Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity How do you even begin to talk about race and ethnicity? And, specifically in a social work
6051 Discussion 1 – Week 3 Nw
Discussion 1: Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity
How do you even begin to talk about race and ethnicity? And, specifically in a social work context, how do you broach these topics with clients, families, and communities? In 1994, eight American men of various backgrounds (African, Asian, European, and Latino descent) sat down together in a room to talk about race. What followed was a raw, emotional, and difficult conversation that peeled back the layers of racism’s impact. Although the Color of Fear film is decades old now, the need to talk about race remains.
For this Discussion, you view one such conversation among faculty and then analyze what you observed, considering the various perspectives and how they may inform social work practice.
To Prepare:
· View the Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity video showing Social Work faculty sharing perspectives and experiences related to race and ethnicity.
· Reflect on the video, identifying ideas, experiences, or statements that resonate with you, as well as strategies that were described.
By Day 03/16/2022
Analyze what you learned from the Voices of Diversity video regarding perspectives and experiences related to race and ethnicity. Specifically:
· What idea, experience, or statement resonated with you the most, and why?
· What is one strategy described in the video that you will apply toward your self-awareness and/or cultural competence? How might this strategy help when working with a client who is racially or ethnically different from you?
Follow rubric
Initial Posting: Content
14.85 (49.5%) – 16.5 (55%) Initial posting thoroughly responds to all parts of the Discussion prompt. Posting demonstrates excellent understanding of the material presented in the Learning Resources, as well as ability to apply the material. Posting demonstrates exemplary critical thinking and reflection, as well as analysis of the weekly Learning Resources. Specific and relevant examples and evidence from at least two of the Learning Resources and other scholarly sources are used to substantiate the argument or viewpoint.
Follow-Up Response Postings: Content:
6.75 (22.5%) – 7.5 (25%) Student thoroughly addresses all parts of the response prompt. Student responds to at least two colleagues in a meaningful, respectful manner that promotes further inquiry and extends the conversation. Response presents original ideas not already discussed, asks stimulating questions, and further supports with evidence from assigned readings. Post is substantive in both length (75–100 words) and depth of ideas presented.
Readability of Postings
5.4 (18%) – 6 (20%)
Initial and response posts are clear and coherent. Few if any (less than 2) writing errors are made. Student writes with exemplary grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation to convey their message.
Required Readings
- Chapter 6: Racial/Cultural Minority Identity Development (pp. 151–177)
- Chapter 7: White Racial Identity Development (pp. 179–206)
- Chapter 12: Multicultural Organizational Change: Antiracist Practice and Social Justice (“Antiracist Practice and Social Justice” section, pp. 359–368 only)
Required Media
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 1 minute.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 2 minutes.
Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity
Time Estimate: 17 minutes
Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity Program Transcrip included in a different document
Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity
© 2021 Walden University, LLC 1
Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity Program Transcript KATHY PURNELL: Welcome to the Voices of Diversity. We've built a series of short
conversations into the course to model and encourage meaningful conversations
around what some might consider difficult or sensitive topics. I'm Dr. Kathy Goodridge
Purnell, the program coordinator for inclusive teaching and learning, and the diversity
subject matter expert and social work educator who helped to develop this new diversity
course for the Barbara Solomon School of Social Work here at Walden University.
Today we're here with social work faculty to discuss a few questions, which is part of
our Voices of Diversity series.
EMMETT ROBERTS, JR: Hi. I'm Dr. Emmett Roberts. I am a core faculty member at
the Barbara Solomon School of Social Work, and I've been a Walden faculty member
since 2013.
LEIGH HICKS: Hello. I'm Dr. Leigh Hicks. I am a core faculty also at the Barbara
Solomon School of Social Work, and I've been here since 2018.
EARL BRADFORD SMITH: Hello, everyone. Dr. Earl Bradford Smith, contributing
faculty. And I've been with Walden University since 2018.
KATHY PURNELL: We're here to talk about race and ethnicity. We know those two
words have created a firestorm for hundreds, if not thousands of years. So the first
question is, the discomfort around race and ethnicity can often be difficult for some to
discuss or even understand. Why is this? And why is this not as difficult for others?
LEIGH HICKS: I believe that it brings conflict to some, but when you have a purpose, it's
one of those things where you understand that your purpose is bigger than the
personalities that surround you. And so that makes it more effective to talk about those
EMMETT ROBERTS, JR: I think it's an issue of power. And so those who have power
want to control the narrative and those who don't have power want to talk about the
impact of those who have power. And so it can be a very contentious conversation topic
because some people say, well you're saying that I have power that I really don't have,
and other people are not agreeing with that.
Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity
© 2021 Walden University, LLC 2
EARL BRADFORD SMITH: I believe sometimes people are apathetic towards talking
about the issues because they are afraid of– or insensitive to other people. So that
insensitivity creates that unknown factor of people not becoming aware and not being
able to reach out to another person in a positive way.
KATHY PURNELL: Let me follow up with this piece, this first question, right? We're all in
the room, we can see what we look like, we all have different stories and experiences,
OK? You can hear I have an accent, but I'm Caribbean, British Caribbean, married to an
African American. But what is a defining moment or a personal story that you'd like to
share about race or ethnicity?
EARL BRADFORD SMITH: My defining moment was coming through high school long
ago, which were predominantly white Catholic schools, and being the one and only in
the schools taught by brothers and sisters, and then going on to a historically Black
university in Nashville, Tennessee. So that was quite a culture shock. And then
proceeding on to be a member of the United States Marine Corps in which the color
was green, and everyone reached out and wanted to be a part of the team.
LEIGH HICKS: I think my dynamic moment is I was a deputy sheriff and predominantly
in South Carolina in a Southern state. So as a Black female, I went through different
challenges, and even with the racial inequality that we saw go on with police officers
and young Black men, I experienced a lot of negativity towards that because I was a
Black female in that field.
EMMETT ROBERTS, JR: And I think for me, personally it happened for me when I was
three. My mom for my whole adult life has been a housekeeper. And so she worked for
white families that had money. And I started out at three years old that I was the live
doll, and that's kind of the way I look at it as I grew older, of a five-year-old white female.
I was her playmate. That was what I was. And I was very aware of being different.
KATHY PURNELL: I remember being called out with my name by a teacher in 1975.
She called me the equivalent of the N-word. And that defined the whole– my life's work.
As I said, I never want to be like her, but I never questioned who I was as a result of that
moment. I somehow learned as a young kid to be empowered and educate and help
other people.
Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity
© 2021 Walden University, LLC 3
There are deep historical and current contexts associated with race, the topic of race
and ethnicity, especially in America. How does this resonate with you as a social work
professional and why?
LEIGH HICKS: Well, I think it's important to address cultural diversity. As a social
worker, being able to understand cultural diversity, cultural competence, cultural
awareness is all important. Also, I think that being able to be up front about it is
important, because it is happening. And then, again, as I stated earlier, understanding
that there are different personalities that surround us but being able to understand what
the purpose is.
EMMETT ROBERTS, JR: For me, I think I– as Dr. Hicks has talked about, looking at it
professionally, being very aware that I'm a Black man in America, and that means
something to some people. And it's not very positive. And so I always like to bring it to
the classroom to say, with what I have, the resources that I have, if it's a challenge for
me, I can only imagine what it would be for people who don't have the resources that I
EARL BRADFORD SMITH: My response to that question through my experience have
been being a role model at all levels, whether it be K-12 or in higher education or social
work practice and mental health, children and youth services or medical and/or school
that I've done. So I think that has been a really important aspect.
And secondly, being able to provide an historical context in which the undergraduate
and/or graduate students, too, so they have a better understanding of the injustices
historically that various people have gone through or experienced.
KATHY PURNELL: I think just touched on a very important piece in understanding
history. And we know that there are some concerns around the perception of what
history is and how it should be taught around race and/or ethnicity– i.e., Critical Race
Theory and that many people up in arms and– we know that there's something special
about storytelling and passing on information to empower, to teach, to bring harmony as
well. But sometimes you've got to do the hard work and look at the historical pieces
while we're working to bring people together.
So what are some helpful strategies to encourage culturally responsive practice or even
think about it in terms of education? We're social work educators. Some of you are
Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity
© 2021 Walden University, LLC 4
practitioners. How do you integrate or at least identify helpful strategies to encourage
culturally responsive practice?
I think about the first step and the GIM model, engagement. Engagement is very
important. Being able to engage with whoever you're around. Also, building rapport is
important. Being able to establish those relationships are very important. And once
you're able to establish relationships, and I believe diversity can be on a– we can
understand diversity, and we'll be able to understand the sensitivity around it and
everything will work out for the best.
EMMETT ROBERTS, JR: Well, Dr. Leigh, you're a lot nicer than me because I'll admit
that it may be some difficult conversations that we need to have.
EMMETT ROBERTS, JR: –as a practitioner, I– as a practitioner and also as an
educator, having those conversations with students about, it's not your client's
responsibility to teach you about their culture, it's their responsibility to share with you
about who they are and how they are seen or impacted by the world. But it's your
responsibility as a practitioner that when you have those questions, that you use the
resources that you have to go out and explore new things. That you're the person who
takes the initiative and not expect to sit in your office or on the phone or on camera and
everybody brings what they need or they think they need to you. That you have some
responsibility in that encounter.
LEIGH HICKS: And Dr. Emmett, you're right. I think for me, it's because I'm able to look
at it from different lenses as a law enforcement, as a social worker, and just as a human
in general. So I think that's why, but I do agree with you. Definitely they need to take
that opportunity to do it. But I have that perspective from different lenses.
EARL BRADFORD SMITH: I can also build on what my colleagues are saying as far as
varying perspective, which has been so important to me. But making learning creatively
contextual I think is important. Which connecting the teaching learning to the real world
in 2021 and what's happening in our society, I think that's so, so significant. And those
conversations, and we can build on them in a positive way in the classroom.
Another idea that I've tried is to readapt the classroom environment, and that means
integrating assignments or experiential learning or quizzes or case studies around
Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity
© 2021 Walden University, LLC 5
diversity, equity, and inclusion. And I think that expands or activates students' prior
knowledge and makes them more aware of their strengths and weaknesses.
And then the last part is integrating partnerships or guest speakers. Having them come
in, I think, from the community. Like Walden University is– it's a part of a larger
community, and I know there's many great professionals out there in the world that will
just be wonderful but are role models for our students.
KATHY PURNELL: Yes. I love all of the ideas. The lenses, the various perspectives.
We're talking about how we see, how we look, how we do, how we apply, how we
evaluate, how we assess. And the responsibility that each individual has to do the work.
Because I know, during when the George Floyd murder happened, there was a call for
what can we do as practitioners, what can we do with social workers as educators, as
organizations to address and create these spaces for these conversations?
And we saw the doors open for chief inclusion officers. Consultants were in great
demand. Some of our students were, well, what can we do? Even our leadership in–
across the board, but what can we do and how can we do this better? As you think
about today's topic and the conflict around it, and the fact that we all live as Black
African-American, African-Caribbean individuals, and we know what that means and we
have experiences that we could talk about, what would you like the students to consider
or even take away from this topic or this discussion?
EARL BRADFORD SMITH: Knowledge of ways or strategies to increase their self-
awareness. And then secondly, to be able, like my colleague mentioned earlier, to
expand their knowledge in invariant various resources. And I think that's important. And
the third aspect, which is to keep growing and developing your skill set, your awareness
skills, and practices around diversity, equity, and inclusion. And to face your fears, and
not be afraid to make the mistakes and to say that I am uncomfortable with this
particular people.
KATHY PURNELL: That takes courage. That last piece takes courage.
LEIGH HICKS: And I'll say, I agree with my colleague. Everything that he said, I believe,
is accurate, and I believe in order to find that, possibly doing a SWOT analysis where
you can understand your strengths, your weaknesses, the opportunities that are out
there, and any threat. So any threats that may be out there that you are having a hard
Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity
© 2021 Walden University, LLC 6
time dealing with a certain population or if that's a weakness for you, being able to do a
SWOT analysis and determine that.
KATHY PURNELL: I like that. That's the sheriff coming out right there.
EMMETT ROBERTS, JR: I like that, and I think for me, one of the things that I push at is
helping everybody to understand that we're all different. And that as we explore that and
as we understand how different we are, then we understand how much alike we really
are. And that self-exploration. That as you figure out who you are and where you're
going, that you understand you're not going by yourself, and that there are others and
on the same journey that you're on. And you can be of help or of hinder. But in the long
run, it's best for us– it's best for us to help each other. Because we're all on the journey
KATHY PURNELL: I'm a storyteller. And I think that– and that's something that being a
Caribbean, you hear stories. You hear stories around the table in the morning, stories at
lunchtime, stories when you're at the markets. You bump into people and there's always
a story. And I think– just thinking about what you said, Emmett, if people would take the
time to just ask someone about their experience, their story, how they see, what lens
are they using to look at these issues, and listen in not a defensive manner, but in a
manner that will open the floor and the door for true connection.
So I would like to see students think about creating space so that those stories can
happen, but they also listen. And as Dr. Smith said, face the fears. And to do that
analysis. What am I thinking? What am I feeling? Why am I responding to this? Know
our own stories. Know our own biases. Know– just know ourselves so that we can do
the work and continue on this journey as you mentioned.
I thank you for taking the time and providing the nuggets today so that we can continue
with these conversations beyond the Voices of Diversity. Thank you.
6051 Discussion 1 – Week 3 Nw
Discussion 1: Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity
How do you even begin to talk about race and ethnicity? And, specifically in a social work context, how do you broach these topics with clients, families, and communities? In 1994, eight American men of various backgrounds (African, Asian, European, and Latino descent) sat down together in a room to talk about race. What followed was a raw, emotional, and difficult conversation that peeled back the layers of racism’s impact. Although the Color of Fear film is decades old now, the need to talk about race remains.
For this Discussion, you view one such conversation among faculty and then analyze what you observed, considering the various perspectives and how they may inform social work practice.
To Prepare:
· View the Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity video showing Social Work faculty sharing perspectives and experiences related to race and ethnicity.
· Reflect on the video, identifying ideas, experiences, or statements that resonate with you, as well as strategies that were described.
By Day 03/16/2022
Analyze what you learned from the Voices of Diversity video regarding perspectives and experiences related to race and ethnicity. Specifically:
· What idea, experience, or statement resonated with you the most, and why?
· What is one strategy described in the video that you will apply toward your self-awareness and/or cultural competence? How might this strategy help when working with a client who is racially or ethnically different from you?
Follow rubric
Initial Posting: Content
14.85 (49.5%) – 16.5 (55%) Initial posting thoroughly responds to all parts of the Discussion prompt. Posting demonstrates excellent understanding of the material presented in the Learning Resources, as well as ability to apply the material. Posting demonstrates exemplary critical thinking and reflection, as well as analysis of the weekly Learning Resources. Specific and relevant examples and evidence from at least two of the Learning Resources and other scholarly sources are used to substantiate the argument or viewpoint.
Follow-Up Response Postings: Content:
6.75 (22.5%) – 7.5 (25%) Student thoroughly addresses all parts of the response prompt. Student responds to at least two colleagues in a meaningful, respectful manner that promotes further inquiry and extends the conversation. Response presents original ideas not already discussed, asks stimulating questions, and further supports with evidence from assigned readings. Post is substantive in both length (75–100 words) and depth of ideas presented.
Readability of Postings
5.4 (18%) - 6 (20%)
Initial and response posts are clear and coherent. Few if any (less than 2) writing errors are made. Student writes with exemplary grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation to convey their message.
Required Readings
Sue, D. W., Rasheed, M. N., & Rasheed, J. M. (2016). Multicultural social work practice: A competency-based approach to diversity and social justice (2nd ed.). Jossey-Bass.
· Chapter 6: Racial/Cultural Minority Identity Development (pp. 151–177)
· Chapter 7: White Racial Identity Development (pp. 179–206)
· Chapter 12: Multicultural Organizational Change: Antiracist Practice and Social Justice (“Antiracist Practice and Social Justice” section, pp. 359–368 only)
National Association of Social Workers. (2020, June 10). Anti-racism now and forever more. https://www.socialworkers.org/News/News-Releases/ID/2187/Anti-Racism-Now-and-Forever-More
Walden University. (2021, March 18). A message on anti-Asian racism. https://www.waldenu.edu/news-and-events/walden-news/2021/3-18-a-message-on-anti-asian-racism
Required Media
Center for Prevention MN. (2021, January 26). What is structural racism? [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZllrF9EB-lY
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 1 minute.
Science Animated. (2021, March 16). Navigating white privilege – the key to achieving anti-racism in social work [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rstAt9da4_k
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 2 minutes.
Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity
Time Estimate: 17 minutes
Voices of Diversity: Race and Ethnicity Program Transcrip included in a different document
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