Use the Case Study as the background to develop your assignment. ?Also review feedback from the Parts 1 & 2 assignments to incor
Use the Case Study as the background to develop your assignment. Also review feedback from the Parts 1 & 2 assignments to incorporate into this assignment.
GG Freightways (GGFRT) CIO Organizational Structure Memo Paper
Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the “GG Freightways Case Study,” as well as all materials in the course to date. You will also need to review any feedback you received on your IT Strategic Plan #2 assignment.
Purpose of this Assignment
This assignment gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to apply the course concepts to address the organizational changes needed to evolve the information technology (IT) department into a true CIO organization to support the GG Freightways (GGFRT). This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcome to enable you to:
· explain the roles and responsibilities of an information technology department to support an organization’s IT strategy
CIO Organizational Structure Memo
For this assignment, you will assume the role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at GGFRT (i.e., you are Lance). Since you are GGFRT’s first CIO, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has asked you for a plan for the organizational changes you need to make. One of the first things you realize is that the organization that exists is just an ‘IT Department’ and you know that what GGFRT needs and has hired you to create an organization that fulfills the broad responsibilities of a Chief Information Officer. You know that your proposal needs to be convincing to the CFO in order for you to get the resources you need.
You will develop a memorandum addressed to the CFO that explains how you want to change your IT Department into a CIO organization and why. Your memo will address each of the topics listed below, and should be written so that it flows well from one section to the next. In addition to the course materials, (resource other than those provided in the class) must be used. Two or more cited references will earn top credit. Use a separate References page to list just the references you have cited. Remember to use the APA formatting rules and correctly cite and reference your sources with APA format. Use the Grading Rubric to be sure you have covered everything.
Please include the following in your memorandum, ensuring that each section flows well to the next, and that the overall memo creates a compelling justification for your new organizational structure.
1. – Open your memo with a brief (2 or 3 sentences) explanation of why you are writing it. For the introduction, provide some background on the current inefficiencies in the IT Department; thus, the need for reorganization. For the purpose, you are writing to the CFO who must approve the organizational changes.
2. – Since you are the CIO and a member of the senior leadership team of GGFRT, it is important for the other members of the team to understand your (1) leadership philosophy and (2) the management style (e.g., Participative, Autocratic, Laissez Faire, etc.) you will use to meet the company’s needs. This should be a short paragraph for each section that ties to the priorities and/or issues outlined in the Case Study and lays the foundation for the organizational structure you will propose below. Refer to course readings and presentations on leadership. This is also a good area in which to do some external research for specific leadership qualities and a management style you will utilize. This is your leadership philosophy and management style, so should not be written from the company and/or department perspective.
3. – To show how your CIO organization will support GGFRT, you will present and explain three (3) internal IT strategies. For Part 2 of your IT Strategic Plan, you provided at least one (1) example of an internal IT strategy. Identify your internal IT strategy from the ITSP #2 assignment, then add two (2) more internal IT strategies, so that you have a total of three (3). Describe each of the three strategies, identify if they address people, process or technology and explain how they will help improve the organization’s effectiveness. Refer to the “Creating a Future Vision for the Chief Information Officer” from Week 2 for an explanation of internal and external (business-enabling) IT strategies. . An IT strategy is not the accomplishment of a business objective as that has a business, not IT focus.
Please use the following table, copying/pasting it into your assignment (add lines if needed):
Internal IT Strategy/Description |
People, Process, or Technology (state which one or more is applicable) |
Explanation of how this IT Strategy will Help Improve the Organization’s Effectiveness |
Example: do not use but leave it in the table when completing this section. Meet compliance requirements by updating current technology or developing/acquiring new technology to meet these various mandates (only one would be chosen from the business strategic objective from ITSP #1). |
Technology |
By updating the Finance/Accounting System to Precise Financials (to meet SOX requirements), updating current or developing a new Fleet Maintenance System, notification on 10K mandated vehicle safety checks will be timelier, developing technology to capture driver hours, the company will be more proactive in their scheduling of vehicles and drivers in their operations which results in a more efficient day-to-day operations. |
4. – Use the information provided in the Case Study to draw an organization chart depicting the current roles and responsibilities of only the 25 IT Department personnel. You may take some liberties in how you align the staff that is described in the Case Study, but all IT staff positions or groups must be included in the structure. Refer to course materials for an example of an IT organization chart. You may use the Shapes tool or the SmartArt tool to develop your organizational hierarchy chart, or you may paste in your chart from another drawing tool.
5. – Explain in a paragraph or two how a CIO Organization is different from an IT Department. . Be sure to create a transition from the previous section. This may be an area for you to do some external research (a reference should be provided for more credit).
6. – List and explain three (3) key services (personnel, sub-departments of the CIO Organization) that need to be included in your new CIO organizational structure. You may eliminate functions or positions from your current organizational structure if you believe it will improve your effectiveness and/or efficiency; these should be explained. You should also add (and explain) any functions that you will need in your new CIO organization. Be sure these services are appropriate to your IT strategies (section #3) and note how each relates in your discussion.
Please use the following table, copying/pasting it into your assignment (add lines if needed):
Key Service |
State IT Strategy (section #3) /Key Service’s Relationship to IT Strategy |
Example: do not use but leave it in the table when completing this section. Addition to the IT staff of a Compliance Officer |
Meet compliance requirements by updating current technology or developing/acquiring new technology to meet those mandates. By adding this position, it will oversee any projects/personnel that would be involved on any projects where compliance mandates are being implemented to ensure that all mandate requirements are covered in the software. |
7. – Briefly explain what changes you will make and why. Draw an organization chart depicting your new CIO organizational structure (Follow the guidelines for drawing the organization chart given above for the current organization.)
8. – Your memo should include three (3) key milestones (tasks or events) associated with accomplishing the changes that you see are needed to change the IT Department into a CIO organization. Each milestone should be briefly described (in a sentence or two) and a target completion date should be shown. In addition, for each milestone you should identify at least one issue or concern you have with accomplishing it. One example using a milestone not related to the organization might be: The milestone is to consolidate all servers into a new data center by February 2021. Some issues might be: (1) a secure data center must be located, (2) it will require significant downtime for the corporate servers, and (3) the initial cost will be high. An example related to the case study is presented below. Consider that the changes begin today; your milestones should be dated in the future.
Please use the following table, copying/pasting it into your assignment (add lines if needed):
Key Milestone |
Target Completion Date (list in chronologic order) |
Issue(s)/Concerns Accomplishing the Milestone |
Example: do not use but leave it in the table when completing this section. Hiring of the Compliance Officer |
October 31, 2020 |
Finding a person with the correct skill set with a thorough understanding of both IT and the various agencies’ compliance requirements may be difficult |
9. – Provide an appropriate closing to your memo. It should summarize some of the key points in the various sections as well as include a statement or two of follow-up with the CFO.
Formatting Your Assignment
· Avoid quotation where possible by paraphrasing ideas and findings from your sources into both your own words and writing style. Changing a few words but including most of the wording and structure from the original text of your sources is not acceptable. Verbatim text directly from sources is not acceptable, even if cited. The work of the ideas and the writing needs to be your own. If you do use verbatim text, you must use quotation marks even if you have cited the source.
· Formatting: 1” margins, 12-point Times New Roman font. Use memo format for this assignment; you can find memo templates in Word.
· In the CIO Memo assignment, you are preparing the document based on the feedback from the second assignment and scoring rubric. However, you don’t need to include Parts 1 and 2 in this submission.
· Continue to use a title page from the ITSP #1 assignment that includes: The company name, title of assignment, your name, Course and Section number and date.
· Use outline format in the assignment instructions above, for these sections:
1. Introduction and Purpose
2. Leadership Philosophy
a. Leadership Philosophy:
b. Management Style:
3. Internal IT Strategies
4. Current IT Department Structure
5. New CIO Organization
6. Key Services
7. New CIO Organization Structure
8. Key Milestones
9. Conclusion
· Write a short, concise paper: Use the recommendations provided in each area for of response. It’s important to value .
· Content areas should be ; table entries should be .
· To : Move your cursor to the table, then click on the small box that appears at the upper left corner of the table to highlight the table; right click and COPY the table; put the cursor in your paper where you want the table and right click and PASTE the table.
· Ensure that each of the is preceded by an that explains what is contained in the table (if required in that specific section), so the reader understands why the table has been included.
1. Use at least two with citation and reference. Any course content should be from the class reading content, not the assignment instructions or case study itself. For information on APA format, refer to Content>Course Resources>Writing Resources.
· Use a for resources required for this assignment. Use APA format for your reference page.
· Running headers are not required for this report; however, please use page numbers.
· Compare your work to the below to be sure you have met content and quality criteria.
· Submit your paper as a , or a document that can be read in Word. Keep tables in Word format – do not paste in graphics.
· The format of the assignment must be completed in MS Office Memo format. Use a template from Word to start this assignment.
· Your submission should include : Lastname_Firstname_CIO Memo
The "right" and "wrong" answers have to do with whether or not you correctly incorporated the course concepts and vocabulary from the course materials and addressed all parts of the assignment. The organizational structure you propose is not as important as that it makes sense in light of the course content and the Case Study. Use the Rubric below to be sure you have covered all aspects of the assignment.
90-100% Far Above Standards |
80-89% Above Standards |
70-79% Meets Standards |
60-69% Below Standards |
< 60% Well Below Standards |
Total Possible Points |
Introduction and Purpose |
5 Points |
4 Points Introduction and purpose of the memo are clear and concise, set the stage for the remainder of the memo, and are tied to the Case Study. |
3.5 Points Introduction and purpose provide explanation of why the memo is being written. |
3 Points Introduction and purpose may not be as clear, concise, or set the stage for the remainder of the memo. |
0-2 Points Introduction and purpose are not provided, and/or are not appropriate to the Case Study or provide too little information. |
5 |
Leadership Philosophy |
9-10 Points CIO leadership philosophy and management style are well defined with reference used to support explanation, explicitly tied to the priorities and/or issues in the Case Study and lay the foundation for the organizational structure proposed in the memo. |
8 Points CIO leadership philosophy and management style are well defined, are tied to the priorities and/or issues in the Case Study and lay the foundation for the organizational structure proposed in the memo. |
7 Points CIO leadership philosophy and management style are discussed and are tied to the Case Study. |
6 Points CIO leadership philosophy and management style may be partially defined and/or partially tied to the priorities and/or issues in the Case Study. |
0-5 Points Leadership philosophy and management style are not included, are clearly not tied to the Case Study, and/or provide too little information. |
10 |
Internal IT Strategies |
9-10 Points This section includes an effective and well-written introductory paragraph that is applicable to the Case Study and the table that follows. Three (3) internal IT strategies are presented, fully described, and a full and convincing explanation given as to how each will improve the organization’s effectiveness; IT strategies are very appropriate for the Case Study. There is one (1) identified strategy for each of: people, process, and technology; demonstrates strong understanding of course vocabulary and concepts, analysis, and critical thinking. |
8 Points This section includes an appropriate introductory paragraph that is applicable to the Case Study and the table that follows. Three (3) internal IT strategies are presented, fully described, and a full and a good explanation given as to how each will improve the organization’s effectiveness; IT strategies are appropriate for the Case Study. There is one (1) identified strategy for each of: people, process, and technology; demonstrates understanding of course vocabulary and concepts. |
7 Points This section includes an introductory paragraph that applies to the Case Study. Three (3) internal IT strategies are presented, described and an explanation given as to how each will improve the organization’s effectiveness; IT strategies are appropriate for the Case Study. There is one (1) identified strategy for each of: people, process, and technology. |
6 Points Fewer than three (3) internal IT strategies are presented; descriptions and explanations are partially complete or accurate; the table lacks an introduction; strategies are not appropriate for the Case Study; and/or do not cover people, process, and technology. |
0-5 Points Internal IT Strategies are not included and/or are not tied to the Case Study; the table lacks an introduction and/or provides too little information. |
10 |
Current IT Department Structure |
9-10 Points A well-written introduction to this section is followed by an organizational chart that includes all of the current positions and groups of the IT staff and is highly relevant to the Case Study. Organizational chart is very professionally presented, uses a logical and easily understandable structure, and spelling is correct. |
8 Points An appropriate introduction to this section is followed by an organizational chart that includes all of the current positions and groups of the IT staff and is relevant to the Case Study; organizational chart is professionally presented, uses a logical structure, and spelling is correct. |
7 Points An introduction to this section is followed by an organizational chart that includes all of the current positions and groups of the IT staff and is relevant to the Case Study; organizational chart uses a logical structure, with very few spelling errors. |
6 Points The introduction is somewhat applicable or missing; the organizational chart does not include all current positions and groups of the IT staff; chart is not relevant to the Case Study; chart does not use a logical structure and/or contains several spelling errors. |
0-5 Points Current IT Department organization chart is not included or is extremely poorly presented, contains many spelling errors, and/or does not convey the information. |
10 |
New CIO Organization |
9-10 Points Detailed explanation of the goals & responsibilities of an IT Department and CIO Organization are clearly noted as well as the differences them are well written and complete with reference used to support explanation; discussion is tied to previous sections and case study information with good transition; demonstrates thorough understanding of course vocabulary and concepts, analysis, and critical thinking. |
8 Points Explanation of the goals & responsibilities of an IT Department and CIO Organization as well as the differences between them are complete, well written and complete, and demonstrate a good understanding of course vocabulary and concepts, analysis and critical thinking. A smooth transition ties this section to previous sections including integration of case study information. |
7 Points An explanation of the goals & responsibilities of an IT Department and CIO Organization as well as the differences between them are provided. Transition from previous sections is provided. Some discussion of case study information was provided. |
6 Points Explanation of the goals & responsibilities of an IT Department and CIO Organization as well as the differences between them may not be accurate or complete; transition may be missing or ineffective. Minimal to no discussion of case study information was provided. |
0-5 Points Explanation of the goals and responsibilities of an IT Department and CIO Organization as well as the differences between an IT them are not included or extremely minimal in content or accuracy; little effort shown. |
10 |
Key Services |
14-15 Points Three (3) key services are listed and fully explained in detail, including new services; elimination of functions or positions no longer needed are convincingly explained; services are highly appropriate to the IT Strategies provided above and are applicable to the Case Study; relationship to the IT strategy is thoroughly discussed; demonstrates strong understanding of course vocabulary and concepts, analysis, and critical thinking. |
12-13 Points Three (3) key services are listed and fully explained, including new services; elimination of functions or positions no longer needed are explained well; services are appropriate to the IT Strategies provided above and are applicable to the Case Study; relationship to the IT strategy is clearly discussed; demonstrates understanding of course vocabulary and concepts, analysis, and critical thinking. |
10-11 Points Three (3) key services are listed and explained, including new services; eliminated services are explained. All services are appropriate to IT Strategies above; relationship to the IT strategy is discussed. |
9 Points Fewer than three (3) key services are listed or explained and/or explanations are incomplete and/or eliminated functions are not explained and/or services are not appropriate to IT Strategies above and/or may not be applicable to the Case Study. |
0-8 Points Key Services are not included, or are too few and incompletely explained, and/or are not at all appropriate to the IT Strategies above and/or the Case Study. |
15 |
New CIO Organization Structure |
9-10 Points Explanation of organizational changes is complete, well justified and explicitly tied to the Case Study. The chart of the new organization clearly includes the key services listed above and is professionally presented using a logical and easily understandable structure, with correct spelling. |
8 Points Explanation of organizational changes is complete and tied to the Case Study. The chart of the new organization clearly includes the key services listed above and is professionally presented using a logical structure, with correct spelling. |
7 Points Explanation of organizational changes is provided with rationale for each. Chart of new organization includes all key services listed above and uses a logical structure, with very few spelling errors. |
6 Points Explanation of organizational changes is inadequate or incomplete and/or partially justified; chart of new organization chart does not include all key services listed above and/or chart does not use a logical structure and/or contains several spelling errors. |
0-5 Points Explanation of organizational changes is missing or incomplete; chart of new organization is not included or is extremely poorly presented, contains many spelling errors, and/or does not convey the information. |
10 |
Key Milestones |
9-10 Points Three (3) key milestones (tasks or events) are listed, fully described, and have reasonable target dates and are presented in chronological order; more than one issue or concern is provided for each. Milestones are relevant to the changes that need to be made, as discussed in the memo, are clearly tied to the Case Study, and demonstrate understanding of course vocabulary and concepts and critical thinking. |
8 Points Three (3) key milestones (tasks or events) are listed, fully described, and have reasonable target dates and are presented in chronological order; more than one issue or concern is provided for some milestones. Milestones are relevant to the changes that need to be made, as discussed in the memo, and are relevant to the Case Study. |
7 Points Three (3) key milestones (tasks or events) associated with accomplishing the organizational changes are listed, briefly described, and show a target completion date and are listed in chronological order. For each milestone, at least one issue or concern is presented. |
6 Points Fewer than three (3) key milestones (tasks or events) are listed and described; target dates are missing or are not reasonable or not presented in chronological order; at least one issue or concern is not provided for each and/or milestones are not relevant to the changes that need to be made or to the Case Study. |
0-5 Points Key Milestones, descriptions, target dates, and/or issues and concerns are missing or incomplete. |
10 |
Conclusion |
5 Points The closing section of the memo is appropriate, relevant, effective, and meaningful. |
4 Points The closing section of the memo is appropriate and relevant. |
3.5 Points The closing section of the memo is relevant. |
3 Points The closing section of the memo is somewhat effective and/or relevant. |
0-2 Points The closing section is extremely incomplete or not included. |
5 |
External Research |
5 Points Two (2) or more sources other than the class materials are incorporated, are substantive, and are used effectively. Sources used are relevant and timely, contribute to the analysis, and support conclusions. References are appropriately incorporated and cited using APA style. |
4 Points At least one (1) source other than the class materials is incorporated and used effectively. Source(s) are relevant and contribute to the analysis. References are appropriately incorporated and cited using APA style. |
3.5 Points At least one (1) source other than the class materials is used and properly incorporated into the text. Reference is cited using APA style. |
3 Points A source other than the class materials may be used, but is not properly incorporated in-text, and/or is not relevant or timely and/or APA style for references and citations is not followed. |
0-2 Points No external research is incorporated or reference listed is not cited within text. |
5 |
Memo Format |
9-10 Points Memo format is used and content is very well organized; appropriate transitions are included from one section to the next; correct sentence structure, grammar, and spelling is used; presented in a professional format; uses sophisticated writing and demonstrates understanding of course concepts and vocabulary. |
8 Points Memo format is used and reflects effective organization; appropriate transitions are included from one section to the next; correct sentence structure, grammar, and spelling are used; presented in a professional format. |
7 Points Memo has some organization; may have some errors in sentence structure, grammar, and spelling. |
6 Points Memo format is somewhat followed; is not well organized; does not use appropriate transitions; and/or does not use correct sentence structure, grammar, and spelling. |
0-5 Points Report is extremely poorly written, has many grammar and/or spelling errors, or does not convey the information. |
10 |
TOTAL Possible Points |
100 |
Winter, 2021
Summer, 2021 IFSM301
Case Study: GG Freightways (GGFRT) GGFRT is a regional transportation and distribution company in operation for over 30 years. The company serves major cities in the southwestern region of the United States. Their headquarters (1), terminals/warehouses (8) and maintenance facilities (2) are noted below. Corporate Profile Corporate Name: GG Freightways Founded: August 1989 Headquarters: Los Angeles CA Terminals/Warehouses (8): Los Angeles CA, San Diego CA, San Bernardino CA, Bakersfield CA, Scottsdale AZ, Phoenix AZ, Tucson AZ, and Las Vegas NV Maintenance Facilities (2): San Bernardino CA, Scottsdale AZ Number of Employees: 750 (includes truck drivers) Fleet: 400 delivery vehicles (average of 50 per terminal) which include: 80 tractor/semi-trailer units, 160 box trucks and 160 panel vans Total Annual Gross Revenue: $35 million Current economi Plagiarism Free Papers
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