Critical review rubric excluding bibliography and supporting figures in page count tone and style appropriate to audience;
1 paper. 3 articles to review.
8 pages (excluding bibliography and supporting figures in page count). 1 inch margins on all sides; 12pt Arial font double spaced; left justified; proper grammar and punctuation; no noticeable errors.
Rubric uploaded below .All three paper uploaded below
Critical review rubric
Length |
minimum of 8 pages, maximum of 10 pages (excluding bibliography and supporting figures in page count) |
Voice |
tone and style appropriate to audience; paper displays control, variety and complexity of prose; written in a professional manner; uses clear transitions that connect sentences and paragraphs; each paragraph has a topic sentence (typically the first sentence of each paragraph); entirely written in past tense |
Sections |
Clear sections, including an introduction and Conclusion; subheadings that help reader follow organization (eg Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion of the evaluated articles; Introduction, Analysis and Conclusion for your paper); set apart from other text through an increase in font and bolding |
US English use |
proper grammar and punctuation, no noticeable errors |
Nuts&Bolts |
1 inch margins on all side; 12pt Arial font; double spaced; left-justified |
Content |
Introduction |
Opening |
Citation |
cites each analyzed article completely and set off with bullet points and thereafter refers to each article by first author's last name and publication year; at least one supporting reference used |
Summary |
summarizes the 3 analyzed articles: author's purpose; major methods used to accomplish purpose; what evidence obtained in support of author's objectives; interpretation of results |
Body, Analysis |
Overall |
follows the structure of the journal articles; evaluates each section of the article; highlight strengths and weakness of each section; evaluates each section thoroughly according to the points below; compares and contrasts articles to one another |
Introduction |
title of article appropriate; abstract statement of purpose and introduction of paper match; objectives/hypotheses of studies given; is the information given logically so that it builds to the stated objectives/hypotheses; compares and contrasts articles to one another |
Methods |
methods valid; enough detail given that could be repeated; are there flaws (sample selection, experimental design); flow logical and details pertinent; compares and contrasts articles to one another |
Results |
titles/legends of tables and figures accurate; data organization easy to interpret; text complements but does not repeat table/figure information; discrepancies between text and figures/tables; results test objectives/hypotheses;; compares and contrasts articles to one another |
Discussion |
discussion not a repeat of results; interpretation logical given results; shortcomings of research discussed; interpretation supported by other cited research; key studies considered; other studies/directions suggested; compares and contrasts articles to one another |
Overview |
discusses if the abstract accurately summarize article, structure of reviwed articles appropriate and divided logically; stylistic concerns; compares and contrasts articles to one another |
Conclusion |
Summary |
sums up the strengths and weaknesses of each article; compares and contrasts articles to one another |
Significance |
establishes practical and theoretical significance of body of work; has your chosen article been cited by others; did your articles spark other researches hypotheses or questions; are there any practical applications; implication (social, political, technological, medical) to the research; cites at least one other supporting reference (unique from introduction) |
LIterature cited |
Format |
one journal format chosen and used throughout in bibliography and in-text citations |
Subject |
Chosen articles were all on the same topic; topic was specific enough so that an analysis was possible |
Citation |
Each reference was used and cited correctly within the body of the paper; three focal references were analyzed; at least 5 references used |
quantity |
minimum of 5, 1 unique to intro, 1 unique to discussion and 3 crtically reviewed |
Mitochondrial fragmentation and network
architecture in degenerative diseases
Syed I. Shah, Johanna G. Paine, Carlos Perez, Ghanim UllahID*
Department of Physics, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, United States of America
Fragmentation of mitochondrial network has been implicated in many neurodegenerative,
renal, and metabolic diseases. However, a quantitative measure of the microscopic parame-
ters resulting in the impaired balance between fission and fusion of mitochondria and conse-
quently the fragmented networks in a wide range of pathological conditions does not exist.
Here we present a comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial networks in cells with Alzhei-
mer’s disease (AD), Huntington’s disease (HD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkin-
son’s disease (PD), optic neuropathy (OPA), diabetes/cancer, acute kidney injury, Ca 2+
overload, and Down Syndrome (DS) pathologies that indicates significant network fragmen-
tation in all these conditions. Furthermore, we found key differences in the way the micro-
scopic rates of fission and fusion are affected in different conditions. The observed
fragmentation in cells with AD, HD, DS, kidney injury, Ca 2+
overload, and diabetes/cancer
pathologies results from the imbalance between the fission and fusion through lateral inter-
actions, whereas that in OPA, PD, and ALS results from impaired balance between fission
and fusion arising from longitudinal interactions of mitochondria. Such microscopic differ-
ence leads to major disparities in the fine structure and topology of the network that could
have significant implications for the way fragmentation affects various cell functions in differ-
ent diseases.
Mitochondrion is a ubiquitous organelle and powerhouse of the cell that exists in living cells as
a large tubular assembly, extending throughout the cytoplasm and in close apposition with
other key organelles such as nucleus, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi network, and the
cytoskeleton [1–5]. Its highly flexible and dynamic network architecture ranging from a few
hundred nanometers to tens of micrometers with the ability to rapidly change from fully con-
nected to fragmented structures makes it suitable for diverse cytosolic conditions and cell
functions [6–8]. Cells continuously adjust the rate of mitochondrial fission and fusion in
response to changing energy and metabolic demands to facilitate the shapes and distribution
of mitochondria throughout the cell [9–11]. Similarly, stressors such as reactive oxygen species
(ROS) and Ca 2+
dysregulation interfere with various aspects of mitochondrial dynamics [12–
14]. This is probably why many neuronal, metabolic, and renal diseases have been linked to
PLOS ONE | September 26, 2019 1 / 21
Citation: Shah SI, Paine JG, Perez C, Ullah G
(2019) Mitochondrial fragmentation and network
architecture in degenerative diseases. PLoS ONE
14(9): e0223014.
Editor: Hemachandra Reddy, Texas Technical
University Health Sciences Center, UNITED
Received: April 18, 2019
Accepted: September 11, 2019
Published: September 26, 2019
Copyright: © 2019 Shah et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the manuscript and its Supporting
Information files.
Funding: This works was supported by National
Institute of Health through grant R01 AG053988
(to GU). URL of funder website: https://www.nih.
gov. The funders had no role in study design, data
collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
primary or secondary changes in mitochondrial dynamics [9, 15–37]. Neuronal cells, due to
their complex morphology and extreme energy dependent activities such as synaptic transmis-
sion, vesicle recycling, axonal transport, and ion channels and pumps activity, are particularly
sensitive to changes in the topology of mitochondrial network [38–41].
The mitochondrial network organization makes a bidirectional relationship with the cell’s
bioenergetics and metabolic variables [11, 42]. For example, the morphological state of mito-
chondria has been linked to their energy production capacity [43–46], as well as cell health and
death [10, 46–49] on one hand, alterations in mitochondrial energy production caused by
genetic defects in respiratory chain complexes lead to fragmentation of mitochondrial network
[50, 51] on the other hand. Similarly, while ROS induces fragmentation of mitochondrial net-
work [12–14], overproduction of ROS in hyperglycemic conditions requires dynamic changes
in mitochondrial morphology and fragmentation of the network [52]. Furthermore, high cyto-
solic Ca 2+
induces mitochondrial fragmentation [14], whereas fragmentation blocks the propa-
gation of toxic intracellular Ca 2+
signals [53, 54] and can limit the local Ca 2+
uptake capacity of
mitochondria due to their smaller sizes. Thus dynamic changes in mitochondrial morphology
and fragmentation of its network can be part of the cycle that drives the progression of degen-
erative diseases [11–13, 18, 22, 52, 55–70].
Despite a clear association with many cell functions in physiological conditions, quantita-
tive measures of the microscopic fission and fusion rates leading to a given topology of the
mitochondrial network remain elusive. While fluorescence imagining has been instrumental
in providing biologically useful insights into the structure and function of mitochondria,
detailed description of the kinetics and the dynamical evolution of the complex mitochondrial
networks in health and disease are still out of reach of these techniques. Although it is difficult
to study such dynamics experimentally, computational techniques provide a viable alternative.
Various computational studies on the identification and analysis of network parameters from
experimental mitochondrial micrographs have been performed using either custom built
applications [71–76] or commercially available tools [77], depending upon the particular ques-
tion being asked. However, a comprehensive study quantifying the imbalance between fission
and fusion responsible for the network fragmentation observed in many diseases does not
In this paper, we adopt and extend the method developed in Refs. [75, 76] using a pipeline
of computational tools that process and extract a range of network parameters from mitochon-
drial micrographs recorded through fluorescence microscopy, and simulate mitochondrial
networks to determine microscopic rates of fission and fusion leading to the observed network
properties. We first demonstrate our approach by application to images of mitochondrial
networks in striatal cells from YAC128 Huntington’s disease (HD) transgenic mice (bearing a
111 polyglutamine repeat Q111/0 and Q111/1) and their control counterparts reported in
Ref. [78]. This is followed by the application of our technique to images of mitochondria in
cells with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) [79], amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) [80], Parkinson’s
disease (PD) [81], optic neuropathy (OPA) [66], diabetes/cancer [65], acute kidney injury [64],
Ca 2+
overload [14], and Down syndrome (DS) [36, 82] pathologies from the literature. The
images analyzed in this study were selected based on the following criteria. (1) The paper from
which the images were selected reported images of mitochondrial networks both in normal
and diseased cells from the same cell/animal model. (2) The images were of high enough qual-
ity so that they can be processed properly, making sure that the network extracted indeed
represented the actual mitochondrial network without introducing artifacts during the pro-
cessing. The cell/animal models used in these studies are listed in S1 Table in the Supplemen-
tary Information Text and detailed in the Results section below. Although we found
fragmented mitochondrial networks and imbalanced fission and fusion in all these pathologies
Mitochondrial fragmentation in degenerative diseases
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in comparison to their respective control conditions, significant differences between the
microscopic properties underlying such fragmentation exist in different diseases.
Image analysis
Mitochondria in a cell can form networks of different topologies ranging from a fully disinte-
grated network with one mitochondrion per cluster to a well-connected network comprising
of clusters with several mitochondria per cluster to a fully connected network where all clusters
are connected to form a single giant cluster. These topologies can be uniquely distinguished by
various network parameters such as the mean degree <k> (the average number of nearest
neighbors), giant cluster Ng (the largest cluster in the network), giant cluster normalized with
respect to the total number of nodes (mitochondria) or edges (connections) Ng/N, and distri-
butions of various features such as the number of mitochondria in various linear branches,
cyclic loops, and clusters comprising both branches and loops.
To extract all this information from experimental images of mitochondrial networks, we
adopt and extend the procedure first reported in Ref. [75] using a pipeline of Matlab (The
MathWorks, Natick, MA) tools. Often, we are required to preprocess the images for removing
any legends or masking/removing areas that contain artifacts (Fig 1A). The colors representing
processes other than mitochondria are removed and the resulting image is converted to gray-
scale image (Fig 1B). Next, we take a series of steps to extract the underlying mitochondrial
network and the key information about the network.
Fig 1. Steps involved in the processing of the images and retrieval of various network features. (a) Original image, (b) the grayscale image containing mitochondrial
network only, (c) binary image, and (d) skeletonized image. Panel (e) shows a graph (partially shown) representation of the skeletonized image where red, green, and
blue colors represent nodes with degree 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Size distribution of cyclic loops (f) and linear branch lengths (g), and cumulative probability distribution
of cluster sizes (h) in mitochondrial network in striatal cells from wildtype (NL, red) and YAC128 HD (blue) transgenic mice. The image used for the mitochondrial
network extraction in panel (a) was adopted from Ref. [78] with permission.
Mitochondrial fragmentation in degenerative diseases
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Step 1: We use Matlab function im2bw to generate a binary image (Fig 1C) from the prepro- cessed gray scale image (Fig 1B) of the micrograph by applying appropriate threshold intensity
using Matlab function graythresh. Step 2: The resulting binary image is reduced to a trace of one-pixel thick lines called skele-
ton using Matlab function bwmorph, which represents mitochondrial network (Fig 1D). Step 3: To extract various features of the mitochondrial network from skeletonized image,
we first label different clusters using Matlab routine bwlabel. The labeled clusters are then con- verted to a graph (Fig 1R, only partial graph is shown for clarity) where the nodes are color-
coded according to their degree. The graph is then used to extract network parameters such as
<k>, Ng, and Ng/N. We also extracted size distribution of loops or cycles with no open ends
(Fig 1F), size distribution of branches with at least one open end (Fig 1G), and cumulative
probability distribution of individual cluster sizes (Fig 1H) in terms of number of edges, where
a single cluster could have both loops and branches and is disconnected from other clusters.
All the above properties are extracted for mitochondrial networks in the cells with different
pathologies and the corresponding control cells for comparison. For example, we compare the
size distributions of loops, branches, and clusters in striatal cells from YAC128 Huntington’s
disease (HD) transgenic mice (blue) and their control counterparts (NL, red) reported in
Ref. [78] in Fig 1F–1H. A clear leftward shift in these distributions can be seen in HD, indicat-
ing a fragmented mitochondrial network as compared to NL cells. The overall number of
loops and branches also decreases in HD.
Modeling and simulating mitochondrial network
To simulate mitochondrial network, we used the model described in Sukhorukov et al. [76], where the network results from two fusion and two fission reactions (Fig 2). In the model, a
dimer tip representing a single mitochondrion can fuse with other dimer tips, forming a net-
work node. At most three tips can merge. The two possible fusion and corresponding fission
reactions are termed as tip-to-tip and tip-to-side reactions. The biological equivalent of the
tip-to-tip reaction would be the fusion of two mitochondria moving along the same microtu-
bule track in the opposite directions and interacting longitudinally [83]. Similarly, tip-to-side
reaction mimics the merging of two mitochondria moving laterally [83]. These two types of
Fig 2. Experimentally observed mitochondrial network and the scheme to model it. (a) Color coded mitochondrial network retrieved from experimental image of a
striatal cell from a wildtype mice and (b) its zoomed in version. (c) Model scheme representing the tip-to-tip fusion of two X1 nodes into X2 and tip-to-side fusion of
one X1 node with one X2 node to make one X3 node, and their corresponding fission processes. The image used for the mitochondrial network extraction in panel (a)
was adopted from Ref. [78] with permission.
Mitochondrial fragmentation in degenerative diseases
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interactions are explained further in section “Mitochondrial interactions” of Supplementary
Information text and sketched in S1 Fig. This way, the network can have nodes with degree 1
(isolated tip), degree 2 (two merged nodes), and degree 3 (three merged nodes). To each fusion
process, there is an associated fission process. Thus, the four possible processes can be repre-
sented by the following two reaction equations.
X1 þX1 ! a1
X1 þX2 ! a2
Where X1 (Fig 2A, red), X2 (Fig 2A, green), and X3 (Fig 2A, blue) represent nodes with
degree 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Nodes with degree 4 are not included because of their extremely
low probability [75, 76]. Network edges connecting the nodes define minimal (indivisible)
constituents of the organelle. Therefore, all parameters are calculated in terms of number of
edges in the network.
Next, we implement the model as an agent-based model using Gillespie algorithm [75, 76,
84]. We initialize the simulation with the number of edges (N) estimated from experimental
micrographs of the cell that we intend to model and all nodes initially in X1 form with their
number equal to the mitochondrial components representing the cell. The number of edges in
the images processed in this paper ranges from as few as 72 to as many as 19519. The network
is allowed to evolve through a sequence of fusion and fission processes according to their pro-
pensities at a given time step. In all cases, we run the algorithm for 5N time steps to reach the
steady state and extract various network features (<k>, Ng, branch lengths etc.) at the end of
the run using various Graph and Network algorithms in Matlab. Depending on the fusion (a1
& a2) and fission (b1 & b2) rates used, networks of varying properties ranging from mostly
consisting of isolated mitochondria or branched clusters to a fully connected one giant cluster
can be generated [76].
To search for a network with specific properties, we follow the procedure in [75, 76] and
vary the ratio of fusion and fission processes, i.e. C1 = a1/b1 and C2 = a2/b2 by fixing b1 and
b2 at 0.01 and 3b1/2 respectively, and allowing a1 and a2 to vary. For every set of (C1, C2) val-
ues, we repeat the simulations 100 times with different sequences of random numbers and
report different parameters/features of the network averaged over all 100 runs. Results from a
sample run with N = 3000 are shown in Fig 3A1–3A3, where we plot <k> (Fig 3A1) and Ng/N
(Fig 3A2) as functions of C2 at fixed C1 = 0.0007. Ng/N versus <k> from the same simulation
is shown in Fig 3A3. Increasing C1 shifts the curve to the right. We scan a wide range of C1
and C2 values and plot <k> and Ng/N obtained from experimental images on this two param-
eter phase space diagram. As an example, the red crosses in the inset in Fig 3A3 represent Ng/
N versus <k> retrieved from experimental images of mitochondria in striatal cells from NL
and HD transgenic mice [78]. The values from the image are mapped with the corresponding
C1 and C2 values on the phase space diagram and reported as the values for that cell.
Larger values of C1 and C2 mean more frequent tip-to-tip and tip-to-side fusion respec-
tively, and vice versa. A very small value of C2 (or C1) results in a network mainly consisting
of linear chains and isolated nodes (Fig 3B1) with small <k> and Ng/N (Fig 3A1 & 3A2).
Medium value of C2 leads to a network having clusters with both branches and loops (Fig
3B2), whereas large C2 value results in a network having one giant cluster (Fig 3B3) with large
Mitochondrial fragmentation in degenerative diseases
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<k> and Ng/N values. To demonstrate further that how low, intermediate, and large values of
C2 (or C1) affect the fine structure of the network, we show distributions of the loop, branch,
and cluster sizes from three simulations in Fig 3C1–3C3. We pick C2 values obtained for mito-
chondrial networks (details about C1 and C2 values for different conditions are given below)
in striatal cells with HD pathology (C2 = 0.22e-4, C1 = 4.9e-4), their corresponding NL cells
(C2 = 0.44e-4, C1 = 4.9e-4) [78], and NL cells from ALS experiments (C2 = 1.0e-4, C1 = 4.8e-
4) reported in Ref. [80] as representatives of the three cases. We also performed simulations
using C1 and C2 values representing mitochondrial networks in cells with DS pathology
(C2 = 0.32e-4 value) and their corresponding NL cells (C2 = 0.88e-4 value) [36, 82] and
observed a clear rightward shift in all three distributions at 0.88e-4 as compared to those at
C2 = 0.32e-4 (not shown). In addition to shifting to the right, the range of all three distribu-
tions widens as we increase the value of C2, indicating that both the sizes and diversity of the
network components increase.
As pointed out above, we processed images of mitochondrial networks in cells with various
neurological pathologies including AD [79], ALS [80], PD [81], HD [78], OPA [66], Ca 2+
load in astrocytes [14], and DS [36, 82] as well as other conditions such as kidney disease [64]
Fig 3. Model results at different C1 and C2 values. Mean degree (a1), Ng/N (a2), and Ng/N versus <k> (a3) as functions of C2 at a fixed value of C1. Inset in
(a3) shows a zoomed in version of the main plot in (a3) with superimposed Ng/N versus <k> from experimental images of mitochondria in striatal cells (red
cross) from wildtype (NL) and YAC128 HD transgenic mice [78]. Mitochondrial network changes from fragmented (b1) to physiologically viable, well-
connected (b2) to a fully connected network making one giant cluster (b3) as we increase C2 (or C1). Distribution of loop sizes (c1), branch lengths (c2), and
cluster sizes (c3) retrieved from simulated networks at two different C2 values corresponding to mitochondrial network in striatal cells from HD transgenic
mice (representative of low C2) (black bars) and striatal cells from wildtype mice in the same experiments (representative of intermediate C2) (red bars). The
insets in (c1) and (c2) and the blue bars in (c3) correspond to C2 value for the normal cells in ALS experiments (representative of high C2). The inset in (c3)
shows the tail of the blue distribution indicating the formation of a giant cluster at high C2. At smaller cluster sizes, the black, red, and blue bars in panel (c1) are
comparable and are skipped for clarity.
Mitochondrial fragmentation in degenerative diseases
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and diabetes/cancer [65] from published literature. Details of the cell models analyzed are
given in the following paragraphs and tabulated in S1 Table. Key network parameters such as
<k>, Ng, Ng/N retrieved from the diseased cells and their normal counterparts are listed in
Table Plagiarism Free Papers
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