Quantitative Research/Social Change and Ethics/Quantitative Business Research The business environment today is constantly chan
Quantitative Research/Social Change and Ethics/Quantitative Business Research
The business environment today is constantly changing with changing demands of employees especially the entry level position employees that are costly demanding for more salaries/wages and improved services (Atmojo, 2015). Many organizations sometimes fail to recognize the signs that are associated to low motivation as a result of unfilled demands due to lack of transformational leadership within the organizational framework. As such the new hires accounts for the highest employee turnover rates within most organizations. The general business problem is organization have a high turnover rate for entry-level employees that are a misguided by leadership. The high turnover rates are costly to the organization since it hurts productivity, as it is difficult to maintain the same level of productivity when the new employees are constantly leaving the organization (Choi et al., 2016). The specific business problem is the lack of the leadership strategies to educate and retain entry-level employees.
Atmojo, M. (2015). The influence of transformational leadership on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and employee performance. International research journal of business studies, 5(2).
Choi, S. L., Goh, C. F., Adam, M. B. H., & Tan, O. K. (2016). Transformational leadership, empowerment, and job satisfaction: the mediating role of employee empowerment. Human resources for health, 14(1), 73.
Quantitative Research and Social Change
It is crucial for you, as an independent scholar, to be able to apply knowledge and skills in these courses—not just to your DBA Doctoral Study, but to the wider world of business research. Promoting positive social change includes seeking opportunities for improvement of human or social conditions by promoting the worth, dignity, and development of individuals, communities, organizations, institutions, cultures, or societies.
To prepare review the articles from Katzenstein and Chrispin (2011) and Santhosh and Baral (2015). Answer in 1-2 pages and consider how the process and results of quantitative business research can shed insights into other areas related to positive social change such as corporate social responsibility. Create an explanation of the relationship between quantitative business research results and positive social change. Describe ways business leaders can benefit both financially and socially from quantitative data analyses. Explain how you can directly apply perspectives on promoting positive social change to professional practice pertaining to your DBA Doctoral Study topic, providing examples from your DBA Doctoral Study prospectus. Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and at least one additional scholarly source.
Ethics and Quantitative Business Research
When conducting a DBA doctoral research study, independent scholars are required to be as clear as possible in reporting the procedures used to obtain results. Being honest in accounting for their work is essential for researchers. The question arises as to what constitutes unethical behavior when conducting quantitative research. A major area of concern is fabrication of data or results and can lead to danger for others if, for example, critical business decisions are made on the basis of false findings.
To prepare review the articles from Frechtling and Boo (2012) and Greenwood (2016). Answer in 1-2 pages and consider the many ethical decisions you must make as an independent scholar during your DBA doctoral research. Moreover, think about the implications on business practice and key stakeholders if you present incorrect findings to business leaders. Describe an analysis of the role of ethical decision making on the practice of quantitative business research. In your analysis, Explain the impact of using reliable and valid measures on quantitative findings. Describe the negative impact of using inappropriate measurements, including supportive examples. Explain the importance of knowledge of quantitative techniques to the ethical outcomes of quantitative research. Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and at least one additional scholarly source.
On the Ethics of Management Research: An Exploratory Investigation
Douglas C. Frechtling • Soyoung Boo
Received: 18 July 2011 / Accepted: 20 July 2011 / Published online: 7 August 2011
� Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011
Abstract While there is an abundant academic literature
on professional codes of ethics, there appears to be few
devoted to assessing the compliance of management
research with such codes. This article presents the results of
applying the World Association for Public Opinion
Research (WAPOR) Code of Professional Ethics and
Practices to research articles based on probability sample
surveys in the top three academic journals covering tour-
ism, hospitality, and related fields. Four research questions
are posed to focus application of the WAPOR Code to
nearly 200 articles published in three recent years. Content
analysis of these articles, documented by a measure of
intercoder reliability, indicates that it is feasible for mul-
tiple coders to accurately apply the WAPOR Code to such
articles. None of the articles examined complied with all
WAPOR standards, and fewer than half of them complied
with half of the standards. Finally, we find that there is
some difference among the three journals in compliance,
but this difference is relatively small. In sum, there is very
little compliance with ethical standards in the field of
management research studied here.
Keywords Code of ethics � Management research � Content analysis � Research ethics � Sample surveys � Intercoder reliability
There is abundance of corporate codes of ethics, and the
published research on them is plentiful (Fennell 2000;
Kaptein and Schwartz 2008; Langlois and Schlegelmilch
1990; Long and Driscoll 2008; Svensson and Wood 2008).
There is also a class of ethical codes developed by pro-
fessional associations to guide their members toward eth-
ical behavior (Christian and Gumbus 2009; Coughlan
2001; Gaumnitz and Lere 2002; Groves et al. 2006; Pater
and Van Gils 2003; Skubik and Stening 2009; Wiley 2000).
Adopting from Pater and Van Gils (2003, p. 765), we
define ‘‘professional codes of ethics’’ as ‘‘written, distinct
and formal documents, issued by professional associations,
that attempt to guide the professional behaviour of their
members.’’ Skubik and Stening (2009) maintain that ‘‘the
most important role of a code is to explain the underlying
professional values and principles’’ to guide association
members (p. 520). They further note that these may be
developed as ‘‘an aspirational guide and education tool for
members’’ (p. 515) and may include ‘‘enforceable stan-
dards’’ (p. 520).
Motivated by Coughlan’s (2001) recommendation that
‘‘additional studies are needed that explore the relevance
and effectiveness of existing professional codes’’ (p. 157),
we focus here on the ethical guidance provided for the
conduct of research for management. Chia (2002) distin-
guishes management research as dealing ‘‘fundamentally
with the production and legitimization of the various forms
of knowledge associated with the practices of manage-
ment’’ (p. 1). These practices of management include
D. C. Frechtling (&) � S. Boo Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management,
School of Business, The George Washington University,
2201 G Street, N. W., Suite 301, Washington, DC 20052, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
S. Boo
e-mail: [email protected]
J Bus Ethics (2012) 106:149–160
DOI 10.1007/s10551-011-0986-7
human resource management (Wiley 2000), marketing
(Rau and Kane 1999), research, finance, and operations
(Datar et al. 2010). We adopt this definition of management
research in this study.
We choose a specific field of management research and
identify a professional code of ethics that pertains to that
field. We operationalize the standards in the code with
statements that can be applied to articles published in
academic journals to indicate compliance or non-compli-
ance with each. To shed light on the ethics of management
research, we compose four research questions. We then
identify nearly 200 articles published in the top academic
journals in that field (management research) and apply the
professional code to them. Finally, we propose answers to
the research questions and state conclusions about the
ethics of management research.
Background on Management Research Ethics
Relatively little has been published on the ethics of man-
agement research. Rau and Kane (1999) address the ethical
issues that can arise in marketing research. They conclude
that the establishment of ‘‘codes of ethics governing mar-
keting research practice’’ (p. 144) is worthy of consider-
ation. Payne (2000) explores the assumptions, values,
ideologies, and other influences that affect the choice of
business research practice, often at an implicit level. Ryan
(2005) discusses duties of scientific inquiry in the field of
tourism research and concludes that researchers must act
with honesty and integrity while pursuing justice. Perdue
(1991) examines the field of visitor surveys to determine
the economic impact of tourists on a geographic area and
provides a list of potential ethical problems. He suggests
that presenting results from a convenience sample of visi-
tors as being the same as those derived from a probability
sample is unethical behavior.
Chia (2002) observes that management researchers are
‘‘governed by a code of practice established by a com-
munity of scholars’’ (p. 4). While some such codes may be
implicitly understood, others take the form of formal pro-
fessional codes of ethical conduct (Groves et al. 2009;
Korac-Kakabadse et al. 2002).
One such formal professional code applicable to man-
agement research is promulgated by the World Association
for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) as the WAPOR
Code of Professional Ethics and Practices. WAPOR was
founded in 1947 to ‘‘(a) promote in each country of the
world the right to conduct and publish scientific research
on what the people and its groups think and how this
thinking is influenced by various factors, (b) promote
the knowledge and application of scientific methods in
this objective, (c) assist and promote the development
and publication of public opinion research worldwide,
(d) promote international cooperation and exchange among
academic and commercial researchers, journalists and
political actors, as well as between the representatives of
the different scientific disciplines’’ (World Association for
Public Opinion Research 2010, p. 1).
The WAPOR Code ‘‘defines professional ethics and
practices in the field of public opinion research’’ (p. 1) and
explains that the standards within it are promulgated in
• ‘‘to advance the use of science in the field of public opinion research;
• to protect the public from misrepresentation and exploitation in the name of research;
• to maintain confidence that researchers in this field are bound by a set of sound and basic principles’’ (World
Association for Public Opinion Research 2010, p. 1).
The ‘‘instrument of public opinion’’ referred to here is
the scientific opinion poll defined by three characteristics:
1. Designed to measure the views of a specific group of
2. Respondents are chosen according to explicit criteria
in order to ensure representation of the group;
3. Survey questions are ‘‘worded in a balanced way’’
(ESOMAR 2008, p. 5).
Scientific opinion polls, also called probability sample
surveys, gather information for dealing with a number of
management issues, such as market segmentation, cus-
tomer satisfaction, and product planning (Groves et al.
Structure of the WAPOR Code
The WAPOR Code of Professional Ethics and Practices
‘‘prescribes principles of ethical practices for the guidance
of its members, and a framework of professional standards
that should be acceptable to users of research and to the
public at large’’ (World Association for Public Opinion
Research 2010, p. 1). Employing the classification scheme
proposed by Gaumnitz and Lere (2004), the WAPOR Code
contains 44 statements in five thematic areas:
1. Responsibilities of Researchers;
2. Responsibilities of Sponsor;
3. Rules of Practice Regarding Reports and Survey
Results (i.e., disclosure of methods);
4. Responsibility to Informants;
5. Practice between Researchers.
In Gaumnitz/Lere terms, the WAPOR Code is a hori-
zontal five-statement code. Its shape is 12, 5, 15, 7, 5,
disclosure, responsibilities of researchers. In terms of tone,
150 D. C. Frechtling, S. Boo
it is overwhelmingly positive (‘‘thou shalt’’ = 35 state-
ments) rather than negative (‘‘thou shalt not’’ = 9 state-
ments). Finally, it appears to be aspirational rather than
legal since the words ‘‘enforceable’’ do not appear and no
mechanism is stated for reporting and investigating alleged
violations (in contrast to Skubik and Stening 2009 and
Academy of Management, n.d., p. 6).
WAPOR Code Article II, section C, specifies 14 ‘‘Rules
of Practice Regarding Reports and Survey Results,’’ stat-
ing, ‘‘Every complete report on a survey should contain an
adequate explanation of the following relevant points’’
(p. 3). These points are listed verbatim in Table 1.
The WAPOR Code specifies the ethical obligations of
survey researchers toward the public, including their cli-
ents. This appears to be congruent with one of the ‘‘two
broad aspects of ethical practice especially relevant for
survey research’’ that academic and professional survey
researchers recognize (Groves et al. 2009, p. 371). The
other aspect of ethical practice required from survey
researchers—procedures directly affecting survey respon-
dents—is not addressed here. Researchers’ ethical obliga-
tions to respondents are often embodied in law
(Institutional Review Boards and other procedures) and
deal with minimizing potential harm to respondents and
maximizing benefits to them, including respect for persons
and informed consent of respondents before their
Groves et al. (2009) maintain that a broad aspect of
ethical practice in survey research regards general stan-
dards of scientific conduct. These standards include fol-
lowing procedures that yield valid conclusions, as well as
avoiding ‘‘plagiarism, falsification or fabrication in pro-
posing, performing, reviewing research or on reporting
research results’’ (p. 372). This area of ethical survey
practice also requires disclosure of certain information
about a survey and its conduct when the findings are
publicly released.
The overall objective of this ethical practice is to
encourage transparency in survey research, that is, com-
plete disclosure of survey methods. This objective derives
from what biologist Glass (1965) calls ‘‘the ought of sci-
ence’’: ‘‘a full and true report is the hallmark of the sci-
entist, a report as accurate and faithful as he can make it in
every detail. The process of verification depends upon the
ability of another scientist who wishes to repeat a proce-
dure and to confirm an observation’’ (p. 83). It is note-
worthy that the Academy of Management Code of Ethics
‘‘Professional Principles’’ for research and publications
state similar objectives (Academy of Management, n.d.,
p. 4). Moreover, Michalos (1991, p. 416), in a different
context, proposes eight characteristics that publishers of
results of public opinion polls of the electorate during
election campaigns should provide so as ‘‘to maintain and
even increase the benefits of public opinion polling while
significantly reducing the costs.’’
To provide a focus for our research, and to build upon
the knowledge of a distinct field of management that we
have acquired, we focus on sample surveys as management
research in tourism, hospitality, recreation, and related
fields. We investigate compliance with the WAPOR rules
of a set of articles published in specific academic journals
in these fields in recent years. We do so by defining
Research Questions that indicate compliance with the
WAPOR rules and applying them to the set of articles
through content. After careful consideration of the con-
sensus of the content coders, we determine whether and
how the articles comply with the WAPOR principles. We
draw conclusions from these findings and recommend
approaches that can improve the compliance of manage-
ment research articles and reports with ethical principles.
‘‘Compliance’’ relating to codes of ethics includes
auditing, verification, and enforceability (Kolk and van
Table 1 WAPOR Rules of Practice Regarding Reports and Survey Results
Every complete report on a survey should contain an adequate
explanation of the following relevant points:
For whom the survey was conducted and by whom it was carried
The purpose of the study
The universe or population to which the results of the survey are
The method by which the sample was selected, including both
the type of sample (probability, quota, etc.) and the specific
procedures by which it was selected
Steps taken to ensure that the sample design would actually be
carried out
The degree of success in actually carrying out the design,
including the rate
Of non-response and a comparison of the size and characteristics
of the actual and anticipated samples
A full description of the estimating procedure used for all results
that are reported, including the sample size on which it was
based and weighting procedures used to adjust raw data
A full description of the method employed in the survey
The time at which the survey, if any, was done, and the time span
covered in collecting data
The findings obtained
(Where the nature and the research demands it) the
characteristics of those employed as interviewers and coders
and the methods of their training and supervision
A copy of the interview schedule or questionnaire and
Which results are based on parts of the sample, rather than the
whole sample
A description of the precision of the findings, including,
if applicable, estimates of sampling error
Source World Association for Public Opinion Research (2010)
On the Ethics of Management Research 151
Tulder 2002; referenced in Fennell and Malloy 2007,
p. 77). Examples of effective compliance factors in the
published literature are unavailable, according to these
authors. However, as at least one concrete example of
compliance procedures in a professional code, we note The
Academy of Management Code of Ethics includes a set of
‘‘Technical Standards [that] set forth enforceable rules of
conduct for AOM members’’ (Academy of Management,
n.d., p. 1).
To be effective, codes of conduct require explicit
investigations of compliance and identification of instances
of non-compliance, defined as behavior that does not
conform to the prescriptions in a code of ethics (Fennell
and Malloy 2007, p. 15). Wiley (2000) maintains that
without an enforcement mechanism, professional codes
degenerate into public relations tools.
Research Questions
We do not believe there is enough ‘‘conceptual develop-
ment and concomitant empirical support’’ to justify pre-
senting formal hypotheses here (Somers 2001, p. 187).
Rather, we propose several Research Questions relating to
published survey research for management examined here.
Our findings regarding these Questions may lead to formal
hypotheses that may be tested in later research.
Research Question 1: Is it practicable to determine
compliance of published management research sur-
vey articles with WAPOR rules with an acceptable
degree of reliability? This question addresses Com-
pliance Assessment Feasibility: can coders with little
coding experience consistently apply the rules to
published journal articles? If there is little agreement
among coders as to whether individual articles com-
ply with individual standards, then there is little point
in trying to apply the WAPOR standards to the
published articles on probability sample surveys. On
the other hand, if coders evidence a high level of
agreement, then we can conclude it is practicable to
apply the WAPOR standards to published articles to
ascertain compliance with ethical standards for
management research.
Research Question 2: Do a majority of these articles
comply with most of the WAPOR rules? This
addresses General Compliance of authors of man-
agement research articles with the WAPOR stan-
dards. If we find that most articles comply with most
of the WAPOR standards, then we can fairly affirm
that management research is ethical. On the other
hand, if most of the articles fail to comply with most
of the principles, then we can fairly deduce that
management research is not ethical.
Research Question 3: Are most of the WAPOR rules
widely observed in the articles while a few are not?
This question addresses Specific Compliance with the
WAPOR rules. If we find there are several principles
that are widely ignored in published management
research, but that many of the others are generally
observed, then we can conclude that non-compliance
is limited to a few specific standards. We could then
conclude that while management research is ethical
in general, there are a few areas of research ethics,
which need to be observed for management research
to completely comply with ethical standards for
management sample survey research. Conversely, we
might find that most of the standards are widely
ignored, while only a few are generally followed,
suggesting that management research is ethical only
with regard to a few rules.
Research Question 4: Does the degree of compliance
with the WAPOR Code differ significantly among the
journals providing the articles? This last question
addresses Publication Compliance. How it is
answered indicates how widely management research
ethics is observed among the journals. If we find that
only one journal is the source of a majority of the
non-compliance, then we cannot fairly conclude that
management research is unethical, only that lack of
compliance is centered in one source. The other
journals can then be labeled sources of ethical man-
agement research.
Content Analysis
Content analysis is a method of codifying the content of a
selection of writing into various categories depending on
specified criteria (Weber 1990). Holsti (1969) offers a
broad definition of content analysis as any technique for
making inferences by objectively and systematically
identifying specified characteristics of messages. Although
the term ‘‘content analysis’’ was first used in the field of
communication, the practice of such methodology has been
widely employed in exploratory research, theory develop-
ment, hypothesis testing and applied research (Smith
Krippendorff (2004) viewed content analysis as a
research technique for making replicable and valid infer-
ences from data according to their context. Content anal-
ysis entails a systematic recording of a body of units,
images, and symbolic matter, though not necessarily from
the author’s perspective. The overall goal of content
152 D. C. Frechtling, S. Boo
analysis is to identify and record relatively objective
characteristics of messages (Stemler 2001). Tucker et al.
(1999) and Gaumnitz and Lere (2002) apply this technique
to the analysis of professional codes of U.S. associations.
Hayes and Krippendorff (2007) maintain that generating
data may take the form of judgments of kind (in which
category the unit belongs), of magnitude (how prominent
an attribute is within a unit), or of frequency (how often
something occurs). We apply content analysis for the third
purpose in this article.
In general, manifest content analysis (i.e., surface ele-
ments that are physically present) and latent content anal-
ysis (i.e., coders’ subjective interpretations) are the two
distinguishable areas central in the application of content
analysis. Initially, content analysis dealt with quantitative
descriptions of the manifest content of communications
(Krippendorff 2004). Its application has been later expan-
ded to include the study of latent content analysis for
quantitative measures in various fields including tourism
management (Choi et al. 2007; Malloy and Fennell 1998;
Murphy 2001; Pan et al. 2007) and business ethics
(Gaumnitz and Lere 2002; Stohl et al. 2009).
Latent content analysis is subjective and complex
because the coders’ own mental schema intervene (Potter
and Levine-Donnerstein 1999). Owing to this potential
difficulty, a more systematic coding scheme may be
required. On the other hand, manifest content analysis is
simple and direct, and can provide more objective infor-
mation. Inferences about latent meanings of messages are
therefore permitted (Holsti 1969). As recommended by
Holsti (1969), our study employs blended manifest and
latent content analysis and relies on observers’ judgments
regarding interpretation of textual matter (Hayes and
Krippendorff 2007) to achieve our purposes.
Intercoder Reliability
‘‘Intercoder reliability’’ is the term widely used for the
extent to which independent coders evaluating a charac-
teristic of a message reach the same conclusion (Kolbe and
Burnett 1991). Neuendorf (2002) suggests that when
human coders are used in content analysis, intercoder
reliability quantifies the amount of agreement among two
or more coders. Although intercoder reliability is often
perceived as a standard measure of research quality (Kolbe
and Burnett 1991), researchers have noted that most arti-
cles using content analysis do not provide information on
intercoder reliability clearly or in significant detail (Riffe
and Freitag 1997).
Nevertheless, researchers have emphasized the impor-
tance of measuring intercoder reliability in content analy-
sis. For example, Neuendorf (2002) notes that content
analysis exercises are useless without a measure of
reliability. Tinsley and Weiss (2000) discuss the necessity
of intercoder agreement in content analysis, concluding
that interpretations of the data cannot be considered valid
without a measure of consistency. Kolbe and Burnett
(1991) also emphasize the importance of measuring inter-
coder reliability, indicating high levels of disagreement
among judges suggest weaknesses in the method. Overall,
intercoder reliability is considered as a critical component
of content analysis, and the key to reliability is the agree-
ment of the opinions found among independent observers
(Hayes and Krippendorff 2007).
Although a number of measures of intercoder reliability
have been proposed, there seems to be no universally
agreed-upon single measure (Hayes and Krippendorff
2007; Holsti 1969; Lombard et al. 2002). Instead, it appears
that researchers select an index of intercoder reliability
based on research assumptions and the characteristics of
the data (e.g., the level of measurement of each variable).
Among the various indices of intercoder reliability pro-
posed by researchers, we choose to employ Cohen’s (1960)
kappa to provide the measure of agreement among coders
in a content analysis.
One widely used method of the agreement between the
pairs of observations is the simple percentage of agreement
(Stohl et al. 2009). However, such percentages do not take
into account the likelihood of chance agreement between
coders that we would expect even if the two observations
were unrelated (Grayson and Rust 2001). Cohen (1960)
offered kappa to correct for such chance agreement by
comparing the observed proportional agreement of two
coders to the amount of agreement that would be expected
entirely by chance. We employ Cohen’s kappa in this
article to indicate the amount by which the observed in-
tercoder agreement exceeds the agreement which could be
expected by chance alone, divided by the maximum that
this difference could be. Specifically,
k ¼ pa � pcð Þ 1 � pcð Þ
where k is Cohen’s kappa, pa is the proportion of agreed on
judgments, and pc is the proportion of agreement one
would expect by chance.
Although Cohen’s kappa has drawbacks, it is considered
to be one of the most reliable and useful measures of in-
tercoder reliability by researchers (Lombard et al. 2002;
Neuendorf 2002). Kappa is generally used only for mea-
suring intercoder reliability for nominal level variables
(Lombard et al. 2002). We have chosen to use Cohen’s
kappa as a measure of agreement because the content to
which coding was applied consists of nominally scaled
variables (i.e., compliance or non-compliance with the
WAPOR standards, or non-applicability) and it is designed
to measure the agreement of a pairing of coders. Kappa
On the Ethics of Management Research 153
coefficients for this study were calculated using the Sta-
tistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).
Coding Categories
Creating categories is a core feature of content analysis.
Categories may be thought of as compartments into which
content units are placed. Holsti (1969) states that the def-
inition of categories requires that they actually represent
the elements of the investigator’s study, so that items rel-
evant to the study can be classified. Well-specified decision
categories in conjunction with well-specified decision rules
will produce fewer discrepancies, even when used by rel-
atively inexperienced coders (Krippendorff 2004).
Our intent is to apply the auditing function in compli-
ance, ‘‘the assessment of performance against [a] goal or
other stated criteria’’ (Fennell and Malloy 2007, p. 84).
Through content analysis, we apply the ‘‘Rules of Practice
Regarding Reports and Survey Results’’ from the WAPOR
‘‘Code of Professional Ethics and Practices’’ (World
Association for Public Opinion Research 2010) to identify
compliance and non-compliance of specific articles pub-
lished in the top three academic journals in the fields
related to tourism and hospitality. Table 2 shows how
Table 2 WAPOR ‘‘Rules of Practice Regarding Reports and Survey Results’’ and criteria for coders
Coding categories from WAPOR ‘‘Rules of Practice Regarding
Reports and Survey Results’’: reports must state
Criteria for coders
(a) For whom the survey was conducted and by whom it was carried
(a.1) Compliance = names of those who carried out the survey
are stated
(a.2) Non-compliance = states that the survey was conducted for
or funded by an unidentified sponsor or client; otherwise Not
(b) The purpose of the study (b) Compliance = purpose and/or objectives are stated
(c) The universe or population to which the results of the survey are
(c) Compliance = target population is defined
(d) The method by which the sample was selected, including both
the type of sample (probability, quota, etc.) and the specific
procedures by which it was selected
(d.1.) Compliance = sampling frame is specified
(d.2.) Compliance = how sample was selected from the
population is stated
(e) Steps taken to ensure that the sample design would actually be
carried out
(e) Not applied because this statement is an intent prior to survey
conduct that is better expressed by (f) below
(f) The degree of success in actually carrying out the
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