Planning and Preparing for your surveys Aims: Present the main goals of your study. Explain what the motivation is for collecting
Hello, I need a project in the field of Introductory Statistics. All information and guidelines related to the project are included in a pdf file down below. Here are the additional files of samples.
N.B. need only part A
Statistics 205 – Introductory Statistics Spring II 2022 PROJECT (40% OF FINAL GRADE) Goal: The goal of this project to collect, organize, describe, and analyze data to answer questions of your choice. This will allow you to apply the skills you learn in this course to the world around you which will in turn enhance your appreciation and retention of the material. Topics: You are free to choose your own questions. The questions may be related to your major or some other topic of interest. You should choose a topic so that it will be straightforward to gather the data. The easiest approach will be to design an experiment to compare two groups but the only rule is to make sure the topic is interesting! Be creative! The project will be done in 5 parts:
A. Determine the type of information you wish to collect. B. Conduct surveys to collect your data. C. Organize and summarize your results using MS Excel. D. Use statistical methods to draw conclusions. E. At the conclusion of your project, you will write a report and submit it to the instructor
presenting all your work and final results. This report must address all aspects of the project. The report will be submitted in PDF format, while all statistical analysis should be done in MS Excel.
Important Points: • Everything you turn in must be typed. There are no exceptions.
• The PDF report, the MS Excel calculations as well as all other electronic files should be
submitted through Moodle.
Part A: Planning and Preparing for your surveys
A1: Aims: Present the main goals of your study. Explain what the motivation is for collecting, organizing, summarizing and analyzing the data. Explain the purpose of the study in your own words, why you were interested in the question and what you expected to see from the data. Elaborate on possible uses of your results in the future. You may also make some hypotheses on what you expect the outcomes of the project will be. Keep in mind that you will have to review this section after you complete your project to evaluate whether your aims and goals have been met. A2: Population: Provide a brief description of the population of your study. Present some attributes and characteristics of the population, being careful to choose only those that are appropriate for study. For example, you have the option to discuss age, ethnic background, city of permanent residence, etc. but not all of these characteristics are relevant to your study. Since you don’t have access to exact data regarding your population, feel free to use rough estimates, making sure to provide some type of justification for your rationale. A3: Variables: Based on the goals and aims of the study, choose five attributes of your population that you wish to study, for the purposes of the project. Define clearly your variables, characterize them as quantitative (discrete or continuous) and qualitative (nominal vs ordinal). Be careful to choose variables of all types, that is at least two qualitative of which one should be binary (e.g. taking values 0 and 1), one discrete quantitative and one continuous quantitative. The fifth variable can be continuous or discrete quantitative. Justify clearly your choice of variables and describe the values of the variables (e.g. unit of measurement, categories). Remember that you are doing a quantitative survey, thus main focus of this project is the quantitative variables- so make sure that your research questions are closely linked to them. A4: Survey Methods: In this section you will have to make your decisions regarding how you plan to collect your data. Be specific on whether you will use physical or electronic surveys, when and where exactly your surveys will be conducted, how many people will work etc. Justify fully why you chose the method(s) you present here. A5: Sampling: Decide how many people you will ask and how you will choose your sample. You have many options, and your choice has to be careful, keeping in mind that there is no right answer. You can choose to survey the entire population – as it is relatively small – you can randomly choose a sample or pick one by one the subjects you will survey. In any case, you have to make sure your sample is diverse and representative of your population. Since the mathematical aspects of sampling have not been rigorously covered in the course, you can keep your justifications on a basic level. A6: Survey Drafts: Start designing your surveys. Since you have already decided on the survey type and your sampling methods, the only thing left to do is to the write-up of your surveys. Pick carefully the questions you wish to ask, making sure that your phrasing is both clear and simple. Think carefully about the possible answers to the questions you set, as these will turn out to be the data you will analyze. Take into account the fact that that you will eventually have to tabulate the results into Excel. Make sure that in the draft along with the questions you provide the formatting of the answers (e.g. multiple choice, open answer etc.)
Part B: Conducting your Surveys B1: Surveying: After your plan has been approved by your instructor, you will have to execute it. Make sure you follow your plan from part A as closely as possible. In case any issues come up and you have to slightly modify it, do not change your answers in Part A. Just make sure you clearly explain your changes and fully justify why you had to make them. B2: Tabulate your results: Insert your raw data in a blank Excel file, without editing or analyzing it. Label the sheet “Raw Data” as you will need to refer to it many times in the course of your project. Remember that your surveys need to be completely anonymous, so don’t include any names in Excel. Instead use an extra column for identification purposes, so that you know that this is the same person answering different questions, without actually knowing who they are. Use the exact phrasing of your questions to label the columns with the participants’ answers. B3: Describe the variables you collected: Include a description of your observational units, your variables and their measurement units. You may use a table for this. You should also specify research questions/aims and note whether you have made any changes compared to what you submitted in part A. Clearly define sample size. B4: Surveying Experience: Briefly discuss your experiences conducting the surveys. Were people willing to answer your questions? Did they think it was study that could come up with useful information? If you were to do this again, would you revise your plan or change your surveying strategy? Include specific comments and/or reactions of the students you polled. Part C: Organize and Summarize your Data C1: Create frequency distributions: Create four frequency distributions in MS Excel, one for every variable you study. Be careful to distinguish between categorical, grouped and ungrouped data. Include all columns necessary for your forthcoming analysis. C2: Charting: Use MS Excel to draw a variety of different charts and graphs for each variable. Make sure you choose the appropriate chart for your variables. You may choose to use one or more graphs in each case; try to find a balance between including all necessary information and overloading your presentation. Label your axes, title your graphs and use colors. Again you have to find a balance between making your charts aesthetically pleasing, easy to read and rigorous. C3: Descriptive Statistics: Compute all measures of central tendency and variation for your quantitative data. Prepare for exploratory data analysis, by computing the 5-number summary and check for outliers. Compute the correlation coefficient if applicable to your dataset. C4: Analysis: Write up an analysis of what your distributions, charts and measures tell you about the data. Do not forget to comment on distribution shapes and skewness, making sure you identify if a known probability distribution has come up. Interpret and discuss what you can learn from the data and graphs.
Part D: Analyze the Data and Draw Conclusions D1: Confidence Intervals: Construct 95% confidence intervals for all your variables. The confidence intervals could be for the population mean of quantitative variables and for the population proportion for qualitative variables. Justify and interpret fully your answers. D2: Hypothesis Testing: Formulate hypotheses based on your research questions or based on other studies found in the literature. Fully justify your choices for the values tested. For quantitative data, you would implement one-sample hypothesis testing about the population mean and a two-sample hypothesis testing to test differences between two groups mean. For qualitative data, you would implement a one-sample hypothesis testing about proportions. D3: Interpretation: What does it all mean? Use the above summaries to justify your interpretation. Back up your conclusions with interpretations of the graphical summaries as well from part C. Suggest reasons for what you’ve observed e.g., why do you think these groups are different? or not different? Part E: Final Report Prepare a project report in a PDF format. Remember to include a cover page, a table of contents, an introduction, your findings and a conclusion. Include any relevant tables, graphs or charts. You should be prepared to answer questions on any aspect of the project!
I. Introduction: Explain the purpose of the study in your own words, why you were interested in the question and what you expected to see from the data.
II. Summary of data collection and data description (no such thing as “too much detail” in this section!)
III. Summarize and interpret the data (concise, well-labeled, easy to read)
IV. Statistical inference (with justification for procedures chosen)
V. Conclusion: Review of what analyses revealed and any potential problems with your study. Include recommendations based on your analyses, future questions for someone conducting a similar study in this area and/or discussion of what you could have done differently with your project to strengthen your conclusions.
Marking Scheme:
• PART A: 14 points in total
o A1: 4 points o A2: 2 points o A3: 2 points o A4: 2 points o A5: 2 points o A6: 2 points
• PART B: 12 points in total
o B1: 4 points o B2: 2 points o B3: 4 points o B4: 2 points
• PART C: 24 points in total
o C1: 6 points o C2: 6 points o C3: 6 points o C4: 6 points
• PART D: 30 points in total
o D1: 10 points o D2: 10 points o D3: 10 points
• PART E: 20 points in total
o Document Layout/Structure/Clarity/Presentation of Data: 5 points o Report Phrasing and Use of Language-Readability: 5 points o Correctness of Calculations and MS Excel work – Accuracy: 5 points o Overall Sophistication of Project- challenging goals-impressive technical
content-ambitious aims: 5 Points
Topic : Statistical Analysis of ACT student experience
Worked: Paola Balliu
Part A: Planning and preparing for the survey
Project question: “Is there a link between the number of countries visited and students' academic performance, and if so, can a pattern be noticed in terms of the major that students are pursuing? Does traveling have a positive or negative impact on academic achievement because it takes up so much of student’s time?”
Throughout the survey I will be collecting data on how much do traveling affects students’ academic background or if it has a positive or negative affect on their academic achievement. Moreover, I will be observing their majors relating to traveling habits and making judgments on them. As we all know, traveling allows us to broaden our horizons and maybe become more independent, but it also consumes a significant amount of our time, which can have a detrimental impact on our accomplishments.
A1: Population
The population of my project will be the ACT students which consists on an approximately number of 700 students. ACT provides a considerable number of majors including the main once: Computer Science, Business, English and Psychology. Regarding the statistics of ACT, the highest number of students are business major. My population is between the 17-23 age with many different nationalities. The highest nationalities are: Greeks, Albanians, Serbian, Americans, Russian, Macedonians etc.
A2: Variables
The aim and goal of this study is to figure out if traveling affects students academic background and if there is a connection between their major and traveling as long as traveling allows us to broaden our horizons and maybe become more independent, but on the other hand traveling might distract and might make students lose track of their studies which can negatively affect their academic achievement. By fulfilling this project, I will have a deeper idea if traveling affects student academic background positively or negatively.
The attributes on my project will be :
Countries visited – Quantitative, Discrete, Ratio
Throughout this variable, I will get a general idea of how many places have ACT students visited. This will be the main question from which continually I will do the rests. Regarding the places number I will be able to connect it with their academic background and connect it with their major as well. As a result, I will be comparing my data in order to accomplish my aim.
Majors- Qualitative, nominal, Variables
By going through this question on the survey I will be able to gather my population majors and later on about their GPA. This will be able for me to connect with the number of places visited from them from which I can make the judgment throughout comparison likewise did they had a higher number of visited places and a low GPA or do they have high GPA and high visited number of countries. Moreover, I will be connected it with their major in order to come up if there is a connection of traveling desire with student major. Usually social student oriented are more extrovert and travel more than those science oriented students.
GPA- Quantitative, continues, Interval
The GPA variable will play a significant role on the survey as it will be used for comparison. Students will be writing down their approximately GPA based on their grades. The ACT follows the United States grading system from 0.00 until -4.00. This can be transformed in qualitative grades from A (4.00) until 0.00 ( F) as well. However, in my survey I will be using Quantitative GPA.
Gender-Qualitative, nominal
On my survey and data, I will be using gender of my sample as well because I would like to get an idea of which gander will dominate regarding the traveling habits.
A3: Aims
The goal of this study is to determine whether traveling has an impact on students' academic backgrounds and whether there is a link between their major and travel. Furthermore, I will determine whether individuals with a higher number of travelled places have a higher or lower GPA, as well as observe their major and compare which major students had a higher number of visited nations at the end.
Additionally, taking in consideration some of my experiences with my friends I believe that the outcome will be similar as below: Those students who travel often do have a lower GPA but, however they gain other cultural benefits. Students who travel throughout the year get distracted, lose track of their studies and consume some of their studying time.
My project results can be used potentially in future observation, in case of students who have visited a high number of countries and have low GPA, it might help colleges in giving students more time for traveling or organise more college trips on suitable times for them, likewise after finals or during breaks . Moreover, it might help academic professors realise the effects of traveling on students’ academic background throughout academic year.
A4: Survey Methods
The most suitable method to use these days will be online google forms. Taking in consideration the COVID distancing restrictions I believe that this will be more convenient for everyone. Moreover, students will be filling their answers from the comfort of their home at a time that suits them. Additionally, throughout email I will be able to reach a highest number of students rather than approaching them face to face because some of them might not be at school at the times that I would want to complete the survey. Google forms survey are pretty accurate and generate data right after the student submission. Moreover, online google form is free and it will save me a lot of time instead of approaching students one by one I can just send emails to them with the google form link.
A5: Sampling
Taking in consideration the population number is quite big I will be choosing a smaller group to fill out the survey form. The surveys sample will include a high diverse number of students in order for my survey to be fair, accurate and a great representative of my whole population. I will be including at least 30 students per year with different majors and approximately 100 students total in my sampling. By considering students from various backgrounds, I strongly believe that will make my survey to reach accurate and realistic data which will help me to reach the desirable realistic conclusion and fulfilled the goal or aim of my project
A6: Survey Draft
Regarding up my survey I have been gathering some of my question which I will be using on it. This are not the final question as it includes just a draft of them. The questions will be updated on the following parts of the projects until I finalise my survey online form.
Q1: What is your student ID number?………….
Q2: How do you define your gender? ………….
Q3: Which college year are you currently pursuing?………
Q4: How many countries have you visited so far?……..
Q5: What is you approximately GPA?……..
Q6: What major are you perusing on ACT?…….
Q7: Based on your own experiences on traveling, does traveling during the academic college year distract you from the studies?………..
STATISTIC 205 Project
Part A: Planning and preparing for the survey
Project question: Is there a link between students average number of sleeping hours and their academic performance? If so, how does number of sleep hours affect students academic performance? Is their academic performance worst as they get less hours of sleep?
A1: Population
The population of my study will be degree-seeking ACT students, which is approximately around 800 students. ACT students come from different background and with different habits. My population are the students from 18 to 24 years old, both female and male genders. There are different nationalities such as Greek, Albanians, Serbians, Americans, Russians and etc.
A2: Variables
To start with, the goal and the aims of this study is to examine if there is a connection between the average number of sleep hours of students and their academic performance. This study will examine if and how does the number of sleep hours affect students academic performance and their grades. I will determine if the healthier sleeping pattern affects positively students academic performance, and the opposite. Moreover, I will study four attributes of my population. Firstly, I will examine the gender of my examined students. The gender of students is a qualitative nominal variable, consisting both female and male gendered students. This variable will help me to see if sleeping patterns are same with both females and males or they vary. Secondly, I will examine the age of students, which is a quantitative variable, consisting ages from 18 to 24. I will need this variable to connect the students age with their sleeping habits. Thirdly, I will examine the number of sleep hours students have. This is a quantitative discrete interval variable. I need this variable to see what is the average number of hours students have. Lastly, I will examine student`s GPA that they have. Which is a quantitative continuous interval variable. This variable will help me to see and conclude does number of sleep hours affect student`s GPA.
A3: Aims
The main goal of my study is to determine if the average sleeping hours affect students performance and to see if there is a connection between the average number of sleep hours that students have and their GPA. Most importantly to see if and how does the sleep patterns affect the students GPA and in what way. Moreover, based on patterns of people I am surrounded with and my personal experience, my assumption is that the outcome will be that less number of sleeping hours and unhealthier sleeping pattern negatively affect students academic performance. Furthermore, the results of my study could be possible used in any kind of observations. Additionally, it can be used for medical and psychological purposes, connected with sleeping schedule. The study can help with creating students sleeping schedule based on results.
A4: Survey Methods
The way I will be collecting my data will be an electronic survey. Therefore, I will be using online Google form. I believe this is the most suitable and easiest way of collecting the data. Students will be able to fill out their answers from wherever they want and whenever they have time. Furthermore, using an email I will be able to send it to everyone. Since, doing it physically I will not be able to reach all students at the time I will be conducting it. Moreover, Google forms are very accurate and the data is being generated just after the student sends its answers.
A5: Sampling
Since the population number is quite big I will choose a smaller group as an sample. In order to achieve the accurance, representativeness and fairness, the survey sample will have a diverse number of students. My sample will include minimum 20 students from each year, which will be total of around 80 students as an sample. Taking into consideration the variety of students I will take as sample, I will be able to reach an accurate and realistic results and conclusion, which will help me to reach the goal of my project.
A6: Survey drafts
My survey draft will include the following questions:
Question 1: What is your gender?….
Question 2: What is your age?….
Question 3: What is your overall GPA?….
Question 4: What is the average number of sleeping hours that you get per day?….
Question 5: Do you think that your sleeping pattern affects your academic performance?….
Taking into consideration that this is a survey draft, these are not my final questions.
Statistics 205
Coffee Cultural Addiction
Part A:
A1: Population
The survey’s population of the Coffee Cultural Addiction project will be on regular bachelor’s degree seeking students at the America College of Thessaloniki (ACT), the age group that will be analyzed will be those of age between 18-24 years old, additionally the students that will be analyzed will be of a Balkan (Greek, Montenegrin, Serbian, Bulgarian and Albanian) and American origin. The reason why I choose this specific age group, ethnic background and ACT as my area of study is because I am analyzing ‘the cultural impact on Coffee addiction, measured in number of coffees on an average daily basis, on Balkan (Greek, Montenegrin, Serbian, Bulgarian and Albanian) and American, ACT students’.
A2: Variables
The goal of my study is to analyze and draw conclusions on the impact that cultural (Balkan and American) background has on coffee addiction.
Nominal Qualitative Variable: Ethnic Group of Balkan or American. Balkan can also be Greek, Montenegrin, Serbian, Bulgarian and Albanian.
Ordinal Qualitative Variable: How much do you like coffee? (Not at all, a little, neutral, good, a lot)
Discrete Quantitative Variable: Coffee count per day measured in cups of coffee (can take the values of 0 to 47) As 47 is the high score of coffees in 1 day (24 hours)
Continuous Quantitative Variable: Height in cm (This can help us also determine the connection of number of coffees with someone’s height)
A3: Aim
The aim of this survey is to collect information from different ethnic groups (Balkan and American) and to determine based on their ethic background how addictive to coffee are they.
The most coffees they drink on an average daily bases the more addictive to coffee they are. My hypothesis is that: If you are American, in relation to Balkan (Greek, Montenegrin, Serbian, Bulgarian and Albanian) then you drink less coffee on a daily basis, because there is a big cultural difference between the Balkan region (located in the Eastern Europe) and the American Region (located in North America)
A4: Survey Method
The survey will consist of 50 Balkan Students and 50 Americans, therefore a total of 100 ACT bachelor’s degree seeking students. The survey method that will be used for this project will be in an electronic form via google forms to have better analyzed and statured responses, the data will be always instantly available and safe. The surreys will be sent to each student on their email (which I would have collected at ACT) where they will not be pressured to answered in a university environment but instead wherever they feel more comfortable, like at home. I will also not be using long answer responses but instead short answers, multiple choice answers, dropdown responses and linear scale responses to furthermore efficiently safe time for both the students that will be asked and me that will be analyzing the responses.
A5: Sampling
The project will consist of Judgement Sampling or else Purposive Sampling, as I will be choosing specific students of specific ethnicities (Balkan or American) and a specific number of them (100 in total, 50 Balkans and 50 Americans) with specific characteristics, such characteristics include that they must be ACT bachelor’s degree seeking students and at the age group between 18-24 years old. The results will be at equal number for both ethnic groups, Balkan and American, in order to have better and more accurate results for our research question.
A6: Survey Draft
Coffee Addiction
Please take a couple of minutes to fill the following questionnaire in a truthful and honest way, in order to get accurate results
Where are you from? (Multiple Choice Response)
· U.S.A
· Balkans
· Where from in the Balkans are you? (Multiple Choice Response)
· Greece
· Montenegro
· Bulgaria
· Albania
· Serbia
How old are you? (Dropdown Response)
· 18
· 19
· 20
· 21
· 22
· 23
· 24
How tall are you? in cm (Short Response)
On a scared of 1-5, How much do you like coffee? (Linear Scale Response)
1. Being “Not at all”
5. Being “A lot”
1 2 3 4 5
How many cups of coffees do you drink on an average daily basis? (Within 24 hours) (Short Answer Response)
How old were you when you first started drinking coffee on a daily basis? (24 hours) (Short Answer Response)
Thank you for your time 🙂
Part C3+C4: Summary + Analysis
I collected results from 30 Balkans that composed 49.18% of my population and 31 Americans that composed of 50.82% of my population, a total of 61 ACT students that age between 18-24 years old. For my ungrouped frequency distribution for coffee liking and preference, with a maximum of 5 and a minimum of 1 (5 meaning that you like coffee the most and 1 meaning that you don’t like coffee). 7 people responded 1 (11.48%), 7 people responded 2 (11.48%), 8 people responded 3 (13.11%), 10 people responded 4 (16.39%) and 29 people responded 5 (47.54%). For my ungrouped frequency distribution of cups of coffees per day that people drink on average, with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 6. 11 people responded 0 (18.03%), 22 people responded 1 (36.07%), 22 people responded 2 (36.07%), 5 people responded 3 (8.20%) and 1 person responded 6 (1.64%). Finally, out of my ungrouped frequency distribution for the numerical variable of height (measured in centimeters), with a maximum of 203.2cm and minimum of 153cm. 9 people responded that their height is between 153-160cm (14.75%), 14 people responded that their height is between 161-168cm (22.95%), 15 people responded that their height is between 169-176cm (24.59%), 8 people responded that their height is between 177-184cm (13.11%), 12 people responded that their height is between 185-192cm (19.67%), 2 people responded that their height is between 193-200cm (3.28%) and 1 person responded that their heigh is between 201-208cm (1.64%).
Based on these results seen from both the excel sheet and the four graphs. We had almost 50% and 50% in American and Balkan distribution of the population, indicating that we have good, non-bias and accurate results. Additionally, the highest amount of people with 47.54% almost 50%, responded that they like coffee a lot by responding 5 from a scale of 1-5. The highest number of coffees that people responded to drink in a day is 1 and 2 cups, both with equal percentages of 36.07%. The average number that most people answered to have a height of, is between 169-176cm with 24.59%.
From all these data, we understand that coffee does play a big part in our everyday life’s considering that most people answered that they like coff Plagiarism Free Papers
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