For this milestone, you will submit a findings and rec
For this milestone, you will submit a findings and recommendations report developed from the literature review and outline you submitted in Milestone Two. This report should summarize the issue that affects the community; describe key issues from the literature review; develop goals; identify recommendations; and identify methods of success and identify strategies to be used by the agency. Remember to consult the Capstone Project Template for more guidance on the components of your capstone project.
Capstone project is based on lack of Community support in jacksonville, Florida. Please use state/city examples
please answer the below
I. Statement of Need: This section serves as a summary of the agency needs assessment you created. This is where you should highlight the problem by describing key findings from the review of the literature, presenting a review of the data you gathered in the agency needs assessment and highlighting the needs analysis section.
II. Program Recommendations: In this section, you will describe your overall evidence-based recommendations that adhere to ethical standards, also describing how and why these recommendations will make a positive difference in the agency, and how you considered the impact of globalization when making recommendations for addressing the agency need. Further, consider how technology may play a role in implementing your recommendations.
III. Goals and Objectives: This section is an opportunity for you to offer a comprehensive description of what your recommendations aim to do and how they will address the agency need. Define potential measurable improvements in organizational culture and community relations.
IV. Staffing/Administration/Resource Needs: This section should briefly cover the resources necessary to implement your recommendations, such as staffing and overall budget needs. It should include a short description of the number of staff members needed and their qualifications.
V. Evaluation Plan: This section is a description of how the agency will know the recommendations are successful in meeting your established goals. What methods will be used to evaluate success? What types of measures will be used? Who will do the measurement? What data will need to be collected? What resources will be needed to collect the data?
CJ 480 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: In the first two milestones, you opened a line of communication with a law enforcement agency, discussed a problem within that agency’s community, wrote an issue statement clarifying the issue, conducted research, and submitted a literature review through your agency needs assessment. Now you will put it all together and submit your findings and recommendation report. Throughout the modules, you reviewed several topics that assisted you in developing a successful report.
Prompt: For this milestone, you will submit a findings and recommendations report developed from the literature review and outline you submitted in Milestone Two. This report should summarize the issue that affects the community; describe key issues from the literature review; develop goals; identify recommendations; and identify methods of success and identify strategies to be used by the agency. Remember to consult the Capstone Project Template for more guidance on the components of your capstone project.
Make sure to include the following critical elements in your paper:
Capstone Component 2: Criminal Justice Findings and Recommendations Report Using your assessment of your chosen agency’s need, you will develop recommendations for addressing the need. The proposal should have the following elements:
I. Statement of Need: This section serves as a summary of the agency needs assessment you created. This is where you should highlight the problem by
describing key findings from the review of the literature, presenting a review of the data you gathered in the agency needs assessment and highlighting the needs analysis section.
II. Program Recommendations: In this section, you will describe your overall evidence-based recommendations that adhere to ethical standards, also
describing how and why these recommendations will make a positive difference in the agency, and how you considered the impact of globalization when making recommendations for addressing the agency need. Further, consider how technology may play a role in implementing your recommendations.
III. Goals and Objectives: This section is an opportunity for you to offer a comprehensive description of what your recommendations aim to do and how they
will address the agency need. Define potential measurable improvements in organizational culture and community relations.
IV. Staffing/Administration/Resource Needs: This section should briefly cover the resources necessary to implement your recommendations, such as
staffing and overall budget needs. It should include a short description of the number of staff members needed and their qualifications.
V. Evaluation Plan: This section is a description of how the agency will know the recommendations are successful in meeting your established goals.
What methods will be used to evaluate success? What types of measures will be used? Who will do the measurement? What data will need to be collected? What resources will be needed to collect the data?
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 5- to 8-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.
Note: The “Possible Indicators of Success” in the rubric below are examples for you and your instructor of the types of concepts to look for in demonstrating proficiency. They are neither exhaustive nor prescriptive and should be used as guides for methods of illustrating how your capstone embodies the outcome. In the milestone, you will be assessed on your progress towards meeting all of the course outcomes with this rubric. If you are making progress towards meeting the course outcome, you will receive “In Progress”, if your submission does not show progress towards the course outcome, you will receive “Does Not Meet Expectations”. Incorporate feedback from your instructor to help better meet each course outcome in your final submission.
The final capstone submission will assess students’ proficiency in the course outcomes. The milestone submissions demonstrate whether students are making progress toward meeting the outcomes.
Students will receive “In Progress” if they are making progress toward the course outcome.
CJ-480-01: Apply various criminological theories of human behavior to the analysis of crime causation, including biological, sociological, and psychological factors and influences
Meets Expectations
In Progress 75%
Does Not Meet Expectations
Feedback on progress toward outcome proficiency:
Possible Indicators of Success Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to integrate theory of human behavior in the analysis of a community issue? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to evaluate the impact of human behavior on an identified problem? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to understand potential biological, sociological, or psychological factors that impact the issue?
CJ-480-02: Apply principles of criminal law to promote ethical policing strategies and protect the rights and freedoms of citizens
Meets Expectations
In Progress 75%
Does Not Meet Expectations
Feedback on progress toward outcome proficiency:
Possible Indicators of Success Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to anticipate ethical dilemmas that could arise in addressing a community need? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to evaluate laws or regulations for their impact on a specific issue?
CJ-480-03: Apply criminological scientific methods of inquiry to arrive at reasoned decisions regarding professional practice, problem-solving, sound operational decisions, and critical evaluation
Meets Expectations
In Progress 75%
Does Not Meet Expectations
Feedback on progress toward outcome proficiency:
Possible Indicators of Success Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to apply scientific methods of inquiry to their decision-making process? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to utilize appropriate methodology for collecting data? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to critically evaluate an agency’s need utilizing the scientific method? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to professionally communicate with stakeholders for the purposes of gathering information?
CJ-480-04: Analyze how organizational culture, behavioral theory, planning and community relations impact and inform criminal justice leadership strategies and practice
Meets Expectations
In Progress 75%
Does Not Meet Expectations
Feedback on progress toward outcome proficiency:
Possible Indicators of Success Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to analyze the impact of organizational culture and behavior when addressing a community issue? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to evaluate how steps taken by an agency to address a community issue impact relations with that community?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify appropriate leadership strategies for addressing a community issue? CJ-480-05: Evaluate the impact of emerging technologies on the investigation of crime, as a tool for criminal enterprise, investigation, and on the operations of criminal justice agencies
Meets Expectations
In Progress 75%
Does Not Meet Expectations
Feedback on progress toward outcome proficiency:
Possible Indicators of Success Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify technologies that could be used in addressing a community issue? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to assess the impact of technologies on a community issue? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to evaluate the role of technology for the effective implementation of recommendations that address a community issue?
CJ-480-06: Evaluate transnational criminal enterprises and the impact globalization of crime has upon policing in the United States
Meets Expectations
In Progress 75%
Does Not Meet Expectations
Feedback on progress toward outcome proficiency:
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to consider the impact of globalization when addressing a community issue?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to analyze the relationship between community and national or international issues?
Articulation of Response Meets Expectations
In Progress 75%
Does Not Meet Expectations
Feedback on Articulation of Response:
Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
- CJ 480 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric
- Rubric
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CJ 480 Final Project
Your Name
Southern New Hampshire University
Table of Contents
Capstone Component I
Overview of Community and Need….……………………………………………………………4
Communication with the Agency…………………………………………………………………5
Literature Review…………………………………………………………………………………..7
Gathering Community Information – Methodology……………………………………………….6
Need Analysis…………..………………………………………………………………………..11
Capstone Component II
Findings and Recommendations…………………………………………………………………12
Statement of Need…………..……………………………………………………………12
Program Recommendations….………………………………………………………….13
Goals and Objectives…………………………………………………………………….14
Staffing/Administration/Resources Needed………………………………………….…..15
Program Evaluation Plan…………………………………………………………………16
Appendix A (Logic Model)………………………………………………………………………21
Appendix B (Implementation Plan)………………………………………………………………22
Appendix C (Communication Tool)……………………………………………………………..26
Reflection (Capstone Component III…………………………..…………………………………28
Summarize your project and findings. See link below for guidance:
HSE 480 Final Project
Add a few introductory sentences.
Overview of Community and Problem
Select a community agency in collaboration with your instructor. Find data about the community (income, age, race, ethnicity, religion, unemployment rate, crime data etc.) and a problem in that community (find data to show it is a problem) that was selected by the agency. Your review of the community should be more in-depth. You should present data you found online or through credible sources but not data you gathered from the agency itself (that is the next section).
Communication with the Agency
Summarize information gathered from the agency. You can interview your contact person from the agency and any other employees they suggest you interview. The interviews can be conducted through email, phone or in-person if you so choose. DO NOT INTERVIEW clients of the agency. You might consider asking someone from the agency what they have done to try and address the issue in the past and include that information here. What has worked? What has not worked? What resources do they have to address the issue? What obstacles have they faced in addressing the issue? If you are unable to contact an agency, please briefly describe your attempts to do so here.
Gathering Community Information – Methodology
Your methodology is a brief systematic literature review. Make sure to use search words to match information mentioned below in the “Literature Review” section. Your methodology section should be structured as follows:
First, a search of the Southern New Hampshire University’s Shapiro Library Databases EBSCO, McGraw Hill, Proquest, and SAGE were utilized using the search terms listed above. These database search was limited in content to academic journals, reports, primary source documents, and electronic sources.
Second, the Internet was searched for websites that end in .gov, .org, and .edu relating to the identified need. Search terms used included: theories of behavior, biological, sociological or psychological factors, ethical dilemmas, ethical strategies, criminal laws, scientific method, organizational culture, leadership strategies, community relations issues, technologies, and globalization.
Third, to ensure all data is current with local trends and statistics, all reviewed literature that was retrieved through Internet was included if it was published in or after 2007 and had a .gov, .org, or .edu URL. All reviewed literature that was retrieved through SNHU’s Shapiro Library Database was included if the publication date was on or after 2007. Literature that was rejected included only foreign publications concerning other countries, and publications before 2007.
Fourth, the literature was collected and organized in different folders pertaining to the specific sections of the literature review. Next, relevant information and data were highlighted and recorded on electronic notecards to organize the information.
Literature Review
Consult the Purdue OWL page on how to write a literature review. Use articles from databases and online sources (.edu, .org or .gov sites). The literature should address: What theories that help understand the issue and related human behavior? What biological, sociological or psychological factors impact the need? What ethical dilemmas arise in meeting or not meeting this identified issue? What ethical strategies should be used to address the issue? What criminal laws may apply to the identified issue? How could the scientific method be used to evaluate the need and address the identified issue? How does organizational culture at the agency impact the issue itself or the agency’s ability to address the issue? What leadership strategies might help in addressing the identified issue? How does addressing a community need impact community relations for the agency? What technologies, or emerging technologies, should be considered for use in addressing the identified issue? What impact has the globalization of crime had on the issue or the ability of the agency to address the issue? What are other agencies in other states doing to address the issue that is working? (This is your opportunity to find and describe evidence-based solutions to the identified community problem-from these solutions you will pick one and propose it to the agency in the next section of your Capstone. The solution could be an evidence-based program OR practice. Research must show it has worked in a similar setting). Note that bolded words can be found in the grading rubric for the Capstone project so please use these words in your paper.
Needs Analysis
Now analyze the information (summarize “findings”) you collected and provided in your overview of the community and the literature review section. Answer the questions: 1) How prevalent is the problem in the community? Who is affected by the problem (demographic data)? 2) What has the agency done to try and address the issue? 3) What obstacles do the agency and community face in addressing the problem (e.g. human behavior, ethical dilemmas, biological, sociological or psychological factors, laws)? What are other communities doing to address the issue that is working?
Criminal Justice Findings and Recommendations Report
Statement of Need
In a few sentences describe the problem in the community. You can repeat information from the “Needs Analysis” section but make it brief.
Program Recommendation
Pick one of the evidence-based programs or practices you found in your literature review that you think the agency could use to address the issue. Describe the program or practice in more detail.
Now answer: Why is it a good “fit” with the community? What theories support this evidence-based program or practice? What biological, sociological or psychological factors are addressed by this program or practice? What ethical dilemmas can you prevent upon implementation? What criminal laws should be considered when implementing this program or practice? What key leadership strategies will you use to implement this program or practice? How will you consider the organizational culture when implementing this program or practice? How will the implementation of this program or practice impact community relations? How will current technologies be used in this program or practice? If none, why not? How do global (national or international) issues impact the implementation of this program or practice?
Goals and Objectives
See sample Logic Model in Appendix A. Fill out the Logic Model with your project information, then write a few sentences summarizing those goals and objectives here and refer reader to Appendix A.
Staffing/Administration/Resources Needed
See sample Logic Model in Appendix A. Fill out the Logic Model with your project information then write a few sentences summarizing those staff and resources needed here and refer to reader to Appendix A. Include a brief summary of staff qualifications.
Program Evaluation Plan
See sample Logic Model in Appendix A. Fill out the Logic Model with your project information then write a few sentences summarizing those data collection methods and how you will evaluate them here and refer to (Appendix A).
Write a 2- to 3-sentence conclusion to finish the paper.
Running head: CJ 480 FINAL PROJECT 14
Appendix A Logic Model (sample)
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