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Summary to the section 2 to the prior two parts as a reminder it is 10 pages, it is due Sunday by midnight but prefers by 10. Please don't be late and I will inform you when the next assignment is due
Strategic Management and Performance Appraisal System: Chapter 2 Draft
Dissertation Manuscript
Submitted to Northcentral University
School of Business
in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of
Amenia Payne
La Jolla, California
January 2021
Abstract Comment by Northcentral University: The abstract should be included in the dissertation manuscript only. It should not be included in the dissertation proposal. The word Abstract should be centered, bolded, and begin on its own page.
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☐ Briefly introduce the study topic, state the research problem, and describe who or what is impacted by this problem.
☐ Clearly articulate the study purpose and guiding theoretical or conceptual framework of the study.
☐ Provide details about the research methodology, participants, questions, design, procedures, and analysis.
☐ Clearly present the results in relation to the research questions.
☐ State the conclusions to include both the potential implications of the results on and the recommendations for future research and practice.
☐ Do include citations and abbreviations or acronyms, except those noted as exceptions by the American Psychological Association (APA).
☐ Do exceed 350 words. Strive for one page.
Acknowledgements Comment by Northcentral University: You may include an optional acknowledgements page in normal paragraph format in the dissertation manuscript. Do not include such a page in the dissertation proposal. The word Acknowledgements should be centered, bolded, and begin on its own page.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction 1 Statement of the Problem 2 Purpose of the Study 3 Introduction to Theoretical or Conceptual Framework 4 Introduction to Research Methodology and Design 5 Research Questions 6 Significance of the Study 7 Definitions of Key Terms 9 Summary 12 Chapter 2: Literature Review 17 Theoretical or Conceptual Framework Subtopic Summary Chapter 3: Research Method Research Methodology and Design Population and Sample Materials or Instrumentation Operational Definitions of Variables Study Procedures Data Analysis Assumptions Limitations Delimitations Ethical Assurances Summary Chapter 4: Findings XXX of the Data Results Evaluation of the Findings Summary Chapter 5: Implications, Recommendations, and Conclusions Implications Recommendations for Practice Recommendations for Future Research Conclusions References 30 Appendix A XXX Appendix B XXX
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Chapter 1: Introduction
This research is intended to examine the relationship between strategic performance and appraisal systems in contemporary organizations. Strategic management in organizations refers to setting goals, procedures, and objectives to gain a competitive advantage. The strategies aim at making businesses distinct from their competitors while attracting consumers to the market. Stakeholders in business entities use strategic management approaches to execute short- and long-term organizational projects. Some strategies include innovation, product segmentation, and corporate social responsibility. On the other hand, a performance appraisal system refers to identifying, evaluating, and developing the work performance of employees to aid in the process of achieving the organization's goals and processes. The organization has to track the performance progress of each employee to keep them accountable for their roles at the workplace.
The definition of the appraisal system and strategic management incorporates objectives and goals. Consequently, strategic management and performance appraisal aim to deliver the existing objectives and stay ahead of competitors. The performance appraisal system denotes the type of assessment used by an organization to measure performance. There are different assessment methods. One of the evaluation techniques is the straight ranking appraisal, where employees are ranked from the best to the poor. Another assessment criterion is grading, where employees are assigned specific grades for their performance in different areas. There is also the management-by-objective method of review. The employees and managers set goals under the approach and measure them at the end of the agreed time. Organizations may also assess their employees based on their behaviors and conduct at the workplace. Lastly, organizations can adopt a 360-degree assessment method to assess employees and managers. Organizations use one or a combination of the frameworks to evaluate employees and improve performance.
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between strategic management and performance appraisal systems. The study will determine whether managers consider their strategies when selecting the appraisal system or consider other factors. Also, the study will assess the implications of selecting an appraisal system based on the existing strategies in different organizations and the impacts of ignoring organizational strategies when deciding on the performance of the appraisal system. The findings will be crucial in the organizational and human resource management field, further research.
Statement of Problem
A brief literature review reveals little to no information on balancing appraisal systems and organizational strategies. Most researchers tend to focus on how appraisal systems boost organizational performance. Also, many scholars are interested in understanding how appraisal systems affect employee motivation, performance, and job satisfaction. Hence, the research study will focus on determining the roles of organizational strategies when formulating appraisal systems. Failing to conduct this study will mean that the appraisal system continuously does not contribute to strategic management. A case study for analysis is the McDonald's performance appraisal system (Goldsmith & Carter, 2010). Before 2003, McDonald's had an informal and less structured performance evaluation system that did not reflect its strategies (Goldsmith & Carter, 2010).
Consequently, it would not match its competitors or expand its business. The same challenge faces modern organizations. A lack of an appraisal system reflecting strategic approaches risks the success of an organization, business expansion, and employee empowerment.
I will approach the research using the goal orientation theory of performance appraisal. The theory acknowledges that people strive to achieve set goals, obtain new skills and improve their competencies (Garavaglia-McGann, 2019). The theory is vital in explaining employers' approaches to appraisal systems. The goal orientation theory will provide employees with a clear focus on the company. They will dedicate their efforts towards enabling their organizations to achieve their strategies.
Purpose of Study
The study aims to determine the relationship between organizational strategies and appraisal systems. Each organization uses different strategic approaches to remain relevant and competitive (Subekti, 2021). The focus is on identifying whether the performance appraisal system should align with strategic management and how the stakeholders can achieve the objective (Zondo, 2018). The researcher's goal is to aid managers in developing an appraisal system that would aid them in attaining organizational objectives while enhancing employee performance, attracting investors, and motivating labor capital.
I will use a qualitative exploratory study design method to advance the study. The aim is to understand the relationship between strategic management and performance appraisal that researchers could use in future studies. The variables in the study are strategic management and performance appraisal systems. The research will target managers and employees in American companies. The participants will give their views on the performance appraisal system and how they contribute to achieving organizational aims. In particular, the managers will state how they craft employee assessments within their organizations. The research will be conducted in California in the manufacturing industry. One hundred participants from five different companies will participate in the study. They will be selected randomly to participate in the study. Random sampling is preferable in the study because it creates an equal chance of selecting participants with different attributes (Reeger, 2019). I will collect data using questionnaires. Each participant will respond to thirty questions sent via their emails. Employees' questions will be different from managers'. Data will be analyzed using the thematic data analysis approach. The study's findings will help organizations create evaluation techniques that suit their organizational culture.
Introduction Theoretical or Conceptual Framework
Theoretical or Conceptual Framework
The study aims at establishing the relationship between strategic management and performance appraisal systems. Organizations use performance systems to promote accountability, responsibility, and performance among the employees and the leaders (Subekti, 2021). Nevertheless, there is very little research to show the connection between strategic management.
Organizations use strategies to gain competitive advantage over others. The competitive advantage makes them unique and profitable in the markets. A competitive advantage is obtained through strategy and behavior, improving employee performance, proper human resource management that reduces turnover and dissatisfaction and conforming to the legal provisions in the business environment. Therefore, the research is premised on the concepts of competitive advantage, performance improvement and human resource management.
Conceptual Framework:
Setting goals
Competitive advantage
Strategic management
Improving employee performance
The illustration shows that competitive advantage is only achieved through strategies management, improvement of employee performance and setting of goals in organizations. However, very few studies have explored the relationship between strategic management and performance appraisals which are part of improving employee performance.
Introduction to Research Methodology and Design
A case study research design shall be used in the research process. The case study involves a detailed study of a particular phenomenon or organization. I will use the case study design because my focus is to undertake a thorough analysis of the selected organization. I will assess the specific strategies and appraisal system in detail to understand whether there is a connection between organizational strategies and performance criteria. The rationale for favoring a case study method is the depth of collected data. Also, case study analysis requires less money and, thus, will be a convenient way to conduct the study. Lastly, the case study design will make comparing different information easy (Yin, 2003).
The study's goal is to help managers understand the correlation between the variables of strategic management and the performance evaluation system. The qualitative case study design method will help managers gain in-depth information on the topic (Roth, 2006). Also, the research will capture the detailed findings from the study that will assist in decision-making for managers with interest in aligning organizational management and performance appraisal systems. Also, case study analysis will allow for analysis of existing company documents to get the correct, accurate information for the research.
The study will involve 100 participants from five American companies. The participants will involve managers and employees working in the selected company. The participants in the research will be identified through a random sampling technique. The rationale for using the random sampling technique is to provide an equal chance for participants to partake in the study (Zondo, 2018). Participation shall be voluntary, and information privacy will be upheld. Data will be collected through questionnaires and interviews. The questions will be sent via emails to each selected employee participant. To gain in-depth information, I will visit the selected companies' sites to interview the managers and their opinions on the relationship between strategic management and appraisal performance (Zondo, 2018). Therefore, the organizational management in the selected companies will provide information through interviews. The data on five companies will provide reliable and valid data on the state of the performance evaluation system and strategic management.
Research Questions
How does strategic management affect the nature of performance systems in organizations?
How do organizations align strategic management with performance appraisal systems?
How does lack of alignment between strategic management approaches and performance appraisal systems affect organizational performance?
How can performance appraisal systems be aligned to strategic management to enhance organizational productivity?
Significance of Study
Strategic management and performance appraisals emerged and spread during the last half of the 20th century. Strategic management is primarily based on economic theory, international theory, and industrial organization (The historical development of the Strategic Management Discipline, 2015). Currently, strategic management helps organizations work in a dynamic, complex, and uncertain business environment (The historical development of the Strategic Management Discipline, 2015). On the other hand, performance appraisal analyzes whether employees meet organizational expectations. The employers reward or punish employees based on the results of the performance appraisals. Understanding and establishing the relationship between strategic management and performance appraisal systems will solve the problem of poor goal setting, which frequently occurs in organizations that adopt strategic management (Bouvier, 2019). Also, aligning strategies to performance appraisal will enable the employees to connect to the overall organizational strategy. Additionally, linking strategic management and performance appraisal will assist managers in tracking progress, adopting robust strategies, and dropping those that do not contribute to organizational success (Bouvier, 2019).
In the field of organizational behaviors, the study will facilitate the emergence of more studies to understand whether the performance appraisal system is part of strategic management or a particular activity in management. Also, it will highlight the crucial considerations that managers should incorporate when formulating their strategies. The research will also equip managers with the knowledge to apply the concept of strategic management and performance appraisals concurrently in their management. Lastly, the study will enable managers to align strategies to organizational assessments, thereby improving overall organizational success.
Strategic management and appraisal systems are of concern to many stakeholders because; there is yet an approach that can enable them to integrate strategic management and appraisal systems. The solution to the challenge will redefine the strategic management landscape. First, appraisal systems and strategic management are at the heart of all business organizations. Therefore, integrating the two tools will help managers enhance organizational and employee performance through an appraisal system (Al Khajeh, 2018). Secondly, there are no articles to explain the relationship between strategic management and appraisal systems in organizations. The study will address the existing gaps in the literature. Lastly, the study will help stakeholders to implement a strategy-oriented appraisal system.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
The research paper focuses on integrating performance appraisal and strategic management in organizations. This section reviews various studies to understand the state of appraisals, their role on employee and manager perception, and their impacts on employee motivation, satisfaction, and performance. Further, the section evaluates strategic management articles to bolster understanding of strategic planning and sustainable development concepts. The main gaps in the review are identified and discussed. All reviewed articles are recent to ensure that the current state of appraisals in organizations is captured.
Performance Appraisal
The human resource department or top managers can conduct performance appraisals in organizations depending on the size of individual organizations. Evaluation data is collected and stored in the form of HR analytics. HR analytics is then applied in improving employee performance in the respective organizations (Sharma & Sharma, 2017). HR analytics largely influences employees' willingness to improve by encouraging or discouraging improvement. (Sharma & Sharma, 2017) found that subjective biases in the existing HR analytics discourages employee improvement. Their study adopted a conceptual framework that integrated academic and practitioner knowledge in HR analytics. The study's main strength is that it highlights the importance of performance appraisal in improving employee performance. However, it lacks a statistical basis as it relies on concepts that may be hard to prove.
Organizations achieve their goals by constant and efficient evaluation of the employees. Consequently, many organizations have executed performance appraisals at their workplaces to improve employee performance (Brefo-Manuh et al., 2016). Nevertheless, few organizational managers comprehend the role of appraisal results in their organizations except as a basis for reward and punishment. (Brefo-Manuh et al., 2016) postulate that performance appraisal outcomes can improve internal communication in organizations. The results assist managers in understanding whether organizational goals are adequately communicated to the subordinates (Brefo-Manuh et al., 2016). Also, they state that performance appraisal is critical in motivating employees in organizations through reward and punishment (Brefo-Manuh et al., 2016; Dangol, 2021). The management rewards best-performing employees with monetary incentives or promotion while punishing poor performers through dismissal or demotion.
Besides motivation and improving communication, organizations may use performance appraisal to design training and career development programs. The appraisal outcomes highlight employees' weaknesses, which the management can address through training (Brefo-Manuh et al., 2016). Additionally, performance appraisals are crucial in improving overall organizational success. Involving every employee in the evaluation process creates room for creativity and trust among employees (Brefo-Manuh et al., 2016). The research study succeeds in highlighting the uses of performance appraisal systems in organizations. However, the authors fail to consider the impacts of biasness on the effectiveness of performance appraisal. Partiality in performance appraisals demotivates employees and creates mistrust between the staff and managers (Sharma & Sharma, 2017). Also, the study does not discuss how organizations can integrate performance appraisal with strategic management.
Performance appraisals and appraisers can impact employee performance positively or negatively. Also, the existing challenges in the appraising method can culminate into mistrust within an organization (Dangol, 2021). Descriptive research by Dangol (2021) showed that the performance appraisal system has a significant role in the organization's survival. The study's setting was in a Service Industry in Nepal and comprised 120 participants who served as employees. The research design method was cross-sectional, and data was collected through questionnaires. He discovered that the factors that affect the influence of appraisals include rating accuracy, clarity in the purpose of the appraisal, and the prospect of skill development (Dangol, 2021). The appraisers should be respectful, competent, and impartial for the outcomes of appraisals to motivate employees. One challenge that faces performance appraisal is providing accurate feedback to the employees and setting performance expectations. Each employee has unique expectations, which, when unmet, may create mistrust.
The researcher's findings resonate with the study by (Brefo-Manuh et al., 2016). They both recognize the motivating role of performance appraisal in organizations. Further, both studies acknowledge that performance appraisal is crucial in training employees. However, while Dangol (2021) recognizes the challenges that emanate from the appraisals, Brefo-Manuh et al., (2016) do not. Both studies fail to provide statistical evidence and do not discuss strategic management's role in the success of performance appraisal.
The quality of performance appraisals is measured in terms of trust, clarity, communication, and fairness. The quality of appraisals determines the employees' perceptions of it. Evaluations that seek to empower employees are associated with increased employee trustworthiness of the performance appraisals (Baird et al., 2020). Communication is also a crucial asset in appraisals. The appraisers should discuss the progress made by employees towards attaining organizational goals (Baird et al., 2020). Moreover, the managers should help employees improve their weak areas through different approaches such as initiating development programs. In fairness, employees are fulfilled with appraisals that accurately assess them reasonably and justifiably. Appraisals may encourage employees when done fairly (Krishnan et al., 2018, Sharma & Sharma, 2017).
Furthermore, the managers should focus on clarity before undertaking performance appraisals. According to (Baird et al., 2020), the employees must understand the appraisals' purpose and functioning. Also, the employees ought to understand performance expectations within their organizations (Baird et al., 2020). These requirements show that performance appraisal quality determines its usefulness among the employees. However, the study by (Baird et al., 2020) emphasizes quality appraisals for employee empowerment instead of improvement. Also, the researchers compare the quality of appraisals based on fairness, communication, trust, and clarity instead of how it contributes to achieving business goals.
The effectiveness of appraisal varies from sector and organization. (Homauni et al., 2021) investigated the effectiveness of performance appraisals on the employees working in the health sector. The researchers investigated the Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS). The number of participants in the study was 504 employees at TUMS. Data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed using ANOVA, t-test, Post hoc, and Tukey statistical tests. The analysis results showed that the performance appraisal at the organization was not practical from the employees' standpoint (Homauni et al., 2021). The leading cause of ineffectiveness in performance appraisal is the lack of inclusivity of employees. The study reinforces other research on the use of performance appraisal systems. All researchers agree that performance appraisals are only effective when they are inclusive, fair, and well-communicated to the employees (Sharma & Sharma, 2017; Baird et al., 2020; Homauni et al., 2021). However, all these studies do not consider the role of strategic management on the quality and success of performance appraisals.
Performance Appraisal Perception
Performance appraisals are used to evaluate employee performance in many organizations. However, most managers have negative attitudes towards performance appraisal (Du Plessis & Van Niekerk, 2017). Consequently, most of them do not align their strategies with performance appraisal because of their perceptions. Also, the managers' attitudes toward appraisals affect employees who view them as political and unnecessary (Du Plessis & Van Niekerk, 2017). Research by (Du Plessis & Van Niekerk, 2017) found that performance appraisal is an emotive issue for managers and causes discomfort making most of them distance themselves from the process. The researchers adopted a qualitative research approach that involved eight participants from the private sector in medium-size financial organizations. They selected the participants through purposeful sampling and collected data using in-depth interviews and naïve sketches. Their main finding was that managers felt uncomfortable with the appraisal system because it is politicized and distractive (Du Plessis & Van Niekerk, 2017). The study's main weakness was using very small sample size, potentially invalidating its findings. Future studies should use a large sample size for more accurate and reliable findings.
Other studies have found differing attitudes towards performance appraisals between managers and employees. On the one hand, the managers may be optimistic about the appraisal system, while the employees may be unconvinced. (Mehraban et al., 2017) compared the perceptions of managers and the nursing staff towards performance appraisal. The study's setting was Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran. The researchers adopted a descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional study in their research. The participants were selected through a two-stage quota-random sampling. Seventy-five managers and 313 nursing staff participated in the study, and data were collected through a researcher questionnaire.
They analyzed data using descriptive and statistical tests. The analysis showed that the managers' perception of performance appraisal was 56.8%, while the nursing staff stood at 51.4%. Also, they found a significant difference between the managers' and nurses' perceptions of the performance appraisals. The variables used to measure the employee perception included the performance appraisal method, the consequences of the appraisal, and the appraisal's necessity. The results showed that the managers were more optimistic about the performance appraisal than the nursing staff. However, these findings differ from those by (Du Plessis & Van Niekerk, 2017), who found that managers had negative attitudes towards the performance appraisal. The study's strength was using a relatively large sample size that makes the findings valid. However, the researchers failed to measure the perception towards performance appraisal based on organizational strategies.
Some organizations may reap from performance appraisal, while others may break. (Mehraban et al., 2017) found that managers may be more optimistic about performance appraisal than employees, creating mistrust. In other instances, the managers may also harbor an undesirable attitude towards the performance appraisal, diminishing its importance (Du Plessis &a Plagiarism Free Papers
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