC1323. The following timestamps were retrieved with a delay of 1 seconds in-between: Packet 1: 470603 Packet 2: 471709
Impact A side e˙ect of this feature is that the uptime of the remote host can sometimes be computed.
Solution Solution type: Mitigation To disable TCP timestamps on linux add the line 'net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0' to /etc/sysctl.conf. Execute 'sysctl -p' to apply the settings at runtime. To disable TCP timestamps on Windows execute 'netsh int tcp set global timestamps=disabled' Starting with Windows Server 2008 and Vista, the timestamp can not be completely disabled. The default behavior of the TCP/IP stack on this Systems is to not use the Timestamp options when initiating TCP connections, but use them if the TCP peer that is initiating communication includes them in their synchronize (SYN) segment. See the references for more information.
A˙ected Software/OS TCP/IPv4 implementations that implement RFC1323.
Vulnerability Insight The remote host implements TCP timestamps, as de˝ned by RFC1323.
Vulnerability Detection Method Special IP packets are forged and sent with a little delay in between to the target IP. The responses are searched for a timestamps. If found, the timestamps are reported. Details: TCP timestamps OID: Version used: $Revision: 14310 $
References Other:
[ return to ]
This ˝le was automatically generated.
- Result Overview
- Results per Host
- High 445/tcp
- High general/tcp
- Medium 135/tcp
- Low general/tcp
[Your name and course number/section]
[Opening Salutation]:
In this section, provide a brief overview to establish the purpose of your memorandum. You should introduce the topics in Parts 1, 2, and 3, below. Remember that you are writing to your immediate boss to help her address the CEO’s concerns over recent cybersecurity attacks against the transportation sector. Additionally, your boss has provided you with the results of a recent pen testing engagement performed by a third party on behalf of Mercury USA.
Part 1: Vulnerability Management (VM) Process Recommendation
In this section, present a recommended VM process for Mercury USA. Highlight the major VM process components as you learned in your studies. Explain how your recommendation meets the business needs of Mercury USA. Consider the transportation sector and the overall scenario in context. The text and questions below represent specifics to focus on while writing the memorandum. Do not include the specific text of the questions in your final submission.
· What are the main elements of a VM process, tailored to Mercury USA and the transportation sector?
· How will you plan for and define the scope of a VM process?
· How will you identify the assets involved?
· How will you scan and assess vulnerabilities?
· What is/are the industry standard scanning tools? Support your findings.
· What frequency of scanning do you recommend and why?
· How will you report the results of scanning and recommended countermeasures?
Part 2: Vulnerability Scanning Tool Evaluation and Recommendations
After performing an analysis of the vulnerability report provided by the third-party penetration testers, present your evaluation of the tool and your recommendations here. The text and questions below represent the specifics to focus on while writing your memorandum. Do not include the specific text of the questions in your final submission.
· Identify the scanner used to produce the report. Is the tool open source or commercial? Do you consider the tool to be industry standard?
· What are some advantages to using the tool? Disadvantages?
· What is your overall impression of the tool’s output?
· Does the tool provide enough reporting detail for you as the analyst to focus on the correct vulnerabilities? Can you appropriately discern the most critical vulnerabilities?
· Do you think mitigations for the vulnerabilities are adequately covered in the report?
· Do you think the reports are suitable for management? Explain why or why not.
· Would you distribute the report automatically? Explain why or why not.
· Would you recommend that Mercury USA use the tool? Explain why or why not.
Part 3: Business Case Example
In this section, provide an example of what could happen if Mercury USA does not implement your recommendations for a VM process (e.g., data exfiltration, hacker intrusions, ransomware, etc.). The text and questions below represent the specifics to focus on while writing your memorandum. Do not include the specific text of the questions in your final submission.
· What are some of the outcomes to the business if your example occurred?
· How does your recommended VM process address the example you used?
· For the tool you evaluated in Part 2 above, do you think the tool will be adequate? Why or why not?
In this section, summarize the main points of your argument for a VM process, tool evaluation, and use the case example to support your recommendations. Keep in mind that you are addressing the CEO’s concerns over recent cybersecurity attacks against the transportation sector and how you can help increase Mercury USA’s overall security posture to protect the organization against attacks, breaches, and data loss.
<Closing Salutation>
<Your Name> Cybersecurity Threat Analyst
Mercury USA
Use in-text citations in the body of your memorandum as appropriate. Add all sources you used here. This example citation uses IEEE style. Use a style of your choice or ask your instructor for clarification. When using the associated course content, ensure that you cite to the chapter level.
[1] "Chapter 5: Implementing an Information Security Vulnerability Management Process", Pearson CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+), 2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28- Apr- 2020].
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