Individual Reflective Report During your Adva
1.1 CourseworkTask to be completed by Students
Component 01 – Individual Reflective Report
During your Advance Practice you will have developed a number of skills and will have experienced a number of emotions. This component gives you the opportunity to reflect, analyse and propose future actions as a result of your experiences during this module in order to enhance your ability to become a reflective practitioner.
The Individual Reflective Report must demonstrate a critical and analytic thought process, a clear line of argument, and the use of evidence through examples of personal experiences, thoughts, and possibly theoretical literature. It must also contain the following 4 Rs of Reflective Writing:
· Reporting and Responding – Describe your experience, report what happened. Why is it relevant? Respond to your experiences with observations or expressing your opinion
· Relating – Draw a relationship between your experiences during the project and past experiences or modules/concepts/theories. Make a connection between how your skills, past professional experiences or discipline knowledge helped you during the project. Did you have the skills and knowledge to deal with task?
· Reasoning – Rationalise your experiences and make sense of the experiences through theory, ethical, social or political factors.
Reconstructing – Develop a plan to change your future actions/behaviours and to develop gaps in your skills. How would I deal with this next time?
Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Environment
Coursework Specification (Resit)
Module Information
Module Title
Advance Practice
Module Code Number
Module Level and Credit Points
Level 7, 60 Credits
Module Leader
Dr Shahid Rasul
Assessment Component Number (on Module Specification)
01 and 02
Assessment Weighting (on Module Specification)
Component 01 – Pass/Fail
Component 02 – Pass/Fail
Both Components must be passed
Coursework Title
Component 01 – Individual Reflective Report
Component 02 – Group Project Presentation
Coursework Specification Author
Dr Shahid Rasul
Michelle Littlemore
Prof James Martin
Academic Year and Semester(s)
Coursework Submission and Feedback
Release Date of Coursework Specification to Students
22nd August 2022
Mechanism Used to Disseminate Coursework Specification to Students
Via eLP and in class
Date and Time of Submission of Coursework by Students
Group Project Presentation –
Presentations (e.g. PowerPoint file) to be submitted Blackboard 6th May 2022 23:58 GMT – Only one member of the team must submit the presentation. The format for handing in the presentation is outlined in the expected size of the submission.
Presentations to academics and external project sponsors where appropriate will be held w/c 9nd May 2022 – you will be informed of a date and time prior to the end of semester 2.
Individual Reflective Report – to be submitted via TurnitinUK 17th May 2022 23:58 GMT
The mechanism for Submission of Coursework by Students
Return Date of Unconfirmed Internally Moderated Mark(s) and Feedback to Students
20th June 16:00 GMT
The mechanism for Return of Unconfirmed Internally Moderated Mark(s) and Feedback to Students
• Formative feedback/tutorial support will be given during the stages of the module delivery.
• Summative feedback/feedforward will be made via eLP TurnitinUK and during the Final Presentations
The Advance Practice Award
Your Advance Practice semester will be assessed on a pass/fail basis and does not contribute to the classification of your degree. However when taken and passed it is recognised both in your transcript as a 60 credit Advance Practice Module and in your degree title.
Assessment Details
Module Learning Outcomes (MLOs) Assessed by Coursework
Specific achievements will be defined within your individual learning contract. However, all students are expected demonstrate an ability to achieve the following: Knowledge & Understanding:
• MLO1: Reflect upon, challenge and extend existing personal knowledge of your discipline. • MLO2: Evidence an enhanced understanding of your discipline through the application of existing knowledge in unfamiliar learning environments and through the acquisition of new knowledge and perspectives derived from experience out-with your formal taught programme. Intellectual/Professional skills & abilities:
• MLO3: Exercise self-direction of your own learning by identifying and managing tasks individually and as a member of a team which address your personal goals. • MLO4: Demonstrate mastery of intellectual and professional skills appropriate to your discipline. • MLO5: Critically analyse and communicate ideas in appropriate written and verbal forms. Personal Values/Attributes:
• MLO6: Demonstrate self-awareness of personal development.
Coursework Task to be completed by Students
Component 01 – Individual Reflective Report
During your Advance Practice you will have developed a number of skills and will have experienced a number of emotions. This component gives you the opportunity to reflect, analyse and propose future actions as a result of your experiences during this module in order to enhance your ability to become a reflective practitioner.
The Individual Reflective Report must demonstrate a critical and analytic thought process, a clear line of argument, and the use of evidence through examples of personal experiences, thoughts, and possibly theoretical literature. It must also contain the following 4 Rs of Reflective Writing:
· Reporting and Responding – Describe your experience, report what happened. Why is it relevant? Respond to your experiences with observations or expressing your opinion
· Relating – Draw a relationship between your experiences during the project and past experiences or modules/concepts/theories. Make a connection between how your skills, past professional experiences or discipline knowledge helped you during the project. Did you have the skills and knowledge to deal with task?
· Reasoning – Rationalise your experiences and make sense of the experiences through theory, ethical, social or political factors.
Reconstructing – Develop a plan to change your future actions/behaviours and to develop gaps in your skills. How would I deal with this next time?
Component 02 – Group Presentation.
As an output of your Advance Practice experience, you will be required to present the findings/solutions from your project brief to your industry client. You will also present your findings to a panel of academics for your final assessment.
If you are part of a group, then it is expected that each member of the group will contribute to the presentation and that each person will present an element of the presentation.
The presentation must clearly and concisely communicate the following:
· A brief background to the company and the objectives of the brief
· The research that you undertook
· The methods that you employed
· The findings and the solutions
· Conclusions
As a member of your project team you are expected to fully contribute to the output of the project brief. If there are any issues regarding you not contributing fully to the task you will be addressed by the module tutor and the Advance practice co-ordinator to assess your position on the project.
Expected Size of Coursework
Individual Reflective Account
· The work should be formatted as a Advance reflective report with numbered headings and subheadings
· The work should be formatted using ‘Arial’ font, of font size ‘11’, with 1.5 line spacing.
· The work shall be a maximum of 3,000 words (max 12 sides of A4 sheets)
· Figures and tables (diagrams, illustrations, photographs etc.) and tables are welcome to support the text. Figures, tables etc must be the author’s own and must add value to the report.
· The work must form a structured and coherent whole. It must contain a contents page and a basic front sheet that identifies the student number (not name), the total number of words used (excluding references, abstract and appendices section), and the number of figures/tables used.
· Submission of the reflective report should be titled in the following format
· Student name followed by Academic supervisors last name followed by the Client and the Project name
For example: Student Name_LITTLEMORE Bowmer and Kirkland Warehouse
Group Presentation
· The presentation will be conducted by all members of the group. The presentation will last 15 minutes with an additional 5 minutes for questions and answers
· The presentation format will be in PowerPoint (PPT)
· Submission of the PowerPoint should be titled in the following format
Group number followed by Academic supervisors last name followed by the Client and the Project name
For example: Group 2 LITTLEMORE Bowmer and Kirkland Warehouse
The University word limit policy is accessible here:
Referencing Style
You are to write your coursework using the Cite Them Right version of the Harvard referencing system. An online guide to Cite Them Right is freely available to Northumbria University students at:
Assessment Criteria
Component 01 – Group Presentation
Pass and Fail grades are determined from the weighted sum of marks from each criterion as defined in the table below:
Fail (<40) |
Adequate (50-59) |
Good (60-69) |
Excellent (>70) |
Presentation Quality, Clarity and Skill (20%) |
A poor presentation that demonstrates no cohesiveness amongst the team. Has little logic and lacks clarity |
An adequate presentation that is presented with some logic and clarity but lacks a good level of professionalism |
A good presentation that is logical, clear and conducted in a professional manner |
An excellent presentation that is logical, clear and conducted in a professional manner |
Industrial Sympathy (application in the real world) (30%) |
Non-Coherent and no clear advice to the client. Shows limited/no understanding of the technology/knowledge transfer. Unable to defend the success of the project |
Adequate advice to the client showing some understanding of the technology/knowledge transfer and risk. Defends the applicable success of the project |
Good advice to the client showing good understanding of the technology/knowledge transfer and risk. Defends the applicable success of the project |
Coherent and clear advice to client showing clear understanding of the technology/knowledge transfer and risk. Defends the applicable success of the project |
Level of expertise in subject matter (30%) |
No grip on the subject matter. No grasp of the wider application relating to the subject area |
An adequate grip on the subject matter. Limited grasp of the wider application relating to the subject area |
A good grip on the subject matter. Grasp of the wider application relating to the subject area |
An excellent grip on the subject matter. Expertise evidenced. Grasp of the wider application relating to the subject area |
Conclusions and Recommendations (10%) |
Poor Clarity. Not clearly defined in a real-world context |
Adequate clarity with some evidence of thinking through the process. Some explanation in a real-world context |
Good clarity and well thought out process. Clearly explained in a real-world context |
Excellent clarity and extremely well thought out. Clearly explained in a real-world context |
Management of Questions and Answers (10%) |
Poor management of questions |
Adequate management of questions |
Good management of questions |
Excellent management of questions |
Component 02 – Reflective Account
Criterion/Level |
Fail (<40) |
Adequate (50-59) |
Good (60-69) |
Excellent (>70) |
Clarity – 20% |
Language is vague and confusing throughout the report |
There are frequent lapses in clarity and accuracy in the report |
Minor infrequent gaps in clarity and accuracy in the report |
The language is clear and expressive. The reviewer can clearly understand the purpose and position of the report |
Relevance – 20% |
Most of the reflection does not relate to the learning experiences of the student and/or learning objectives in the context of the project brief and learning contract |
Student makes attempts to demonstrate relevance, but the relevance is unclear to the reader. Some linkage to project brief, AP learning objectives and the learning contract |
The learning experience being reflected upon is good, relevant, and meaningful to the student and the AP learning objectives in the context of the project brief and learning contract |
The learning experience being reflected upon is excellent, relevant, and meaningful to the student and the AP learning objectives in the context of the project brief and learning contract |
Analysis – 20% |
Reflection does not move beyond description of the learning experiences during the AP project |
Student makes attempts at applying the learning experience to understanding of AP project concepts but fails to demonstrate depth of analysis |
The reflection demonstrates a good level of applying the learning experience and analyses elements that have contributed to the students understanding of the AP project |
The reflection moves beyond simple description of the experience to an analysis of how the experience contributed to the students understanding of the AP project |
Interconnections – 15% |
No attempt to demonstrate connections to previous learning or experiences with AP project |
The reflection demonstrates little or no attempt to make connections between the experience and material from other modules at Northumbria University, past experiences and/or personal goals for their AP project |
The reflection demonstrates good connections between the experience and material from other modules at Northumbria University, past experiences and/or personal goals for their AP project |
The reflection demonstrates excellent connections between the experience and material from other modules at Northumbria University, past experiences and/or personal goals for their AP project |
Self-Criticism – 15% |
No attempt at self-criticism and relevant improvement strategies |
There is some attempt at self-criticism, but the self-reflection fails to demonstrate a new awareness of personal learning developments |
The reflection demonstrates ability of the student to question their own biases, project implementation strategy, team dynamics and skills but is limited in formulating new modes of thinking |
The reflection demonstrates ability of the student to question their own biases, project implementation strategy, team dynamics and skills to formulation new modes of thinking. |
Student Engagement – 10% (Based on engagement with the process and your team throughout the module) |
Less than 50% attendance recorded at scheduled meetings. Little or no information, that has been asked for, has been provided. Lack of engagement with the process and the team |
50% attendance at scheduled meetings. An adequate level of the information, that has been asked for, has been provided There has been some engagement with the process and the team. |
80% attendance at scheduled meetings and gateways in the module. Most of the information asked for has been provided. Good level of team engagement |
100% attendance at scheduled meetings and gateways in the module. All information that has been asked for has been provided. Fully engaged in the team and their activities |
The Referral Attempt opportunity will generally take place after the end-of-level Progression and Awards Board (PAB). If you become eligible to complete a Referral Attempt but are subsequently unable to undertake the opportunity when required, you will be permitted to re-sit the module at the next scheduled sitting of the module assessment. This will typically entail the suspension of your progression on your programme of study until such time that you have completed the level and become eligible to proceed.
Guidance for Students on Policies for Assessment
The University has several policies for assessment. The following information, which is available to you from the link below, provides guidance on these policies, including relevant procedures and forms.
(1) Assessment Regulations and Policies
(a) Assessment Regulations for Taught Awards
(b) Group Work Assessments Policy
(c) Moderation Policy
(d) Retention of Assessed Work Policy
(e) Word Limits Policy
(2) Assessment Feedback
(a) Anonymous Marking Policy
(3) Late Submission of Work and Extension Requests
(4) Personal Extenuating Circumstances
(5) Technical Extenuating Circumstances
(6) Student Complaints and Appeals
(7) Academic Misconduct
(8) Student Disability and Unforeseen Medical Circumstances
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Vemury Structural Consultancy Ltd.
– Boini Aishwarya Yadav Project Manager
•Current Degree – MSc Construction Project Management
– Keshav ShipthiCommunication Lead •Current Degree – MSc Construction Project Management
– Bhargava GullipalliResearch Lead •Current Degree – MSc Construction Project Management
•Evaluate the Project performance
•Monitor the Project progress
•Manage the Resources
create, implement and oversee
communications programs
•Carry out work according to protocols
• Collect and log experimental data.
•Conduct statistical analyses of data sets
Needs Strategies Research &
Client Requirements
Sustainable Needs Project Considerations
• To propose and implement various
construction techniques to aid in the
development of energy-efficient, low-cost
buildings in a specific region of south
Asian countries using compressed earth
blocks and solar panels.
• Choosing an appropriate south Asian location. • A proper research on incorporating earth blocks
and solar panels into the building with its drawbacks.
• Research other low cost innovative ideas for improved energy efficiency.
• A detailed report containing all the investigation and research on energy-efficient low cost building design.
Location Identification of location
Investigation Investigation resources
Design process Design process of the construction
as per client requirement Implementation Implementation of various
Challenges To over come design challenges &
Implementations challenges Solutions Finding solutions for various
Status Maintain the project status
Risk Management/analysis Project cost Analysis
Project Delivery process
Maintenance Project records and
Chick list
• Dundigal is a city and municipality in the Medchal – Malkajgiri district, Telangana, India.
• Area : Total 65 km2 (25 sq mi)
• Population (2011) : 40,817
30°C night
40°C day
Humidity level 30%
25.73mm (9 days) rainfall
• ,
• Telangana is a semi-arid area and has a predominantly hot and dry climate. Summers start in March, and peak in May with average high temperatures in the 42 °C (108 °F) range.
• Extreme heat and humidity
• The Economy of Telangana is mainly driven by agriculture. Most of the families cannot afford air- conditioning
• Investigation resources is key point for any project, because every
project has their own needs based on their we need to find the
Hear our project is mainly based on LOW Cost Building
Hear mainly two investigation concentrated
• Site Investigation
• Material Investigation
Client availabilities are the main priorities for that we have to
investigate our client needs and, we have to make adjustments to
our project.
• For the design process we need consider
lot of factors
• Mainly we have to show them our
project low cost, Eco friendly and
In this work, we are preparing one design
diagram using different design software
and implementing low-cost techniques
such as compressed earth blocks, solar
panels and some other.
• To make this construction as low cost
we have to implement to many
• For make the construction cost is low
We consider following techniques
Using Earth blocks
Using low density concrete
Use eco friendly martial
Using solar panels
Use standard reusable materials
Great material for thermal mass
It’s non toxic
Bricks are easy to work with
Incredibly environmental friendly
Reduce building’s electricity cost
No maintenance
Fire resistant,
Thermal and acoustical insulation properties make it ideal
for a wide range of purposes
Low Cost
• To make any project with low cost we have to
follow lot of challenges
Handling of materials
Maintain the proper resources
Maintain work flow
Handling of people
Adjusting design concepts
• To make the cost of the project is low hear
we consider following materials
Interlinking Blocks
EPS Core Panels
Tree Barriers
Stone walls
Glass in construction
Interlinking blocks Barrier EPS core Panels
Tree barriers Stone work walls Glass in Construction
The project status can be expressed in the following images
Initiate : Hear our initiation of the project is to make
project is low cost and full fill the client needs.
Plan : As per the client need we prepare the road map for
engaging the work.
Design : To make our project in clear understanding we
made our own design and how to apply our thoughts in that
Construct : As per the client's needs, we construct our
work plan, elaborate the work to all standards and all
together make our project in success.
Close: We hope we present the best out put client and
we feel satisfies all the requirements of the client.
For adjusting the client in the specified location, we
have to face a lot of risks, we need to do a risk
management plan as per the diagram we should do
the risk management plan.
To deliver any project, we have to follow proper manner, for
that to follow the all the steps like
•To check the client's needs are done.
•To check the design standards are perfectly adjusted to the
client's specifications.
•To explain what we have done and where we have adjusted
client points.
Maintenance is the process of ensuring that
buildings and other assets retain a good
appearance and operate at optimum
efficiency. Inadequate maintenance can
result in decay, degradation and reduced
performance and can affect heath and
threaten the safety of users, occupants and
others in the vicinity
General House Low cost house
Regular use of material Using different materials
Design pattern is general Innovative designs used
Cost of the construction is standard
based of the price of the market
When combative general house the
cost of decreased 1/3
Damage of environmental is moderate Purely eco friendly
To full the client needs we are adopted so many
techniques and process, if we follow the mentioned
processes in the required house it will definitely goes low
cost of constructions.
And what ever we suggest the techniques are
acceptable in ISO standards and practically provide.
We are so grateful for the pleasure of
serving you and hope we met your
KB7052 Research Project Page 2 of 3
Suggested Format 3000 word Reflective report ( this is an example and not mandatory)
Part 1 500 – 750 words
Abstract of Project
Abstract description of project The client and specific requirement Project Aims and Objectives Group roles Outcomes Achieved
Part 2: 1500 – 2000 words
Research Methodologies Applied
Research methodologies applied Target Audience Learning Styles considered to support your
outcomes (Cognitive/ Psychomotor)
Identified Knowledge transfer skills employed to support client’s requirements
Processes embedded within your outcomes (online collaboration/ Video presenting)
New skills learnt or adopted Timeline / overview of key stages Evidence of Teamwork/ Collaboration Engagement with the Industrial Simulation Feedback‐ from client/ academic supervisor ( may wish to
support this with the minutes from meetings) Part 3: 500 – 750 words
Conclusion Evaluation of outcomes achieved Skills learnt Impact of Covid on Teaching and Learning (changes/
knowledge transfer and the lessons learnt) What you will do next: Plagiarism Free Papers
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