Instructions: Read each scenario or brief question in the Aggression and Prejudice Activity Template and respond in the box
Read each scenario or brief question in the Aggression and Prejudice Activity Template and respond in the boxes provided (they will expand to fit your answer). All information needed to answer these questions can be found in the Module 5: Week 5 readings. Note that each question is worth up to 5 points.
To earn maximum credit please include:
· A response that is concise but thorough (3-5 sentences for each answer).
· An in-text citation to identify the source of any information that is not common knowledge.
· Correct spelling and grammar.
· Proper APA formatting.
To avoid point deductions please:
· Do not copy and paste information from your textbook. Instead, paraphrase/rewrite in your own words to demonstrate your knowledge.
· Do not include any direct quotes.
PSYC 312
Aggression and Prejudice Activity Template
Markus was excited to finally arrive in Metrocity and was eager to explore. He stepped out of the crowded subway car and headed for the long, steep stairway that led to street-level. He was shocked to see a group of young men forcing their way through the crowd on the stairway, pushing people aside, shouting about trying to catch the next train. Several people were hurt including a young woman who fell down and was bleeding. Her husband grabbed one of the young men and began shaking and punching him.
1. Two types of aggression are described in this scenario. Describe each type, identify which person or persons exhibited each type of aggression and support your answer with information from our textbook.
2. Based on empirical evidence described in our textbook, would you say that aggressive behavior is learned or are we all born with aggressive tendencies? Be sure to include examples from our textbook (cited) to support your answer.
3. A man was punched and knocked unconscious when he was caught in the act of breaking into another man’s home. Which of these men is more likely to have reacted to the home invasion in this aggressive manner: Mitchell (who was born and raised in an area historically inhabited by sheep farmers in a Southern state) or Steven (who was born and raised in an industrial Northern city). Explain your choice based on what Myers and Twenge wrote about culture and aggressive behavior.
4. Based on information provided in our textbook, how is aggression related to social status?
5. Describe the experiment Albert Bandura conducted that provided important information related to aggressive behavior. What did this research tell us about aggressive behavior? Why was this landmark study so significant?
Pat has been arrested several times for crimes involving aggressive behavior. Explain how the following factors may be impacting Pat’s behavior.
6. Alcohol:
7. Gender. Did you assume Pat was male or female? Explain why. Does gender typically have an impact related to aggressive behavior?
8. Family Background:
9. Personal Discomfort or Pain:
Respond to the next two statements based on the information provided by Myers & Twenge regarding violence and the media.
10. Violent movies and television programs should be banned because they cause people to commit violent acts. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
11. People are responsible for choices they make. Violent movies and television programs are purely entertainment and have no impact on violent behavior. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
12. Myers and Twenge identify eight factors associated with (or predictive of) aggressive behavior. Please list all eight.
13. What are some ways Myers and Twenge suggest that could help reduce cyberbullying? Please provide at least two specific examples from our textbook and explain why each of these might be successful.
14. What role does parenting play in reducing aggressive behavior? Provide an example from research cited in our textbook. Explain from a Biblical perspective why parenting has such a powerful effect.
15. Explain how anger and aggression may or may not be connected. What is the best way to manage anger or frustration (venting, holding it in or other?). Use information and scenarios from our textbook rather than from personal experience.
Page 2 of 3
David G. Myers Jean M. Twenge
David G. Myers Hope College
Jean M. Twenge San Diego State University
Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2019 by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Previous editions © 2016, 2013, and 2010. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.
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ISBN 978-1-260-39711-6 (bound edition) MHID 1-260-39711-4 (bound edition)
ISBN 978-1-259-91104-0 (loose-leaf edition) MHID 1-259-91104-7 (loose-leaf edition)
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All credits appearing on page or at the end of the book are considered to be an extension of the copyright page.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Myers, David G., author. | Twenge, Jean M., author. Title: Social psychology / David G. Myers, Hope College, Jean M. Twenge, San Diego State University. Description: Thirteenth Edition. | Dubuque : McGraw-Hill Education, [2018] | Revised edition of the authors’ Social psychology, [2016] Identifiers: LCCN 2018018043| ISBN 9781260397116 (hard cover : alk. paper) | ISBN 1260397114 (hard cover : alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Social psychology. Classification: LCC HM1033 .M944 2018 | DDC 302—dc23 LC record available at
The Internet addresses listed in the text were accurate at the time of publication. The inclusion of a website does not indicate an endorsement by the authors or McGraw-Hill Education, and McGraw-Hill Education does not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented at these sites.
For Dennis and Betty kindred friends, servant leaders
For my daughters: Kate, Elizabeth, and Julia
iv Part One Social Thinking
Photo by Hope College Public Relations. For more information, or to contact David Myers, visit ©David Myers
Jean M. Twenge by Sandy Huffaker, Jr. For more information, or to contact Jean Twenge, visit ©Sandy Huffaker, Jr.
About the Authors
Since receiving his University of Iowa Ph.D., David G. Myers has professed psychology at Michigan’s Hope College. Hope College students have invited him to be their commencement speaker and voted him “outstanding professor.”
With support from National Science Foundation grants, Myers’ research has appeared in some three dozen scientific peri- odicals, including Science, the American Scientist, Psychological Science, and the American Psychologist.
He has also communicated psychological science through articles in four dozen magazines, from Today’s Education to Scientific American, and through his seventeen books, including The Pursuit of Happiness and Intuition: Its Powers and Perils.
Myers’ research and writings have been recognized by the Gordon Allport Prize, by an “honored scientist” award from the Federa- tion of Associations in the Brain and Behavioral Sciences, and by the Award for Distinguished Service on Behalf of Personality- Social Psychology.
He has chaired his city’s Human Relations Commission, helped found a center for families in poverty, and spoken to hun- dreds of college and community groups. In recognition of his efforts to transform the way America provides assistive listening for people with hearing loss (see, he has received awards from the American Academy of Audiology, the Hearing Loss Association of America, and the hearing industry.
David and Carol Myers have three children and one grandchild.
As Professor of Psychology at San Diego State University, Jean M. Twenge has authored more than 140 scientific publications on generational differences, cultural change, social rejection, digital media use, gender roles, self-esteem, and narcissism. Her research has been covered in Time, Newsweek, The New York Times, USA Today, U.S. News and World Report, and The Washington Post, and she has been featured on Today, Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, Fox and Friends, NBC Nightly News, Dateline NBC, and National Public Radio.
Dr. Twenge has drawn on her research in her books for a broader audience, iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy—And Com- pletely Unprepared for Adulthood (2017) and Generation Me: Why Today’s Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled— And More Miserable Than Ever Before (2nd ed., 2014). An article by Dr. Twenge in The Atlantic was nominated for a National Maga- zine Award. She frequently gives talks and seminars on genera- tional differences to audiences such as college faculty and staff, parent-teacher groups, military personnel, camp directors, and corporate executives.
Jean Twenge grew up in Minnesota and Texas. She holds a B.A. and M.A. from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. She completed a postdoctoral research fellowship in social psychology at Case Western Reserve University. She lives in San Diego with her husband and three daughters.
Brief Contents
Preface xv
Chapter 1 Introducing Social Psychology 1
Part One Social Thinking Chapter 2 The Self in a Social World 25 Chapter 3 Social Beliefs and Judgments 55 Chapter 4 Behavior and Attitudes 88
Part Two Social Influence Chapter 5 Genes, Culture, and Gender 111 Chapter 6 Conformity and Obedience 141 Chapter 7 Persuasion 173 Chapter 8 Group Influence 201
Part Three Social Relations Chapter 9 Prejudice 237 Chapter 10 Aggression 275 Chapter 11 Attraction and Intimacy 312 Chapter 12 Helping 352 Chapter 13 Conflict and Peacemaking 388
Part Four Applying Social Psychology Chapter 14 Social Psychology in the Clinic 423 Chapter 15 Social Psychology in Court 453 Chapter 16 Social Psychology and the Sustainable Future 479
Epilogue 503
References R-1
Name Index NI-1
Subject Index/Glossary SI-1
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McGraw-Hill Education Psychology APA Documentation Style Guide
Research Methods: How Do We Do Social Psychology? 13 Forming and Testing Hypotheses 14 Sampling and Question Wording 14 Correlational Research: Detecting Natural
Associations 17 Experimental Research: Searching for Cause
and Effect 19 Generalizing from Laboratory to Life 22
Postscript: Why We Wrote This Book 24
Part One: Social Thinking
Chapter 2 The Self in a Social World 25
Spotlights and Illusions: What Do They Teach Us About Ourselves? 26 Research Close-Up: On Being Nervous About Looking
Nervous 27
Self-Concept: Who Am I? 28 At the Center of Our Worlds: Our Sense of Self 29 Self and Culture 30 Self-Knowledge 34 The Inside Story: Hazel Markus and Shinobu Kitayama
on Cultural Psychology 35
What Is the Nature and Motivating Power of Self-Esteem? 39 Self-Esteem Motivation 39 The Trade-Off of Low vs. High Self-Esteem 41 Self-Efficacy 43
What Is Self-Serving Bias? 44 Explaining Positive and Negative Events 44 Can We All Be Better Than Average? 45 Focus On: Self-Serving Bias—How Do I Love Me? Let
Me Count the Ways 46 Unrealistic Optimism 47 False Consensus and Uniqueness 48 Explaining Self-Serving Bias 49
How Do People Manage Their Self-Presentation? 50 Self-Handicapping 50 Impression Management 51
What Does It Mean to Have “Self-Control”? 53
Postscript: Twin Truths—The Perils of Pride, the Powers of Positive Thinking 54
Preface xv
Chapter 1 Introducing Social Psychology 1
What Is Social Psychology? 2
What Are Social Psychology’s Big Ideas? 3 We Construct Our Social Reality 3 Our Social Intuitions Are Often Powerful but Sometimes
Perilous 4 Social Influences Shape Our Behavior 5 Personal Attitudes and Dispositions
Also Shape Behavior 6 Social Behavior Is Biologically Rooted 6 Social Psychology’s Principles Are Applicable
in Everyday Life 7
How Do Human Values Influence Social Psychology? 7 Obvious Ways Values Enter Psychology 7 Not-So-Obvious Ways Values Enter Psychology 8
I Knew It All Along: Is Social Psychology Simply Common Sense? 10 Focus On: I Knew It All Along 13
Table of Contents
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Part Two: Social Influence
Chapter 5 Genes, Culture, and Gender 111
How Are We Influenced by Biology? 112 Genes, Evolution, and Behavior 113 Biology and Gender 114 Gender and Hormones 116 Reflections on Evolutionary Psychology 117 Focus On: Evolutionary Science and Religion 118
How Are We Influenced by Culture? 119 Culture and Behavior 119 Focus On: The Cultural Animal 120 Research Close-Up: Passing Encounters,
East and West 123 Peer-Transmitted Culture 124 Culture and Gender 125 Gender Roles Vary with Culture 127 Gender Roles Vary over Time 128
How Are Females and Males Alike and Different? 129 Independence versus Connectedness 130 Social Dominance 133 Aggression 134 Sexuality 135
What Can We Conclude About Genes, Culture, and Gender? 137 The Inside Story: Alice Eagly on Gender
Similarities and Differences 139
Postscript: Should We View Ourselves as Products of Our Biology or Our Culture? 140
Chapter 6 Conformity and Obedience 141
What Is Conformity? 142
What Are the Classic Conformity and Obedience Studies? 143 Sherif’s Studies of Norm Formation 143 Research Close-Up: Contagious Yawning 145 Asch’s Studies of Group Pressure 147 Milgram’s Obedience Studies 149 The Inside Story: Stanley Milgram on Obedience 150 The Ethics of Milgram’s Studies 152 What Breeds Obedience? 152
Chapter 3 Social Beliefs and Judgments 55
How Do We Judge Our Social Worlds, Consciously and Unconsciously? 56 Priming 56 Intuitive Judgments 57 Overconfidence 59 Heuristics: Mental Shortcuts 61 Counterfactual Thinking 64 Illusory Thinking 65 Moods and Judgments 67 The Inside Story: Joseph P. Forgas: Can
Bad Weather Improve Your Memory? 68
How Do We Perceive Our Social Worlds? 69 Perceiving and Interpreting Events 69 Belief Perseverance 70 Constructing Memories of Ourselves and Our Worlds 71
How Do We Explain Our Social Worlds? 73 Attributing Causality: To the Person or the Situation 73 The Fundamental Attribution Error 75
How Do Our Social Beliefs Matter? 80 Teacher Expectations and Student Performance 80 Focus On: The Self-Fulfilling Psychology
of the Stock Market 81 Getting from Others What We Expect 82
What Can We Conclude About Social Beliefs and Judgments? 84
Postscript: Reflecting on Illusory Thinking 86
Chapter 4 Behavior and Attitudes 88
How Well Do Our Attitudes Predict Our Behavior? 89 When Attitudes Predict Behavior 90
When Does Our Behavior Affect Our Attitudes? 94 Role Playing 95 Saying Becomes Believing 96 Evil and Moral Acts 96 Social Movements 98
Why Does Our Behavior Affect Our Attitudes? 99 Self-Presentation: Impression Management 99 Self-Justification: Cognitive Dissonance 100 The Inside Story: Leon Festinger
on Dissonance Reduction 104 Self-Perception 104 Comparing the Theories 108
Postscript: Changing Ourselves Through Action 110
©tetmc/iStock/Getty Images
Many Hands Make Light Work 208 Social Loafing in Everyday Life 209
Deindividuation: When Do People Lose Their Sense of Self in Groups? 211 Doing Together What We Would Not Do Alone 212 Diminished Self-Awareness 214
Group Polarization: Do Groups Intensify Our Opinions? 215 The Case of the “Risky Shift” 216 Do Groups Intensify Opinions? 217 Focus On: Group Polarization 221 Explaining Group Polarization 221
Groupthink: Do Groups Hinder or Assist Good Decisions? 224 The Inside Story: Irving Janis on Groupthink 225 Symptoms of Groupthink 225 Critiquing Groupthink 227 Preventing Groupthink 228 Group Problem Solving 228 The Inside Story: Behind a Nobel Prize: Two Minds Are
Better Than One 230
The Influence of the Minority: How Do Individuals Influence the Group? 231 Consistency 232 Self-Confidence 233 Defections from the Majority 233 Is Leadership Minority Influence? 233 Focus On: Transformational Community
Leadership 234
Postscript: Are Groups Bad for Us? 236
Part Three: Social Relations Chapter 9 Prejudice 237
What Is the Nature and Power of Prejudice? 238 Defining Prejudice 238
Focus On: Personalizing The Victims 153 Reflections on the Classic Studies 155
What Predicts Conformity? 159 Group Size 159 Unanimity 160 Cohesion 161 Status 162 Public Response 162 Prior Commitment 162
Why Conform? 164
Who Conforms? 166 Personality 166 Culture 167 Social Roles 168
Do We Ever Want to Be Different? 169 Reactance 169 Asserting Uniqueness 170
Postscript: On Being an Individual Within a Community 172
Chapter 7 Persuasion 173
What Paths Lead to Persuasion? 175 The Central Route 175 The Peripheral Route 176 Different Paths for Different Purposes 176
What Are the Elements of Persuasion? 177 Who Says? The Communicator 177 Research Close-Up: Experimenting with a Virtual
Social Reality 181 What Is Said? The Message Content 182 How Is It Said? The Channel of Communication 188 To Whom Is It Said? The Audience 192 Focus On: Cults and Persuasion 194
How Can Persuasion Be Resisted? 196 Attitude Inoculation 197 Implications of Attitude Inoculation 200
Postscript: Being Open but Not Naïve 200
Chapter 8 Group Influence 201
What Is a Group? 201
Social Facilitation: How Are We Affected by the Presence of Others? 202 The Mere Presence of Others 202 Crowding: The Presence of Many Others 205 Why Are We Aroused in the Presence of Others? 205
Social Loafing: Do Individuals Exert Less Effort in a Group? 207
viii Table of Contents
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Chapter 10 Aggression 275
What Is Aggression? 277
What Are Some Theories of Aggression? 278 Aggression as a Biological Phenomenon 278 Aggression as a Response to Frustration 282 Aggression as Learned Social Behavior 285
What Are Some Influences on Aggression? 287 Aversive Incidents 287 Arousal 289 Aggression Cues 290 Media Influences: Pornography
and Sexual Violence 291 Media Influences: Television, Movies,
and the Internet 293 Another Media Influence: Video Games 298 Effects of Video Games 299 The Inside Story: Craig Anderson on Video-Game
Violence 303 Group Influences 303 Research Close-Up: When Provoked, Are Groups More
Aggressive Than Individuals? 305
How Can Aggression Be Reduced? 306 Catharsis? 306 A Social Learning Approach 308 Culture Change and World Violence 309
Postscript: Reforming a Violent Culture 310
Prejudice: Implicit and Explicit 240 Racial Prejudice 240 Gender Prejudice 244 LGBT Prejudice 247
What Are the Social Sources of Prejudice? 248 Social Inequalities: Unequal Status and Prejudice 248 Socialization 249 Institutional Supports 252
What Are the Motivational Sources of Prejudice? 253 Frustration and Aggression: The Scapegoat Theory 253 Social Identity Theory: Feeling Superior to Others 254 Motivation to Avoid Prejudice 258
What Are the Cognitive Sources of Prejudice? 259 Categorization: Classifying People into Groups 259 Distinctiveness: Perceiving People Who Stand Out 260 Attribution: Is It a Just World? 264
What Are the Consequences of Prejudice? 267 Self-Perpetuating Prejudgments 267 Discrimination’s Impact: The Self-Fulfilling
Prophecy 268 Stereotype Threat 269 The Inside Story: Claude Steele on Stereotype
Threat 271 Do Stereotypes Bias Judgments of Individuals? 271
Postscript: Can We Reduce Prejudice? 273
Table of Contents ix
©Ariel Skelley/Blend Images LLC
How Can We Increase Helping? 380 Reduce Ambiguity, Increase Responsibility 380 Guilt and Concern for Self-Image 381 Socializing Altruism 382 Focus On: Behavior and Attitudes Among
Rescuers of Jews 385
Postscript: Taking Social Psychology into Life 387
Chapter 13 Conflict and Peacemaking 388
What Creates Conflict? 389 Social Dilemmas 389 Competition 395 Perceived Injustice 397 Misperception 397 Research Close-Up: Misperception
and War 400
How Can Peace Be Achieved? 401 Contact 401 Research Close-Up: Relationships That Might
Have Been 405 The Inside Story: Nicole Shelton and Jennifer Richeson
On Cross-Racial Friendships 406 Cooperation 407 Focus On: Why Do We Care Who Wins? 408 Focus On: Branch Rickey, Jackie Robinson, and the
Integration of Baseball 413 Communication 415 Conciliation 419
Postscript: The Conflict Between Individual and Communal Rights 421
Part Four: Applying Social Psychology
Chapter 14 Social Psychology in the Clinic 423
What Influences the Accuracy of Clinical Judgments? 424 Illusory Correlations 425 Hindsight and Overconfidence 426 Self-Confirming Diagnoses 427 Clinical Intuition versus Statistical Prediction 427 Focus On: A Physician’s View: The Social Psychology
of Medicine 429 Implications for Better Clinical Practice 430
What Cognitive Processes Accompany Behavior Problems? 430 Depression 430 The Inside Story: Shelley Taylor on Positive
Illusions 433 Loneliness 434
Chapter 11 Attraction and Intimacy 312
How Important Is the Need to Belong? 314
What Leads to Friendship and Attraction? 316 Proximity 316 Focus On: Liking Things Associated with Oneself 319 Physical Attractiveness 321 The Inside Story: Ellen Berscheid
on Attractiveness 324 Similarity versus Complementarity 329 Liking Those Who Like Us 331 Focus On: Bad Is Stronger Than Good 332 Relationship Rewards 334
What Is Love? 335 Passionate Love 335 Companionate Love 338
What Enables Close Relationships? 340 Attachment 340 Equity 342 Self-Disclosure 343 Focus On: Does the Internet Create Intimacy or
Isolation? 346
How Do Relationships End? 347 Divorce 348 The Detachment Process 349
Postscript: Making Love 351
Chapter 12 Helping 352
Why Do We Help? 353 Social Exchange and Social Norms 353 The Inside Story: Dennis Krebs on Life Experience
and the Study of Altruism 355 Evolutionary Psychology 361 Comparing and Evaluating Theories of Helping 363 Genuine Altruism 363 Focus On: The Benefits—and the Costs—of
Empathy-Induced Altruism 365
When Will We Help? 367 Number of Bystanders 367 The Inside Story: John M. Darley on Bystander
Reactions 368 Helping When Someone Else Does 372 Time Pressures 373 Similarity 373 Research Close-Up: Ingroup Similarity
and Helping 374
Who Will Help? 376 Personality Traits and Status 376 Gender 377 Religious Faith 378
x Table of Contents
Table of Contents xi
Are Twelve Heads Better Than One? 474 Research Close-Up: Group Polarization in a Natural
Court Setting 475 Are Six Heads as Good as Twelve? 475 From Lab to Life: Simulated and Real Juries 476
Postscript: Thinking Smart with Psychological Science 477
Chapter 16 Social Psychology and the Sustainable Future 479
Psychology and Climate Change 483 Psychological Effects of Climate Change 483 Public Opinion About Climate Change 484
Enabling Sustainable Living 487 New Technologies 487 Reducing Consumption 487 The Inside Story: Janet Swim on Psychology’s Response
to Climate Change 489
The Social Psychology of Materialism and Wealth 490 Increased Materialism 491 Wealth and Well-Being 492 Materialism Fails to Satisfy 494 Toward Sustainability and Survival 498 Research Close-Up: Measuring National
Well-Being 500
Postscript: How Does One Live Responsibly in the Modern World? 501
Epilogue 503
References R-1
Name Index NI-1
Subject Index SI-1
Anxiety and Shyness 436 Health, Illness, and Death 437
What Are Some Social-Psychological Approaches to Treatment? 441 Inducing Internal Change Through External Behavior 442 Breaking Vicious Cycles 442 Maintaining Change Through Internal Attributions for
Success 444 Using Therapy as Social Influence 445
How Do Social Relationships Support Health and Well-Being? 446 Close Relationships and Health 446 Close Relationships and Happiness 449
Postscript: Enhancing Happiness 452
Chapter 15 Social Psychology in Court 453
How Reliable Is Eyewitness Testimony? 454 The Power of Persuasive Eyewitnesses 454 When Eyes Deceive 455 The Misinformation Effect 457 Retelling 459 Reducing Error 459 Research Close-Up: Feedback to Witnesses 459
What Other Factors Influence Juror Judgments? 464 The Defendant’s Characteristics 464 The Judge’s Instructions 467 Additional Factors 469
What Influences the Individual Juror? 469 Juror Comprehension 470 Jury Selection 471 “Death-Qualified” Jurors 471
How Do Group Influences Affect Juries? 473 Minority Influence 473 Group Polarization 473 Leniency 474
McGraw-Hill Education Psychology APA Documentation Style Guide
Guide to Culture
Text coverage of culture focuses on the following topics: Affluence and happiness: pp. 493–495 Aggression and culture: pp. 286–287 Anonymity and violence: pp. 213–214 Asserting uniqueness: pp. 209–211 Attachment styles: p. 341 Attitudes about race: pp. 98–99 Behavior and culture: pp. 119–125 Biology and culture: pp. 137–139 Close relationships and happiness: p. 549 Cognition and culture: pp. 32–33 Collectivism: pp. 30–31, 172, 421–422
Interdependent self: p. 33 Conformity: pp. 142, 144, 148
Nonconformity: pp. 170–172 Counterfactual thinking: pp. 64–65 “Cultural racism”: p. 242 Culture of peace: p. 501 Definition of culture: pp. 8–9, 119–120 Depression: p. 434 Diversity: pp. 120–122 Divorce: p. 348 Evolutionary psychology: pp. 113–114 Facebook profi Plagiarism Free Papers
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