Reflecting on this weeks readings, how have historical developments for food production impacted modern-day life? Also, thin
need help journal entry
Reflecting on this week’s readings, how have historical developments for food production impacted modern-day life? Also, think about your own life. How has food production impacted the things you do today?
ATH 101 Journal Guidelines and Rubric
Journal activities in this course are private between you and the instructor. Your journal assignments provide you a chance to think deeply about the concepts you are learning in this course and to make connections to the real world and society at large. For each of your journal assignments, be sure to incorporate course concepts into your reflection. In each journal assignment, you will be reflecting on a different anthropological event/topic.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Incorporate course concepts into your assignment. Address the consequences of anthropological events on modern society. Relate anthropological events to your own situation.
A course journal is generally made up of many individual assignments.
Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Concepts Meets “Proficient” criteria and incorporates real-world examples of concepts
Accurately incorporates key anthropological concepts
Incorporates key anthropological concepts, but there are inaccuracies
Does not incorporate anthropological concepts
Consequences Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes real-world examples to support observations about consequences
Suggests relevant consequences of the given event/topic on modern society
Suggests consequences of the given event/topic on modern society but lacks relevance
Does not suggest consequences of the given event/topic
Situation Meets “Proficient” criteria and discusses the given event/topic could impact future personal situation
Clearly articulates the impact of the given event/topic to personal situation
Articulates the impact of the given event/topic to personal situation but lacks clarity
Does not articulate the impact of the given event/topic to personal situation
Articulation of Response
Journal assignment is free of errors of organization and grammar
Journal assignment is mostly free of errors of organization and grammar, which are marginal and rarely interrupt the flow
Journal assignment contains errors of organization and grammar, but they are limited enough so that the assignment can be understood
Journal assignment contains errors of organization and grammar, making the journal difficult to understand
Earned Total 100%
- ATH 101 Journal Guidelines and Rubric
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