When a persons ability to function independently is limited only by his/her environment, this is referred to as a(n): a. impair
Directions: Please address every aspect of the question and give details and examples to support your answers. Use your own words when answering these questions. If you use an author’s exact words, you need to use quotes and give page numbers. Attach a reference list of at least two different sources in addition to the textbook in APA style at the end of your answers to each question. Your answers to these questions may be gathered from a number of sources, including the textbook, my possible answers to the weekly discussion questions, the chats, and the sources listed in my possible answers and in the syllabus. Please go beyond the textbook for your answers to these questions.
– Multiple Choice Questions (10 points)
Please underline the best answer. Each question is worth one point.
1. When a person’s ability to function independently is limited only by his/her environment, this is referred to as a(n):
a. impairment
b. handicap
c. disability
d. exceptionality
2. Under which disability category are most students receiving special education services:
a. speech and language impairments
b. mental retardation
c. physical disability
d. specific learning disability
3. IDEA requires that an IEP be developed and implemented for every child with disabilities:
a. between the ages of 3 and 21
b. between the ages of 6 and 21
c. between birth to age 21
d. or at risk for developing disabilities between the ages of 6 and 21
4. Significantly subaverage intelligence and poor academic performance must be present to classify students as intellectually disabled. What other variable must be present for the classification?
a. a biological or genetic condition
b. deficits in adaptive behavior
c. a discrepancy between achievement and ability
d. distractibility and hyperactivity in any context
5. Which of the following students would most likely be considered for self-contained classroom?
a. Michael demonstrates severe deficits in math, but for all other subjects his performance is on grade level. He is motivated to learn and attempts to abide by the teacher’s recommendations.
b. Janie has difficulty in reading, which affects her performance in other content areas. In addition, she is highly disorganized, distractible, and physically aggressive with her classmates.
c. Dominic has a reading disability. He has learned strategies to compensate for his disorder. His performance in most academic areas is satisfactory.
d. Betty Ann was in self-contained classroom in elementary school because of significant academic deficits. In the middle school, Betty-Ann was taught strategies to learn more efficiently, which has drastically improved her academic performance.
6. Most children with emotional and behavioral disorders score:
a. above normal on IQ tests and academically achieve below what their scores indicate.
b. in the average range on IQ tests and academically achieve at their grade level.
c. below normal on IQ tests and academically achieve below what their test score predict.
d. below normal on IQ tests and academically achieve above what their test scores predict.
7. Francine, a fourth grader, says “thleep” when attempting to say “sleep.” What kind of articulation disorder does she have?
a. distortion
b. substitution
c. omission
d. addition
8. The legal definition of visual impairment is based on:
a. visual acuity and field of vision
b. visual acuity and the extent to which the person learns through the visual channel
c. the extent to which the person learns through other senses
d. depth perception and peripheral vision.
9. When PL. 94-142 was amended in 1990, which of the following disability category
was added?
a. limb deficiency disabilities
b. muscular dystrophy
c. traumatic brain injury
d. epilepsy
10. Which of the following is the most widely supported employment approach?
a. sheltered workshops
b. mobile work crew
c. individual placement model
d. small business enterprise model
II- Essay Questions (10 points)
Directions: Please address every aspect of the question and give details and examples to support your answers. Use your own words when answering these questions. If you use an author’s exact words, you need to use quotes and give page numbers. Attach a reference list of at least two different sources in addition to the textbook in APA style at the end of your answers to each question. Your answers to these questions may be gathered from a number of sources, including the textbook, my possible answers to the weekly discussion questions, the chats, and the sources listed in my possible answers and in the syllabus. Please go beyond the textbook for your answers to these questions. Please do and turn in your own work.
a. What is the difference between mainstreaming and inclusion? Is the least restrictive environment (LRE) always the regular education classroom? What is the philosophy of including students with disabilities in general education classrooms? What are the advantages and disadvantages of inclusion? How could inclusion be implemented in your school or in a school that does not have inclusion? What must the school administrator do to promote the inclusion of children with disabilities in this school? Give details, examples, and sources to support your arguments. (3 points)
b. Do most students who are identified as having learning disabilities have a true disability, or are they just low achievers or victims of poor instruction? How can you distinguish between a child who has a learning disability and a child who is behind academically because of poor schooling? Would both of them qualify for special education services? Would you use the same approach in educating these two students? Give details, examples, and sources to support your arguments. (3 points)
c. Why do students who are gifted need special education? After all, these children are bright enough that they can learn on their own. Should these students be educated with the same-age peers or with older students who share the same intellectual and academic talents and interests? Describe the enrichment and acceleration models and the advantages and disadvantages of each model. Which placement would you prefer for your own gifted child and why? Give details, examples, and sources to support your arguments.
(2 points)
d. How can special education programs for children with disabilities prepare them for successful transition to post-secondary education or to the world of work? Who decides on the future of these young men and women? When do you stop pushing them through the general school curriculum and start putting more emphasis on their functional skills and job-related skills? What jobs and services are available in your community to help young adults with disabilities become productive members of society? Give details, examples, and sources to support your arguments. (2 points)
– Multiple Choice Questions (10 points)
Please underline the best answer. Each question is worth one point.
1. When a person’s ability to function independently is limited only by his/her environment, this is referred to as a(n):
a. impairment
b. handicap
c. disability
d. exceptionality
2. Under which disability category are most students receiving special education services:
a. speech and language impairments
b. mental retardation
c. physical disability
d. specific learning disability
3. IDEA requires that an IEP be developed and implemented for every child with disabilities:
a. between the ages of 3 and 21
b. between the ages of 6 and 21
c. between birth to age 21
d. or at risk for developing disabilities between the ages of 6 and 21
4. Significantly subaverage intelligence and poor academic performance must be present to classify students as intellectually disabled. What other variable must be present for the classification?
a. a biological or genetic condition
b. deficits in adaptive behavior
c. a discrepancy between achievement and ability
d. distractibility and hyperactivity in any context
5. Which of the following students would most likely be considered for self-contained classroom?
a. Michael demonstrates severe deficits in math, but for all other subjects his performance is on grade level. He is motivated to learn and attempts to abide by the teacher’s recommendations.
b. Janie has difficulty in reading, which affects her performance in other content areas. In addition, she is highly disorganized, distractible, and physically aggressive with her classmates.
c. Dominic has a reading disability. He has learned strategies to compensate for his disorder. His performance in most academic areas is satisfactory.
d. Betty Ann was in self-contained classroom in elementary school because of significant academic deficits. In the middle school, Betty-Ann was taught strategies to learn more efficiently, which has drastically improved her academic performance.
6. Most children with emotional and behavioral disorders score:
a. above normal on IQ tests and academically achieve below what their scores indicate.
b. in the average range on IQ tests and academically achieve at their grade level.
c. below normal on IQ tests and academically achieve below what their test score predict.
d. below normal on IQ tests and academically achieve above what their test scores predict.
7. Francine, a fourth grader, says “thleep” when attempting to say “sleep.” What kind of articulation disorder does she have?
a. distortion
b. substitution
c. omission
d. addition
8. The legal definition of visual impairment is based on:
a. visual acuity and field of vision
b. visual acuity and the extent to which the person learns through the visual channel
c. the extent to which the person learns through other senses
d. depth perception and peripheral vision.
9. When PL. 94-142 was amended in 1990, which of the following disability category
was added?
a. limb deficiency disabilities
b. muscular dystrophy
c. traumatic brain injury
d. epilepsy
10. Which of the following is the most widely supported employment approach?
a. sheltered workshops
b. mobile work crew
c. individual placement model
d. small business enterprise model
II- Essay Questions (10 points)
Directions: Please address every aspect of the question and give details and examples to support your answers. Use your own words when answering these questions. If you use an author’s exact words, you need to use quotes and give page numbers. Attach a reference list of at least two different sources in addition to the textbook in APA style at the end of your answers to each question. Your answers to these questions may be gathered from a number of sources, including the textbook, my possible answers to the weekly discussion questions, the chats, and the sources listed in my possible answers and in the syllabus. Please go beyond the textbook for your answers to these questions. Please do and turn in your own work.
a. What is the difference between mainstreaming and inclusion? Is the least restrictive environment (LRE) always the regular education classroom? What is the philosophy of including students with disabilities in general education classrooms? What are the advantages and disadvantages of inclusion? How could inclusion be implemented in your school or in a school that does not have inclusion? What must the school administrator do to promote the inclusion of children with disabilities in this school? Give details, examples, and sources to support your arguments. (3 points)
b. Do most students who are identified as having learning disabilities have a true disability, or are they just low achievers or victims of poor instruction? How can you distinguish between a child who has a learning disability and a child who is behind academically because of poor schooling? Would both of them qualify for special education services? Would you use the same approach in educating these two students? Give details, examples, and sources to support your arguments. (3 points)
c. Why do students who are gifted need special education? After all, these children are bright enough that they can learn on their own. Should these students be educated with the same-age peers or with older students who share the same intellectual and academic talents and interests? Describe the enrichment and acceleration models and the advantages and disadvantages of each model. Which placement would you prefer for your own gifted child and why? Give details, examples, and sources to support your arguments.
(2 points)
d. How can special education programs for children with disabilities prepare them for successful transition to post-secondary education or to the world of work? Who decides on the future of these young men and women? When do you stop pushing them through the general school curriculum and start putting more emphasis on their functional skills and job-related skills? What jobs and services are available in your community to help young adults with disabilities become productive members of society? Give details, examples, and sources to support your arguments. (2 points)
I- Multiple Choice Questions (10 points)
Please underline the best answer. Each question is worth one point.
1. When a person’s ability to function independently is limited only by his/her environment, this is referred to as a(n):
a. impairment
b. handicap
c. disability
d. exceptionality
2. Under which disability category are most students receiving special education services:
a. speech and language impairments
b. mental retardation
c. physical disability
d. specific learning disability
3. IDEA requires that an IEP be developed and implemented for every child with disabilities:
a. between the ages of 3 and 21
b. between the ages of 6 and 21
c. between birth to age 21
d. or at risk for developing disabilities between the ages of 6 and 21
4. Significantly subaverage intelligence and poor academic performance must be present to classify students as intellectually disabled. What other variable must be present for the classification?
a. a biological or genetic condition
b. deficits in adaptive behavior
c. a discrepancy between achievement and ability
d. distractibility and hyperactivity in any context
5. Which of the following students would most likely be considered for self-contained classroom?
a. Michael demonstrates severe deficits in math, but for all other subjects his performance is on grade level. He is motivated to learn and attempts to abide by the teacher’s recommendations.
b. Janie has difficulty in reading, which affects her performance in other content areas. In addition, she is highly disorganized, distractible, and physically aggressive with her classmates.
c. Dominic has a reading disability. He has learned strategies to compensate for his disorder. His performance in most academic areas is satisfactory.
d. Betty Ann was in self-contained classroom in elementary school because of significant academic deficits. In the middle school, Betty-Ann was taught strategies to learn more efficiently, which has drastically improved her academic performance.
6. Most children with emotional and behavioral disorders score:
a. above normal on IQ tests and academically achieve below what their scores indicate.
b. in the average range on IQ tests and academically achieve at their grade level.
c. below normal on IQ tests and academically achieve below what their test score predict.
d. below normal on IQ tests and academically achieve above what their test scores predict.
7. Francine, a fourth grader, says “thleep” when attempting to say “sleep.” What kind of articulation disorder does she have?
a. distortion
b. substitution
c. omission
d. addition
8. The legal definition of visual impairment is based on:
a. visual acuity and field of vision
b. visual acuity and the extent to which the person learns through the visual channel
c. the extent to which the person learns through other senses
d. depth perception and peripheral vision.
9. When PL. 94-142 was amended in 1990, which of the following disability category
was added?
a. limb deficiency disabilities
b. muscular dystrophy
c. traumatic brain injury
d. epilepsy
10. Which of the following is the most widely supported employment approach?
a. sheltered workshops
b. mobile work crew
c. individual placement model
d. small business enterprise model
II- Essay Questions (10 points)
Directions : Please address every aspect of the question and give details and examples to support your answers. Use your own words when answering these questions. If you use an author’s exact words, you need to use quotes and give page numbers. Attach a reference list of at least two different sources in addition to the textbook in APA style at the end of your answers to each question. Your answers to these questions may be gathered from a number of sources, including the textbook, my possible answers to the weekly discussion questions, the chats, and the sources listed in my possible answers and in the syllabus. Please go beyond the textbook for your answers to these questions. Please do and turn in your own work.
a. What is the difference between mainstreaming and inclusion? Is the least restrictive environment (LRE) always the regular education classroom? What is the philosophy of including students with disabilities in general education classrooms? What are the advantages and disadvantages of inclusion? How could inclusion be implemented in your school or in a school that does not have inclusion? What must the school administrator do to promote the inclusion of children with disabilities in this school? Give details, examples, and sources to support your arguments. (3 points)
b. Do most students who are identified as having learning disabilities have a true disability, or are they just low achievers or victims of poor instruction? How can you distinguish between a child who has a learning disability and a child who is behind academically because of poor schooling? Would both of them qualify for special education services? Would you use the same approach in educating these two students? Give details, examples, and sources to support your arguments. (3 points)
c. Why do students who are gifted need special education? After all, these children are bright enough that they can learn on their own. Should these students be educated with the same-age peers or with older students who share the same intellectual and academic talents and interests? Describe the enrichment and acceleration models and the advantages and disadvantages of each model. Which placement would you prefer for your own gifted child and why? Give details, examples, and sources to support your arguments.
(2 points)
d. How can special education programs for children with disabilities prepare them for successful transition to post-secondary education or to the world of work? Who decides on the future of these young men and women? When do you stop pushing them through the general school curriculum and start putting more emphasis on their functional skills and job-related skills? What jobs and services are available in your community to help young adults with disabilities become productive members of society? Give details, examples, and sources to support your arguments. (2 points)
Multiple Choice Questions
(10 points)
Please underline the
answer. Each
question is worth
one point.
When a person’s ability to function independently is limited only by his/her
environment, this is referred to as a(n):
Under which disability category are most students receiving
special education
speech and language impairments
mental retardation
physical disability
learning disability
IDEA requires that an IEP be developed and implemented for every child with
between the ages of 3 and 21
n the ages of 6 and 21
between birth to age 21
or at risk for developing disabilities between the ages of 6 and 21
Significantly subaverage intelligence and poor academic performance must be
present to classi
fy students as intellectually disabled
. What ot
her variable must be
present for the classification?
a biological or genetic condition
deficits in adaptive behavior
a discrepancy between achievement and ability
distractibility and hyperactivity in any context
Which of the following students would most
likely be considered for self
Michael demonstrates severe deficits in math, but for all other
subjects his performance is on grade level. He is motivated to learn
and attempts to abide by the teacher’s recommendations.
Janie has diff
iculty in reading, which affects her performance in
other content areas. In addition, she is highly disorganized,
distractible, and physically aggressive with her classmates.
Dominic has a reading disability. He has learned strategies to
compensate for hi
s disorder. His performance in most academic
I- Multiple Choice Questions (10 points)
Please underline the best answer. Each question is worth one point.
1. When a person’s ability to function independently is limited only by his/her
environment, this is referred to as a(n):
a. impairment
b. handicap
c. disability
d. exceptionality
2. Under which disability category are most students receiving special education
a. speech and language impairments
b. mental retardation
c. physical disability
d. specific learning disability
3. IDEA requires that an IEP be developed and implemented for every child with
a. between the ages of 3 and 21
b. between the ages of 6 and 21
c. between birth to age 21
d. or at risk for developing disabilities between the ages of 6 and 21
4. Significantly subaverage intelligence and poor academic performance must be
present to classify students as intellectually disabled. What other variable must be
present for the classification?
a. a biological or genetic condition
b. deficits in adaptive behavior
c. a discrepancy between achievement and ability
d. distractibility and hyperactivity in any context
5. Which of the following students would most likely be considered for self-contained
a. Michael demonstrates severe deficits in math, but for all other
subjects his performance is on grade level. He is motivated to learn
and attempts to abide by the teacher’s recommendations.
b. Janie has difficulty in reading, which affects her performance in
other content areas. In addition, she is highly disorganized,
distractible, and physically aggressive with her classmates.
c. Dominic has a reading disability. He has learned strategies to
compensate for his disorder. His performance in most academic
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