During the class time we were able to watch the dateline The Deep Dive. This video helped a lot during the presentation and will continu
Please write individual journals into 6 pages.
"Sample-IndividualProcessJournal" is the sample file that we need to use for submission"
"Task1-OrganizationandTeamDiscussion" is the file that we need to use for submission
Group Process Journal
Week 1
During the class time we were able to watch the dateline The Deep Dive. This video helped a lot during the presentation and will continue to help me as a leader in the future. The biggest take away from the video that I grasped was the philosophy that no idea should be left of the take, and that rather than dismissing an idea you have to build upon it. A quote that I failed to get who stated it in class went along the lines to say that you should fail often in order to be able to succeed sooner. This quote is great and I will at it to my inspirational quotes log. It is sometimes those type of quotes that you need to reflect back upon through tough or troubling times. One strategy that I need to work on in order to take myself to the next level in leadership is being modest despite being correct. I find it all too easy to shove something in a peers face when they are wrong, and need to take a step back in these situations and realize how I am coming across to the other person.
We also reviewed the stages that most teams go through the forming, storming, norming, preforming, and adjourning. In the break out session we laid down ground rules as instructed in class. I feel that this helped us throughout the projects. And it allowed us to proceed as needed when it situation came up in regards to decision making, absences, meetings, and work not being completed. We also covered what was important to the team, positive and negatives of teams, and what type of leadership style to use. After we confirmed the group rules, and decided to take the real team discipline approach, we started reading each individual case study, one after another. After all the cases were discussed, we were able give input as to which top case studies we wanted to pursue as a team. It came down to the case study that I had presented which was based upon the philanthropic organization of Workcamp, who helps communities maintain homes that the homeowners are having trouble physically and financially themselves.
Week 2
Week two was primarily spent on hashing out how to proceed forward in order to get the most work done. We all wanted to be ahead of schedule and get as much as we could get done, so that we would have plenty of time to prepare for the presentation at the end and to make final touchups to the paper.
In class we covered type a personalities who are do it yourself, and type b is of the nature that if it isn’t broken don’t fix it. If there is no conflict in a group there tends to be a high possibility of group think. We also talked about evaluating and appreciating others values. A list of the motivational languages was a good review by covering:
Words of affirmation:
Spending quality time in person
Acts of service
Physical touch
For our team work session we went over the rest of the delegations of tasks and what each person could contribute to the project. We also started identifying the overlying issues that needed to be addressed in the case study; also known as the root causes. In this session we seemed to spend a lot of time just working on task behavior, and not as much time on social behavior. We all seemed to be of the mentality that we should rush to get as much done as we could. On that lead to our e area that lead to a little more social interaction was our group collaboration of the previous weeks team name T4, which we turned into a logo.
Tari-ism: “Listen to learn and learn to listen.”
Week 3
We primarily spent our time covering conflicts in teams and the different opportunities that an individual can contribute to a case: skills, contributions, technical, subject matter expert, devil’s advocate, interpersonal skills, problem solving or decision maker, and/or presenter.
For the lesson part of class the biggest topic that resonated with me was the three rules.
1. Don’t be concerned about making yourself herd
2. Be truthful, don’t try avoiding the matter (issue)
3. Speak in love, build up others
I find when looking at conflict it is hard to come into productive conflict, usually someone in the issue takes matters personally, instead of looking at the issues or tasks. I took this information while looking at our case study, and tried to use it, when making objective decision making.
In the third week we decided it would be wise for us to set a better agenda for our breakout sessions so that we would be better equipped at steering back on track when we get sidetracked with idea’s. And so that we could accurately judge how much time we had to dedicate to certain topics. We spent time compiling what everyone had completed during the week from the last meetings assigned delegations.
Week 4
In week four I was unable to make it to class, since I was sick. I was able to email my cohort earlier in the day to let them know that I wouldn’t be able to make it, and that they can delegate work for me in my absence and vote on matter in order to proceed with the project. The team did a wonderful effort on keeping me informed by sending me notes covering what was discussed and decided for the group project. In class the group covered team building, and why teams fail. I was tasked with completing a few additional parts for the case to complete the week, which included starting the PowerPoint, and compiling the main research objectives to develop a survey. A main theme that was pointed put during this group session was the fact that we didn’t have someone keeping a close enough eye being a time keeper, so we could get through our agenda. Comment by tstein:
Week 5
For our second to last class gathering we had a majority of the paper put together and a basis of what we wanted to include in the power point. We were able to further hone the paper/ polish it, and then laid out the final template for the power point. Since we had all been assigned different areas of the paper to research we thought it was only fitting for everyone to go in during the weekend compile that part of the power point. I feel we had a little bit of a storming session for a majority of the PowerPoint layout, since Tari was the annotator we had her pull up the PowerPoint that they had started the week prior in class and the PowerPoint I had compiled online. The majority of the group was in conscious that we should condense the slides to not have the information on T4 and that caused a hang-up with ++++, she seemed to want to just keep last week’s layout. I feel her hostility was in part to changing the design but also the fact that she was on vacation and had come in to collaborate with the team anyways. After going back and forth we were able to talk through the layout and come to a mutual decision that we should keep a little brief overview of T4 but not go over the culture, mission, history as in depth as our paper. Comment by tstein:
3 Questions
1. What about myself am I most proud of?
I would have to say I am most proud of my ability to help others in the group. When someone needed some suggestions, a second set of eyes, or help on their assigned potion I was able to give my input or help where possible.
2. What about the team am I most proud of?
I am very proud of our team, we were able to find the areas we were strongest in and work our abilities to benefit the project. Not only that we were very courteous and professional when it came to decision making, letting everyone give their input and being able to come to a resolution when problems arose.
3. How has creativity enhanced the efforts?
When I think of creativity and this project two areas come to mind, the first being the logo for our team. We were able to come up with different concepts individually and then put them together to make one logo. The other is the perspectives of each other and building upon everyone’s view of the case studies main root problems.
Week 6
To finish the class we presented as a group our final report to the board of trusties for the workcamp organization and were able to get feedback on the presentation. We also saw the other team’s presentation and give positive input and areas of improvement. As a team we were able to cover last minute how we were going to field questions,
Evaluation of the team: contributions/support
Tari-primary annotator, mission statement, and main lead when putting together the parts in the paper.
Tom-designed and put together all promotional material (beads, and chocolate), helped find and analyze peer reviewed articles, and collected information on similar organization
Dave- Covered the culture of workcamp and other organizations.
John- found and analyze peer reviewed articles and dynamics of philanthropic groups
Myself-collected data on the history of the project, gave in-depth knowledge of workcamp, setup and helped compile the group paper, and power point. Put together the survey and analysis of the survey. Structured most of the recommendations, and main objections of the project.
Group process, as a whole it was interesting to proceed through a group objective as a team effort, having an equal share of voting throughout. It was the first time I have approached a project this way, and it was a bit of a learning curve for all involved. Successes/failures what to do same/different. I feel that our team did a wonderful job pulling together in the final hour. One area that we could have improved upon is getting together the night before to go over the entire presentation to time ourselves, and have a little more congruency speaking after one another. A success was found during our question and answer section, in which we were successfully able to build off one another’s ideas. Secondly, as a group we did a great job of setting aside time outside of class to meet a couple times, in order to keep everyone on the same page and help wrap up the paper, and PowerPoint.
I am not quite sure if it would be a success or not if we were to complete the project having one main leader. I think that we would have been able to complete the task a little faster by being able to delegate and work through things more efficient. On the other hand I think the creativity, imagination, and collaboration would have been limited. Thus, making the project not as successful in the end.
Task 1- Organization and Team Discussion
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation
Course Name
Professor’s Name
Task 1- Organization and Team Discussion
Part Two: Problems and/or Opportunities
There have been issues connected to limited work productivity in the banking environment in connection to having a limited impact on team improvement. The main issues existent in the banking sector are an increase in competition, cultural shifts, the influx of many expectations, regulatory compliance requirements, and transforming business models. All these are problems yet they integrate various opportunities for change and profitability once they get handled properly. Team performance in the banking sector has a strong likelihood of generating better work management since it can generate diverse production processes (Sanyal & Hisam, 2019). There can be accurate processes of determining team management after finding out areas known to create robust team behaviors. It is possible to ensure robust outcomes by integrating cohesive behaviors, goal development, motivation, clarity of expected behaviors, and openness after dealing with limitations for productivity.
The baking industry has been improved due to technological advancement in technology and the need to produce better IT infrastructure. A very critical threat to the financial environment is that FinTechs have been increasing in the current technical environment which creates a constant shift of clients to the platforms. There have been FinTech startups that offer centralized banking procedures and accessibility from any location in techniques that reduce clients' dependency on bank services. Banks have been forced to adapt technological procedures for clients like mobile banking, internet access to their bank accounts, and increase in time for clients to access bank services (McEwan et al., 2017). Startups create cheaper and more robust financial management processes that cause clients to have a mental shift in their bank uses.
Banks have thus been forced to engage in acquisitions and partnerships with FinTechs since their procedures shall get used to validate customer service that is mandatory to ensure retention. Investments in the FinTech industry are thus highly appropriate to solve the issue of advancement in clients' expectations. Many opportunities get developed due to the problem since it then becomes necessary for banks to advance their legacy systems. In this case, teamwork becomes imperative to generate better work outcomes after the new client requirements get validated by various professionals who shall then be required to display their levels of expertise (McEwan et al., 2017). To maintain a competitive edge in the financial environment, it shall be possible to increase work procedures after finding out areas conversant with client expectations. Teamwork is imperative to ensure the diverse parties understand how teamwork can validate successful client outcomes.
Cultural Shifts
There are different cultural shifts that can get handled after dealing with professionals in the banking environment. Every time new technology gets rolled out, clients prefer using the software or devices especially since they have a higher degree of usability. Once this occurs, it is imperative to validate banking processes based on the existence of profitable operations after clients realize how new banking procedures promote better outcomes. Integration of artificial intelligence into the current work environment is valid and gets used by many persons in the current banking industry (McEwan et al., 2017). The banking industry’s shifting cultural aspects generate a diverse process of leveraging existent procedures to determine the level through which employees shall produce suitable behavioral outcomes. Technology has become more advanced and relied on more so using the internet of things that offers connectivity for different departments.
Al the cultural shifts create a crucial requirement to determine the method through which manual processes can get changed to generate automation of all system operations. An opportunity to handle the cultural shift requirement is possible in the work environment after finding out how the banking industry’s existent operations can get promoted after dealing with technology-based business management. Integration of culture for innovation is imperative since it can promote better operational factors after dealing with existing processes (McEwan et al., 2017). In this case, it can be possible to create maximum efficiency from all bank team members. Optimization of system operations is valid to create better banking processes that shall get used to determine industry management requirements which all work using digital transformation.
Regulatory Compliance Requirements
The banking industry operates effectively once all operational departments work in compliance with all types of regulations. Challenges related to regulatory compliance requirements are involved in the banking industry which further limits productive outcomes in the work environment (Schmutz et al., 2019). It is mandatory for banks to pay regulatory fees after using them to generate business continuity that is mandatory in the entire work environment. Financial standards must get adhered to by all professionals in the banking sector since all departmental operations shall validate better team management. Banks are crucial in all countries since their requirements would validate productivity operations. There is a mandatory requirement for banks to manage their resources after researching the entire business environment to manage compliance expectations.
All banking sectors must comply with compliance expectations for cash management, investments, account handling, and human resource management. There can be accurate work procedures once all banks realize their team operations yet this is challenging when the professionals involved do not integrate suitable team behaviors. Regulatory challenges must get overcome since they are detrimental and reduce work productivity expectations. The creation of a culture for compliance and understanding of regulatory requirements is imperative to all work processes since there shall be systematic changes among all bank departments. Integration of technology is a dependable method to facilitate work productivity requirements after finding out procedural operations required in the entire work environment (Larson & DeChurch, 2020). Industry policy procedures are highly imperative to determine adequate policy procedures that shall serve the entire work environment.
Transforming Business Models
There is a crucial procedure for facilitating better productivity after working with employees conversant with the banking sector. When clients get involved in business opportunity changes, there can be appropriate management of all business models. Issues can occur when persons in the work environment do not understand how their business models can get changed yet the factor is mandatory to promote business productivity (Larson & DeChurch, 2020). Banks have gotten affected in the way they do business since their procedures of managing interest rates, financial management, and customer service development constantly change while limiting work productivity. Banking profitability operations get affected due to limited processes of working with persons in the banking sectors. Capital management in the banking sector further becomes crucial yet this does not promote an in-depth process of handling banking sector expectations.
Equity management in the banking industry is required to determine suitable work procedures yet it is not always possible to facilitate expected customer operations. The transforming business environment is affected by low-interest rates, decreasing equity operations, pressure influx in the work environment, and the need to increase trading procedures for the entire work environment. Management of funds in the business environment is imperative based on the possibility of creating sustainable work procedures. The business environment gets affected by shareholder expectations that are constantly required to deal with the existent employee expertise. Rationalization of the banking organizational sector is crucial to determine better work processes yet the need for engaging changing business models creates more requirements for employees (Sanyal & Hisam, 2018). Banks are required to adapt to changing demands in the business sector that are required for facilitating better shareholder management. Pivoting is a common operation in the baking industry based on the changing business models and needs to engage with productive business processes.
The influx of Many Expectations
The current client sector is full of technological expectations that make work faster, easier, and more accurate. Personalization of banking platforms is required since it facilitates a better banking experience based on the existence of convenient management of the banking sector. Bank clients expect the highest output in the work environment since has the potential to affect diverse management operations. In this case, it is required to facilitate an adequate definition of terms that produce clients' expectations. Management of resources in the banking environment becomes a crucial process that is directed to generate value for cash in the entire banking environment (Sanyal & Hisam, 2018). Authentication of banking processes is thus a critical process that is used to validate productivity operations known to improve the banking environment’s outcomes.
Since clients' expectations always increase, banking managers are required to integrate complex algorithms to streamline the IT infrastructure in methods that shall improve general work output. Consumers do not get concerned with the background operations handled in the banking environment. Their main concern is to generate a productive method to handle customer loyalty which is highly imperative in the banking sector. Further, consumers prefer a mobile application that allows them to access funds from any location and thus promotes ease of performing work duties (Larson & DeChurch, 2020). In this case, it can be possible to generate high-quality products in the banking sector after all parties understand their unique roles which creates better work productivity. There is thus an opportunity for change once the banking environment gets served by experienced persons who integrate teamwork for the best work output.
Comparison of All Problems and Opportunities
Team improvement offers the best method to generate work output since it can be possible to integrate team expertise then streamline the process to handle customer expectations. There can be productive outcomes as all employees receive performance improvement during meeting sessions developed to improve the entire banking environment. Distribution of all processes in the work environment is possible based on the crucial requirement to facilitate proper agenda management (Levi, D. & Askay, 2021, p. 121). The level of importance subjected to persons in the work environment is connected to productivity developed that is handled as a measure for change. It can be easy to implement change once different persons in the work environment get placed into teams where training procedures get developed. In this way, it is possible to produce proper team output since all persons shall get promoted with collaboration. All sessions used to handle behavior management shall get performed properly to increase customer service.
The production, service, management, project, and performing teams in banking organizational activities shall serve the entire work environment. IT teams get integrated to handle roles in all the departments mentioned since their operational procedures are critical for the current business environment. The process of addressing roles in the work environment is dependent on generating proper behavioral outcomes since the process of generating accommodation in the work environment goes beyond the physical level. It can be possible to increase customer service as the work area operates with people who are known to improve team management. Power handling is imperative in the work environment to determine the levels of executing productivity operations in conformity to client expectations. Since there is soft and harsh power, all employees need to get assessed to determine the suitable type of power to handle their productivity requirements (Levi, D. & Askay, 2021, p. 156). Team performance shall then get adequately handled during the entire banking improvement.
Dinh, J., Schweissing, E., Venkatesh, A., Traylor, A., Kilcullen, M., Perez, J., & Salas, E. (2021). The Study of Teamwork Processes Within the Dynamic Domains of Healthcare: A Systematic and Taxonomic Review. Frontiers In Communication, 6. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2021.617928
Larson, L., & DeChurch, L. (2020). Leading Teams in the Digital Age: Four Perspectives on Technology and What They Mean for Leading Teams. The leadership quarterly, 31(1), 101377. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.leaqua.2019.101377
Lencioni, P. (2002). The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. Wiley.
Levi, D. & Askay, D. (2021). Group dynamics for teams [Paperback] (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage Publications, Inc. ISBN-978-1-5443-0969-9 Lencioni, Patrick (2002). The Five Dysfunctions of a Team [Paperback] (1st ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, Inc. ISBN-13: 978-0787960759.
McEwan D, Ruissen GR, Eys MA, Zumbo BD, Beauchamp MR (2017) The Effectiveness of Teamwork Training on Teamwork Behaviors and Team Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Interventions. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169604. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0169604
Schmutz, J. B., Meier, L. L., & Manser, T. (2019). How effective is teamwork really? The relationship between teamwork and performance in healthcare teams: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ open, 9(9), e028280. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028280
Sanyal, S. & Hisam, M. W. (2018). The Impact of Teamwork on Work Performance of Employees: A Study of Faculty Members in Dhofar University. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 20, (3). DOI: 10.9790/487X-2003011522.
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