Please find the attachment. If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you. Assignment sample and book is attached.? O
Please find the attachment. If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you.
Assignment sample and book is attached.
Of course, do NOT copy and paste from these examples–doing so violates University Academic Honesty policy, in syllabus; violates the intellectual property of the student author, and undermines the trust and collaboration that benefits all of us.
Ch/ Video |
ADD NAME OF YOUR GROUP with short description including how YOU are/were related to this group |
Assessment Tool and Results (as minimum C level, use assessments in text as exemplified in “notebook”, cite text page #) |
MY Managers Guide–How This Helps Me in the Workplace |
1a,b 11 a, b |
1 |
-TYPE varieties : primary,social,collectives, category |
-ORIGIN (if you do NOT know this, explain why) |
1,3 |
BOUNDARIES—how permeable/open , closed ( See Ch 3) |
SIZE-number of possible relationships ( quantify); |
1 |
OVERALL (TASK, RELATIONSHIP) DYNAMIC Interaction/ Interpersonal Relations) |
3 a,b,c |
Formative Processes– INCLUSION & IDENTITY-Need to Belong, Identity and Inclusion, Social Identity |
4 a,b,c |
Formative Processes: FORMATION- Who Joins, Affiliation, Attraction |
5 a,b.c |
Formative Processes: COHESION and Development/ Entitativity |
6 a |
Influence Processes Structure: NORMS |
6 b |
Influence Processes Structure: Group ROLES |
6 c |
Influence Processes Structure: RELATIONS |
7 a,b,c,d |
Influence videos: Majority, Minority, Influence Sources and INFLUENCE (in Juries as example ) |
8 a,b,c,d |
Influence Processes: POWER Milgram, Power Bases & Tactics, Power Hierarchy, Power Metamorphic |
9 a,b,c |
Influence Processes: LEADERSHIP in Groups, Emergence, Effectiveness You MUST include your own Leadership Grid self-assessment and one for the leader in your group (YOU assess the group leader by yourself) |
10 a, b,c |
PERFORMANCE Processes: Social Facilitation, Social Loafing, and Social Combination |
11 a,b,c |
Performance Processes: TEAMS Types, Composition and Process, Training case example |
12 a,b,c |
Performance Processes: DECISION MAKING, Polarization and Group Think |
13 a,b |
Conflict Processes: CONFLICTin group(s): Causes, Escalation/DeEscalation, |
14 a,b,c |
Conflict Processes: INTERGROUP CONFLICT Causes, Biases, Improvement |
15 |
Contextual Processes, overall –change, collective and crowd behavior, etc. |
Group strength & improvement areas with recommendations |
–how each element of group processes helps you in the work place |
ADD NAME OF YOUR GROUP with short description including
how YOU are/were related to this group
Assessment Tool and Results (as
minimum C level, use assessments in
text as exemplified in “notebook”, cite
text page #)
MY Managers
How This
Helps Me in the Workplace
11 a, b
TYPE varieties : primary,social,collectives, category
ORIGIN (if you do NOT know this, explain why)
how permeable/open ,
closed ( See Ch 3)
number of possible relationships
( quantify);
Interpersonal Relations)
3 a,b,c
Formative Processes
Need to Belong,
Identity and Inclusion, Social Identity
4 a,b,c
Formative Processes
Who Joins, Affiliation,
5 a,b.c
Formative Processes
: COHESION and Development/
6 a
Influence Processes Structure:
Influence Processes Structure
: Group ROLES
Influence Processes Structure
Influence videos: Majority, Minority, Influence Sources and
INFLUENCE (in Juries as example )
ADD NAME OF YOUR GROUP with short description including
how YOU are/were related to this group
Assessment Tool and Results (as
minimum C level, use assessments in
text as exemplified in “notebook”, cite
text page #)
MY Managers Guide–How This
Helps Me in the Workplace
11 a, b
1 -TYPE varieties : primary,social,collectives, category
-ORIGIN (if you do NOT know this, explain why)
1,3 BOUNDARIES—how permeable/open , closed ( See Ch 3)
SIZE-number of possible relationships
( quantify);
Interpersonal Relations)
3 a,b,c Formative Processes- INCLUSION & IDENTITY-Need to Belong,
Identity and Inclusion, Social Identity
4 a,b,c Formative Processes: FORMATION- Who Joins, Affiliation,
5 a,b.c Formative Processes: COHESION and Development/
6 a Influence Processes Structure: NORMS
6 b Influence Processes Structure: Group ROLES
6 c Influence Processes Structure: RELATIONS
7 a,b,c,d Influence videos: Majority, Minority, Influence Sources and
INFLUENCE (in Juries as example )
Max Voelker B2654521
Group Processes
My assessment My managers Guide
Is it a group? Why?
• You an excellent writer-clear and focused; after this chapter,
please use short phrases vs
entire, whole sentences, so it
remains “to the point”
(because you have so many
elements to define/exemplify).
• IDEA—paste your reasons/definitions (green) in
THIS column, so you tally all
the assessment(s) in this
column, to show your rationale
for this particular item—is it a
group, why?
• After definition, and when you’ve done all the details
below, RETURN to this first
row/and summarize why it is a
Group or TEAM, using
specific elements …in other
words, answer “Why” with the
evidence/elements you identify
in your soccer team :
In this Document I will be looking at
my soccer team and determining if we
are a “Group”. I do not currently work
and have very little work experience
however I feel a lot of the concepts
that are discussed in the book can also
been seen in team sports. We are still
a group who all share the same goal.
Much like any other work team and I
am part of a soccer team.
Chapter 1 discusses how groups are
identified. They claim a group is “two
or more individuals who are
connected by and within social
relationships”. Therefore, I feel my
soccer team fits this description very
Max Voelker B2654521
Kindly BOLD the element so (on my
end) I can see it more quickly—I’m
grading 60 group assessments, plus
YOU will be able to see that you have
addressed every element, before you
turn in your final version, as last
“quality check” before saving as
Word, then as PDF and uploading
Add definition for Secondary group
My group type is a secondary group
of 30 student athletes who train and
study together (do all 30 actually
study together every day? Study what,
when?) every day in order to achieve
a common goal.
I actually found it very (word
missing—e.g. interesting, informative
??)to place my group as we share
characteristics of both primary groups
and secondary groups. I ended up
going with secondary as the book
states “Their boundaries are also more
permeable, so members can leave old
groups behind and join new ones, for
they do not demand the level of
commitment that primary groups do”.
Although being a part of a soccer
team does require the commitment of
a primary group the fact that players
to tend to come and go (explain how
or when, do they come and go every
week, during the season, because they
become ineligible or because coaches
dismiss them, or what?—I never
realized this about our college
teams…_) made me decide that it
was more a secondary group.
Being able to identify the different
types of groups and understanding
how the individuals interact with each
other in them will allow me to
determine how to speak and approach
people depending on what group I am
with that individual. For example, I
know in my primary group I can be
very straight forward and express
things openly because we all have the
same goal and willingness to achieve
whereas if I can only identify with
someone on a “categories” level I will
have to change my approach as I do
not understand that individual very
well and therefore must take a more
cautious approach.
Max Voelker B2654521
Composition –add definition for
Composition here
Bolded here because it emphasizes the
fundamental requirement for being a
group vs collective or crown.
So when we get to Norms, roles (Ch
6) and leadership ( ch 9) you can refer
back to this section, or simply cut and
paste it again, perhaps with a few
more specifics (you’ll assess different
group roles and your own, and what
you speculate to be your coach’s
leadership style
In chapter 1 the book discusses the
adventure expedition team on Mt.
Everest. I feel this is very similar to
my soccer. Although it is not as
extreme as climbing Mt. Everest every
individual in our group has their own specific talents, weaknesses,
attitudes, values, and personality
trait. That is why we have positions
in soccer. One individual is a better
keep than he is outfield player and
therefore he plays in goal, one is a
better defender than attacker and
therefore he plays defines etc. just
like the group that climbed Everest
every player in our team each part
defines the whole team. We are quite
lucky in our group we all want the
same goal. We aim to go to the
nationals and all want to become
better soccer players so we can
continue to play in the future. By
having this same or similar goal it
allows us to focus and really push one
another at becoming the best possible
versions of themselves. However it
could not be done without our
manager and captain. The easiest
thing a person can do in life can quit.
When you are being pushed it is really
easy to want to give up, but our
manager and coach are really good
at making sure that motivation stays
high so no reaches that point.
This section made me realise how
important it is to have different roles
withing a group. Just like the group
that climbed Everest they needed
everyone’s expertise in order to
succeed. this showed me that in order
to have a successful group it is
important to identify leaders and to
identify the strengths and weaknesses
of each individual in a group. Without
this structure it will be very difficult
for a group to succeed as there is no
direction and you are likely to see
people give up.
Max Voelker B2654521
Max Voelker B2654521
Origin My soccer team falls into the planned
group category “deliberately formed
by its members or an external
authority for some purpose”. Our
group was formed by our head coach
as he was the individual who picked
the players. We are very organized
and task based. We have practice
everyday at 7 am with the expectation
that everyone will arrive on time and
give their maximum effort so we can
prepare for games on the weekend.
Our membership criteria is defined
clearly. We must come to practice on
time, follow the rules that have been
set by our coach, focus on classes and
present the program in the best way
possible. If we do not follow these
rules, we are no longer a part of the
team and therefore no longer
members. We have captain and vice
captains who are responsible for
relaying the information to the rest of
the team. They are in theory the
players “managers” if someone
doesn’t show up to a meeting it is
their fault because that is their main
job to keep everyone up to date with
what is happening.
I believe learning about the different
types of Origin groups was very
beneficial because it gives me or a
manager an idea of how to classify
groups. The manager may set up a
formal group that is set a task but
amongst that group a subgroup or
emergent group may form. If a
manager is able to identify this
emergent group he may be able to
create a more productive group in the
future because he recognises that they
work well together or he will be able
to split it up as they are unproductive.
Max Voelker B2654521
Boundaries define, (I won’t keep
repeating this, you get the suggestion )
My soccer team is very much a closed
group. Once the squad is decided for
the season no one can be added to it.
I feel this has many benefits. People
are given the chance to meet and get a
really good understanding of their
peers. This means when they work
together, they know how to motivate
them and the group becomes very
cohesive in a very short period of
time. It also allows us to identify who
the leaders are and who we can reply
on to ask for help.
the relationship that link members to one
another define who is in the group who is
not. A group is boundaried in a
psychological sense those who are in a
group are considered members and those
who are not part of the group are
I found it very important to learn about
Open and closed groups. Having an open
group means that members can come and
go as the please with no consequences.
Whereas closed groups are the
membership roster changes more slowly.
From the reading I would say that having
closed group is much more effective for a
business setting as people have a better
understanding of each other and will act
more as a group therefore being more
productive. In addition, closed group are
more cohesive therefore they will be more
likely and willing to work together in the
Max Voelker B2654521
Size I consider our group quite big with 30
players in it. This means there are a lot
of “social ties” in our group. The book
gives us the calculation to determine
how many social ties are needed to
connect all members. N(N-1)/2. This
means for our group of 30 we would
have 30(30-1)/2 = 435. After reading
the chapter it became very apparent
this in fact a group of 30 is still
considered rather small. The book
claims that once a group reaches over
150 it is difficult for all members to
connect. Therefore, I believe it is safe
to say that our group of 30 still makes
it very easy.
I believe we have no “sub-Groups” in
our group as everyone is connecting
on a regular basis and when we meet
we always meet as a team. This means
everyone is present at every meeting
and everyone is given the opportunity
to express themselves if they feel they
have to.
Gaining an understanding about group
sizes was very beneficial for me. I
have always been a strong believer
that smaller groups tend to work better
as it people tend to feel safer and
speak up more when they are
surrounded by people they know and
feel comfortable with. The textbook
and group dynamics video 1 A also
confirmed this. One thing I found
really interesting that was mentioned
in the video is that, when the number
of people in a group increase the
number of people who speak tend to
fall. In the example that is provided he
states that in a 8 person group the
main speaker ends up speaking about
45% of the time whereas the next only
speaks around 15% of the time. I
found gaining this knowledge helpful
as I believe for a group to be
successful most if not everyone must
express their opinion. This allows a
group to gain more knowledge from
everyone so people can see and
understand why people take different
approaches. But the evidence
suggests that the more people you
add to a group the more
authoritarian a group leader
Max Voelker B2654521
Interaction / Interpersonal relations
Max Voelker B2654521
Max Voelker B2654521
Formative Process: Inclusion and identity I also completed the following self-
assessment that determined whether I
was a individualist or a collectivist.
From my answers I was able to
determine that I was a collectivist.
This mean I put the groups interests
and goals above my personal interests.
I feel this would be very mutual
amongst our group as we all make
sacrifices in some way to make sure
we are going to succeed.
Max Voelker B2654521
Formative Processes: formation
Max Voelker B2654521
Formative Process: Cohesion
Max Voelker B2654521
Influence Process structure: Norms
Max Voelker B2654521
Influence Process structure: Group Roles
Max Voelker B2654521
Influence Process Structure: Relations
Max Voelker B2654521
Influence Videos: majority, minority, influence sources and influence
Max Voelker B2654521
Influence Process: Power
Max Voelker B2654521
Influence Processes: LEADERSHIP
in Groups, Emergence,
Max Voelker B2654521
PERFORMANCE Processes: Social
Facilitation, Social Loafing, and
Social Combination
Max Voelker B2654521
Performance Processes: TEAMS
Types, Composition and Process,
Training case example
Max Voelker B2654521
Performance Processes: DECISION
MAKING, Polarization and Group
Max Voelker B2654521
Conflict Processes: Conflicting
Causes, Escalation/De-escalation,
Max Voelker B2654521
Conflict Processes: INTERGROUP
CONFLICT Causes, Biases,
Max Voelker B2654521
Contextual Processes, overall –
change, collective and crowd
behaviour, etc.
Max Voelker B2654521
SUMMARY –how each element of
group processes helps you in the
work place
Copywritten Materials from Class Text– Not for Duplication or Distribution Outside MGT 3323 Group Processes with Dr. Sandra Gill 1
MGT 3323 Group Processes “Notebook” for Group Assessment A Text-Based Workbook for Understanding Group Processes and Assessing a Work Group
Developed with MGT 3323 Students with
D. Forsyth, Group Dynamics, 7th Ed., 2019 and his Videos
Not for duplication or distribution outside of MGT 3323 Group Processes with Dr. Sandra Gill, Associate Professor due to copyright laws
Students’ Objective: Connect text directly to group analysis assignment, to accurately apply course concepts, evidence, and terminology, with logical and
practical recommendations for improvement of group processes
Course Schedule and Notebook (using selected copywritten text diagrams)
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