see attached instructions
– emphasis on what i already have to meet requirements
Theme 1: SKILLS
Evidence to Support Chosen Themes
Theme One: |
(Coffman, 2016)(2016) |
· In addition, engaging in scholarly activities resulted in an informed approach to work outside the academic sphere. Newly acquired knowledge and skills guided decision-making and practice (Coffman, 2016). · Further, it has been demonstrated that the use of CoP in university education can foster increased student confidence, improved communication skills, development of problem-solving skills, and acquisition of practical experience in their discipline (Yap, 2012) (Coffman, 2016). |
Garcia and Yao (2019) |
· In addition, developing writing skills is imperative in helping doctoral students transition to the expectations of scholarly writing (Garcia, 2019). · The fully online course was intended to assist new students with developing their scholarly identity while gaining knowledge of the skills and habits necessary for navigating their doctoral program (Garcia, 2019). · In addition, the foundations of educational inquiry as well as personal development related to research were addressed, including the development of critical thinking and analytical skills (Garcia, 2019). · Through continuous feedback and engagement, students developed more confidence and skill in their scholarly writing (Garcia, 2019). · As a result, consistent presence in the course from instructors is essential to the socialization process for online students. Because of the inherent disembodiment of online learning, instructors must make efforts to engage students in meaningful ways that contribute to students' overall learning and development that is grounded in both graduate socialization theory as well as online learning theory (Garcia, 2019). |
Inouye and McAlpine (2017) |
· Previous research suggests that self-regulation and self-assessment are important components of writing development and performance (Cho, Cho & Hacker 2010), and that teachers may encourage self-assessment by asking students to evaluate their work (Nichol 2010) (Inouye, 2017). · Giving and receiving feedback comes to be seen as a collaborative process requiring skill and cooperation from both supervisor and student, involving student regulation of the emotions associated with revision and writing (Inouye, 2017). · While prior research has demonstrated that writing is a major site of scholarly identity development, and that doctoral students acquire self-assessment skills and gain confidence in their scholarly identities through giving and receiving feedback in peer groups, there is limited research that examines the role of supervisor feedback in this identity development, particularly in the early stages of doctoral work (Inouye, 2017). |
Synthesize |
· When Engaging Scholarly activities decision-making and practice skills are guided by Newly acquired knowledge and skills (Coffman, 2016). · Thru Communities of Practice students can start to see improvement in their acquisition of practical experience in their discipline communication skills and development of problem-solving skills (Coffman, 2016). · The most important part of the transition from an undergraduate to a doctoral student the development of writing skills (Garcia, 2019). · To assist students in this task courses have been developed to help students identify their level of writing as well as gain knowledge of skills habits required to help them navigate thru their doctoral program (Garcia, 2019). · If a student is continuously pursuing engagement and feedback to help shape their scholarly writing they will eventually reap the benefits of their efforts and intime develop more skill and confidence in their writing (Garcia, 2019). · Teachers encourage students to self-evaluate their own work to help build students skills of self-assessment and self-regulation as these are components needed in performance and writing development (Inouye, 2017). |
Theme Two: |
Coffman, Putman, Adkisson, Kriner, and Monaghan (2016) |
· Validation as a theme exemplified the relationship between the student and instructor and served as what Kasworm (2010) considers relational identity (Coffman, 2016).
Garcia and Yao (2019) |
· Being an online course, participants found value in timely responses from the instructor, but perhaps more importantly were never belittled for asking questions (Garcia, 2019). |
Inouye and McAlpine (2017) |
· Supervisors should be aware of how they deliver critical comments, particularly to students who may not appear confident in their work (Inouye, 2017). · As the number of doctoral researchers continues to grow, it is important to maintain the quality of doctoral education and produce skilled scholars who will contribute to the body of knowledge (Inouye, 2017). · Because the results suggest that student agency plays an important role in advancing research thinking and scholarly identity, supervisors may also encourage new graduate students to seek multiple sources of feedback, and openly discuss their research concerns as well as comments or suggestions that they disagree with or have questions about. Such exercises might advance agentive behavior and help students to solidify their vision for the research and allow them to practice justifying and explaining their projects while interacting with all three threads of identity-trajectory (Inouye, 2017). |
Synthesize |
· An instructor plays a very important role in the development of a scholarly writer because the instructors voice and opinion is valued. Thru this interaction with the students and instructor helps mold students to feel more comfortable expressing their voice, opinions and taking on the role as an emerging scholar (Coffman, 2016). · Preparation time demands to respond quickly to student emails and the need for training are some of the difficulties faced by Instructors (Garcia, 2019). · Whether an online course or cohort doctoral students benefit from instructor interaction, practicing giving and feedback and well as writing groups (Garcia, 2019). · Therefore, how students are given feedback should be taken with consideration as to avoid making the students lose confidence in their development of scholarly writing (Inouye, 2017). |
Forming a Thesis Statement
Topic sentence 1: Newly acquired knowledge and skills help guide scholarly students to master skills such as decision making, communication skills and problems. (Coffman, 2016)
Topic sentence 2: Doctoral students benefit from practice and guidance from instructions as this helps the student improve their writing which in turn produces quality doctoral scholars. (Inouye, 2017)
THESIS STATEMENT- – Successful Doctoral Students understand the importance of developing their skills and learning how to openly receive feedback from their Supervisor or Instructor to help cultivate the Qualities of a Professional Writer.
I. Introduction
a. Engaging statement- Developing certain skills is crucial for a student to master in the doctoral program. That along with the proper guidance, interaction and feedback provided from instructor can assist in developing the mindset of an undergraduate student to that of a Scholarly Learner (Coffman, 2016).
b. Contextualize topic – (Tell a Reader What Skills are Needed and Why Its Important
Consistent presence from instructors as well as development of writing skills will help a doctoral student transition to the expectations of a scholarly writer (Garcia, 2019).
c. Contextualize themes- (Tell the reader how these skills contribute to your theme)
Maintaining the expectations of quality instructor and student interaction as well as proper development of skills will contribute to skilled doctoral scholars (Inouye, 2017).
d. Thesis statement- Successful Doctoral Students understand the importance of developing their skills and learning how to openly receive feedback from their Supervisor or Instructor to help cultivate the Qualities of a Professional Writer.
II. Theme 1- SKILLS
a. Topic sentence
III. The most important part of the transition from an undergraduate to a doctoral student the development of writing skills (Garcia, 2019).
a. Evidence from 3 articles
· When Engaging Scholarly activities decision-making and practice skills are guided by Newly acquired knowledge and skills (Coffman, 2016).
· To assist students in this task courses have been developed to help students identify their level of writing as well as gain knowledge of skills habits required to help them navigate thru their doctoral program (Garcia, 2019).
· Teachers encourage students to self-evaluate their own work to help build students skills of self-assessment and self-regulation as these are components needed in performance and writing development (Inouye, 2017).
b. Transition statement to next theme-
Doctoral students during the degree gain knowledge of skills and habits required. (Inouye, 2017) but the encouragement and interaction from instructors is also needed to help encourage students to self-evaluate their own work to help build students skills of self-assessment and self-regulation as these are components needed in performance and writing development (Garcia, 2019).
a. Topic sentence
Supervisors and instructors play a crucial role in assisting doctoral students. Their expertise and knowledge help guide the students to seek out numerous sources of feedback and help them build the confidence to openly communicate what their research concerns may be. Thus this type of trust and interaction helps build the confidence of a doctoral student (Inouye, 2017).
b. Evidence from 3 articles
· An instructor plays a very important role in the development of a scholarly writer because the instructors voice and opinion is valued. Thru this interaction with the students and instructor helps mold students to feel more comfortable expressing their voice, opinions and taking on the role as an emerging scholar (Coffman, 2016).
· Whether an online course or cohort doctoral students benefit from instructor interaction, practicing giving and feedback and well as writing groups.
· Therefore, how students are given feedback should be taken with consideration as to avoid making the students lose confidence in their development of scholarly writing (Inouye, 2017).
V. Conclusion- Students that prioritize their time seek guidance from instructors for feedback as well as continuously work on developing skills needed to become a Scholarly Writer set themselves up for success in the Doctoral Program
Active Engagement, Critical Thinking and Independent Research are some of the skills needed to be in the Doctoral Program. Instructor interaction help guide students thru the program assisting doctoral students in expressing our own voices and opinions finding their own student identity (Coffman, 2016).
b. Future research recommendations
Since the effectiveness of applying literacy skills and discipline have been proven, teachers should incorporate the importance of time management and critical thinking talks into their classroom so throughout the program students can have that reminder to continually improve themselves in the program.
General Requirements: Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
· Review the articles by Coffman, Putman, Adkisson, Kriner and Monaghan (2016), Garcia and Yao (2019), and Inouye and McAlpine (2017) located in the Topic Resources.
· This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric below prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
· Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments.
· Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for specific guidelines related to doctoral-level writing. The manual contains essential information on manuscript structure and content, clear and concise writing, and academic grammar and usage.
· You are required to submit this assignment for plagiarism check.
1. Directions: Write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) that synthesizes the Coffman, Putman, Adkisson, Kriner and Monaghan (2016), Garcia and Yao (2019), and Inouye and McAlpine (2017) articles. Your paper should include the following:An introduction that introduces and provides context for the topic. This includes presenting a clear thesis statement.
2. Support for your identified themes with evidence from each article. Synthesize your discussion of the topic to support your thesis.
3. A conclusion that demonstrates support of your thesis statement, brief summary of the main points from your two themes, and recommendations for future research on the topic.
An introduction is thoroughly presented and vividly contextualizes the topic.
Support of common themes is thoroughly presented with rich detail.
A discussion of the conclusions is thoroughly presented including an overall summary of themes found in the articles and is strongly connected to the thesis statement
Integration of instructor feedback is evident and meaningful. It is seamlessly incorporated into the flow of the paper. All instructor comments and suggestions are addressed
Synthesis of source information is present and scholarly. Argument is clear and convincing, presenting a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.
Thesis and/or main claim are clear and comprehensive; the essence of the paper is contained within the thesis.
Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
APA FORMAT 7TH EDITION- The document is correctly formatted. In-text citations and a reference page are complete and correct. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice
Volume 14 | Issue 2 Article 3
Developing Scholarly Identity: Variation in Agentive Responses to Supervisor Feedback Kelsey S. Inouye University of Oxford, [email protected]
Lynn McAlpine [email protected]
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Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library: [email protected]
Recommended Citation Inouye, Kelsey S. and McAlpine, Lynn, Developing Scholarly Identity: Variation in Agentive Responses to Supervisor Feedback, Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 14(2), 2017. Available at:
Developing Scholarly Identity: Variation in Agentive Responses to Supervisor Feedback
Abstract The central task for doctoral students, through the process of writing, feedback and revision, is to create a thesis that establishes their scholarly identity by situating themselves and their contribution within a field. This longitudinal study of two first-year doctoral students investigated the relationship between response to supervisor feedback on the thesis proposal and the development of scholarly identity (self-confidence, independence in research thinking, positioning the self in relation to others), through the lens of individual agency (self-assessing work, seeking and critically engaging with others’ feedback in order to clarify research thinking). Data consisted of semi-structured interviews conducted over 3 months, different drafts of the research proposal, and written supervisor comments on the drafts. Narrative analysis and open coding were used to produce in-depth portraits of the individual experiences and perceptions of each participant. There were differences between the two individuals in their growing scholarly identities as regards their agency. The degree of agency exhibited in engaging critically with feedback in relation to self-assessment, and clarifying research thinking appeared linked to the development of the student’s scholarly identity: her sense of confidence, scholarly independence in thinking, and positioning in relation to others. Such confidence and ownership in turn inspired greater agency. Interestingly, differences in the extent to which participants were agentive in relation to feedback appeared influenced by previous experiences with feedback. These results contribute a richer understanding of the relationship between use of supervisor feedback and growing scholarly independence.
Keywords scholarly identity, supervision, doctoral education, doctoral writing, feedback, agency
This journal article is available in Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice:
As aspiring scholars, doctoral students endeavour to enter the academic community by developing
their research and writing abilities through completion of a thesis (Aitchison et al. 2010; Kamler &
Thompson 2014). Composing the thesis, a process that involves writing, research, feedback and
revision, allows students to learn to situate themselves as scholars (Wegener et al. 2014) and
establish scholarly identity – a sense of independence as a researcher (Pearson & Brew 2002)
located within a discipline and contributing to the body of literature.
However, given the intensity of doctoral work and the difficulty of transitioning from student to
independent researcher, scholarly writing is often marked by an increase in anxiety in graduate
students, who are just beginning to navigate both the disciplines and the institutions in which they
are embedded (Lee & Boud 2003). Although many doctoral students have conducted research as
master’s students, the doctoral thesis is the first time they are asked to do research at such an in-
depth and substantial level, making the doctoral thesis a novel learning task in many ways.
In writing the thesis, supervisor feedback is considered essential to making adequate and timely
progress, and in encouraging scholarly growth (Kamler & Thomson 2014; Murakami-Ramalho et
al. 2011). Yet, while previous studies have investigated the communication and reception of
supervisor feedback, and what types of feedback students find useful, few studies have addressed
how supervisor feedback is related to the development of scholarly identity, particularly early on
in doctoral work. Thus, this study focuses on transfer of status or upgrade, which is the first step
towards completing the thesis in most UK doctoral programs. Transfer of status is similar to the
proposal defence in North America, except that the supervisor is not involved in the assessment
process. Students typically are expected to apply for transfer of status after the first year of
doctoral work, and must receive a successful evaluation to proceed to doctoral candidature.1
Because supervisor feedback has the formative possibility to help clarify the doctoral student’s
initial research ideas in revisions of the transfer paper, the purpose of this study was to explore the
relationship between variations in engagement to supervisor feedback on transfer-related writing
and the development of scholarly identity. We chose to do this by examining identity development
through the framework of identity-trajectory, with a focus on individuals’ sense of agency
(McAlpine, Amundsen & Turner 2013).
Agency and identity-trajectory
Identity-trajectory approaches identity development through the lens of variation in agency as
regards engagement in academic work (McAlpine, Amundsen & Turner 2013). Agency represents
efforts to work towards personally chosen goals, and deal with challenges. In relation to writing
and supervisor feedback, agentive behaviours include self-assessing work, engaging critically with
feedback to clarify research thinking and seeking feedback from various sources. Affect –emotion
– also plays a role in agency, in that it influences both one’s approach to the world and response to
it, including one’s desire to invest in or avoid certain activities or relationships. In other words,
individuals vary in the extent to which they perceive themselves as agentive in different contexts.
In becoming part of the academy, identity-trajectory understands scholarly identity development
as enacted in three interwoven work strands: intellectual, networking and institutional (McAlpine,
1 Assessment criteria require the student to demonstrate they can “construct an argument, can present material in a scholarly manner, has a viable subject to work on, and can be reasonably expected to complete it in three to four years”
(University of Oxford 2016, p. 2).
Inouye and McAlpine: Developing Scholarly Identity
Amundsen & Turner 2013). The intellectual strand refers to how the student seeks to contribute to
the body of work in their field through different forms of communication, including the thesis,
published papers and conference presentations. The networking strand is composed of the peer and
other academic networks the student builds and draws on for support (interpersonal networks), as
well as the inter-textual networks – the literature – that the student engages with and uses to
inform their own research thinking. The institutional strand focuses on the student’s active
engagement with both institutional obligations, in this case, completing the thesis proposal within
expected timelines, and institutional resources like supervisors, libraries and seminars to advance
their goals.
Identity-trajectory also places special emphasis on prior experience, specifically on how the past
influences present and future intentions. Thus, identity-trajectory views are not static, but
constantly evolving in response to the individual’s changing goals and experiences. To understand
how individuals vary in the degrees to which they are agentive in furthering their sense of
scholarly identity, one must recognise the personal histories and specific contexts in which the
individual is embedded. In short, students can be more or less agentive in the networking,
intellectual and institutional strands of their developing scholarly identity. Figure 1 illustrates the
interconnectedness of the three strands of identity-trajectory across time.
From the perspective of identity-trajectory, how the student chooses to engage with supervisor
feedback (an institutional resource) in developing the research project is a key site of inquiry, as
the development of the doctoral proposal and thesis, which create the intellectual contribution that
demonstrates a growing scholarly identity, are arguably the most central institutional responsibility
of doctoral work. . Likewise, whether the student seeks alternate sources of feedback and what the
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, Vol. 14 [2017], Iss. 2, Art. 3
student chooses to read contribute to both the thesis and the student’s understanding of their place
within the academy. Thus, the ways students seek out and critically engage with suggestions, for
instance, demonstrate how students can actively build their identities in the scholarly community
as they develop confidence and independence in their research thinking, and position the self in
relation to others. This study then explores in more depth how the research on writing can be
framed within students’ agentive engagement with the three strands of identity-trajectory:
intellectual, networking and institutional.
Writing, research thinking, and identity work
Over the past two decades, ample research has recognised the development of scholarly identity as
a process of becoming located within a discipline and institution based on one’s research
contribution; this encompasses the activities associated with being a teacher, researcher, writer,
administrator, etc. (Clarke, Hyde & Drennan 2013; Lieff et al. 2012; Murakami-Ramalho,
Militello & Piert 2013). Evidence of scholarly growth includes greater confidence in one’s work
and a greater critical perspective (Murakami-Ramalho et al. 2011), the development of one’s
technical vocabulary and interaction with networks within the chosen field to achieve a sense of
belonging (Lieff et al. 2012) and position oneself in relation to others, thus adding to the larger
conversation through one’s research (Cameron, Nairn & Higgins, 2009; Pare 2011). In other
words, prior work suggests that one forum for scholarly growth lies in writing (Kamler &
Thomson 2014), such as the doctoral thesis.
In other words, through writing, individuals clarify their ideas about the project as a whole.
Further, since one of the major goals of doctoral study is to produce independent scholars (Pearson
& Brew 2002), writing can be understood as a process of becoming independent in the ability to
critique, argue and position oneself in relation to others. Writing initially involves clarifying
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