Please see attached powerpoint for instruction. A paper and powerpoint is needed for this assignment. This is a three part project, part 1 and 2 hav
Please see attached powerpoint for instruction.
A paper and powerpoint is needed for this assignment.
This is a three part project, part 1 and 2 have already been completed. I've attached part 2 (assignment 2)
Feedback for assignment 2 from professor:
(a) The following 2 statements only have one variable in each research question,
(b) the vulnerability to diabetes is an outcome and can't be considered as your variable affecting diabetes.
(c) Which variable in the secondary dataset will be used to identify your SES?
(d) each research question needs at lease 2 variables plus the variable "year"
- To what extent does the ethnicity of the people of Bronx impact their vulnerability to diabetes?
- Is the social-economic status of the people of Bronx a contributing factor to their developing diabetes?
student can use the variable "insurance" to justify the relationship with SES.
Virtual class: March 2022 Discussion on Data/Statistical Analysis for the Bronx diabetes data
The third assignment (submission- NO later than Sunday April 10th before 5pm Period.)
at least 2 charts and 2 tables of the five-year trend analyses.
In all charts and tables, you should include the field of “Year” plus at least 2 other fields.
detail explanations of your research findings on these charts and analyses.
Compare 2015 data (treat it as baseline) with the rest of 4 years. Describe the pattern of changes in these five-year trends.
Example: what happened of your findings? Why or how does it happened? When, and where etc. Be creative to describe your research findings from your data analyses.
The Final Examination Power Point and Presentation during class (no later than April 11st Monday Morning before noon, period):
A complete project paper including “at least” a. Introduction, b. Research Findings with at least 2 charts and tables from the third assignment, and c. Conclusion.
(assuming the first 2 assignments was the proposal of applying research grant)
Of curse, the more creative the better , you can add more paragraphs , such as your recommendations, etc., etc.
Put your project paper on the Power Point. You have 10 mins to present your project to the class.
Discussion on Statistical Analysis for the Bronx diabetic data *REQUIREMENTS:* A. Required: Five year-trends for the comparison purpose is required for all charts. You can treat 2015 data as the baseline, compare with the rest of the 4-year trends. B. You have to submit “at least” 2 analyses with 2 charts and 2 tables for your third assignment and your final examination: Power Point Presentation Suggestion: C. Run frequency tables of the fields (variables) you pick to see how clean are the data
Data analysis guidelines: You can pick whatever variables you think are significant or logical for this data analysis.
Example : Not a requirements
1. Discuss what dataset you want to focus on: Inpatient , Outpatient, Emergency Department or all three.
2. Report card for each facilities ; Comparing Facilities on ED use, or mortality rate, readmission rate? the changing pattern; (any before and after intervention? Such as wellness program)
Discussion on Statistical Analysis for the Bronx diabetic data 4. Focus on all kind of demographic characteristics, gender, race, age group zip codes etc 5. If you have clinical background, you can compare different type of diabetics- Diagnosis descriptions, e.g. Type I, Type II or severity of the illness 6.Using the census data, NYCDOH or NYSDOH data to figure out the target population of diabetic in Bronx as denominator, using the Bronx RHIO data as the numerator. (Hint: to calculate the number of in-care or unmet need etc)
Discussion on Statistical Analysis for the Bronx diabetic data 7. Based on the meaningful use of “pay for performance” think about how to create a report card (Hint: by hospitals) 8.Think about the relationship between the number of encounter and the number of unique (unduplicated count of patient) . (Hint: level of utilization, frequency of utilization) 9.Duration of service (Hint: LOS, ALOS)
Discussion on Statistical Analysis for the Bronx diabetic data 10. Mortality rate (identify the denominator; target population, which hospital) 11.Comparing type of insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, Private 12.How often patient use ED, who and which hospital provided more ED services
Discussion on Statistical Analysis for the Bronx diabetic data 13. Comparing age GROUP, (how to break down age groups) by race, gender etc 14.Categorize type of services by demographic characteristics 15.comparing zip codes by type of services, race, languages 16.Does language and zip codes has any relationship
Discussion on Statistical Analysis for the Bronx diabetic data 17. diagnosis are (1) more significant, (2) in which zip codes, (3) affecting which demographic characteristics (4) utilization of ED (5) ALOS (Hint: Descending order of diagnosis 18. How to compare the baseline data with the trends of other years. 19. Set the baseline of ED utilization, compare the ED use with the rest of the years 20. City by ED utilization, mortality rate, type of insurance, diagnosis description, ALOS, languages etc.,
Graphical Representation of Data
Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 3.0/Spring 2012
p <0.001
Look at this graphic. There clearly has been a statistically significant improvement before and after the change.
But what other information can you gather from this graph?
Was the improvement due to the change?
Is the improvement holding over time?
It is very difficult with this type of graphic representation of data to determine what happened overtime and to get a good understanding of what is happening to the system.
Run Charts
Health IT Workforce Curriculum Version 3.0/Spring 2012
These three scenarios reflect the data in the histogram. They all have a pre-change average of 70 and a post change average of 30. However, as you examine the display of the outcome over time you will realize they tell very different stories.
In the blue chart you can see that the outcome hovered around 70 before the change and although there is forty point range the outcomes after the change hovered around 30. The change seems to have produced an improvement in the outcome.
In the green chart there is a progressive decrease of the value of the outcome that started before the implementation of the change. Although there seems to have been an improvement, it’s not due to the change implemented.
Finally, in the maroon chart there is an improvement after the change, but it seems to be short lived since, after the March measure, the outcome seems to worsen again.
PH Surveillance Systems
Diabetes in the region known as Bronx is a significant problem that needs to be addressed. To find adequate solutions to the problem, it is necessary to formulate research questions that will guide the prices of investigating the issue to find proper solutions that will improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Bronx (Gregg et al., 2018). This essay outlines the research questions that will be used in investigation research that aims to deduce the causes of the prevalence of Diabetes in Bronx. It identifies the variables that the dependent and independent variables that the Study will compare and constructs a hypothesis that will be tested in the Study. It also examines why the variables are significant, their relationship, and how they will help in data analysis.
Research Questions
The research questions that will be used during the investigative research on the prevalence of diabetes in the people of Bronx are:
1. To what extent does the ethnicity of the people of Bronx impact their vulnerability to diabetes?
2. Is the social-economic status of the people of Bronx a contributing factor to their developing diabetes?
Variables in the Research Questions
The research questions are each made up of two variables: the dependent and independent variables. The independent variable is the manipulated parameter during an investigative study (de Lima Taga & Singer, 2018). On the other hand, the dependent variable is the element that undergoes alterations when the independent variable is manipulated to elicit varying outcomes. In the first research question, the dependent variable is independent variable is the ethnicity of the people of Bronx, while the dependent variable is their susceptibility to diabetes. Consequently, in the second research question, the independent variable is the socio-economic status of the people of Bronx, while the dependent factor is the development of diabetes.
The hypothesis of the Study
A review of literary materials that explore the prevalence of diabetes in Bronx shows a significant relationship between the socio-economic status of the people of the region, their ethnicity, and their susceptibility to diabetes. Therefore, this considerable interconnection between these three phenomena precipitates a hypothesis that: the socio-economic status and the ethnic inclination of the people of Bronx determine their susceptibility to diabetes.
Reasons for Picking the Research Question and the Variables
The reason for selecting the identified questions for the Study is that they are descriptive questions. Descriptive questions play a significant role in quantitative Study because they help understand the reason behind an occurrence (Kunißen, 2019) (. It aids in compiling factual data that explain the reasons behind the actions noted in society. For example, statistics indicate that the socio-economic status and the ethnicity of the people of Bronx are significant aspects that determine their susceptibility to diabetes. It helps in unearthing meaningful content about an issue, such as how one factor impacts another or the reasons for the affectations (Kunißen, 019). Therefore, the study will be essential in compiling content that confirms that the two elements are the major causes of the ailment, or the data will prove that a relationship does not exist between the socio-economic status or the ethnicity of the people of the region and the possibility of their developing the ailment.
The reason for choosing the variables as the independent and dependent parameters that should be gauged during the Study is that many people in Bronx who have diabetes come from a poor socio-economic background. Subsequently, the condition is more prevalent in some communities than others (Gregg et al., 2018). The disproportionate prevalence of the condition in these two groups of individuals precipitated the need to examine whether these two variables impact the vulnerability of individuals to the disease. The research findings will determine the measures that can be instigated to reduce the susceptibility of these groups to diabetes hence lowering its prevalence in the region.
There is a significant relationship between the variables incorporated in the research study. The connection is that both variables are factors that increase the prevalence of individuals to diabetes. The two variables will be used during data analysis by determining the relationship between the two variables (Kunißen, 2019). The relationship between the two aspects is computed using factors such as the linear regression model, which examines how the changes in the dependent variables impact the independent variable.
The possible results of the study are that the socio-economic status and ethnicity of the people of Bronx are significant determinants of whether they are affected by the ailment. These results will prove that formulated hypothesis is true. It implies that ethnicity and socio-economic factors are substantial factors that should be addressed when seeking solutions for the problem of diabetes in Bronx (Kunißen, 2019). Therefore, when looking for answers to the problem, it is significant to determine how to address these two signicant issues to lower the prevalence of diabetes in the region.
Formulating a significant question is a considerable process that preceded investigation research. It is essential in determining the research design that should be adopted and the type of data compiled during the process. The research question should also contain two variables that explain how or why one parameter impacts the other. The process ensures that researchers use descriptive inquiry systems that help compile meaningful content that helps determine vital trends in the data patterns. The hypothesis is also a significant aspect of the Study. It helps determine elements that are significant to the Study, such as what the research question is suitable and the expected findings after the study.
de Lima Taga, M. F., & Singer, J. M. (2018). Simple linear regression with interval censored dependent and independent variables. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27(1), 198-207.
Gregg, E. W., Cheng, Y. J., Srinivasan, M., Lin, J., Geiss, L. S., Albright, A. L., & Imperatore, G. (2018). Trends in cause-specific mortality among adults with and without diagnosed diabetes in the USA: an epidemiological analysis of linked national survey and vital statistics data. The Lancet, 391(10138), 2430-2440.
Kunißen, K. (2019). From dependent to independent variable: A critical assessment of operationalisations of ‘welfare stateless as macro-level indicators in multilevel analyses. Social Indicators Research, 142(2), 597-616.
Column Labels 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 (blank) Grand Total
Count of Year 8489 11020 22078 26423 32004 100014
Count of EDI Column Labels Row Labels 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 (blank) Grand Total Y 4504 6476 12562 16242 19434 59218 (blank) Grand Total 4504 6476 12562 16242 19434 59218
Y (blank)
Count of EDI
EPID DOB AGE CITY_NM ZIP_CD STD_GENDER_CD 26120 5/1/1937 84 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 26120 5/1/1937 84 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 26120 5/1/1937 84 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 26120 5/1/1937 84 BRONX 10452 FEMALE
216101 4/17/1950 71 BRONX 10468 FEMALE 216101 4/17/1950 71 BRONX 10468 FEMALE 216101 4/17/1950 71 BRONX 10468 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 386102 1/13/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 646109 2/19/1964 58 BRONX 10458 MALE 646109 2/19/1964 58 BRONX 10458 MALE 646109 2/19/1964 58 BRONX 10458 MALE 646109 2/19/1964 58 BRONX 10458 MALE 646109 2/19/1964 58 BRONX 10458 MALE 646109 2/19/1964 58 BRONX 10458 MALE 646109 2/19/1964 58 BRONX 10458 MALE 646109 2/19/1964 58 BRONX 10458 MALE 646109 2/19/1964 58 BRONX 10458 MALE 646109 2/19/1964 58 BRONX 10458 MALE 646109 2/19/1964 58 BRONX 10458 MALE 646109 2/19/1964 58 BRONX 10458 MALE 666107 8/10/1949 72 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 666107 8/10/1949 72 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 676106 5/25/1961 60 BRONX 10453 FEMALE
676106 5/25/1961 60 BRONX 10453 FEMALE 766105 6/21/1961 60 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 766105 6/21/1961 60 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 766105 6/21/1961 60 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 766105 6/21/1961 60 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 766105 6/21/1961 60 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 766105 6/21/1961 60 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 766105 6/21/1961 60 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 766105 6/21/1961 60 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 766105 6/21/1961 60 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 766105 6/21/1961 60 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 766105 6/21/1961 60 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 766105 6/21/1961 60 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 766105 6/21/1961 60 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 766105 6/21/1961 60 BRONX 10456 FEMALE
1206127 11/18/1956 65 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 1206127 11/18/1956 65 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 1346105 3/18/1957 65 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 1366103 12/6/1952 69 BRONX 10458 FEMALE 1366103 12/6/1952 69 BRONX 10458 FEMALE 1366103 12/6/1952 69 BRONX 10458 FEMALE 1366103 12/6/1952 69 BRONX 10458 FEMALE 1366103 12/6/1952 69 BRONX 10458 FEMALE 1536101 1/31/1954 68 BX 10453 FEMALE 1586098 5/2/1947 74 BRONX 10458 FEMALE 1586098 5/2/1947 74 BRONX 10458 FEMALE 1586098 5/2/1947 74 BRONX 10458 FEMALE 1586098 5/2/1947 74 BRONX 10458 FEMALE 1586098 5/2/1947 74 BRONX 10458 FEMALE 1586106 8/12/1955 66 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 1606128 7/8/1948 73 BRONX 10468 FEMALE 1606128 7/8/1948 73 BRONX 10468 FEMALE 1606128 7/8/1948 73 BRONX 10468 FEMALE 1606128 7/8/1948 73 BRONX 10468 FEMALE 1656123 6/29/1961 60 BRONX 10459 FEMALE 1656123 6/29/1961 60 BRONX 10459 FEMALE 1916121 9/29/1954 67 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 2006153 10/9/1972 49 BRONX 10457 MALE 2326106 2/26/1942 80 BRONX 10456 MALE 2476109 10/11/1947 74 BRONX 10454 FEMALE 2476109 10/11/1947 74 BRONX 10454 FEMALE 2876126 6/8/1942 79 BRONX 10453 MALE 3156106 8/21/1935 86 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 3156106 8/21/1935 86 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 3236122 12/14/1958 63 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 3236122 12/14/1958 63 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 3236122 12/14/1958 63 BRONX 10456 FEMALE
3236122 12/14/1958 63 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 3306099 8/10/1958 63 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 3366101 1/31/1923 99 BRONX 10459 MALE 3366101 1/31/1923 99 BRONX 10459 MALE 3366101 1/31/1923 99 BRONX 10459 MALE 3746104 2/16/1971 51 BRONX 10453 FEMALE 3746104 2/16/1971 51 BRONX 10453 FEMALE 3746104 2/16/1971 51 BRONX 10453 FEMALE 3746104 2/16/1971 51 BRONX 10453 FEMALE 3996121 5/9/1948 73 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 3996121 5/9/1948 73 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 3996121 5/9/1948 73 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 4006102 6/10/1926 95 BRONX 10452 MALE 4006102 6/10/1926 95 BRONX 10452 MALE 4006102 6/10/1926 95 BRONX 10452 MALE 4006102 6/10/1926 95 BRONX 10452 MALE 4006102 6/10/1926 95 BRONX 10452 MALE 4006102 6/10/1926 95 BRONX 10452 MALE 4006102 6/10/1926 95 BRONX 10452 MALE 4006102 6/10/1926 95 BRONX 10452 MALE 4006102 6/10/1926 95 BRONX 10452 MALE 4006102 6/10/1926 95 BRONX 10452 MALE 4006102 6/10/1926 95 BRONX 10452 MALE 4006102 6/10/1926 95 BRONX 10452 MALE 4586103 4/7/1947 75 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 4586103 4/7/1947 75 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 4586103 4/7/1947 75 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 4586103 4/7/1947 75 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 4596102 7/20/1951 70 BRONX 10465 MALE 4596102 7/20/1951 70 BRONX 10465 MALE 4596102 7/20/1951 70 BRONX 10465 MALE 5076138 4/29/1981 40 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 5106125 3/30/1945 77 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5106125 3/30/1945 77 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5106125 3/30/1945 77 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5106125 3/30/1945 77 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5106125 3/30/1945 77 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5106125 3/30/1945 77 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5106125 3/30/1945 77 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5106125 3/30/1945 77 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5106125 3/30/1945 77 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5106125 3/30/1945 77 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5106125 3/30/1945 77 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5106125 3/30/1945 77 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5106125 3/30/1945 77 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5106125 3/30/1945 77 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5106125 3/30/1945 77 BRONX 10456 FEMALE
5106125 3/30/1945 77 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5106125 3/30/1945 77 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5116108 12/30/1959 62 BRONX 10453 FEMALE 5316104 6/12/1941 80 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 5316104 6/12/1941 80 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 5316104 6/12/1941 80 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 5316104 6/12/1941 80 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 5316104 6/12/1941 80 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 5316104 6/12/1941 80 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 5316104 6/12/1941 80 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 5316104 6/12/1941 80 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 5416128 1/23/1924 98 BRONX 10460 FEMALE 5416128 1/23/1924 98 BRONX 10460 FEMALE 5416128 1/23/1924 98 BRONX 10460 FEMALE 5506100 9/4/1948 73 BRONX 10453 FEMALE 5506100 9/4/1948 73 BRONX 10453 FEMALE 5506100 9/4/1948 73 BRONX 10453 FEMALE 5656103 4/27/1957 64 BRONX 10456 MALE 5656103 4/27/1957 64 BRONX 10456 MALE 5656103 4/27/1957 64 BRONX 10456 MALE 5666102 9/28/1948 73 BRONX 10453 FEMALE 5666102 9/28/1948 73 BRONX 10453 FEMALE 5696125 6/29/1948 73 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 5696125 6/29/1948 73 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 5696125 6/29/1948 73 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 5696125 6/29/1948 73 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 5696125 6/29/1948 73 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 5696125 6/29/1948 73 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 5696125 6/29/1948 73 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 5786124 11/9/1936 85 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5786124 11/9/1936 85 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5786124 11/9/1936 85 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5786124 11/9/1936 85 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5786124 11/9/1936 85 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5786124 11/9/1936 85 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5786124 11/9/1936 85 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5916101 8/6/1966 55 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5916101 8/6/1966 55 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5916101 8/6/1966 55 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 5916101 8/6/1966 55 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 6596126 2/26/1947 75 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 6596126 2/26/1947 75 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 6986103 3/23/1939 83 BRONX 10453 FEMALE 6986103 3/23/1939 83 BRONX 10453 FEMALE 7336100 8/29/1937 84 BRONX 10453 FEMALE 7336100 8/29/1937 84 BRONX 10453 FEMALE 7336100 8/29/1937 84 BRONX 10453 FEMALE
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10336105 11/17/1934 87 BRONX 10472 MALE 10336105 11/17/1934 87 BRONX 10472 MALE 10766103 1/27/1948 74 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 10836104 11/26/1942 79 BRONX 10460 FEMALE 11056108 2/12/1969 53 BRONX 10459 FEMALE 11056108 2/12/1969 53 BRONX 10459 FEMALE 11056108 2/12/1969 53 BRONX 10459 FEMALE 11056108 2/12/1969 53 BRONX 10459 FEMALE 11356102 2/1/1951 71 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 11486107 12/24/1953 68 BRONX 10472 FEMALE 11596103 12/11/1962 59 BRONX 10452 MALE 12336103 11/3/1938 83 BRONX 10457 MALE 12336103 11/3/1938 83 BRONX 10457 MALE 12336103 11/3/1938 83 BRONX 10457 MALE 12376109 8/6/1952 69 BRONX 10456 MALE 12376109 8/6/1952 69 BRONX 10456 MALE 12376109 8/6/1952 69 BRONX 10456 MALE 12576104 5/3/1958 63 BRONX 10454 FEMALE 12576104 5/3/1958 63 BRONX 10454 FEMALE 12576104 5/3/1958 63 BRONX 10454 FEMALE
13356100 9/6/1939 82 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 13356100 9/6/1939 82 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 13356100 9/6/1939 82 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 13356100 9/6/1939 82 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 13356100 9/6/1939 82 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 13586151 9/8/1955 66 BRONX 10456 MALE 13596127 9/26/1920 101 BRONX 10456 MALE 13596127 9/26/1920 101 BRONX 10456 MALE 13686126 8/12/1949 72 JAMAICA 11432 FEMALE 13686126 8/12/1949 72 JAMAICA 11432 FEMALE 13686126 8/12/1949 72 JAMAICA 11432 FEMALE 13686126 8/12/1949 72 JAMAICA 11432 FEMALE 13686126 8/12/1949 72 JAMAICA 11432 FEMALE 13886098 3/24/1936 86 BRONX 10457 MALE 13886098 3/24/1936 86 BRONX 10457 MALE 13886098 3/24/1936 86 BRONX 10457 MALE 13886098 3/24/1936 86 BRONX 10457 MALE 13886098 3/24/1936 86 BRONX 10457 MALE 14176101 7/27/1932 89 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 14236103 3/19/1934 88 BRONX 10451 MALE 14336101 6/12/1939 82 BRONX 10460 MALE 14336101 6/12/1939 82 BRONX 10460 MALE 14336101 6/12/1939 82 BRONX 10460 MALE 14336101 6/12/1939 82 BRONX 10460 MALE 14336101 6/12/1939 82 BRONX 10460 MALE 14676159 9/4/1949 72 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 14676159 9/4/1949 72 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 14686125 3/3/1938 84 BRONX 10455 FEMALE 15196108 7/12/1953 68 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 15196108 7/12/1953 68 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 15196108 7/12/1953 68 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 15626104 9/25/1967 54 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 15626104 9/25/1967 54 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 15626104 9/25/1967 54 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 15626104 9/25/1967 54 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 15626104 9/25/1967 54 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 15626104 9/25/1967 54 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 15796105 1/29/1936 86 BRONX 10458 MALE 15796105 1/29/1936 86 BRONX 10458 MALE 15796105 1/29/1936 86 BRONX 10458 MALE 15796105 1/29/1936 86 BRONX 10458 MALE 15796105 1/29/1936 86 BRONX 10458 MALE 15876105 3/7/1953 69 BRONX 10468 FEMALE 15876105 3/7/1953 69 BRONX 10468 FEMALE 15906100 3/1/1952 70 BRONX 10454 MALE 15926108 8/13/1954 67 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 15926108 8/13/1954 67 BRONX 10456 FEMALE
16166100 10/25/1968 53 BRONX 10459 MALE 16166100 10/25/1968 53 BRONX 10459 MALE 16166100 10/25/1968 53 BRONX 10459 MALE 16166100 10/25/1968 53 BRONX 10459 MALE 16166100 10/25/1968 53 BRONX 10459 MALE 16166100 10/25/1968 53 BRONX 10459 MALE 16436149 7/19/1959 62 BRONX 10457 MALE 16436149 7/19/1959 62 BRONX 10457 MALE 16436149 7/19/1959 62 BRONX 10457 MALE 16436149 7/19/1959 62 BRONX 10457 MALE 16436149 7/19/1959 62 BRONX 10457 MALE 16446106 9/14/1951 70 BRONX 10457 MALE 16446106 9/14/1951 70 BRONX 10457 MALE 16446106 9/14/1951 70 BRONX 10457 MALE 16586091 6/21/1970 51 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 16586091 6/21/1970 51 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 16586091 6/21/1970 51 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 17376104 1/12/1950 72 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 17376104 1/12/1950 72 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 17376104 1/12/1950 72 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 17376104 1/12/1950 72 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 17376104 1/12/1950 72 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 17376104 1/12/1950 72 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 17376104 1/12/1950 72 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 17376104 1/12/1950 72 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 17456120 3/8/1938 84 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 17456120 3/8/1938 84 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 17456120 3/8/1938 84 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 17456120 3/8/1938 84 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 17536103 11/29/1962 59 BRONX 10458 MALE 17536103 11/29/1962 59 BRONX 10458 MALE 17536103 11/29/1962 59 BRONX 10458 MALE 17536103 11/29/1962 59 BRONX 10458 MALE 17536103 11/29/1962 59 BRONX 10458 MALE 17556101 6/30/1945 76 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 17556101 6/30/1945 76 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 17556101 6/30/1945 76 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 17556101 6/30/1945 76 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 17556101 6/30/1945 76 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 17556101 6/30/1945 76 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 18496125 4/9/1930 91 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 18496125 4/9/1930 91 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 18496125 4/9/1930 91 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 18766105 1/5/1953 69 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 18766105 1/5/1953 69 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 19416106 1/9/1953 69 BRONX 10457 FEMALE 19666106 10/12/1957 64 BRONX 10456 FEMALE
19666106 10/12/1957 64 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 19666106 10/12/1957 64 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 19666106 10/12/1957 64 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 19736123 2/3/1941 81 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 20096103 8/20/1952 69 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20096103 8/20/1952 69 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20096103 8/20/1952 69 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20576138 5/18/1934 87 BRONX 10468 MALE 20576138 5/18/1934 87 BRONX 10468 MALE 20636106 8/5/1953 68 BRONX 10467 FEMALE 20636106 8/5/1953 68 BRONX 10467 FEMALE 20636106 8/5/1953 68 BRONX 10467 FEMALE 20636106 8/5/1953 68 BRONX 10467 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE
20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20686101 3/24/1935 87 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 20996104 5/5/1949 72 BRONX 10456 MALE
20996104 5/5/1949 72 BRONX 10456 MALE 20996104 5/5/1949 72 BRONX 10456 MALE 20996104 5/5/1949 72 BRONX 10456 MALE 21306105 3/6/1957 65 BRONX 10451 FEMALE 21336128 3/9/1922 100 BRONX 10456 MALE 21376108 2/7/1936 86 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 21376108 2/7/1936 86 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 21376108 2/7/1936 86 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 21376108 2/7/1936 86 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 21376108 2/7/1936 86 BRONX 10452 FEMALE 21636105 3/17/1939 83 BRONX 10459 FEMALE 21636105 3/17/1939 83 BRONX 10459 FEMALE 21636105 3/17/1939 83 BRONX 10459 FEMALE 21646120 11/14/1956 65 BRONX 10457 MALE 21646120 11/14/1956 65 BRONX 10457 MALE 21676614 1/7/1976 46 BRONX 10453 FEMALE 21906102 9/30/1952 69 BRONX 10452 MALE 21946108 12/9/1933 88 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 21946108 12/9/1933 88 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 21946108 12/9/1933 88 BRONX 10456 FEMALE 22166102 2/15/1934 Plagiarism Free Papers
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