To complete this assignment, pick any private organization/business of your choice, which has a diversity and inclusion statemen
To complete this assignment, pick any private organization/business of your choice, which has a diversity and inclusion statement on its website. Conduct your research, and provide the following information:
- Brief background about the organization and its main business (about 1/2-1 page, double spaced).
- The reason why the organization is implementing diversity and inclusion practices (major lawsuit, new CEO and her/his vision, or…?) (about 1/2-1 page, double spaced).
- Does the organization have clear strategies to promote diversity or inclusion, or does it use general abstract language to describe its diversity and inclusion approach? Provide examples (1/2-1 page).
- Is the diversity and inclusion statement/plan of the organization focused on its employees, the community, abiding with anti-discrimination laws, all of them, or…? Why? Explain. (1/2-1 page)
- Does this organization’s diversity and inclusion statement address any of the challenges of diversity management discussed in the course’s readings so far? Cite the readings (1/2-1 page).
- Based on what you have read in this course so far, make two recommendations to this organization. The recommendations can focus on improving existing programs and policies or creating new ones to meet challenges that you think are important. Cite readings from the course to support your recommendations (1/2-1 page double space)
I have attached the source you can use in the work
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The world has become highly diverse, but many companies have not—especially when it comes to combining diversity with the inclusive culture needed to truly drive value.
Juliet Bourke, Christie Smith, Heather Stockton & Nicky Wakefield
March 7, 2014
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Many organizations promote diversity while struggling to fully leverage the business benefits of a diverse workforce.
Nearly one-third of respondents to the Human Capital Trends global survey say they are unprepared in this area, while only 20 percent claim to be fully “ready.”
In a recent study, 61 percent of employees report they are “covering” on some personal dimension (appearance, affiliation, advocacy, association) to assimilate in their organization.
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In 2014, promoting diversity is an expected commitment; like workforce safety, it’s now a ticket
to play. And while unwavering support is claimed, far fewer organizations can talk to the
benefits of diversity beyond the attraction of talent and reputation. Why is that? Surely a focus
on diversity is the way to uncover and optimize talent? Is it focus, effort, a failure to move
diversity from the fringe to the center, or level of difficulty?
One clear factor, according to our global survey, is that only one company in five (20 percent)
believes it is fully “ready” to address this issue. The gap between the urgency of this trend and
companies’ readiness to address it is particularly wide in Japan, South Africa, and China (figure
Why are so many companies falling short? One view is that many companies still treat diversity
primarily as a matter of compliance—a regulatory box to be checked. Not enough organizations
take the next essential steps of creating a work environment that promotes inclusion in all its
variations. Taking a step back from individual organizations to a more country-based analysis,
we can see that most countries do not have a strong sense of readiness and most hover around a
medium sense of urgency.
Using this lens, we see two major themes emerging that can help companies transition from
simply meeting minimum regulatory requirements for diversity to building an inclusive
workplace that inspires all employees to perform at their highest level:
Leading companies are working to build not just a diverse workforce, but inclusive workplaces, enabling them to transform diversity programs from a compliance obligation to a business strategy.
1. Diversity of thinking as a business imperative
2. A focus on inclusion as well as diversity itself
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Explore the report findings Launch the interactive trends dashboard
Diversity of thinking as a business imperative Organizations can start by broadening their understanding of diversity to focus not only on the
visible aspects of diversity, such as race, gender, age, and physical ability, but also diversity of
thinking. This means deriving value from people’s different perspectives on problems and
different ways to address solutions. It’s a complex world, it’s a global world, and maximal
participation is required from every workplace participant from the bottom to the top. Thinking
of diversity in this way helps organizations to see value and to be conscious of the risk
associated with homogeneity, especially in senior decision makers. And this means that diversity
is no longer a “program” to be managed—it is a business imperative.
Uncovering talent: A new model of inclusion An importance advance in thinking about inclusion is the recent work on “uncovering talent”
from Kenji Yoshino, at NYU Law School, and Christie Smith, the head of Deloitte University’s
Leadership Center for Inclusion. Their research suggests that current inclusion initiatives often
implement formal inclusion (that is, “participation”) without recognizing how that inclusion is
predicated on assimilation. In response to pressures to assimilate, individuals downplay their
differences. This behavior is referred to as “covering” and can include how individuals behave
along four dimensions:
Appearance: Individuals may blend into the mainstream through their self-presentation,
including grooming, attire, and mannerisms.
Affiliation: Individuals may avoid behaviors widely associated with their identity,
culture, or group.
Advocacy: Individuals may avoid engaging in advocacy on behalf of their group.v
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Yoshino and Smith’s research reports that covering behaviors are widespread, costly to
individuals and their organizations, and often misaligned with values of inclusion. Organizations
should be interested in covering not because they are “playing defense” against lawsuits, but
because they are “playing offense” to create a more inclusive culture over and above legal
compliance. Most Fortune 500 companies are seeking to create that kind of culture.
Linking diversity of thinking and inclusion Bringing these two themes together—diversity of thinking and inclusion—we suggest that
organizations consider the importance of diversity when it comes to meeting specific business
Association: Individuals may avoid associating with individuals in their own group.v 4
Accessing top talent: Companies should recruit top people from a globally diverse
workforce. The importance of leadership pipelines, the No. 1 priority in our global trends
survey, underscores the importance of broadening leadership pipelines and accelerating
the development of diverse leaders. Given the transparency of the employment “brand”
today, in order to attract the best people, organizations must create a diverse workplace.
When candidates research a prospective employer online, interact as customers, or
interview with the company, they have to feel as if they would “fit” into the work
Driving performance and innovation: A significant body of research shows that
diverse teams are more innovative and perform at higher levels. Companies that build
diversity and inclusion into their teams reap the benefits of new ideas, more debate and,
ultimately, better business decisions.
Retaining key employees: One reason people leave organizations is that they feel they
no longer “belong.” Or perhaps they feel they will “belong” and thrive in another
organization that appreciates their unique value. A company that fails to create a diverse
and inclusive workplace risks alienating or excluding key employees, who are then more
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Diversity is the measure: Inclusion is the mechanism What this all adds up to is that high-performing organizations recognize that the aim of diversity
is not just meeting compliance targets, but tapping into the diverse perspectives and approaches
each individual employee brings to the workplace. Moving beyond diversity to focus on
inclusion as well requires companies to examine how fully the organization embraces new ideas,
accommodates different styles of thinking (such as whether a person is an introvert or an
extrovert), creates a more flexible work environment, enables people to connect and collaborate,
and encourages different types of leaders.
While nearly one-quarter of executives (23 percent) believe their companies have done an
“excellent” job creating a culture of inclusiveness, and defining what it means (24 percent), the
overwhelming majority rate their effort as “adequate” or “weak.” Clearly, there is much more to
be done to turn the vision of diversity and inclusion into a daily reality (figure 2). Much more
than a focus on programs, this effort needs to focus on cultural change: behaviors, systems and
symbols, and an explicit understanding of the extent and causes of “covering” in organizations.
Research by Deloitte Australia shows that high-performing organizations are characterized by
likely to disengage or eventually leave the organization.
Understanding customers: There’s a thin line between customers and employees, with
current and former employees purchasing their companies’ products and services, acting
as advocates, and sensing customer needs. How better to understand and respond to
diverse customer needs than by tapping into diverse employees? From where we sit, this
is one of the most significant gaps in the diversity story, with the breadth of ideas and
experiences from a more diverse front line falling by the wayside as decisions are made
by more distant, homogenous teams that sometimes fail to fully include diverse
perspectives. In a broad range of industries—including retail, hospitality, food service, oil
and gas, insurance, and even banking—a diverse workforce creates opportunities to
appeal to a more diverse customer base.
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their commitment to diversity and a culture of inclusion. In the areas of customer service,
innovation, safety, and more, the message from employees is the same: Organizations that
support diversity and that also make employees feel included are much more likely to meet
business goals than those organizations that focus on diversity and inclusion in isolation (or
focus on neither). The question is, how do you get there?
One essential component of building a strategy of inclusion is recognizing the biases in the way
each of us receives and processes information and the historical biases in our systems of work.
Addressing these processing biases is critical because leaders—as they themselves feel high
levels of inclusion—often do not understand levels of alienation in an organization. Given the
critical importance of retention in our survey, inclusion becomes a key strategy for success.
LESSONS FROM THE FRONT LINES ADOPTING DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION TO SOLVE A DEMOGRAPHIC MISMATCH BHP Billiton’s marketing division was highly diverse in terms of gender and ethnicity in non-
executive positions, but there was a demographic mismatch between the global talent pool and
the company’s senior team.
Mike Henry, the president of health, safety, environment, and community, marketing, and
technology, observed this misalignment. He concluded that the only reasonable explanation was
an unconscious bias within the organization and a tendency to do things as they had always been
done—particularly the fact that leading talent was primarily sourced from BHP Billiton’s
traditional hiring bases in Australia, the United Kingdom, North America, South Africa, and the
Following the closure of BHP Billiton’s marketing office in The Hague—a traditional hub for
recruiting and developing marketing executives—Henry decided to take action to prevent
narrowing the leadership pipeline even further.
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With strong support from the CEO, Henry began seeking out broad-based leadership engagement
and took steps to understand BHP’s unconscious biases. He led by example, taking the Harvard
Implicit Association Test and sharing the results with his team. He aimed to prove his
commitment to diversity and inclusion and show that he could only mitigate his own
unconscious biases by being aware of them first.
Next, Henry had BHP Billiton’s marketing organization conduct an inclusive leadership program
for its top 150 leaders, which included measuring perceptions on diversity and inclusion. The
program involved interactive workshops, storytelling, videos, self-paced activities, homework,
coaching, and reading, all designed to help leaders shift their mindsets and behaviors. And it
broadened the conversation from one about diversity to one about diversity and inclusion, from
demographics to diversity of thinking, and from compliance to business imperative. To help take
this from a program to a sustained focus of attention, Henry appointed a full-time diversity and
inclusion manager to implement change. During a time of downsizing, this was a potent symbol
of the value he placed on diversity and inclusion.
These steps yielded several notable results. Nine months after the first leadership intervention,
88–94 percent of leaders reported that they understood what they needed to do, that they had
changed their behaviors, and that they knew they were accountable for change. Critically, 72–76
percent of staff agreed that their leaders were behaving differently—that is, more respectfully and
inclusively—and that their teams were now more collaborative. In 2013, the program was
expanded to include all leaders and all staff, which was a huge investment of time and energy.
Mindsets have shifted, and while employee statistics have been slow to change, the 2013 results
of BHP Billiton’s marketing organization’s annual “inclusion index” diagnostic reveal that
representation of women and talent from outside the companies’ traditional hiring bases has
increased at leadership levels—a trend that has continued year on year since the first diagnostic
was run in 2011.
WHERE COMPANIES CAN START Many organizations have not put enough effort into understanding what makes people feel
included. Do employees feel they are known and valued as individuals? Are they well-connected
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to other people in the organization? Are they given a voice in decision making? Is there an
understanding of the types and extent of covering in the organization (appearance, affiliation,
advocacy, association)? In addition to examining these fundamental questions, companies
looking to build a more inclusive workplace should consider the following steps:
Create inclusion labs to help educate leaders about unconscious bias and covering
behaviors: Encourage leaders to honor other people’s opinions and promote constructive
debate. Understand covering biases and behaviors and approaches to changing them.
Leadership drives inclusion; the process should start at the top.
Embed diversity and inclusion in leadership pipelines and programs: Include the
diversity and inclusion initiative in leadership development programs, new manager
programs, and talent acquisition programs. Give particular focus to supporting diversity
of thinking—for instance, by selecting people from diverse backgrounds for leadership
Conduct a gap analysis of talent systems and processes: How is the principle of merit-
based decision making transparently embedded into systems, from recruitment,
remuneration, and training to career development opportunities and succession? Review
the outputs of these decisions in terms of equity, such as via a pay equity audit.
Develop a diversity and inclusion scorecard and measure business impact: Hold
leaders and managers accountable and identify outliers in the diversity and inclusion
Install governance and resource the effort appropriately: Create a council with
representatives from different parts of the business that is properly resourced to be a
change agent.
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Juliet Bourke Deloitte Consulting Pte Ltd
Juliet Bourke leads the Australian Diversity and Inclusion practice and co-leads the Australian Leadership practice. She has over 20 years’ experience in human capital and is an internationally recognized author and speaker on the workplace, cultural change, leadership, and diversity. Bourke is a member of the Australian firm’s diversity council and sits on the Australian School of Business’s HR advisory board.
Christie Smith Deloitte Consulting LLP
Diversity is not a program or a marketing campaign to recruit staff. Thinking of diversity in this way relegates it to its compliance-driven origins. A diverse workforce is a company’s lifeblood, and diverse perspectives and approaches are the only means of solving complex and challenging business issues. Deriving the value of diversity means uncovering all talent, and that means creating a workplace characterized by inclusion. Our research shows that most organizations are not there yet, but change is in the wind, and market leaders are starting to move from compliance to inclusion as a business strategy.
Kenji Yoshino and Christie Smith, Uncovering talent: A new model of inclusion, Deloitte
Development LLC, December 6, 2013,
UnitedStates/Local%20Assets/Documents/us_LLC_Deloitte_UncoveringTalent_121713.pdf. Back to
View all endnotes s
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Christie Smith has spent the last 24 years consulting, focusing on aligning business strategy with organizational structure, talent, leadership development, and global workforce planning. She recently drove the formation of Deloitte’s collaboration with the California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3) to spur bioscience innovation and convert that innovation into a catalyst for jobs, companies, and better health. Smith is one of Diversity Journal’s 2013 “Women to Watch.”
Heather Stockton Human Capital leader Deloitte Canada
Heather Stockton is global Human Capital leader for the financial services industry. She is a member of the board in Deloitte Canada and chair of the talent and succession committee. Through her work in developing and executing strategic plans, Stockton has become an advisor to executives who are undertaking business transformation, merger integration, and changing their operating model. She has extensive experience in talent strategy and leadership development for leaders and boards.
Nicky Wakefield Human Capital leader, Deloitte Southeast Asia Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Nicky Wakefield is an experienced leader and advisor working primarily on large-scale, complex transformation programs. She started her career in consulting in 1995 after completing her MBA in organizational strategy and change. Educated as an economist, Wakefield transitioned to human capital after beginning a diploma in psychotherapy and developing a real passion for human performance. She has lived and worked in Australia, the United States, Singapore, Brunei, Zimbabwe, England, and the Netherlands.
Contributors: Stacia Garr, Jackie Scales
From diversity to inclusion: Move from compliance to diversity as a business strategy Published March 7, 2014
Cover Image by Alex Nabaum
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