While it is unlikely you will adopt Stephen Kings ritual for draft versions, recognize that writing drafts? are an essential
While it is unlikely you will adopt Stephen King’s ritual for draft versions, recognize that “writing drafts” are an essential part of the process. This week’s writing assignment allows you to present an improved and refined problem statement and an aligned purpose statement.
Week 4 Assignment: Research Problem Development
Lua Shanks
Dr. Watnick
E.D.D. 8113
Walden University
Emerging New Technologies in Early Childhood Education
The Early Childhood Education (ECE) practice has faced many challenges ranging from inadequate teaching and learning resources, lack of government goodwill, to financial constraints to facilitate teaching operations. Dziuban et al. (2018) highlighted several challenges faced by early childhood education. The scholars argue that poor teaching programs and environments for teachers are among the hurdles facing early childhood education. Aydin et al. (2017) also established that a high pupil-teacher ratio hinders the implementation of early childhood education. Nonetheless, early childhood educators can improve the teaching-learning environment by integrating audiovisual technologies in the teaching-learning setup. Research has shown that there are many problems in early childhood, but there are also many opportunities for improvement.
Problem Statement
The problem is that many early year teachers in the current education sector do not have enough ICT equipment and expertise at their disposal to adequately deliver holistic instruction to early year learners. According to Aydin et al. (2017), educators are increasingly embracing new learning technologies, but have poor technical skills which hamper their capacity to use the technologies. For instance, far too many teachers in the education sector do not have the required phonics skills to teach early year learners how to read and spell words correctly (Dziuban et al., 2018). Research on emerging technologies in early ECE is replete with evidence that shows when children view a video with their parents or teachers and narrate stories, they learn new vocabularies better (Dziuban et al., 2018; Samudra et al., 2019). Therefore, there is a discernible gap in practice about the selection of the most effective audiovisual technologies in content delivery in Early Childhood Education.
Research and Benefits
Early childhood education is facing several different issues according research. However, there are many resources available for educators to improve their learning environment for students. Schools, administrators, and others who are involved in creating the best opportunity for students must find a way to improve and adjust so that the same problems will not continue to exist. To do this they can take a lot of advice from research, which includes learning from their environment, improving class ratios and technology, and improving teacher preparedness. Overall, ECE can be better for all those involved.
Annotated Bibliography
Dziuban, C., Graham, C. R., Moskal, P. D., Norberg, A., & Sicilia, N. (2018). Blended learning: the new normal and emerging technologies. International journal of educational technology in Higher education, 15(1), 1-16
This article provides an overview of several challenges faced by early childhood education. One of the challenges the articles spoke of was children not being on their grade level, and this will make it hard for teachers to teach the child what they supposed to know. The teaching environment becomes difficult or hard when students are behind, so teachers need help. The article mentions the need for technology to aid students in getting individual help to get on grade level.
Aydin, H., Ozfidan, B., & Carothers, D. (2017). Meeting the challenges of curriculum and instruction in school settings in the United States. Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 8(3), 76-92.
Aydin et al. (2017) established that a high pupil-teacher ratio hinders the implementation of early childhood education. The article talks about how having numerous students in the classroom can create learning gaps. This also can affect the teacher numerous of ways. The study shows that schools need to reduce the ratio of students to provide the students with the right instruction for the class to learn. Overall, the article shows that things can be better if there are less students in the classroom.
Samudra, P. G., Flynn, R. M., & Wong, K. M. (2019). Covering Educational Media: Does Co-viewing Help Low-Income Preschoolers Learn Auditory and Audiovisual Vocabulary Associations? AERA Open, 5(2), https://doi.org/10.1177/2332858419853238
Research on emerging technologies in ECE is replete with evidence that shows when children view a video with their parents or teachers and narrate stories, they learn new vocabularies better (Dziuban et al., 2018; Samudra et al., 2019). The article talks about how technology assists students when they are with their parents. It also talks about how technology helps with new vocabulary, and this will help them to become a better speaker. It helped students to comprehend stories better. Overall, technology is a key to success based on this article.
Yılmaz, M., Yılmaz, U., & Yılmaz, E. N. D. (2019). The relation between social learning and visual culture. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 11(4), 421-427.
The article spoke about the importance of observation and social cues in learning. The article talked a lot about how significant it was to see certain behaviors and adjust and how this has been used to help learners improve their knowledge for years. The theory of social learning was another big aspect of this article. Basically, more focus on this theory could help students and other learners improve the way they grasp information.
Aydin, H., Ozfidan, B., & Carothers, D. (2017). Meeting the challenges of curriculum and instruction in school settings in the United States. Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 8(3), 76-92.
Huda, M., Jasmi, K. A., Hehsan, A., Mustari, M. I., Shahrill, M., Basiron, B., & Gassama, S. K. (2017). Empowering children with adaptive technology skills: Careful engagement in the digital ınformation age. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 9(3), 693-708.
Kontovourki, S., Garoufallou, E., Ivarsson, L., Klein, M., Korkeamaki, R. L., Koutsomiha, D., … & Virkus, S. (2017). Digital literacy in the early years: Practices in formal settings, teacher education, and the role of informal learning spaces: A review of the literature.
MacBlain, S. (2018). Learning theories for early years practice. Sage.
Samudra, P. G., Flynn, R. M., & Wong, K. M. (2019). Coviewing Educational Media: Does Coviewing Help Low-Income Preschoolers Learn Auditory and Audiovisual Vocabulary Associations?. AERA Open, 5(2), https://doi.org/10.1177/2332858419853238
Yılmaz, M., Yılmaz, U., & Yılmaz, E. N. D. (2019). The relation between social learning and visual culture. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 11(4), 421-427.
Module 2 Week 4: Developing a Writing Routine
One of the key competencies needed to complete a doctorate is a disciplined writing routine.
Review the details that Single (2010) provides about creating your own program for writing:
· Establish writing as a daily habit from this point forward.
· Be ambitious but do not over reach.
· Doctoral writing does not require perfectionism but it also does not allow for indolence.
Like most EdD students, you are probably a seasoned and successful educator. You might think you understand what the EdD process is going to be like. Yet, as Butin suggests, many students find themselves unprepared for the realities of capstone writing (2010, p. 2). These realities include:
· Iterative: There will be many revisions and you should prepare yourself to revise drafts for many reasons. Your committee members and others will require numerous revisions.
· Writing by Committee: While this is your capstone study, three other names will be listed with it, including your chair, second committee member, and your University Research Reviewer (URR). Because your capstone will represent original research, these committee members will have very specific and possibly varying opinions on the direction it should take.
· Scholarly Voice: This is a formal, objective, and literal style of writing that takes time to master. For more guidance, review the guide on Scholarly Voice in the Writing Center.
· Demonstration of Critical Thinking: Your writing must present “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,” which is the standard for published, peer-reviewed research. This requires the ability to read and synthesize the meaning of many of articles about your problem, and to present this in a scholarly and objective tone.
As a multi-chapter research paper, the capstone is a long-term commitment that requires your best writing and a writing routine. Clearly, it is not a sprint but more like a marathon. You need to train and to accomplish work every day. Engage with peers and others for the emotional support that is strongly associated with success.
Take some extra time this week to develop great writing habits!
Notes on Readings
Single refers to “proven tips and techniques for writing,” while also dispelling myths about writing. These tips can save time and spare you frustration if you establish a disciplined writing routine. Note her suggestions regarding four steps needed to set up a writing routine, equipping a place to write, and developing a writing network. These best practices correlate strongly with doctoral completion. By implementing these practices, you can create and maintain lasting writing support.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
· Analyze EdD doctoral capstone components
· Analyze characteristics of alignment using the Design Alignment Tool
· Apply knowledge of APA references
· Apply knowledge of doctoral study
Single, P. B. (2010). Demystifying dissertation writing: A streamlined process from choice of topic to final text. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
· Chapter 8, “Developing a Regular Writing Routine” (pp. 127–147)
· es
· ×
· EDDD 8003 / EDDD 8113: Tools for Doctoral Research Success
· Syllabus
· Support, Guidelines, and Policies
Photo Credit: [AJ_Watt]/[iStock / Getty Images Plus]/Getty Images
Module 2 Week 4: Developing a Writing Routine
One of the key competencies needed to complete a doctorate is a disciplined writing routine.
Review the details that Single (2010) provides about creating your own program for writing:
· Establish writing as a daily habit from this point forward.
· Be ambitious but do not over reach.
· Doctoral writing does not require perfectionism but it also does not allow for indolence.
Like most EdD students, you are probably a seasoned and successful educator. You might think you understand what the EdD process is going to be like. Yet, as Butin suggests, many students find themselves unprepared for the realities of capstone writing (2010, p. 2). These realities include:
· Iterative: There will be many revisions and you should prepare yourself to revise drafts for many reasons. Your committee members and others will require numerous revisions.
· Writing by Committee: While this is your capstone study, three other names will be listed with it, including your chair, second committee member, and your University Research Reviewer (URR). Because your capstone will represent original research, these committee members will have very specific and possibly varying opinions on the direction it should take.
· Scholarly Voice: This is a formal, objective, and literal style of writing that takes time to master. For more guidance, review the guide on Scholarly Voice in the Writing Center.
· Demonstration of Critical Thinking: Your writing must present “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,” which is the standard for published, peer-reviewed research. This requires the ability to read and synthesize the meaning of many of articles about your problem, and to present this in a scholarly and objective tone.
As a multi-chapter research paper, the capstone is a long-term commitment that requires your best writing and a writing routine. Clearly, it is not a sprint but more like a marathon. You need to train and to accomplish work every day. Engage with peers and others for the emotional support that is strongly associated with success.
Take some extra time this week to develop great writing habits!
Notes on Readings
Single refers to “proven tips and techniques for writing,” while also dispelling myths about writing. These tips can save time and spare you frustration if you establish a disciplined writing routine. Note her suggestions regarding four steps needed to set up a writing routine, equipping a place to write, and developing a writing network. These best practices correlate strongly with doctoral completion. By implementing these practices, you can create and maintain lasting writing support.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
· Analyze EdD doctoral capstone components
· Analyze characteristics of alignment using the Design Alignment Tool
· Apply knowledge of APA references
· Apply knowledge of doctoral study
Learning Resources
Required Readings
Single, P. B. (2010). Demystifying dissertation writing: A streamlined process from choice of topic to final text. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
· Chapter 8, “Developing a Regular Writing Routine” (pp. 127–147)
Walden University Writing Center. (2015b). Modules. Retrieved from http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/c.php?g=410047&p=2800022#s-lg-box-8571780
· “Journal Article Reference Entries”
Walden University Office of Research and Doctoral Services. (n.d.). EdD doctoral study. https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/research-center/program-documents/edd
· EdD Prospectus Guide
Walden University Office of Research and Doctoral Services. (n.d.). Doctoral prospectus resources. https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/research-center/program-documents/prospectus-resources
· EDD Prospectus Form
How to find Walden dissertations and project studies
WaldenULibrary. (2021, April 19). Find Walden EDD project studies or dissertations [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbNk3j9IOuM&ab_channel=WaldenULibrary
Assignment: Revising Your Research Problem Paper
Scholarly writing is an iterative process. This simply means that the first draft, even if it is our best effort, will not be our best draft. Instead, many rounds of feedback and revision must be conducted before the product is accepted. The purpose of this process is to build on the good work you have done, based on the feedback from the instructor, so that the paper meets acceptable standards for a scholarly paper.
To help you experience the iterative process, you may revise the Week 2 Writing Assignment (“The Problem Statement”) and submit it for the Week 4 Writing Assignment. In order to do this –
1. Thoroughly review the instructions from the Week 2 Writing Assignment.
2. Just open the Week 2 Assignment file that your instructor returned to you in the gradebook.
3. Read the feedback that your instructor gave to you.
4. Revise the paper. Be extremely careful to address every comment your professor gave to you and apply those lessons throughout the paper. Record them in your writing journal for mental reinforcement.
5. Submit it by day 7 of Week 4 instead of submitting the Week #4 Assignment.
This will not change the grade you received during Week 2, but it will give you an opportunity to revise your paper and receive a second grade for it in Week 4. Plus…the research problem will be a part of each of the remaining papers in this class. Remember, address all of your instructor’s comments.
Here are some resources to help you as you begin developing your Research Problem Statement.
Remember to choose a topic within your specialization.
1. About the Research Topic: Always keep in mind the “so what?” URL: http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/topic
2. Read the entire “Walden EdD Prospectus Guide,” then review the section that describes the research problem. URL: http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/topic
3. Read all the problem and gap in practice information on the EdD Prospectus Form https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/research-center/program-documents/doctoral-prospectus-form
Provide a one- to two-paragraph statement that is the result of a review of research findings and current practice that contains the following information:
a. A logical argument for the need to address an identified gap in practice; the problem must be clearly identified.
b. Preliminary evidence that provides justification that this problem is meaningful to both the local setting (project study) as well as to the education profession and discipline (dissertation and project study); provide three to five key citations that highlight the relevance and currency of the problem to your specialization. (p. 3)
4. Use the EdD Prospectus Rubric to self-assess your work. URL: http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/topic
To prepare:
· Review the required readings, media, and resources.
· Use your citation management software and Boolean logic, as you seek evidence from the literature that justifies pursuing this research problem
· Download the document titled “APA Course Paper Template With Advice (6th ed.)” from the “Walden Templates: General Templates” resource found in the Learning Resources.
By Day 7
To complete:
The Week 2 Assignment should be written in correct APA style and should include the following::
1. Thoroughly review the instructions from the Week 2 Writing Assignment. Include –
a. A title—a sample problem statement
b. A few sentences to introduce the problem and provide background
c. Straightforward and unambiguous sentences (1–2) that clearly state the problem (Note: Make it specific and precise.)
d. d. About 2–3 paragraphs that synthesize the evidence from research literature that this is a current, meaningful problem in the educational discipline
e. Statements substantiated by evidence from research (Note: Every statement must be substantiated by evidence from research.)
f. A short paragraph describing who would benefit from addressing this problem and in what ways they might benefit
g. Reference list of literature, in APA format, supporting this proposed study
h. Should be 3–6 pages in length, not including the title or reference pages
2. Open the Week 2 Assignment file that your instructor returned to you in the gradebook.
3. Read the feedback that your instructor gave to you.
4. Revise the paper. Be extremely careful to address every comment your professor gave to you.
5. Submit your completed assignment by Day 7 of Week 4.
Submission and Grading Information
To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:
· Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “Last name_first initial_W4” as the name.
· Click the Module 2 Week 4 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
· Click the Module 2 Week 4 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
· Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “Last name_first initial_W4” and click Open.
· If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
· Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
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