You will begin a 2000-3000 word, research-based business report to a decision-maker. The report will identify a problem in an
You will begin a 2000-3000 word, research-based business report to a decision-maker. The report will identify a problem in an organization or community and propose a solution to that problem.
Please see the VBS link for the report format
see attached document for context on the topic and a sample paper
To: Wei Wang, Director of HR Business Partners (Client Service) From: HR Client Service Team Support Date: February 19, 2022 Subject: Request to Conduct Research on Overwork and Poor Work-life Balance
Summary As the World Bank Group HQ human resources client service team, we support and assist more than three thousand HQ and regional staff. Because of that, the HR support teams and HR Business partners are overworked, working overtime and weekends. To improve this situation, I propose that the HR department enforce the current health policies for employees and include a work-life balance policy, meaning policy intended to provide a framework for introducing flexible working arrangements to the mutual benefit of employees, the organisation, and users of the services provided.
What the Problem Is and Why It Needs to Be Investigated The problem the HR department is facing is that work is taking an important place in employees life, especially in terms of time:
· They leave work late at night or arrive very early in the morning.
· They regularly bring work home in the evenings and on weekends.
· They do not take all their leaves.
Overworking has negative consequences and impacts on employees and organisations. Suppose an organisation, consciously or not, stifles the privacy of its employees by overworking them. In that case, this inevitably leads to dissatisfaction and stress, which in turn manifests itself in illness, reduced productivity and alienation from the company. That is not to say that employees cannot work long hours for the seasonal work increase or resolve a crisis but chronically overworking is detrimental to the overall wellbeing of employees and organisations.
What Secondary Research I Have Conducted about the Problem Secondary research that I have conducted on the problem spun around the consequences of overworking and its impact on employees’ work-life balance. Many publications show a correlation between overwork and work-life balance, employee performance, and health issues.
Research also shows that overwork hurts employees and companies. Overwork results in stress that can lead to all sorts of health issues, such as sleep deprivation, depression, heart disease and other chronic diseases. It is terrible for a company’s business, showing up as turnover, lack of engagement and rising health costs. Furthermore, it shows that overworking does not lead to productivity but rather decreases effectiveness.
Why We Will Benefit from My Research and Recommendations Our department will benefit from the research on the issue because the research will provide a better understanding of what overwork looks like and how it impacts employees and the organisation. In addition, the research will show ways in which overwork can be avoided and work-life balance improved; it will also show the benefits of having employees that are not overworked and have a good work-life balance such as:
· Increased productivity or output
· Improved employee engagement
· Greater motivation and commitment
My recommendations will allow the HR client service managers to consider the consequences of failing to enforce health policies and implementing a work-life balance policy. More importantly, help them help their employees achieve a better work-life balance.
Conclusion HR as a whole is the driving force in driving change, and as such, it must lead by example. The HR Client service department is increasingly overworked, leaving employees with so much work that they have to either work long hours or take work home. HR needs to apply the very policies, care and attention it gives to the organisation’s employees to its very own staff. Therefore with your permission, I will conduct extensive research to provide you with a strategy that we can use to put in place a work-life balance policy and indicate the benefits associated with its implementation.
Wholesum Health LLC
Wholesum Health offers personalised and convenient health coaching to our clients. Our experienced coaches emphasise the importance of maintaining a realistic fitness routine, having a balanced nutritional plan, and developing behaviours that will produce long-term results, enabling our clients to live happy and healthier lives.
The Problem
The increasing rate of obesity and chronic diseases is concerning. In a new study released by the American Obesity Association, in just four more years (2025), 50% of Americans will be obese, and by 2030 that number will jump to 60% (Bergen, 2021). We believe it is best to tackle the problem early in life; The obesity prevalence was 40.0% among adults aged 20 to 39 years (Obesity is a Common, Serious, and Costly Disease, 2021).
The Solution
Many popular diets and fitness programs can be inefficient and cause more harm than good, and at best, produce short-term results, leaving people frustrated and discouraged. Wholesum Health solves this problem by offering our clients superior, personalised, and convenient health coaching.
Listed below are the services offered.
· Trimester and yearly membership package: all membership packages include monthly coach sessions, nutritional tips, recipes, meal plans, group sessions and classes.
· Workout programs
· Health and nutrition e-books/materials
The global wellness market is estimated at more than $1.5 trillion (Callaghan, Teichner, Losch & Pione, 2021), with annual growth of 5 to 10 per cent, and the United States has the largest market valued at $52.5 billion.
You can also talk about the strengths and advantages of your staff and any partnerships you may have.
Keys to Success
We will have several services and online products: online coaching, workout programs, recipes classes, live events and e-books.
The promotional plan of Wholesome Health is going to have based on potential customer reach.
Workshops/Seminars: Host workshops or seminar on a topic that interest our target market.
Local Publication: We plan to advertise or have some feature or segment.
Referral Partner: Wholesome Health plans to partner with other businesses with our ideal clients and work with them to create a cross-promotional relationship where we can refer them and refer us.
The nature of our business provides us with a possibility to have no facility cost during the first years. Wholesome Heath is going to be located virtually for the customers.
Wholesome Health will be using the Value-based pricing approach.
Financial Highlights
The CEO/Owner will invest $4,000 seek an additional investment of $10,000 for an application and part-time nutritionist. We estimate that Wholesum Health will have a positive net income in Year 1. The simple structure and the part-time nature allows for low expenses for the first two years. However, in year 3, revenue will be negative as the business goes full-time and hires more employees. New clients are estimated to grow at 12% and premium/member clients at a rate of 15%; we also believe that the e- products/programs will help the business with Its income. Net income will continue to grow until the expansion phase begins in Year 5.
Bergen, M. (2021). New Study Predicts 50% of Americans With Obesity. Retrieved 29 May 2021, from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2021. Obesity is a Common, Serious, and Costly Disease. [online] Available at: <,adults%20aged%2060%20and%20older.> [Accessed 2 February 2022].
Callaghan, S., Teichner, W., Losch, M., & Pione, A. (2021). Retrieved 29 May 2021, from
Page 17
Increasing Employee Well-Being and Productivity Through Decreasing Work Hours
Emily Bell
Writing 394 6366
Date: March 29, 2020
To: Alice and John Seashore
Business Owners at Your Local Workout Place
At Potomac and Bethesda
From: Emily Bell, Director at My Local Workout Place, Largo
Subject: Increasing Employee Well-Being and Productivity by Shortening Work Hours
Enclosed is the report you requested based on my earlier memo concerning issues I have observed surrounding the detrimental effects of long work hours on our employees.
The report includes secondary research on the ways that working long hours can negatively impact employee’s physical health, mental well-being, and productivity. It will also include research showing the potential benefits of a six-hour workday and recommendations for implementing a new employee schedule that will include shorter workdays and include appropriate breaks for longer shifts.
I hope that by decreasing daily work hours we would be able to decrease the amount of sick days employees take and avoid employee burnout. I also believe that lower work hours will lead to increased employee job satisfaction and overall productivity.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my proposal and please let me know if I can clarify any information or answer any questions. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on my recommendations and hope to be able to implement the suggested schedule changes as soon as possible.
Executive Summary
Purpose and method of this report
As the director at two children’s’ fitness centers, I have observed over the past year that employees have been working long hours, typically over 8 hours a shift, which seems to be resulting in health issues for employees and a loss of productivity for the company. Employees are regularly given lists of daily and weekly tasks and have consistently been able to complete them efficiently and effectively The purposes of this report are to:
· determine the negative impacts of working long hours
· recommend ways to increase employee well-being and productivity by improving employee scheduling
Secondary research was used to study the negative impacts of long working hours. The ways that work hours can negatively affect employee physical and mental health were focused on. Research was also conducted on the potential benefits implementing a shorter, six-hour workday, can have on employees and overall productivity.
Findings and conclusions
The results of the research showed that working long hours can severely impact physical and mental health. Employees who work long hours were more likely to suffer from heat conditions and various mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. Long work hours also led to higher levels of employee burnout which can lead to lower productivity and a higher likelihood of employees leaving the company.
The results show that a shorter workday can help employees physically, mentally and enable them to be more successful and productive.
Recommendations for improving employee health and productivity are:
· Implementing new employee schedules that will consist of six-hour shifts
· Ensuring that if an employee must work over six hours, their shift will not exceed eight hours, and they will take at least one 45-minute break during the shift
· Planning follow up meeting for six months after new scheduling protocols are enacted to discuss results and whether employee health and productivity has improved.
Table of Contents
Overview of methodology…………………………………………………………………5
Findings and Discussions………………………………………………………………………….6
Impacts of long working hours on physical health………………………………………..6
Impacts of long working hours on mental health………………………………………….6
Benefits of a shorter workday……………………………………………………………..7
The eight-hour workday has long been thought of as the standard for a full-time employee in the workplace. However, over the years research has shown that typically employees work closer to nine hours a day on average, and some up to twelve (Ward, 2017). As the director at both of our business locations, I execute the weekly employee schedule and per your instructions, regularly schedule employees for over eight-hour shifts. Research has shown that these long work hours can negatively impact an employee’s physical health on many levels, can be detrimental to their mental health and well-being, and that a switch to a shorter workday can have many benefits for the employee and perhaps for the business. As a small business, we have a duty to ensure the well-being of our staff while maintaining a high level of productivity.
The purpose of this research was to identify the negative impacts long work hours can have on employees and to determine if a shorter workday would correct these issues. The analysis of the research helped to determine recommendations that would help each employee and the business.
Overview of methodology
Unfortunately, due to the global pandemic, primary research was not conducted. Therefore, to establish the problems and form recommendations I did the following:
· Conducted secondary research on the physical and mental health impacts of long work hours
· Conducted secondary research on the benefits of a six-hour work day
· Analyzed the research to create recommendations to benefit the employees and business
Findings and Discussions
Impacts of long work hours on physical health
There have been many studies done on the physical health risks associated with working long hours. There is proof that working too many hours can lead to various levels of heart disease. According to an article by Virtanen, et al, “our systematic review concluded that long working hours is associated with depressive state, anxiety, sleep condition, and CHD [chronic heart disease]” (Virtanen, et al., 2014). Another article added that extended work hours can cause stress and sleep deprivation which are additional causes of chronic heart disease (Nagai, Hoshide, & Kario, 2010). There has been some dissent concerning whether working directly contributes to the onset of heart issues, but these researchers have found proven links that connect the two and that while long work hours may not be the singular cause, they contribute to the larger problem.
Employees who work long hours can also experience other physical issues. In a study written up in The Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, “results of the meta-analysis show a small but significant positive trend of increased health symptoms with increasing hours of work” (Sparks, Cooper, Fried, & Shirom, 1997). These health symptoms include contracting more viruses throughout the year and experiencing more workplace injuries. Employees working longer hours are also more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, drinking, and eliminating exercise (Wong, et al., 2019). These unhealthy habits can contribute to a multitude of additional health issues such as cancer and obesity. It is also possible that working long hours could be correlated with a higher risk of developing diabetes mellitus, but there is some conflicting data and research on this topic. Ultimately employees who work long hours are at a higher risk of having work-related health problems (Wong, et al., 2019).
The research concerning health issues related to long work hours concerns me because I have observed an increase in the number of sick days employees have been taking over the past year. In the past two months there have been three instances where I have had to come into work because more than one employee has been ill and unable to work. This is a serious issue because as a small business, we have a very limited number of employees and we need to ensure that they are healthy enough to work scheduled shifts.
Impacts of long work hours on mental health
Working long hours can also negatively affect an employee’s mental wellbeing. Working overtime can deprive workers of valued time with friends and family which directly impacts mental health (Sato, Kuroda, & Owan, 2020). Sato, Kuroda, & Owan found that workers who worked long hours were more likely to experience depressive disorders and those who were asked to work extra weekend hours were more likely to have mental health deterioration and higher stress levels (2020). In addition, these workers are much more likely to experience high levels of anxiety which can also affect sleep conditions and cognitive functioning (Tamakoshi, 2014). I have witnessed symptoms of stress and anxiety during extended work shifts and have had to personally send an employee home who was experiencing symptoms of a panic attack. It is my experience that if an employee is on a long shift, as they get tired, their stress levels increase because they are unable to think as clearly as they were at the start of the shift.
Extended hours can also lead to burnout in the workplace which can cause lower productivity and unhappiness. The World Health Organization characterizes workplace burnout as “feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job; reduced professional efficacy” (WHO Classifies Workplace Burnout, 2019). In a study on burnout in neurosurgery residents, results showed “that total work hours and on-call frequency in the hospital are significant drivers for resident burnout throughout the world” (Jean, Ironside, Felbaum, & Syed, 2020). Employee burnout can then cause additional feelings of depression and anxiety. Additionally, employee burnout can cause employees to become dissatisfied at their job and lead to higher turnover rates. We have had employees leave the company because they can no longer handle the perceived work stress or because they no longer think that the job is fun. Higher employee turnover exacerbates the issues because other employees must then work additional hours to cover extra shifts.
Benefits of a shorter workday
While there is not a universal consensus on the perfect number of work hours per day, research has shown that long work hours are detrimental to employees and that a shorter workday can be beneficial for productivity and employee well-being. An article in Forbes Magazine explained that long workdays, and even eight-hour workdays, are ineffective because human brains want to work in shorter increments and require quick rests to recharge (Bradberry, 2016). The article goes on to explain that longer working hours do not show increased productivity because employees are more likely to get distracted and off task when forced to work for such long periods of time (Bradberry, 2016). Shorter workdays with more frequent breaks could keep employees on task and ultimately yield higher productivity.
Some researchers have argued that shorter six-hour workdays are optimal for productivity and employee health. Steve Glaveski wrote in the Harvard Business Review about his experience using a six-hour day for his employees:
I conducted a two-week, six-hour workday experiment with my team at Collective Campus, an innovation accelerator based in Melbourne, Australia. The shorter workday forced the team to prioritize effectively, limit interruptions, and operate at a much more deliberate level for the first few hours of the day. The team maintained, and in some cases increased, its quantity and quality of work, with people reporting an improved mental state, and that they had more time for rest, family, friends, and other endeavors (2018).
Similar experiments were done with six-hour workdays in an elder care facility in Sweden and results showed that the nurses were happier, more energetic, healthier, and more productive when working the shorter hours (Heath, 2017). Ultimately, there is opportunity for more studies on what the perfect number of hours per work day would be, but existing research has shown that eight hours and above can be detrimental to employees, and that six hour work days can lead to increased productivity and employee wellbeing.
The literature reviewed on work hours shows that number of hours worked per day can have many impacts on employees. Long work hours can cause health issues including heart disease, can lead to mental health issues including depressive and anxiety disorders, and can cause employee burnout which can further affect mental health and employee productivity. More recent research has shown that a shift to a shorter workday can help alleviate these issues. Shorter, six-hour workdays can lead to increased employee happiness, overall well-being, and productivity.
This research and my observations over the past year show that employees are suffering due to long work hours. The amount of employee sickness, stress levels and turnover could decrease if a new schedule is implemented that includes shorter work hours.
It is my recommendation that once the business is running normally again, we decrease the number of hours employees work per day to six hours whenever possible. Employees typically work six days per week so if they regularly work six hours each shift, they will maintain full time status and qualify for applicable benefits. For this to be possible we will need to hire at least two additional employees to ensure that all shifts are covered. Additionally, if an employee must work a shift over six hours, it should not exceed eight hours and I would like to implement a policy that they are required to be given a break of no less than forty-five minutes mid shift.
To track the usefulness of shorter work hours for our business, I recommend that we plan a review in six months. During this review we will compare the amount of sick days employees have taken with the previous six months and will hold one on one interviews with all current employees. During these interviews we will inquire about their overall job satisfaction and review their job performance to determine if individual productivity and success has improved.
These recommendations are based on research and general observations and may need to be modified based on employee reaction and impact of the new scheduling system on the business.
Bradberry, T. (2016). Why the 8-hour workday doesn’t work. Forbes.
Glaveski, S. (2018). The Case for the 6-Hour Workday. Harvard Business Review.
Heath, T. (2017). A six-hour workday could make you happier, healthier, and more productive. The Washington Post.
Jean, W., Ironside, N., Felbaum, D., Syed, H. (2020). The Impact of Work-Related Factors on Risk of Resident Burnout: A Global Neurosurgery Pilot Study. World Neurosurgery, 138, 345-353.
Nagai, M., Hoshide, S., & Kario, K. (2010). Sleep duration as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease- a review of the recent literature. Current cardiology reviews, 6(1), 54–61.
WHO Classifies Workplace Burnout as Occupational Phenomenon. (2019). Professional Safety. WHO Classifies Workplace Burnout as Occupational Phenomenon, 64 (9), 16.
Sato, K., Kuroda, S., & Owan, H. (2020). Mental health effects of long work hours, night and weekend work, and short rest periods. Social Science & Medicine, 246 (112774), 8.
Sparks, K., Cooper, C., Fried, Y., Shirom, A. (1997). The effects of hours of work on health: a meta-analytic review. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 70, 391-408.
Tamakoshi, A., Bannai, A. (2014). The association between long working hours and health: a systematic review of epidemiological evidence. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment, & Health, 40 (1), 5-18. https://doi:10.5271/sjweh.3388
Virtanen, M., Heikkila, K., Jokela, M., Ferrie, J., Batty, D, Vahtera, J., & Kivimaki, M. (2012). Long working hours and coronary heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Epidemiology, 176 (7), 586–596.
Ward, M. (2017). A brief history of the 8-hour workday, which changed how Americans work. CNCB.
Wong, K., Chan, A., & Ngan, S.C. (2019). The effect of long working hours and overtime on occupational health: a meta-analysis of evidence from 1998 to 2018. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (12), 2102. https://doi:10.3390/ijerph16122102
Increasing Employee Well
Being and Productivity Through Decreasing Work Hours
Emily Bell
Writing 394 6366
9/28/2020 Plagiarism Free Papers
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