You are probably all familiar with the widely ava
You are probably all familiar with the widely available genetic ancestry testing kits that are advertised frequently on TV and in social and print media like 23 and Me and AncestryDNA. You might not be aware that there are now over two dozen companies offering this kind of testing to the general population! This speaks to the widespread interest in learning more about our ancestry as well as potential health conditions that might be lurking in our genetic code! But these tests aren't cheap and before shelling out the big bucks, it's important to really understand what information they can provide and what your results might mean! I've posted a recent article from Science on The Science and Business of Genetic Ancestry Testing.
Part 1: Read that and then I want you to do your own internet search…find an article or site that discusses the pros and cons of these tests to share with the group. Consider some of the following questions when drafting your post: What do you think of these tests? Would you pay for one? Would you take one if they weren't cost-prohibitive? What part of the information they can provide is most interesting to you? Do you think the average person understands these tests and their meaning? Can you think of any negatives to making this kind of testing widely available?
Part 2: Please place your initial post, respond to at least 2 of your peers' posts
Peer 1:
After reading this article I feel that it is less likely that I would purpose a genetic ancestry test. I think they can be fun however, they might not be applicable in a medical setting. Purchasers of these products should take the information they learn with a grain of salt. Especially because they match with DNA within their database, these databases are for-profit, and their databases are not peer-reviewed. I think a danger of these tests is taking the information to heart especially when the genetic tests provide information on health, longevity, and athletic ability. The one positive a see in these tests is that individuals are able to gain access to scholarships, housing, and educational opportunities by finding out information about who their ancestors are. This can provide a considerable amount of comfort for some.
Considering there is some risk and uncertainty of current tests’ accuracy I wonder if the growing feeling of Epigenetics, which considers how our ancestor's life (trauma, good and bad choices) and our lifestyle choices directly affect our DNA by switching on and off of genes. I think if they were to take epigenetic factors into consideration it might help to improve the accuracy.
I reviewed an article for the University of Michigan that also considered the pro and cons of genetic testing. Above I mention how genetic tests can be a comfort to individuals, however, they can also reveal mutation which could affect individuals in their lifetime or their children (Joy, 2017). Rajani Aatre, a genetic counselor at the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center points out, “The science is easy to process; the emotional component is not” (2017).
Aatre points out that a lot of consideration should be put in before purchasing a genetic test kit, even a recommendation from a primary care physician she suggests should come first before purchasing. Some pros are finding any possible mutations or becoming aware that there is no or only a small amount of risk of contracting a certain disease, and it can help to determine which medications would work well for the patient, and what lifestyle changes might be supporting the individual and their family. Cons are that not everyone is eligible for testing unless indicated by red flags in their family history, screening is tailored to specific areas (they cannot receive testing for everything), and testing might uncover information that is emotional to process. Additionally, insurance may only cover newborns, mothers who are expecting, and patients that qualify based on their family history.
Bolnick Et Al, D. B. (2017, October 17). The Science and Business of Genetic Ancestry Testing. Science.Org.
Joy, J. (2018, October 2). What are the pros and cons of genetic testing. Michigan Health.
Peer 2:
After reading a couple articles on genetic ancestry and whether or not its a good idea to get one, I think they're not as important as I originally believed. before reading the articles, I thought it was an amazing discovery and that I have always wanted to get my own, but never ended up doing it because of the price. However, now I am glad I haven't received on of the tests since most of the information provided from them aren't as accurate as I once thought. When I found out they could be up to 900 dollars just to get a test that isn't as accurate as many think, I came to the decision I would never spend more then double digits to receive a test like that. if it was extremely close to being accurate however, I would possibly invest the money to find out about myself. I think the most interesting information they provide is the ethnicity, but it depends on where you live and other variables to see if its correct. When they talked about Middle East have native American ancestry, there is no correlation to support this thus making it false, but in other cases its true. its important to understand your situation before going in on it. Since I consider myself a pretty average person, I didn't have any of the understanding that I have now after reading the articles. I thought it was almost 100% accurate and I assume most other people think its pretty close to that as well. Unless people do their research before purchasing the tests, I doubt they understand the meaning and the tests. I think the negative side effect of this is that if a bunch of people found out that they aren't that accurate, then people wouldn't spend the money on them and then it would force them out of business because the revenue wouldn't match what they need to conduct the tests. SCIENCE VOL 318 19 OCTOBER 2007 399
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A t least two dozen companies now market “genetic ancestry tests” to help consumers reconstruct their
family histories and determine the geo- graphic origins of their ancestors. More than 460,000 people have purchased these tests over the past 6 years (1), and public interest is still skyrocketing (1–4). Some scientists support this enterprise because it makes genetics acces- sible and relevant; oth- ers view it with indiffer- ence, seeing the tests as merely “recreational.” However, both scientists and consumers should approach genetic ances- try testing with caution because (i) the tests can have a profound impact on individuals and com- munities, (ii) the assum- ptions and limitations of these tests make them less informative than many realize, and (iii) commercializa- tion has led to misleading practices that rein- force misconceptions.
The Impact of “Recreational Genetics” Although genetic ancestry testing is often described as “recreational genetics,” many consumers do not take these tests lightly. Each test costs $100 to $900, and con- sumers often have deep personal reasons for purchasing these products. Many indi-
viduals hope to identify biological relatives, to vali- date genealogical records, and to f ill in gaps in family histories. Others are searching for a connection to specif ic groups or places in Eurasia and Africa. This search for a “homeland” is particularly poignant for many African- Americans, who hope to recapture a history stolen by slavery. Others seek a more nuanced picture of their genetic back- grounds than the black-and-white dichotomy that dominates U.S. racial thinking.
Genetic ancestry testing also has serious consequences. Test-takers may reshape their personal identities, and they may suffer emo- tional distress if test results are unexpected or undesired (5). Test-takers may also change how they report their race or ethnicity on gov- ernmental forms, college or job applications, and medical questionnaires (6). This could make it more difficult to track the social expe- riences and effects of race and racism (6). Genetic ancestry testing also affects broader communities: Tests have led African-Ameri- cans to visit and financially support specific
African communities. Other Americans have taken the tests in hope of obtaining Native American tribal affiliation (and benefits like financial support, housing, education, health care, and affirmation of identity) or to chal- lenge tribal membership decisions (7).
Limitations It is important to understand what these tests can and cannot determine. Most tests fall into two categories. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)
tests sequence the hypervariable region of the maternally inherited mitochondrial genome. Y-chromosome tests analyze short tandem repeats and/or single nucleo-
tide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the paternally inherited Y chromo- some. In both cases, the test-taker’s haplotype (set of linked alleles) is determined and compared with hap- lotypes from other sampled individu- als. These comparisons can identify related individuals who share a com- mon maternal or paternal ancestor, as well as locations where the test- taker’s haplotype is found today. However, each test examines less
than 1% of the test-taker’s DNA and sheds light on only one ancestor each generation (8). A third type of test (DNAPrint’s Ancestry- ByDNA test) attempts to provide a better measure of overall ancestry by using 175 autosomal markers (inherited from both parents) to estimate an individual’s “bio- geographical ancestry.”
Although companies acknowledge that mtDNA and Y-chromosome tests provide no information about most of a test-taker’s ances- tors, more important limitations to all three types of genetic ancestry tests are often less obvious. For example, genetic ancestry testing can identify some of the groups and locations around the world where a test-taker’s haplo- type or autosomal markers are found, but it is unlikely to identify all of them. Such infer- ences depend on the samples in a company’s database, and even databases with 10,000 to 20,000 samples may fail to capture the full array of human genetic diversity in a particu- lar population or region.
Commercially available tests of genetic
ancestry have significant scientific limitations,
but are serious matters for many test-takers.
The Science and Business of Genetic Ancestry Testing Deborah A. Bolnick,1* Duana Fullwiley,2 Troy Duster,3,4 Richard S. Cooper,5 Joan H. Fujimura,6
Jonathan Kahn,7 Jay S. Kaufman,8 Jonathan Marks,9 Ann Morning,3 Alondra Nelson,10 Pilar
Ossorio,11 Jenny Reardon,12 Susan M. Reverby,13 Kimberly TallBear14,15
1Department of Anthropology, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712, USA. 2Departments of Anthropology and African and African-American Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; 3Department of Sociology, New York University, New York, NY; 4Department of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley, CA; 5Department of Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology, Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, Maywood, IL; 6Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; 7Hamline University School of Law, St. Paul, MN; 8Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina School of Public Health, Chapel Hill, NC; 9Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC; 10Departments of Sociology and African American Studies, Yale University, New Haven, CT; 11University of Wisconsin Law School, Madison, WI; 12Department of Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA; 13Department of Women’s Studies, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA; 14Department of American Indian Studies, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ; 15Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, and Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley, CA; USA.
*Author for correspondence. E-mail: [email protected]
Published by AAAS
19 OCTOBER 2007 VOL 318 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org400
Another problem is that questionable sci-
entific assumptions are sometimes made
when companies report results of a genetic
ancestry test. For instance, when an allele or
haplotype is most common in one popula-
tion, companies often assume it to be diag-
nostic of that population. This can be prob-
lematic because high genetic diversity exists
within populations and gene flow occurs
between populations. Very few alleles are
therefore diagnostic of membership in a spe-
cific population (9), but companies some-
times fail to mention that an allele could have
been inherited from a population in which it
is less common. Consequently, many con-
sumers do not realize that the tests are proba-
bilistic and can reach incorrect conclusions.
Consumers often purchase these tests to
learn about their race or ethnicity, but there is
no clear-cut connection between an individ-
ual’s DNA and his or her racial or ethnic affil-
iation. Worldwide patterns of human genetic
diversity are weakly correlated with racial and
ethnic categories because both are partially
correlated with geography (9). Current under-
standings of race and ethnicity reflect more
than genetic relatedness, though, having been
defined in particular sociohistorical contexts
(i.e., European and American colonialism). In
addition, social relationships and life experi-
ences have been as important as biological
ancestry in shaping individual identity and
group membership.
Many genetic ancestry tests also claim to
tell consumers where their ancestral lineage
originated and the social group to which their
ancestors belonged. However, present-day
patterns of residence are rarely identical to
what existed in the past, and social groups
have changed over time, in name and compo-
sition (10). Databases of present-day samples
may therefore provide false leads.
Finally, even though there is little evidence
that four biologically discrete groups of
humans ever existed (9), the AncestryByDNA
test creates the appearance of genetically dis-
tinct populations by relying on “ancestry
informative markers” (AIMs). AIMs are SNPs
or other markers that show relatively large (30
to 50%) frequency differences between popula-
tion samples. The AncestryByDNA test exam-
ines AIMs selected to differentiate between
four “parental” populations (Africans,
Europeans, East Asians, and Native Ameri-
cans). However, these AIMs are not found in all
peoples who would be classed together as a
given “parental” population. The AIMs that
characterize “Africans,” for example, were cho-
sen on the basis of a sample of West Africans.
Dark-skinned East Africans might be omitted
from the AIMs reference panel of “Africans”
because they exhibit different gene variants
(11–13). Furthermore, some of the most
“informative” AIMs involve loci that have
undergone strong selection (14), which makes
it unclear whether these markers indicate
shared ancestry or parallel selective pressures
(such as similar environmental exposures in
different geographic regions) or both.
The problems described here are likely
responsible for the most paradoxical results of
this test. For instance, the AncestryByDNA
test suggests that most people from the
Middle East, India, and the Mediterranean
region of Europe have Native American
ancestry (15). Because no archaeological,
genetic, or historical evidence supports this
suggestion, the test probably considers some
markers to be diagnostic of Native American
ancestry when, in fact, they are not.
Thus, these tests should not be seen as deter-
mining the race or ethnicity of a test-taker. They
cannot pinpoint the place of origin or social
affiliation of even one ancestor with exact cer-
tainty. Although wider sampling and techno-
logical advancements may help (16), many of
the tests’ problems will remain.
Effects of Commercialization
Although it is important for consumers to
understand the limitations of genetic ancestry
testing and the complex relation between
DNA, race, and identity, these complexities
are not always made clear. Web sites of many
companies state that race is not genetically
determined, but the tests nevertheless pro-
mote the popular understanding that race is
rooted in one’s DNA (17)—rather than being
an artifact of sampling strategies, contrasting
geographical extremes, and the imposition of
qualitative boundaries on human variation.
Because race has such profound social, polit-
ical, and economic consequences, we should
be wary of allowing the concept to be rede-
fined in a way that obscures its historical
roots and disconnects it from its cultural and
socioeconomic context.
It is unlikely that companies (and the asso-
ciated scientists) deliberately choose to
mislead consumers or misrepresent science.
However, market pressures can lead to con-
flicts of interest, and data may be interpreted
differently when financial incentives exist.
For scientists, these incentives include paid
consultancies, patent rights, licensing agree-
ments, stock options, direct stock grants, cor-
porate board memberships, scientific advi-
sory board memberships, media attention,
lecture fees, and/or research support. Because
scientific pronouncements carry immense
weight in our society, claims must be carefully
evaluated when scientists have a financial
stake in them. Unfortunately, peer-review is
difficult here, because most companies main-
tain proprietary databases.
As consumers realize that they have been
sold a family history that may not be accurate,
public attitudes toward genetic research could
change. Support for molecular and anthropo-
logical genetics might decrease, and historically
disadvantaged communities might increase
their distrust of the scientific establishment
(18). These tests may also come up in medical
settings: Many consumers are aware of the
well-publicized association between ancestry
and disease, and patients may ask doctors to
take their ancestry tests into consideration when
making medical decisions. Doctors should be
cautious when considering such results (19).
We must weigh the risks and benefits of
genetic ancestry testing, and as we do so, the
scientific community must break its silence
and make clear the limitations and potential
dangers. Just as the American Society of
Human Genetics recently published a series of
recommendations regarding direct-to-con-
sumer genetic tests that make health-related
claims (20), we encourage ASHG and other
professional genetic and anthropological asso-
ciations to develop policy statements regarding
genetic ancestry testing.
References and Notes
1. H. Wolinsky, EMBO Rep. 7, 1072 (2006). 2. J. Simons, Fortune 155, 39 (2007). 3. Thirteen/WNET New York, African American Lives,
“Episode 2: The Promise of Freedom,” press release (27 July 2007).
4. P. Harris, Observer [London], 15 July 2007, p. 22. 5. Motherland, “A Genetic Journey” (Takeaway Media
Productions, London, 2003). 6. A. Harmon, New York Times, 12 April 2006, p. A1. 7. B. Hoerner, Wired 13 (2005). 8. A. Yang, Chance 20, 32-39 (2007). 9. K. Weiss, M. Fullerton, Evol. Anthropol. 14, 165
(2005). 10. C. Rotimi, Dev. World Bioethics 3, 151–158 (2003). 11. S. Tishkoff et al., Nature Genet. 39, 31–40 (2006). 12. A. Mourant, A. Kopec, K. Domaniewska-Sobczak, The
Distribution of the Human Blood Groups and Other
Polymorphisms (Oxford Univ. Press, London, 1976). 13. M. Hamblin, A. Di Rienzo, Am. J. Hum. Genet. 66,
1669–1679 (2002). 14. J. Akey et al., Genome Biol. 12, 1805–1814 (2002). 15.
ancestrybydna/ethnicities. 16. M. Shriver, R. Kittles, Nature Rev. Genet. 5, 611 (2004). 17. DNAPrint, Frequently asked questions, no. 1, 18. J. Reardon, Race to the Finish: Identity and Governance
in an Age of Genomics (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2004).
19. In contexts such as gene mapping and genomewide asso- ciations, genetic ancestry information can protect against confounding by population stratification or provide evi- dence of the population origin of specific susceptibility alleles (21). These applications are much narrower than determination of individual ancestry.
20. K. Hudson et al., Am. J. Hum. Genet. 81, 635 (2007). 21. M. Enoch et al., J. Psychopharmacol. 20, 19 (2006).
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