Project management involves the management of four elements: resources, time, money, and scope. There are four phases of the p
Project management involves the management of four elements: resources, time, money, and scope. There are four phases of the project management life cycle: initiation, planning, execution, and closure.
In this module, students will assess how administrators must be able to articulate the anticipated added value of an IT project.
Submit your final project, a completed request for proposals. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course.
For additional details, please refer to the Rubric under the Unit 9 Assignment.
once completed please combine the previous 3 milestones in order 1-4 in one document. I’ll attach them all
Student Name HIM-500-Q3629-OL-TRAD-GR.21TW3
Date Submitted Assignment 2
Assignment 9.2
Student Name
Date of Submission
Directions: This template identifies the material to be addressed in each part of the submission. The headers are in bold and represent the items in the rubric. Please replace all the items in italics with your content.
Overview Practitioners in health information management and healthcare informatics are expected to be keenly aware of new and upcoming technologies that might benefit their organization. This becomes more complex as these individuals must also consider the impact that those technologies might have on the practice of medicine at their institution. When faced with new technologies, leaders in health information management must evaluate the state of the organization and make an informed decision that will affect the organization as a whole. This means addressing not just the needs of the health information management team, but the needs of all roles within the institution, while also addressing any issues of compliance the organization might be facing. For your final project in this course, you will imagine you have been hired as a contractor for a small medical facility to consult on the selection of a new technology. Their organization has been struggling, so you must first speak to the state of the organization and then offer an informed recommendation as to which of the technologies would suit the organization best. The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions
Final Submission: Health Information Technology Recommendations In Module Nine, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.
Support your answer with relevant sources.
Guidelines for Submission:
Include all the sections from Milestones 1 to 3. Ensure details added to ensure you meet the proficient rubric criteria. Ensure you add headers if these were missing previously.
Technology System Recommendations: Monitor
Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates keen insight into various ways the organization can monitor the use of the technology system
Key Phrases are various ways the organization can monitor the use of the technology system
The best responses include at least two ways the organization can monitor the use of the technology system. The best responses have at least one paragraph with at least 6 sentences with the first sentence providing a response, the second sentence supporting the response to show why the first sentence is important, the third sentence with an example, the fourth with a reference, the fifth asking for more information, the sixth tying all together. Cited journal articles support academic writing.
At least one citation of one journal article in this section to support what you are presenting in this section.
Technology System Recommendations: Time
Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates keen insight into various ways the organization can invest time into the implementation of the technology system
Key Phrases are various ways the organization can invest time into the implementation
The best responses include at least two ways the organization can invest time into the implementation. The best responses have at least TWO paragraphs with at least 6 sentences each with the first sentence providing a response, the second sentence supporting the response to show why the first sentence is important, the third sentence with an example, the fourth with a reference, the fifth asking for more information, the sixth tying all together. Cited journal articles support academic writing.
At least two citations of two journal articles in this section to support what you are presenting in this section.
At least 3 different references matching the journal articles cited above. Please follow APA 7 format.
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HIM 500 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
Overview Practitioners in health information management and healthcare informatics are expected to be keenly aware of new and upcoming technologies that might benefit their organization. This becomes more complex as these individuals must also consider the impact that those technologies might have on the practice of medicine at their institution. When faced with new technologies, leaders in health information management must evaluate the state of the organization and make an informed decision that will affect the organization as a whole. This means addressing not just the needs of the health information management team, but the needs of all roles within the institution, while also addressing any issues of compliance the organization might be facing.
For your final project in this course, you will imagine you have been hired as a contractor for a small medical facility to consult on the selection of a new technology. Their organization has been struggling, so you must first speak to the state of the organization and then offer an informed recommendation as to which of the technologies would suit the organization best. The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three, Five and Seven. The final product will be submitted in Module Nine.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
x� Determine standard technology systems and their uses in modern healthcare institutions through analysis of current and historical technology use in health information management and healthcare informatics
x� Analyze the interrelationship between various professional roles within healthcare institutions and their use of technology systems for informing recommendations regarding health information technology systems
x� Determine the potential impact of violating health regulations and laws regarding health information technology systems on healthcare organizations x� Develop health information technology recommendations for healthcare institutions that are compliant with health regulations and laws and ensure
ethical management of health information x� Determine effective investment of resources in health information technology for healthcare institutions based on the needs of the healthcare
Prompt Imagine you have been contracted to consult on the recent developments at the Featherfall Medical Center. Featherfall has been struggling of late; it has had a series of problems that have prompted your hiring. It has faced the following issues:
1. Featherfall has recently violated several government regulations regarding the current state of its technology and how it is being used. The technology system is vastly out of date, and staff are not always using the technology that is in place or they are using the technology inappropriately. These problems have lost the institution lots of money for not meeting government regulations and have caused operational and ethical problems from inefficient and ineffective use of technology.
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2. The staff at Featherfall are not well-trained on the use of technology and do not communicate appropriately about technology use. The roles that pertinent to your consult are the health information management team, the clinical staff (doctors, nurses, etc.), and administrative staff. The health information management team uses proper coding practices, and the current technology system serves them well, despite its age. However, other roles in the hospital have had issues with the system. Clinical staff, for instance, have had record-keeping issues both due to lack of training on the system and the system itself being out of date. Administrative staff within the organization have taken issue with the lack of communication about the technology and its use between the various roles. When the current technology system was chosen many years ago, the needs of these various roles were not considered.
You will begin by preparing for your consultation. You will analyze the history of the field as well as determine standard guidelines for technology use and standard technologies used in the field. You will also prepare information for Featherfall regarding the ramifications for violating health laws and regulations. Finally, you will use this information to review technology options that could be implemented at the institution.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. � Preparation for Consult͗�/Ŷ�ƚŚŝƐ�ƐĞĐƚŝŽŶ�ŽĨ�LJŽƵƌ�ĨŝŶĂů�ƉƌŽũĞĐƚ͕�LJŽƵ�ǁŝůů�ƉƌĞƉĂƌĞ�ĨŽƌ�LJŽƵƌ�ĐŽŶƐƵůƚĂƚŝŽŶ�ŽŶ�ƚŚĞ�ŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƚŝŽŶ͛Ɛ�ƚĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJ�ĐŚŽŝĐĞ͘�dŽ�prepare, you will analyze the field of health information management for determining standard technologies and guidelines related to technology use in order to inform your technology selection.
A. � Analyze key historical events in the field of health informatics for how technology has been used that could inform the management of health information. Be sure to support your response with appropriate examples.
B. � Determine guidelines for technology use in the field of health information management that Featherfall could implement. Be sure to support your response with research.
C. � Determine the standard technologies currently used in the field of health information management. Be sure to support your response with research. For example, what record-keeping technologies are typically used in the field?
D. � Develop an overview of how the pertinent roles described at Featherfall would interact with technology. E. � Describe the process you would use to evaluate new health information technology systems. Be sure that your process will evaluate new
systems based on how they meet the needs of the organization and how they are compliant with health regulations and laws.
II. � Health Regulations and Laws Ramifications: In this section of your final project, you will finish your preparation by reviewing and explaining the ramifications for the organization if it decides to wait on addressing its recent violations regarding technology use.
A. � Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the finances of the institution if these violations are not addressed. Be sure to support your response with examples.
B. � Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the daily operations of the institution if these violations are not addressed. Be sure to support your response with examples.
C. � Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the security of the health information in the institution if these violations are not addressed. Be sure to support your response with examples.
III. � Technology System Recommendations: In this final section of your final project, you will review the provided technology options and make informed recommendations to the organization regarding which technology it should choose.
A. � Determine the needs of the various roles of the organization in a new technology. B. � Recommend a new health information technology system that meets the following criteria. Be sure to justify how your recommendations meet
the criteria. The new health technology must: 1. � Abide by provided health regulations and laws 2. � Align with the needs of all staff members of the previously described organization 3. � Ensure the ethical management and use of health information
C. � Determine how the organization could more effectively invest its financial resources into the recommended technology system. Be sure to justify your response.
D. � Determine how the organization could monitor the use of the new health information system. Be sure to justify your response. E. � Determine how the organization could effectively invest its time into the implementation of the new health information technology system. Be
sure to justify your response.
Milestones Milestone One: Analyzing the Landscape/Setting the Scene In Module Three, you will submit a discussion of the history of healthcare information management/informatics and the current landscape in terms of technology. This milestone will set the stage for your project. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Moving Toward Compliance In Module Five, you will submit an analysis of how the company in the case study is noncompliant and the strategies (general, not specifics) to move them toward compliance. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Recommendations In Module Seven, you will submit your recommendations for technology for the institution and how it will be implemented. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Final Submission: Health Information Technology Recommendations In Module Nine, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.
Milestone 2: Health Regulations and Laws Ramifications
Precious Teasley
Southern New Hampshire University
HIM 500
Professor Jon M.
January 25, 2022
Milestone 2: Health Regulations and Laws Ramifications
Financial Impact in the Institution
If these issues aren't addressed, the institution faces civil liability for security vulnerabilities and HIPAA violations, which would have a significant financial impact. In addition, the institution could be held liable for compensating the victims in certain circumstances. Additionally, the hospital may be subject to additional sanctions from regulatory organizations, on top of compensating any affected patients.
Pinnacle Health, a three-hospital system in Pennsylvania, is a good example. This hospital is held liable when a patient was released on the wrong prescription, and a doctor could not order Vitamin K to avoid bleeding in a newborn. An early plaintiff in a civil complaint against the EHRs used by Pinnacle Health during these incidents is Pinnacle Health. Many of these lawsuits cost a lot of money and cause a lot of bad press for the hospital, which can also have a financial impact (Schencker, 2016).
As a result of a physician's attempt to deactivate a personal server on the NYP network that contained digitally protected health information, New York-Presbyterian Hospital agreed to pay $4.8 million in damages in 2014. As a result, Google obtained the personal information of 6,800 patients in 2010. As a result of data security breaches, the Department of Civil And human rights has collected around $25 million in fines. In addition to court expenses and fines levied by the federal and state governments. Free credit monitoring and outsourcing of hotline services may also be offered to patients whose data has been hacked. Over two years, these payments can average $2 million for each healthcare center.
"Willful neglect" is a legal term that ignores regulations and governmental laws. The penalties for knowingly flouting these regulations can range from $1,000 to $10,000 each offense. But there is a limit to how much the institution must pay.
Impact on Daily Operations in the Institution
If infractions are not dealt with promptly, they can substantially impact daily operations. For example, data theft is a considerable risk as healthcare becomes more digitized and accessible via mobile applications and laptops. In addition, information can be compromised if it is not secured correctly.
According to an article by Online Tech, these security breaches severely influence operational efficiency. These lapses in security can lead to a reduction in output, a tarnished reputation, and a decrease in patient confidence (Pham, 2019). In addition, regulators' audits and surveys can be stressful for all in the hospital if health IT infractions are discovered.
A hospital's response to a security breach is outlined in detail in the Final Rule, published in the Federal Register, requiring additional resources. Victims, for instance, must be informed of a security breach via priority mail within 60 days of the occurrence. In addition, if the breach affects more than 500 patients, the media must be notified as well.
Regulations and legislation are placed to ensure that patients receive the finest and safest care possible. Compliance with health standards and technological laws must be enforced, or patient safety may be compromised. One example of complications leading to patient death is medication administration errors. Incorrect coding and billing could lead to the provider's license being revoked.
Impact of Security of the Health Information in the Institution
Obama's HITECH Act broadened the scope of HIPAA and gave funding to improve the use of health information systems in clinical settings. Protected health information (PHI) must be secured to the highest possible standard under the same laws and regulations that govern technology. Security measures must protect premises, equipment, and patient data from harm or illegal access. Patients' privacy rights must also be explained to them.
Pham, J. S. (2019). The Digital Divide in Vulnerable Communities Affecting Access to e-Health Services (Doctoral dissertation, CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE).
Schencker, L. (2016). EHR safety goes to court. Modern healthcare, 46(26-27), 30-32.
History Of Healthcare Information Management/Informatics
Precious Teasley
Due Date
History Of Healthcare Information Management/Informatics
Key Historical Events
Technology has improved tremendously in the last few decades. The use of technology in the healthcare business has enhanced the quality of treatment given to patients. Technology has been a significant improvement in allowing healthcare personnel to completely comprehend the patient and the patient's health conditions, which can aid in providing appropriate health treatment strategies (Braunstein, 2018). The professional personnel at Feather fall Medical Center, Administrative employees, and the health information management team must adhere to current technological standards to benefit their patients, staff, and organization. Health care informatics, in general, is a science concerned with how information is gathered and used in medicine and medical research. Its breadth includes the numerous uses of data created across the health care business and the usage of technologies to harness the potential of that data. Informaticists are employed in analytics, database management, data mining, information management, and IT systems engineering.
Various technological guidelines can be used at Feather fall Medical Center. Feather fall may set up a training program for new workers to learn about electronic health systems and current employees to learn about modern healthcare technologies. Feather fall Medical Center would fulfill government standards while not causing any ethical issues due to technology if technology were used correctly. As a result of effectively utilizing technology and adhering to regulatory requirements, the medical institution will not incur any financial losses.
Standard Technologies
To give better medical treatment to their patients, Feather fall Medical Center will need to stay up with current technological advancements. Electronic health records (EHR) are not only a terrific means for healthcare practitioners to offer treatment, but they are also an excellent way for them to interact with one another about patients. The recording in the electronic health record is critical since it will be used as a reference to improve the patient's treatments. Personnel must understand how to utilize electronic health records correctly and maintain the information accurately.
The electronic health records would be helpful in Feather fall Medical Center's health information management team, clinical personnel, and administrative staff. They will all need to learn how to use the electronic health record system and maintain the current and correct records. The health information management team will handle the health records. The clinical staff will utilize them daily to provide patient care, and the administrative staff will use them for billing purposes (Alotaibi and Federico, 2017). The whole Feather fall Medical Center team will have to work together to keep the technology up to date, which will help them comply with government rules and guarantee that the medical center does not lose money. Still, most significantly, it will help patients receive better treatment.
The practical initiation of significant health information technology needs careful preparation and constant, critical assessment of progress. To assess the new health information technology systems, everyone must collaborate to guarantee that the electronic health systems are functioning effectively. The health information management team will monitor how well the new technology is functioning for them and offer assistance in making any required improvements. Weekly reports on how the system is operating for the medical facility should be generated. Reports will be running to ensure that the medical institution complies with all federal requirements while implementing the new technology. Taking a lifecycle approach to installing technology systems, we believe, will assist companies in avoiding some of the frequent mistakes hence increase the possibility of successful application and reception.
Alotaibi, Y. K., & Federico, F. (2017). The impact of health information technology on patient safety. Saudi medical journal, 38(12), 1173.
Braunstein, M. L. (2018). A brief history and overview of health informatics. In Health Informatics on FHIR: How HL7's New API Transformed Healthcare (pp. 3-12). Springer, Cham.
Him500 Milestone 3
Precious Teasley
Southern New Hampshire University
Professor Jon McKeeby
February 20,2022
Him500 Milestone 3
Organization Needs
Government laws and regulations have been broken because of Featherfall Medical Center's outdated technology. Staffs are not only out of date in terms of skills, but the technology itself is also outdated. Discrepancies in government regulations, operational problems, and ethical dilemmas stemming from poor technology implementation have all cost the organization money. Featherfall's technological needs have been whittled down to Alert (Admission, Discharge, and Transfer ADT') and Intel, two eligible vendors (SOA Expressway for Healthcare). These systems need to satisfy three key goals: to meet personnel demands, protect the integrity of healthcare, and meet government standards. Concerns about the expense of implementing and maintaining a new system are high because Featherfall contains consequences for earlier infractions. Choosing a new computer system for Featherfall Medical Center is the right decision. Due to legislative rules, the medical center's obsolete system has severely impacted the organization's finances. In addition, they have problems maintaining the accuracy of their medical records. Some sectors suffer from a lack of training and clear communication channels. The medical center's new system must meet HIPAA compliance rules, communicate effectively amongst itself, be user-friendly for the personnel, and be under governmental regulations to be accepted.
Technology System Recommendations
In my opinion, Intel is the best new technology for Featherfall Medical Center (SOA Expressway for Healthcare). For Featherfall Medical Center, I feel Intel is an attractive choice because the system is simple to use and can be rapidly adopted into regular tasks. The technology will also allow for more outstanding communication between the staff. It will be easier to manage patient care with Intel since the system will produce discharge and transfer lists. In addition, the system can produce records of patients by their doctors and patients by their departments. The system is password-protected and features multiple levels of security. HIPAA compliance has not yet been achieved, but UHDDS is in place and working as intended. The next release will meet HIPAA regulations (Durcevic, 2019). Because of Intel's size and wealth of knowledge, you can be assured that your health information is in good hands.
Financial Resources
Intel is more expensive than the Alert (ADT) system, but it has the greater experience. As a company around for 30 years, Intel has 364 medical systems in use. There was a total cost of $2,028,000 for Intel and $1,587,000 for Alert. Compared to Alert, Intel was $441,000 more expensive (SNHU, 2019). Featherfall Medical Center will benefit from Intel's knowledge and resources as a larger firm. System costs more, but it will help with compliance, ethics, and governance at the medical center.
Monitor Resources
Intel uses Ad-hoc reporting to keep tabs on how its innovative health information system is being used (Durcevic, 2019). It is possible to "address crucial business problems promptly by developing an autonomous analysis, without the need of waiting for standard analysis" using ad-hoc reporting. Ad hoc reports aid in the decision-making process by highlighting the most critical aspects of the organization's growth and sustainability. Intel also generates regular reports to keep tabs on how the new system is used.
Time Resource
Featherfall Medical Center can devote its resources to implementing a new health informatics system because of its location (Durcevic, 2019). Featherfall can provide staff training on the new system to familiarize them with its workings. Keeping an eye on the new platform's success and seeing whether there have been any sound effects from adopting the technology is a priority for them. They may also look at what they can do to improve the agency and its patients.
Durcevic, S. (2019, February 5). What is Ad Hoc Reporting and Analysis? Meaning, Benefits & Examples. Retrieved from
SNHU. (2019). HIM 500 Technology Information. Retrieved from mation.pdf. Plagiarism Free Papers
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