This is my final paper. ?This assignment is a combination of all my assignments for this semester. ?Below are my assignments tha
This is my final paper. This assignment is a combination of all my assignments for this semester. Below are my assignments that you will have to reference. I also attached my grades. This assignment is worth 200 points. Please read the feed back in the yellow from the professor. All citations have to be within 5 years. My current grade is a 78%
Research Question; 65/100 = D
Review Matrix; 137/150 = A
Ethics; 92/100 = A
Collection = 88/150 = F
Analysis = 87/100 = B
NURS 500
Research Proposal: Final Assignment Instructions
The purpose of this assignment is to provide a full overview of the research process. When this assignment is completed a full research proposal will have been developed. The only new element is the narrative literature review. All other information is from previous assignments with an emphasis of improvement based on feedback on those assignments. This assignment will include all the elements of the research proposal you have completed up to this date. You will combine them into one continuous proposal (paper) following the steps of the research process. Use heading according to APA format to give the paper organization. This assignment is worth significant points therefore it should be done with an attention to detail.
All feedback from the previous graded assignments should be addressed in this final paper. This is an important feature of the final paper. By putting all the information for the proposal in one paper, the totality of the research process is addressed. The ability to accept feedback and make corrections is an essential feature of the research process. Full information from each section should be included in the final paper to receive full credit in each section on this assignment. Review the grading rubric for this assignment to ensure you know the required elements of the assignment.
a. The research question and design.
b. The Literature Review.
You will need to take the information from the literature review matrix and convert it to a narrative format. This should be a cohesive and organized flow of information. Your references must be integrated throughout the body of your review, not listed independently like an annotated bibliography. Instead, they must flow in a way that supports your research question by providing the research findings of other scientists and building your case for the study you are proposing. There must be very few instances of copying and pasting large quotes from your sources. Instead, you must articulate the findings accurately using your own words. Make sure you cite your sources appropriately. The literature review section needs to end with a summary paragraph that leads into your proposed research question or hypothesis. For example, “In light of the studies reviewed, there is a need to conduct further studies that…” would serve as a good start to a summary paragraph.
c. The ethics assignment information.
d. Research Proposal: Data Collection Methodology and Research Proposal: Data Analysis Methodology.
e. Do not include possible outcomes for this paper. It is not appropriate in this context.
2. A full proposal should be at minimum 12 – 15 pages excluding the title and reference pages, though good quality papers will be longer than this minimum.
3. Current APA format.
4. Include all references from the previous assignments. If you have used the same reference for more than one section or assignment, it should only be cited once. There should be a minimum of 15 references for the full proposal. (excluding the textbook and Bible).
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
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Mammography Detection and Prevention of Breast Cancer
Nikita Chapman
Liberty University
Author Note
Nikita Chapman
I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
Nikita Chapman. Email: [email protected]
Mammography Detection and Prevention of Breast Cancer
Several recommendations have been proposed for breast cancer screening and
intervention, including breast awareness, self-breast examination, clinical breast examinations,
and mammography, to mention a few. These techniques are meant to offer early detection of
breast cancer, especially in its early forms in women before cancer spreads (Black et al., 2019).
Early detection of breast cancer has been praised for reducing breast cancer mortalities in
women. According to experts, mammography remains the most effective screening tool for
breast cancer in women.
Mammography has led to a reduction of breast cancer mortalities by approximately
40%. However, 30% of women are still considered to fail in undertaking recommendations for
timely mammography screening (Alizada et al., 2021). Mammography screening has increased
from approximately 29% to 70% among women, which is remarkable. However, the rate has
remained unchanged for several years due to challenges, such as barriers and disparities in
mammogram adherence.
Mammography as a screening too; for breast cancer among women is complex and
multifactorial. Several factors are associated with mammography screening adherence among
women, including socioeconomic disparities such as income level, education, insurance,
geographical settings and location, health beliefs in communities, and health literacy (Black et
al., 2019). Women with higher levels of education are associated with higher incomes and better
insurance plans. They are also linked with increased health literacy and thus are likely to have
better adherence to mammography breast cancer screening; this leads to subsequent early
detection and less likelihood of breast cancer mortalities. High-income levels and insurance have
been attached to improved adherence in mammography screening among white women, but
these factors are not positively reflected in black women's adherence to mammography breast
screening (Alizada et al., 2021). However, several other factors, such as perceived discrimination
and distrust in the health sectors, are associated with the negative adherence patterns in black
Purpose of the Study and Research Question
Adherence to mammography breast screening among women has indicated fluctuations.
Mammography has remained at the same rate for several decades; it is alarming. More breast
awareness programs are conducted to educate women on the importance of screening and early
detection of breast cancer. The study will identify women among the communities who are not
receiving timely mammography breast screening. It will explore past and current efforts to
improve breast screening among women. Its results will be used in developing a better plan to
improve adherence to mammography breast screening among women; it is an essential and
crucial health measure. Therefore, the research question for this study is;
Q1. Do counseling and addressing personal barriers improve mammography adherence among
women above 40 years?
The critical variables in the research question and population are;
1. Counseling and addressing personal barriers is the independent variable.
2. Mammography adherence is the dependent variable.
3. The population of interest in the study is women above 40 years
Significance and Contribution to Nursing Research
Most estimates reveal that breast cancer treatment is reducing among women globally,
with averages indicating approximately 72.8% globally. Most regions in the United States have
recorded rates below the global goal of approximately 81.1% (Jiwa et al., 2021). The stats place
most of the regions in the United States in a higher need for initiatives to improve early detection
and prevention methods. Therefore, this research is significant for nursing research because it
will provide insights and understanding for better methods in improving adherence levels in
mammography in breast cancer screening, which will provide a benchmark in healthcare for
improving high-quality care.
Research Methodology and Design
The study shall utilize a qualitative non-experimental methodology and incorporate
several research designs, such as quality improvement, healthcare delivery innovations, and
policy evaluations. The qualitative methodology will effectively describe and answer a broad
range of questions illustrated in this research proposal, and it is also considered adequate for
studies involving several concepts and frameworks (Kang, 2018, p. 661). This study will be
focused on improving adherence to mammography breast screening for women in the United
States. Outcome measurement is an essential aspect of the quality improvement process. For this
project, the outcome measurement shall include determining the number of women undertaking
non-adherence who are scheduled for a mammogram after counseling and addressing personal
barriers. Specific data shall be collected regarding the quality of elements responsible for driving
improvements, especially with selected primary healthcare sites (Klarenbach et al., 2018). An
analysis shall be conducted for post and pre-intervention mammography rates to indicate the
effectiveness of interventions, such as counseling and addressing personal barriers, in the
changes for improved adherence in mammography breast cancer screening.
Conceptual Framework; Model for Improvement
A conceptual framework is essential in plotting a map connecting all the essential
aspects of the study. The conceptual framework shall use the model for improvement because it
is the most appropriate for quality improvement, especially in the healthcare realm (O'Donovan
et al., 2020). This improvement model shall be based on three essential questions for healthcare
organizations because it will help the organizations set aims, establish measures, and select
appropriate changes. Once the changes are approved, the following step shall involve testing,
following the PDSA criteria. This illustrates planning for the changes, doing what is represented
by the implementing plan, studying and evaluating the represented results, and acting upon the
The cyclical nature of the PSDA is essential for the development of the model of
improvement, and this is because the repeated cycles will be refined for optimum results. The
process can be initiated on a small scale and implemented on a large scale after realizing
effective results (O'Donovan et al., 2020). The model will be effective in answering three
questions for the study.
1. What shall the study accomplish? This question shall effectively answer the purpose and
aim of the study, which involves improving mammography adherence among women
with non-adherence practices in communities.
2. How will the improvements be measured? It will effectively refer to outcome
measurements; this shall be guided by the model for improvement that illustrates that all
improvements require changes.
3. What changes shall be made for improvement? This question shall be essential in
focusing on changes that will be effective for improvements. It explains the changes that
will lead to improved adherence to mammography breast screening among women.
Several recommendations have been proposed for breast cancer screening and
intervention, including breast awareness, self-breast examination, clinical breast examinations,
and mammography, to mention a few. These techniques are meant to offer early detection of
breast cancer, especially in its early forms in women before cancer spreads. The study will
identify women among the communities who are not receiving timely mammography breast
screening. It will explore past and current efforts to improve breast screening among women. Its
results will be used in developing a better plan to improve adherence to mammography breast
screening among women. The study shall utilize a qualitative non-experimental methodology
and incorporate several research designs, such as quality improvement, healthcare delivery
innovations, and policy evaluations. The qualitative methodology will effectively describe and
answer a broad range of questions illustrated in this research proposal.
Alizada, F., Lachyan, A. S., & Simon, N. H. (2021). A literature review assessing knowledge,
attitude, and preventive practices towards breast cancer among Indian women.
Black, E., & Richmond, R. (2019). Improving early detection of breast cancer in sub-Saharan
Africa: why mammography may not be the way forward. Globalization and Health,
15(1), 3-3.
Jiwa, N., Takats, Z., Leff, D. R., & Sutton, C. (2021). Breast health screening: a UK-wide
questionnaire. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, bmjnph-2021.
Kang. (2018). Use of Breast Cancer Screening and Its Association with Later Use of Preventive
Services among Medicare Beneficiaries. Radiology., 288(3), 660–668.
Klarenbach, S., Sims-Jones, N., Lewin, G., Singh, H., Thériault, G., Tonelli, M., Doull, M.,
Courage, S., Garcia, A. J., Thombs, B. D., & Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health
Care (2018). Recommendations on screening for breast cancer in women aged 40-74
years who are not at increased risk for breast cancer. CMAJ : Canadian Medical
Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne, 190(49), E1441–
O'Donovan, J., Newcomb, A., MacRae, M. C., Vieira, D., Onyilofor, C., & Ginsburg, O. (2020).
Community health workers and early detection of breast cancer in low-income and
middle-income countries: a systematic scoping review of the literature. BMJ global
health, 5(5), e002466.
Name: Nikita Chapman Date: 23 Jan 22 Course: NURS500
Complete Citation in APA format
Level of Evidence
Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework if present
Research Question(s)/ Hypotheses
Research Design Methodology
Statistical Analysis & Results
Conclusions Implications for Future research and Practice
Alizada, F., Lachyan, A. S., & Simon, N. H. (2021). A literature review assessing knowledge, attitude, and preventive practices towards breast cancer among Indian women. http://dx.doi .org/10.2432 7/ijrsr.2021. 1204.5901
Peer- reviewed journal
Assessing the attitude and knowledge on preventive practices towards breast cancer.
Do women know about breast cancer and breast self- examination? What is the attitude of women towards breast cancer?
The study used a review approach. The articles reviewed were identified and analyzed through an electronic data search through inclusion criteria of 2010 and afterward Malaysia (Alizada et. 2021).
The study utilized 12 articles, 7 of them conducted in India, and the rest from other parts of the world, including Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Iran, and Malaysia (Alizada et. 2021). 16% of the women revealed knowledge of breast cancer in India, 50% in Pakistan, and a 2% self-examination practice among Indian women. The study illustrated poor knowledge of breast cancer and the self- examination among women. Most women were unaware of the mammogram or other screening methods.
Women with little knowledge of breast cancer and self-examination cause an increased incidence rate because they inhibit the early detection of breast cancer. Awareness and education are necessary to mitigate the challenges of inadequate knowledge about breast cancer and self-examination.
The study provides information illustrating gaps in breast cancer detection and prevention. More research is required to provide substantive information about the importance of early detection and prevention of breast cancer. The use of mammograms in screening and detecting breast cancer should also be emphasized.
Black, E., & Richmond, R. (2019). Improving early detection of
Peer- reviewed journal
Early detection practices and the effectiveness of
Mammography and other screening methods may not be the most
The study reviewed breast cancer literature, screening methods, and their
Results illustrate that women with breast cancer in SSA are younger than in high-income nations. Treatment options are limited, leading to poor
According to the study, early detection of breast cancer should be context-specific in SSA. Early
Further research is required in evaluating the feasibility and acceptability of clinical downstaging
LITERATURE REVIEW MATRIX NURS500 breast cancer in sub-Saharan Africa: why mammograp hy may not be the way forward. Gl obalization and Health, 15(1 ), 3- 3. https://doi .org/10.1186 /s12992- 018-0446-6
mammograph y in breast cancer detection and prevention in SSA.
effective in SSA.
effectiveness in SSA.
prognoses. Engagement with early detection and screening practices, such as the mammogram, is low, contributing to late- stage diagnosis.
detection strategies, such as mammography, need complementary methods to reduce mortalities from breast cancer in low-income nations, such as SSA (Black & Richmond, 2019).
as a tool for controlling breast cancer in SSA.
Jiwa, N., Takats, Z., Leff, D. R., & Sutton, C. (2021). Breast health screening: a UK-wide questionnair e. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, bmjnph- 2021. https://doi.or g/10.1136/b mjnph- 2021- 000266
Peer- reviewed journal
The study emphasized on the concept of self-testing based on the nipple fluid.
NAF is an acceptable tool in screening breast cancer.
The study was conducted through an online survey. The survey consisted of four parts, including an overview of breast health, essential demographic data, questions on the acceptability of NAF as a screening tool, and opinions regarding NAF collection for cancer screening
A total of 3178 respondents completed questionnaires, all having consent to participate in the study. This gave a 74.0% response rate out of the 4305 respondents who interacted with the questionnaires (Jiwa et al., 2021). The larger population of women (89.8%) were keen to understand the risks involved with breast cancer, 8.5% were not decided, and 1.6% did not want to know the risk involved with breast cancer. 29.2% of women needed to know the risk of breast cancer due to
The study illustrated that the concept of NAF as a screening tool was highly acceptable. The study also illustrated that public awareness of breast cancer screening protocols and mammograms needed improvements.
Evaluating improvements needed on mammograms as a tool for breast cancer screening. Increased public awareness is required to enhance the knowledge of breast cancer to more women.
family history and 11.5% due to personal history. 83.4% of respondents were unaware of NAF, with 92.0% indicating acceptability for home screening.
Kang. (2018). Use of Breast Cancer Screening and Its Association with Later Use of Preventive Services among Medicare Beneficiarie s. Radiology ., 288(3), 660–668. https://doi.or g/10.1148/ra diol.201817 2326
Peer- reviewed journal
Retrospective assessing the association between mammograph y screening with preventive services for women enrolled in Medicare.
There is an association between screening mammography and the use of a variety of preventive services in women who are enrolled in Medicare.
The study collected data for the research through retrospective Medicare claims from 2010 to 2014 identifiable research files (Kang, 2018, p. 666). Qualitative analysis was conducted by applying a multivariate logistic regression model.
The study recorded 555705 patients as cohorts. 185625 of them underwent mammography, reflecting 33.4% of the total cohorts (Kang, 2018, p. 667). The results did not indicate significant differences in screened and unscreened women in preventive services.
The use of mammography for screening breast cancer was associated with increased adherence to other preventive methods.
The association between mammography and cervical cancer screening should be emphasized through further research.
Klarenbach, S., Sims- Jones, N., Lewin, G., Singh, H., Thériault, G., Tonelli, M., Doull, M.,
Peer- reviewed journal
Screening through mammographs may identify breast cancer earlier, leading to more effective and less
Recommendati ons for screening women for breast cancer should remain similar to those of the previous task force.
The study relied on two evidence reviews. Review protocols for the study were entered in PROSPERO. The Grading of Recommendatio
Mammography screening for breast cancer causes modestly reduced breast cancer mortalities for women between 40 and 70 years. Mammography was recommended for such women, with more specific descriptions
From the study, mammography is considered more effective for screening breast cancer in women between 40 and 70 years.
Further research is required to evaluate the effectiveness of mammography in other age brackets and the effectiveness of combining mammography with Plagiarism Free Papers
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