Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation on the Legacy of the Progressive Era. Using resources from the Topic 6 Readings, including you
Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation on the Legacy of the Progressive Era. Using resources from the Topic 6 Readings, including your textbook, materials provided by your instructor through class discussion, and materials from the GCU Library Guide for HIS-144 US History
Themes, prepare your PowerPoint with the following areas of focus: Regulation of Business, Greater Democracy, Conservationism, the Rise of Professionalism, and Prohibition. The PowerPoint should be five to six slides (a minimum of one for each area) and include slide notes of 100-200 words for each. Additionally, include a title, introduction, and reference slide(s), which do not count toward the five to six slide totals. Each response should show good writing mechanics, grammar, formatting, and proper citations at the end of each question/response.
Refer to the resource, "Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations," located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
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LEARNING LEARNING OBJECTIVESOBJECTIVES Aft er Aft er reading reading t his t his chapt erchapt er, , you you should should be be able able t o t o do do t he t he following:following:
6-16-1 Describe Describe the the long-term long-term causes causes and and more more immediate immediate eevents vents that that led led the the colonistscolonists into into a a true true war war for for independence independence against against Britain.Britain.
6-26-2 EnumeraEnumerate te the the various various phases phases of of the the American American ReRevolution, volution, and and analyze analyze thethe circumstances circumstances that that eeventually ventually helped helped the the colonists colonists win win a a conflict conflict that that Britain,Britain, by by rights,rights, should should nevnever er hahave ve lost.lost.
6-36-3 Assess Assess the the significance significance of of the the American American Revolution Revolution to to the the follofollowing wing groups:groups: colonists,colonists, slav slaves, es, NatiNative ve Americans,Americans, and and women.women.
66 TheThe Re Revvolutionolution
CH APT ER CH APT ER 66: : TThe he RevolutionRevolution104104
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After After the the “long “long train train of of abuses” abuses” that that led led to to the the DeclaDecla– ration ration of of Independence, Independence, from from 1776 1776 to to 1783 1783 AmericanAmerican patriots patriots fought fought a a long long and and difficult difficult war war with with Britain. Britain. OsOs– tensiblytensibly, , the the battle battle was was between between freedom freedom and and tyranny tyranny (if(if you you were were a a patriot), patriot), or or about about the the responsibilities responsibilities of of bebe– ing ing British British (if (if you you were were a a Loyalist). Loyalist). In In realityreality, , choosingchoosing sides sides was was much much more more personal, personal, depending, depending, for for instance,instance, on on whether whether your your landlord landlord was was a a LLoyalist oyalist or or a a patriot,patriot, whether whether you you thought thought political political freedom freedom would would improveimprove your your economic economic situation, situation, or or whether whether you you felt felt the the earnearn– ings ings you you made made from from a a slave-based slave-based economy economy were were threatthreat– ened. ened. All All colonists colonists were were forced forced to to choose choose sides, sides, althoughalthough many many remained remained ambivalent. ambivalent. Loyalists Loyalists were were scorned, scorned, butbut revolutionaries revolutionaries would would be be punished punished brutally brutally if if their their sideside lost. lost. Choosing Choosing sides sides was was no no small small mattermatter, , and and the the conseconse– quences quences could could be be deadlydeadly..
But But the the war war and and the the political political independence independence thatthat followed followed made made up up only only one one of of several several transitions transitions thatthat took took place place during during these these years. years. The The Revolutionary Revolutionary WWarar brought brought with with it it fundamental fundamental questions questions about about freedomfreedom and and libertyliberty, , and and about about what what kind kind of of society society AmericansAmericans wanted. wanted. How How far far would would the the American American Revolution Revolution go go inin promoting promoting equality? equality? WWould ould economic economic and and educationaleducational differences differences be be eradicated eradicated by by a a leveling leveling state? state? WWould ould slavslav– ery ery be be abolished? abolished? How How different different would would the the new new societysociety look look compared compared to to the the old? old? How How revolutionary revolutionary would would thethe American American Revolution Revolution be?be?
As As in in most most revolutions, revolutions, the the American American Revolution Revolution hadhad long-term, long-term, underlying underlying causes causes that that finally finally came came to to a a headhead because because of of short-term, short-term, precipitating precipitating
66-1-1aa Underlying Underlying CausesCauses In In the the 103 103 years years between between 1660 1660 and and 1763, 1763, the the coloniescolonies had had formed formed a a unique unique society society distinct distinct from from that that of of Britain.Britain. Perhaps Perhaps most most important, important, they they had had developed developed a a dynamicdynamic economy economy in in manufacturing manufacturing and and processing processing goods, goods, as as wellwell as as supplying supplying raw raw materials materials to to trading trading partners partners in in bothboth the the Old Old and and New New WWorlds. orlds. In In other other words, words, the the coloniescolonies were were not not just just a a primary primary economic economic supplier supplier (supplying(supplying raw raw materials materials to to a a mother mother country), country), but but a a well-roundedwell-rounded
economic economic system system unto unto themselves. themselves. Of Of course, course, manymany wealthy wealthy southerners southerners owed owed their their fortunes fortunes to to slave-basedslave-based cash cash crops crops that that were were then then traded traded with with Britain, Britain, so so thesethese colonists colonists shied shied away away from from confrontation confrontation with with the the Crown.Crown. Nevertheless, Nevertheless, large large sectors sectors of of the the North North American American econecon– omy omy were were becoming becoming increasingly increasingly independent independent of of Britain.Britain.
Along Along similar similar lines, lines, property property ownership ownership was was moremore common common in in the the colonies colonies than than in in Britain. Britain. This This meant meant that,that, with with the the notable notable exception exception of of slaves, slaves, the the peopeople ple workingworking the the land land owned owned it, it, which which gave gave them them something something to to fightfight for for should should their their position position be be threatened. threatened. The The colonies colonies alsoalso had had developed developed without without the the titled titled aristocracy aristocracy or or widewide– spread spread poverty poverty found found in in Britain, Britain, two two further further factors factors thatthat made made them them an an entity entity unique unique from from Britain. Britain. And, And, in in fact,fact, each each colony colony had had developed developed a a self-elected self-elected government,government, something something it it was was not not willing willing to to give give up up easilyeasily..
66-1-1bb Precipitating Precipitating EventsEvents But But these these long-term long-term causes causes could could not not have have detonateddetonated into into a a war war without without several several immediate immediate sparks. sparks. Three Three werewere vital: vital: (1) (1) increased increased local local conflicts; conflicts; (2) (2) the the uncompromisuncompromis– ing ing attitude attitude of of Britain; Britain; and and (3) (3) a a shift shift in in opinion opinion amongamong the the colonists—toward colonists—toward revolution.revolution.
At At the the local local level, level, the the war’war’s s scope scope was was widening widening eveneven before before any any official official declaration declaration of of warwar. . In In 1775, 1775, for for inin– stance, stance, Ethan Ethan Allen Allen and and his his “Green “Green Mountain Mountain Boys”Boys” attacked attacked and and captured captured Britain’Britain’s s Fort Fort TTiconderoga iconderoga andand Crown Crown Point Point in in backwoods backwoods New New YYork. ork. At At about about the the samesame time, time, the the patriots’ patriots’ Continental Continental Army Army invaded invaded CanadaCanada and and captured captured Montreal Montreal but but failed failed to to capture capture Quebec. Quebec. InIn Charleston, Charleston, meanwhile, meanwhile, patriots patriots beat beat back back an an attack attack byby a a British British fleet. fleet. In In Boston, Boston, patriots patriots surrounded surrounded and and laidlaid “siege” “siege” on on the the city city after after the the British British had had taken taken controlcontrol in in the the aftermath aftermath of of the the Battle Battle of of Bunker Bunker Hill. Hill. PerhapsPerhaps most most dramaticallydramatically, , Virginians Virginians forced forced the the royal royal governorgovernor,, Lord Lord Dunmore, Dunmore, to to retreat retreat from from the the mainland mainland to to a a BritishBritish warship warship in in the the harbor harbor at at Norfolk. Norfolk. These These local local conflicts,conflicts, organized organized without without the the assistance assistance of of any any unified unified colonialcolonial bodybody, , indicated indicated a a widening widening war war between between Britain Britain and and thethe colonies, colonies, and and signaled signaled the the transformation transformation of of grassrootsgrassroots opinion opinion toward toward warwar..
Lord Lord Dunmore’Dunmore’s s story story is is significant, significant, howeverhowever, , forfor another another reason. reason. After After retreating retreating to to an an offshore offshore ship ship asas he he awaited awaited British British military military support, support, Dunmore Dunmore issued issued aa
The The ffirsirst t shoshots ts oof f the the AAmermericaican n RevolRevolutioution n were were ffired ired iin n LexLexingtington, on, MaMassssachachuseusetttts s on on AAprpril il 1199, , 17751775, , picpicturtured ed herhere. e. Little Little did did anyone anyone know know thenthen that that this this initialinitial skirmish skirmish would would lead lead the the colonies colonies to to declare declare their their independenceindependence and and ststrike rike oout ut onon th their eir owown. n. EveEven n lesless s knknown own wwas as wwhahat t kinkind d of of natnation ion wowould uld fform orm iin n wake wake oof f a a hishistortoric ic revorevolutilution.on.
105105FrFrom om Rebellion Rebellion to to RevolutionRevolution
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proclamation proclamation offering offering freedom freedom toto any any slave slave who who agreed agreed to to fight fight forfor the the British. British. His His program, program, “Liberty“Liberty to to Slaves,” Slaves,” angered angered the the colonists,colonists, who who would would later later cite cite Dunmore’Dunmore’s s acac– tions tions in in the the Declaration Declaration of of IndepenIndepen– dence. dence. TTo o many many colonists, colonists, libertyliberty was was meant meant only only for for Europeans Europeans andand Euro-Americans, Euro-Americans, and and it it stung stung thatthat the the governor governor was was offering offering it it to to slaves.slaves. Within Within weeks weeks of of Dunmore’Dunmore’s s call, call, bebe– tween tween five five hundred hundred and and six six hundredhundred slaves slaves responded, responded, and and before before thethe Revolutionary Revolutionary WWar ar was was overover, , severalseveral thousand thousand more more fought fought for for BritainBritain and and for for their their freedom. freedom. In In contrast,contrast, George George WWashington ashington refused refused to to useuse black black soldiers soldiers during during the the first first yearsyears of of the the warwar. . Indeed, Indeed, only only during during thethe final final months months of of the the war war were were colocolo– nists nists forced forced to to press press slaves slaves into into serser– vice, vice, delaying delaying the the action action becausebecause they they feared feared arming arming them.them.
As As the the war war widened, widened, King King GeorgeGeorge III III grew grew increasingly increasingly angry angry atat the the colonies colonies for for their their continued continued insubordination. insubordination. He He rejected rejected the the “Olive “Olive Branch Branch PePe– tition” tition” of of the the Second Second Continental Continental Congress Congress and and in in August August 1775 1775 denounced denounced the the colonists colonists as as rebels. rebels. He He alsoalso hired hired mercenaries mercenaries from from GermanyGermany, , called called ““HessiansHessians,,”” to to fight fight the the colonists. colonists. And And in in December December 1775 1775 he he closedclosed all all American American ports.ports.
This This last last action action was was particularly particularly significant significant becausebecause it it made made independence independence absolutely absolutely necessary necessary to to openopen trade trade with with other other countries. countries. The The king’king’s s uncompromisinguncompromising attitude attitude presented presented the the colonists colonists with with few few options options otherother than than revolution. revolution. Each Each step step amplified amplified the the conflict.conflict.
FinallFinallyy, , popular popular opinion opinion in in the the colonies colonies had had graduallygradually shifted shifted toward toward independence. independence. The The decline decline of of salutarysalutary neglect neglect and and the the spread spread of of local local violence violence led led many many colocolo– nists nists to to side side with with the the revolutionaries. revolutionaries. These These economiceconomic and and social social events events pushed pushed the the war war of of ideas ideas about about freedomfreedom
and and sovereignty sovereignty into into the the lives lives ofof everyday everyday Americans, Americans, and and the the moremore the the Crown Crown proved proved uncompromisuncompromis– ing, ing, the the more more American American opinionopinion shifted shifted toward toward revolution.revolution.
66-1-1cc Choosing Choosing SidesSides There There was, was, howeverhowever, , never never unanimunanim– ityity, , and and thus, thus, in in addition addition to to this this bebe– ing ing a a revolutionary revolutionary warwar, , it it was was alsoalso very very much much a a civil civil warwar..
Why Why remain remain loyal? loyal? In In the the end,end, somewhere somewhere between between one-fifth one-fifth andand one-third one-third of of the the colonists colonists remainedremained loyal loyal to to Britain Britain throughout throughout the the warwar (see (see “The “The Reasons Reasons Why Why . . . . .” .” box).box). Most Most prominent prominent in in this this group group werewere wealthy wealthy landholders landholders and and slave slave ownown– ers, ers, who who had had the the most most to to lose lose in in aa revolution. revolution. Furthermore, Furthermore, a a largelarge percentage percentage of of colonists colonists remainedremained indifferent indifferent to to both both the the British British andand the the revolutionaries.revolutionaries.
Although Although all all the the colonies colonies hadhad some some pro-Crown pro-Crown families, families, geogeo–
graphically graphically most most Loyalists Loyalists lived lived in in the the southern southern coloniescolonies and and New New YYork.ork.
Why Why revolt? revolt? Each Each rebelling rebelling colonist colonist had had a a different different momo– tive tive for for supporting supporting a a break break with with Britain, Britain, and and these these reasonsreasons were were just just as as complicated complicated as as those those for for remaining remaining loyal.loyal.
>> >> The The king’king’s s uncompromisinguncompromising attitude attitude presented presented thethe colonists colonists with with fefew w optionsoptions other other than than rerevolution.volution. Here Here thethe king king is is dressed dressed in in his his rrooyal yal
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106106 CH APT ER CH APT ER 66: : The The ReRevolutionvolution
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Personal Personal and and commercial commercial considerations considerations were were vitallyvitally important. important. But But perhaps perhaps most most influential influential was was the the ideologyideology of of republicanismrepublicanism, , the the idea idea that that government government should should bebe based based on on the the consent consent of of the the governed governed and and that that the the peopeo– ple ple had had a a duty duty to to ensure ensure that that their their government government did did notnot infringe infringe on on individual individual rights. rights. The The American American RevolutionRevolution was was the the first first serious serious modern modern attempt attempt to to craft craft a a governgovern– ment ment based based on on these these principles.principles.
Republicanism Republicanism set set down down deep deep roots roots in in Britain Britain bebe– fore fore it it flowered flowered on on American American soil. soil. The The British British RadicalRadical Whigs Whigs of of the the 1600s, 1600s, for for example, example, harked harked back back to to thethe classical classical Roman Roman ideal ideal of of a a “republican “republican societysociety,” ,” in in whichwhich governmental governmental power power was was curtailed curtailed by by the the actions actions of of thethe people, people, who who were were presumed presumed to to be be virtuous virtuous and and willingwilling to to sacrifice sacrifice for for the the public public good. good. Drawing Drawing on on these these RoRo– man man ideals, ideals, the the Radical Radical Whigs Whigs outlined outlined a a theory theory accordaccord– ing ing to to which which a a government government was was legitimate legitimate only only when when itit was was based based on on an an agreement agreement between between the the members members of of aa society society and and government. government. In In this this formulation, formulation, membersmembers of of society society would would agree agree to to sacrifice sacrifice a a degree degree of of liberty liberty inin exchange exchange for for the the government government maintaining maintaining security security andand orderorder, , but but otherwise otherwise avoid avoid infringing infringing on on a a person’person’s s life,life, libertyliberty, , or or propertyproperty. . Any Any ruler ruler who who transgressed transgressed naturalnatural laws laws was was considered considered a a tyrant, tyrant, and and under under tyranny tyranny the the rere– bellion bellion of of a a people people was was justifiable. justifiable. (Republicanism (Republicanism waswas different different from from liberalism, liberalism, which which viewed viewed any any governmentgovernment as as an an unwanted unwanted infringement infringement on on individual individual libertyliberty.).)
Republican Republican ideas ideas spread spread throughout throughout the the colonies colonies inin the the 1700s, 1700s, mainly mainly by by the the work work of of two two British British authors—authors— John John TTrenchard renchard and and Thomas Thomas Gordon—who Gordon—who wrote wrote aa
short short book book called called CatoCato’’s s LettersLetters. . In In America, America, Cato’Cato’s s LetLet– ters ters and and other other Radical Radical Whig Whig writings writings were were quoted quoted everyevery time time Britain Britain attempted attempted to to raise raise taxes taxes after after the the FrenchFrench and and Indian Indian WWarar..
But But the the best-known best-known expression expression of of republicanrepublican ideas ideas in in revolutionary revolutionary America America was was corset corset makermaker Thomas Thomas Paine’Paine’s s political political pamphlet pamphlet Common Common SenseSense,, published published in in January January 1776. 1776. Its Its simple simple wording wording of of rere– publican publican ideals ideals nudgednudged the the colonists colonists further further towardtoward independence. independence. Paine Paine asserted asserted that that the the king king never never hadhad the the welfare welfare of of his his subjects subjects in in mind mind and and that that he he was was enen– tirely tirely concerned concerned with with his his own own exercise exercise of of powerpower. . PainePaine also also argued argued that that independence independence was was the the only only answer answer toto this this problem, problem, using using language language so so powerful powerful that that it it mademade any any other other course course of of action action seem seem absurd. absurd. He He set set forthforth a a vision vision of of America America as as a a dynamic, dynamic, independent independent nation,nation, growing growing in in population population and and prosperityprosperity, , with with a a kindlykindly government government doing doing a a substantial substantial amount amount of of economic economic and and political political leveling leveling to to ensure ensure equalityequality. . PointingPointing
Colonists Colonists wwere ere reluctant reluctant to to withdrawithdraw w from from the the BritishBritish Empire Empire for for at at least least six six rreasons:easons:
Personal Personal cconnections onnections in in Britain.Britain. Many Many still still ffelt elt a a strongstrong attachment attachment to to Britain Britain and and the the king, king, and and many many still still hadhad family family and and friends friends in in Britain.Britain.
Economic Economic ties.ties. MManany y also also had had strong strong commercommercial cial tiesties with with Britain Britain (the (the slave-based slave-based economy economy of of the the southsouth– ern ern colonies colonies was was particularly particularly dependent dependent on on suchsuch trade). trade). TTo o rebel rebel was was to to risk risk their their presenpresent t and and futurefuture wealth.wealth.
Geopolitical Geopolitical concerns.concerns. Some Some feared feared that that FFrance rance oror Spain Spain might might take take over over if if Britain Britain wwere ere driven driven out out of of thethe
colonies, colonies, and and they they prpreferred eferred British British rule rule to to thathat t of of somesome other other European European nation.nation.
FFears ears of of what what American American independence independence mightmight mean.mean. SSome ome of of the the smaller smaller rreligious eligious groups groups ffeltelt that that Britain Britain had had protected protected them them from from mormore e powerfulpowerful denominations denominations that that could could potentially potentially ourish ourish if if thethe new new American American state state adopted adopted a a national national rreligion.eligion.
Personal Personal EconomicallyEconomically, , it it was was often often a a mattermatter of of settling settling small small scoresscores. . If, If, ffor or instance, instance, your your landlordlandlord was was a a revolutionaryrevolutionary, , you you were were likely likely to to be be a a LLoyalist;oyalist; if if your your landlord landlord was was a a LLoyalist, oyalist, you you were were likely likely tto o be be aa patriot.patriot.
Uncertainty Uncertainty about about American American success.success. SSome ome colonistscolonists doubted doubted the the coloniescolonies’’ ability ability to to throw throw o o British British rule.rule. After After all, all, Britain Britain was was the the most most powpowererful ful nation nation in in thethe world, world, with with the the mightiest mightiest armarmyy..
republicanismrepublicanism The The theortheory y that that gogovernment vernment should should be be based based on on the the consent consent of of the the governed governed and and thathat t the the governed governed had had a a duty duty toto ensure ensure that that their their govgovernment ernment did did not not inf ringe inf ringe on on individual individual rightsrights
CatoCato’’s s LettersLetters Book Book that that spread spread republican republican ideas ideas thrthroughout oughout the the colonies; colonies; written written by by British British authors authors John John TTrenchard renchard and and Thomas Thomas GordonGordon
Common Common SenseSense Inf luential Inf luential political political pamphlet pamphlet written written by by Thomas Thomas PainePaine, , published published in in January January 1776, 1776, containing containing a a simple simple wording wording of of republican republican idealsideals
107107FrFrom om Rebellion Rebellion to to RevolutionRevolution
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to to the the tremendous tremendous growth growth ofof the the American American colonies colonies in in thethe eighteenth eighteenth centurycentury, , Paine Paine arguedargued that that America America was was more more than than justjust capable capable of of maintaining maintaining indepenindepen– dence dence from from Britain; Britain; America America waswas so so strong, strong, he he claimed, claimed, that that indeinde– pendence pendence was was inevitable. inevitable. “Until“Until an an independence independence is is declared,”declared,” Paine Paine wrote, wrote, “the “the continent continent willwill feel feel itself itself like like a a man man who who concon– tinues tinues putting putting off off some some unpleasunpleas– ant ant business business from from day day to to dayday, , yetyet knows knows it it must must be be done, done, hates hates toto set set about about it, it, wishes wishes it it overover, , andand is is continually continually haunted haunted with with thethe thoughts thoughts of of its its necessitynecessity.”.”
Paine’Paine’s s pamphlet pamphlet was was enormously enormously influentialinfluential in in changing changing the the minds minds of of those those who who had had opposedopposed inde inde pendence, pendence, especially especially in in extending extending republican republican ideide–
als als to to colonists colonists beyond beyond the the educated educated elite. elite. EmergEmerg– ing ing just just as as local local conflicts conflicts spread spread throughthrough–
out out the the colonies, colonies, was wasCommon Common SenseSense repr Plagiarism Free Papers
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