In task 7-3, you will submit five to seven pages that represent a marketing plan for a trend or product (to present to a retailer for adoption).
In task 7-3, you will submit five to seven pages that represent a marketing plan for a trend or product (to present to a retailer for adoption). The marketing plan identifies, describes, evaluates, and analyzes the important points that must be addressed to bring a trend or product idea to market. This final paper should incorporate everything from Milestones One through Five, revised and streamlined into five to seven pages for the final marketing plan.
- Identify the trend or product: Does the trend or product idea fulfill a need within the local marketplace and the global marketplace as well? Describe the target customer: What makes the trend or product desirable to this target customer?
- Evaluate the competition: How will the trend or product win over clients and business from the competition?
Analyze challenges and draft solutions: What are the challenges of bringing the trend or product to market, and how can the trend or product overcome these challenges? Create and describe a marketing plan: What are the specific details of the marketing plan (branding, social media, traditional media), how will these details help make a trend or product appeal to a target customer, and what can be done to get a trend or product recognized?
FMM 457: Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide
Overview The final project for this course is the creation of a marketing plan for a trend or product (to present to a retailer for adoption). In Module Two, you will identify a trend or product to present to a retailer, based on establishing a need in the marketplace. In Module Three, you will describe a target customer and why he or she would want the trend or product, and define the impact on local and global industries. In Module Four, you will assess major competition and draft solutions to attract target customers. In Module Five, you will analyze any potential challenges in bringing this trend to the market, as well as opportunities. In Module Six, you will define how to market and brand this trend or product. By Module Seven, bring everything together in a five- to seven-page final paper (using APA citations) and create a marketing plan that summarizes coursework up to this point by identifying the specific details of the plan (branding, social media, traditional media), how these details will help make a trend or product appeal to a target customer, and what can be done to get a trend or product recognized. The final product represents an authentic demonstration of competency because it presents the student work in an original marketing plan for a trend or product. The project is divided into six milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six. The final marketing plan will be submitted in Module Seven.
Outcomes The marketing plan helps students to meet the following course outcomes:
1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the importance of designing qualitative and quantitative studies to address management issues or to examine business opportunities in the fashion-merchandising arena.
2. Students will understand the difficulties involved in developing new trends in the fashion industry. 3. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the difficulty involved in developing a sustainable and efficient supply chain system in the fashion
Guidelines Milestone One: Identify a Trend or Product In task 2-3, you will submit two to three pages that identify a trend or product to be presented for adoption to a retailer. First, describe the trend or product in detail as well as the opportunity gap currently present in the fashion marketplace. Then, answer the following questions: Is there anything else currently in the local market similar to the trend or product you have identified? Who would benefit from the new trend or product? Can the identified trend or product be adopted globally or only in a specific locale or region? To complete this task, be sure to refer to and integrate all of the ideas and concepts learned thus far from the resources and discussions in Modules One and Two. The milestone should be submitted as a Word document with APA citations. The task will be graded with the Trend or Product Rubric.
Milestone Two: Describe a Target Customer In task 3-3, you will submit two to three pages that illustrate, describe, and define the target customer for the trend or product identified in Module Two. Clearly illustrate who your target customer is and describe why he or she would want to buy your trend or product. Also, define the need for your trend or product in the local marketplace. Make sure you include information on how it could be used in the global marketplace. The milestone should be submitted as a Word document with APA citations. The task will be graded with the Target Customer Rubric.
Milestone Three: Assess Major Competition In task 4-3, you will submit two to three pages that, while keeping the target customer in mind, will define and assess the major competition for the trend or product identified in Module Two. Who are the major competitors already existing and operating in the marketplace? Who might be a potential competitor in the near future? What, if anything, would be done to deter consumers from purchasing from the competition? How could attention, customers, and business be attracted away from the competition? This milestone should be submitted as a Word document with APA citations. The task will be graded with the Major Competition Rubric.
Milestone Four: Analyze Potential Challenges In task 5-3, you will submit two to three pages that analyze what is believed to be the biggest potential challenges when bringing to market the trend or product identified in Module Two. Describe in detail how to address these challenges for the target customer as well as how to handle challenges from the competition. In addition, describe how to overcome these challenges and potentially use them to the trend’s or product’s benefit. Identify any copyright or trademark issues that might be encountered and ways to effectively deal with such issues. Lastly, how can it be ensured that someone else’s copyright or trademark is not being used during the design of a trend or product? The milestone should be submitted as a Word document with APA citations. The task will be graded with the Potential Challenges Rubric.
Milestone Five: Define Marketing and Branding In task 6-3, you will submit two to three pages that define how to market and brand a trend or product. Draft out a minimum of three key marketing and branding strategies. If there are symbols or logos to be used to market or brand the trend or product, define what they are. Summarize marketing or branding strategies by pinpointing the trend or product, the target customer, the challenges, and the opportunities. This milestone should be submitted as a Word document with APA citations. The task will be graded with the Marketing and Branding Rubric.
A Marketing Plan for a T rend or Product (to Present to a Retailer for Adoption) In task 7-3, you will submit five to seven pages that represent a marketing plan for a trend or product (to present to a retailer for adoption). The marketing plan identifies, describes, evaluates, and analyzes the important points that must be addressed to bring a trend or product idea to market. This final paper should incorporate everything from Milestones One through Five, revised and streamlined into five to seven pages for the final marketing plan.
Identify the trend or product: Does the trend or product idea fulfill a need within the local marketplace and the global marketplace as well? Describe the target customer: What makes the trend or product desirable to this target customer?
Evaluate the competition: How will the trend or product win over clients and business from the competition?
Analyze challenges and draft solutions: What are the challenges of bringing the trend or product to market, and how can the trend or product overcome these challenges? Create and describe a marketing plan: What are the specific details of the marketing plan (branding, social media, traditional media), how will these details help make a trend or product appeal to a target customer, and what can be done to get a trend or product recognized?
This final research paper, the marketing plan for a trend or product (to present to a retailer for adoption), should be submitted as a Word document with APA citations. The task will be graded with the Final Product Rubric.
Deliverable Milestones
Milestone Deliverables Module Due Grading
1 Identify a Trend or Product Two Graded separately; Trend or Product Rubric
2 Describe a Target Customer Three Graded separately; Target Customer Rubric
3 Assess Major Competition Four Graded separately; Major Competition Rubric
4 Analyze Potential Challenges Five Graded separately; Potential Challenges Rubric
5 Define Marketing and Branding Six Graded separately; Marketing and Branding Rubric
6 Final Paper: A Marketing Plan for a Trend or Product
Seven Graded separately; Final Product Rubric
Trend or Product Rubric (Milestone One)
Requirements of submission: Written components of project must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. This paper should be two to three pages in length.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Description of Trend or Product and
Opportunity Gap
Provides a detailed and insightful description of the trend or product and opportunity gap for the trend or product
Provides a detailed description of the trend or product and the opportunity gap for the trend or product
Provides a minimal description of the trend or product and the opportunity gap with few details
Does not describe the trend or product or opportunity gap
Marketability Analysis
Demonstrates a comprehensive and thoughtful exploration of issues and ideas when analyzing the marketability of the trend and answers all of the questions posed in the task description
Demonstrates a thoughtful exploration of issues and ideas when analyzing the marketability of the trend and answers most of the questions posed in the task description
Attempts an exploration of issues and ideas when analyzing the marketability of the trend and answers some of the questions posed in the task description
Does not explore issues and ideas when analyzing the marketability of the trend; does not answer the questions in the task description
Course Concept Integration
Effectively incorporates the majority of relevant course concepts and ideas, applying the information to the trend description and analysis
Incorporates numerous course concepts and ideas, applying the information to the trend description and analysis
Incorporates a few course concepts and ideas, minimally applying the information to the trend description and analysis
Does not incorporate course concepts and ideas; does not apply information to the trend description and analysis
Writing (Mechanics)
No errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Minor errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Some errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Major errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Earned Total 100%
Target Customer Rubric (Milestone Two)
Requirements of submission: Written components of project must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. This paper should be two to three pages in length.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Target Customer Illustration
Provides a highly detailed, effective illustration of the target customer, including extensive demographic and psychosocial characteristics
Provides a detailed illustration of the target customer, including numerous demographic and psychosocial characteristics
Provides a minimal illustration of the target customer, including only a few demographic and psychosocial characteristics
Does not illustrate the target customer
Trend or Product Description
Coherent and well-thought-out description of why the target customer would buy the trend or product
Coherent description of why the target customer would buy the trend or product
Attempts and struggles to coherently describe why the target customer would buy the trend or product
Does not describe why the target customer would buy the trend or product
Definition of Marketplace Need
Clearly and insightfully defines the need for the trend or product in marketplaces both local and global
Clearly defines the need for the trend or product in marketplaces both local and global
Attempts to define the need for the trend or product in marketplaces both local and global
Does not define the need for the trend in any marketplace
Writing (Mechanics)
No errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Minor errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Some errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Major errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Earned Total 100%
Major Competition Rubric (Milestone Three)
Requirements of submission: Written components of project must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. This paper should be two to three pages in length.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Major Competition Definition
Identifies the major competition in detail, insightfully defining and assessing who they are in the present marketplace, who they might be in the near future, and why they are perceived as such
Identifies the major competition in detail, defining and assessing who they are in the present marketplace, who they might be in the near future, and why they are perceived as such
Minimally identifies the major competition, attempting to define and assess who they are, who they might be, and why they are perceived as such
Does not identify your major competition; does not define or assess who they are
Description of Deterrence
Effectively describes what would be done to deter consumers from purchasing from the competition
Describes what would be done to deter consumers from purchasing from the competition
Minimally describes what would be done to deter consumers from purchasing from the competition
Does not describe what would done to deter consumers from purchasing from the competition
Attracting Attention Explanation
Comprehensively explains how to attract attention, customers, and business away from the competition, expressing multiple ideas and enticements for and to the target customer
Explains how to attract attention, customers, and business away from the competition, expressing some ideas and enticements for and to the target customer
Minimally explains how to attract attention, customers, and business away from the competition, expressing very few ideas and enticements for and to the target customer
Does not explain how to attract attention, customers, and business away from the competition; does not express any ideas and enticements for and to the target customer
Writing (Mechanics)
No errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Minor errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Some errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Major errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Earned Total 100%
Potential Challenges Rubric (Milestone Four)
Requirements of submission: Written components of project must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. This paper should be two to three pages in length.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Analysis of Potential Challenges
Comprehensively analyzes both the challenges for bringing a trend or product to a target customer and the challenges from competition, using specific details
Analyzes both the challenges for bringing a trend or product to a target customer and the challenges from competition, using some details
Minimally analyzes the challenges for bringing a trend or product to a target customer and the challenges from competition
Does not analyze challenges 30
Addressing Challenges Description
Insightfully describes what to do to overcome challenges and potentially use them to the benefit of a trend or product
Describes what to do to overcome challenges and potentially use them to the benefit of a trend or product
Minimally describes what to do to overcome challenges and potentially use them to the benefit of a trend or product
Does not describe what to do to overcome challenges and use them to the benefit of a trend or product
Copyright and Trademark Analysis
Effectively analyzes any copyright or trademark issues that might be encountered and conclusively details how to deal with them
Analyzes any copyright or trademark issues that might be encountered and details how to deal with them
Attempts but struggles to analyze any copyright or trademark issues that might be encountered and struggles to logically detail how to deal with them
Does not analyze any copyright or trademark issues; does not detail how to deal with them
Writing (Mechanics)
No errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Minor errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Some errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Major errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Earned Total 100%
Marketing and Branding Rubric (Milestone Five)
Requirements of submission: Written components of projects must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. This paper should be two to three pages in length.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Draft of Marketing and Branding
Comprehensively drafts a minimum of three key marketing or branding strategies for the trend or product using specific details
Drafts a minimum of three key marketing or branding strategies for the trend or product using some details
Attempts but struggles to draft a minimum of three key marketing or branding strategies for the trend or product
Does not draft a minimum of three key marketing or branding strategies for the trend or product
Definition of Symbols or Logos
Creatively and accurately defines symbols or logos to be used to help market or brand a trend or product
Accurately defines symbols or logos to be used to help market or brand a trend or product
Minimally and/or inaccurately defines symbols or logos to be used to help market or brand a trend or product
Does not define symbols or logos to be used to help market or brand a trend or product
Summary of Marketing or
Branding Strategies
Comprehensively summarizes marketing or branding strategies by clearly pinpointing the trend or product, target customer, challenges, and opportunities
Summarizes marketing or branding strategies by pinpointing the trend or product, target customer, challenges, and opportunities
Minimally summarizes marketing or branding strategies
Does not summarize marketing or branding strategies
Writing (Mechanics)
No errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Minor errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Some errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Major errors related to organization, grammar, and style
Earned Total 100%
Final Product Rubric
Format: Written components of projects must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. This paper should be five to seven pages in length.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Identification of a Trend or Product
Insightfully identifies a trend or product and how the trend or product fulfills a need within both the local and the global marketplace using specific details
Identifies a trend or product and how the trend or product fulfills a need within both the local and the global marketplace using some
Minimally identifies a trend or product and how the trend or product fulfills a need within both the local and the global marketplace
Does not identify a trend or product and how the trend or product fulfills a need within both the local and the global marketplace
Description of the Target Customer
Effectively and thoroughly describes the target customer and what makes the trend or product desirable to this customer
Thoroughly describes the target customer and what makes the trend or product desirable to this customer
Inconclusively describes the target customer and what makes the trend or product desirable to this customer
Does not describe the target customer and what makes the trend or product desirable to this customer
Assessment of Major Competition
Accurately and comprehensively assesses the competition and how the trend or product will win over clients and business from this competition
Comprehensively assesses the competition and how the trend or product will win over clients and business from this competition
Minimally and/or inaccurately assesses the competition and how the trend or product will win over clients and business from this competition
Does not assess the competition and how the trend or product will win over clients and business from this competition
Analysis of Potential Challenges
Conclusively analyzes the challenges of bringing the trend or product to market and how such challenges can be overcome
Analyzes the challenges of bringing the trend or product to market and how such challenges can be overcome
Inconclusively analyzes the challenges of bringing the trend or product to market and how such challenges can be overcome
Does not conclusively analyze the challenges of bringing the trend or product to market and how such challenges can be overcome
Definition of Marketing and
Effectively defines how to market and brand the trend or product with a minimum of three strategies and supports a recommendation for the best strategy
Defines how to market and brand the trend or product with a minimum of three strategies and supports a recommendation for the best strategy
Ineffectively defines how to market and brand the trend or product with a minimum of three strategies and does not sufficiently support a recommendation for the best strategy
Does not define how to market and brand the trend or product with a minimum of three strategies and does not recommend a strategy
Identification of Marketing Details and Recognition
Effectively identifies how the marketing plan will make a trend or product appeal to a target customer and what strategy or strategies can be employed to get a trend or product recognized
Identifies how the marketing plan will make a trend or product appeal to a target customer and what strategy or strategies can be employed to get a trend or product recognized
Minimally identifies how the marketing plan will make a trend or product appeal to a target customer and what strategy or strategies can be employed to get a trend or product recognized
Does not identify how the marketing plan will make a trend or product appeal to a target customer and what strategy or strategies can be employed to get a trend or product recognized
Control of Syntax and Mechanics
Adheres to the conventions of grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics, and usage with no errors
Adheres to the conventions of grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage with few errors
Adheres to the conventions of grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage with some errors
Adheres to the conventions of grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage with many errors
Earned Total 100%
- FMM 457: Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide
- Overview
- Outcomes
- Guidelines
- Milestone One: Identify a Trend or Product
- Milestone Two: Describe a Target Customer
- Milestone Three: Assess Major Competition
- Milestone Four: Analyze Potential Challenges
- Milestone Five: Define Marketing and Branding
- A Marketing Plan for a T rend or Product (to Present to a Retailer for Adoption)
- Deliverable Milestones
- Trend or Product Rubric (Milestone One)
- Target Customer Rubric (Milestone Two)
- Major Competition Rubric (Milestone Three)
- Potential Challenges Rubric (Milestone Four)
- Marketing and Branding Rubric (Milestone Five)
- Final Product Rubric
There are many ways in which businesses accomplish the task of branding and marketing. Almost all of the time, the method used by organizations is dependent on what they are attempting to achieve; in conjunction with other criteria like market positioning, market dynamics, and also target clients-; just to name but a few (Woschnick, 2021). Whenever a business picks a suitable method, it is likely to have a beneficial impact on its progress and expansion while guaranteeing to establish a competitive edge over its rivals. This paper will discuss the marketing and branding strategies for a product.
Advertisers use the phrase "marketing strategy" to allude to a business's comprehensive approach to acquiring new customers and transforming them into paying subscribers for its goods or services. Social media marketing is one of the marketing strategies that a business may use to promote its product (Woschnick, 2021). Providing individuals with content that they find valuable and would be willing to share across their social media platforms is the purpose of social media marketing, which usually culminates in more publicity and more website views and visits. Additionally, social media shares of content, videos, and images impact SEO strategies by regularly increasing relevancy in search results on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, as well as search engines like Google and Yahoo.
The second marketing strategy is content marketing. The focus of content marketing is on educating instead of selling whenever it comes to influencing consumer purchasing behavior. When using this strategic marketing method, the ultimate goal is to create and distribute information that is pertinent to clients' needs to entice people who are most suited to your product or service and are therefore the most likely to purchase your product or service (Woschnick, 2021). With continuing communications, content may be modified to reflect the facts businesses learn about clients over time. It can take on a range of formats, including visualizations and web pages as well as podcasting or film production.
Lastly, a referral program is also a marketing strategy that applies to a product. A referral program is a term that refers to a systematic technique that businesses employ to incentivize customers to inform others about their merchandise (Woschnick, 2021). Incorporating particular affiliate initiatives, client referral programs, as well as partner initiatives as part of the promotional strategy structure is intended to offer existing clients instant credibility, allowing them to help build a business' client base. The terms "referral programs" and "referral marketing" are constantly used interchangeably.
In branding, a logo is a visual representation of a brand's identity and ambitions in able Plagiarism Free Papers
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